function check_answer_exist($user_id, $survey_id, $question_id, $option_id) { $connection = connect_db(); $sql = "SELECT *\n \t\t\tFROM user_answers\n \t\t\tWHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " AND survey_id=" . $survey_id . " AND question_id=" . $question_id . " AND option_id=" . $option_id; $query_results = mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die(mysql_error()); $answer_exists = mysqli_num_rows($query_results) > 0 ? true : false; return $answer_exists; close_db($connection); }
function getDirectors() { connect_db(); $directors = array(); foreach ($this->director_order as $uid) { $directors[] = get_object('Director', $uid); } close_db(); return $directors; }
function updatePlugins() { connect_db(); $list = $this->getPluginsList(); // Delete anything lingering in the database mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE plugins"); foreach (array_slice($list, 0, 999) as $fileNames) { $this->parseFilename($fileNames); } close_db(); echo 'Success!'; }
/** * Update one item in the table * @param VOTimeline to be updated * @return NULL */ public function updateData($obj) { if ($obj == NULL) { return NULL; } //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //save changes $sql = "UPDATE btk_user_info SET ts_username='******', ts_password='******',reg_username='******', reg_password='******'"; $DB->execute($sql); close_db($DB); return NULL; }
public function deleteData($obj) { if ($obj == NULL) { return NULL; } //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //save changes $sql = "DELETE FROM mime_type_cross WHERE id=?"; $DB->execute($sql, array($obj->id)); close_db($DB); return NULL; }
function genpassword() { echo "new password list...<br>\n"; connect_db(); // $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE NOT(type='A')"); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE (type='C')"); $row = mysql_num_rows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $row; $i++) { echo mysql_result($res, $i, 'user_id') . ':'; echo mysql_result($res, $i, 'name') . ':'; $pass = randpass(); echo $pass . "<br>\n"; setpassword(mysql_result($res, $i, 'user_id'), $pass); } close_db(); }
function listuser() { echo '<table border=1>'; echo '<tr><td width="10%"><b>username</b></td>'; echo '<td width="40%"><b>name</b></td><td><b>password</b></td></tr>'; connect_db(); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE NOT(type='A')"); $row = mysql_num_rows($res); for ($i = 0; $i < $row; $i++) { echo '<tr><td>' . mysql_result($res, $i, 'user_id') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . mysql_result($res, $i, 'name') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . mysql_result($res, $i, 'passwd') . "</td></tr>\n"; } close_db(); echo '</table>'; }
/** * @author Tuan Anh * @copyright 2011 */ function toFile($result, $id, $bd, $fn) { require_once '../src/db.php'; $con = connect_db(); $fh = fopen($fn, 'a') or die('cant open file'); //check if $result empty if ($result == '') { return; } //insert name and student_id to student table $str = ''; $str .= " /*" . $stt . "====================================' .{$id}.'-'.{$result['0']}.'===============================*/" . "\n"; $str .= 'INSERT INTO student VALUES ("' . $id . '", "' . $result[0] . '","' . $bd . '");' . "\n"; //insert each term for ($i = 1; $i < count($result); $i++) { $str .= '/*======================' . $result[$i]['hk'] . '======================*/' . "\n"; $j = 0; $count = count($result[$i]) - 7; while ($j < $count) { //check if subject_id exits $subject_id = $result[$i][$j]; $subject_name = $result[$i][$j + 1]; $subject_credit = $result[$i][$j + 3]; if (!check_exits($subject_id, 'subject', 'subject_id')) { //insert subject_id, subject_name, credit $str .= 'INSERT INTO subject VALUES ("' . $subject_id . '","' . $subject_name . '",' . $subject_credit . ');' . "\n"; } //insert mid_term, end_term, avg $group = $result[$i][$j + 2]; $mid_grade = $result[$i][$j + 4] == '---' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i][$j + 4]; $end_grade = $result[$i][$j + 5] == '---' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i][$j + 5]; $avg_grade = $result[$i][$j + 6] == '---' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i][$j + 6]; $str .= 'INSERT INTO score_term VALUES ("' . $id . '", "' . $result[$i]['hk'] . '","' . $result[$i][$j] . '",' . $mid_grade . ',' . $end_grade . ',' . $avg_grade . ',"' . $group . '");' . "\n"; $j += 7; } //insert into term_stat $sum_credit_reg_term = $result[$i]['sum_credit_reg_term'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i]['sum_credit_reg_term']; $sum_credit_all_term = $result[$i]['sum_credit_all_term'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i]['sum_credit_all_term']; $avg_term = $result[$i]['avg_term'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i]['avg_term']; $sum_credit = $result[$i]['sum_credit'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i]['sum_credit']; $avg_all = $result[$i]['avg_all'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $result[$i]['avg_all']; $str .= 'INSERT INTO term_stat VALUES ("' . $result[$i]['hk'] . '" ,"' . $id . '" ,' . $sum_credit_reg_term . ' ,' . $sum_credit_all_term . ' ,' . $avg_term . ' ,' . $sum_credit . ' ,' . $avg_all . ');' . "\n"; } fwrite($fh, $str . "\n"); fclose($fh); close_db($con); }
public function books_get() { $book_id = isset($this->_params[0]) ? $this->_params['0'] : ''; if (!is_numeric($this->_params[0])) { throw new Exception("invalid parameters in request", 400); } require_once 'include/connect_db.php'; $conn = connect_db(); $book_id = $conn->real_escape_string($book_id); $sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `books` WHERE"; $sql_query .= "`id`='{$book_id}'"; if ($result = $conn->query($sql_query)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $count = $row[0]; } else { close_db($conn); throw new Exception("db error", 500); } if ($count == 0) { close_db($conn); throw new Exception("no book found", 404); } else { $sql_query = "SELECT b.*, p.`name` as publisher, s.`name` as subject FROM `books`b, `publishers`p, `subjects`s WHERE "; $sql_query .= "b.`id`='{$book_id}' AND p.`id`=b.`publisher_id` AND s.`id`=b.`subject_id` LIMIT 1"; if ($result = $conn->query($sql_query)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); unset($row['publisher_id']); if ($row['img'] === '1') { $row['img_url'] = "" . $row['isbn'] . ".jpg"; } else { $row['img_url'] = "" . "no-image.jpg"; } $row['_links']['self']['href'] = "/books/" . $book_id; $retData = array(); $retData['staus'] = "success"; $retData['message'] = null; $retData['data'] = $row; close_db($conn); return array('data' => $retData, 'status' => 200); } else { close_db($conn); throw new Exception("db error", 500); } } }
/** * Retrieve all the records from the table * @return an array of VOUser */ public function getData($searchKey = null) { //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //retrieve all rows $rs = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY username"); $ret = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmp = new VOUser(); $tmp->id = $rs->fields["id"]; $tmp->username = $rs->fields["username"]; $tmp->password = $rs->fields["password"]; $ret[] = $tmp; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $ret; close_db($DB); }
/** * Retrieve all the records from the table * @return an array of VOTimeline */ public function getData($searchKey = null) { //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //retrieve all rows $rs = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM btk_db_update ORDER BY update_date DESC LIMIT 1"); $ret = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmp = new VOBTKGeneralInfo(); $tmp->updateName = $rs->fields["update_id"]; $tmp->updateDate = $rs->fields["update_date"]; $tmp->currentClient = 10; $ret[] = $tmp; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $ret; close_db($DB); }
/** * Retrieve all the records from the table * @return an array of VOTimeline */ public function getData($searchKey = null) { //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //retrieve all rows $rs = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM btk_timestamp_history ORDER BY id"); $ret = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmp = new VOBTKTimestampHistory(); $tmp->id = $rs->fields["id"]; $tmp->name = $rs->fields["name"]; $tmp->logSize = $rs->fields["log_size"]; $ret[] = $tmp; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $ret; close_db($DB); }
/** * Retrieve all the records from the table * @return an array of VOTimeline */ public function getData($searchKey = null) { //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //retrieve all rows $rs = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM btk_db_update ORDER BY id desc"); $ret = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmp = new VOBTKDbUpdate(); $tmp->id = $rs->fields["id"]; $tmp->updateId = $rs->fields["update_id"]; $tmp->updateDate = $rs->fields["update_date"]; $tmp->newRecordCount = $rs->fields["new_record_count"]; $tmp->deletedRecordCount = $rs->fields["deleted_record_count"]; $ret[] = $tmp; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $ret; close_db($DB); }
/** * Retrieve all the records from the table * @return an array of VOTimeline */ public function getData($searchKey = null) { //connect to the database. $DB = connect_db(false); //retrieve all rows $rs = $DB->Execute("SELECT * FROM btk_service_status ORDER BY id"); $ret = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmp = new VOTimeline(); $tmp->id = $rs->fields["id"]; $tmp->startDate = $rs->fields["start_date"]; $tmp->endDate = $rs->fields["end_date"]; $tmp->status = $rs->fields["status"]; $tmp->label = $rs->fields["status"]; $ret[] = $tmp; $rs->MoveNext(); } return $ret; close_db($DB); }
echo $val["id"]; ?> "><img src="img/del.png" alt="удалить">удалить</a></a></li> </ul> <h1><?php echo $val["name"]; ?> </h1> <div class="article"> <div> <span>Автор: <?php echo mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT name FROM `author` WHERE `id`=" . $val["author_id"]))["name"]; ?> </span> <span> Дата: <?php echo $val["date"]; ?> </span> </div> <div class="article-body"> <?php echo $val["article"]; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php close_db($link);
function province_update($table, $is_city, $value, $p_id = 0) { if ($table == 'hoau_company') { $type = 'is_company'; } elseif ($table == 'hoau_drdnetstate') { $type = 'is_drd'; } elseif ($table == 'hoau_drd_price') { $type = 'is_drd_price'; } $type = 'is_drd_price'; $db = get_db(); if ($is_city == 0) { $sql = "select is_drd_price,id from hoau_province where parent_id=0 and name='{$value}'"; } else { $sql = "select is_drd_price,id from hoau_province where parent_id>0 and name='{$value}'"; } $record = $db->query($sql); if (count($record) > 0) { if ($record[0]->is_drd_price == '0') { $sql = "update hoau_province set is_drd_price=1 where id={$record[0]->id}"; $db->execute($sql); } return $record[0]->id; } else { $sql2 = "insert into hoau_province (name,parent_id,priority,is_drd_price) values ('{$value}','{$p_id}','100','1')"; $db->execute($sql2); $record = $db->query($sql); return $record[0]->id; } close_db(); }
public function cart_delete() { $book_id = isset($this->_params['book_id']) ? $this->_params['book_id'] : null; if (!($book_id && is_numeric($book_id))) { throw new Exception("invalid parameters in request", 400); } try { $cart_id = $this->authenticate_cart(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } $conn = connect_db(); if ($this->_user_id) { $sql_query = "SELECT `cart_id` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={$this->_user_id} LIMIT 1"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $user_cart_id = $row['cart_id']; if (!$user_cart_id) { throw new Exception("invalid request: no cart exists for the user", 404); } if ($cart_id) { if ($cart_id !== $user_cart_id) { throw new Exception("insufficient permissions", 401); } } $cart_id = $user_cart_id; try { $conn->autocommit(false); $sql_query = "DELETE FROM `cart` WHERE `id`='{$cart_id}' AND `book_id`='{$book_id}'"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $conn->commit(); $sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cart` WHERE `id`={$cart_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { close_db($conn); throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $row2 = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $count = $row2[0]; if ($count == 0) { $sql_query = "UPDATE `users` SET `cart_id`= null WHERE `id`={$this->_user_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } } $conn->commit(); $conn->autocommit(true); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); close_db($conn); throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } else { $sql_query = "DELETE FROM `cart` WHERE `id`='{$cart_id}' AND `book_id`='{$book_id}'"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { echo $conn->error; throw new Exception("db error", 500); } } close_db($conn); $data = array("cart_id" => $cart_id, "book_id" => $book_id); $retData = array(); $retData['staus'] = "success"; $retData['message'] = "cart item deleted"; $retData['data'] = $data; return array('data' => $retData, 'status' => 200); }
public function orders_post() { if (!$this->_user_id) { throw new Exception("no token sent", 400); } $total = 0; $time = time(); $status = 'Order Recieved'; $conn = connect_db(); $sql_query = "SELECT `cart_id` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={$this->_user_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $cart_id = $row[0]; if (!$cart_id) { throw new Exception("order can't be placed: cart empty", 400); } try { $conn->autocommit(false); $sql_query = "INSERT INTO `orders` "; $sql_query .= "(`id`,`user_id`,`total`,`placed_at_time`,`status`) VALUES "; $sql_query .= "(null,'{$this->_user_id}','{$total}','{$time}','{$status}')"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $order_id = $conn->insert_id; $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `cart` WHERE `id`={$cart_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $book_id = $row['book_id']; $quantity = $row['quantity']; $sql_query = "SELECT `price` FROM `books` WHERE `id`={$book_id}"; if (!($book_result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $book_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($book_result); $price = $book_row['price'] * 0.35; $total += $quantity * $price; $sql_query = "INSERT INTO `order_details`"; $sql_query .= "(`order_id`,`book_id`,`quantity`,`price`) VALUES"; $sql_query .= "('{$order_id}','{$book_id}','{$quantity}','{$price}')"; if (!($order_result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } } $sql_query = "UPDATE `users` SET `cart_id`= null WHERE `id`={$this->_user_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $sql_query = "UPDATE `orders` SET `total`={$total} WHERE `id`={$order_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $sql_query = "DELETE FROM `cart` WHERE `id`={$cart_id}"; if (!($result = $conn->query($sql_query))) { throw new Exception("db error", 500); } $conn->commit(); $conn->autocommit(true); close_db($conn); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); close_db($conn); throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } $retData = array(); $retData['staus'] = "success"; $retData['message'] = "order placed successfully"; $data = array(); $data['order_id'] = $order_id; $data['_links']['self']['href'] = "/orders/" . $order_id; $retData['data'] = $data; return array('data' => $retData, 'status' => 200); }
function display($string, $current) { global $inHead; global $config; $tabs = array(); $tabs['upload'] = array('url' => 'plog-upload.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>U</em>pload')); $tabs['import'] = array('url' => 'plog-import.php?nojs=1', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>I</em>mport'), 'onclick' => "window.location='plog-import.php'; return false;"); $tabs['manage'] = array('url' => 'plog-manage.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>M</em>anage')); $tabs['feedback'] = array('url' => 'plog-feedback.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>F</em>eedback')); $tabs['options'] = array('url' => 'plog-options.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>O</em>ptions')); $tabs['themes'] = array('url' => 'plog-themes.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>T</em>hemes')); $tabs['plugins'] = array('url' => 'plog-plugins.php', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>P</em>lugins')); $tabs['view'] = array('url' => $config['gallery_url'], 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>V</em>iew'), 'onclick' => "'" . $config['gallery_url'] . "'); return false;"); $tabs['support'] = array('url' => '', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>S</em>upport'), 'onclick' => "''); return false;"); $tabs['logout'] = array('url' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?action=log_out', 'caption' => plog_tr('<em>L</em>og out')); // Get the accesskey from the localization - it should be surrounded by <em> tags foreach ($tabs as $key => $data) { if (preg_match('|<em>(.*)</em>|', $data['caption'], $matches)) { $tabs[$key]['accesskey'] = $matches[1]; } } $output = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Plogger ' . plog_tr('Gallery Admin') . '</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/css/admin.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/js/plogger.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/js/lightbox.js"></script> ' . $inHead . ' </head> <body onload="initLightbox();"> <div id="header"> <div id="logo"> <img src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/images/plogger.gif" width="393" height="90" alt="Plogger" /> </div><!-- /logo --> <div id="plogger-version"> <div class="align-right"> ' . $config['version'] . ' [' . plogger_show_server_info_link() . '] </div><!-- /align-right --> ' . plogger_generate_server_info() . ' </div><!-- /plogger-version --> <div style="clear: both; height: 15px;"> </div> <div id="tab-nav"> <ul>'; foreach ($tabs as $tab => $data) { $output .= ' <li'; if ($current == $tab) { $output .= ' id="current"'; } $output .= '><a'; if (!empty($data['onclick'])) { $output .= ' onclick="' . $data['onclick'] . '"'; } if (!empty($data['accesskey'])) { $output .= ' accesskey="' . $data['accesskey'] . '"'; } $output .= ' href="' . $data['url'] . '">' . $data['caption'] . '</a></li>'; } $output .= ' </ul> </div><!-- /tab-nav --> </div><!-- /header --> <div id="content"> ' . $string . ' </div><!-- /content -->'; if (defined('PLOGGER_DEBUG') && PLOGGER_DEBUG == '1') { $output .= trace('Queries: ' . $GLOBALS['query_count'], false); foreach ($GLOBALS['queries'] as $q) { $output .= trace($q, false); } $output .= trace(plog_timer('end'), false); } $output .= "\n\n" . '</body> </html>'; echo $output; close_db(); close_ftp(); exit; }
function get_write_db() { close_db(); open_db_write(); }
</a> </div> </div> <?php /* if(isset($_GET['ud'])) { //$userdev = $_GET['ud']; getUserDevices($_GET['ud'], $dbconn); } if(isset($_GET['uh'])) { getUserHistory($_GET['uh'], $dbconn); } */ close_db($dbconn); } else { session_unset(); session_destroy(); session_write_close(); setcookie(session_name(), '', 0, '/'); session_regenerate_id(true); header("Location: login.php"); echo "<h4>No user defined</h4>"; } } else { session_unset(); session_destroy(); session_write_close(); setcookie(session_name(), '', 0, '/'); session_regenerate_id(true);
function outputPlugins() { connect_db(); $ordervar = @$_GET["order"] ? quote_db(@$_GET["order"]) : "moddate"; $asc_desc = @$_GET["sort"] ? quote_db(@$_GET["sort"]) : "DESC"; $result = query_db("SELECT * FROM plugins ORDER BY {$ordervar} {$asc_desc}"); $now = time(); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $moddate_unix = strtotime($row['moddate']); $odd = $i % 2 == 1; $image_file = file_exists($row['image']) ? $row['image'] : "images/noicon.png"; echo '<div class="box name' . ($odd ? ' odd' : '') . '" >'; echo ' <img src="' . $image_file . '" alt="plugin icon" />'; echo ' <a href="' . $row['fullpath'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>'; if ($now - $moddate_unix <= 5184000) { echo ' <sup><span style="color:#ff0000;" >new!</span></sup>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="box version' . ($odd ? ' odd' : '') . '" >' . $row['version'] . ' </div>'; echo '<div class="box updated' . ($odd ? ' odd' : '') . '" >' . $row['moddate'] . ' </div>'; // <div class="box" id="dl"><a href="'.$row['fullpath'].'"><img src="images/download.gif" /></a></div>'; $i++; } echo '<p> </p>'; close_db(); }
<?php include_once "include/db_mysql.php"; include_once "include/common.php"; $conn = db_connect($h, $p, $u, $db); if ($conn) { $sql = "select id,board_name,board_desc from boards order by id asc"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . " <br/>SQL=" . $sql); if ($num = mysql_num_rows($result)) { $board_list = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bid = $row['id']; $board_list .= "<div id=\"b_name\"> > <a href=\"list.php?bid={$bid}\">" . $row['board_name'] . "</a></div>"; $board_list .= "<div id=\"b_desc\">" . $row['board_desc'] . "</div><br/>"; } } else { $board_list = "<div id=\"b_name\">" . $ERR['NO_BOARD'] . "</div>"; } close_db($conn); } $html_title = $HTML_TITLE['board']; include_once "template/board.htm";
<?php include 'config.php'; include 'db-functions.php'; $connection = connect_to_db(); select_db(); if (isset($_GET["notificationid"])) { $query = "SELECT * FROM notification WHERE notificationid = " . $_GET["notificationid"]; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM notification"; } $result = run_query($query); // Pushes each entry of result into an array and converts it to JSON. $array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($array, $row); } echo json_encode($array); close_db($connection);
$prev = ""; $dbh = open_db($database); $query = "select title,url,stamp,id from bag order by stamp"; $result = $dbh->query($query); while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) { $title = preg_replace('/[^A-za-z0-9\'\\"\\?\\.\\&\\!\\$\\:\\;\\/\\- ]/', ' ', $row['title']); $url = $row['url']; $stamp = $row['stamp']; $id = $row['id']; if ($stamp == $prev) { } else { echo "<p style='font-size:medium'>{$stamp}</p><p>"; } echo "- <a href='{$url}' target='_NEW{$id}'>{$title}</a><br/>\n"; $prev = $stamp; } echo "\n<p style='font-size:x-small'>Above was generated by a homegrown bolt-on script for <a href='' target='_NEWWALLA'>Wallabag</a>, which is a free utility for capturing web content so that it can be read later.</p>"; close_db($dbh); } function open_db($database) { $dbh = new SQLite3($database); if (!$dbh) { die($error); } return $dbh; } function close_db($dbh) { $dbh->close(); }
function clean_session() { $_SESSION['filler'] = null; $_SESSION['tipo'] = null; $_SESSION['paroleFiller'] = array(); $_SESSION['primePh1'] = null; $_SESSION['primePh2'] = null; $_SESSION['parola1'] = array(); $_SESSION['parola2'] = array(); $_SESSION['interp1'] = array(); $_SESSION['interp2'] = array(); close_db(); }
/** main page */ include 'includes/'; $db = connect_to_db(); if ($signed_in) { $who_you_want = select_p($db, "select crushee_id, (select name from wes_users where username = (select username from user where user_id = crushee_id)) as name from crushes where crusher_id = ?", array($signed_in_id), 'getAll'); $who_want_you = select_p($db, "select crusher_id, crusher_alias from crushes where crushee_id = ?", array($signed_in_id), 'getAll'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($who_you_want); $i++) { $crushee_id = $who_you_want[$i]['crushee_id']; $match = select_p($db, "select count(*) from crushes where crusher_id = ? and crushee_id = ?", array($crushee_id, $signed_in_id), 'getOne'); $who_you_want[$i]['match'] = $match; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($who_want_you); $i++) { $crusher_id = $who_want_you[$i]['crusher_id']; $match = select_p($db, "select count(*) from crushes where crusher_id = ? and crushee_id = ?", array($signed_in_id, $crusher_id), 'getOne'); // the big reveal... don't f**k up this code if ($match) { $name = select_p($db, "select name from wes_users where username = (select username from user where user_id = ?)", array($crusher_id), 'getOne'); $who_want_you[$i]['name'] = $name; } $who_want_you[$i]['match'] = $match; } $smarty->assign('who_you_want', $who_you_want); $smarty->assign('who_want_you', $who_want_you); $quote = select_p($db, "select * from quotes order by rand() limit 1", array(), 'getRow'); $smarty->assign('quote', $quote['quote']); $smarty->assign('quoted', $quote['quoted']); } $smarty->display('index.tpl'); close_db($db);
function list_room_types() { global $dsn, $dbConn; open_db(); $sql = "select room_type_id, desc_en from room_types order by desc_en"; $dbResult = odbc_exec($dbConn, $sql); while (odbc_fetch_row($dbResult)) { echo '<option label="' . odbc_result($dbResult, "desc_en") . '">' . odbc_result($dbResult, "room_type_id") . '</option>'; } close_db(); return true; }
$user_type = mysql_result($res, 0, "type"); $user_group = mysql_result($res, 0, "grp"); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } session_start(); $p_id = $_POST['id']; $p_pass = $_POST['pass']; connect_db(); $check = checkpassword($p_id, $p_pass, $user_type, $user_group); close_db(); if ($check) { $_SESSION['id'] = $p_id; $_SESSION['type'] = $user_type; $_SESSION['group'] = $user_group; echo '<html>'; echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=main.php">'; echo '</html>'; } else { session_destroy(); echo '<html>'; echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=login.php?error=1">'; echo '</html>'; } ?>
function processsubmission() { $id = $_POST['id']; $fsize = $_FILES['code']['size']; // echo 'id = ' . $id; if ($fsize > 0 && $fsize <= 100000) { connect_db(); $res = savesubmission($_POST['id'], $_POST['probid'], $_FILES['code']['tmp_name']); close_db(); if ($res != NULL) { $_SESSION['msg'] = $res; } } else { $_SESSION['msg'] = 'ERROR: File too large'; } }