public function createACL() { $result = false; $name = "subsite_acl_" . $this->guid; if ($acl = create_access_collection($name, $this->owner_guid, $this->owner_guid)) { if ($this->setPrivateSetting("subsite_acl", $acl)) { $result = $acl; } } return $result; }
function au_subgroups_fix_acls_20121024a($result, $getter, $options) { if ($result->group_acl === NULL) { // group has no acl... create it and add all the members $ac_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $result->name; $group_acl = create_access_collection($ac_name, $result->guid); $result->group_acl = $group_acl; // now add all members of the group to the acl $members = $result->getMembers(0, 0, false); if (is_array($members) && count($members)) { foreach ($members as $member) { add_user_to_access_collection($member->guid, $group_acl); } } } }
function build_acl_from_guids($guids) { $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); $token = get_token_from_guids($guids); $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true); $granular_access = new ElggObject(); $granular_access->subtype = 'granular_access'; $granular_access->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $granular_access->owner_guid = $site->guid; $granular_access->container_guid = $site->guid; $granular_access->token = $token; $granular_access->access_list = $guids; $guid = $granular_access->save(); if (!$guid) { elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); return false; } // check, if this is a single group, lets use the acl from that if (count($guids) == 1) { $entity = get_entity($guids[0]); if (elgg_instanceof($entity, 'group') && $entity->group_acl) { $granular_access->acl_id = $entity->group_acl; $granular_access->single_group = 1; // flag for use later to tell that this is using groups default acl // no need to populate elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); return $entity->group_acl; } } $id = create_access_collection('granular_access:' . $token, $site->guid); $granular_access->acl_id = $id; elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); // actually populating the acl can take a long time, so we save that for vroom // make it happen on the shutdown event // add our guid to a list to populate register_new_granular_access($guid); if (!$GLOBALS['shutdown_flag']) { // unregister first so we don't end up with multiple firings of the event elgg_unregister_event_handler('shutdown', 'system', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\populate_acls'); elgg_register_event_handler('shutdown', 'system', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\populate_acls'); } else { populate_acls(); } return $id; }
/** * Creates a new access collection and adds members * * @param string $name Name of the collection * @param array $members Members to add to the collection * @return int ID of the created collection */ public function createCollection($name, $members = array()) { $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); $acl_id = create_access_collection($name, $site->guid); if (!empty($members)) { update_access_collection($acl_id, $members); } return $acl_id; }
public function testCanEditACLHook() { // if only we supported closures! global $acl_test_info; $acl_id = create_access_collection('test acl'); $acl_test_info = array('acl_id' => $acl_id, 'user' => $this->user); function test_acl_access_hook($hook, $type, $value, $params) { global $acl_test_info; if ($params['user_id'] == $acl_test_info['user']->guid) { $acl = get_access_collection($acl_test_info['acl_id']); $value[$acl->id] = $acl->name; } return $value; } elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('access:collections:write', 'all', 'test_acl_access_hook'); // enable security since we usually run as admin $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(false); $result = can_edit_access_collection($acl_id, $this->user->guid); $this->assertTrue($result); $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); elgg_unregister_plugin_hook_handler('access:collections:write', 'all', 'test_acl_access_hook'); delete_access_collection($acl_id); }
<?php /** * Change ownership of group ACLs to group entity */ elgg_set_ignore_access(TRUE); $params = array('type' => 'group', 'limit' => 0); $groups = elgg_get_entities($params); if ($groups) { foreach ($groups as $group) { $acl = $group->group_acl; try { $query = "UPDATE {$CONFIG->dbprefix}access_collections\n\t\t\t\tSET owner_guid = {$group->guid} WHERE id = {$acl}"; update_data($query); } catch (Exception $e) { // no acl so create one $ac_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $group->name; $group_acl = create_access_collection($ac_name, $group->guid); if ($group_acl) { create_metadata($group->guid, 'group_acl', $group_acl, 'integer', $group->owner_guid); $object->group_acl = $group_id; } } } } elgg_set_ignore_access(FALSE);
<?php /** * Elgg collection add page * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage Friends.Collections */ $collection_name = htmlspecialchars(get_input('collection_name', '', false), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $friends = get_input('friends_collection'); if (!$collection_name) { register_error(elgg_echo("friends:nocollectionname")); forward(REFERER); } $id = create_access_collection($collection_name); if ($id) { $result = update_access_collection($id, $friends); if ($result) { system_message(elgg_echo("friends:collectionadded")); forward("collections/owner/" . elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->username); } else { register_error(elgg_echo("friends:nocollectionname")); forward(REFERER); } } else { register_error(elgg_echo("friends:nocollectionname")); forward(REFERER); }
/** * Retrieve the workflow access collection controlling access * of the workflow entities. * * @return int $ac_id the access id */ function questions_get_workflow_access_collection() { $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); $aclGuid = $site->getPrivateSetting('workflow_acl'); if (!$aclGuid) { $aclGuid = create_access_collection("Workflow " . $site->name, $site->guid); $site->setPrivateSetting('workflow_acl', $aclGuid); } return $aclGuid; }
/** * Groups created so create an access list for it */ function groups_create_event_listener($event, $object_type, $object) { $ac_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $object->name; $ac_id = create_access_collection($ac_name, $object->guid); if ($ac_id) { $object->group_acl = $ac_id; } else { // delete group if access creation fails return false; } return true; }
<?php /** * create access collections for existing groups * */ $access = elgg_get_ignore_access(); elgg_set_ignore_access(true); //get all groups $groups = elgg_get_entities(array('type' => 'group', 'order_by' => 'e.guid desc', 'limit' => 1000, 'full_view' => false)); foreach ($groups as $group) { //create access collection $ac_admin_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ":admin: " . $group->name; $group_admin_id = create_access_collection($ac_admin_name, $group->guid); //give group an admin_acl $group->group_admin_acl = $group_admin_id; if ($group->save()) { //add group owner to access collection add_user_to_access_collection($group->owner_guid, $group->group_admin_acl); //add group admins to access collection //get group admins $admins = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array('relationship' => 'group_admin', 'relationship_guid' => $group->guid, 'inverse_relationship' => true, 'limit' => 30)); foreach ($admins as $admin) { add_user_to_access_collection($admin->guid, $group->group_admin_acl); } } } elgg_set_ignore_access($access);
/** * dgroups created, so add users to access lists. */ function dgroups_create_event_listener($event, $object_type, $object) { //if (($event == 'create') && ($object_type == 'dgroup') && ($object instanceof ElggGroup)) //{ $dgroup_subtype = get_subtype_id('group', 'dgroup'); //error_log("obj subtype: " . $object->subtype); if ($object->subtype != $dgroup_subtype) { return true; } $dgroup_id = create_access_collection(elgg_echo('dgroups:dgroup') . ": " . $object->name); if ($dgroup_id) { $object->dgroup_acl = $dgroup_id; } else { return false; } //} return true; }
/** * Send a message to specified recipients * * @param int $sender_guid GUID of the sender entity * @param array $recipient_guids An array of recipient GUIDs * @param str $subject Subject of the message * @param str $message Body of the message * @param str $message_type Type of the message * @param array $params Additional parameters, e.g. 'message_hash', 'attachments' * @return boolean */ function hj_inbox_send_message($sender_guid, $recipient_guids, $subject = '', $message = '', $message_type = '', array $params = array()) { $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(); if (!is_array($recipient_guids)) { $recipient_guids = array($recipient_guids); } if (isset($params['message_hash'])) { $message_hash = elgg_extract('message_hash', $params); } if (isset($params['attachments'])) { $attachments = elgg_extract('attachments', $params); } $user_guids = $recipient_guids; $user_guids[] = $sender_guid; sort($user_guids); if (!$message_hash) { $title = strtolower($subject); $title = trim(str_replace('re:', '', $title)); $message_hash = sha1(implode(':', $user_guids) . $title); } $acl_hash = sha1(implode(':', $user_guids)); $dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}access_collections WHERE name = '{$acl_hash}'"; $collection = get_data_row($query); //error_log(print_r($collection, true)); $acl_id = $collection->id; if (!$acl_id) { $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); $acl_id = create_access_collection($acl_hash, $site->guid); update_access_collection($acl_id, $user_guids); } //error_log($acl_id); $message_sent = new ElggObject(); $message_sent->subtype = "messages"; $message_sent->owner_guid = $sender_guid; $message_sent->container_guid = $sender_guid; $message_sent->access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE; $message_sent->title = $subject; $message_sent->description = $message; $message_sent->toId = $recipient_guids; // the users receiving the message $message_sent->fromId = $sender_guid; // the user sending the message $message_sent->readYet = 1; // this is a toggle between 0 / 1 (1 = read) $message_sent->hiddenFrom = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their sentbox, it is a flag $message_sent->hiddenTo = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their inbox $message_sent->msg = 1; $message_sent->msgType = $message_type; $message_sent->msgHash = $message_hash; $message_sent->save(); if ($attachments) { $count = count($attachments['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ($attachments['error'][$i] || !$attachments['name'][$i]) { continue; } $name = $attachments['name'][$i]; $file = new ElggFile(); $file->container_guid = $message_sent->guid; $file->title = $name; $file->access_id = (int) $acl_id; $prefix = "file/"; $filestorename = elgg_strtolower(time() . $name); $file->setFilename($prefix . $filestorename); $file->open("write"); $file->close(); move_uploaded_file($attachments['tmp_name'][$i], $file->getFilenameOnFilestore()); $saved = $file->save(); if ($saved) { $mime_type = ElggFile::detectMimeType($attachments['tmp_name'][$i], $attachments['type'][$i]); $info = pathinfo($name); $office_formats = array('docx', 'xlsx', 'pptx'); if ($mime_type == "application/zip" && in_array($info['extension'], $office_formats)) { switch ($info['extension']) { case 'docx': $mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; break; case 'xlsx': $mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; break; case 'pptx': $mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"; break; } } // check for bad ppt detection if ($mime_type == "application/" && $info['extension'] == "ppt") { $mime_type = "application/"; } $file->msgHash = $message_hash; $file->toId = $recipient_guids; $file->fromId = $sender_guid; $file->setMimeType($mime_type); $file->originalfilename = $name; if (elgg_is_active_plugin('file')) { $file->simpletype = file_get_simple_type($mime_type); } $file->save(); $guid = $file->getGUID(); $uploaded_attachments[] = $guid; $attachment_urls .= '<div class="inbox-attachment">' . elgg_view('output/url', array('href' => "messages/download/{$guid}", 'text' => $file->title, 'is_trusted' => true)) . '</div>'; if ($file->simpletype == "image") { $file->icontime = time(); $thumbnail = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 60, 60, true); if ($thumbnail) { $thumb = new ElggFile(); $thumb->setMimeType($attachments['type'][$i]); $thumb->setFilename($prefix . "thumb" . $filestorename); $thumb->open("write"); $thumb->write($thumbnail); $thumb->close(); $file->thumbnail = $prefix . "thumb" . $filestorename; unset($thumbnail); } $thumbsmall = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 153, 153, true); if ($thumbsmall) { $thumb->setFilename($prefix . "smallthumb" . $filestorename); $thumb->open("write"); $thumb->write($thumbsmall); $thumb->close(); $file->smallthumb = $prefix . "smallthumb" . $filestorename; unset($thumbsmall); } $thumblarge = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($file->getFilenameOnFilestore(), 600, 600, false); if ($thumblarge) { $thumb->setFilename($prefix . "largethumb" . $filestorename); $thumb->open("write"); $thumb->write($thumblarge); $thumb->close(); $file->largethumb = $prefix . "largethumb" . $filestorename; unset($thumblarge); } } } } } $success = $error = 0; foreach ($recipient_guids as $recipient_guid) { $message_to = new ElggObject(); $message_to->subtype = "messages"; $message_to->owner_guid = $recipient_guid; $message_to->container_guid = $recipient_guid; $message_to->access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE; $message_to->title = $subject; $message_to->description = $message; $message_to->toId = $recipient_guids; // the users receiving the message $message_to->fromId = $sender_guid; // the user sending the message $message_to->readYet = 0; // this is a toggle between 0 / 1 (1 = read) $message_to->hiddenFrom = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their sentbox, it is a flag $message_to->hiddenTo = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their inbox $message_to->msg = 1; $message_to->msgType = $message_type; $message_to->msgHash = $message_hash; if ($message_to->save()) { $success++; // Make attachments if ($uploaded_attachments) { foreach ($uploaded_attachments as $attachment_guid) { make_attachment($message_to->guid, $attachment_guid); } } // Send out notifications skipping 'site' notification handler if ($recipient_guid != $sender_guid) { $methods = (array) get_user_notification_settings($recipient_guid); unset($methods['site']); if (count($methods)) { $recipient = get_user($recipient_guid); $sender = get_user($sender_guid); $notification_subject = elgg_echo('messages:email:subject'); $notification_message = strip_tags($message); if ($uploaded_attachments) { $notification_message .= elgg_view_module('inbox-attachments', elgg_echo('messages:attachments'), $attachment_urls); } $notification_body = elgg_echo('messages:email:body', array($sender->name, $notification_message, elgg_get_site_url() . "messages/inbox/{$recipient->username}?message_type={$message_type}", $sender->name, elgg_get_site_url() . "messages/thread/{$message_hash}")); notify_user($recipient_guid, $sender_guid, $notification_subject, $notification_body, null, $methods); } } } else { $error++; } } if ($success > 0) { // Make attachments if ($uploaded_attachments) { foreach ($uploaded_attachments as $attachment_guid) { make_attachment($message_sent->guid, $attachment_guid); } } $return = true; } else { $message_sent->delete(); $return = false; } elgg_set_ignore_access($ia); return $return; }
public function testAddMemberToACLRemoveMember() { // create a new user to check against $user = new \ElggUser(); $user->username = '******'; $user->save(); $acl_id = create_access_collection('test acl'); $result = add_user_to_access_collection($user->guid, $acl_id); $this->assertTrue($result); if ($result) { $this->assertTrue($user->delete()); // since there are no more members this should return false $acl_members = get_members_of_access_collection($acl_id, true); $this->assertFalse($acl_members); } delete_access_collection($acl_id); }
$wall_post->origin = 'wall'; // Wall post access id is set to private, which means it should be visible only to the poster and tagged users // Creating a new ACL for that if ($access_id == ACCESS_PRIVATE && count($friend_guids)) { $user_guids = array($poster->guid, $container->guid); $user_guids = array_merge($user_guids, $friend_guids); $user_guids = array_unique($user_guids); sort($user_guids); $acl_hash = sha1(implode(':', $user_guids)); $dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}access_collections WHERE name = '{$acl_hash}'"; $collection = get_data_row($query); $acl_id = $collection->id; if (!$acl_id) { $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); $acl_id = create_access_collection($acl_hash, $site->guid); update_access_collection($acl_id, $user_guids); } $wall_post->access_id = $acl_id; $wall_post->save(); } $extractor = Extractor::extract($status); if (count($extractor->hashtags)) { $wall_post->tags = $extractor->hashtags; } if (count($extractor->usernames)) { foreach ($extractor->usernames as $username) { $user = get_user_by_username($username); if (elgg_instanceof($user) && !in_array($user->guid, $friend_guids)) { $friend_guids[] = $user->guid; }
delete_access_collection($col->id); } $friends = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('types' => 'user', 'limit' => $friends_count, 'order_by' => 'RAND()', 'wheres' => array("e.guid != {$user->guid}"), 'metadata_names' => '__faker')); $rand_friends = false; $collection_id = create_access_collection('Best Fake Friends Collection', $user->guid); if ($collection_id) { $rand_friends = array_rand($friends, rand(2, $friends_count)); $collections++; } foreach ($friends as $friends_key => $friend) { if ($user->addFriend($friend->guid)) { $rels++; elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/relationship/friend/create', 'action_type' => 'friend', 'subject_guid' => $user->guid, 'object_guid' => $friend->guid)); if ($rand_friends && array_key_exists($friends_key, $rand_friends)) { add_user_to_access_collection($friend->guid, $collection_id); } } } $random_acl_members = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('types' => 'user', 'limit' => 10, 'order_by' => 'RAND()', 'wheres' => array("e.guid != {$user->guid}"), 'metadata_names' => '__faker')); if ($random_acl_members) { $collection_id = create_access_collection('Fake Arbitrary Collection', $user->guid); if ($collection_id) { $collections++; foreach ($random_acl_members as $random_acl_member) { add_user_to_access_collection($random_acl_member->guid, $collection_id); } } } } system_message(elgg_echo('faker:gen_friends:success', array($rels, $collections))); forward(REFERER);
/** * Groups created so create an access list for it */ function groups_create_event_listener($event, $object_type, $object) { $ac_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $object->name; $ac_admin_name = elgg_echo('groups:group') . ":admin: " . $object->name; $group_id = create_access_collection($ac_name, $object->guid); $group_admin_id = create_access_collection($ac_admin_name, $object->guid); if ($group_id) { $object->group_acl = $group_id; $object->group_admin_acl = $group_admin_id; add_user_to_access_collection($object->owner_guid, $group_admin_id); } else { // delete group if access creation fails return false; } return true; }
/** * Elgg collection add page * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Core * @author Curverider Ltd * @link */ //must be logged in gatekeeper(); $collection_name = get_input('collection_name'); $friends = get_input('friends_collection'); //first check to make sure that a collection name has been set and create the new colection if ($collection_name) { //create the collection $create_collection = create_access_collection($collection_name, $_SESSION['user']->getGUID()); //if the collection was created and the user passed some friends from the form, add them if ($create_collection && !empty($friends)) { //add friends to the collection foreach ($friends as $friend) { add_user_to_access_collection($friend, $create_collection); } } // Success message system_message(elgg_echo("friends:collectionadded")); // Forward to the collections page forward("pg/collections/" . $_SESSION['user']->username); } else { register_error(elgg_echo("friends:nocollectionname")); // Forward to the add collection page forward("pg/collections/add");
/** * Groups created, so add users to access lists. */ function groups_create_event_listener($event, $object_type, $object) { //if (($event == 'create') && ($object_type == 'group') && ($object instanceof ElggGroup)) //{ $group_id = create_access_collection(elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $object->name); if ($group_id) { $object->group_acl = $group_id; } else { return false; } //} return true; }
<?php /** * Elgg collection add page * * @package Elgg.Core * @subpackage Friends.Collections */ $collection_name = get_input('collection_name'); $friends = get_input('friends_collection'); //first check to make sure that a collection name has been set and create the new colection if ($collection_name) { //create the collection $create_collection = create_access_collection($collection_name, elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()); //if the collection was created and the user passed some friends from the form, add them if ($create_collection && !empty($friends)) { //add friends to the collection foreach ($friends as $friend) { add_user_to_access_collection($friend, $create_collection); } } // Success message system_message(elgg_echo("friends:collectionadded")); // Forward to the collections page forward("collections/" . elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->username); } else { register_error(elgg_echo("friends:nocollectionname")); // Forward to the add collection page forward("collections/add"); }