// This is an example demonstrating how to use the cliargs command-line argument
// library. By Pete Warden, http://petewarden.typepad.com - freely reusable
// with no restrictions.
require_once 'cliargs.php';
$cliargs = array('filename' => array('short' => 'f', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'This is a required argument, the value can be specified as either -f/--filename=<value> or -f/--filename <value>. If the argument is not specified, the script will print this usage information and exit', 'default' => ''), 'queryurl' => array('short' => 'q', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'This is an optional argument, if -q/--queryurl is not specified, the default value of "empty" will be set into the result array', 'default' => 'http://example.com'), 'dohost' => array('short' => 'h', 'type' => 'switch', 'description' => 'Switches default to false if they\'re not included on the command line, or true if they are present (you don\'t specify a value)'));
$options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs);
$filename = $options['filename'];
$queryurl = $options['queryurl'];
$dohost = $options['dohost'];
if ($filename === 'bad') {
    print "You gave me a filename I didn't like: '{$filename}'\n";
print "All arguments set: filename='{$filename}', queryurl='{$queryurl}', dohost='";
if ($dohost) {
    print "true";
} else {
    print "false";
print "'\n";
$unnamed = $options['unnamed'];
if (empty($unnamed)) {
    print "No unnamed arguments\n";
} else {
    print "Unnamed arguments: " . print_r($unnamed, true);
Exemple #2
$cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to read the input OSM XML data from - if unset, will read from stdin', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the output OSM XML data to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'top_left' => array('short' => 't', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The top-left corner of the box to crop the ways to, as a latitude,longitude pair, eg 40,20'), 'bottom_right' => array('short' => 'b', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The bottom-right corner of the box to crop the ways to, as a latitude,longitude pair, eg 40,20'), 'verbose' => array('short' => 'v', 'type' => 'switch', 'description' => 'Enables debugging output about the job\'s progress'));
$options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs);
$input_file = $options['inputfile'];
$output_file = $options['outputfile'];
$top_left = $options['top_left'];
$bottom_right = $options['bottom_right'];
$verbose = $options['verbose'];
$top_left_parts = explode(',', $top_left);
if (count($top_left_parts) !== 2) {
    print "Bad top_left parameter '{$top_left}'";
$bottom_right_parts = explode(',', $bottom_right);
if (count($bottom_right_parts) !== 2) {
    print "Bad bottom_right parameter '{$bottom_right}'";
$min_lat = min($top_left_parts[0], $bottom_right_parts[0]);
$max_lat = max($top_left_parts[0], $bottom_right_parts[0]);
$min_lon = min($top_left_parts[1], $bottom_right_parts[1]);
$max_lon = max($top_left_parts[1], $bottom_right_parts[1]);
if ($verbose) {
    error_log("Starting load of '{$input_file}'");
$input_osm_ways = new OSMWays();
$input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'");
$output_osm_ways = crop_ways_to_box($input_osm_ways, $min_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon, $verbose);
if ($verbose) {
    error_log("Starting save of '{$output_file}'");
Exemple #3
function cliargs_get_options($cliargs)
    global $argv;
    global $argc;
    $options = array('unnamed' => array());
    for ($index = 1; $index < $argc; $index += 1) {
        $currentarg = strtolower($argv[$index]);
        $argparts = split('=', $currentarg);
        $namepart = $argparts[0];
        if (cliargs_strstartswith($namepart, '--')) {
            $longname = substr($namepart, 2);
        } else {
            if (cliargs_strstartswith($namepart, '-')) {
                $shortname = substr($namepart, 1);
                $longname = $shortname;
                foreach ($cliargs as $name => $info) {
                    if ($shortname === $info['short']) {
                        $longname = $name;
            } else {
                $longname = 'unnamed';
        if ($longname == 'unnamed') {
            $options['unnamed'][] = $namepart;
        } else {
            if (empty($cliargs[$longname])) {
                print "Unknown argument '{$longname}'\n";
            $arginfo = $cliargs[$longname];
            $argtype = $arginfo['type'];
            if ($argtype === 'switch') {
                $value = true;
            } else {
                if (isset($argparts[1])) {
                    $value = $argparts[1];
                } else {
                    if ($index + 1 < $argc) {
                        $value = $argv[$index + 1];
                        $index += 1;
                    } else {
                        print "Missing value after '{$longname}'\n";
            $options[$longname] = $value;
    foreach ($cliargs as $longname => $arginfo) {
        $type = $arginfo['type'];
        if (!isset($options[$longname])) {
            if ($type == 'required') {
                print "Missing required value for '{$longname}'\n";
            } else {
                if ($type == 'optional') {
                    if (!isset($arginfo['default'])) {
                        die('Missing default value for ' . $long);
                    $options[$longname] = $arginfo['default'];
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'switch') {
                        $options[$longname] = false;
    return $options;