  * Copy one file from moodle storage to backup storage
 public static function copy_file_moodle2backup($backupid, $filerecorid)
     global $DB;
     // Normalise param
     if (!is_object($filerecorid)) {
         $filerecorid = $DB->get_record('files', array('id' => $filerecorid));
     // Directory, nothing to do
     if ($filerecorid->filename === '.') {
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $file = $fs->get_file_instance($filerecorid);
     // If the file is external file, skip copying.
     if ($file->is_external_file()) {
     // Calculate source and target paths (use same subdirs strategy for both)
     $targetfilepath = self::get_backup_storage_base_dir($backupid) . '/' . self::get_backup_content_file_location($filerecorid->contenthash);
     // Create target dir if necessary
     if (!file_exists(dirname($targetfilepath))) {
         if (!check_dir_exists(dirname($targetfilepath), true, true)) {
             throw new backup_helper_exception('cannot_create_directory', dirname($targetfilepath));
     // And copy the file (if doesn't exist already)
     if (!file_exists($targetfilepath)) {
Exemple #2
 protected function define_execution() {
     global $CFG;
     $basepath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
     if (!check_dir_exists($basepath, true, true)) {
         throw new backup_step_exception('cannot_create_taskbasepath_directory', $basepath);
Exemple #3
function xmldb_editor_tinymce_upgrade($oldversion)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    if ($oldversion < 2014062900) {
        // We only want to delete DragMath from the customtoolbar setting if the directory no longer exists. If
        // the directory is present then it means it has been restored, so do not remove any settings.
        if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->libdir . '/editor/tinymce/plugins/dragmath', false)) {
            // Remove the DragMath plugin from the 'customtoolbar' setting (if it exists) as it has been removed.
            $currentorder = get_config('editor_tinymce', 'customtoolbar');
            $newtoolbarrows = array();
            $currenttoolbarrows = explode("\n", $currentorder);
            foreach ($currenttoolbarrows as $currenttoolbarrow) {
                $currenttoolbarrow = implode(',', array_diff(str_getcsv($currenttoolbarrow), array('dragmath')));
                $newtoolbarrows[] = $currenttoolbarrow;
            $neworder = implode("\n", $newtoolbarrows);
            unset_config('customtoolbar', 'editor_tinymce');
            set_config('customtoolbar', $neworder, 'editor_tinymce');
        upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2014062900, 'editor', 'tinymce');
    // Moodle v2.8.0 release upgrade line.
    // Put any upgrade step following this.
    // Moodle v2.9.0 release upgrade line.
    // Put any upgrade step following this.
    // Moodle v3.0.0 release upgrade line.
    // Put any upgrade step following this.
    // Moodle v3.1.0 release upgrade line.
    // Put any upgrade step following this.
    return true;
Exemple #4
    public function setUp() {
        global $CFG;

        $this->tempdir = convert_helper::generate_id('simpletest');
 public function __construct()
     global $THEME;
     // make sure cache/compile paths exist
     check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/compile/' . $THEME->basename);
     check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/cache/' . $THEME->basename);
     // set paths
     $this->template_dir = $THEME->templatedirs;
     $compileDir = get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/compile/' . $THEME->basename;
     $cacheDir = get_config('dataroot') . 'dwoo/cache/' . $THEME->basename;
     parent::__construct($compileDir, $cacheDir);
     // add plugins dir to the loader
     $this->getLoader()->addDirectory(get_config('libroot') . 'dwoo/mahara/plugins/');
     // adds mahara resources and compiler factory
     $this->setDefaultCompilerFactory('file', array($this, 'compilerFactory'));
     $this->addResource('artefact', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Artefact', array($this, 'compilerFactory'));
     $this->addResource('blocktype', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Blocktype', array($this, 'compilerFactory'));
     $this->addResource('export', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Export', array($this, 'compilerFactory'));
     $this->addResource('interaction', 'Dwoo_Template_Mahara_Interaction', array($this, 'compilerFactory'));
     // set base data
     $theme_list = array();
     $themepaths = themepaths();
     foreach ($themepaths['mahara'] as $themepath) {
         $theme_list[$themepath] = $THEME->get_url($themepath);
     $this->_data = array('THEME' => $THEME, 'WWWROOT' => get_config('wwwroot'), 'THEMELIST' => json_encode($theme_list), 'HTTPSWWWROOT' => get_config('httpswwwroot'));
  * Given one backupid, create all the needed dirs to have one backup temp dir available
 public static function check_and_create_backup_dir($backupid)
     global $CFG;
     if (!check_dir_exists($CFG->tempdir . '/backup/' . $backupid, true, true)) {
         throw new backup_helper_exception('cannot_create_backup_temp_dir');
     * Constructor - creates an instance of the SimplePie class
     * with Moodle defaults.
     * @param string $feedurl optional URL of the feed
    function __construct($feedurl = null) {

        // Use the Moodle class for http requests
        $this->file_class = 'moodle_simplepie_file';

        $cachedir = moodle_simplepie::get_cache_directory();

        // Match moodle encoding

        // default to a short timeout as most operations will be interactive

        // 1 hour default cache

        // init the feed url if passed in constructor
        if ($feedurl !== null) {
Exemple #8
    protected function setUp() {
        global $CFG;

        $this->tempdir = convert_helper::generate_id('unittest');
        $this->iconhash = sha1_file($CFG->tempdir.'/backup/'.$this->tempdir.'/moddata/unittest/4/icon.gif');
Exemple #9
  * constructor.  overrides the parent class
  * to set up smarty and the attachment directory
 public function __construct(User $user, $views, $artefacts, $progresscallback = null)
     global $THEME;
     parent::__construct($user, $views, $artefacts, $progresscallback);
     $this->rootdir = 'portfolio-for-' . self::text_to_path($user->get('username'));
     $directory = "{$this->exportdir}/{$this->rootdir}/";
     if (!check_dir_exists($directory)) {
         throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$directory}");
     $this->pdffile = 'mahara-export-pdf-user' . $this->get('user')->get('id') . '-' . $this->exporttime . '.pdf';
     // Find what base stylesheets need to be included
     $themedirs = $THEME->get_path('', true);
     $stylesheets = array('print.css', 'views.css');
     foreach ($themedirs as $theme => $themedir) {
         foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
             if (is_readable($themedir . 'style/' . $stylesheet)) {
                 array_unshift($this->stylesheets[''], $themedir . '/style/' . $stylesheet);
     // Don't export the dashboard
     //        foreach (array_keys($this->views) as $i) {
     //            if ($this->views[$i]->get('type') == 'dashboard') {
     //                unset($this->views[$i]);
     //            }
     //        }
     $this->exportingoneview = $this->viewexportmode == PluginExport::EXPORT_LIST_OF_VIEWS && $this->artefactexportmode == PluginExport::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS && count($this->views) == 1;
     $this->notify_progress_callback(15, get_string('setupcomplete', 'export'));
  * Define a local decimal separator.
  * It is not possible to directly change the result of get_string in
  * a unit test. Instead, we create a language pack for language 'xx' in
  * dataroot and make langconfig.php with the string we need to change.
  * The example separator used here is 'X'; on PHP 5.3 and before this
  * must be a single byte character due to PHP bug/limitation in
  * number_format, so you can't use UTF-8 characters.
 protected function define_local_decimal_separator()
     global $SESSION, $CFG;
     $SESSION->lang = 'xx';
     $langconfig = "<?php\n\$string['decsep'] = 'X';";
     $langfolder = $CFG->dataroot . '/lang/xx';
     file_put_contents($langfolder . '/langconfig.php', $langconfig);
Exemple #11
function xmldb_enrol_imsenterprise_upgrade($oldversion)
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
    //NOTE: this file is not executed during upgrade from 1.9.x!
    if ($oldversion < 2011013000) {
        // this plugin does not use the new file api - lets undo the migration
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        if ($DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => 1))) {
            //course 1 is hardcoded here intentionally!
            if ($context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, 1)) {
                if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'course', 'legacy', 0, '/', 'imsenterprise-enrol.xml')) {
                    if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/1/imsenterprise-enrol.xml")) {
                        check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/');
        if (!empty($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation)) {
            if (strpos($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation, "{$CFG->dataroot}/") === 0) {
                $location = str_replace("{$CFG->dataroot}/", '', $CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation);
                $location = str_replace('\\', '/', $location);
                $parts = explode('/', $location);
                $courseid = array_shift($parts);
                if (is_number($courseid) and $DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
                    if ($context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid)) {
                        $file = array_pop($parts);
                        if ($parts) {
                            $dir = '/' . implode('/', $parts) . '/';
                        } else {
                            $dir = '/';
                        if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'course', 'legacy', 0, $dir, $file)) {
                            if (!file_exists($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation)) {
                                check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . $dir);
        upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2011013000, 'enrol', 'imsenterprise');
    // Moodle v2.1.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    return true;
function referentiel_check_and_create_document_files_dir($referentiel_referentiel_id, $user_creator, $userid)
    global $CFG;
    // Moodle 2.0
    // $status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/archive/".$referentiel_referentiel_id."/".$user_creator."/document_files/".$userid,true, true);
    // Moodle 22
    $path_temp = cleardoubleslashes(get_string('archivetemp', 'referentiel') . '/' . $referentiel_referentiel_id . '/' . $user_creator);
    // Moodle 2.2
    $temp_dir = make_temp_directory($path_temp);
    $status = check_dir_exists($temp_dir . "/document_files/" . $userid, true, true);
    return $status;
Exemple #13
function check_and_create_backup_dir($backup_unique_code)
    global $CFG;
    $status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . "/temp", true);
    if ($status) {
        $status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup", true);
    if ($status) {
        $status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $backup_unique_code, true);
    return $status;
 public static function get_logger_chain($interactive, $execution, $backupid)
     global $CFG;
     $dfltloglevel = backup::LOG_WARNING;
     // Default logging level
     if (debugging('', DEBUG_DEVELOPER)) {
         // Debug developer raises default logging level
         $dfltloglevel = backup::LOG_DEBUG;
     $enabledloggers = array();
     // Array to store all enabled loggers
     // Create error_log_logger, observing $CFG->backup_error_log_logger_level,
     // defaulting to $dfltloglevel
     $elllevel = isset($CFG->backup_error_log_logger_level) ? $CFG->backup_error_log_logger_level : $dfltloglevel;
     $enabledloggers[] = new error_log_logger($elllevel);
     // Create output_indented_logger, observing $CFG->backup_output_indented_logger_level and $CFG->debugdisplay,
     // defaulting to LOG_ERROR. Only if interactive and inmediate
     if ($CFG->debugdisplay && $interactive == backup::INTERACTIVE_YES && $execution == backup::EXECUTION_INMEDIATE) {
         $oillevel = isset($CFG->backup_output_indented_logger_level) ? $CFG->backup_output_indented_logger_level : backup::LOG_ERROR;
         $enabledloggers[] = new output_indented_logger($oillevel, false, false);
     // Create file_logger, observing $CFG->backup_file_logger_level
     // defaulting to $dfltloglevel
     check_dir_exists($CFG->tempdir . '/backup', true, true);
     // need to ensure that temp/backup already exists
     $fllevel = isset($CFG->backup_file_logger_level) ? $CFG->backup_file_logger_level : $dfltloglevel;
     $enabledloggers[] = new file_logger($fllevel, true, true, $CFG->tempdir . '/backup/' . $backupid . '.log');
     // Create database_logger, observing $CFG->backup_database_logger_level and defaulting to LOG_WARNING
     // and pointing to the backup_logs table
     $dllevel = isset($CFG->backup_database_logger_level) ? $CFG->backup_database_logger_level : backup::LOG_WARNING;
     $columns = array('backupid' => $backupid);
     $enabledloggers[] = new database_logger($dllevel, 'timecreated', 'loglevel', 'message', 'backup_logs', $columns);
     // Create extra file_logger, observing $CFG->backup_file_logger_extra and $CFG->backup_file_logger_extra_level
     // defaulting to $fllevel (normal file logger)
     if (isset($CFG->backup_file_logger_extra)) {
         $flelevel = isset($CFG->backup_file_logger_extra_level) ? $CFG->backup_file_logger_extra_level : $fllevel;
         $enabledloggers[] = new file_logger($flelevel, true, true, $CFG->backup_file_logger_extra);
     // Build the chain
     $loggers = null;
     foreach ($enabledloggers as $currentlogger) {
         if ($loggers == null) {
             $loggers = $currentlogger;
         } else {
         $lastlogger = $currentlogger;
     return $loggers;
Exemple #15
function import_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    $date = time();
    $nicedate = date('Y/m/d h:i:s', $date);
    $uploaddir = get_config('dataroot') . 'import/test-' . $date . '/';
    $filename = $uploaddir . $values['file']['name'];
    move_uploaded_file($values['file']['tmp_name'], $filename);
    if ($values['file']['type'] == 'application/zip') {
        // Unzip here
        $command = sprintf('%s %s %s %s', escapeshellcmd(get_config('pathtounzip')), escapeshellarg($filename), get_config('unzipdirarg'), escapeshellarg($uploaddir));
        $output = array();
        exec($command, $output, $returnvar);
        if ($returnvar != 0) {
            $SESSION->add_error_msg('Unable to unzip the file');
        $filename = $uploaddir . 'leap2a.xml';
        if (!is_file($filename)) {
            $SESSION->add_error_msg('No leap2a.xml file detected - please check your export file again');
    // Create dummy user
    $user = (object) array('username' => 'import_' . $date, 'password' => 'import1', 'firstname' => 'Imported', 'lastname' => 'User (' . $nicedate . ')', 'email' => '*****@*****.**');
    $userid = create_user($user);
    // And we're good to go
    echo '<pre>';
    $filename = substr($filename, strlen(get_config('dataroot')));
    require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/import/lib.php';
    safe_require('import', 'leap');
    $importer = PluginImport::create_importer(null, (object) array('token' => '', 'usr' => $userid, 'queue' => (int) (!PluginImport::import_immediately_allowed()), 'ready' => 0, 'expirytime' => db_format_timestamp(time() + 60 * 60 * 24), 'format' => 'leap', 'data' => array('filename' => $filename), 'loglevel' => PluginImportLeap::LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, 'logtargets' => LOG_TARGET_STDOUT, 'profile' => true));
    // Now done, delete the temporary e-mail address if there's a new one
    // A bit sucky, presumes only one email in the import
    $email = artefact_instance_from_id(get_field('artefact', 'id', 'title', '*****@*****.**', 'artefacttype', 'email', 'owner', $userid));
    execute_sql('UPDATE {artefact_internal_profile_email} SET principal = 1 WHERE "owner" = ?', array($userid));
    echo "\n\n";
    echo 'Done. You can <a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . '/admin/users/changeuser.php?id=' . $userid . '">change to this user</a> to inspect the result, ';
    echo 'or <a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'import/">try importing again</a>';
    echo '</pre>';
function display_sub_dirs($current_dir, $sub_dirs)
    $results = explore($current_dir, $sub_dirs, 1);
    foreach ($results as $r) {
        echo '<tr id = "row" data-file="' . $r[0] . '" data-type="dir">
				<td id = "thumbnail_container" width = "14%"><div id = "thumbs">';
        $is_dir = check_dir_exists($current_dir, $r[0]);
        $margin = 10;
        $img_id = 1;
        foreach ($r[1] as $thumbs) {
            $thumb_exists = false;
            $thumb_exists = check_thumb_exists($current_dir . $r[0] . '/' . $thumbs);
            $img_path = \OCP\Util::linkTo('reader', 'ajax/thumbnail.php') . '&filepath=' . urlencode($current_dir . $r[0] . '/' . rtrim($thumbs, 'pdf') . 'png');
            $counter = 3;
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $counter; $i++) {
                echo '<img id = "' . $current_dir . $r[0] . '/' . $thumbs . '" src = "' . $img_path . '" value = "' . $thumb_exists . '" style = "position:absolute;top:-55px;left:10px;margin-left:' . $margin . 'px; z-index:' . (50 - $margin) . ';"/>';
                $margin = $margin + 5;
                $img_id = $img_id + 1;
        echo '</div></td>';
        echo '<td class = "filename svg" width = "86%">
					<a class = "dirs" id = "' . $r[0] . '" href = "' . OCP\Util::linkTo('reader', 'index.php') . '&dir=' . $current_dir . $r[0] . '/' . '">
						<span class = "nametext">' . htmlspecialchars($r[0]) . '</span>
					<div id = "more_info" style = "color:#666;margin-left:15px;margin-top:35px; vertical-align:bottom">';
        echo "Browse in for";
        echo '<br>';
        $dir_browse_results = explore($current_dir, array($r[0]), 5);
        foreach ($dir_browse_results as $browse_result) {
            foreach ($browse_result[1] as $each) {
                $each_sub_dir = explode("/", $each);
                if (count($each_sub_dir) > 1) {
                    foreach ($each_sub_dir as $element) {
                        echo '<span style = "color:#DDD;">>></span>' . $element;
                } else {
                    echo '<span style = "color:#DDD;"> >></span>' . $each;
                echo '<br>';
        echo '</div> 
Exemple #17
  * Make the directory for the file and open the file pointer
  * @param string $name The preferred file name (no extension)
  * @param string $dir The directory to store the file in (temp by default)
  * @return void
 public function init($name, $dir = NULL)
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
     if (is_null($dir)) {
         $dir = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp';
     check_dir_exists($dir, true, true);
     // Generate file path
     $name = clean_filename($name);
     $name = trim($name, '_');
     $this->file = "{$dir}/{$name}." . $this->get_extension();
     // Make sure it doesn't exist
     // Open for writing
     $this->fp = fopen($this->file, 'w');
function backup_lightboxgallery_files_instance($bf, $preferences, $gallery)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    if (is_numeric($gallery)) {
        $gallery = get_record('lightboxgallery', 'id', $gallery);
    $tmppath = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $preferences->backup_unique_code . '/' . $gallery->folder;
    $status = check_dir_exists($tmppath, true, true);
    if ($status) {
        $oldpath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $preferences->backup_course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        if (is_dir($oldpath)) {
            $status = backup_copy_file($oldpath, $tmppath);
    return $status;
function lightboxgallery_restore_files($gallery, $restore)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    if (is_numeric($gallery)) {
        $gallery = get_record('lightboxgallery', 'id', $gallery);
    $newpath = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
    $status = check_dir_exists($newpath, true, true);
    if ($status) {
        $tmppath = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $restore->backup_unique_code . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        if (is_dir($tmppath)) {
            $status = backup_copy_file($tmppath, $newpath);
    return $status;
Exemple #20
function backup_poodllpairwork_files_instance($bf, $preferences, $instanceid)
    global $CFG;
    $status = true;
    //First we check to moddata exists and create it as necessary
    //in temp/backup/$backup_code  dir
    $status = check_and_create_moddata_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
    $status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $preferences->backup_unique_code . "/moddata/poodllpairwork/", true);
    //Now copy the poodllpairwork dir
    if ($status) {
        //Only if it exists !! Thanks to Daniel Miksik.
        if (is_dir($CFG->dataroot . "/" . $preferences->backup_course . "/" . $CFG->moddata . "/poodllpairwork/" . $instanceid)) {
            $status = backup_copy_file($CFG->dataroot . "/" . $preferences->backup_course . "/" . $CFG->moddata . "/poodllpairwork/" . $instanceid, $CFG->dataroot . "/temp/backup/" . $preferences->backup_unique_code . "/moddata/poodllpairwork/" . $instanceid);
    return $status;
function xmldb_enrol_imsenterprise_install()
    global $CFG, $DB;
    // NOTE: this file is executed during upgrade from 1.9.x!
    // this plugin does not use the new file api - lets undo the migration
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    if ($DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => 1))) {
        //course 1 is hardcoded here intentionally!
        if ($context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, 1)) {
            if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'course', 'legacy', 0, '/', 'imsenterprise-enrol.xml')) {
                if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dataroot}/1/imsenterprise-enrol.xml")) {
                    check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/');
    if (!empty($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation)) {
        if (strpos($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation, "{$CFG->dataroot}/") === 0) {
            $location = str_replace("{$CFG->dataroot}/", '', $CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation);
            $location = str_replace('\\', '/', $location);
            $parts = explode('/', $location);
            $courseid = array_shift($parts);
            if (is_number($courseid) and $DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
                if ($context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid)) {
                    $file = array_pop($parts);
                    if ($parts) {
                        $dir = '/' . implode('/', $parts) . '/';
                    } else {
                        $dir = '/';
                    if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'course', 'legacy', 0, $dir, $file)) {
                        if (!file_exists($CFG->enrol_imsfilelocation)) {
                            check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $courseid . $dir);
    // TODO: migrate old config settings
Exemple #22
 * Create a zip archive containing the exported data.
 * @param array $listing The list of usernames that were exported
 * @param array $files A list of archive files for each user
function create_zipfile($listing, $files)
    global $USER;
    if (empty($listing) or empty($files)) {
        return false;
    if (count($listing) != count($files)) {
        throw new MaharaException("Files and listing don't match.");
    // create temporary directories for the export
    $exportdir = get_config('dataroot') . 'export/' . $USER->get('id') . '/' . time() . '/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($exportdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$exportdir}");
    $usersdir = 'users/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($exportdir . $usersdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$usersdir}");
    // move user zipfiles into the export directory
    foreach ($files as $filename) {
        if (copy($filename, $exportdir . $usersdir . basename($filename))) {
        } else {
            throw new SystemException("Couldn't move {$filename} to {$usersdir}");
    // write username listing to a file
    $listingfile = 'usernames.csv';
    if (!file_put_contents($exportdir . $listingfile, data_to_csv($listing))) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't write usernames to a file");
    // zip everything up
    $zipfile = $exportdir . 'mahara-bulk-export-' . time() . '.zip';
    $cwd = getcwd();
    $command = sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s', get_config('pathtozip'), get_config('ziprecursearg'), escapeshellarg($zipfile), escapeshellarg($listingfile), escapeshellarg($usersdir));
    $output = array();
    exec($command, $output, $returnvar);
    if ($returnvar != 0) {
        throw new SystemException('Failed to zip the export file: return code ' . $returnvar);
    return $zipfile;
Exemple #23
 public function test_geoip()
     global $CFG;
     require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/filelib.php";
     require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/iplookup/lib.php";
         // this may take a long time
     // let's store the file somewhere
     $gzfile = "{$CFG->dataroot}/phpunit/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz";
     if (file_exists($gzfile) and filemtime($gzfile) < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) {
         // delete file if older than 1 month
     if (!file_exists($gzfile)) {
         download_file_content('http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz', null, null, false, 300, 20, false, $gzfile);
     $zd = gzopen($gzfile, "r");
     $contents = gzread($zd, 50000000);
     $geoipfile = "{$CFG->dataroot}/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat";
     $fp = fopen($geoipfile, 'w');
     fwrite($fp, $contents);
     $CFG->geoipfile = $geoipfile;
     $result = iplookup_find_location('');
     $this->assertEquals('array', gettype($result));
     $this->assertEquals('Liberec', $result['city']);
     $this->assertEquals(15.0653, $result['longitude'], '', 0.001);
     $this->assertEquals(50.7639, $result['latitude'], '', 0.001);
     $this->assertEquals('array', gettype($result['title']));
     $this->assertEquals('Liberec', $result['title'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals('Czech Republic', $result['title'][1]);
Exemple #24
 public function extract_file()
     $filesinfo = $this->get('importertransport')->files_info();
     // this contains relativepath and zipfile name
     $this->relativepath = $filesinfo['relativepath'];
     $this->zipfile = $filesinfo['zipfile'];
     $this->tempdir = $filesinfo['tempdir'];
     if (sha1_file($this->tempdir . $this->zipfile) != $this->zipfilesha1) {
         throw new ImportException('sha1 of recieved zipfile didn\'t match expected sha1');
     $this->unzipdir = $this->tempdir . 'extract/';
     if (!check_dir_exists($this->unzipdir)) {
         throw new ImportException('Failed to create the temporary directories to work in');
     $command = sprintf('%s %s %s %s', get_config('pathtounzip'), escapeshellarg($this->tempdir . $this->zipfile), get_config('unzipdirarg'), escapeshellarg($this->unzipdir));
     $output = array();
     exec($command, $output, $returnvar);
     if ($returnvar != 0) {
         throw new ImportException('Failed to unzip the file recieved from the transport object');
Exemple #25
function &smarty_core()
    require_once 'smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';
    $smarty =& new Smarty();
    $theme = theme_setup();
    $themepaths = themepaths();
    $smarty->template_dir = $theme->template_dir;
    check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'smarty/compile/' . $theme->theme);
    check_dir_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'smarty/cache/' . $theme->theme);
    $smarty->compile_dir = get_config('dataroot') . 'smarty/compile/' . $theme->theme;
    $smarty->cache_dir = get_config('dataroot') . 'smarty/cache/' . $theme->theme;
    $smarty->plugins_dir[] = get_config('libroot') . 'smarty/mahara/';
    $smarty->assign('THEMEURL', get_config('themeurl'));
    $smarty->assign('WWWROOT', get_config('wwwroot'));
    $theme_list = array();
    foreach ($themepaths['mahara'] as $themepath) {
        $theme_list[$themepath] = theme_get_url($themepath);
    $smarty->assign('THEMELIST', json_encode($theme_list));
    return $smarty;
Exemple #26
 * Create a zip archive containing the exported data.
 * @param array $listing The list of usernames that were exported
 * @param array $files A list of archive files for each user
function create_zipfile($listing, $files)
    global $USER;
    if (empty($listing) or empty($files)) {
        return false;
    if (count($listing) != count($files)) {
        throw new MaharaException("Files and listing don't match.");
    // create temporary directories for the export
    $exportdir = get_config('dataroot') . 'export/' . $USER->get('id') . '/' . time() . '/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($exportdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$exportdir}");
    $usersdir = 'users/';
    if (!check_dir_exists($exportdir . $usersdir)) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$usersdir}");
    // move user zipfiles into the export directory
    foreach ($files as $filename) {
        if (copy($filename, $exportdir . $usersdir . basename($filename))) {
        } else {
            throw new SystemException("Couldn't move {$filename} to {$usersdir}");
    // write username listing to a file
    $listingfile = 'usernames.csv';
    if (!file_put_contents($exportdir . $listingfile, data_to_csv($listing))) {
        throw new SystemException("Couldn't write usernames to a file");
    // zip everything up
    $filename = 'mahara-bulk-export-' . time() . '.zip';
    try {
        create_zip_archive($exportdir, $filename, array($listingfile, $usersdir));
    } catch (SystemException $e) {
        throw new SystemException('Failed to zip the export file: ' . $e->getMessage());
    return $exportdir . $filename;
  * constructor.  overrides the parent class
  * to set up smarty and the attachment directory
 public function __construct(User $user, $views, $artefacts, $progresshandler = null)
     parent::__construct($user, $views, $artefacts, $progresshandler);
     $this->smarty = smarty_core();
     if (!check_dir_exists($this->exportdir . '/' . $this->filedir)) {
         throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$this->exportdir}");
     $this->zipfile = 'mahara-export-leap-user' . $this->get('user')->get('id') . '-' . $this->exporttime . '.zip';
     // some plugins might want to do their own special thing
     foreach (plugins_installed('artefact', true) as $plugin) {
         $plugin = $plugin->name;
         if (safe_require('export', 'leap/' . $plugin, 'lib.php', 'require_once', true)) {
             $classname = 'LeapExport' . ucfirst($plugin);
             if (class_exists($classname) && call_static_method($classname, 'override_entire_export')) {
                 $this->specialcases[$plugin] = array();
     $outputfilter = LeapExportOutputFilter::singleton();
     $this->notify_progress_callback(5, get_string('setupcomplete', 'export'));
Exemple #28
 * Stores CSS in a file at the given path.
 * This function either succeeds or throws an exception.
 * @param theme_config $theme The theme that the CSS belongs to.
 * @param string $csspath The path to store the CSS at.
 * @param array $cssfiles The CSS files to store.
function css_store_css(theme_config $theme, $csspath, array $cssfiles)
    global $CFG;
    if (!empty($CFG->enablecssoptimiser)) {
        // This is an experimental feature introduced in Moodle 2.3
        // The CSS optimiser organises the CSS in order to reduce the overall number
        // of rules and styles being sent to the client. It does this by collating
        // the CSS before it is cached removing excess styles and rules and stripping
        // out any extraneous content such as comments and empty rules.
        $optimiser = new css_optimiser();
        $css = '';
        foreach ($cssfiles as $file) {
            $css .= file_get_contents($file) . "\n";
        $css = $theme->post_process($css);
        $css = $optimiser->process($css);
        // If cssoptimisestats is set then stats from the optimisation are collected
        // and output at the beginning of the CSS
        if (!empty($CFG->cssoptimiserstats)) {
            $css = $optimiser->output_stats_css() . $css;
    } else {
        // This is the default behaviour.
        // The cssoptimise setting was introduced in Moodle 2.3 and will hopefully
        // in the future be changed from an experimental setting to the default.
        // The css_minify_css will method will use the Minify library remove
        // comments, additional whitespace and other minor measures to reduce the
        // the overall CSS being sent.
        // However it has the distinct disadvantage of having to minify the CSS
        // before running the post process functions. Potentially things may break
        // here if theme designers try to push things with CSS post processing.
        $css = $theme->post_process(css_minify_css($cssfiles));
    $fp = fopen($csspath, 'w');
    fwrite($fp, $css);
Exemple #29
  * Constructor - creates an instance of the SimplePie class
  * with Moodle defaults.
  * @param string $feedurl optional URL of the feed
  * @param int $timeout how many seconds requests should wait for server response
 public function __construct($feedurl = null, $timeout = 2)
     $cachedir = moodle_simplepie::get_cache_directory();
     // Use the Moodle class for http requests
     // Use html purifier for text cleaning.
     $this->sanitize = new moodle_simplepie_sanitize();
     // Match moodle encoding
     // default to a short timeout as most operations will be interactive
     // 1 hour default cache
     // init the feed url if passed in constructor
     if ($feedurl !== null) {
Exemple #30
 public function dump_export_data()
     foreach ($this->exporter->get('artefacts') as $artefact) {
         if ($artefact->get('artefacttype') == 'blog') {
             // Create directory for storing the blog
             $dirname = PluginExportHtml::text_to_path($artefact->get('title'));
             if (!check_dir_exists($this->fileroot . $dirname)) {
                 throw new SystemException("Couldn't create blog directory {$this->fileroot}{$dirname}");
             // Render the first page of the blog (the only one if there's
             // not many posts)
             $smarty = $this->exporter->get_smarty('../../../', 'blog');
             $smarty->assign('page_heading', $artefact->get('title'));
             $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', array(array('text' => get_string('blogs', 'artefact.blog')), array('text' => $artefact->get('title'), 'path' => 'index.html')));
             $rendered = $artefact->render_self(array('hidetitle' => true));
             $outputfilter = new HtmlExportOutputFilter('../../../');
             $smarty->assign('rendered_blog', $outputfilter->filter($rendered['html']));
             $content = $smarty->fetch('export:html/blog:index.tpl');
             if (false === file_put_contents($this->fileroot . $dirname . '/index.html', $content)) {
                 throw new SystemException("Unable to create index.html for blog {$blogid}");
             // If the blog has many posts, we'll need to write out archive pages
             $postcount = $artefact->count_published_posts();
             $perpage = ArtefactTypeBlog::pagination;
             if ($postcount > $perpage) {
                 for ($i = 2; $i <= ceil($postcount / $perpage); $i++) {
                     $rendered = $artefact->render_self(array('page' => $i));
                     $smarty->assign('rendered_blog', $outputfilter->filter($rendered['html']));
                     $content = $smarty->fetch('export:html/blog:index.tpl');
                     if (false === file_put_contents($this->fileroot . $dirname . "/{$i}.html", $content)) {
                         throw new SystemException("Unable to create {$i}.html for blog {$artefact->get('id')}");