$desp_long = preg_replace($preg2, '', $desp_long);
if (empty($desp_long)) {
    //$preg_desp_long = '#<div\s*class="num_2">((?:.|\s)*?<table\s+border="1"\s+width="547">((?:.|\s)+?)</table>)#';
    //preg_match($preg_desp_long, $html_page, $arr_desp_long);
if (!empty($desp_long)) {
    $preg_desp_img = '~<img\\s*src="([^"]+)"~';
    preg_match_all($preg_desp_img, $desp_long, $arr_desp_img);
    //echo "<pre>";print_r($arr_desp_img);
    if (!empty($arr_desp_img[1])) {
        foreach ($arr_desp_img[1] as $desp_img) {
            $tmp_image_file = str_replace('http://www.myefox.com/images/', '', $desp_img);
            $tmp_image_file = str_replace('http://www.myefox.it/images/', '', $tmp_image_file);
            $tmp_image_file = preg_replace("#^images/#", "", $tmp_image_file);
            createDirIfNotExists($img_new_dir . $tmp_image_file);
            if (strpos($desp_img, 'http://') === false) {
                $desp_img = 'http://www.myefox.com/' . $desp_img;
            $img_data = file_get_contents($desp_img);
            $tmp_image_file = str_replace('%20', ' ', $tmp_image_file);
            file_put_contents(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $img_new_dir . $tmp_image_file, $img_data);
$desp_long = str_replace('http://www.myefox.com/images/', HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/', $desp_long);
$desp_long = str_replace('http://www.myefox.it/images/', HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/', $desp_long);
if (empty($desp_long)) {
    //die('empty product description.');
$insert_product_desp['products_description'] = $desp_long;
 $remote_img_url = $remote_host . '/' . $pic_main;
 $local_img_url = './images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_main);
 saveFile($remote_img_url, $local_img_url);
 $insert_product['products_image'] = '/images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_main);
 $preg = '~<img src="([^"]+)" width="769" height="307" />~';
 preg_match($preg, $content, $arr);
 $pic_desp = $arr[1];
 $remote_img_url = $remote_host . '/' . $pic_desp;
 $local_img_url = './images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_desp);
 saveFile($remote_img_url, $local_img_url);
 $preg = '~<td class="news3">&nbsp;Product Specifications</td>(?:\\s|.)+?<td height="165" valign="top" style="color:#333333;">((?:\\s|.)+?)</td>~';
 preg_match($preg, $content, $arr);
 $pro_desp = $arr[1];
 $preg = '~<td class="news3">&nbsp;User Guide</td>(?:\\s|.)+?<td height="165" valign="top" style="color:#333333;">((?:\\s|.)+?)</td>~';
 preg_match($preg, $content, $arr);
 $pro_desp2 = $arr[1];
 $insert_product_desp['products_description'] = $pro_desp . $pro_desp2 . '<img src="/images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_desp);
 addProductBackEver(array('products' => $insert_product, 'products_description' => $insert_product_desp, 'categories_id' => $products_cat));
    echo "Running as:";
    exec('/usr/bin/whoami 2>&1', $result);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        echo $row, "\n";
//Create and flush assets directory
rmdirRecursive(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
//Create and flush assets directory
rmdirRecursive(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
// runtime
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "console/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/runtime"));
//Setting permissions
if (!$runningOnWindows) {
    chmod(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"), 02775);
    //permissions with setguid
    chmod(pth($root . "console/runtime"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "backend/runtime"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"), 02775);
//applying migrations
//adding in ability to specify to not migrate even when not in local environment. Needed for our newclient script
if ($envType != 'private' && !in_array('no-migrate', $argv) || in_array('migrate', $argv)) {
    runCommand(getPhpPath() . ' ' . $root . "yiic migrate --interactive=0");
    if (in_array($envType, array('private', 'int', 'qa'))) {
        runCommand(getPhpPath() . ' ' . $root . "yiic migrate --interactive=0 --connectionID=testdb");
Exemple #4
    $result = array();
    echo "Running as:";
    exec('/usr/bin/whoami 2>&1', $result);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        echo $row, "\n";
// Flush assets and create directory if not existing
rmDirRecursive(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
rmDirRecursive(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
// runtime
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "console/runtime"));
// permissions
chmod(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"), 02777);
// permissions with setguid
chmod(pth($root . "backend/runtime"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "console/runtime"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"), 02777);
//Copy *-environmnetName.php to *-env.php
$directories = array(pth($root . "common/config/"), pth($root . "frontend/config/"), pth($root . "backend/config/"), pth($root . "console/config/"));
// console
//choose environment specific configs
foreach ($directories as $dir) {
    $files = glob(pth($dir . "environments/" . "*-" . $envType . '.php'));
    foreach ($files as $srcFile) {
        $pattern = "/-" . $envType . ".php\$/";
$DIS_Application = "Save";
include INC_DIR . "layout_helper.inc";
include LIB_DIR . "date.inc";
require INC_DIR . "reporting_lib.inc";
$username = value_from_POST('username');
$week = value_from_POST('week');
$year = value_from_POST('year');
$op = value_from_POST('op');
if (isset($op)) {
    //		echo "<BR>###".$op."###<BR>";
    $has_confirmation = $op == "Confirmation";
    if ($has_confirmation) {
        $report_content = stripslashes($_POST['report_content']);
        $target_file = userFilename($username, $year, $week);
        $DIS_SaveMessage = "Saving to {$target_file} <br/>";
        postUserReport($username, $year, $week, $report_content);
        $DIS_SaveMessage .= ob_get_contents();
        $week_filename = weekFilename($year, $week);
        $week_url = weekUrl($year, $week);
        $DIS_SaveMessage .= "<br><a href='{$week_url}'>{$week_filename}</a><br>\n";
    } else {
        switch ($op) {
            case "SaveUrl":
                @($reporturl = $_POST['reporturl']);
                if (!isset($reporturl) or $reporturl != "http://" or strlen($reporturl) > 0) {
                    $report_content = ContentOfUrl($reporturl);