Exemple #1
/** @fn		IPP_Log($szMsg='', $username="******", $level='ERROR',$student_id='')
 *  @brief  Puts log entry in MySQL database
 *  @detail	Currently only logs errors; Warnings and Information don't have complete code.
 * @param string $szMsg
 * @param string $username
 * @param string $level
 * @param string $student_id
 * @return void|boolean
 * @todo
 * 1. Rename as function that *puts* information in the database
function IPP_Log($szMsg = '', $username = "******", $level = 'ERROR', $student_id = '')
    //Error Handler
    switch ($level) {
        case 'WARNING':
        case 'INFORMATIONAL':
        case 'ERROR':
            if (!connectIPPDB()) {
                //crappy...but...oh well.
            $log_query = "INSERT INTO error_log (level,username,time,message,student_id) VALUES ('{$level}','{$username}',now(),'" . mysql_real_escape_string($szMsg) . "',";
            if ($student_id == "") {
                $log_query = $log_query . "NULL";
            } else {
                $log_query = $log_query . "'{$student_id}'";
            $log_query = $log_query . ")";
            $log_result = mysql_query($log_query);
            //don't care about the result...if she don't log, she don't log.
            if (!$log_result) {
                echo "log error: " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query= " . $log_query . "<BR>";
    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
/** @fn			getNumUsersOnline()
 *  @brief		gets count of logged-in support_members
 *  @detail		Returns NULL on failure
 *  @todo		See where this function is called; perhaps move to a better place
function getNumUsersOnline()
    //returns the number of users in support_member tables
    //or NULL on fail.
    global $error_message;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this - todo: make this a why? comment
        return NULL;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM logged_in WHERE 1=1";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    return mysql_num_rows($result);
Exemple #3
function parse_submission()
    if (!$_POST['first_name']) {
        return "You must supply a first name<BR>";
    if (!$_POST['last_name']) {
        return "You must supply a last name<BR>";
    //check that date is the correct pattern...
    $regexp = '/^\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d?-\\d\\d?$/';
    if (!preg_match($regexp, $_POST['birthday'])) {
        return "Birthday must be in YYYY-MM-DD format<BR>";
    if (!preg_match($regexp, $_POST['at_school_since'])) {
        return "At School Since must be in YYYY-MM-DD format<BR>";
    //if(!$_POST['prov_ed_num']) return "You must supply a Provincial Education Number<BR>";
    //if(!$_POST['ab_ed_code']) return "You must supply an Alberta Education Coding Value<BR>";
    //check duplicate prov ed number...
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        $system_message = $error_message;
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    if ($_POST['prov_ed_num'] != "") {
        $duplicate_query = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE prov_ed_num='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['prov_ed_num']) . "'";
        $duplicate_result = mysql_query($duplicate_query);
        if (mysql_num_rows($duplicate_result) > 0) {
            $duplicate_row = mysql_fetch_array($duplicate_result);
            return "Duplicate Provincial Education Number (name:" . $duplicate_row['first_name'] . " " . $duplicate_row['last_name'] . "),<BR>This student probably already exists in the database<BR>";
    //$duplicate_query = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE ab_ed_code='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ab_ed_code']) ."'";
    //$duplicate_result= mysql_query($duplicate_query);
    //if(mysql_num_rows($duplicate_result) > 0) {$duplicate_row = mysql_fetch_array($duplicate_result);return "Duplicate Alberta Education Code Number (name:" . $duplicate_row['first_name'] . " " . $duplicate_row['last_name'] ."),<BR>This student probably already exists in the database<BR>"; }
    return NULL;
function getSupportMembers()
    global $error_message, $iLimit, $iCur, $student_id;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $system_message = $system_message . $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    // LEFT JOIN area_list ON support_list.uid=area_list.support_list_uid LEFT JOIN area_type ON area_list.area_type_id=area_type.area_type_id
    // original $query = "SELECT * FROM support_list where student_id=" . $student_id . " ORDER BY egps_username ASC LIMIT $iCur,$iLimit";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM support_list where student_id=" . $student_id . " ORDER BY egps_username ASC";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    return $result;
function getLogTotals()
    global $error_message, $iLimit, $iCur, $szLevel;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    if ($szLevel == "ALL") {
        $log_query = "SELECT * FROM error_log WHERE 1=1";
    } else {
        $log_query = "SELECT * FROM error_log WHERE level='{$szLevel}'";
    $log_result = mysql_query($log_query);
    if (!$log_result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$log_query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    return mysql_num_rows($log_result);
Exemple #6
/** @fn 		getStudentPermission($student_id='')
 *  @brief		Determines user's access to specific student's records
 *  @detail
 *  1. Returns error or null under some circumstances.
 *  2. Otherwise, may return NONE,ERROR,READ,WRITE(READ,WRITE),ASSIGN(READ,WRITE,ASSIGN),ALL(READ,WRITE,ASSIGN,DELETE), or support_list['permission'] or NONE for no permissions.		
 * @param string $student_id
 * @return string|NULL|Ambigous
 * @todo	
 * 1. Rename function because it is a confusing name
 * 2. It can start with get_. Separate words with underscores. Perhaps get_access_to_student_record().
function getStudentPermission($student_id = '')
    //or support_list['permission'] or NONE for no permissions.
    global $error_message, $mysql_user_select_login, $mysql_user_select_password, $mysql_user_table, $mysql_user_append_to_login;
    $error_message = "";
    $permission_level = getPermissionLevel($_SESSION['egps_username']);
    if ($permission_level == NULL) {
        return "ERROR";
    //find the currently logged in persons school code...
    if (!connectUserDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        return "ERROR";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$mysql_user_table} WHERE (" . $mysql_user_select_login . "='" . $_SESSION['egps_username'] . $mysql_user_append_to_login . "' or " . $mysql_user_select_login . "='" . $_SESSION['egps_username'] . "') and " . $mysql_user_select_password . "='" . $_SESSION['password'] . "' AND aliased_name IS NULL";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$query}'<BR>";
        return "ERROR";
    $user_row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $school_code = $user_row['school_code'];
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        return "ERROR";
    //check if this staff member is local to this student...
    $local_query = "SELECT * FROM school_history WHERE student_id={$student_id} AND school_code='{$school_code}' AND end_date IS NULL";
    $local_result = mysql_query($local_query);
    //ignore errors...
    $is_local_student = FALSE;
    if ($local_result && mysql_num_rows($local_result) > 0) {
        $is_local_student = TRUE;
    //Special case we are the school-based IPP administrator
    //get our school code
    $error_message = "";
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $error_message = $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        return NULL;
    $system_query = "SELECT * from support_member WHERE egps_username='******'egps_username'] . "'";
    $system_result = mysql_query($system_query);
    if (!$system_result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$system_query}'<BR>";
        return "ERROR";
    } else {
        $system_row = mysql_fetch_array($system_result);
        if ($is_local_student && $system_row['is_local_ipp_administrator'] == 'Y') {
            return "ASSIGN";
    //base our permission on the level we're assigned.
    switch ($permission_level) {
        case 0:
            //Super Admin
        //Super Admin
        case 10:
            return "ALL";
        case 30:
            //Principal (assign local) special case
            //fall through and return ALL for local students.
        //Principal (assign local) special case
        //fall through and return ALL for local students.
        case 20:
            //Assistant Admin. (view all) special case
            //fall through and return at least read...
        //Assistant Admin. (view all) special case
        //fall through and return at least read...
        case 40:
            //Vice Principal (view local)
        //Vice Principal (view local)
            //we need to find the permissions from the support list
            //as this user has no inherent permissions...
            $support_query = "SELECT * FROM support_list WHERE egps_username='******'egps_username'] . "' AND student_id={$student_id}";
            $support_result = mysql_query($support_query);
            //if(mysql_num_rows($support_result) <= 0) {
            switch ($permission_level) {
                case 30:
                case 40:
                    //changed as per s. chomistek (2006-03-23)
                    if ($is_local_student) {
                        return "ASSIGN";
                    } else {
                        return "NONE";
                case 20:
                    //Asst admin special case of read for all
                    if ($is_local_student) {
                        return "ASSIGN";
                    } else {
                        return "READ";
                    //case 40: //vp special case read local
                    //   if($is_local_student) return "READ";
                    //else return "NONE";
                //case 40: //vp special case read local
                //   if($is_local_student) return "READ";
                //else return "NONE";
                    //return "NONE";
            //} //else {
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($support_result);
            if ($row['permission'] != '') {
                return $row['permission'];
            return "NONE";
Exemple #7
function getStudents()
    global $error_message, $permission_level, $system_message, $IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_LOCAL_STUDENTS, $IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_STUDENTS, $iLimit, $iCur, $szSchool, $szTotalStudents;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $system_message = $system_message . $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    //do a subquery to find our school code...easier than messing with the ugly
    //query below...
    $school_code_query = "SELECT school_code FROM support_member WHERE egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "'";
    $school_code_result = mysql_query($school_code_query);
    if (!$school_code_result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$school_code_query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    $school_code_row = mysql_fetch_array($school_code_result);
    $school_code = $school_code_row['school_code'];
    $student_query = "SELECT DISTINCT student.student_id,last_name,first_name FROM student LEFT JOIN support_list ON student.student_id = support_list.student_id LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id WHERE ((support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND support_list.student_id IS NOT NULL)";
    //prior to april 20/06: $student_query = "SELECT DISTINCT student.student_id,last_name,first_name FROM student LEFT JOIN support_list ON student.student_id = support_list.student_id LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id WHERE ((support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND support_list.student_id IS NOT NULL)";
    //prior to march 18/06: $student_query = "SELECT DISTINCT student.student_id,last_name,first_name,school_history.school_code,school.* FROM student LEFT JOIN support_list ON student.student_id = support_list.student_id LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id LEFT JOIN school ON school_history.school_code=school.school_code WHERE (support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND support_list.student_id IS NOT NULL) OR (";
    if ($IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_STUDENTS >= $permission_level) {
        //orig 2006-04-20: $student_query = $student_query . " OR (end_date IS NOT NULL)";
        $student_query = $student_query . " OR (student.student_id IS NOT NULL)";
    $student_query .= ") AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT student.student_id,last_name,first_name FROM school_history WHERE school_history.student_id=student.student_id AND school_history.end_date IS NULL)";
    $student_query_limit = $student_query . " ORDER BY student.last_name ASC LIMIT {$iCur},{$iLimit}";
    $student_result_limit = mysql_query($student_query_limit);
    if (!$student_result_limit) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$student_query_limit}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    //$system_message = $system_message . "rows returned: " . mysql_num_rows($student_result_limit) . "<BR>";
    //$system_message = $system_message . $student_query_limit . "<BR>";
    //find the totals...
    $student_result_total = mysql_query($student_query);
    if (!$student_result_total) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$student_query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    $szTotalStudents = mysql_num_rows($student_result_total);
    $system_message = $system_message . "Number of archived students: {$szTotalStudents}<BR>";
    $system_message = $system_message . "(Showing: " . mysql_num_rows($student_result_limit) . ")<BR>";
    //$system_message = $system_message . "<BR>$student_query<BR><BR>";
    return $student_result_limit;
Exemple #8
/** @fn 	getStudents()
 *  @brief	Gets a count of students from the database that go to a member
 *  @return NULL|resource
 *  @todo	get_student_count()
function getStudents()
    global $error_message, $IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_LOCAL_STUDENTS, $permission_level, $system_message, $IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_STUDENTS, $iLimit, $iCur, $szSchool, $szTotalStudents;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $system_message = $system_message . $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    //do a subquery to find our school code...easier than messing with the ugly
    //query below...
    $school_code_query = "SELECT school_code FROM support_member WHERE egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "'";
    $school_code_result = mysql_query($school_code_query);
    if (!$school_code_result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$school_code_query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    $school_code_row = mysql_fetch_array($school_code_result);
    $school_code = $school_code_row['school_code'];
    //$student_query = "SELECT student.student_id,last_name,first_name,school_history.school_code,school.* FROM student LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id LEFT JOIN school ON school_history.school_code=school.school_code WHERE end_date IS NULL ";
    $student_query = "SELECT DISTINCT student.student_id,last_name,first_name,school_history.school_code,school.* FROM student LEFT JOIN support_list ON student.student_id = support_list.student_id LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id LEFT JOIN school ON school_history.school_code=school.school_code WHERE ((support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND school_history.end_date IS NULL AND support_list.student_id IS NOT NULL) OR (";
    //prior to march 18/06: $student_query = "SELECT DISTINCT student.student_id,last_name,first_name,school_history.school_code,school.* FROM student LEFT JOIN support_list ON student.student_id = support_list.student_id LEFT JOIN school_history ON student.student_id=school_history.student_id LEFT JOIN school ON school_history.school_code=school.school_code WHERE (support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND support_list.student_id IS NOT NULL) OR (";
    if (!($IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_STUDENTS >= $permission_level)) {
        //$IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_LOCAL_STUDENTS >= $permission_level) {
        $student_query = $student_query . "school_history.school_code='{$school_code}' AND ";
        //prior to 2006-03-21: $student_query = $student_query . "school_history.school_code='$school_code' AND ";
        if ($IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_LOCAL_STUDENTS < $permission_level) {
            //$system_message .= "debug: permission level: $IPP_MIN_VIEW_LIST_ALL_LOCAL_STUDENTS < $permission_level<BR><BR>";
            $student_query .= "support_list.egps_username='******'egps_username']) . "' AND ";
        $student_query .= "end_date IS NULL) ";
    } else {
        $student_query = $student_query . "end_date IS NULL) ";
    if (isset($_GET['SEARCH'])) {
        switch ($_GET['field']) {
            case 'last_name':
                $student_query = $student_query . "AND student.last_name LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['szSearchVal']) . "' ";
            case 'first_name':
                $student_query = $student_query . "AND student.first_name LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['szSearchVal']) . "' ";
            case 'last_name':
                $student_query = $student_query . "AND student.last_name LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['szSearchVal']) . "' ";
            case 'school_name':
                $student_query = $student_query . "AND school.school_name LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['szSearchVal']) . "' ";
            case 'school_code':
                $student_query = $student_query . "AND school_history.school_code LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['szSearchVal']) . "' ";
    //added 2006-04-20: to prevent null school histories from showing up as active.
    $student_query .= ") AND EXISTS (SELECT school_history.student_id FROM school_history WHERE school_history.student_id=student.student_ID) ";
    //end added 2006-04-20
    $student_query_limit = $student_query . "ORDER BY school_history.school_code,student.last_name ASC LIMIT {$iCur},{$iLimit}";
    $student_result_limit = mysql_query($student_query_limit);
    if (!$student_result_limit) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$student_query_limit}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    //$system_message = $system_message . "debug: " . $student_query_limit . "<BR>";
    //find the totals...
    $student_result_total = mysql_query($student_query);
    if (!$student_result_total) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$student_query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    $szTotalStudents = mysql_num_rows($student_result_total);
    return $student_result_limit;
function getUsers()
    global $error_message, $iLimit, $iCur, $bShowNav, $system_message;
    if (!connectIPPDB()) {
        $system_message = $system_message . $error_message;
        //just to remember we need this
        IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    if (!isset($_GET['username'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['showall'])) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM support_member LEFT JOIN school ON support_member.school_code=school.school_code where 1=1 ORDER BY egps_username ASC";
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM support_member LEFT JOIN school ON support_member.school_code=school.school_code where 1=1 ORDER BY egps_username ASC LIMIT {$iCur},{$iLimit}";
            $bShowNav = TRUE;
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM support_member LEFT JOIN school ON support_member.school_code=school.school_code WHERE egps_username LIKE '" . $_GET['username'] . "' ORDER BY egps_username ASC";
    if (isset($_GET['index'])) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM support_member LEFT JOIN school on support_member.school_code=school.school_code WHERE ASCII(LOWER(egps_username)) >= ASCII('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['index']) . "') ORDER BY egps_username ASC LIMIT {$iLimit}";
        //do some moronic thing to find our index- were I not so lazy I'd find a more elegant method.
        $get_index_query = "SELECT * FROM support_member LEFT JOIN school on support_member.school_code=school.school_code WHERE ASCII(LOWER(egps_username)) < ASCII('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['index']) . "')";
        $get_index_result = mysql_query($get_index_query);
        if ($get_index_result) {
            $iCur = mysql_num_rows($get_index_result);
        } else {
            $system_message .= "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$get_index_query}'<BR>";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        $error_message = "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$query}'<BR>";
        return NULL;
    return $result;
//$iNumResults = mysql_num_rows($egps_username_result);
//if($iNumResults > 50) {
//    $system_message = "";
//    $system_message = "Your selection yielded $iNumResults names. Please try to refine your search";
//   require (IPP_PATH . "superuser_new_member.php");
//   exit();
//if($iNumResults <= 0) {
//    $system_message = "";
//    $system_message = "Your selection yielded $iNumResults names.";
//    require (IPP_PATH . "superuser_new_member.php");
//    exit();
//get the permission levels from db
if (!connectIPPDB()) {
    $error_message = $error_message;
    //just to remember we need this
    $system_message = $error_message;
    IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
$permission_query = "SELECT * FROM permission_levels WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY level DESC ";
$permission_result = mysql_query($permission_query);
if (!$permission_result) {
    $error_message = $error_message . "Database query failed (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "): " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Query: '{$permission_query}'<BR>";
    $system_message = $system_message . $error_message;
    IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
$school_query = "SELECT * FROM school WHERE 1=1";
$school_result = mysql_query($school_query);
if (!$school_result) {