public function getCustomField($get, $post) { $popup_close = 'false'; $fm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields'); $fields = $fm->getTypesDefaultFields(true); if (isset($post['field']) && is_array($post['field'])) { $fm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields'); $fm->setCustomField($post['field']); $popup_close = 'true'; } if (isset($get['field_name'])) { $field_name = $get['field_name']; $post_type = isset($get['post_type']) ? $get['post_type'] : 'post'; if (isset($get['_reset_']) && '1' == $get['_reset_']) { $fm->ignoreCustomFields($post_type, array($field_name), 'reset'); $popup_close = 'true'; $data = array(); $field_type = ''; //__('Not Set','wp-cred'); } else { $data = $fm->getCustomField($post_type, $field_name); if (isset($get['field'])) { $field_type = $get['field']; if (isset($data['type']) && $data['type'] != $field_type) { $data = array(); } } else { $field_type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : 'textfield'; } } echo CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('custom-field-setup', array('field' => $fields[$field_type], 'data' => $data, 'popup_close' => $popup_close, 'field_name' => $field_name, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'url' => cred_route('/Generic_Fields/getCustomField?post_type=' . $post_type . '&field_name=' . $field_name), 'fields' => $fields)); } die; }
/** * method forms the data output style * */ function display_rows() { $path = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=CRED_Fields'; $setfieldpath = cred_route('/Generic_Fields/getCustomField'); $editfieldpath = cred_route('/Generic_Fields/getCustomField'); $removefieldpath = cred_route('/Generic_Fields/removeCustomField'); //Get the records registered in the prepare_items method $records = $this->items; $cred_fields = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields')->getCustomFields($this->_post_type); $default_types = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields')->getTypesDefaultFields(true); //Get the columns registered in the get_columns and get_sortable_columns methods list($columns, $hidden) = $this->get_column_info(); //Loop for each record if (empty($records)) { return false; } foreach ($records as $rec) { //Open the line $field_id = $rec; $ignore = false; $credfieldtype = __('Not Set', 'wp-cred'); $credfieldname = __('Not Set', 'wp-cred'); if (isset($cred_fields[$rec])) { $credfieldtype = $cred_fields[$rec]['type']; $credfieldname = isset($default_types[$cred_fields[$rec]['type']]) ? $default_types[$cred_fields[$rec]['type']]['title'] : $credfieldname; if (isset($cred_fields[$rec]['_cred_ignore'])) { $ignore = true; } } //if ($ignore) // echo '<tr id="'.$field_id.'" class="cred-ignore-field">'; //else echo '<tr id="' . $field_id . '">'; //$checkbox_id = "checkbox_" . $field_id; //$checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='checked[]' value='" . $field_id . "' id='" . $checkbox_id . "' /><label class='screen-reader-text' for='" . $checkbox_id . "' >" . __('Select') . " " . $rec . "</label>"; /*$ignorecheckbox_id = "ignorecheckbox_" . $field_id; $unignorecheckbox_id = "unignorecheckbox_" . $ignorecheckbox_id; if ($ignore) $ignorecheckbox = "<input checked='checked' type='checkbox' name='ignorechecked[]' value='" . $field_id . "' id='" . $ignorecheckbox_id . "' /><label style='margin-left:10px;' for='" . $ignorecheckbox_id . "' >" . __('Not include in Scaffold','wp-cred') . "</label>"; else $ignorecheckbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='ignorechecked[]' value='" . $field_id . "' id='" . $ignorecheckbox_id . "' /><label style='margin-left:10px;' for='" . $ignorecheckbox_id . "' >" . __('Not include in Scaffold','wp-cred') . "</label>"; $unignorecheckbox = "<input style='display:none;' type='checkbox' name='unignorechecked[]' value='" . $field_id . "' id='" . $unignorecheckbox_id . "' />"; $resetcheckbox_id = "resetcheckbox_" . $field_id; $resetcheckbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='resetchecked[]' value='" . $field_id . "' id='" . $resetcheckbox_id . "' /><label style='margin-left:10px;' for='" . $resetcheckbox_id . "' >" . __('Reset CRED settings','wp-cred') . "</label>"; */ foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) { //Style attributes for each col $class = "class='{$column_name} column-{$column_name}'"; $style = ""; if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) { $style = ' style="display:none;"'; } $attributes = $class . $style; //Display the cell switch ($column_name) { /*case "cb": echo "<th scope='row' class='check-column'>$checkbox</th>"; break;*/ case "col_field_name": //$actions = array(); //$actions['edit'] = '<a class="submitedit thickbox" href="'.$editfieldpath.'&post_type='.$this->_post_type.'&field_name='.$rec.'&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=450" title="'.__('Edit','wp-cred').'">'.__('Edit','wp-cred').'</a>'; echo '<td ' . $attributes . '><strong><a class="thickbox" href="' . $editfieldpath . '?post_type=' . $this->_post_type . '&field_name=' . $rec . '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=450" title="" title="' . __('Edit', 'wp-cred') . '">' . stripslashes($rec) . '</a>'; //echo $this->row_actions( $actions ); echo '</td>'; break; /*case "col_post_type": echo '<td '.$attributes.'>'.$this->_post_type.'</td>'; break;*/ /*case "col_post_type": echo '<td '.$attributes.'>'.$this->_post_type.'</td>'; break;*/ case "col_cred_type": echo '<td ' . $attributes . '><span class="cred-field-type" style="margin-right:15px">' . $credfieldname . '</span></td>'; break; case "col_actions": $actions = array('<a style="margin-right:10px" class="cred-field-actions _cred-field-set thickbox" href="' . $setfieldpath . '?post_type=' . $this->_post_type . '&field_name=' . $rec . '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=450" title="' . __('Set field type', 'wp-cred') . '">' . __('Add', 'wp-cred') . '</a>', '<a style="margin-right:10px" class="cred-field-actions _cred-field-edit thickbox" href="' . $editfieldpath . '?post_type=' . $this->_post_type . '&field_name=' . $rec . '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=450" title="' . __('Edit field settings', 'wp-cred') . '">' . __('Edit', 'wp-cred') . '</a>', '<a style="margin-right:10px" class="cred-field-actions _cred-field-remove" href="' . $removefieldpath . '?post_type=' . $this->_post_type . '&field_name=' . $rec . '" title="' . __('Remove this field as a CRED field type', 'wp-cred') . '">' . __('Remove', 'wp-cred') . '</a>'); $act_out = implode('', $actions); //.'<br />'.$unignorecheckbox.$ignorecheckbox.'<br />'.$resetcheckbox; echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . $act_out . '</td>'; break; } } echo '</tr>'; } }
public static function addFormsButton($context, $text_area = 'textarea#content') { global $wp_version, $post; //static $add_only_once=0; if (!isset($post) || empty($post)) { return ''; } if ($post->post_type == CRED_FORMS_CUSTOM_POST_NAME) { // WP 3.3 changes ($context arg is actually a editor ID now) if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1.4', '>') && !empty($context)) { $text_area = $context; } $addon_buttons = array(); $shortcode_but = ''; $shortcode_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('insert-field-shortcode-button', array('help' => self::$help, 'help_target' => self::$help_link_target)); $shortcode2_but = ''; $fm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields'); $shortcode2_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('insert-generic-field-shortcode-button', array('gfields' => $fm->getTypesDefaultFields(), 'url' => cred_route('/Generic_Fields/getField'), 'help' => self::$help, 'help_target' => self::$help_link_target)); $forms_model = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Forms'); $settings = $forms_model->getFormCustomField($post->ID, 'form_settings'); $scaffold_but = ''; $scaffold_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('scaffold-button', array('include_captcha_scaffold' => isset($settings['include_captcha_scaffold']) ? $settings['include_captcha_scaffold'] : false, 'include_wpml_scaffold' => isset($settings['include_wpml_scaffold']) ? $settings['include_wpml_scaffold'] : false, 'help' => self::$help, 'help_target' => self::$help_link_target)); $preview_but = ''; $preview_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('preview-form-button'); //$syntax_highlight_but=''; //$syntax_highlight_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('syntax-highlight-button'); //$addon_buttons[] = $syntax_highlight_but; $addon_buttons[] = $scaffold_but; $addon_buttons[] = $shortcode_but; $addon_buttons[] = $shortcode2_but; $addon_buttons[] = $preview_but; $addon_buttons = implode(' ', $addon_buttons); $out = $addon_buttons; // WP 3.3 changes if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1.4', '>')) { echo $out; } else { return $context . $out; } } else { if (is_string($context) && 'content' != $context) { $out = ''; //self::addCREDButton('', $context); // WP 3.3 changes if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1.4', '>')) { echo $out; return; } else { return $context . $out; } } $fm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Forms'); $forms = $fm->getFormsForTable(0, -1); // WP 3.3 changes ($context arg is actually a editor ID now) if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1.4', '>') && !empty($context)) { $text_area = $context; } $addon_buttons = array(); $shortcode_but = ''; $shortcode_but = CRED_Loader::renderTemplate('insert-form-shortcode-button', array('forms' => $forms, 'help' => self::$help, 'help_target' => self::$help_link_target)); $addon_buttons[] = $shortcode_but; $addon_buttons = implode(' ', $addon_buttons); $out = $addon_buttons; // WP 3.3 changes if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1.4', '>')) { echo $out; } else { return $context . $out; } } }
/** * method forms the data output style * */ function display_rows() { $path = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=CRED_Forms'; $editpath = admin_url('post.php') . '?action=edit'; $exportpath = cred_route('/Forms/exportForm'); //Get the records registered in the prepare_items method $records = $this->items; //Get the columns registered in the get_columns and get_sortable_columns methods list($columns, $hidden) = $this->get_column_info(); //Loop for each record if (empty($records)) { return false; } foreach ($records as $rec) { $settings = isset($rec->meta) ? maybe_unserialize($rec->meta) : false; //Open the line echo '<tr id="record_' . $rec->ID . '">'; $checkbox_id = "checkbox_" . $rec->ID; $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='checked[]' value='" . $rec->ID . "' id='" . $checkbox_id . "' /><label class='screen-reader-text' for='" . $checkbox_id . "' >" . __('Select') . " " . $rec->post_title . "</label>"; foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) { //Style attributes for each col $class = "class='{$column_name} column-{$column_name}'"; $style = ""; if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) { $style = ' style="display:none;"'; } $attributes = $class . $style; //Display the cell switch ($column_name) { case "cb": echo "<th scope='row' class='check-column'>{$checkbox}</th>"; break; /*case "col_form_id": $editlink = $editpath."&post=$rec->ID"; echo '<td '.$attributes.'><strong><a href="'.$editlink.'" title="Edit">'.stripslashes($rec->ID).'</a></strong>'; echo '</td>'; break;*/ /*case "col_form_id": $editlink = $editpath."&post=$rec->ID"; echo '<td '.$attributes.'><strong><a href="'.$editlink.'" title="Edit">'.stripslashes($rec->ID).'</a></strong>'; echo '</td>'; break;*/ case "col_form_name": $editlink = $editpath . "&post={$rec->ID}"; $exportlink = $exportpath . "?form={$rec->ID}&_wpnonce=" . wp_create_nonce('cred-export-' . $rec->ID); $onclick_delete = "if(confirm('" . esc_js(sprintf(__("Are you sure that you want to delete this form '%s'?\n\n Click [Cancel] to stop, [OK] to delete.", 'wp-cred'), $rec->post_title)) . "' ) ) { return true;}return false;"; $onclick_clone = "var cred_form_title=prompt('" . __('Title of New Form ', 'wp-cred') . "','" . $rec->post_title . ' Copy' . "'); if (cred_form_title) {this.href+='&cred_form_title='+encodeURI(cred_form_title); return true;} else return false;"; $actions = array(); $actions['edit'] = '<a class="submitedit" href="' . $editlink . '" title="' . __('Edit', 'wp-cred') . '">' . __('Edit', 'wp-cred') . '</a>'; $actions['delete'] = "<a class='submitdelete' href='" . wp_nonce_url($path . "&action=delete&id={$rec->ID}", 'delete-form_' . $rec->ID) . "' onclick=\"" . $onclick_delete . "\">" . __('Delete', 'wp-cred') . "</a>"; $actions['clone'] = "<a class='submitclone' href='" . wp_nonce_url($path . "&action=clone&id={$rec->ID}", 'clone-form_' . $rec->ID) . "' onclick=\"" . $onclick_clone . "\">" . __('Clone', 'wp-cred') . "</a>"; $actions['export'] = '<a class="submitexport" target="_blank" href="' . $exportlink . '" title="' . __('Export', 'wp-cred') . '">' . __('Export', 'wp-cred') . '</a>'; echo '<td ' . $attributes . '><strong><a href="' . $editlink . '" title="Edit">' . stripslashes($rec->post_title) . '</a> (ID: ' . $rec->ID . ')</strong>'; echo $this->row_actions($actions); echo '</td>'; break; case "col_form_type": if ($settings && !empty($settings->form_type)) { $_form_type = stripslashes($settings->form_type); if ($_form_type == 'new') { echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . __('Create Content', 'wp-cred') . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . __('Edit Content', 'wp-cred') . '</td>'; } } else { echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . __('Not Set', 'wp-cred') . '</td>'; } break; case "col_post_type": if ($settings && !empty($settings->post_type)) { echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . stripslashes($settings->post_type) . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>' . __('Not Set', 'wp-cred') . '</td>'; } break; } } echo '</tr>'; } }
alert('<?php _e('An error occurred please try again', 'wp-cred'); ?> '); } }); return false; //this is critical to stop the click event which will trigger a normal file download! }); $('form#list').submit(function(event){ var action=$('form#list select[name="action"]').val(); if (action=='export-selected') { event.preventDefault(); $.fileDownload('<?php echo cred_route('/Forms/exportSelected?ajax=1'); ?> ',{ successCallback:function() {//$('.cred_ajax_loader_small').hide(); overlay_loader.hide();}, beforeDownloadCallback:function() {$('.cred_ajax_loader_small').show();;}, failCallback:function() { //$('.cred_ajax_loader_small').hide(); overlay_loader.hide(); alert('<?php _e('An error occurred please try again', 'wp-cred'); ?>