public static function init() { if (self::$lang === null) { self::$lang = conf_get('cms.lang', 'en'); } if (self::$data === null) { self::$data = array(); $dir = new DirectoryIterator(CMS . 'locales'); foreach ($dir as $fileInfo) { if (!$fileInfo->isDot() && !$fileInfo->isDir() && preg_match('/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+)\\.([a-z]+)\\.php$/', $fileInfo->getFileName(), $mt)) { if (!array_key_exists($mt[1], self::$data)) { self::$data[$mt[1]] = array(); } self::$data[$mt[1]] += (require_once $fileInfo->getPathName()); } } } }
protected function send_mail_smtp($from_email, $from, $to, $subject, $hdr, $body) { $host = (conf_get('mail.smtp.ssl') ? 'ssl://' : '') . conf_get(''); $sock = fsockopen($host, conf_get('mail.smtp.port'), $errno, $errstr, conf_get('mail.smtp.timeout')); if (!$sock) { return "SMTP: {$errstr} ({$errno})"; } $this->get_smtp_response($sock); // get dummy response $hostname = _SERVER('SERVER_NAME', 'localhost'); $this->smtp_puts($sock, 'EHLO ' . $hostname . "\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 250) { $this->smtp_puts($sock, 'HELO ' . $hostname . "\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 250) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while sending HELO request'; } } if (strlen(conf_get('mail.smtp.user'))) { $this->smtp_puts($sock, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 334) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging AUTH LOGIN request'; } $this->smtp_puts($sock, base64_encode(conf_get('mail.smtp.user')) . "\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 334) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging AUTH LOGIN request (username not accepted)'; } $this->smtp_puts($sock, base64_encode(conf_get('mail.smtp.pass')) . "\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 235) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging AUTH LOGIN request (invalid password)'; } } $this->smtp_puts($sock, 'MAIL FROM: <' . $from_email . ">\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 250) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging MAIL FROM request'; } $this->smtp_puts($sock, 'RCPT TO: <' . $to . ">\r\n"); $code = $this->get_smtp_response_code($sock); if ($code != 250 && $code != 251) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging RCPT TO request'; } $this->smtp_puts($sock, "DATA\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 354) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging DATA request'; } $hdr .= 'Subject: ' . $subject . "\r\n"; $hdr .= "\r\n"; $this->send_smtp_data($sock, $hdr, true); $this->send_smtp_data($sock, $body, false); $this->smtp_puts($sock, "\r\n.\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 250) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging DATA request (data not accepted)'; } $this->smtp_puts($sock, "QUIT\r\n"); if ($this->get_smtp_response_code($sock) != 221) { fclose($sock); return 'SMTP: error while senging QUIT request'; } fclose($sock); return ''; }
protected function install($module) { $node = Node::get_node('site'); if (!$node) { $this->message('Creating root node'); Node::create_node(Node::Folder, 'site', conf_get('sitename'), Node::Visible | Node::System); } else { $this->message('Updating root node'); $node->title = conf_get('sitename'); $node->save(); } if ($module) { $this->call_module_method($module, 'module_install', 'Installing'); return; } if (!($dh = opendir(CMS . 'modules/'))) { $this->message('"' . CMS . 'modules/" not found'); return; } $avail_modules = array(); while (($module = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (!is_dir(CMS . "modules/{$module}") || !is_readable(CMS . "modules/{$module}/admin.php")) { continue; } require_once CMS . "modules/{$module}/admin.php"; $class_name = Cms::capitalize_words($module) . 'AdminModule'; if (!is_callable(array($class_name, 'module_install'))) { continue; } $before = array(); $after = array(); if (is_callable(array($class_name, '_before'))) { $before = call_user_func(array($class_name, '_before')); if (!is_array($before)) { $before = array($before); } } if (is_callable(array($class_name, '_after'))) { $after = call_user_func(array($class_name, '_after')); if (!is_array($after)) { $after = array($after); } } $avail_modules[$module] = array('class' => $class_name, 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after); } closedir($dh); foreach ($avail_modules as $mod_name => $item) { foreach ($item['after'] as $name) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $avail_modules)) { $this->message("\"{$mod_name}\" depends on \"{$name}\", but \"{$name}\" not found"); return; } } } foreach ($avail_modules as $mod_name => $item) { foreach ($item['before'] as $name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $avail_modules)) { if (!in_array($mod_name, $avail_modules[$name]['after'])) { $avail_modules[$name]['after'][] = $mod_name; } } } } $modules_list = array(); $modules_hash = array(); for (;;) { $has_changes = false; $has_modules = false; foreach ($avail_modules as $mod_name => $item) { if (array_key_exists($mod_name, $modules_hash)) { continue; } $has_modules = true; $can_insert = true; foreach ($item['after'] as $name) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $modules_hash)) { $can_insert = false; break; } } if (!$can_insert) { continue; } $class_name = $item['class']; $modules_hash[$mod_name] = true; $modules_list[] = $mod_name; $has_changes = true; } if (!$has_modules) { break; } if (!$has_changes) { $this->message("Can't resolve modules dependencies"); return; } } foreach ($modules_list as $module) { $this->call_module_method($module, 'module_install', 'Installing'); } }
/** * Saves upload files from their temporal path to the configured one * * @author Basilio Briceno <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU LGPL * @param string $input_name If not set it will try to save everything in _FILES * @param array $filter_rule Example: type => pdf, size => 1024 * @return boolean Returns TRUE if file saved, FALSE if error */ function tf_fileup_save($input_name = 'all', $filter_rule = false) { $path = realpath('.') . '/' . conf_get('default', 'uploads'); // check if _FILES contains an element if (count($_FILES) < 1) { tf_error('[Upload] No files to save'); return false; } else { // save everything in _FILES if ($input_name == 'all') { foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) { // check file size if ($file['size'] > 1) { $save_flag = true; if ($filter_rule) { $save_flag = tf_fileup_filter($key, $filter_rule); } if ($save_flag) { // try to copy file to destination if (!@copy($file['tmp_name'], $path . $file['name'])) { tf_error('[Upload] Cannot write (' . $input_name . ') into ' . $path); } tf_log('Upload: File (' . $file['name'] . ') written into ' . $path); } unset($save_flag); } } } // check file existance if (!isset($_FILES[$input_name])) { tf_error('[Upload] Required input (' . $input_name . ') not found'); return false; } else { // check file size if ($_FILES[$input_name]['size'] > 1) { $save_flag = true; if ($filter_rule) { $save_flag = tf_fileup_filter($input_name, $filter_rule); } if ($save_flag) { // try to copy file to destination if (!@copy($_FILES[$input_name]['tmp_name'], $path . $_FILES[$input_name]['name'])) { tf_error('[Upload] Cannot write (' . $input_name . ') into ' . $path); return false; } tf_log('Upload: File (' . $_FILES[$input_name]['name'] . ') written into ' . $path); return true; } else { return false; } unset($save_flag); } } } }