Exemple #1
function get_cat_list(&$cat_data, &$statistics)
    global $HIDE_USER_CAT;
    global $cat;
    // Build the category list
    $cat_data = array();
    $album_set_array = array();
    $HIDE_USER_CAT = 1;
    get_subcat_data($cat, $cat_data, $album_set_array, 0);
    // Add the albums in the current category to the album set
    if ($cat) {
        if ($cat == USER_GAL_CAT) {
            foreach (get_albums_data() as $row) {
                if ($row['category'] < FIRST_USER_CAT) {
                $album_set_array[] = $row['aid'];
        } else {
            foreach (get_albums_data() as $row) {
                if ($row['category'] != $cat) {
                $album_set_array[] = $row['aid'];
    if (count($album_set_array) && $cat) {
        $set = '';
        foreach ($album_set_array as $album) {
            $set .= $album . ',';
        $set = substr($set, 0, -1);
        $current_album_set = "aid IN ({$set}) ";
    } elseif ($cat) {
        $current_album_set = "aid IN (-1) ";
    // Gather gallery statistics
    if ($cat == 0) {
        $album_count = count(get_albums_data());
        $picture_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'], 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $comment_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS'], 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $cat_count = count(get_categories_data());
        $hit_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'], 'sum(hits)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if (count($cat_data)) {
            $statistics = strtr(STAT1, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[cat]' => $cat_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count));
        } else {
            $STATS_IN_ALB_LIST = true;
            $statistics = strtr(STAT3, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[comments]' => $comment_count, '[views]' => $hit_count));
    } elseif ($cat >= FIRST_USER_CAT && $current_album_set) {
        $album_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $picture_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'count(*)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $hit_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . " WHERE {$current_album_set}", 'sum(hits)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $statistics = strtr(STAT2, array('[pictures]' => $picture_count, '[albums]' => $album_count, '[views]' => $hit_count));
    } else {
        $statistics = '';
Exemple #2
$nb_com_del = 0;
if (isset($_POST['cid_array'])) {
    $cid_array = $_POST['cid_array'];
    $cid_set = '';
    foreach ($cid_array as $cid) {
        $cid_set .= $cid_set == '' ? '(' . $cid : ', ' . $cid;
    $cid_set .= ')';
    $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id IN {$cid_set}", false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $nb_com_del = $db->sql_affectedrows();
/*$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']}",false, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$nbEnr = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$comment_count = $nbEnr[0];
$comment_count = cpg_tablecount($CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS'], "count(*)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (!$comment_count) {
    cpg_die(INFO, NO_COMMENT, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
$start = intval($start);
$count = isset($_GET['count']) ? $_GET['count'] : 25;
$count = intval($count);
$next_target = URL::index('&amp;file=reviewcom&amp;start=' . ($start + $count) . '&amp;count=' . $count);
$prev_target = URL::index('&amp;file=reviewcom&amp;start=' . max(0, $start - $count) . '&amp;count=' . $count);
$s50 = $count == 50 ? 'selected' : '';
$s75 = $count == 75 ? 'selected' : '';
$s100 = $count == 100 ? 'selected' : '';
if ($start + $count < $comment_count) {
    $next_link = "<a href=\"{$next_target}\"><b>" . R_SEE_NEXT . "</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;";
} else {
Exemple #3
        $cpgtitle[0] = $cpgdir;
    $content .= '<div style="text-align:center;"><strong>' . $cpgtitle[0] . '</strong></div>
	<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;' . ALBUMS . ': ' . cpg_tablecount($cpgprefix . "albums", 'count(*)', __FILE__) . '<br />
	<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;' . PICTURES . ': ' . cpg_tablecount($cpgprefix . 'pictures', 'count(*) ', __FILE__) . '<br />';
    $num = cpg_tablecount($cpgprefix . 'pictures', 'sum(hits)', __FILE__);
    if (!is_numeric($num)) {
        $num = 0;
    $content .= '<strong><big>&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;' . PIC_VIEWS . ': ' . $num . '<br />';
    $num = cpg_tablecount($cpgprefix . 'pictures', 'sum(votes)', __FILE__);
    if (!is_numeric($num)) {
        $num = 0;
    $content .= '<strong><big>&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;' . PIC_VOTES . ': ' . $num . '<br />
	<strong><big>&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;</big></strong>&nbsp;' . PIC_COMMENTS . ': ' . cpg_tablecount($cpgprefix . 'comments', 'count(*)', __FILE__) . '<br />';
        $num = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT count(*) FROM " . $cpgprefix . "pictures WHERE approved=0", SQL_NUM);
        $categ = $module_name != $cpgdir ? '0' : $cat;
        $content .= '<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$cpgdir}&amp;file=editpics&amp;mode=upload_approval") . '">' . UPL_APP_LNK . '</a>: ' . $num[0] . '<br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$cpgdir}&amp;file=searchnew") . '">' . SEARCHNEW_LNK . '</a><br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$cpgdir}&amp;file=reviewcom") . '">' . COMMENTS_LNK . '</a><br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$first_install_M_DIR}&amp;file=groupmgr") . '">' . GROUPS_LNK . '</a><br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$first_install_M_DIR}&amp;file=usermgr") . '">' . USERS_LNK . '</a><br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$cpgdir}&amp;file=albmgr&amp;cat={$categ}") . '">' . ALBUMS_LNK . '</a><br />
<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::index("{$cpgdir}&amp;file=catmgr") . '">' . CATEGORIES_LNK . '</a><br />';
        if (is_admin()) {
            $content .= '<b>&#8226;</b>&nbsp;<a href="' . URL::admin("{$cpgdir}") . '">' . CONFIG_LNK . '</a>';
    } else {
        if (USER_ADMIN_MODE) {