Exemple #1
    function xthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack()
        if (xthreads_tpl_postbithack()) {
            // *sigh* no other way to do this other than to hack the templates object again... >_>
            control_object($GLOBALS['templates'], '
				function get($title, $eslashes=1, $htmlcomments=1) {
					static $done=false;
					if(!$done && ($title == \'postbit\' || $title == \'postbit_classic\')) {
						$done = true;
						$r = parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
						//return str_replace(\'{$post_extra_style}\', \'border-top-width: 0;\', $r);
						return \'".($post_extra_style="border-top-width: 0;"?"":"")."\'.$r;
					} else
						return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
function xthreads_tpl_forumbits(&$forum)
    static $done = false;
    global $templates;
    if (!$done) {
        $done = true;
        function xthreads_tpl_forumbits_tplget(&$obj, &$forum, $title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments)
            if ($forum['xthreads_hideforum']) {
                // alternate the bgcolor if applicable (so we get no net change)
                if ($title == 'forumbit_depth1_cat' || $title == 'forumbit_depth2_cat' || $title == 'forumbit_depth2_forum') {
                    $GLOBALS['bgcolor'] = alt_trow();
                return 'return "";';
            global $forum_tpl_prefixes;
            if (!empty($forum_tpl_prefixes[$forum['fid']])) {
                foreach ($forum_tpl_prefixes[$forum['fid']] as &$p) {
                    if (isset($obj->cache[$p . $title]) && !isset($obj->non_existant_templates[$p . $title])) {
                        $title = $p . $title;
            return 'return "' . $obj->xthreads_tpl_forumbits_get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments) . '";';
        control_object($templates, '
			function get($title, $eslashes=1, $htmlcomments=1) {
				if(substr($title, 0, 9) != \'forumbit_\')
					return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
				return \'".eval(xthreads_tpl_forumbits_tplget($templates, $forum, \\\'\'.strtr($title, array(\'\\\\\' => \'\\\\\\\\\', \'\\\'\' => \'\\\\\\\'\')).\'\\\', \'.$eslashes.\', \'.$htmlcomments.\'))."\';
			function xthreads_tpl_forumbits_get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments){
				return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
    xthreads_set_threadforum_urlvars('forum', $forum['fid']);
function ougc_showinportal_portal()
    global $db, $settings;
    control_object($db, '
		function query($string, $hide_errors=0, $write_query=0)
			if(!$write_query && strpos($string, \'ORDER BY t.dateline DESC\'))
				$string = strtr($string, array(
					\'t.closed\' => \'t.showinportal=\\\'1\\\' AND t.closed\'
			if(!$write_query && strpos($string, \'OUNT(t.tid) AS thread\'))
				$string = strtr($string, array(
					\'t.visible\' => \'t.showinportal=\\\'1\\\' AND t.visible\'
			return parent::query($string, $hide_errors, $write_query);
    // Replace MyCode with a "Read More..." kind of link
    if (!empty($settings['ougc_showinportal_tag'])) {
        global $plugins;
        $plugins->add_hook('portal_announcement', create_function('', 'global $announcement;	ougc_showinportal_cutoff($announcement[\'message\'], $announcement[\'fid\'], $announcement[\'tid\']);'));
Exemple #4
function xthreads_editpost_first_tplhack()
    control_object($GLOBALS['templates'], '
		function get($title, $eslashes=1, $htmlcomments=1) {
			static $done=false;
			if(!$done && $title == "editpost") {
				$done = true;
				return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments).\'"; $editpost = "\'.$this->get("editpost_first", $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
			return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
Exemple #5
function xthreads_info()
    global $lang, $mybb, $plugins;
    $info = array('name' => '<span style="color: #008000;">' . $lang->xthreads_name . '</span>', 'description' => $lang->xthreads_desc, 'website' => 'http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=288', 'author' => 'ZiNgA BuRgA', 'authorsite' => 'http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/', 'version' => xthreads_format_version_number(XTHREADS_VERSION), 'compatibility' => '14*,15*,16*,17*,18*', 'guid' => '');
    if (is_object($plugins)) {
        $info = $plugins->run_hooks('xthreads_info_needs_moar_pimpin', $info);
    if ($mybb->input['action'] || !is_object($GLOBALS['table'])) {
        // not main plugins page
        return $info;
    if ($mybb->version_code >= 1700) {
        return $info;
    static $done = false;
    if (!$done) {
        $done = true;
        // let's have some fun here
        control_object($GLOBALS['table'], '
			function construct_row($extra = array()) {
				static $done=false;
				if(!$done) {
					$done = true;
				return parent::construct_row($extra);
        $lang->__activate = $lang->activate;
        $lang->__deactivate = $lang->deactivate;
        $lang->__install_and_activate = $lang->install_and_activate;
        $lang->__uninstall = $lang->uninstall;
        $imgcode = '<![if gte IE 8]><img src="data:image/png;base64,{data}" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle;" /><![endif]> ';
        $lang->install_and_activate = str_replace('{data}', xthreads_install_img_install(), $imgcode) . '<span style="color: #008000;">' . $lang->xthreads_install_and_activate . '</span>';
        $lang->activate = str_replace('{data}', xthreads_install_img_activate(), $imgcode) . '<span style="color: #FF8000;">' . $lang->activate . '</span>';
        $lang->deactivate = str_replace('{data}', xthreads_install_img_deactivate(), $imgcode) . '<span style="color: #20A0A0;">' . $lang->deactivate . '</span>';
        $lang->uninstall = str_replace('{data}', xthreads_install_img_uninstall(), $imgcode) . '<span style="color: #FF0000;">' . $lang->uninstall . '</span>';
    return array('name' => '</strong><small style="font-family: Tempus Sans ITC, Lucida Calligraphy, Harrington, Comic Sans MS, Some other less-readable goofy font, Serif"><a href="' . $info['website'] . '">' . $info['name'] . '</a> v' . $info['version'] . ', ' . $lang->xthreads_fun_desc . '<!-- ', 'author' => '--><i><small>', 'compatibility' => $info['compatibility'], 'guid' => $info['guid']);
Exemple #6
function xthreads_global()
    global $current_page, $mybb, $templatelist, $templates;
    if ($current_page == 'index.php' || $current_page == 'forumdisplay.php') {
        global $plugins;
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_forumdhooks.php';
        $plugins->add_hook('forumdisplay_start', 'xthreads_forumdisplay');
        $plugins->add_hook('build_forumbits_forum', 'xthreads_tpl_forumbits');
    switch ($current_page) {
        case 'misc.php':
            if ($mybb->input['action'] != 'rules') {
        case 'forumdisplay.php':
        case 'newthread.php':
        case 'moderation.php':
            $fid = (int) $mybb->input['fid'];
            if ($fid) {
        case 'polls.php':
            switch ($mybb->input['action']) {
                case 'editpoll':
                case 'do_editpoll':
                case 'showresults':
                case 'vote':
                case 'do_undovote':
                    // no cached poll getting function, dupe a query then...
                    global $db;
                    $tid = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('polls', 'tid', 'pid=' . (int) $mybb->input['pid']), 'tid');
            // fall through
        // fall through
        case 'showthread.php':
        case 'newreply.php':
        case 'ratethread.php':
        case 'sendthread.php':
        case 'printthread.php':
            if (isset($tid) || ($tid = (int) $mybb->input['tid'])) {
                $thread = get_thread($tid);
                if ($thread['fid']) {
                    $fid = $thread['fid'];
                    $set_thread_urlvar = $thread['tid'];
            if ($fid || $current_page == 'polls.php') {
        case 'editpost.php':
            if ($pid = (int) $mybb->input['pid']) {
                $post = get_post($pid);
                if ($post['fid']) {
                    $fid = $post['fid'];
                    $set_thread_urlvar = $post['tid'];
        case 'announcements.php':
            if ($aid = (int) $mybb->input['aid']) {
                // unfortunately MyBB doesn't have a cache for announcements
                // so we can have fun and double query!
                global $db;
                $fid = $db->fetch_field($db->simple_select('announcements', 'fid', 'aid=' . $aid), 'fid');
                // note, $fid can be 0, for invalid aid, or announcement applying to all forums
    $fid = (int) $fid;
    // paranoia
    if ($fid) {
        global $forum;
        $forum = get_forum($fid);
        if (function_exists('xthreads_evalcacheForums')) {
            $xtforum = xthreads_evalcacheForums($fid);
            if ($xtforum['tplprefix'] !== '') {
                // this forum has a custom tpl prefix, hook into templates system
                control_object($templates, '
					function cache($templates) {
						xthreads_tpl_cache($templates, $this);
					function get($title, $eslashes=1, $htmlcomments=1) {
						xthreads_tpl_get($this, $title);
						return parent::get($title, $eslashes, $htmlcomments);
                $templates->non_existant_templates = array();
                $templates->xt_tpl_prefix = $xtforum['tplprefix'];
            if ($xtforum['langprefix'] !== '') {
                global $lang;
                // this forum has a custom lang prefix, hook into lang system
                control_object($lang, '
					function load($section, $isdatahandler=false, $supress_error=false) {
						$this->__xt_load($section, $isdatahandler, $supress_error);
						foreach($this->__xt_lang_prefix as &$pref)
							if($pref !== \'\')
								$this->__xt_load($pref.$section, $isdatahandler, true);
					function __xt_load($section, $isdatahandler=false, $supress_error=false) {
						return parent::load($section, $isdatahandler, $supress_error);
                $lang->__xt_lang_prefix = $xtforum['langprefix'];
                // load global lang messages that we couldn't before
                foreach ($lang->__xt_lang_prefix as &$pref) {
                    if ($pref !== '' && preg_match('~^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$~', $pref)) {
                        $lang->__xt_load($pref . 'global', false, true);
                        $lang->__xt_load($pref . 'messages', false, true);
            if ($xtforum['settingoverrides'] !== '') {
                foreach ($xtforum['settingoverrides'] as $k => &$v) {
                    $mybb->settings[$k] = $v;
        //if($forum['xthreads_firstpostattop']) {
        switch ($current_page) {
            case 'showthread.php':
                require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_sthreadhooks.php';
            case 'newthread.php':
            case 'editpost.php':
                if ($mybb->input['previewpost']) {
                    $do_preload = true;
                    if ($current_page == 'editpost.php') {
                        global $thread;
                        // check if first post
                        $post = get_post((int) $mybb->input['pid']);
                        if (!empty($post)) {
                            $thread = get_thread($post['tid']);
                        $do_preload = !empty($thread) && $thread['firstpost'] == $post['pid'];
                    if ($do_preload) {
                        require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_sthreadhooks.php';
        // settings overrides
        if ($forum['xthreads_postsperpage']) {
            $mybb->settings['postsperpage'] = $forum['xthreads_postsperpage'];
        // cache some more templates if necessary
        switch ($current_page) {
            case 'forumdisplay.php':
                if ($forum['xthreads_grouping']) {
                    $templatelist .= ',forumdisplay_group_sep,forumdisplay_thread_null';
                if ($forum['xthreads_inlinesearch']) {
                    $templatelist .= ',forumdisplay_searchforum_inline';
                if (function_exists('quickthread_run')) {
                    // Quick Thread plugin
                    $templatelist .= ',post_threadfields_inputrow';
            case 'editpost.php':
                $templatelist .= ',editpost_first';
            case 'newthread.php':
                $templatelist .= ',post_threadfields_inputrow';
            case 'showthread.php':
                $templatelist .= ',showthread_threadfields,showthread_threadfield_row';
        // hide breadcrumb business
        if ($current_page != 'printthread.php') {
        } else {
            // printthread needs some whacky attention
            $GLOBALS['plugins']->add_hook('printthread_start', 'xthreads_breadcrumb_hack_printthread', 10, MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_mischooks.php');
        xthreads_set_threadforum_urlvars('forum', $forum['fid']);
    if (isset($set_thread_urlvar)) {
        xthreads_set_threadforum_urlvars('thread', $set_thread_urlvar);
        // since it's convenient...
function xthreads_moderation_custom()
    //if($tool['type'] != 't') return;
    if (!is_object($GLOBALS['custommod'])) {
    control_object($GLOBALS['custommod'], '
		function execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids) {
			if($thread_options[\'deletethread\'] != 1)
				xthreads_moderation_custom_do($tids, $thread_options[\'edit_threadfields\']);
			return parent::execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids);
    // this function is executed before copy thread (yay!)
    function xthreads_moderation_custom_do(&$tids, $editstr)
        if (!$editstr) {
        $edits = array();
        // caching stuff
        static $threadfields = null;
        if (!isset($threadfields)) {
            $threadfields = xthreads_gettfcache();
        // grab all threadfields
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/xthreads/xt_phptpl_lib.php';
        foreach (explode("\n", str_replace("{\n}", "\r", str_replace("\r", '', $editstr))) as $editline) {
            $editline = trim(str_replace("\r", "\n", $editline));
            list($n, $v) = explode('=', $editline, 2);
            if (!isset($v)) {
            // don't allow editing of file fields
            if (!isset($threadfields[$n]) || $threadfields[$n]['inputtype'] == XTHREADS_INPUT_FILE) {
            // we don't do much validation here as we trust admins, right?
            // this is just a prelim check (speed optimisation) - we'll need to check this again after evaluating conditionals
            $upperv = strtoupper($v);
            if (($upperv === '' || $upperv == 'NULL' || $upperv == 'NUL') && $threadfields[$n]['datatype'] != XTHREADS_DATATYPE_TEXT) {
                $edits[$n] = null;
            } else {
                $edits[$n] = $v;
                xthreads_sanitize_eval($edits[$n], array('VALUE' => null, 'TID' => null));
        if (empty($edits)) {
        $modfields = array_keys($edits);
        global $db;
        $query = $db->query('
			SELECT t.tid, tfd.`' . implode('`, tfd.`', $modfields) . '`
			FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'threads t
			LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'threadfields_data tfd ON t.tid=tfd.tid
			WHERE t.tid IN (' . implode(',', $tids) . ')
        //$query = $db->simple_select('threadfields_data', 'tid,`'.implode('`,`', $modfields).'`', 'tid IN ('.implode(',', $tids).')');
        while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $updates = array();
            foreach ($edits as $n => $v) {
                if ($v !== null) {
                    // TODO: allowing conditionals direct access to multivals?
                    $v = trim(eval_str($v, array('VALUE' => $thread[$n], 'TID' => $thread['tid'])));
                    if ($threadfields[$n]['datatype'] != XTHREADS_DATATYPE_TEXT) {
                        $upperv = strtoupper($v);
                        if ($upperv == '' || $upperv == 'NULL' || $upperv == 'NUL') {
                            $v = null;
                        // TODO: intval/floatval here?
                if ($v !== $thread[$n]) {
                    // we'll do some basic validation for multival fields
                    if (!xthreads_empty($threadfields[$n]['multival'])) {
                        $d = "\n";
                        if ($threadfields[$n]['inputtype'] == XTHREADS_INPUT_TEXT) {
                            $d = ',';
                        $v = array_unique(array_map('trim', explode($d, str_replace("\r", '', $v))));
                        foreach ($v as $key => &$val) {
                            if (xthreads_empty($val)) {
                        $v = implode($d, $v);
                    $updates[$n] = $v;
            if (!empty($updates)) {
                xthreads_db_update_replace('threadfields_data', $updates, 'tid', $thread['tid']);
function xthreads_fix_stats()
    global $cache;
    function &xthreads_fix_stats_read($stats, $hard)
        static $fix = null;
        if (!isset($fix) || $hard) {
            $fix = array('posts' => 0, 'threads' => 0);
            $forums = $GLOBALS['cache']->read('forums', $hard);
            $q = $comma = '';
            foreach ($forums as &$f) {
                if ($f['xthreads_nostatcount']) {
                    $q .= $comma . $f['fid'];
                    $comma = ',';
            // since MyBB doesn't cache forum counters, we have to query for it
            if ($q) {
                global $db;
                $fix = $db->fetch_array($db->simple_select('forums', 'SUM(threads)+SUM(unapprovedthreads) AS threads, SUM(posts)+SUM(unapprovedposts) AS posts', 'fid IN (' . $q . ')'));
        $stats['numposts'] -= $fix['posts'];
        $stats['numthreads'] -= $fix['threads'];
        return $stats;
    control_object($cache, '
		function read($name, $hard=false) {
			if($name != "stats")
				return parent::read($name, $hard);
				return xthreads_fix_stats_read(parent::read($name, $hard), $hard);
function dispname_admin_unlock()
    if (!$GLOBALS['mybb']->input['username']) {
    control_object($GLOBALS['db'], '
		function simple_select($table, $fields="*", $conditions="", $options=array()) {
			static $done = false;
			if(!$done && $table == "users" && $fields == "*") {
				if(substr($conditions, 0, 10) == "username=\'") {
					$conditions = "loginname".substr($conditions, 8);
					$done = true;
				elseif(substr($conditions, 0, 16) == "LOWER(username)=\'") {
					$conditions = "LOWER(loginname)".substr($conditions, 14);
					$done = true;
			return parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);
Exemple #10
function spamalyser_after_post_hook(&$ph)
    global $plugins;
    $plugins->remove_hook('datahandler_post_insert_post', 'spamalyser_after_post_hook');
    $plugins->remove_hook('datahandler_post_insert_thread_post', 'spamalyser_after_post_hook');
    control_object($GLOBALS['db'], '
		function insert_query($table, $array) {
			static $done=false;
			if(!$done && $table == "posts") {
				$pid = parent::insert_query($table, $array);
				_spamalyser_after_post_hook($pid, $this->spamalyser_ph);
				return $pid;
			return parent::insert_query($table, $array);
    $GLOBALS['db']->spamalyser_ph =& $ph;