<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/body.css" />

  body {font-size:80%; margin:5px}
  h1 {font-size:140%}
  table {margin-left:40px; border-collapse:collapse}
  td {border:1px solid #C0C0C0; padding:2px}
  .grey {background-color:#EAEAEA; font-weight:bold}
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  .err {color:red; font-weight:bold}

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $table_list = get_tables($_POST['master_dbname'], $master_mysqli);
    foreach ($table_list as $table) {
        echo "<h1>{$table}</h1>\n";
        compare_tables($_POST['master_dbname'], $_POST['test_dbname'], $table, $master_mysqli, $test_mysqli);
} else {
    echo display_form();
$options['dbpass2'] = empty($options['dbpass2']) ? $options['dbpass1'] : $options['dbpass2'];
$options['dbname2'] = empty($options['dbname2']) ? $options['dbname1'] : $options['dbname2'];
$options['dbprefix2'] = empty($options['dbprefix2']) ? $options['dbprefix1'] : $options['dbprefix2'];
if ($options['help']) {
    $help = "Compare 2 database schemas, using built-in Moodle facilities\n\nOptions:\n-h, --help            Print out this help\n--\n--dblibrary           Type of PHP driver used (native, pdo..). Defaults to native\n--dbtype              Name of the driver used (mysqli, pqsql...). Defaults to mysqli\n--dbhostX             IP/Name of the host. Defaults to localhost, 2nd defaults to 1st\n--dbuserX             Login to the database. 2nd defaults to 1st\n--dbpassX             Password to the database. 2nd defaults to 1st\n--dbnameX             Name of the database. 2nd defaults to 1st\n--dbprefixX           Prefix to apply to all DB objects. Defaults to mdl. 2nd defaults to 1st\n\nExample:\n\$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php local/ci/compare_databases/compare_databases.php --dbuser1=stronk7 --dbpass1=mojitos --dbname1=dbone --dbname2=dbtwo\n";
    echo $help;
// Always run the comparison in developer debug mode.
// Let's connect to both ends
$db1 = compare_connect($options['dblibrary'], $options['dbtype'], $options['dbhost1'], $options['dbuser1'], $options['dbpass1'], $options['dbname1'], $options['dbprefix1']);
$db2 = compare_connect($options['dblibrary'], $options['dbtype'], $options['dbhost2'], $options['dbuser2'], $options['dbpass2'], $options['dbname2'], $options['dbprefix2']);
list($tablesarr, $errorsarr) = compare_tables($db1, $db2);
foreach ($tablesarr as $tname => $tinfo) {
    $errorsarr = array_merge($errorsarr, compare_columns($tname, $tinfo->columns1, $tinfo->columns2));
    $errorsarr = array_merge($errorsarr, compare_indexes($tname, $tinfo->indexes1, $tinfo->indexes2));
// Errors found, print them
$nerrors = count($errorsarr);
if ($errorsarr) {
    // Prepare params
    $paramstxt = '  Parameters: ';
    foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
        if ($key == 'dbpass1' || $key == 'dbpass2' || $key == 'help') {
        $paramstxt .= "{$key}={$value}, ";