} function compileAll($compressedFiles, $app, $nameInclude, $compile, $delete) { if ($nameInclude == "ALL") { foreach ($compressedFiles->files as $key => $fileNameInclude) { compile($compressedFiles, $app, $key, $compile, $delete); } } else { compile($compressedFiles, $app, $nameInclude, $compile, $delete); } } if (isset($_GET['detail'])) { $detail = $_GET['who']; } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { //die("dom"); compileAll($compressedFiles, $app, $_GET['who'], false, true); } if (isset($_GET['compile'])) { compileAll($compressedFiles, $app, $_GET['who'], true, true); } echo "Applications available : <a href='?app=love' title='click to get details'>love</a>\n - <a href='?app=review' title='click to get details'>review</a>\n <br/>\n"; echo "Current Application : " . $app . "\n - <a href='?app=" . $app . "&compile=y&who=ALL' >compile</a>\n - <a href='?app=" . $app . "&delete=y&who=ALL' >delete</a>\n <br/>\n"; foreach ($compressedFiles->files as $key => $fileNameInclude) { echo "<a href='?app=" . $app . "&detail=y&who=" . $key . "' title='click to get details'>" . $key . "</a>\n - <a href='?app=" . $app . "&compile=y&who=" . $key . "' >compile</a>\n - <a href='?app=" . $app . "&delete=y&who=" . $key . "' >delete</a>\n <br/>\n"; if (isset($detail) && $detail == $key) { foreach ($fileNameInclude as $fileName) { echo "...." . $fileName . " <br/>\n"; } } }
$options['debug'] = 1; $options['fatalError'] = HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE; } //compileAll($options,$a); echo "PASS ONE: Bail out when globals / privates etc. found\n"; // test allowPHP $options['allowPHP'] = true; compileAll($options, $a); echo "PASS TWO: Compile when globals / privates etc. found\n"; $options['compileDir'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/results2'; // test GLOBALS, privates etc. $options['globals'] = true; $options['privates'] = true; $options['globalfunctions'] = true; $options['fatalError'] = HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE; compileAll($options, $a); if ($a) { exit; } /* ----- forms examples ---------*/ $x = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $x->compile('forms.html'); $tmp = new StdClass(); $tmp->xyz = "testing 123"; $elements['List'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('select'); $elements['List']->setValue(2001); $elements['picture'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element('img', "width='400' height='400' src='any.gif'"); $elements['xhtmllisttest'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element(); $elements['xhtmllisttest']->setOptions(array('0' => '--select something--', 'bbb' => 'somevalue')); $elements['xhtmllisttest']->setValue('bbb'); // write the data to a file.