function update($key) { // give lots of time for processing set_time_limit(0); // if wget times out, or the user stops requesting, don't end the cron processing // ignore_user_abort(TRUE); if ($this->config->item('cron_key') != $key) { die('Invalid key.'); } $this->load->helper('cron_log'); cron_log('Cron processes triggered.'); $this->app_hooks->trigger('cron'); cron_log('Cron processes complete.'); // update cron update setting if (setting('cron_last_update') === FALSE) { $this->settings_model->new_setting(1, 'cron_last_update', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'When did the cron job last run?', 'text', '', FALSE, TRUE); } else { $this->settings_model->update_setting('cron_last_update', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } }
function hook_cron() { cron_log('Beginning the PayPal charge date fixes.'); // only run once at 5am if (date('H') != 5) { cron_log('Cronjob should only run once between 5:03 and 5:11. Exiting (1).'); return TRUE; } if (date('i') < 3 or date('i') > 11) { cron_log('Cronjob should only run once between 5:03 and 5:11. Exiting (2).'); return TRUE; } set_time_limit(0); $this->CI->db->select('*'); $this->CI->db->from('subscriptions'); $this->CI->db->join('gateways', 'gateways.gateway_id = subscriptions.gateway_id', 'inner'); $this->CI->db->join('external_apis', 'external_apis.external_api_id = gateways.external_api_id', 'inner'); $this->CI->db->where('(`external_apis`.`name` = \'paypal\' or `external_apis`.`name` = \'paypal_standard\')', NULL, FALSE); $this->CI->db->where('', '1'); $this->CI->db->where('subscriptions.next_charge <', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now +4 days'))); $this->CI->db->where('subscriptions.next_charge >', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('tomorrow'))); $result = $this->CI->db->get(); $updated = 0; if ($result->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($result->result_array() as $sub) { $profile = $this->_get_profile($sub['gateway_id'], $sub['api_customer_reference']); if (isset($profile['NEXTBILLINGDATE']) and !empty($profile['NEXTBILLINGDATE'])) { $paypal_date = $profile['NEXTBILLINGDATE']; $local_date = $sub['next_charge']; $formatted_paypal_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($profile['NEXTBILLINGDATE'])); // update local $this->CI->db->update('subscriptions', array('next_charge' => $formatted_paypal_date), array('subscription_id' => $sub['subscription_id'])); $updated++; } } } cron_log('Fixed PayPal subscription next_charge dates: ' . $updated); return TRUE; }
if (!is_file($laskut . "/" . $file)) { continue; } $nimi = $laskut . "/" . $file; // Muutetaan oikeaan merkistöön $encoding = exec("file -b --mime-encoding '{$nimi}'"); if (!PUPE_UNICODE and $encoding != "" and strtoupper($encoding) != 'ISO-8859-15') { exec("recode -f {$encoding}..ISO-8859-15 '{$nimi}'"); } elseif (PUPE_UNICODE and $encoding != "" and strtoupper($encoding) != 'UTF-8') { exec("recode -f {$encoding}..UTF8 '{$nimi}'"); } $luotiinlaskuja = erittele_laskut($nimi); // Jos tiedostosta luotiin laskuja siirretään se tieltä pois if ($luotiinlaskuja > 0) { // Logitetaan ajo cron_log($origlaskut . "/" . $file); rename($laskut . "/" . $file, $origlaskut . "/" . $file); } } } if ($handle = opendir($laskut)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if (!is_file($laskut . "/" . $file)) { continue; } // $yhtiorow ja $xmlstr unset($yhtiorow); unset($xmlstr); $nimi = $laskut . "/" . $file; $laskuvirhe = verkkolasku_in($nimi, TRUE); if ($laskuvirhe == "") {
/** * Call a cron job. * * @param string Key of the job * @param string Params for the job: * 'ctsk_ID' - task ID * 'ctsk_name' - task name * @return string Error message */ function call_job($job_key, $job_params = array()) { global $DB, $inc_path, $Plugins, $admin_url; global $result_message, $result_status, $timestop, $time_difference; $error_message = ''; $result_message = NULL; $result_status = 'error'; $job_ctrl = get_cron_jobs_config('ctrl', $job_key); if (preg_match('~^plugin_(\\d+)_(.*)$~', $job_ctrl, $match)) { // Cron job provided by a plugin: if (!is_object($Plugins)) { load_class('plugins/model/_plugins.class.php', 'Plugins'); $Plugins = new Plugins(); } $Plugin =& $Plugins->get_by_ID($match[1]); if (!$Plugin) { $result_message = 'Plugin for controller [' . $job_ctrl . '] could not get instantiated.'; cron_log($result_message, 2); return $result_message; } // CALL THE PLUGIN TO HANDLE THE JOB: $tmp_params = array('ctrl' => $match[2], 'params' => $job_params); $sub_r = $Plugins->call_method($Plugin->ID, 'ExecCronJob', $tmp_params); $error_code = (int) $sub_r['code']; $result_message = $sub_r['message']; } else { $controller = $inc_path . $job_ctrl; if (!is_file($controller)) { $result_message = 'Controller [' . $job_ctrl . '] does not exist.'; cron_log($result_message, 2); return $result_message; } // INCLUDE THE JOB FILE AND RUN IT: $error_code = (require $controller); } if (is_array($result_message)) { // If result is array (we should store it as serialized data later) // array keys: 'message' - Result message // 'table_cols' - Columns names of the table to display on the Execution details of the cron job log // 'table_data' - Array $result_message_text = $result_message['message']; } else { // Result is text string $result_message_text = $result_message; } if ($error_code != 1) { // We got an error $result_status = 'error'; $result_message_text = '[Error code: ' . $error_code . ' ] ' . $result_message_text; if (is_array($result_message)) { // If result is array $result_message['message'] = $result_message_text; } $cron_log_level = 2; $error_message = $result_message_text; } else { $result_status = 'finished'; $cron_log_level = 1; } $timestop = time() + $time_difference; cron_log('Task finished at ' . date('H:i:s', $timestop) . ' with status: ' . $result_status . "\nMessage: {$result_message_text}", $cron_log_level); return $error_message; }
function hook_cron() { cron_log('Beginning Twitter cronjob.'); if (setting('twitter_enabled') != '1') { cron_log('Twitter is disabled. Exiting.'); $this->settings_model->update_setting('twitter_last_tweet', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); return FALSE; } if (setting('twitter_content_types') == '') { cron_log('No content types have been configured for tweeting. Exiting.'); $this->settings_model->update_setting('twitter_last_tweet', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); return FALSE; } // load libraries $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('publish/content_model'); require APPPATH . 'modules/twitter/libraries/twitteroauth.php'; // only process last hour $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now - 1 hour')); $types = unserialize(setting('twitter_content_types')); $topics = setting('twitter_topics') == '' ? NULL : unserialize(setting('twitter_topics')); // if they have all topics... if (is_int($topics) && ($topics = 0) || is_array($topics) && in_array(0, $topics)) { $topics = NULL; } foreach ($types as $type) { $filter = array('type' => $type, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'limit' => '50'); if (is_int($topics) && $topics != 0 || is_array($topics) && !in_array(0, $topics)) { $filter['topics'] = $topics; } $contents = $CI->content_model->get_contents($filter); if (!empty($contents)) { // flip so that the latest posts are tweeted last $contents = array_reverse($contents); foreach ($contents as $content) { // have we already tweeted this? if ($this->db->select('link_id')->from('links')->where('link_module', 'twitter')->where('link_parameter', $content['link_id'])->get()->num_rows() > 0) { continue; } if (!isset($connection)) { $connection = new TwitterOAuth(setting('twitter_consumer_key'), setting('twitter_consumer_secret'), setting('twitter_oauth_token'), setting('twitter_oauth_token_secret')); cron_log('Connected to Twitter via OAuth.'); } // build $status // shorten URL $CI->load->model('link_model'); $CI->load->helper('string'); $string = random_string('alnum', 5); // make sure it's unique $url_path = $CI->link_model->get_unique_url_path($string); $url = site_url($url_path); $this->load->model('twitter/bitly_model', 'bitly'); $bitlyUrl = $this->bitly->shorten_url($url); if ($bitlyUrl) { $url = $bitlyUrl; } // start with URL $status = $url; // how many characters remain? $chars_remain = 140 - strlen($status); // shorten title to fit before link $CI->load->helper('shorten'); $shortened_title = shorten($content['title'], $chars_remain - 5, FALSE); $shortened_title = str_replace('&hellip', '...', $shortened_title); $status = $shortened_title . ' ' . $status; // insert into links table $CI->link_model->new_link($url_path, FALSE, $content['title'], 'Twitter Link', 'twitter', 'twitter', 'redirect', $content['link_id']); //insert tweet content into tweets_sent $this->twitter_log($status, $content['id'], $type); cron_log('Posting status: ' . $status); $result = $connection->post('statuses/update', array('status' => $status)); if ($connection->http_code != 200) { cron_log('Connection to Twitter failed. Exiting.'); return FALSE; } } } } // update cron run $this->settings_model->update_setting('twitter_last_tweet', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); return TRUE; }
/** * Send Mail from the Queue * * @return void */ function mail_queue() { $CI =& get_instance(); set_time_limit(500); if (!function_exists('cron_log')) { $CI->load->helper('cron_log'); } cron_log('Beginning the Mail Queue cronjob.'); $mail_queue_limit = setting('mail_queue_limit'); if (empty($mail_queue_limit) or !is_numeric($mail_queue_limit) or $mail_queue_limit > 5000) { $mail_queue_limit = 450; } // get mail from queue $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('mail_queue'); $this->db->order_by('date', 'ASC'); $this->db->limit($mail_queue_limit); $result = $this->db->get(); if ($result->num_rows() == 0) { // nothing in the queue // delete all mail queue files $mail_queue_folder = setting('path_writeable') . 'mail_queue'; $CI->load->helper('directory'); $files = directory_map($mail_queue_folder); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { // is this a queue file? if (strpos($file, '.email') !== FALSE) { // unnecessary but basic checks to make sure we won't wipe out the entire file system if (!empty($mail_queue_folder) and strpos($mail_queue_folder, '.') !== 0 and $file != '.' and strpos($file, '.') !== 0) { unlink($mail_queue_folder . '/' . $file); } } } } cron_log('No emails found to send. Exiting.'); return FALSE; } // store the previous body here, so we don't keep having to access the // writeable/mail_queue/*.email files $previous_body = ''; $previous_body_file = ''; $sent_count = 0; $failed_count = 0; foreach ($result->result_array() as $mail) { $config = array(); $config['mailtype'] = $mail['is_html'] == '1' ? 'html' : 'text'; $config['wordwrap'] = $mail['wordwrap'] == '1' ? FALSE : TRUE; $CI->email->initialize($config); // To: if (strpos($mail['to'], ',') !== FALSE) { // we have multiple emails $emails = explode(',', $mail['to']); $mail['to'] = array(); foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail['to'][] = $email; } } $CI->email->to($mail['to']); // From: $CI->email->from($mail['from_email'], $mail['from_name']); // Build Subject $subject = $mail['subject']; $CI->email->subject($subject); // Build Body if (empty($previous_body_file) or empty($previous_body) or $mail['body'] != $previous_body_file) { // read body from file $CI->load->helper('file'); $mail_queue_folder = setting('path_writeable') . 'mail_queue'; $body = read_file($mail_queue_folder . '/' . $mail['body']); $previous_body_file = $mail['body']; $previous_body = $body; } else { $body = $previous_body; } $CI->email->message((string) $body); // Send! if ($CI->email->send()) { log_message('debug', '[Send Mail] Email sent to: ' . $mail['to']); $sent_count++; } else { log_message('debug', '[Send Mail] Unable to send mail to: ' . $mail['to'] . '. DEBUGGER: ' . $CI->email->print_debugger()); $failed_count++; } $CI->email->clear(); $this->db->delete('mail_queue', array('mail_queue_id' => $mail['mail_queue_id'])); } cron_log("{$sent_count} emails sent. {$failed_count} failed emails."); return; }
/** * Call a cron job. * * @param string Name of the job * @param string Params for the job */ function call_job($job_name, $job_params = array()) { global $DB, $inc_path, $Plugins; global $result_message, $result_status, $timestop, $time_difference; $result_message = NULL; $result_status = 'error'; if (preg_match('~^plugin_(\\d+)_(.*)$~', $job_name, $match)) { // Cron job provided by a plugin: if (!is_object($Plugins)) { load_class('plugins/model/_plugins.class.php'); $Plugins =& new Plugins(); } $Plugin =& $Plugins->get_by_ID($match[1]); if (!$Plugin) { $result_message = 'Plugin for controller [' . $job_name . '] could not get instantiated.'; cron_log($result_message); return; } // CALL THE PLUGIN TO HANDLE THE JOB: $tmp_params = array('ctrl' => $match[2], 'params' => $job_params); $sub_r = $Plugins->call_method($Plugin->ID, 'ExecCronJob', $tmp_params); $error_code = (int) $sub_r['code']; $result_message = $sub_r['message']; } else { $controller = $inc_path . $job_name; if (!is_file($controller)) { $result_message = 'Controller [' . $job_name . '] does not exist.'; cron_log($result_message); return; } // INCLUDE THE JOB FILE AND RUN IT: $error_code = (require $controller); } if ($error_code != 1) { // We got an error $result_status = 'error'; $result_message = '[Error code: ' . $error_code . ' ] ' . $result_message; } else { $result_status = 'finished'; } $timestop = time() + $time_difference; cron_log('Task finished at ' . date('H:i:s', $timestop) . ' with status: ' . $result_status . "\nMessage: {$result_message}"); }
if (!isset($argv[1]) or $argv[1] != 'perl') { echo "Parametri väärin!!!\n"; die; } if (!isset($argv[2]) or $argv[2] == '') { echo "Anna tiedosto!!!\n"; die; } // otetaan includepath aina rootista ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/usr/share/pear"); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set("display_errors", 0); require "inc/"; require "inc/"; // Logitetaan ajo cron_log($argv[2]); $userfile = trim($argv[2]); $filenimi = $userfile; $ok = 1; $palvelin2 = ""; ob_start(); } else { require "inc/"; echo "<font class='head'>Tiliotteen, LMP:n, kurssien, verkkolaskujen ja viitemaksujen käsittely</font><hr><br>\n<br>\n"; echo "<form enctype='multipart/form-data' name='sendfile' method='post'>"; echo "<table>"; echo " <tr>\n <th>" . t("Pankin aineisto") . ":</th>\n <td><input type='file' name='userfile'></td>\n <td class='back'><input type='submit' value='" . t("Käsittele tiedosto") . "'></td>\n </tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</form><br>\n<br>\n"; echo " <script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n <!--\n function verify() {\n msg = '" . t("Oletko varma?") . "';\n\n if (confirm(msg)) {\n return true;\n }\n else {\n skippaa_tama_submitti = true;\n return false;\n }\n }\n -->\n </script>"; }
// End foreach //############################################################################# //# END Scan Ini File # //############################################################################# //print_r($dummy); // Test line displays cron page output $loop = 0; // Reset loop counter } $loop = $loop + 1; // Increment loop counter } sleep(1); // Base delay one second allows stop to be checked } if ($logging) { cron_log("### Log Ended ===========================\n"); } //=== Log ===================================================================== // Logs Cron actions to a log file // Input: String to be logged // $file Path to file including file name function cron_log($str) { global $log_file; // path and name to log file $str = date('Y-m-d H:i') . " " . $str . "\n"; $fh = fopen($log_file, 'a') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $str); fclose($fh); } //=== END Log =================================================================
function hook_cron() { $CI =& get_instance(); cron_log('Beginning billing cronjob.'); $run_cron = TRUE; // cron run time? if ($CI->config->item('billing_cron_time')) { $run_time = (int) $CI->config->item('billing_cron_time'); } else { $run_time = 11; } // we only need this to run once per day if (setting('cron_billing_last_update') === FALSE) { cron_log('Created billing last update setting to track billing cron runs and limit them to once per day.'); $this->settings_model->new_setting(1, 'cron_billing_last_update', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'When did the billing cron job last run?', 'text', '', FALSE, TRUE); } elseif (date('Y-m-d') == date('Y-m-d', strtotime(setting('cron_billing_last_update')))) { cron_log('Billing cronjob has already run today. Exiting.'); $run_cron = FALSE; } elseif ((int) date('H') < $run_time) { cron_log('Billing cronjob is configured not to run until ' . $run_time . ' hours. Exiting.'); $run_cron = FALSE; } else { cron_log('Updated billing last update setting to current time. We\'re running it!'); $this->settings_model->update_setting('cron_billing_last_update', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } if ($run_cron == FALSE) { return; } // subscription maintenance $CI->load->model('billing/gateway_model'); $CI->load->model('billing/recurring_model'); // cancel subscriptions if end_date is today or earlier and they are still active $cancelled = array(); $subscriptions = $this->get_subscriptions(array('end_date_before' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')), 'active' => '1')); if (!empty($subscriptions)) { foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $response = $this->cancel_subscription($subscription['id']); if ($response) { $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $subscription['id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_cancel', $subscription['id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $cancelled[] = $subscription['id']; } } } // expire subscriptions with an end_date of today or earlier and expiry_processed == 0 $expired = array(); $subscriptions = $this->get_subscriptions(array('end_date_before' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now')), 'expiry_processed' => '0')); if (!empty($subscriptions)) { foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $this->expire_subscription($subscription['id']); if ($subscription['is_renewed'] == TRUE or $subscription['is_updated'] == TRUE) { // don't send confusing notices continue; } $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $subscription['id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_expire', $subscription['id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $expired[] = $subscription['id']; } } // charge subscriptions that need to be charged today $today = date('Y-m-d'); $subscriptions = $CI->recurring_model->GetAllSubscriptionsForCharging($today); $charge_success = array(); $charge_failure = array(); if ($subscriptions) { foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { // try and make the charge $response = $CI->gateway_model->ChargeRecurring($subscription); if ($response) { $charge_success[] = $subscription['subscription_id']; } else { $charge_failure[] = $subscription['subscription_id']; } } } // Check for emails to send // Get all the recurring charge emails to send in one week $sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_week'] = array(); $next_week = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 7, date('Y')); $charges = $CI->recurring_model->GetChargesByDate($next_week); if ($charges) { foreach ($charges as $charge) { $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_renew_1_week', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_week'][] = $charge['subscription_id']; } } // Get all the recurring charge emails to send in one month $sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_month'] = array(); $next_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, date('d'), date('Y')); $charges = $CI->recurring_model->GetChargesByDate($next_month); if ($charges) { foreach ($charges as $charge) { if ($charge['renewed'] == '1' or $charge['updated'] == '1') { // don't send confusing notices continue; } $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_renew_1_month', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_month'][] = $charge['subscription_id']; } } // Get all the recurring expiration emails to send in one week $sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_week'] = array(); $charges = $CI->recurring_model->GetChargesByExpiryDate($next_week); if ($charges) { foreach ($charges as $charge) { if ($charge['renewed'] == '1' or $charge['updated'] == '1') { // don't send confusing notices continue; } if (empty($charge['renewed']) and empty($charge['updated'])) { $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_expire_1_week', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_week'][] = $charge['subscription_id']; } } } // Get all the recurring expiration emails to send in one month $sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_month'] = array(); $charges = $CI->recurring_model->GetChargesByExpiryDate($next_month); if ($charges) { foreach ($charges as $charge) { if (empty($charge['renewed']) and empty($charge['updated'])) { $this->app_hooks->data('subscription', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->trigger('subscription_expire_1_month', $charge['subscription_id']); $this->app_hooks->reset(); $sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_month'][] = $charge['subscription_id']; } } } $charge_success = count($charge_success); $charge_failure = count($charge_failure); $cancelled = count($cancelled); $expired = count($expired); $autorecur_week = count($sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_week']); $autorecur_month = count($sent_emails['subscription_autorecur_in_month']); $expire_week = count($sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_week']); $expire_month = count($sent_emails['subscription_expiring_in_month']); // report our cron accomplishments! cron_log('Successful charges: ' . $charge_success); cron_log('Failed Charges: ' . $charge_failure); cron_log('Cancelled Subscriptions: ' . $cancelled); cron_log('Expired Subscriptions: ' . $expired); cron_log('Weekly Charge Reminders Sent: ' . $autorecur_week); cron_log('Monthly Charge Reminders Sent: ' . $autorecur_month); cron_log('Weekly Expiration Reminders Sent: ' . $expire_week); cron_log('Monthly Expiration Reminders Sent: ' . $expire_month); return TRUE; }
} else { if (isset($xml->Package->Package)) { $element = $xml->Package->Package; } else { $element = $xml->Package; } list($_sscc, $_laatikkoind) = teccom_asn_paketti($element, $tavarantoimittajanumero, $asn_numero); $parameters['sscc'] = $_sscc; $parameters['laatikkoind'] = $_laatikkoind; // loop_packet funktio tekee kaikki lisäykset asn-sanomatauluun ja palauttaa viimeisen lisätyn rivin mysql_id() joka laitetaan liitetiedostoon. $tunnus_liitetiedostoon = loop_packet($xml, $parameters); $tecquery = "INSERT INTO liitetiedostot SET\n yhtio = '{$kukarow['yhtio']}',\n liitos = 'asn_sanomat',\n liitostunnus = '{$tunnus_liitetiedostoon}',\n data = '{$tiedosto_sisalto}',\n selite = '{$tavarantoimittajanumero} ASN_sanoman {$asn_numero} tiedosto',\n filename = '{$file}',\n filesize = length(data),\n filetype = 'text/xml',\n image_width = '',\n image_height = '',\n image_bits = '',\n image_channels = '',\n kayttotarkoitus = 'TECCOM-ASN',\n jarjestys = '1',\n laatija = '{$kukarow['kuka']}',\n luontiaika = now()"; $Xresult = pupe_query($tecquery); rename($teccomkansio . "/" . $file, $teccomkansio_valmis . "/" . $file); // Logitetaan ajo cron_log($teccomkansio_valmis . "/" . $file); } } else { echo t("Virhe! Tavarantoimittajan numero puuttuu sekä ASN-numero puuttuu, tai materiaali ei ole ASN-sanoma") . "\n"; rename($teccomkansio . "/" . $file, $teccomkansio_error . "/" . $file); } } else { echo t("Tiedosto ei ole XML-sanoma") . ": {$tiedosto}\n\n"; rename($teccomkansio . "/" . $file, $teccomkansio_error . "/" . $file); } } } require "inc/"; asn_kohdistus($tavarantoimittajanumero); } else { echo "Hakemistoa {$teccomkansio} ei löydy\n";
$rivin_tuoteno[$valmis_era_chk_row['tilausrivi']] = $varattu_row['tuoteno']; $vertaus_hylly[$valmis_era_chk_row['tilausrivi']] = $varattu_row['varastopaikka_rekla']; $keraysera_vyohyke = $valmis_era_chk_row["keraysvyohyke"]; } $query = "SELECT printteri1, printteri3\n FROM keraysvyohyke\n WHERE yhtio = '{$kukarow['yhtio']}'\n AND tunnus = '{$keraysera_vyohyke}'"; $printteri_res = pupe_query($query); $printteri_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($printteri_res); // setataan muuttujat keraa.php:ta varten $tee = "P"; $toim = ""; $id = $keraysera_nro; $keraajanro = ""; // vakadr-tulostin on aina sama kuin lähete-tulostin $valittu_tulostin = $vakadr_tulostin = $printteri_row['printteri1']; $valittu_oslapp_tulostin = $printteri_row['printteri3']; $lahetekpl = $vakadrkpl = $yhtiorow["oletus_lahetekpl"]; $oslappkpl = $yhtiorow["oletus_oslappkpl"]; $lasku_yhtio = ""; $real_submit = "Merkkaa kerätyksi"; require 'tilauskasittely/keraa.php'; } } } fclose($_fh); rename($ftpget_dest[$operaattori] . "/" . $file, $ftpget_dest[$operaattori] . "/ok/" . $file); // Logitetaan ajo cron_log($ftpget_dest[$operaattori] . "/ok/" . $file); } } } closedir($kardex_handle);
if ($handle = opendir($kansio)) { while (($lasku = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { // Ei käsitellä kun Apix tiedostoja if (!preg_match("/Apix_(.*?)_invoices_([0-9]*?)_/", $lasku, $matsit)) { continue; } $yhtio = $matsit[1]; $yhtiorow = hae_yhtion_parametrit($yhtio); $kukarow = hae_kukarow('admin', $yhtio); $laskunro = $matsit[2]; // Jos lasku on liian vanha, ei käsitellä, lähetetään maililla if (onko_lasku_liian_vanha($kansio . $lasku)) { continue; } // Logitetaan ajo cron_log("{$pupe_root_polku}/dataout/{$lasku}"); $status = apix_invoice_put_file($lasku, $laskunro); echo "APIX-lähetys {$status}<br>\n"; } closedir($handle); } function onko_lasku_liian_vanha($filename) { global $kukarow, $yhtiorow; // Otetaan filen koko polku $filename = realpath($filename); // Jos file ollut alle vuorokauden error kansiossa, niin ei ole liian vanha if (time() - filemtime($filename) < 86400) { return false; } // Muuten on liian vanha ja lähetetään meili
// Note: we use the current time for 2 reasons: 1) prevent scheduling something in the past AND 2) introduce variety so that everyone doesn't run his repeated tasks at the same exact time, especially pings, pollings... if ($task->ctsk_controller == 'cron/_antispam_poll.job.php') { // THIS IS A HACK. Guess why we need that!? :P Please do not override or you'll kill our server :( $new_start_datetime = $localtimenow + rand(43200, 86400); // 12 to 24 hours } else { // Normal $new_start_datetime = $localtimenow + $task->ctsk_repeat_after; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO T_cron__task( ctsk_start_datetime, ctsk_repeat_after, ctsk_name, ctsk_controller, ctsk_params ) VALUES( ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql($new_start_datetime)) . ', ' . $DB->quote($task->ctsk_repeat_after) . ', ' . $DB->quote($ctsk_name) . ', ' . $DB->quote($task->ctsk_controller) . ', ' . $DB->quote($task->ctsk_params) . ' )'; $DB->query($sql, 'Schedule repeated task.'); } $DB->show_errors = true; $DB->halt_on_error = true; cron_log('Starting task #' . $ctsk_ID . ' [' . $ctsk_name . '] at ' . date('H:i:s', $localtimenow) . '.'); if (empty($task->ctsk_params)) { $cron_params = array(); } else { $cron_params = unserialize($task->ctsk_params); } // The job may need to know its ID (to set logical locks for example): $cron_params['ctsk_ID'] = $ctsk_ID; // EXECUTE call_job($task->ctsk_controller, $cron_params); // Record task as finished: if (empty($timestop)) { $timestop = time() + $time_difference; } $sql = ' UPDATE T_cron__log SET clog_status = ' . $DB->quote($result_status) . ',
function hook_cron() { cron_log('Beginning Content Publish/Unpublish cronjob.'); // load libraries //$CI =& get_instance(); //$CI->load->model('content_model'); cron_log('Unpublished Posts: ' . $this->update_unpublish_content()); cron_log('Published Posts: ' . $this->update_publish_content()); return TRUE; }
if (trim($argv[1]) == '') { die("Et antanut lähettävää yhtiötä!\n"); } if (trim($argv[2]) == '') { die("Et antanut luettavien tiedostojen polkua!\n"); } if (trim($argv[3]) == '') { die("Et antanut sähköpostiosoitetta!\n"); } // lisätään includepathiin pupe-root ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__)); // otetaan tietokanta connect ja funktiot require "inc/"; require "inc/"; // Logitetaan ajo cron_log(); // Sallitaan vain yksi instanssi tästä skriptistä kerrallaan pupesoft_flock(); $yhtio = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($argv[1])); $yhtiorow = hae_yhtion_parametrit($yhtio); // Haetaan kukarow $query = "SELECT *\n FROM kuka\n WHERE yhtio = '{$yhtio}'\n AND kuka = 'admin'"; $kukares = pupe_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($kukares) != 1) { exit("VIRHE: Admin käyttäjä ei löydy!\n"); } $kukarow = mysql_fetch_assoc($kukares); $path = trim($argv[2]); $path = substr($path, -1) != '/' ? $path . '/' : $path; $error_email = trim($argv[3]); if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
echo "<br><br>"; } else { $trow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $vquery = "SELECT nimi, kurssi, tunnus\n FROM valuu\n WHERE yhtio = '{$kukarow['yhtio']}'\n and nimi = '{$trow['oletus_valkoodi']}'"; $vresult = pupe_query($vquery); $vrow = mysql_fetch_array($vresult); $insquery = "INSERT into lasku SET\n yhtio = '{$kukarow['yhtio']}',\n nimi = '{$trow['nimi']}',\n nimitark = '{$trow['nimitark']}',\n osoite = '{$trow['osoite']}',\n osoitetark = '{$trow['osoitetark']}',\n postino = '{$trow['postino']}',\n postitp = '{$trow['postitp']}',\n maa = '{$trow['maa']}',\n ytunnus = '{$trow['ytunnus']}',\n ovttunnus = '{$trow['ovttunnus']}',\n toimitusehto = '{$trow['toimitusehto']}',\n liitostunnus = '{$trow['tunnus']}',\n valkoodi = '{$trow['oletus_valkoodi']}',\n vienti_kurssi = '{$vrow['kurssi']}',\n toim_nimi = '{$yhtiorow['nimi']}',\n toim_osoite = '{$yhtiorow['osoite']}',\n toim_postino = '{$yhtiorow['postino']}',\n toim_postitp = '{$yhtiorow['postitp']}',\n toim_maa = '{$yhtiorow['maa']}',\n toimaika = '{$toimituspaiva}',\n myyja = '{$myyjannumero}',\n tila = 'O',\n comments = '{$e3ostotilausnumero}',\n laatija = 'E3',\n luontiaika = now()"; $otsikkoinsert = pupe_query($insquery); $id = mysql_insert_id($GLOBALS["masterlink"]); // Luetaan tilauksen rivit datansisalto_e3($e3_ehdotuskansio, $dfile, $id, $toimituspaiva); } // Siirretään valmis tilaustiedosto VALMIS-kansioon talteen. rename($e3_ehdotuskansio . "/" . $hfile, $e3_ehdotuskansio . "/done/" . $hfile); // Logitetaan ajo cron_log($e3_ehdotuskansio . "/done/" . $hfile); } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font class='error'>" . t("Ostoehdotus %s ei löydy palvelimelta tai tilausrivitiedostoa %s ei löydy palvelimelta", "", $filu, $dfile) . "</font>"; echo "<br><br>"; } } } if (!$php_cli) { echo "<form action='e3ostoehdotukset.php' method='POST'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='tee' value='aja'>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Anna E3-ostoehdotuksen numero</th>"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='filet[]' autocomplete='off' /></td>"; echo "<td class='back'><input type='submit' value='" . t("Sisäänlue") . "' /></td>";