Exemple #1
 /* List addresses */
 if (count($alist) > 0) {
     echo addForm($form_url, 'post', 'address_book_form');
     if ($abook->add_extra_field) {
         $abook_fields = 6;
     } else {
         $abook_fields = 5;
     $count = 0;
     while (list($undef, $row) = each($alist)) {
         /* New table header for each backend */
         if ($prevbackend != $row['backend']) {
             if ($prevbackend < 0) {
                 echo html_tag('table', html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', addSubmit(_("Edit selected"), 'editaddr') . addSubmit(_("Delete selected"), 'deladdr') . addSubmit(_("Compose to selected"), 'compose_to', $javascript_on && $compose_new_win ? $compose_to_in_new_window_javascript : ''), 'center', '', "colspan=\"{$abook_fields}\"")) . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '&nbsp;<br />', 'center', '', 'colspan="5"')), 'center');
             echo html_tag('table', html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', "\n" . '<strong>' . $row['source'] . '</strong>' . "\n", 'center', $color[0], 'colspan="2"')) . concat_hook_function('address_book_header', $row), 'center', '', 'width="95%"') . "\n" . html_tag('table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="90%"') . html_tag('tr', "\n" . html_tag('th', '&nbsp;', 'left', '', 'width="1%"') . html_tag('th', _("Nickname") . show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by nickname"), 0, 1), 'left', '', 'width="10%"') . html_tag('th', _("Name") . show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by name"), 2, 3), 'left', '', 'width="10%"') . html_tag('th', _("E-mail") . show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by email"), 4, 5), 'left', '', 'width="10%"') . html_tag('th', _("Info") . show_abook_sort_button($abook_sort_order, _("sort by info"), 6, 7), 'left', '', 'width="10%"') . ($abook->add_extra_field ? html_tag('th', '&nbsp;', 'left', '', 'width="1%0"') : ''), '', $color[9]) . "\n";
             $line = 0;
             $headerprinted = true;
         /* End of header */
         $prevbackend = $row['backend'];
         /* Print one row, with alternating color */
         if ($line % 2) {
             $tr_bgcolor = $color[12];
         } else {
             $tr_bgcolor = $color[4];
         // Print special message if that's what we have
         // here instead of an actual address entry
         if (!empty($row['special_message'])) {
             echo html_tag('tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor) . html_tag('td', $row['special_message'], 'center', '', 'colspan="5"') . "</tr>\n";
 * Displays message header row in messages list
 * @param  array $aMsg contains all message related parameters
 * @return void
function printMessageInfo($aMsg)
    // FIX ME, remove these globals as well by adding an array as argument for the user settings
    // specificly meant for header display
    global $checkall, $color, $default_use_priority, $message_highlight_list, $index_order, $truncate_sender, $email_address, $show_recipient_instead, $use_icons, $icon_theme;
    /* icons theming */
    $color_string = $color[4];
    // initialisation:
    $mailbox = $aMsg['MAILBOX'];
    $msg = $aMsg['HEADER'];
    $t = $aMsg['INDX'];
    $start_msg = $aMsg['PAGEOFFSET'];
    $last = $aMsg['LAST'];
    if (isset($aMsg['SEARCH']) && count($aMsg['SEARCH']) > 1) {
        $where = $aMsg['SEARCH'][0];
        $what = $aMsg['SEARCH'][1];
    } else {
        $where = false;
        $what = false;
    $iIndent = $aMsg['INDENT'];
    $sSubject = isset($msg['SUBJECT']) && $msg['SUBJECT'] != '' ? $msg['SUBJECT'] : _("(no subject)");
    $sFrom = isset($msg['FROM']) ? $msg['FROM'] : _("Unknown sender");
    $sTo = isset($msg['TO']) ? $msg['TO'] : _("Unknown recipient");
    $sCc = isset($msg['CC']) ? $msg['CC'] : '';
    $aFlags = isset($msg['FLAGS']) ? $msg['FLAGS'] : array();
    $iPrio = isset($msg['PRIORITY']) ? $msg['PRIORITY'] : 3;
    $iSize = isset($msg['SIZE']) ? $msg['SIZE'] : 0;
    $sType0 = isset($msg['TYPE0']) ? $msg['TYPE0'] : 'text';
    $sType1 = isset($msg['TYPE1']) ? $msg['TYPE1'] : 'plain';
    if (isset($msg['INTERNALDATE'])) {
        $sDate = getDateString(getTimeStamp(explode(' ', $msg['INTERNALDATE'])));
    } else {
        $sDate = isset($msg['DATE']) ? getDateString(getTimeStamp(explode(' ', $msg['DATE']))) : '';
    $iId = isset($msg['UID']) ? $msg['UID'] : false;
    if (!$iId) {
    if ($GLOBALS['alt_index_colors']) {
        if (!($t % 2)) {
            if (!isset($color[12])) {
                $color[12] = '#EAEAEA';
            $color_string = $color[12];
    $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
    // FIXME, foldertype should be set in right_main.php
    // in other words, handle as sent is obsoleted from now.
    // We replace that by providing an array to aMailbox with the to shown headers
    // that way we are free to show the user different layouts for different folders
    $bSentFolder = handleAsSent($mailbox);
    if (!$bSentFolder && $show_recipient_instead) {
        // If the From address is the same as $email_address, then handle as Sent
        $from_array = parseAddress($sFrom, 1);
        if (!isset($email_address)) {
            global $datadir, $username;
            $email_address = getPref($datadir, $username, 'email_address');
        $bHandleAsSent = isset($from_array[0][0]) && $from_array[0][0] == $email_address;
    } else {
        $bHandleAsSent = $bSentFolder;
    // If this is a Sent message, display To address instead of From
    if ($bHandleAsSent) {
        $sFrom = $sTo;
    // Passing 1 below results in only 1 address being parsed, thus defeating the following code
    $sFrom = parseAddress($sFrom);
     * This is done in case you're looking into Sent folders,
     * because you can have multiple receivers.
    $senderNames = $sFrom;
    $senderName = '';
    $senderAddress = '';
    if (sizeof($senderNames)) {
        foreach ($senderNames as $senderNames_part) {
            if ($senderName != '') {
                $senderName .= ', ';
                $senderAddress .= ', ';
            $sender_address_part = htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]);
            $sender_name_part = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', decodeHeader($senderNames_part[1]));
            if ($sender_name_part) {
                $senderName .= $sender_name_part;
                $senderAddress .= $sender_name_part . ' <' . $sender_address_part . '>';
            } else {
                $senderName .= $sender_address_part;
                $senderAddress .= $sender_address_part;
    // If Sent, prefix with To: but only if not Sent folder
    if ($bHandleAsSent ^ $bSentFolder) {
        $senderName = _("To") . ': ' . $senderName;
        $senderAddress = _("To") . ': ' . $senderAddress;
    // this is a column property which can apply to multiple columns. Do not use vars for one column
    // only. instead we should use something like this:
    // 1ed column $aMailbox['columns']['SUBJECT'] value: aray with properties ...
    // 2ed column $aMailbox['columns']['FROM'] value: aray with properties ...
    //            NB in case of the sentfolder this could be the TO field
    // properties array example:
    //      'truncate' => length (0 is no truncate)
    //      'prefix    => if (x in b then do that )
    if ($truncate_sender > 0) {
        $senderName = truncateWithEntities($senderName, $truncate_sender);
    $flag = $flag_end = $bold = $bold_end = $fontstr = $fontstr_end = $italic = $italic_end = '';
    $bold = '<b>';
    $bold_end = '</b>';
    foreach ($aFlags as $sFlag => $value) {
        switch ($sFlag) {
            case '\\flagged':
                if ($value) {
                    $flag = "<font color=\"{$color['2']}\">";
                    $flag_end = '</font>';
            case '\\seen':
                if ($value) {
                    $bold = '';
                    $bold_end = '';
            case '\\deleted':
                if ($value) {
                    $fontstr = "<font color=\"{$color['9']}\">";
                    $fontstr_end = '</font>';
    if ($bHandleAsSent) {
        $italic = '<i>';
        $italic_end = '</i>';
    if ($where && $what) {
        $searchstr = '&amp;where=' . $where . '&amp;what=' . $what;
    } else {
        $searchstr = '';
     *  Message highlight code
    $matches = array('TO' => 'sTo', 'CC' => 'sCc', 'FROM' => 'sFrom', 'SUBJECT' => 'sSubject');
    if (is_array($message_highlight_list) && count($message_highlight_list)) {
        $sTo = parseAddress($sTo);
        $sCc = parseAddress($sCc);
        foreach ($message_highlight_list as $message_highlight_list_part) {
            if (trim($message_highlight_list_part['value']) != '') {
                $high_val = strtolower($message_highlight_list_part['value']);
                $match_type = strtoupper($message_highlight_list_part['match_type']);
                if ($match_type == 'TO_CC') {
                    $match = array('TO', 'CC');
                } else {
                    $match = array($match_type);
                foreach ($match as $match_type) {
                    switch ($match_type) {
                        case 'TO':
                        case 'CC':
                        case 'FROM':
                            foreach (${$matches}[$match_type] as $address) {
                                $address[0] = decodeHeader($address[0], true, false);
                                $address[1] = decodeHeader($address[1], true, false);
                                if (strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[0]), $high_val) || strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[1]), $high_val)) {
                                    $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color'];
                                    break 4;
                            $headertest = strtolower(decodeHeader(${$matches}[$match_type], true, false));
                            if (strstr('^^' . $headertest, $high_val)) {
                                $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color'];
                                break 3;
    /* end Message highlight code */
    if (!isset($hlt_color)) {
        $hlt_color = $color_string;
    $col = 0;
    $sSubject = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', decodeHeader($sSubject));
    $subject = processSubject($sSubject, $iIndent);
    echo html_tag('tr', '', '', '', 'valign="top"') . "\n";
    if (sizeof($index_order)) {
        foreach ($index_order as $index_order_part) {
            switch ($index_order_part) {
                case 1:
                    /* checkbox */
                    echo html_tag('td', addCheckBox("msg[{$t}]", $checkall, $iId), 'center', $hlt_color);
                case 2:
                    /* from */
                    if ($senderAddress != $senderName) {
                        $senderAddress = strtr($senderAddress, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS)));
                        $title = ' title="' . str_replace('"', "''", $senderAddress) . '"';
                    } else {
                        $title = '';
                    echo html_tag('td', $italic . $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $senderName . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end . $italic_end, 'left', $hlt_color, $title);
                case 3:
                    /* date */
                    if ($sDate == '') {
                        $sDate = _("Unknown date");
                    echo html_tag('td', $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $sDate . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap');
                case 4:
                    /* subject */
                    $td_str = $bold;
                    if ($iIndent) {
                        $td_str .= str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $iIndent);
                    $td_str .= '<a href="read_body.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;passed_id=' . $iId . '&amp;startMessage=' . $start_msg . $searchstr . '"';
                    $td_str .= ' ' . concat_hook_function('subject_link', array($start_msg, $searchstr));
                    if ($subject != $sSubject) {
                        $title = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
                        $title = array_flip($title);
                        $title = strtr($sSubject, $title);
                        $title = str_replace('"', "''", $title);
                        $td_str .= " title=\"{$title}\"";
                    $td_str .= ">{$flag}{$subject}{$flag_end}</a>{$bold_end}";
                    echo html_tag('td', $td_str, 'left', $hlt_color);
                case 5:
                    /* flags */
                    // icon message markers
                    if ($use_icons && $icon_theme != 'none') {
                        $td_str = "<b><small>";
                        if (isset($aFlags['\\flagged']) && $aFlags['\\flagged'] == true) {
                            $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/flagged.png" border="0" height="10" width="10" /> ';
                        if ($default_use_priority) {
                            if ($iPrio == 1 || $iPrio == 2) {
                                $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/prio_high.png" border="0" height="10" width="5" /> ';
                            } else {
                                if ($iPrio == 5) {
                                    $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/prio_low.png" border="0" height="10" width="5" /> ';
                                } else {
                                    $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/transparent.png" border="0" width="5" /> ';
                        if ($sType1 == 'mixed') {
                            $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/attach.png" border="0" height="10" width="6" />';
                        } else {
                            $td_str .= '<img src="' . SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/transparent.png" border="0" width="6" />';
                        $msg_icon = '';
                        if (!isset($aFlags['\\seen']) || $aFlags['\\seen'] == false) {
                            $msg_alt = '(' . _("New") . ')';
                            $msg_title = '(' . _("New") . ')';
                            $msg_icon .= SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/msg_new';
                        } else {
                            $msg_alt = '(' . _("Read") . ')';
                            $msg_title = '(' . _("Read") . ')';
                            $msg_icon .= SM_PATH . 'images/themes/' . $icon_theme . '/msg_read';
                        if (isset($aFlags['\\deleted']) && $aFlags['\\deleted'] == true) {
                            $msg_icon .= '_deleted';
                        if (isset($aFlags['\\answered']) && $aFlags['\\answered'] == true) {
                            $msg_alt = '(' . _("Answered") . ')';
                            $msg_title = '(' . _("Answered") . ')';
                            $msg_icon .= '_reply';
                        $td_str .= '<img src="' . $msg_icon . '.png" border="0" alt="' . $msg_alt . '" title="' . $msg_title . '" height="12" width="18" />';
                        $td_str .= '</small></b>';
                        echo html_tag('td', $td_str, 'right', $hlt_color, 'nowrap');
                    } else {
                        $stuff = false;
                        $td_str = "<b><small>";
                        if (isset($aFlags['\\answered']) && $aFlags['\\answered'] == true) {
                            $td_str .= _("A");
                            $stuff = true;
                        if ($sType1 == 'mixed') {
                            $td_str .= '+';
                            $stuff = true;
                        if ($default_use_priority) {
                            if ($iPrio == 1 || $iPrio == 2) {
                                $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['1']}\">!</font>";
                                $stuff = true;
                            if ($iPrio == 5) {
                                $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['8']}\">?</font>";
                                $stuff = true;
                        if (isset($aFlags['\\deleted']) && $aFlags['\\deleted'] == true) {
                            $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['1']}\">D</font>";
                            $stuff = true;
                        if (!$stuff) {
                            $td_str .= '&nbsp;';
                        $td_str .= '</small></b>';
                        echo html_tag('td', $td_str, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap');
                case 6:
                    /* size */
                    echo html_tag('td', $bold . $fontstr . show_readable_size($iSize) . $fontstr_end . $bold_end, 'right', $hlt_color);
    /* html for separationlines between rows */
    if ($last) {
        echo '</tr>' . "\n";
    } else {
        echo '</tr>' . "\n" . '<tr><td colspan="' . $col . '" bgcolor="' . $color[0] . '" height="1"></td></tr>' . "\n";
Exemple #3
function formatMailboxName($imapConnection, $box_array)
    global $folder_prefix, $trash_folder, $sent_folder, $color, $move_to_sent, $move_to_trash, $unseen_notify, $unseen_type, $collapse_folders, $draft_folder, $save_as_draft, $use_special_folder_color;
    $real_box = $box_array['unformatted'];
    $mailbox = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $box_array['formatted']);
    $mailboxURL = urlencode($real_box);
    /* Strip down the mailbox name. */
    if (ereg("^( *)([^ ]*)\$", $mailbox, $regs)) {
        $mailbox = $regs[2];
    $unseen = 0;
    $status = array('', '');
    if ($unseen_notify == 2 && $real_box == 'INBOX' || $unseen_notify == 3) {
        $tmp_status = create_unseen_string($real_box, $box_array, $imapConnection, $unseen_type);
        if ($status !== false) {
            $status = $tmp_status;
    list($unseen_string, $unseen) = $status;
    $special_color = $use_special_folder_color && isSpecialMailbox($real_box);
    /* Start off with a blank line. */
    $line = '';
    /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
    if ($unseen > 0) {
        $line .= '<b>';
    /* Create the link for this folder. */
    if ($status !== false) {
        $line .= '<a href="right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&amp;sort=0&amp;startMessage=1&amp;mailbox=' . $mailboxURL . '" target="right" style="text-decoration:none">';
    if ($special_color) {
        $line .= "<font color=\"{$color['11']}\">";
    if ($mailbox == 'INBOX') {
        $line .= _("INBOX");
    } else {
        $line .= str_replace(array(' ', '<', '>'), array('&nbsp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $mailbox);
    if ($special_color == TRUE) {
        $line .= '</font>';
    if ($status !== false) {
        $line .= '</a>';
    /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
    if ($unseen > 0) {
        $line .= "</b>";
    /* Print unseen information. */
    if ($unseen_string != '') {
        $line .= "&nbsp;<small>{$unseen_string}</small>";
    /* If it's the trash folder, show a purge link when needed */
    if ($move_to_trash && $real_box == $trash_folder) {
        if (!isset($numMessages)) {
            $numMessages = sqimap_get_num_messages($imapConnection, $real_box);
        if ($numMessages > 0 or $box_array['parent'] == 1) {
            $urlMailbox = urlencode($real_box);
            $line .= "\n<small>\n" . '&nbsp;&nbsp;(<a href="empty_trash.php" style="text-decoration:none">' . _("Purge") . '</a>)' . '</small>';
    $line .= concat_hook_function('left_main_after_each_folder', array(isset($numMessages) ? $numMessages : '', $real_box, $imapConnection));
    /* Return the final product. */
    return $line;
Exemple #4
function printMessageInfo($imapConnection, $t, $not_last = true, $key, $mailbox, $start_msg, $where, $what)
    global $checkall, $preselected, $color, $msgs, $msort, $td_str, $msg, $default_use_priority, $message_highlight_list, $index_order, $indent_array, $pos, $thread_sort_messages, $server_sort_order, $row_count, $allow_server_sort, $truncate_subject, $truncate_sender;
    $color_string = $color[4];
    if ($GLOBALS['alt_index_colors']) {
        if (!isset($row_count)) {
            $row_count = 0;
        if ($row_count % 2) {
            if (!isset($color[12])) {
                $color[12] = '#EAEAEA';
            $color_string = $color[12];
    $msg = $msgs[$key];
    if ($mailbox == 'None') {
        $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection);
        $mailbox = $boxes[0]['unformatted'];
    $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
    if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
        $msg['FROM'] = $msg['TO'];
    $msg['FROM'] = parseAddress($msg['FROM'], 1);
     * This is done in case you're looking into Sent folders,
     * because you can have multiple receivers.
    $senderNames = $msg['FROM'];
    $senderName = '';
    $senderFrom = '';
    if (sizeof($senderNames)) {
        foreach ($senderNames as $senderNames_part) {
            if ($senderName != '') {
                $senderName .= ', ';
            if ($senderFrom != '') {
                $senderFrom .= ', ';
            if ($senderNames_part[1]) {
                $senderName .= decodeHeader($senderNames_part[1]);
            } else {
                $senderName .= htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]);
            $senderFrom .= htmlspecialchars($senderNames_part[0]);
    $senderName = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $senderName);
    echo html_tag('tr', '', '', '', 'valign="top"') . "\n";
    if (isset($msg['FLAG_FLAGGED']) && $msg['FLAG_FLAGGED'] == true) {
        $flag = "<font color=\"{$color['2']}\">";
        $flag_end = '</font>';
    } else {
        $flag = '';
        $flag_end = '';
    if (!isset($msg['FLAG_SEEN']) || $msg['FLAG_SEEN'] == false) {
        $bold = '<b>';
        $bold_end = '</b>';
    } else {
        $bold = '';
        $bold_end = '';
    if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
        $italic = '<i>';
        $italic_end = '</i>';
    } else {
        $italic = '';
        $italic_end = '';
    if (isset($msg['FLAG_DELETED']) && $msg['FLAG_DELETED']) {
        $fontstr = "<font color=\"{$color['9']}\">";
        $fontstr_end = '</font>';
    } else {
        $fontstr = '';
        $fontstr_end = '';
    if ($where && $what) {
        $searchstr = '&amp;where=' . $where . '&amp;what=' . $what;
    } else {
        $searchstr = '';
    if (is_array($message_highlight_list) && count($message_highlight_list)) {
        $msg['TO'] = parseAddress($msg['TO']);
        $msg['CC'] = parseAddress($msg['CC']);
        foreach ($message_highlight_list as $message_highlight_list_part) {
            if (trim($message_highlight_list_part['value']) != '') {
                $high_val = strtolower($message_highlight_list_part['value']);
                $match_type = strtoupper($message_highlight_list_part['match_type']);
                if ($match_type == 'TO_CC') {
                    $match = array('TO', 'CC');
                } else {
                    $match = array($match_type);
                foreach ($match as $match_type) {
                    switch ($match_type) {
                        case 'TO':
                        case 'CC':
                        case 'FROM':
                            foreach ($msg[$match_type] as $address) {
                                $address[0] = decodeHeader($address[0], true, false);
                                $address[1] = decodeHeader($address[1], true, false);
                                if (strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[0]), $high_val) || strstr('^^' . strtolower($address[1]), $high_val)) {
                                    $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color'];
                                    break 4;
                            $headertest = strtolower(decodeHeader($msg[$match_type], true, false));
                            if (strstr('^^' . $headertest, $high_val)) {
                                $hlt_color = $message_highlight_list_part['color'];
                                break 3;
    if (!isset($hlt_color)) {
        $hlt_color = $color_string;
    if ($checkall == 1 || in_array($msg['ID'], $preselected)) {
        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    } else {
        $checked = '';
    $col = 0;
    $msg['SUBJECT'] = decodeHeader($msg['SUBJECT']);
    //    $subject = processSubject($msg['SUBJECT'], $indent_array[$msg['ID']]);
    $subject = truncateWithEntities(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $msg['SUBJECT']), $truncate_subject);
    if (sizeof($index_order)) {
        foreach ($index_order as $index_order_part) {
            switch ($index_order_part) {
                case 1:
                    /* checkbox */
                    echo html_tag('td', "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"msg[{$t}]\" id=\"msg" . $msg['ID'] . "\" value=\"" . $msg['ID'] . "\"{$checked}>", 'center', $hlt_color);
                case 2:
                    /* from */
                    $from_xtra = '';
                    $from_xtra = 'title="' . $senderFrom . '"';
                    echo html_tag('td', html_tag('label', $italic . $bold . $flag . $fontstr . truncateWithEntities($senderName, $truncate_sender) . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end . $italic_end, '', '', 'for="msg' . $msg['ID'] . '"'), 'left', $hlt_color, $from_xtra);
                case 3:
                    /* date */
                    $date_string = $msg['DATE_STRING'] . '';
                    if ($date_string == '') {
                        $date_string = _("Unknown date");
                    echo html_tag('td', $bold . $flag . $fontstr . $date_string . $fontstr_end . $flag_end . $bold_end, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap');
                case 4:
                    /* subject */
                    $td_str = $bold;
                    if ($thread_sort_messages == 1) {
                        if (isset($indent_array[$msg['ID']])) {
                            $td_str .= str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $indent_array[$msg['ID']]);
                    $td_str .= '<a href="read_body.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;passed_id=' . $msg["ID"] . '&amp;startMessage=' . $start_msg . $searchstr . '"';
                    $td_str .= ' ' . concat_hook_function('subject_link', array($start_msg, $searchstr));
                    if ($subject != $msg['SUBJECT']) {
                        $title = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS);
                        $title = array_flip($title);
                        $title = strtr($msg['SUBJECT'], $title);
                        $title = str_replace('"', "''", $title);
                        $td_str .= " title=\"{$title}\"";
                    $td_str .= ">{$flag}{$subject}{$flag_end}</a>{$bold_end}";
                    echo html_tag('td', $td_str, 'left', $hlt_color);
                case 5:
                    /* flags */
                    $stuff = false;
                    $td_str = "<b><small>";
                    if (isset($msg['FLAG_ANSWERED']) && $msg['FLAG_ANSWERED'] == true) {
                        $td_str .= _("A");
                        $stuff = true;
                    if ($msg['TYPE0'] == 'multipart' && $msg['TYPE1'] == 'mixed') {
                        $td_str .= '+';
                        $stuff = true;
                    if ($default_use_priority) {
                        if ($msg['PRIORITY'] == 1 || $msg['PRIORITY'] == 2) {
                            $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['1']}\">!</font>";
                            $stuff = true;
                        if ($msg['PRIORITY'] == 5) {
                            $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['8']}\">?</font>";
                            $stuff = true;
                    if (isset($msg['FLAG_DELETED']) && $msg['FLAG_DELETED'] == true) {
                        $td_str .= "<font color=\"{$color['1']}\">D</font>";
                        $stuff = true;
                    if (!$stuff) {
                        $td_str .= '&nbsp;';
                    $td_str .= '</small></b>';
                    echo html_tag('td', $td_str, 'center', $hlt_color, 'nowrap');
                case 6:
                    /* size */
                    echo html_tag('td', $bold . $fontstr . show_readable_size($msg['SIZE']) . $fontstr_end . $bold_end, 'right', $hlt_color);
    if ($not_last) {
        echo '</tr>' . "\n" . '<tr><td colspan="' . $col . '" bgcolor="' . $color[0] . '" height="1"></td></tr>' . "\n";
    } else {
        echo '</tr>' . "\n";
  * Applies the template and returns the resultant content string.
  * @param string $file The template file to use
  * @return string The template contents after applying the given template
 function fetch($file)
     // get right template file
     $template = $this->get_template_file_path($file);
     // special case stylesheet.tpl falls back to SquirrelMail's
     // own default stylesheet
     if (empty($template) && $file == 'css/stylesheet.tpl') {
         $template = SM_PATH . 'css/default.css';
     if (empty($template)) {
         trigger_error('The template "' . sm_encode_html_special_chars($file) . '" could not be fetched!', E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         $aPluginOutput = array();
         $temp = array(&$aPluginOutput, &$this);
         $aPluginOutput = concat_hook_function('template_construct_' . $file, $temp, TRUE);
         $this->assign('plugin_output', $aPluginOutput);
         //$output = $this->apply_template($template);
         $rendering_engine = $this->get_rendering_template_engine_object($file);
         $output = $rendering_engine->apply_template($template);
         // using this hook will probably be rejected by the
         // SquirrelMail team.
         do_hook('template_output', $output);
         return $output;
function ShowTableInfo($full_name, $email_address, $reply_to, $signature, $post)
    global $color;
    $OtherBG = $color[0];
    if ($full_name == '' && $email_address == '' && $reply_to == '' && $signature == '') {
        $OtherBG = '';
    if ($full_name == '' && $email_address == '' && $reply_to == '' && $signature == '') {
        $isEmptySection = true;
    } else {
        $isEmptySection = false;
    $return_val = '';
    $return_val .= sti_input(_("Full Name"), 'full_name', $full_name, $post, $OtherBG);
    $return_val .= sti_input(_("E-Mail Address"), 'email_address', $email_address, $post, $OtherBG);
    $return_val .= sti_input(_("Reply To"), 'reply_to', $reply_to, $post, $OtherBG);
    $return_val .= sti_textarea(_("Signature"), 'signature', $signature, $post, $OtherBG);
    $return_val .= concat_hook_function('options_identities_table', array($OtherBG, $isEmptySection, $post));
    $return_val .= html_tag('tr', '', '', $OtherBG);
    $return_val .= html_tag('td', '&nbsp;', 'left');
    $return_val .= html_tag('td', '', 'left');
    $return_val .= '<input type="hidden" name="form_for_' . $post . '" value="1" />';
    $return_val .= '<input type="submit" name="update" value="' . _("Save / Update") . '" />';
    if (!$isEmptySection && $post != '') {
        $return_val .= '<input type="submit" name="make_default_' . $post . '" value="' . _("Make Default") . '" />' . '<input type="submit" name="delete_' . $post . '" value="' . _("Delete") . '" />';
    if (!$isEmptySection && $post != '' && $post > 1) {
        $return_val .= '<input type="submit" name="promote_' . $post . '" value="' . _("Move Up") . '" />';
    $return_val .= concat_hook_function('options_identities_buttons', array($isEmptySection, $post));
    $return_val .= '</td></tr>' . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '&nbsp;', 'left', '', 'colspan="2"'));
    return $return_val;
Exemple #7
function formatMenubar($mailbox, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $message, $mbx_response)
    global $base_uri, $draft_folder, $where, $what, $color, $sort, $startMessage, $PHP_SELF, $save_as_draft, $enable_forward_as_attachment;
    $topbar_delimiter = '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
    $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
    $s = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center"' . ' border="0" bgcolor="' . $color[9] . '"><tr>' . html_tag('td', '', 'left', '', 'width="33%"') . '<small>';
    $msgs_url = $base_uri . 'src/';
    if (isset($where) && isset($what)) {
        $msgs_url .= 'search.php?where=' . urlencode($where) . '&amp;what=' . urlencode($what) . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox;
        $msgs_str = _("Search Results");
    } else {
        $msgs_url .= 'right_main.php?sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox;
        $msgs_str = _("Message List");
    $s .= '<a href="' . $msgs_url . '">' . $msgs_str . '</a>';
    $delete_url = $base_uri . 'src/delete_message.php?mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;message=' . $passed_id . '&amp;';
    if (!(isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id)) {
        if ($where && $what) {
            $delete_url .= 'where=' . urlencode($where) . '&amp;what=' . urlencode($what);
        } else {
            $delete_url .= 'sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage;
        $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
        $s .= '<a href="' . $delete_url . '">' . _("Delete") . '</a>';
    $comp_uri = 'src/compose.php' . '?passed_id=' . $passed_id . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . (isset($passed_ent_id) ? '&amp;passed_ent_id=' . urlencode($passed_ent_id) : '');
    if ($mailbox == $draft_folder && $save_as_draft) {
        $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=draft';
        $comp_alt_string = _("Resume Draft");
    } else {
        if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
            $comp_alt_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=edit_as_new';
            $comp_alt_string = _("Edit Message as New");
    if (isset($comp_alt_uri)) {
        $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
        $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_alt_uri, $comp_alt_string);
    $s .= '</small></td><td align="center" width="33%"><small>';
    if (!(isset($where) && isset($what)) && !$passed_ent_id) {
        $prev = findPreviousMessage($mbx_response['EXISTS'], $passed_id);
        $next = findNextMessage($passed_id);
        if ($prev != -1) {
            $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $prev . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0';
            $s .= '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . _("Previous") . '</a>';
        } else {
            $s .= _("Previous");
        $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
        if ($next != -1) {
            $uri = $base_uri . 'src/read_body.php?passed_id=' . $next . '&amp;mailbox=' . $urlMailbox . '&amp;sort=' . $sort . '&amp;startMessage=' . $startMessage . '&amp;show_more=0';
            $s .= '<a href="' . $uri . '">' . _("Next") . '</a>';
        } else {
            $s .= _("Next");
    } else {
        if (isset($passed_ent_id) && $passed_ent_id) {
            /* code for navigating through attached message/rfc822 messages */
            $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', 0);
            $s .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("View Message") . '</a>';
            $entities = array();
            $entity_count = array();
            $c = 0;
            foreach ($message->parent->entities as $ent) {
                if ($ent->type0 == 'message' && $ent->type1 == 'rfc822') {
                    $entity_count[$c] = $ent->entity_id;
                    $entities[$ent->entity_id] = $c;
            $prev_link = _("Previous");
            if (!empty($entities[$passed_ent_id]) && $entities[$passed_ent_id] > 1) {
                $prev_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] - 1];
                $prev_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $prev_ent_id) . '">' . $prev_link . '</a>';
            $next_link = _("Next");
            if (!empty($entities[$passed_ent_id]) && $entities[$passed_ent_id] < $c) {
                $next_ent_id = $entity_count[$entities[$passed_ent_id] + 1];
                $next_link = '<a href="' . set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $next_ent_id) . '">' . $next_link . '</a>';
            $s .= $topbar_delimiter . $prev_link;
            $par_ent_id = $message->parent->entity_id;
            if ($par_ent_id) {
                $par_ent_id = substr($par_ent_id, 0, -2);
                $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
                $url = set_url_var($PHP_SELF, 'passed_ent_id', $par_ent_id);
                $s .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . _("Up") . '</a>';
            $s .= $topbar_delimiter . $next_link;
    $s .= '</small></td>' . "\n" . html_tag('td', '', 'right', '', 'width="33%" nowrap') . '<small>';
    $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=forward';
    $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Forward"));
    if ($enable_forward_as_attachment) {
        $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=forward_as_attachment';
        $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
        $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Forward as Attachment"));
    $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=reply';
    $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
    $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Reply"));
    $comp_action_uri = $comp_uri . '&amp;smaction=reply_all';
    $s .= $topbar_delimiter;
    $s .= makeComposeLink($comp_action_uri, _("Reply All"));
    $s .= '</small></td></tr></table>';
    $ret = concat_hook_function('read_body_menu_top', $s);
    if ($ret != '') {
        $s = $ret;
    echo $s;
function error_box($string, $color)
    global $pageheader_sent;
    if (!isset($color)) {
        $color = array();
        $color[0] = '#dcdcdc';
        /* light gray    TitleBar               */
        $color[1] = '#800000';
        /* red                                  */
        $color[2] = '#cc0000';
        /* light red     Warning/Error Messages */
        $color[4] = '#ffffff';
        /* white         Normal Background      */
        $color[7] = '#0000cc';
        /* blue          Links                  */
        $color[8] = '#000000';
        /* black         Normal text            */
        $color[9] = '#ababab';
        /* mid-gray      Darker version of #0   */
    $err = _("ERROR");
    $ret = concat_hook_function('error_box', $string);
    if ($ret != '') {
        $string = $ret;
    /* check if the page header has been sent; if not, send it! */
    if (!isset($pageheader_sent) && !$pageheader_sent) {
        /* include this just to be sure */
        include_once SM_PATH . 'functions/page_header.php';
        displayHtmlHeader('SquirrelMail: ' . $err);
        $pageheader_sent = TRUE;
        echo "<body text=\"{$color['8']}\" bgcolor=\"{$color['4']}\" link=\"{$color['7']}\" vlink=\"{$color['7']}\" alink=\"{$color['7']}\">\n\n";
    echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0" bgcolor="' . $color[9] . '">' . '<tr><td>' . '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0" bgcolor="' . $color[4] . '">' . '<tr><td align="center" bgcolor="' . $color[0] . '">' . '<font color="' . $color[2] . '"><b>' . $err . ':</b></font>' . '</td></tr><tr><td>' . '<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="5" align="center" border="0">' . '<tr>' . html_tag('td', $string . "\n", 'left') . '</tr></table>' . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
Exemple #9
    case 'options.php':
        $right_frame_url = 'options.php';
    case 'folders.php':
        $right_frame_url = 'folders.php';
    case 'compose.php':
        $right_frame_url = 'compose.php?' . $mailtourl;
    case '':
        $right_frame_url = 'right_main.php';
        $right_frame_url = urlencode($right_frame);
if ($location_of_bar == 'right') {
    $output .= "<frame src=\"{$right_frame_url}\" name=\"right\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n" . "<frame src=\"left_main.php\" name=\"left\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n";
} else {
    $output .= "<frame src=\"left_main.php\" name=\"left\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n" . "<frame src=\"{$right_frame_url}\" name=\"right\" frameborder=\"1\" />\n";
$ret = concat_hook_function('webmail_bottom', $output);
if ($ret != '') {
    $output = $ret;
echo $output;
 * Returns html formated identity form fields
 * Contains options_identities_buttons and options_identities_table hooks.
 * Before 1.4.5/1.5.1 hooks were placed in ShowTableInfo() function.
 * In 1.1.3-1.4.1 they were called in do_hook function with two or
 * three arguments. Since 1.4.1 hooks are called in concat_hook_function.
 * Arguments are moved to array.
 * options_identities_buttons hook uses array with two keys. First array key is
 * boolean variable used to indicate empty identity field. Second array key
 * is integer variable used to indicate identity number
 * options_identities_table hook uses array with three keys. First array key is
 * a string containing background color style CSS (1.4.1-1.4.4/1.5.0 uses only
 * html color code). Second array key is boolean variable used to indicate empty
 * identity field. Third array key is integer variable used to indicate identity
 * number
 * @param string $title Name displayed in header row
 * @param array $identity Identity information
 * @param integer $id identity ID
 * @return string html formatted table rows with form fields for identity management
 * @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.5 (was called ShowTableInfo() in 1.1.3-1.4.4 and 1.5.0)
function ShowIdentityInfo($title, $identity, $id)
    global $color;
    if (empty($identity['full_name']) && empty($identity['email_address']) && empty($identity['reply_to']) && empty($identity['signature'])) {
        $bg = '';
        $empty = true;
    } else {
        $bg = ' style="background-color:' . $color[0] . ';"';
        $empty = false;
    $name = 'newidentities[%d][%s]';
    $return_str = '';
    $return_str .= '<tr>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '  <th style="text-align:center;background-color:' . $color[9] . ';" colspan="2">' . $title . '</th> ' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '</tr>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= sti_input(_("Full Name"), sprintf($name, $id, 'full_name'), $identity['full_name'], $bg);
    $return_str .= sti_input(_("E-Mail Address"), sprintf($name, $id, 'email_address'), $identity['email_address'], $bg);
    $return_str .= sti_input(_("Reply To"), sprintf($name, $id, 'reply_to'), $identity['reply_to'], $bg);
    $return_str .= sti_textarea(_("Signature"), sprintf($name, $id, 'signature'), $identity['signature'], $bg);
    $temp = array(&$bg, &$empty, &$id);
    $return_str .= concat_hook_function('options_identities_table', $temp);
    $return_str .= '<tr' . $bg . '> ' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '  <td> &nbsp; </td>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '  <td>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '    <input type="submit" name="smaction[save][' . $id . ']" value="' . _("Save / Update") . '" />' . "\n";
    if (!$empty && $id > 0) {
        $return_str .= '    <input type="submit" name="smaction[makedefault][' . $id . ']" value="' . _("Make Default") . '" />' . "\n";
        $return_str .= '    <input type="submit" name="smaction[delete][' . $id . ']" value="' . _("Delete") . '" />' . "\n";
        if ($id > 1) {
            $return_str .= '    <input type="submit" name="smaction[move][' . $id . ']" value="' . _("Move Up") . '" />' . "\n";
    $temp = array(&$empty, &$id);
    $return_str .= concat_hook_function('options_identities_buttons', $temp);
    $return_str .= '  </td>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '</tr>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '<tr>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '  <td colspan="2"> &nbsp; </td>' . "\n";
    $return_str .= '</tr>';
    return $return_str;
Exemple #11
echo $org_title . ' - ' . _("Signout");
<body text="<?php 
echo $color[8];
" bgcolor="<?php 
echo $color[4];
echo $color[7];
" vlink="<?php 
echo $color[7];
echo $color[7];
<br /><br />
$plugin_message = concat_hook_function('logout_above_text');
echo html_tag('table', html_tag('tr', html_tag('th', _("Sign Out"), 'center'), '', $color[0], 'width="100%"') . $plugin_message . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', _("You have been successfully signed out.") . '<br /><a href="login.php" target="' . $frame_top . '">' . _("Click here to log back in.") . '</a><br />', 'center'), '', $color[4], 'width="100%"') . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '<br />', 'center'), '', $color[0], 'width="100%"'), 'center', $color[4], 'width="50%" cols="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"');
function ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes, $mbx, $j = 'ID.0000')
    global $data_dir, $username, $startmessage, $color, $unseen_notify, $unseen_type, $move_to_trash, $trash_folder, $collapse_folders, $use_special_folder_color;
    if (!isset($boxes) || empty($boxes)) {
    /* use_folder_images only works if the images exist in ../images */
    $use_folder_images = true;
    $pre = '';
    $end = '';
    $collapse = false;
    $unseen_found = false;
    $unseen = 0;
    $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
    $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
    /* get unseen/total messages information */
    /* Only need to display info when option is set */
    if (isset($unseen_notify) && $unseen_notify > 1 && ($boxes->unseen !== false || $boxes->total !== false)) {
        if ($boxes->unseen !== false) {
            $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
            Should only display unseen info if the folder is inbox
            or you set the option for all folders
        if (strtolower($mailbox) == 'inbox' || $unseen_notify == 3) {
            $unseen_string = $unseen;
            /* If users requests, display message count too */
            if (isset($unseen_type) && $unseen_type == 2 && $boxes->total !== false) {
                $unseen_string .= '/' . $boxes->total;
            $unseen_string = "<font color=\"{$color['11']}\">({$unseen_string})</font>";
                Finally allow the script to display the values by setting a boolean.
                This can only occur if the unseen count is great than 0 (if you have
                unseen count only), or you have the message count too.
            if ($unseen > 0 || isset($unseen_type) && $unseen_type == 2) {
                $unseen_found = true;
    /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
    if ($unseen > 0) {
        $pre .= '<b>';
    /* color special boxes */
    if ($use_special_folder_color && $boxes->is_special) {
        $pre .= "<font color=\"{$color['11']}\">";
        $end .= '</font>';
    /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
    if ($unseen > 0) {
        $end .= '</b>';
    /* Print unseen information. */
    if ($unseen_found) {
        $end .= "&nbsp;{$unseen_string}";
    if ($move_to_trash && $mailbox == $trash_folder) {
        if (!isset($numMessages)) {
            $numMessages = $boxes->total;
        $pre = "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&amp;startMessage=1&amp;mailbox={$mailboxURL}\" target=\"right\">" . $pre;
        $end .= '</a>';
        if ($numMessages > 0) {
            $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
            $end .= "\n<small>\n" . '&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a class="mbx_link" href="empty_trash.php">' . _("Purge") . '</a>]' . '</small>';
    } else {
        if (!$boxes->is_noselect) {
            /* \Noselect boxes can't be selected */
            $pre = "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&amp;startMessage=1&amp;mailbox={$mailboxURL}\" target=\"right\">" . $pre;
            $end .= '</a>';
    // let plugins fiddle with end of line
    global $imapConnection;
    $end .= concat_hook_function('left_main_after_each_folder', array(isset($numMessages) ? $numMessages : '', $boxes->mailboxname_full, $imapConnection));
    if (!$boxes->is_root) {
        if ($use_folder_images) {
            if ($boxes->is_inbox) {
                $folder_img = '../images/inbox.png';
            } else {
                if ($boxes->is_sent) {
                    $folder_img = '../images/senti.png';
                } else {
                    if ($boxes->is_trash) {
                        $folder_img = '../images/delitem.png';
                    } else {
                        if ($boxes->is_draft) {
                            $folder_img = '../images/draft.png';
                        } else {
                            if ($boxes->is_noinferiors) {
                                $folder_img = '../images/folder_noinf.png';
                            } else {
                                $folder_img = '../images/folder.png';
            $folder_img = '&nbsp;<img src="' . $folder_img . '" height="15" valign="center" />&nbsp;';
        } else {
            $folder_img = '';
        if (!isset($boxes->mbxs[0])) {
            echo '   ' . html_tag('div', '<tt>' . $pre . $folder_img . '</tt>' . str_replace(array(' ', '<', '>'), array('&nbsp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $boxes->mailboxname_sub) . $end, 'left', '', 'class="mbx_sub" id="' . $j . '"') . "\n";
        } else {
            /* get collapse information */
            if ($collapse_folders) {
                $form_entry = $j . 'F';
                if (isset($mbx) && isset($mbx[$form_entry])) {
                    $collapse = $mbx[$form_entry];
                    setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $boxes->mailboxname_full, $collapse ? SM_BOX_COLLAPSED : SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED);
                } else {
                    $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
                    $collapse = $collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse;
                $img_src = $collapse ? '../images/plus.png' : '../images/minus.png';
                $collapse_link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">' . " <img src=\"{$img_src}\" border=\"1\" id={$j} onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" style=\"cursor:hand\" /></a>";
            } else {
                $collapse_link = '';
            echo '   ' . html_tag('div', $collapse_link . $pre . $folder_img . '&nbsp;' . $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end, 'left', '', 'class="mbx_par" id="' . $j . 'P"') . "\n";
            echo '   <input type="hidden" name="mbx[' . $j . 'F]" value="' . $collapse . '" id="mbx[' . $j . 'F]" />' . "\n";
    $visible = $collapse ? ' style="display:none"' : ' style="display:block"';
    if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) {
        /* mailbox contains childs */
        echo html_tag('div', '', 'left', '', 'class="par_area" id=' . $j . '.0000 ' . $visible) . "\n";
    if ($j != 'ID.0000') {
        $j = $j . '.0000';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
        ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i], $mbx, $j);
    if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) {
        echo '</div>' . "\n\n";