$id = find_submit('Delete');
if ($id != -1) {
if (isset($_POST['UpdateItem'])) {
if (isset($_POST['AddItem'])) {
if (isset($_POST['CancelItemChanges'])) {
check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system."));
check_db_has_customer_branches(_("There are no customers, or there are no customers with branches. Please define customers and customer branches."));
if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE) {
    $idate = _("Invoice Date:");
    $orderitems = _("Sales Invoice Items");
    $deliverydetails = _("Enter Delivery Details and Confirm Invoice");
    $cancelorder = _("Cancel Invoice");
    $porder = _("Place Invoice");
} elseif ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY) {
    $idate = _("Delivery Date:");
    $orderitems = _("Delivery Note Items");
    $deliverydetails = _("Enter Delivery Details and Confirm Dispatch");
    $cancelorder = _("Cancel Delivery");
    $porder = _("Place Delivery");
} elseif ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_type == ST_SALESQUOTE) {
    $idate = _("Quotation Date:");
    $js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);
if ($use_date_picker) {
    $js .= get_js_date_picker();
if (isset($_GET['NewCredit'])) {
    $_SESSION['page_title'] = tr("Customer Credit Note");
} elseif (isset($_GET['ModifyCredit'])) {
    $_SESSION['page_title'] = sprintf(tr("Modifying Customer Credit Note #%d"), $_GET['ModifyCredit']);
    $help_page_title = tr("Modifying Customer Credit Note");
page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
check_db_has_stock_items(tr("There are no items defined in the system."));
check_db_has_customer_branches(tr("There are no customers, or there are no customers with branches. Please define customers and customer branches."));
if (isset($_GET['AddedID'])) {
    $credit_no = $_GET['AddedID'];
    $trans_type = 11;
    display_notification_centered(sprintf(tr("Credit Note # %d has been processed"), $credit_no));
    display_note(get_customer_trans_view_str($trans_type, $credit_no, tr("View this credit note")), 0, 1);
    display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $credit_no, tr("View the GL Journal Entries for this Credit Note")));
    hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], tr("Enter Another Credit Note"), "NewCredit=yes");
function line_start_focus()
    set_focus(get_company_pref('no_supplier_list') ? 'stock_id_edit' : 'StockID2');