<?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../functions/users.php"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../functions/contests.php"; $cid = convert_str($_GET["cid"]); $ret["code"] = 1; $ret["msg"] = "Permission denied."; if ($current_user->is_root() || $current_user->match(contest_get_val($cid, "owner")) && !contest_started($cid)) { $ret["code"] = 0; contest_delete($cid); $ret["msg"] = "Contest {$cid} has been successfully deleted."; } echo json_encode($ret);
<h1 class="pagetitle" style="display:none">Status of Contest <?php echo $cid; ?> </h1> <div> <form id="filterform" class="form-inline" method=""> <b>Filter: </b> <label>Username: <input type='text' name='showname' id="showname" placeholder="Username" class="input-small" value='<?php echo $current_user->get_username(); ?> ' /></label> <label>ID: <select type='text' name='showpid' id="showpid" class="input-medium"> <option value=''>All</option> <?php if (contest_started($cid)) { foreach ((array) contest_get_problem_basic($cid) as $row) { ?> <option value='<?php echo $row["lable"]; ?> '><?php echo $row["lable"] . ". " . $row['title']; ?> </option> <?php } } ?> </select> </label>
<?php include_once 'functions/users.php'; include_once 'functions/sidebars.php'; include_once 'functions/contests.php'; $cid = convert_str($_GET["cid"]); if (!contest_started($cid) || !($current_user->is_root() || contest_get_val($cid, "isprivate") == 0 || contest_get_val($cid, "isprivate") == 1 && $current_user->is_in_contest($cid) || contest_get_val($cid, "isprivate") == 2 && contest_get_val($cid, "password") == $_COOKIE[$config["cookie_prefix"] . "contest_pass_{$cid}"])) { ?> <div class="span12"> <p class="alert alert-error">Contest not started or you're not in this contest.</p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="span9"> <h1 class="pagetitle" style="display:none">Clarifications For Contest <?php echo $cid; ?> </h1> <?php if ($current_user->is_root()) { $res = contest_get_all_clarify($cid); } else { $res = contest_get_visible_clarify($cid, convert_str($current_user->get_username())); } foreach ((array) $res as $row) { ?> <h4><?php echo $row["ispublic"] == '0' ? "Private Message" : "Public Message"; ?> </h4>
function contest_get_comparable_list($cid) { global $db, $contest_infos; if (!isset($contest_infos[$cid])) { load_contest_infos($cid); } if (!$contest_infos[$cid]["valid"]) { return false; } if (isset($contest_infos[$cid]["comparable_list"])) { return $contest_infos[$cid]["comparable_list"]; } $allp = $db->escape(contest_get_val($cid, "allp")); if (!contest_started($cid)) { $csql = "select cid from contest where cid = '{$cid}'"; } else { $csql = "select cid from contest where allp = '{$allp}' and start_time < NOW() order by start_time desc"; } foreach ((array) $db->get_results($csql, ARRAY_A) as $value) { $contest_infos[$cid]["comparable_list"][] = $value["cid"]; } return $contest_infos[$cid]["comparable_list"]; }