show(array($f[0], $warn), $f[1]); } if (mysql_select_db(@$_GET['dbname']) || $dbconn && mysql_select_db($DBName)) { show(GM('MYSQL_SELECT_DB'), 1, 0); $name = create_tmp_table(true); // InnoDB $res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$name}"); $f = mysql_fetch_row($res); $val = preg_match("#ENGINE=InnoDB#", $f[1]); show(array(GM('INNODB'), '', 2), $val, !$val); if ($name) { mysql_query("DROP TABLE " . $name); } // Temporary table debug(__LINE__); $name = create_tmp_table(); if ($name) { show(array(GM('DB_TEST_TABLE'), '', 1), 1, 0); $t1 = microtime_float(); $good = true; // Insert 1000 rows debug(__LINE__); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . $name . " VALUES ('test1','test2','test3','test4')")) { $good = false; break; } } if ($good) { $t2 = microtime_float(); $pr = array(GM('INSERT'), GM('INSERT_D'));
$uplo->params = array('path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH, 'fnamebase' => uniqid('inventory-data.000')); $res = $uplo->save_upload(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $errs[] = $res->getMessage(); } else { $newfilename = $uplo->get_newname(); // get the name of the new file $fullpathfile = $uplo->fullPathtoFile; ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1); if (!($fh = fopen($fullpathfile, "r"))) { $errs[] = "Unable to open uploaded file data. Can not continue."; } else { $skus_found = 0; $notfound = array(); $skip_first_row = isset($_POST['skip_first_row']); $res = create_tmp_table($mdb); $cols = join(',', array_keys($datafile_pos)); $sql = "INSERT INTO tmp_inv ({$cols})\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; if (!($sth_insert_tmp_row = $mdb->prepare($sql, null, MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP))) { $errs[] = "Could not prepare the database insert."; } $sth_get_sku = $mdb->prepare("SELECT product_id FROM cm_inventory WHERE sku = ?"); $seen_skus = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($fh, 64000, ",")) !== FALSE) { if ($skip_first_row) { $skip_first_row = false; continue; } if (count($data) != $datafile_expected_cols) { $errs[] = "Datafile does not seem to be correctly formatted."; break;