function update_log_row($athlete_id, $details, $post_data) { $columns = array(); $columns = validate_form_data($details, $post_data); $session_id = $columns['session_id']; // Find out who owns this session and check that this user // has permission to edit the owner's log $session_owner = get_session_owner($session_id); if ($athlete_id == $session_owner) { } elseif ($athlete_id != $session_owner && check_share_permission($session_owner, "edit log {$athlete_id}")) { $athlete_id = $session_owner; } else { echo "You do not have permission to edit this athlete's log<br>"; return false; } # Build insert query $query = "UPDATE log SET "; #foreach ($details as $column){ foreach (array_keys($columns) as $column) { $entry = $columns[$column]; $query = "{$query} {$column} = '{$entry}' ,"; } # remove final comma from query $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1); $query = "{$query} WHERE athlete_id = {$athlete_id} AND session_id = {$session_id} "; #echo "DEBUG Entry update query:<br>$query"; # Update session using build UPDATE query $result = do_sql($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error()); ## END OF FUNCTION }
} $startdate = $_SESSION['startdate']; if (isset($_POST['enddate'])) { $_SESSION['enddate'] = $_POST['enddate']; } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['enddate'])) { $_SESSION['enddate'] = "+7 days"; } $enddate = $_SESSION['enddate']; ########################## $athlete_id = $_SESSION['athlete_id']; // Check whether the user is requesting to view a different athlete's log // and check whether he has permission. Some functions request this // via GET, others by POST so check both. POST gets priority. if (isset($_POST['athlete_id']) && check_share_permission($_POST['athlete_id'], "view log {$athlete_id}")) { $athlete_id = $_POST['athlete_id']; } elseif (isset($_GET['shareid']) && check_share_permission($_GET['shareid'], "view log {$athlete_id}")) { $athlete_id = $_GET['shareid']; } $athlete_details = get_user_details($athlete_id); ######################## # Display HTML headers ######################## include_once "log_display_functions.php"; include_once "validation/validate_date.php"; include_once "menubar.php"; // Only send the IE Quirks mode header if this is ie, else hidden stuff will not reveal in FFox $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match("/MSIE/", $browser)) { echo <<<ENDHTML <!-- Internet Explorer has to be in quirks mode, this comment just does that --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
function print_row($subyn, $level, $row, $details_to_view, $athlete_id, $split) { # print the session details $parent_id = $row['parent_session']; $session_id = $row['session_id']; $previous_date = $GLOBALS['previous_date']; $start_date = $row['start_date']; $numcols = count($details_to_view); # Start the table row # echo "<TR>\n\n"; print_split_expander_column($subyn, $session_id); # foreach ( array_keys($row) as $key ) { # if ( in_array( $key , $details_to_view ) ){ unset($fullentry); $fullentry = array(); //Find out what sort of entry type it is and use the appropriate //datacell class so the row gets the right background colour $row['session_type'] = trim($row['session_type']); $row['entry_type'] = trim($row['entry_type']); if ($row['session_type'] == "competition" && "X" . $row['entry_type'] == "X") { $datacell_class = get_datacell_class($row['session_type']); } else { $datacell_class = get_datacell_class($row['entry_type']); } foreach ($details_to_view as $key) { $entry = $row["{$key}"]; $width = ""; $expander = ""; if (strlen($entry) > 20) { $width = "width=120"; //put the full notes into fullentry $fullentry[$key] = $entry; // trim down displayed notes $entry = substr($entry, 0, 16); $expander = "<a onClick='reveal({$key}Note{$session_id}); return false' class=expander > +</a>\n"; } if ($entry == "") { $entry = " "; } ##echo "\t\t<td class=datacell nowrap $width >$entry $expander </td>\n"; echo "\t\t<td class={$datacell_class} >{$entry} {$expander} </td>\n"; } // Check that the current user has permission to use these edit commands // on the athlete being viewed $viewer = $_SESSION['athlete_id']; if (check_share_permission($athlete_id, "edit log {$viewer}")) { # add a link to the end of each line to allow addition of sub-session # this will call the add_log_entry sending it the # session_id in _GET[parent_session] $session_id = $row['session_id']; echo "<td nowrap >"; display_options_menu($session_id, $start_date); echo "\n</TD>\t</tr>\n"; } else { echo "\n<TD> </TD>\n"; } $num = $numcols + 1; foreach (array_keys($fullentry) as $key) { $notes = $fullentry[$key]; echo <<<ENDHTML \t<TR><TD border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=firstcolumn ></TD><TD></TD><TD colspan={$num} > \t<DIV ID='{$key}Note{$session_id}' class='hiddentext'> \t <TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 > <TR><TD class=datacell ><b>{$key}:</b> {$notes} </TD></TR></TABLE> \t</DIV> \t</TD></TR> ENDHTML; } if ($split > 0) { # This function has been called by the add-user split function # and it is this session that is being split # so dislplay the add-user session form here $span = $num + 2; // Get the parent's start date $start_date = $row['start_date']; #echo "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD colspan=$span ><font size=2 >\n"; echo "<TR><TD colspan={$span} ><font size=2 >\n"; echo "<b>Insert Session Split Info</b>\n"; session_form($session_id, $athlete_id, "", $start_date); echo "\t</TD></TR>\n\n"; } #echo "</table>\n"; # Set the global to the last start date so it can be compared on the next # time this is run so we know whether this is a new day or not. $GLOBALS['previous_date'] = $start_date; }
<HEAD> <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="styles/login.css" type="text/css"> <SCRIPT src="pop-up-resize.js" type="text/javascript" ></SCRIPT> <STYLE TYPE='text/css'> .hiddentext {display:none} ; .outline {cursor:hand } ; </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="javascript:autoResize('mainlogentry');" > <H2>Editing session</H2> ENDHTML; // Find out who owns this session and check that this user // has permission to edit the owner's log $session_owner = get_session_owner($session_id); if ($athlete_id == $session_owner) { // Is owner so Permission granted $extra = array("EDIT", "{$session_id}"); display_edit_log_entry($athlete_id, $session_id, ""); } elseif (check_share_permission($session_owner, "edit log {$athlete_id}")) { // Is not owner but Permission has been granted $athlete_id = $session_owner; $extra = array("EDIT", "{$session_id}"); display_edit_log_entry($athlete_id, $session_id, ""); } else { echo "You do not have permission to edit this athlete's log<br>"; } echo "</BODY></HTML>\n";