Exemple #1
/** function to send email to site maintainers when the update
 * step fails */
function send_update_email($handler, $projectid)
    include 'config/config.php';
    include_once 'include/common.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    require_once 'models/build.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    require_once 'models/buildgroup.php';
    $Project = new Project();
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    // If we shouldn't sent any emails we stop
    if ($Project->EmailBrokenSubmission == 0) {
    // If the handler has a buildid (it should), we use it
    if (isset($handler->BuildId) && $handler->BuildId > 0) {
        $buildid = $handler->BuildId;
    } else {
        // Get the build id
        $name = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildid = get_build_id($name, $stamp, $projectid, $sitename);
    if ($buildid < 0) {
    //  Check if the group as no email
    $Build = new Build();
    $Build->Id = $buildid;
    $groupid = $Build->GetGroup();
    $BuildGroup = new BuildGroup();
    // If we specified no email we stop here
    if ($BuildGroup->GetSummaryEmail() == 2) {
    // Send out update errors to site maintainers
    $update_errors = check_email_update_errors($buildid);
    if ($update_errors['errors']) {
        // Find the site maintainer(s)
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $siteid = $handler->getSiteId();
        $to_address = '';
        $email_addresses = pdo_query('SELECT email FROM ' . qid('user') . ',site2user WHERE ' . qid('user') . ".id=site2user.userid AND site2user.siteid='{$siteid}'");
        while ($email_addresses_array = pdo_fetch_array($email_addresses)) {
            if ($to_address != '') {
                $to_address .= ', ';
            $to_address .= $email_addresses_array['email'];
        if ($to_address != '') {
            $serverURI = get_server_URI();
            // In the case of asynchronous submission, the serverURI contains /cdash
            // we need to remove it
                $serverURI = substr($serverURI, 0, strrpos($serverURI, '/'));
            // Generate the email to send
            $subject = 'CDash [' . $Project->Name . '] - Update Errors for ' . $sitename;
            $update_info = pdo_query('SELECT command,status FROM buildupdate AS u,build2update AS b2u
                              WHERE b2u.updateid=u.id AND b2u.buildid=' . qnum($buildid));
            $update_array = pdo_fetch_array($update_info);
            $body = "{$sitename} has encountered errors during the Update step and you have been identified as the maintainer of this site.\n\n";
            $body .= "*Update Errors*\n";
            $body .= 'Status: ' . $update_array['status'] . ' (' . $serverURI . '/viewUpdate.php?buildid=' . $buildid . ")\n";
            if ($CDASH_TESTING_MODE) {
                add_log($to_address, 'TESTING: EMAIL', LOG_DEBUG);
                add_log($subject, 'TESTING: EMAILTITLE', LOG_DEBUG);
                add_log($body, 'TESTING: EMAILBODY', LOG_DEBUG);
            } else {
                if (cdashmail("{$to_address}", $subject, $body)) {
                    add_log('email sent to: ' . $to_address, 'sendEmailExpectedBuilds');
                } else {
                    add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $to_address, 'sendEmailExpectedBuilds');
Exemple #2
/** function to send email to site maintainers when the update
 * step fails */
function send_update_email($handler, $projectid)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
    require_once "models/build.php";
    require_once "models/project.php";
    require_once "models/buildgroup.php";
    $Project = new Project();
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    // If we shouldn't sent any emails we stop
    if ($Project->EmailBrokenSubmission == 0) {
    // If the handler has a buildid (it should), we use it
    if (isset($handler->BuildId) && $handler->BuildId > 0) {
        $buildid = $handler->BuildId;
    } else {
        // Get the build id
        $name = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildid = get_build_id($name, $stamp, $projectid, $sitename);
    if ($buildid < 0) {
    //  Check if the group as no email
    $Build = new Build();
    $Build->Id = $buildid;
    $groupid = $Build->GetGroup();
    $BuildGroup = new BuildGroup();
    // If we specified no email we stop here
    if ($BuildGroup->GetSummaryEmail() == 2) {
    // Send out update errors to site maintainers
    $update_errors = check_email_update_errors($buildid);
    if ($update_errors['errors']) {
        // Find the site maintainer(s)
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $siteid = $handler->getSiteId();
        $to_address = "";
        $email_addresses = pdo_query("SELECT email FROM " . qid("user") . ",site2user WHERE " . qid("user") . ".id=site2user.userid AND site2user.siteid='{$siteid}'");
        while ($email_addresses_array = pdo_fetch_array($email_addresses)) {
            if ($to_address != "") {
                $to_address .= ", ";
            $to_address .= $email_addresses_array["email"];
        if ($to_address != "") {
            $serverURI = get_server_URI();
            // In the case of asynchronous submission, the serverURI contains /cdash
            // we need to remove it
                $serverURI = substr($serverURI, 0, strrpos($serverURI, "/"));
            // Generate the email to send
            $subject = "CDash [" . $Project->Name . "] - Update Errors for " . $sitename;
            $update_info = pdo_query("SELECT command,status FROM buildupdate AS u,build2update AS b2u\n                              WHERE b2u.updateid=u.id AND b2u.buildid=" . qnum($buildid));
            $update_array = pdo_fetch_array($update_info);
            $body = "{$sitename} has encountered errors during the Update step and you have been identified as the maintainer of this site.\n\n";
            $body .= "*Update Errors*\n";
            $body .= "Status: " . $update_array["status"] . " (" . $serverURI . "/viewUpdate.php?buildid=" . $buildid . ")\n";
            $header = "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0";
            if ($CDASH_TESTING_MODE) {
                add_log($to_address, "TESTING: EMAIL", LOG_TESTING);
                add_log($subject, "TESTING: EMAILTITLE", LOG_TESTING);
                add_log($body, "TESTING: EMAILBODY", LOG_TESTING);
            } else {
                if (cdashmail("{$to_address}", $subject, $body, $header)) {
                    add_log("email sent to: " . $to_address, "sendEmailExpectedBuilds");
                } else {
                    add_log("cannot send email to: " . $to_address, "sendEmailExpectedBuilds");