Exemple #1
// Id du troll connecté
if (!isDbAdministration() && !isGGT()) {
    die("<h1><font color=black><b>Vous n'avez pas accès à cette page</b></font></h1");
include_once '../inc_connect.php3';
foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $champ => $value) {
    $tab = explode("_", $champ);
    if ($tab[0] == "res" && is_numeric($value)) {
        $result = reserverForce($tab[1], $value, $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
    } else {
        if ($tab[0] == "deres") {
            $result = dereserver($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
        } else {
            if ($tab[0] == "conf") {
                $result = confirmer($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
            } else {
                if ($tab[0] == "deconf") {
                    $result = deconfirmer($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
                } else {
                    if ($tab[0] == "bloq") {
                        $result = bloquer($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
                    } else {
                        if ($tab[0] == "debloq") {
                            $result = debloquer($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
                        } else {
                            if ($tab[0] == "cach") {
                                $result = cacher($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
                            } else {
                                if ($tab[0] == "decach") {
                                    $result = decacher($tab[1], $HTTP_POST_VARS['no_troll']);
$new_fin = getpost_variable('new_fin');
$new_demi_jour_fin = getpost_variable('new_demi_jour_fin');
$new_comment = getpost_variable('new_comment');
//conversion des dates
$new_debut = convert_date($new_debut);
$new_fin = convert_date($new_fin);
if ($_SESSION['config']['disable_saise_champ_nb_jours_pris']) {
    $new_nb_jours = compter($user_login, $p_num_to_update, $new_debut, $new_fin, $new_demi_jour_deb, $new_demi_jour_fin, $new_comment, $DEBUG);
} else {
    $new_nb_jours = getpost_variable('new_nb_jours');
echo '<h1>' . _('user_modif_demande_titre') . '</h1>';
if ($p_num != "") {
    confirmer($p_num, $onglet, $DEBUG);
} else {
    if ($p_num_to_update != "") {
        modifier($p_num_to_update, $new_debut, $new_demi_jour_deb, $new_fin, $new_demi_jour_fin, $new_nb_jours, $new_comment, $p_etat, $onglet, $DEBUG);
    } else {
        // renvoit sur la page principale .
        redirect(ROOT_PATH . 'utilisateur/user_index.php', false);
function confirmer($p_num, $onglet, $DEBUG = FALSE)
    $session = session_id();
version 2 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
defined('_PHP_CONGES') or die('Restricted access');
$group = getpost_variable('group');
$group_to_delete = getpost_variable('group_to_delete');
echo "<H1>" . _('admin_suppr_groupe_titre') . "</H1>\n";
if ($group != "") {
    confirmer($group, $onglet, $DEBUG);
} elseif ($group_to_delete != "") {
    suppression_group($group_to_delete, $DEBUG);
} else {
    // renvoit sur la page principale .
    redirect(ROOT_PATH . 'admin/admin_index.php?session=' . $session . '&onglet=admin-group', false);
/**********  FONCTIONS  ***************************************************************/
function confirmer($group, $onglet, $DEBUG = FALSE)
    $session = session_id();
    /* Groupe en cours */
defined('_PHP_CONGES') or die('Restricted access');
// recup des parametres reçus :
$u_login = getpost_variable('u_login');
$u_login_to_delete = getpost_variable('u_login_to_delete');
if ($u_login != "") {
    $login_titre = $u_login;
} elseif ($u_login_to_delete != "") {
    $login_titre = $u_login_to_delete;
echo "<H1>" . _('admin_suppr_user_titre') . " : {$login_titre} .</H1>\n\n";
if ($u_login != "") {
    confirmer($u_login, $onglet, $DEBUG);
} elseif ($u_login_to_delete != "") {
    suppression($u_login_to_delete, $DEBUG);
    redirect(ROOT_PATH . 'admin/admin_index.php?session=' . $session . '&onglet=admin-users', false);
} else {
    // renvoit sur la page principale .
    redirect(ROOT_PATH . 'admin/admin_index.php?session=' . $session . '&onglet=admin-users', false);
/**********  FONCTIONS  ***************************************************************/
function confirmer($u_login, $onglet, $DEBUG = FALSE)
    $session = session_id();