function form_error($param, $options = array(), $catalogue = 'messages') { $param_for_sf = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('{', '}'), $param); $param = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('[', ']'), $param); $options = _parse_attributes($options); $request = sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest(); $style = $request->hasError($param_for_sf) ? '' : 'display:none;'; $options['style'] = $style . (isset($options['style']) ? $options['style'] : ''); if (!isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_class', 'form_error'); } if (!isset($options['id'])) { $options['id'] = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_id_prefix', 'error_for_') . get_id_from_name($param); } $prefix = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_prefix', ''); if (isset($options['prefix'])) { $prefix = $options['prefix']; unset($options['prefix']); } $suffix = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_suffix', ''); if (isset($options['suffix'])) { $suffix = $options['suffix']; unset($options['suffix']); } $error = $request->getError($param_for_sf, $catalogue); return content_tag('div', $prefix . $error . $suffix, $options) . "\n"; }
public function __toString() { $name = $this->getPropertyValue('namePattern'); $id = $this->getPropertyValue('namePattern'); $imageHTML = tag('img', array('src' => theme_path('images/callout-left.png'), 'title' => 'Click here to edit', 'alt' => 'Edit', 'class' => 'callout dialogInvoker')); $placeholderGetters = $this->getPropertyValue('placeholderGetters'); $id = $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, $this->getPropertyValue('idPattern')); $name = $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, $this->getPropertyValue('namePattern')); $comments = $this->getValue(); $commentExtract = ''; $allComments = ''; // show last comment only if (count($comments) > 0) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { $created = new DateTime($comment->getCreated()); $createdAt = set_datepicker_date_format($created->format('Y-m-d')) . ' ' . $created->format('H:i'); $formatComment = $createdAt . ' ' . $comment->getCreatedByName() . "\n\n" . $comment->getComments(); $allComments = $formatComment . "\n\n" . $allComments; } $lastComment = $comments->getLast(); $commentExtract = $this->trimComment($lastComment->getComments()); } $commentContainerHTML = content_tag('span', $commentExtract, array('id' => $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, 'commentContainer-{id}'))); $hiddenFieldHTML = tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $allComments)); $commentHTML = content_tag('span', $commentContainerHTML . $imageHTML . $hiddenFieldHTML, array('class' => 'commentContainerLong')); if ($this->isHiddenOnCallback()) { return ' '; } return $commentHTML . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); }
function link_to($anchor, $path, $options = array(), $out = true) { if (empty($options['href'])) { $options['href'] = $path; } return content_tag('a', $anchor, $options, $out); }
public function __toString() { $leaveInfo = $this->getValue(); $elementKey = $this->getPropertyValue('elementKey'); $leaveInfoArray = explode("_", $leaveInfo); $leaveTaken = count($leaveInfoArray) > $elementKey ? $leaveInfoArray[$elementKey] : '0.00'; $linkable = $this->getPropertyValue('linkable', false); if ($linkable) { if ($linkable instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator || is_array($linkable)) { list($method, $params) = $linkable; $linkable = call_user_func_array(array($this->dataObject, $method), $params->getRawValue()); $employeeId = $this->dataObject->getEmployeeId(); } else { $linkable = $this->getValue('linkable'); $employeeId = $this->getValue('placeholderGetters'); $employeeId = $employeeId['emp_number']; } } if ($linkable) { $placeholderGetters = $this->getPropertyValue('placeholderGetters'); $urlPattern = $this->getPropertyValue('urlPattern'); if ($employeeId == $this->getValue('loggedUserId')) { $urlPattern = $this->getPropertyValue('altUrlPattern'); } $url = $urlPattern; foreach ($placeholderGetters as $placeholder => $getter) { $placeholderValue = is_array($this->dataObject) ? $this->dataObject[$getter] : $this->dataObject->{$getter}(); $url = preg_replace("/\\{{$placeholder}\\}/", $placeholderValue, $url); } $linkAttributes = array('href' => $url); return content_tag('a', $leaveTaken, $linkAttributes) . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); } else { return $leaveTaken; } }
function my_options_for_select($options = array(), $selected = '', $disabled = '', $html_options = array()) { $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options); if (is_array($selected)) { $selected = array_map('strval', array_values($selected)); } if (is_array($disabled)) { $disabled = array_map('strval', array_values($disabled)); } $html = ''; if ($value = _get_option($html_options, 'include_custom')) { $html .= content_tag('option', $value, array('value' => '')) . "\n"; } else { if (_get_option($html_options, 'include_blank')) { $html .= content_tag('option', '', array('value' => '')) . "\n"; } } foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $html .= content_tag('optgroup', my_options_for_select($value, $selected, $disabled, $html_options), array('label' => $key)) . "\n"; } else { $option_options = array('value' => $key); if (is_array($selected) && in_array(strval($key), $selected, true) || strval($key) == strval($selected)) { $option_options['selected'] = 'selected'; } if (is_array($disabled) && in_array(strval($key), $disabled, true) || strval($key) == strval($disabled)) { $option_options['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } $html .= content_tag('option', $value, $option_options) . "\n"; } } return $html; }
public function __toString() { $linkable = $this->getPropertyValue('linkable', true); if ($linkable instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator || is_array($linkable)) { list($method, $params) = $linkable; $linkable = call_user_func_array(array($this->dataObject, $method), $params->getRawValue()); } if ($linkable) { $placeholderGetters = $this->getPropertyValue('placeholderGetters'); $urlPattern = $this->getPropertyValue('urlPattern'); $url = $urlPattern; foreach ($placeholderGetters as $placeholder => $getter) { $placeholderValue = is_array($this->dataObject) ? $this->dataObject[$getter] : $this->dataObject->{$getter}(); $url = preg_replace("/\\{{$placeholder}\\}/", $placeholderValue, $url); } if (preg_match('/^index.php/', $url)) { sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers('Url'); $url = public_path($url, true); } $linkAttributes = array('href' => $url); if ($this->hasProperty('labelGetter')) { $label = $this->getValue('labelGetter'); } else { $label = $this->getPropertyValue('label', 'Undefined'); } return content_tag('a', $label, $linkAttributes) . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); } else { return $this->toValue() . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); } }
/** * Return the HTML code for an unordered list showing opinions that can be voted (no AJAX) * If the user has already voted, then a message appears * * @param BaseObject $object Propel object instance to vote * @param string $message a message string to be displayed in the voting-message block * @param array $options Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list * @return string **/ function depp_prioritiser($object, $message = '', $options = array()) { if (is_null($object)) { sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be prioritised'); return ''; } $user_id = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId(); try { $options = _parse_attributes($options); if (!isset($options['id'])) { $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'prioritising-items')); } $object_id = $object->getPrioritisableReferenceKey(); $list_content = ''; $object_priority = is_null($object->getPriorityValue()) ? 1 : $object->getPriorityValue(); for ($i = $object->allowsNullPriority() ? 0 : 1; $i <= $object->getMaxPriority(); $i++) { if ($object_priority == $i) { if ($object->getPriorityLastUser() != 0) { $label = sprintf('Priorità impostata da user_id:%d il %s alle %s', $object->getPriorityLastUser(), $object->getPriorityLastUpdate('d/m/Y'), $object->getPriorityLastUpdate('h:i')); } else { $label = 'Priorità di default'; } $list_content .= content_tag('li', content_tag('span', $i, array('title' => $label)), array('class' => 'current')); } else { $label = sprintf(__('Set priority to %d'), $i); $list_content .= content_tag('li', link_to($i, sprintf('deppPrioritising/prioritise?object_id=%d&object_model=%s&priority=%d', $object->getId(), get_class($object), $i), array('title' => $label, 'post' => true))); } } return content_tag('ul', $list_content, $options) . content_tag('div', $message, array('id' => 'priority-message')); } catch (Exception $e) { sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from deppPrioritising helper: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
function lw_link($name = '', $internal_uri = '', $options = array()) { list($lw_options, $html_options) = _lwSplitOptions(_parse_attributes($options)); if (isset($lw_options['lwAddResources'])) { $lw_options['lwAddResources'] ? _lwAddResources() : null; unset($lw_options['lwAddResources']); } else { _lwAddResources(); } if (isset($lw_options['lw_class'])) { $lw_class = $lw_options['lw_class']; unset($lw_options['lw_class']); } else { $lw_class = 'lightwindow'; } if (isset($html_options['class'])) { $html_options['class'] .= ' ' . $lw_class; } else { $html_options['class'] = $lw_class; } if (!empty($lw_options)) { $params = array(); foreach ($lw_options as $option => $value) { $params[] = 'lightwindow_' . $option . '=' . $value; } $html_options['params'] = implode(',', $params); } if ($internal_uri[0] == '#') { $html_options['href'] = $internal_uri; return content_tag('a', $name, $html_options); } return link_to($name, $internal_uri, $html_options); }
function writeRow($list, $keyOr = null) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $val) { $id = str_replace(array('/', '.'), '', $keyOr . $val); ?> <li> <?php if (is_array($val)) { echo $key; writeRow($val, $key . '/'); } else { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="list[]" value="<?php echo $keyOr . $val; ?> " id="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <?php echo content_tag('label', basename($val), array('for' => $id)); ?> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php }
public function __toString() { $defaultOption = $this->getPropertyValue('defaultOption'); $options = $this->getPropertyValue('options', $defaultOption); if ($options instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator || is_array($options)) { list($object, $method, $params) = $options; $object = $object instanceof sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator ? $object->getRawValue() : $object; $params = $params instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator ? $params->getRawValue() : $params; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value === ohrmListConfigurationFactory::RECORD) { $params[$key] = $this->dataObject; } } $options = call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $params); } if ($this->getPropertyValue('hideIfEmpty', false) && empty($options)) { return ' '; } if ($this->isHiddenOnCallback()) { return ' '; } $optionsHTML = content_tag('option', __($defaultOption['label']), array('value' => $defaultOption['value'])) . "\n"; foreach ($options as $value => $label) { $optionsHTML .= content_tag('option', __($label), array('value' => $value)) . "\n"; } $placeholderGetters = $this->getPropertyValue('placeholderGetters'); $id = $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, $this->getPropertyValue('idPattern')); $name = $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, $this->getPropertyValue('namePattern')); $class = $this->generateAttributeValue($placeholderGetters, $this->getPropertyValue('classPattern')); if ($this->getPropertyValue('hideIfEmpty', false) && empty($options)) { return ' '; } $html = content_tag('select', $optionsHTML, array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'class' => $class)); return $html . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); }
function link_to_star($object, $options = array()) { $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser(); if ($user->isAuthenticated()) { $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $has_jquery = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_has_jquery'); if (!$has_jquery) { $response->addJavascript('/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/js/jquery-1.2.2.pack'); } $response->addJavascript('/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/js/sf_star'); $is_starred = $object->isStarred() ? 'sf_star_on' : 'sf_star_off'; $options = _parse_attributes($options); if (isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] .= ' sf_star ' . $is_starred; } else { $options['class'] = 'sf_star ' . $is_starred; } $type = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_type', null); if (!$type || $type == 'image') { $content = $object->isStarred() ? image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_on', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_on.gif')) : image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_off', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_off.gif')); } elseif (isset($options['txt_on']) && isset($options['txt_off'])) { $content = $object->isStarred() ? $options['txt_off'] : $options['txt_on']; } else { $content = $object->isStarred() ? sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_on') : sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_off'); } $model = get_class($object); $id = $object->getPrimaryKey(); return link_to($content, 'sfStar/starit?model=' . $model . '&id=' . $id, $options); // return content_tag('span',link_to($image,'sfStar/starit?model='.$model.'&id='.$id,'class=sf_star')); } else { return content_tag('span', ''); } }
public function getHtml() { $navigationHtml = ''; $navigationHtml .= tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'Back', 'id' => 'ohrmFormNavigatorButton_Back', 'class' => 'plainbtn')); $navigationHtml = content_tag('div', $navigationHtml, array('style' => 'margin: 4px;')); return $navigationHtml . $this->decoratedForm->getHtml(); }
/** * Return the HTML code for an unordered list showing opinions that can be voted (no AJAX) * If the user has already voted, then a message appears * * @param BaseObject $object Propel object instance to vote * @param string $message a message string to be displayed in the voting-message block * @param array $options Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list * @return string **/ function depp_omnibus_selector($object, $message = '', $options = array()) { if (is_null($object)) { sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be flagged as Omnibus'); return ''; } $user_id = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId(); try { $options = _parse_attributes($options); if (!isset($options['id'])) { $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'omnibus-flag')); } $object_is_omnibus = $object->getIsOmnibus(); $object_will_be_omnibus = !$object_is_omnibus; $selector = ''; if ($object_is_omnibus) { $status = "Questo atto è Omnibus"; $label = "Marcalo come non-Omnibus"; } else { $status = "Questo atto non è Omnibus"; $label = "Marcalo come Omnibus"; } $selector .= link_to($label, sprintf('atto/setOmnibusStatus?id=%d&status=%d', $object->getId(), $object_will_be_omnibus), array('post' => true)); return content_tag('div', $status) . content_tag('div', $selector, $options); } catch (Exception $e) { sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from deppOmnibus helper: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
public function __toString() { $linkable = $this->getPropertyValue('linkable', true); if ($linkable instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator || is_array($linkable)) { list($method, $params) = $linkable; $linkable = call_user_func_array(array($this->dataObject, $method), $params->getRawValue()); $employeeId = $this->dataObject->getEmployeeId(); } else { $linkable = $this->getValue('linkable'); $employeeId = $this->getValue('hiddenFieldValueGetter'); } if ($linkable) { $placeholderGetters = $this->getPropertyValue('placeholderGetters'); $urlPattern = $this->getPropertyValue('urlPattern'); if ($employeeId == $this->getValue('loggedUserId')) { $urlPattern = $this->getPropertyValue('altUrlPattern'); } $url = $urlPattern; foreach ($placeholderGetters as $placeholder => $getter) { $placeholderValue = is_array($this->dataObject) ? $this->dataObject[$getter] : $this->dataObject->{$getter}(); $url = preg_replace("/\\{{$placeholder}\\}/", $placeholderValue, $url); } $linkAttributes = array('href' => $url); $employeeName = $this->getValue('labelGetter'); if ($this->getValue('terminatedEmployee')) { $employeeName .= ' (' . __('Past Employee') . ')'; } return content_tag('a', $employeeName, $linkAttributes) . $this->getHiddenFieldHTML(); } else { return $this->toValue(); } }
public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $response->addStylesheet('/sfExtraWidgetsPlugin/css/autocompleter.css'); $autocompleteDiv = content_tag('div', '', array('id' => $this->generateId($name) . '_autocomplete', 'class' => 'autocomplete')); $autocompleteJs = javascript_tag("\n function ac_update_" . $this->generateId($name) . "(text, li)\n {\n \$('" . $this->generateId($name) . "').value =;\n }\n \n new Ajax.Autocompleter(\n '" . $this->generateId($name) . "',\n '" . $this->generateId($name) . '_autocomplete' . "',\n '" . url_for($this->getOption('url')) . "',\n {\n paramName: '" . $this->getOption('param') . "',\n indicator: 'indicator-" . $this->generateId($name) . "',\n minChars: " . $this->getOption('min_chars') . ",\n afterUpdateElement: ac_update_" . $this->generateId($name) . "\n });"); return parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors) . '<span id="indicator-' . $this->generateId($name) . '" style="display: none;"> <img src="/sfExtraWidgetsPlugin/img/ajax-loader.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Loading" /></span>' . $autocompleteDiv . $autocompleteJs; }
/** * Returns a JavaScript tag with the '$content' inside. If no content is passed, it works as the slot() method and will output everythin between * javascript_tag() and end_javascript_tag(), * Example: * <?php echo javascript_tag("alert('All is good')") ?> * => <script type="text/javascript">alert('All is good')</script> * <?php javascript_tag() ?>alert('All is good')<?php end_javascript_tag() ?> */ function javascript_tag($content = null) { if (!is_null($content)) { return content_tag('script', javascript_cdata_section($content), array('type' => 'text/javascript')); } else { ob_start(); } }
function page_title($title, $tag = 'h1', $echo = true) { $sf_response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); $sf_response->setTitle(strip_tags($title)); if ($echo) { echo $tag ? content_tag($tag, $title) : $title; } return $title; }
/** * Returns a JavaScript tag with the '$content' inside. If no content is passed, it works as the slot() method and will output everythin between * javascript_tag() and end_javascript_tag(), * Example: * <?php echo javascript_tag("alert('All is good')") ?> * => <script type="text/javascript">alert('All is good')</script> * <?php javascript_tag() ?>alert('All is good')<?php end_javascript_tag() ?> */ function javascript_tag($content = null) { if (null !== $content) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/TagHelper.php'; return content_tag('script', javascript_cdata_section($content), array('type' => 'text/javascript')); } else { ob_start(); } }
function javascript_include_tag() { $html = ''; foreach (func_get_args() as $source) { $source = system_url($source); $html .= content_tag('script', '', array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => $source)) . "\n"; } return $html; }
public function folder_options() { $options = content_tag("option", "Your Folder", array("value" => $this->base_dir)); foreach ($this->get_folders(PUBLIC_DIR . $this->base_dir) as $folder) { $path = str_replace(PUBLIC_DIR, "", $folder["path"]); $options .= content_tag("option", " " . $folder["name"], array("value" => $path)); } return $options; }
function button_to_modal_box_preview($name, $id_formulario, $informe) { use_helper('Javascript'); $js = "\n function preview_informe()\n {\n'" . url_for('informes/preview?id_informe=' . $informe->getPrimaryKey()) . "', {title: '" . __('Vista preliminar del informe') . "', width: 700});\n }"; $html = content_tag('script', $js, array('type' => 'text/javascript')); $html .= button_to_function($name, 'preview_informe();', array('class' => 'sf_action_show', 'submit' => $id_formulario)); $html .= "\n"; return $html; }
/** * Returns a link that will trigger a javascript function using the * onclick handler and return TRUE OR FALSE after the fact * depending on the $html_options['return'] parameter. * This attribute is removed before we use the default content_tag helper. * * Examples: * <?php echo link_to_function('Greeting', "alert('Hello world!')", array('return'=>true)) ?> * <?php echo link_to_function(image_tag('delete'), "if confirm('Really?'){ do_delete(); }") ?> */ function ls_link_to_function($name, $function, $html_options = array()) { $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options); $html_options['href'] = isset($html_options['href']) ? $html_options['href'] : '#'; $html_options['onclick'] = $function . '; return '; $html_options['onclick'] .= isset($html_options['return']) && $html_options['return'] == true ? 'true;' : 'false;'; unset($html_options['return']); return content_tag('a', $name, $html_options); }
public function __toString() { $statusDiffer = $this->dataObject->isStatusDiffer(); if ($statusDiffer) { return content_tag('a', __('Go to Detailed View'), array('href' => url_for('leave/viewLeaveRequest?id=' . $this->dataObject->getId()))); } else { return parent::__toString(); } }
function antispam_email_tag($emailaddress, $content = null, $options = array()) { $options = _parse_attributes($options); $options['href'] = 'mailto:' . $emailaddress; if ($content === null) { $content = $emailaddress; } return antispam_js_encrypt(content_tag('a', $content, $options), rand(-8, 5)); }
function test_content_tag() { $this->assertEqual('<a href="create" class="test">Create</a>', content_tag("a", "Create", array('href' => 'create', 'class' => 'test'))); $this->assertEqual('<textarea><br/></textarea>', content_tag("textarea", "<br/>", NULL, false)); $this->assertEqual('<textarea><br/></textarea>', content_tag("textarea", "<br/>", NULL, true)); $this->assertEqual('<br class="break"/>', content_tag("br", NULL, array('class' => 'break'))); $this->assertEqual('<select multiple></select>', content_tag("select", "", array('multiple' => true))); $this->assertEqual('<select multiple></select>', content_tag("select", "", array('multiple' => 'multiple'))); $this->assertEqual('<select multiple></select>', content_tag("select", "", array('multiple' => ''))); }
public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array()) { $id = $this->generateId($name); if (isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] .= ' w-theme-editor-color'; } else { $attributes['class'] = ' w-theme-editor-color'; } return content_tag('span', parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors) . content_tag('span', image_tag('/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/famfamfam/silk/shading.png'), array('class' => 'w-clickable w-theme-editor-transparent', 'data-target' => $id)) . content_tag('span', image_tag('/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/famfamfam/silk/delete.png'), array('class' => 'w-clickable w-theme-editor-delete', 'data-target' => $id))); }
function ajax_feedback($inline = false) { $afs = sfConfig::get('app_ajax_feedback_div_name_success'); $aff = sfConfig::get('app_ajax_feedback_div_name_failure'); $indicator = content_tag('div', __(' loading...'), array('id' => 'indicator', 'style' => 'display:none;')); $style = $inline ? sfConfig::get('app_ajax_feedback_div_style_inline') : sfConfig::get('app_ajax_feedback_div_style_absolute'); $ajax_success_feedback = content_tag('div', '', array('id' => $afs, 'class' => $style, 'style' => 'display:none;')); $ajax_failure_feedback = content_tag('div', '', array('id' => $aff, 'class' => $style, 'style' => 'display:none;')); return $indicator . $ajax_success_feedback . $ajax_failure_feedback; }
public function getSlotValue($slot, $settings) { sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers('sfAsset'); $asset_id = $slot->getOption('asset_id', null, $settings['culture']); $asset = empty($asset_id) ? new sfAsset() : sfAssetPeer::retrieveFromUrl($asset_id); if (!$asset) { $asset = new sfAsset(); } return asset_image_tag($asset, $asset->isNew() ? 'small' : 'full') . ($asset->getDescription() != '' ? content_tag('span', $asset->getDescription(), 'class=desc') : null); }
/** * gButton * Returns a Google Styled Button (<button/> or <a/>); * * @author Carlos Escribano * * @param string Button text * @param array Classic HTML options * @param array Button options * * Button options: * - button: boolean; if true uses a button tag (<button/>) * - primary: boolean; if true the text appears bolded * - pill: left|center|right; Button belongs to a group with "pill" (<button/> buttons). */ function gButton($text, $html_options = null, $button_options = array()) { $class = array('btn'); $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options); $button_options = _parse_attributes($button_options); if (isset($button_options['button']) && $button_options['button'] == true) { $tag = 'button'; if (!isset($html_options['type'])) { $html_options['type'] = 'button'; } } elseif (isset($html_options['type'])) { $tag = 'button'; } else { $tag = 'a'; } if (isset($button_options['pill'])) { $old = $tag; $tag = 'button'; switch ($button_options['pill']) { case 'left': $class[] = 'pill-l'; break; case 'center': $class[] = 'pill-c'; break; case 'right': $class[] = 'pill-r'; break; default: $tag = $old; break; } } if (isset($button_options['primary']) && $button_options['primary'] == true) { $class[] = 'primary'; } if (isset($html_options['class'])) { $class = array_merge($class, (array) $html_options['class']); } $html_options['class'] = implode(' ', $class); if (isset($html_options['href'])) { if ($tag != 'button') { $html_options['href'] = url_for($html_options['href']); } else { $html_options['onclick'] = "document.location.href='" . url_for($html_options['href']) . "';"; $html_options['href'] = '#'; } } else { if (isset($html_options['onclick']) && $tag == 'a') { $html_options['href'] = '#'; } } $html = content_tag($tag, content_tag('span', content_tag('span', $text)), $html_options); return $html; }
/** * Returns a <script> include tag per source given as argument. * * <b>Examples:</b> * <code> * echo javascript_include_tag('xmlhr'); * => <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/xmlhr.js"></script> * echo javascript_include_tag('common.javascript', '/elsewhere/cools'); * => <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/common.javascript"></script> * <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="/elsewhere/cools.js"></script> * </code> * * @param string asset names * @return string XHTML compliant <script> tag(s) * @see javascript_path */ function javascript_include_tag() { $sources = func_get_args(); $sourceOptions = func_num_args() > 1 && is_array($sources[func_num_args() - 1]) ? array_pop($sources) : array(); $html = ''; foreach ($sources as $source) { $options = array_merge(array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => $source), $sourceOptions); $html .= ' ' . content_tag('script', '', $options) . "\n"; } return $html; }