function i18n_customfields_list_pages_json() { if (function_exists('find_i18n_url') && class_exists('I18nNavigationFrontend')) { $slug = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : (isset($_GET['newid']) ? $_GET['newid'] : ''); $pos = strpos($slug, '_'); $lang = $pos !== false ? substr($slug, $pos + 1) : null; $structure = I18nNavigationFrontend::getPageStructure(null, false, null, $lang); $pages = array(); $nbsp = html_entity_decode(' ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $lfloor = html_entity_decode('⌊', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); foreach ($structure as $page) { $text = ($page['level'] > 0 ? str_repeat($nbsp, 5 * $page['level'] - 2) . $lfloor . $nbsp : '') . cl($page['title']); $link = find_i18n_url($page['url'], $page['parent'], $lang ? $lang : return_i18n_default_language()); $pages[] = array($text, $link); } return json_encode($pages); } else { return list_pages_json(); } }
?> > <a title="<?php i18n('SELECT_FILE'); ?> : <?php htmlspecialchars($page['title']); ?> " href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="submitLink('<?php echo $page['url']; ?> ','<?php echo $page['parent']; ?> ')"><?php echo cl($page['title']); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> function filterPages() { var s = $('#filter').val().toLowerCase(); if (s == '') { $('#pages tbody tr').css('display', 'table-row');
// check for ajax call if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest') { header('Location: ' . $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'index.php?err=404'); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Image Widgit if (isset($_POST['widgit']) && check_set('SET_IMAGE_WIDGIT')) { $widgetHtml = ImageWidget(theme_setting('widgit_row', 4), false); echo $widgetHtml; exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Image report if (isset($_POST['report']) && check_set('SET_ALLOW_REPORT')) { if (!report_img(cl($_POST['report']))) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'error' => show_feedback(false))); exit; } echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'suc' => show_feedback(false))); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // admin only code below // check if user is loged in as admin if (!checklogin()) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // database backup
<?php include "engine.php"; $login_failed = FALSE; $login_form = FALSE; $login_successful = FALSE; $login_already = FALSE; if (!cl()) { if (isset($_POST['go'])) { if ($_POST['pw'] == $admin_pw) { $_SESSION['login'] = TRUE; $login_successful = TRUE; } else { $login_failed = TRUE; } } else { $login_form = TRUE; } } else { $login_already = TRUE; } include "1.php"; if ($login_successful) { echo "Login erfolgreich!"; $login_successful = FALSE; } if ($login_failed or $login_form) { ?> <h4>Login</h4> <?php if ($login_failed) {
<?php /** * Support * * @package GetSimple * @subpackage Support */ # Setup inclusions $load['plugin'] = true; include 'inc/common.php'; login_cookie_check(); get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('SUPPORT')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main"> <h3><?php i18n('GETTING_STARTED'); ?> </h3> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" ><?php
?" id="delback" accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE')); ?> " class="delconfirm noajax" ><?php i18n('ASK_DELETE'); ?> </a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <table class="simple highlight" > <tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('PAGE_TITLE'); ?> :</td><td><b><?php echo cl($title); ?> </b> <?php echo $private; ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class="title" ><?php i18n('BACKUP_OF'); ?> :</td><td> <?php if (isset($id)) { echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . find_url($url, $parent) . '">' . find_url($url, $parent) . '</a>'; } ?> </td></tr>
var tags = <?php echo json_encode($tags); ?> ; $(function() { $fParent = $('#post-parent'); $fParent.empty(); $fParent.append(<?php echo json_encode('<option value="" ' . ($parent == null ? 'selected' : '') . '>-- ' . i18n_r('NONE') . ' --</option>'); ?> ); <?php foreach ($structure as $page) { ?> $fParent.append(<?php echo json_encode('<option value="' . $page['url'] . '" ' . ($parent == $page['url'] ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . ($page['level'] > 0 ? str_repeat(" ", 5 * $page['level'] - 2) . '⌊ ' : '') . cl($page['title']) . '</option>'); ?> ); <?php } ?> if ($('#tick').size() > 0) { // GetSimple 3.1+ $('a.viewlink').hide(); $('#menu-items').css('height','auto').css('padding-bottom','10px'); $('#post-menu').attr('style','').addClass('short'); $('#post-menu').prev().remove(); $('#post-menu').prev().remove(); $('#post-menu').prev().remove(); $('#post-menu').before('<span style="text-transform:none"><label for="post-menu">' + <?php echo json_encode(i18n_r('MENU_TEXT')); ?>
$success = i18n_r('THUMB_SAVED'); } else { i18n('ERROR'); } } list($imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgtype, $imgattr) = getimagesize($src_folder . $subPath . $src); if (file_exists($thumb_folder . 'thumbnail.' . $src)) { list($thwidth, $thheight, $thtype, $athttr) = getimagesize($thumb_folder . 'thumbnail.' . $src); $thumb_exists = ' | <a href="' . $thumb_folder_rel . 'thumbnail.' . rawurlencode($src) . '" rel="facybox_i" >' . i18n_r('CURRENT_THUMBNAIL') . '</a> <code>' . $thwidth . 'x' . $thheight . '</code>'; } else { require_once 'inc/imagemanipulation.php'; genStdThumb($subPath, $src); list($thwidth, $thheight, $thtype, $athttr) = getimagesize($thumb_folder . 'thumbnail.' . $src); $thumb_exists = ' | <a href="' . $thumb_folder_rel . 'thumbnail.' . rawurlencode($src) . '" rel="facybox_i" >' . i18n_r('CURRENT_THUMBNAIL') . '</a> <code>' . $thwidth . 'x' . $thheight . '</code>'; } get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('FILE_MANAGEMENT') . ' » ' . i18n_r('IMAGES')); include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main"> <h3><?php i18n('IMG_CONTROl_PANEL'); ?> </h3> <?php echo '<p><a href="' . $src_folder . $subPath . rawurlencode($src) . '" rel="facybox_i" >' . i18n_r('ORIGINAL_IMG') . '</a> <code>' . $imgwidth . 'x' . $imgheight . '</code>' . $thumb_exists . '</p>'; ?>
$fathers = file($type . 'father.txt'); $countname = count($names); $countsirname = count($sirnames); $countfather = count($fathers); $all = max(array($countfather, $countname, $countsirname)); $res = array(); $cur = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $all; $i++) { $cur++; $full = ""; if ($cur > $countsirname) { $full = cl($sirnames[rand(0, $countsirname - 1)]); } else { $full = cl($sirnames[$i]); } $full .= ' '; if ($cur > $countname) { $full .= cl($names[rand(0, $countname - 1)]); } else { $full .= cl($names[$i]); } $full .= ' '; if ($cur > $countfather) { $full .= cl($fathers[rand(0, $countfather - 1)]); } else { $full .= cl($fathers[$i]); } $res[] = $full; } print_r(implode("\n", $res)); file_put_contents('../Names/' . $type . "_full.txt", implode("\n", $res));
/** * Get Main Navigation * * This will return unordered list of main navigation * This function uses the menu opitions listed within the 'Edit Page' control panel screen * * @since 1.0 * @uses GSDATAOTHERPATH * @uses getXML * @uses subval_sort * @uses find_url * @uses strip_quotes * @uses exec_filter * * @param string $currentpage This is the ID of the current page the visitor is on * @return string */ function get_navigation($currentpage) { $menu = ''; global $pagesArray; $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray, 'menuOrder'); if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) { foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { $sel = ''; $classes = ''; $url_nav = $page['url']; if ($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y') { if ("{$currentpage}" == "{$url_nav}") { $classes = "current active " . $page['parent'] . " " . $url_nav; } else { $classes = trim($page['parent'] . " " . $url_nav); } if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; } if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; } $menu .= '<li class="' . $classes . '"><a href="' . find_url($page['url'], $page['parent']) . '" title="' . encode_quotes(cl($page['title'])) . '">' . strip_decode($page['menu']) . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } } echo exec_filter('menuitems', $menu); }
* @package GetSimple * @subpackage Theme */ // Setup inclusions $load['plugin'] = true; include 'inc/common.php'; login_cookie_check(); $sitemap = generate_sitemap(); if ($sitemap !== true) { $error = $sitemap; } else { if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) { $success = i18n_r('SITEMAP_REFRESHED'); } } get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . strip_tags(i18n_r('SIDE_VIEW_SITEMAP'))); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main" > <h3 class="floated"><?php echo i18n('SIDE_VIEW_SITEMAP'); ?> </h3> <div class="edit-nav clearfix" > <a href="../sitemap.xml" target="_blank" accesskey="<?php
$pagesArray_tmp[$count]['date'] = $data->pubDate; $count++; } } $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray_tmp, 'title'); } if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) { foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { $counter++; $table .= '<tr id="tr-' . $page['url'] . '" >'; if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = '[No Title] » <em>' . $page['url'] . '</em>'; } $table .= '<td class="pagetitle"><a title="' . i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE') . ' ' . cl($page['title']) . '" href="backup-edit.php?p=view&id=' . $page['url'] . '">' . cl($page['title']) . '</a></td>'; $table .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . output_date($page['date']) . '</span></td>'; $table .= '<td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" title="' . i18n_r('DELETEPAGE_TITLE') . ' ' . cl($page['title']) . '?" href="backup-edit.php?p=delete&id=' . $page['url'] . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("delete", "backup-edit.php") . '">×</a></td>'; $table .= '</tr>'; } } $pagetitle = i18n_r('BAK_MANAGEMENT'); get_template('header'); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main" >
function getCollectionItemOutput($collectionid, $id, $item, $class = 'item_edit', $code = '') { $disabled = (bool) (string) $item->disabled; $readonly = (bool) (string) $item->readonly; $str = ''; $str .= '<div class="compdiv codewrap" id="section-' . $id . '">'; $str .= '<table class="comptable" ><tr>'; $str .= '<td><b title="' . i18n_r('DOUBLE_CLICK_EDIT') . '" class="comptitle editable">' . stripslashes($item->title) . '</b></td>'; if (getDef('GSSHOWCODEHINTS', true) && !empty($code)) { $str .= '<td style="text-align:right;" ><code><?php ' . $code . '(<span class="compslugcode">\'' . $item->slug . '\'</span>); ?></code></td>'; } $str .= '<td class="compactive"><label class="" for="active[]" >' . i18n_r('ACTIVE') . '</label>'; $str .= '<input type="checkbox" class="compactive" name="component[' . $id . '][active]" ' . (!$disabled ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="' . $id . '" /></td>'; $str .= '<td class="delete" ><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="' . i18n_r('DELETE') . ' ' . cl($item->title) . '?" class="delcomponent" rel="' . $id . '" >×</a></td>'; $str .= '</tr></table>'; $str .= '<textarea id="editor_' . $id . '" name="component[' . $id . '][val]"' . getEditorAttribCallout($collectionid, $class) . '>' . stripslashes($item->value) . '</textarea>'; $str .= '<input type="hidden" class="compslug" name="component[' . $id . '][slug]" value="' . $item->slug . '" />'; $str .= '<input type="hidden" class="comptitle" name="component[' . $id . '][title]" value="' . stripslashes($item->title) . '" />'; $str .= '<input type="hidden" class="compid" name="component[' . $id . '][id]" value="' . $id . '" />'; $str .= '</div>'; return $str; }
$nonce = $_GET['nonce']; if (!check_nonce($nonce, "create")) { die("CSRF detected!"); } } exec_action('archive-backup'); redirect('zip.php?s=' . $SESSIONHASH); } // if a backup has just been created if (isset($_GET['done'])) { $success = i18n_r('SUCC_WEB_ARCHIVE'); } if (isset($_GET['nozip'])) { $error = i18n_r('NO_ZIPARCHIVE') . ' - <a href="health-check.php">' . i18n_r('WEB_HEALTH_CHECK') . '</a>'; } get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('BAK_MANAGEMENT') . ' » ' . i18n_r('WEBSITE_ARCHIVES')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main" > <h3 class="floated"><?php i18n('WEBSITE_ARCHIVES'); ?> </h3> <div class="edit-nav clearfix" >
function db_remove_ban($ip) { $db_ban = db_loadDBGlobalBanned(); if ($db_ban->remove_row('ip', cl($ip)) && $db_ban->save_db_now()) { return true; } return false; }
<html> <head> <meta charset="UFT-8"> <title><?php if ($title) { echo $tt; } echo $site_title; /* Seitentitel*/ ?> </title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> </head> <body><div id=main><div id=innen> <?php echo $site_head; /* Ueberschrift */ ?> <a href="index.php" class=menu >Start</a> <a href="bewertung.php" class=menu >Bewerten</a> <a href="ergebnisse.php" class=menu >Ergebnisse</a> <a href='hilfe.php' class=menu >Hilfe & Kontakt</a> <?php if (cl()) { if (!$dbok) { //Datenbankverbindung pruefen echo "<b>Es gibt ein Problem mit der Datenbankverbindung!</b>"; } } ?> <br/>
/** * Health Check * * Displays the status and health check of your installation * * @package GetSimple * @subpackage Support */ // Setup inclusions $load['plugin'] = true; // Include common.php include 'inc/common.php'; login_cookie_check(); $php_modules = get_loaded_extensions(); get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('SUPPORT') . ' » ' . i18n_r('WEB_HEALTH_CHECK')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main"> <h3><?php echo $site_full_name; ?> </h3> <table class="highlight healthcheck">
: <?php echo $title; ?> ?" accesskey="d" class="delconfirm" ><?php echo $i18n['ASK_DELETE']; ?> </a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <table class="simple" > <tr><td style="width:105px;" ><b><?php echo $i18n['PAGE_TITLE']; ?> :</b></td><td><b><?php echo cl(@$title); ?> </b> <?php echo $private; ?> </td></tr> <tr><td><b><?php echo $i18n['BACKUP_OF']; ?> :</b></td><td> <?php if (isset($id)) { echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . find_url($url, $parent) . '">' . find_url($url, $parent) . '</a>'; } ?>
use Sinergi\BrowserDetector\Os; $os = new Os(); $os_name = $os->getName(); if (!in_array($os_name, array(Os::ANDROID, Os::WINDOWS_PHONE, Os::WINDOWS))) { // тут записываем, что пользователь ушел в аппстор // и редиректим echo "Ты - " . $os_name . ", и мы отправим тебя в Аппстор!"; die; } // тут запоминаем, что этот телефон - не айфон, // и показываем сообщение: // "извините, напишем вам, когда будет для вашей платформы" $page_styles = array(); require_once 'header.php'; ?> <header class="jumbotron header--full-h"> <div class="container"> <div class="<?php echo cl('data'); ?> "> <p>К сожалению, приложение DOC+ пока доступно только <a href="#" style="color:#FFF; text-decoration:underline;">для iPhone</a>.</p> <p style="font-size:20px; font-weight:400;">Мы обязательно напишем вам, когда появится приложение для <?php echo $os_name === Os::ANDROID ? 'Android' : 'других смартфонов'; ?> .</p> </div> </div> </header> <?php require_once 'footer.php';
*************************************************************************************************************/ ini_set("max_execution_time", "600"); ini_set("max_input_time", "600"); define('cfih', 'admin'); require './inc/cfih.php'; // used to check admin pages are being loaded from here.... $admin_page = true; // Waht page to load? $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? cl($_GET['act']) : 'home'; // check if admin is loged in, if not show login page... require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_login.php'; // load admin page switch ($act) { // Delete image case 'remove' && (isset($_GET['d']) && cl($_GET['d']) != ''): $img_del_code = cl($_GET['d']); //removed without error if (removeImage($img_del_code)) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'suc' => show_feedback(false))); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'error' => show_feedback(false))); } exit; break; // Site ad page // Site ad page case 'ads': require CFADMINPATH . 'admin_ads.php'; break; // Remake image database // Remake image database
function get_pages_menu_content($parent, $menu, $level) { global $pagesSorted; $items = array(); foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { $items[(string) $page['url']] = $page; } if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $page) { $dash = ""; if ($page['parent'] != '') { $parentdata = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $page['parent'] . '.xml'); $parentTitle = $parentdata->parent; $dash = "<b>" . $parentTitle . "</b>:" . $page['parent'] . " "; } $menu .= '<tr id="tr-' . $page['url'] . '" >'; if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = '[No Title] » <em>' . $page['url'] . '</em>'; } if ($page['menuStatus'] != '') { $page['menuStatus'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('MENUITEM_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['menuStatus'] = ''; } if ($page['private'] != '') { $page['private'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['private'] = ''; } if ($page['url'] == 'index') { $homepage = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $homepage = ''; } $menu .= '<td class="pagetitle">' . $dash . '<a title="' . i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" href="cedit.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '" >' . cl($page['title']) . '</a><span class="showstatus toggle" >' . $homepage . $page['menuStatus'] . $page['private'] . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . shtDate($page['pubDate']) . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td class="secondarylink" >'; $menu .= '<a title="' . i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" target="_blank" href="' . find_url($page['url'], $page['parent']) . '">#</a>'; $menu .= '</td>'; if ($page['url'] != 'index') { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" href="cdeletefile.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("cdelete", "cdeletefile.php") . '" title="' . i18n_r('DELETEPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" >×</a></td>'; } else { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ></td>'; } $menu .= '</tr>'; } } return $menu; }
/** * Get Main Navigation * * This will return unordered list of main navigation * This function uses the menu opitions listed within the 'Edit Page' control panel screen * * @since 1.0 * @uses GSDATAOTHERPATH * @uses getXML * @uses subval_sort * @uses find_url * @uses strip_quotes * @uses exec_filter * * @param string $currentpage This is the ID of the current page the visitor is on * @param string $classPrefix Prefix that gets added to the parent and slug classnames * @return string */ function get_navigation($currentpage = "", $classPrefix = "") { $menu = ''; global $pagesArray; $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray, 'menuOrder'); if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) { foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { $sel = $classes = ''; $url_nav = (string) $page['url']; if ($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y') { $parentClass = !empty($page['parent']) ? $classPrefix . $page['parent'] . " " : ""; $classes = trim($parentClass . $classPrefix . $url_nav); if ((string) $currentpage == $url_nav) { $classes .= " current active"; } if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; } if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; } $menu .= '<li class="' . $classes . '"><a href="' . find_url($page['url'], $page['parent']) . '" title="' . encode_quotes(cl($page['title'])) . '">' . strip_decode($page['menu']) . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } } } echo exec_filter('menuitems', $menu); // @filter menuitems (str) menu items html in get_navigation }
$db_img[$k]['hotlink'] = 0 + $hc['image'] + $hc['thumb_mid'] + $hc['thumb']; $db_img[$k]['gallery'] = !isset($hc['gallery']) ? 0 : $hc['gallery']; } elseif ($hc['lr_date'] >= $resetdate) { $db_img[$k]['bandwidth'] = $hc['lr_bandwidth']; $db_img[$k]['hotlink'] = 0 + $hc['lr_image'] + $hc['lr_thumb_mid'] + $hc['lr_thumb']; $db_img[$k]['gallery'] = !isset($hc['lr_gallery']) ? 0 : $hc['lr_gallery']; } else { $db_img[$k]['bandwidth'] = 0; $db_img[$k]['hotlink'] = 0; $db_img[$k]['gallery'] = 0; } } // empty memory unset($hc); // what page are we on $page_number = isset($_GET['p']) ? cl($_GET['p']) - 1 : 0; // setup pagination address $pagination_address = $settings['SET_SITEURL'] . 'admin.php?p=%1$s&act=images' . $list_url . $orderby_url . $allTime_url . $ipSearch_url; // %1 page number // page pagination $pagination = pagination($page_number, $item_on_page, $DBCOUNT, $pagination_address); // order DB order_by($db_img, $orderBy, $order); $imageList = array_slice($db_img, $page_number * $item_on_page, $item_on_page); foreach ($imageList as $k => $image) { $bandwidthStyle = ''; //($settings['SET_MAX_BANDWIDTH'] !=0 && ($settings['SET_MAX_BANDWIDTH']*1048576) < $image['bandwidth']?' style="background-color:red;color:#000"':''); $list_item .= ' <tr class="' . ($odd = empty($odd) ? 'odd' : '') . '"> <td> <a href="' . imageAddress(2, $image, "pm") . '" class="tip" title="' . _T("admin_ilp_thumb_page_link") . '"><img src="img/Image-Info.png" height="16" width="16" border="0" alt="' . _T("admin_ilp_thumb_page_link") . '" /></a>
$sel = ""; } if ($file == 'template.php') { $templatename = i18n_r('DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'); } else { $templatename = $file; } $theme_templates .= '<option ' . $sel . ' value="' . $file . '" >' . $templatename . '</option>'; } // SETUP CHECKBOXES $sel_m = $menuStatus != '' ? 'checked' : ''; $sel_p = $private == 'Y' ? 'selected' : ''; if ($menu == '') { $menu = $title; } get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('EDIT') . ' ' . $title); ?> <noscript><style>#metadata_window {display:block !important} </style></noscript> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main"> <h3 class="floated"><?php if (isset($data_edit)) {
} if ($SAFEMODE) { $bodyclass .= " safemode"; } if (!$SAFEMODE && getDef('GSAJAXSAVE', true)) { $bodyclass .= " ajaxsave"; } // ajaxsave enabled if GSAJAXSAVE and not SAFEMODE if (get_filename_id() != 'index') { exec_action('admin-pre-header'); } // @hook admin-pre-header backend before header output if (!isset($pagetitle)) { $pagetitle = i18n_r(get_filename_id() . '_title'); } $title = $pagetitle . ' · ' . cl($SITENAME); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<?php echo get_site_lang(true); ?> "> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title><?php echo $title; ?> </title> <?php if (!isAuthPage()) { ?>
?> "> <h3><?php echo $item['header']; ?> </h3> <div class="<?php echo cl('text'); ?> "><?php echo $item['text']; ?> </div> <!-- <div class="<?php echo cl('icon icon-' . $item['class']); ?> "></div> --> </div> <?php cl()->pop(); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php cl()->pop(); require 'qa.php'; require 'footer.php';
foreach ($pagesArray as $page) { if ($page['parent'] != '') { $parentdata = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $page['parent'] . '.xml'); $parentTitle = $parentdata->title; $sort = $parentTitle . ' ' . $page['title']; } else { $sort = $page['title']; } $page = array_merge($page, array('sort' => $sort)); $pagesArray_tmp[$count] = $page; $count++; } $pagesArray = $pagesArray_tmp; $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray, 'sort'); $table = get_pages_menu('', '', 0); get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('PAGE_MANAGEMENT')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <?php exec_action('pages-main'); ?> <div class="main"> <h3 class="floated"><?php i18n('PAGE_MANAGEMENT');
if (count($lang_array) != 0) { sort($lang_array); $sel = ''; $langs = ''; foreach ($lang_array as $lfile) { $lfile = basename($lfile, ".php"); if ($LANG == $lfile) { $sel = "selected"; } $langs .= '<option ' . $sel . ' value="' . $lfile . '" >' . $lfile . '</option>'; $sel = ''; } } else { $langs = '<option value="" selected="selected" >-- ' . i18n_r('NONE') . ' --</option>'; } get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('GENERAL_SETTINGS')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <form class="largeform" action="<?php myself(); ?> " method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("save_settings");
$load['plugin'] = true; include 'inc/common.php'; get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('LOGIN')); ?> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <?php include 'template/error_checking.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main" > <h3><?php echo cl($SITENAME); ?> </h3> <?php exec_action('index-login'); ?> <form class="login" action="<?php echo myself(false) . '?' . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ENT_QUOTES); ?> " method="post"> <p><b><?php i18n('USERNAME'); ?> :</b><br /><input type="text" class="text" id="userid" name="userid" /></p> <p><b><?php i18n('PASSWORD');
function err_ReSet($name) { global $errors; if (count($errors) > 0 && isset($_POST[$name])) { return cl($_POST[$name]); } return ''; }