function common_content(&$a) { $o = ''; $cmd = $a->argv[1]; $uid = intval($a->argv[2]); $cid = intval($a->argv[3]); $zcid = 0; if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if ($cmd !== 'loc' && $cmd != 'rem') { return; } if (!$uid) { return; } if ($cmd === 'loc' && $cid) { $c = q("SELECT `name`, `url`, `photo` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($cid), intval($uid)); $a->page['aside'] = ""; profile_load($a, "", 0, get_contact_details_by_url($c[0]["url"])); } else { $c = q("SELECT `name`, `url`, `photo` FROM `contact` WHERE `self` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid)); $vcard_widget .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl"), array('$name' => htmlentities($c[0]['name']), '$photo' => $c[0]['photo'], 'url' => z_root() . '/contacts/' . $cid)); if (!x($a->page, 'aside')) { $a->page['aside'] = ''; } $a->page['aside'] .= $vcard_widget; } if (!count($c)) { return; } if (!$cid) { if (get_my_url()) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url())), intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $cid = $r[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url()))); if (count($r)) { $zcid = $r[0]['id']; } } } } if ($cid == 0 && $zcid == 0) { return; } if ($cid) { $t = count_common_friends($uid, $cid); } else { $t = count_common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid); } if (count($t)) { $a->set_pager_total($t); } else { notice(t('No contacts in common.') . EOL); return $o; } if ($cid) { $r = common_friends($uid, $cid, $a->pager['start'], $a->pager['itemspage']); } else { $r = common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid, $a->pager['start'], $a->pager['itemspage']); } if (!count($r)) { return $o; } $id = 0; foreach ($r as $rr) { //get further details of the contact $contact_details = get_contact_details_by_url($rr['url'], $uid); // $rr[id] is needed to use contact_photo_menu() $rr[id] = $rr[cid]; $photo_menu = ''; $photo_menu = contact_photo_menu($rr); $entry = array('url' => $rr['url'], 'itemurl' => $contact_details['addr'] != "" ? $contact_details['addr'] : $rr['url'], 'name' => $rr['name'], 'thumb' => proxy_url($rr['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB), 'img_hover' => htmlentities($rr['name']), 'details' => $contact_details['location'], 'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'], 'about' => $contact_details['about'], 'account_type' => $contact_details['community'] ? t('Forum') : '', 'network' => network_to_name($contact_details['network'], $contact_details['url']), 'photo_menu' => $photo_menu, 'id' => ++$id); $entries[] = $entry; } if ($cmd === 'loc' && $cid && $uid == local_user()) { $tab_str = contacts_tab($a, $cid, 4); } else { $title = t('Common Friends'); } $tpl = get_markup_template('viewcontact_template.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => $title, '$tab_str' => $tab_str, '$contacts' => $entries, '$paginate' => paginate($a))); return $o; }
function common_content(&$a) { $o = ''; $cmd = $a->argv[1]; $uid = intval($a->argv[2]); $cid = intval($a->argv[3]); $zcid = 0; if ($cmd !== 'loc' && $cmd != 'rem') { return; } if (!$uid) { return; } if ($cmd === 'loc' && $cid) { $c = q("select name, url, photo from contact where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($cid), intval($uid)); } else { $c = q("select name, url, photo from contact where self = 1 and uid = %d limit 1", intval($uid)); } $a->page['aside'] .= '<div class="vcard">' . '<div class="fn label">' . $c[0]['name'] . '</div>' . '<div id="profile-photo-wrapper">' . '<img class="photo" width="175" height="175" src="' . $c[0]['photo'] . '" alt="' . $c[0]['name'] . '" /></div>' . '</div>'; if (!count($c)) { return; } $o .= '<h2>' . t('Common Friends') . '</h2>'; if (!$cid) { if (get_my_url()) { $r = q("select id from contact where nurl = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url())), intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $cid = $r[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("select id from gcontact where nurl = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url()))); if (count($r)) { $zcid = $r[0]['id']; } } } } if ($cid == 0 && $zcid == 0) { return; } if ($cid) { $t = count_common_friends($uid, $cid); } else { $t = count_common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid); } $a->set_pager_total($t); if (!$t) { notice(t('No contacts in common.') . EOL); return $o; } if ($cid) { $r = common_friends($uid, $cid); } else { $r = common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid); } if (!count($r)) { return $o; } $tpl = get_markup_template('common_friends.tpl'); foreach ($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$url' => $rr['url'], '$name' => $rr['name'], '$photo' => $rr['photo'], '$tags' => '')); } $o .= cleardiv(); // $o .= paginate($a); return $o; }
function common_friends_visitor_widget($profile_uid) { $a = get_app(); if (local_user() == $profile_uid) { return; } $cid = $zcid = 0; if (is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $visitor) { if ($visitor['uid'] == $profile_uid) { $cid = $visitor['cid']; break; } } } if (!$cid) { if (get_my_url()) { $r = q("select id from contact where nurl = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url())), intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $cid = $r[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("select id from gcontact where nurl = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url()))); if (count($r)) { $zcid = $r[0]['id']; } } } } if ($cid == 0 && $zcid == 0) { return; } require_once 'include/socgraph.php'; if ($cid) { $t = count_common_friends($profile_uid, $cid); } else { $t = count_common_friends_zcid($profile_uid, $zcid); } if (!$t) { return; } if ($cid) { $r = common_friends($profile_uid, $cid, 0, 5, true); } else { $r = common_friends_zcid($profile_uid, $zcid, 0, 5, true); } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('remote_friends_common.tpl'), array('$desc' => sprintf(tt("%d contact in common", "%d contacts in common", $t), $t), '$base' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$uid' => $profile_uid, '$cid' => $cid ? $cid : '0', '$linkmore' => $t > 5 ? 'true' : '', '$more' => t('show more'), '$items' => $r)); }
function common_content(&$a) { $o = ''; $cmd = $a->argv[1]; $uid = intval($a->argv[2]); $cid = intval($a->argv[3]); $zcid = 0; if ($cmd !== 'loc' && $cmd != 'rem') { return; } if (!$uid) { return; } if ($cmd === 'loc' && $cid) { $c = q("select name, url, photo from contact where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($cid), intval($uid)); } else { $c = q("select name, url, photo from contact where self = 1 and uid = %d limit 1", intval($uid)); } $vcard_widget .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl"), array('$name' => $c[0]['name'], '$photo' => $c[0]['photo'], 'url' => z_root() . '/contacts/' . $cid)); if (!x($a->page, 'aside')) { $a->page['aside'] = ''; } $a->page['aside'] .= $vcard_widget; if (!count($c)) { return; } $o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("section_title.tpl"), array('$title' => t('Common Friends'))); if (!$cid) { if (get_my_url()) { $r = q("select id from contact where nurl = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url())), intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $cid = $r[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("select id from gcontact where nurl = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(normalise_link(get_my_url()))); if (count($r)) { $zcid = $r[0]['id']; } } } } if ($cid == 0 && $zcid == 0) { return; } if ($cid) { $t = count_common_friends($uid, $cid); } else { $t = count_common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid); } $a->set_pager_total($t); if (!$t) { notice(t('No contacts in common.') . EOL); return $o; } if ($cid) { $r = common_friends($uid, $cid); } else { $r = common_friends_zcid($uid, $zcid); } if (!count($r)) { return $o; } $tpl = get_markup_template('common_friends.tpl'); foreach ($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$url' => $rr['url'], '$name' => $rr['name'], '$photo' => $rr['photo'], '$tags' => '')); } $o .= cleardiv(); // $o .= paginate($a); return $o; }