} else {
        $section = 'online';
//Si les données sont postées
if (isset($_POST['valid_database_form']) && $_POST['valid_database_form']) {
    $datas = $_POST;
    //Création d'une variable contenant les données postées
    require_once INSTALL_VALIDATE . DS . 'database.php';
    //Inclusion des règles de validation des champs
    //Si pas d'erreur de validation
    if (!isset($formerrors)) {
        require_once INSTALL_FUNCTIONS . DS . 'database.php';
        //Inclusion des fonctions de paramétrage de la base de données
        $bddcheck = check_connexion($datas['host'], $datas['login'], $datas['password'], $datas['database']);
        //On check la connexion à la bdd
        if ($bddcheck) {
            require_once LIBS . DS . 'config_magik.php';
            //Import de la librairie de gestion des fichiers de configuration
            $cfg = new ConfigMagik(CONFIGS_FILES . DS . 'database.ini', true, true);
            //Création d'une instance, si le fichier database.ini n'existe pas il sera créé
            $datas['prefix'] = "";
            //Par défaut à vide
            //On va parcourir les données postées et mettre à jour le fichier ini
            foreach ($datas as $k => $v) {
                $cfg->set($k, $v, $section);
            //On sauvegarde le fichier de configuration
Exemple #2
 * function init_db
 * Cette fonction va permettre à l'initialisation des tables et des données de la base
 * @param	varchar	$db_host		Adresse du serveur
 * @param	varchar	$db_name		Nom de la base de données
 * @param	varchar	$db_username	Login de connexion à la base de données
 * @param	varchar	$db_password	Mot de passe de connexion à la base de données
 * @param	varchar	$file			Fichier à importer
 * @param	integer	$start			
 * @param	integer	$foffset		
 * @param	integer	$totalqueries	
 * @access 	public
 * @author 	koéZionCMS
 * @version 0.1 - 16/03/2012 by FI
 * @version 0.2 - 31/07/2012 by FI - Rajout du nom du fichier à importer
 * @see http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/
function init_db($db_host, $db_name, $db_username, $db_password, $file, $start, $foffset, $totalqueries)
    $filename = INSTALL_FILES . DS . $file . '.sql';
    //Chemin vers le fichier d'initialisation
    $linespersession = 50000;
    //Nombre de lignes maximum à importer
    //Allowed comment markers: lines starting with these strings will be ignored by BigDump
    $comment[] = '#';
    // Standard comment lines are dropped by default
    $comment[] = '-- ';
    $comment[] = 'DELIMITER';
    // Ignore DELIMITER switch as it's not a valid SQL statement
    // $comment[]='---';                  // Uncomment this line if using proprietary dump created by outdated mysqldump
    // $comment[]='CREATE DATABASE';      // Uncomment this line if your dump contains create database queries in order to ignore them
    $comment[] = '/*!';
    // Or add your own string to leave out other proprietary things
    //Connection charset should be the same as the dump file charset (utf8, latin1, cp1251, koi8r etc.)
    //See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-charsets.html for the full list
    //Change this if you have problems with non-latin letters
    $db_connection_charset = 'utf8';
    //Default query delimiter: this character at the line end tells Bigdump where a SQL statement ends
    //Can be changed by DELIMITER statement in the dump file (normally used when defining procedures/functions)
    $delimiter = ';';
    //String quotes character
    $string_quotes = '\'';
    // Change to '"' if your dump file uses double qoutes for strings
    $DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH = 16384;
    // How many chars are read per time
    $MAX_QUERY_LINES = 300;
    // How many lines may be considered to be one query (except text lines)
    @ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
    if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") && function_exists("date_default_timezone_get")) {
    //Clean and strip anything we don't want from user's input [0.27b]
    /*if(isset($this->data['Install'])) {
    			foreach($this->data['Install'] as $key => $val) {
    				$val = preg_replace("/[^_A-Za-z0-9-\.&= ;\$]/i", '', $val);
    				$this->data['Install'][$key] = $val;
    $aErrors = array();
    //Liste des erreurs
    $file = false;
    //Check PHP version
    if (count($aErrors) == 0 && !function_exists('version_compare')) {
        $aErrors[] = "PHP version 4.1.0 is required to proceed. You have PHP " . utf8_encode(phpversion()) . " installed.";
    //Check if mysql extension is available
    if (count($aErrors) == 0 && !function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
        $aErrors[] = "There is no mySQL extension available in your PHP installation. Sorry!";
    //Calculate PHP max upload size (handle settings like 10M or 100K)
    if (count($aErrors) == 0) {
        $upload_max_filesize = ini_get("upload_max_filesize");
        if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)K/i", $upload_max_filesize, $tempregs)) {
            $upload_max_filesize = $tempregs[1] * 1024;
        if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)M/i", $upload_max_filesize, $tempregs)) {
            $upload_max_filesize = $tempregs[1] * 1024 * 1024;
        if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)G/i", $upload_max_filesize, $tempregs)) {
            $upload_max_filesize = $tempregs[1] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    //Connect to the database
    if (count($aErrors) == 0) {
        $dbconnection = check_connexion($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
    } else {
        $dbconnection = false;
    if (!$dbconnection) {
        $aErrors[] = "Database connection failed due to " . utf8_encode(mysql_error());
    //set charset
    if (count($aErrors) == 0 && $db_connection_charset !== '') {
        @mysql_query("SET NAMES {$db_connection_charset}", $dbconnection);
    //Open the file
    if (count($aErrors) == 0 && isset($start)) {
        $curfilename = $filename;
        //Recognize GZip filename
        if (preg_match("/\\.gz\$/i", $curfilename)) {
            $gzipmode = true;
        } else {
            $gzipmode = false;
        if (!$gzipmode && !($file = @fopen($curfilename, "r")) || $gzipmode && !($file = @gzopen($curfilename, "r"))) {
            $aErrors[] = "Can't open " . $curfilename . " for import";
        } else {
            if (!$gzipmode && @fseek($file, 0, SEEK_END) == 0 || $gzipmode && @gzseek($file, 0) == 0) {
                if (!$gzipmode) {
                    $filesize = ftell($file);
                } else {
                    $filesize = gztell($file);
                //Always zero, ignore
            } else {
                $aErrors[] = "I can't seek into {$curfilename}";
    // *******************************************************************************************
    // *******************************************************************************************
    if (count($aErrors) == 0 && isset($start) && isset($foffset) && preg_match("/(\\.(sql|gz|csv))\$/i", $curfilename)) {
        //Check start and foffset are numeric values
        if (!is_numeric($start) || !is_numeric($foffset)) {
            $aErrors[] = "UNEXPECTED: Non-numeric values for start and foffset";
        } else {
            $start = floor($start);
            $foffset = floor($foffset);
        //Set the current delimiter if defined
        if (isset($delimiter)) {
            $delimiter = $delimiter;
        //Check $foffset upon $filesize (can't do it on gzipped files)
        if (count($aErrors) == 0 && !$gzipmode && $foffset > $filesize) {
            $aErrors[] = "UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer behind the end of file";
        //Set file pointer to $foffset
        if (count($aErrors) == 0 && (!$gzipmode && fseek($file, $foffset) != 0 || $gzipmode && gzseek($file, $foffset) != 0)) {
            $aErrors[] = "UNEXPECTED: Can't set file pointer to offset: " . $foffset;
        //Start processing queries from $file
        if (count($aErrors) == 0) {
            $query = "";
            $queries = 0;
            $totalqueries = $totalqueries;
            $linenumber = $start;
            $querylines = 0;
            $inparents = false;
            //Stay processing as long as the $linespersession is not reached or the query is still incomplete
            while ($linenumber < $start + $linespersession || $query != "") {
                //Read the whole next line
                $dumpline = "";
                while (!feof($file) && substr($dumpline, -1) != "\n" && substr($dumpline, -1) != "\r") {
                    if (!$gzipmode) {
                        $dumpline .= fgets($file, $DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH);
                    } else {
                        $dumpline .= gzgets($file, $DATA_CHUNK_LENGTH);
                if ($dumpline === "") {
                //Remove UTF8 Byte Order Mark at the file beginning if any
                if ($foffset == 0) {
                    $dumpline = preg_replace('|^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF|', '', $dumpline);
                //Handle DOS and Mac encoded linebreaks (I don't know if it really works on Win32 or Mac Servers)
                $dumpline = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $dumpline);
                $dumpline = str_replace("\r", "\n", $dumpline);
                //echo ("<p>Line $linenumber: $dumpline</p>\n");
                //Recognize delimiter statement
                if (!$inparents && strpos($dumpline, "DELIMITER ") === 0) {
                    $delimiter = str_replace("DELIMITER ", "", trim($dumpline));
                //Skip comments and blank lines only if NOT in parents
                if (!$inparents) {
                    $skipline = false;
                    foreach ($comment as $comment_value) {
                        //echo ($comment_value);
                        if (trim($dumpline) == "" || strpos(trim($dumpline), $comment_value) === 0) {
                            $skipline = true;
                    if ($skipline) {
                        //echo ("<p>Comment line skipped</p>\n");
                //Remove double back-slashes from the dumpline prior to count the quotes ('\\' can only be within strings)
                $dumpline_deslashed = str_replace("\\\\", "", $dumpline);
                //Count ' and \' (or " and \") in the dumpline to avoid query break within a text field ending by $delimiter
                $parents = substr_count($dumpline_deslashed, $string_quotes) - substr_count($dumpline_deslashed, "\\{$string_quotes}");
                if ($parents % 2 != 0) {
                    $inparents = !$inparents;
                //Add the line to query
                $query .= $dumpline;
                //Don't count the line if in parents (text fields may include unlimited linebreaks)
                if (!$inparents) {
                //Stop if query contains more lines as defined by $MAX_QUERY_LINES
                if ($querylines > $MAX_QUERY_LINES) {
                    $aErrors[] = "Stopped at the line {$linenumber}. At this place the current query includes more than " . $MAX_QUERY_LINES . " dump lines. That can happen if your dump file was ";
                //Execute query if end of query detected ($delimiter as last character) AND NOT in parents
                //echo ("<p>Regex: ".'/'.preg_quote($delimiter).'$/'."</p>\n");
                //echo ("<p>In Parents: ".($inparents?"true":"false")."</p>\n");
                //echo ("<p>Line: $dumpline</p>\n");
                if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($delimiter) . '$/', trim($dumpline)) && !$inparents) {
                    //Cut off delimiter of the end of the query
                    $query = substr(trim($query), 0, -1 * strlen($delimiter));
                    //echo ("<p>Query: ".trim(nl2br(htmlentities($query)))."</p>\n");
                    if (!mysql_query($query, $dbconnection)) {
                        $aErrors[] = array('message' => "Error at the line {$linenumber}: " . trim($dumpline) . " - MySQL: " . mysql_error(), 'query' => "Query: " . trim(nl2br(htmlentities($query))));
                    $query = "";
                    $querylines = 0;
        //Get the current file position
        if (count($aErrors) == 0) {
            if (!$gzipmode) {
                $foffset = ftell($file);
            } else {
                $foffset = gztell($file);
            if (!$foffset) {
                $aErrors[] = "UNEXPECTED: Can't read the file pointer offset";
        //Print statistics
        if (count($aErrors) == 0) {
            $lines_this = $linenumber - $start;
            $lines_done = $linenumber - 1;
            $lines_togo = ' ? ';
            $lines_tota = ' ? ';
            $queries_this = $queries;
            $queries_done = $totalqueries;
            $queries_togo = ' ? ';
            $queries_tota = ' ? ';
            $bytes_this = $foffset - $foffset;
            $bytes_done = $foffset;
            $kbytes_this = round($bytes_this / 1024, 2);
            $kbytes_done = round($bytes_done / 1024, 2);
            $mbytes_this = round($kbytes_this / 1024, 2);
            $mbytes_done = round($kbytes_done / 1024, 2);
            if (!$gzipmode) {
                $bytes_togo = $filesize - $foffset;
                $bytes_tota = $filesize;
                $kbytes_togo = round($bytes_togo / 1024, 2);
                $kbytes_tota = round($bytes_tota / 1024, 2);
                $mbytes_togo = round($kbytes_togo / 1024, 2);
                $mbytes_tota = round($kbytes_tota / 1024, 2);
                $pct_this = ceil($bytes_this / $filesize * 100);
                $pct_done = ceil($foffset / $filesize * 100);
                $pct_togo = 100 - $pct_done;
                $pct_tota = 100;
                if ($bytes_togo == 0) {
                    $lines_togo = '0';
                    $lines_tota = $linenumber - 1;
                    $queries_togo = '0';
                    $queries_tota = $totalqueries;
                $pct_bar = "<div style=\"height:15px;background-color:#000080;margin:0 15px;\"></div>";
            } else {
                $bytes_togo = ' ? ';
                $bytes_tota = ' ? ';
                $kbytes_togo = ' ? ';
                $kbytes_tota = ' ? ';
                $mbytes_togo = ' ? ';
                $mbytes_tota = ' ? ';
                $pct_this = ' ? ';
                $pct_done = ' ? ';
                $pct_togo = ' ? ';
                $pct_tota = 100;
                $pct_bar = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', '<tt>[         Not available for gzipped files          ]</tt>');
            $sucess['message'] = "La création de la base de données s'est correctement déroulée.";
            $sucess['lines_this'] = $lines_this;
            $sucess['lines_done'] = $lines_done;
            $sucess['lines_togo'] = $lines_togo;
            $sucess['lines_tota'] = $lines_tota;
            $sucess['queries_this'] = $queries_this;
            $sucess['queries_done'] = $queries_done;
            $sucess['queries_togo'] = $queries_togo;
            $sucess['queries_tota'] = $queries_tota;
            $sucess['bytes_this'] = $bytes_this;
            $sucess['bytes_done'] = $bytes_done;
            $sucess['bytes_togo'] = $bytes_togo;
            $sucess['bytes_tota'] = $bytes_tota;
            $sucess['kbytes_this'] = $kbytes_this;
            $sucess['kbytes_done'] = $kbytes_done;
            $sucess['kbytes_togo'] = $kbytes_togo;
            $sucess['kbytes_tota'] = $kbytes_tota;
            $sucess['mbytes_this'] = $mbytes_this;
            $sucess['mbytes_done'] = $mbytes_done;
            $sucess['mbytes_togo'] = $mbytes_togo;
            $sucess['mbytes_tota'] = $mbytes_tota;
            $sucess['pct_this'] = $pct_this;
            $sucess['pct_done'] = $pct_done;
            $sucess['pct_togo'] = $pct_togo;
            $sucess['pct_tota'] = $pct_tota;
            $sucess['pct_bar'] = $pct_bar;
            $result = array('result' => true, 'datas' => $sucess);
        } else {
            $result = array('result' => false, 'datas' => $aErrors);
    } else {
        $result = array('result' => false, 'datas' => $aErrors);
    if ($dbconnection) {
    if ($file && !$gzipmode) {
    } else {
        if ($file && $gzipmode) {
    return $result;