Exemple #1
  * Add menus item to the side bar block.
  * @param array Array of menu items to add. Each menu item should be a nested array of id, link and title.
  * @param string The ID of the active menu item if there is one.
 function add_menu_items($items, $active)
     global $run_module;
     $this->_contents = "<ul class=\"menu\">";
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if (!check_admin_permissions(array("module" => $run_module, "action" => $item['id']), false)) {
         $class = "";
         if ($item['id'] == $active) {
             $class = "active";
         $item['link'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($item['link']);
         $this->_contents .= "<li class=\"{$class}\"><a href=\"{$item['link']}\">{$item['title']}</a></li>\n";
     $this->_contents .= "</ul>";
Exemple #2
    $current_module = explode("-", $mybb->input['module'], 2);
if (!isset($current_module[1])) {
    $current_module[1] = 'home';
if ($mybb->input['module'] && isset($modules[$current_module[0]])) {
    $run_module = $current_module[0];
} else {
    $run_module = "home";
$action_handler = $run_module . "_action_handler";
$action_file = $action_handler($current_module[1]);
// Set our POST validation code here
$mybb->post_code = generate_post_check();
if ($run_module != "home") {
    check_admin_permissions(array('module' => $page->active_module, 'action' => $page->active_action));
// Only POST actions with a valid post code can modify information. Here we check if the incoming request is a POST and if that key is valid.
$post_check_ignores = array("example/page" => array("action"));
// An array of modules/actions to ignore POST checks for.
if ($mybb->request_method == "post") {
    if (in_array($mybb->input['module'], $post_check_ignores)) {
        $k = array_search($mybb->input['module'], $post_check_ignores);
        if (in_array($mybb->input['action'], $post_check_ignores[$k])) {
            $post_verify = false;
    if ($post_verify == true) {
        // If the post key does not match we switch the action to GET and set a message to show the user
        if (!isset($mybb->input['my_post_key']) || $mybb->post_code != $mybb->input['my_post_key']) {
            $mybb->request_method = "get";
 * @param string $action
 * @return string
function home_action_handler($action)
    global $page, $db, $lang, $plugins;
    $page->active_module = "home";
    $actions = array('preferences' => array('active' => 'preferences', 'file' => 'preferences.php'), 'credits' => array('active' => 'credits', 'file' => 'credits.php'), 'version_check' => array('active' => 'version_check', 'file' => 'version_check.php'), 'dashboard' => array('active' => 'dashboard', 'file' => 'index.php'));
    if (!isset($actions[$action])) {
        $page->active_action = "dashboard";
    } else {
        $page->active_action = $actions[$action]['active'];
    $actions = $plugins->run_hooks("admin_home_action_handler", $actions);
    if ($page->active_action == "dashboard") {
        // Quick Access
        $sub_menu = array();
        $sub_menu['10'] = array("id" => "add_forum", "title" => $lang->add_new_forum, "link" => "index.php?module=forum-management&action=add", "module" => "forum", "action" => "management");
        $sub_menu['20'] = array("id" => "search", "title" => $lang->search_for_users, "link" => "index.php?module=user-users&action=search", "module" => "user", "action" => "users");
        $sub_menu['30'] = array("id" => "themes", "title" => $lang->themes, "link" => "index.php?module=style-themes", "module" => "style", "action" => "themes");
        $sub_menu['40'] = array("id" => "templates", "title" => $lang->templates, "link" => "index.php?module=style-templates", "module" => "style", "action" => "templates");
        $sub_menu['50'] = array("id" => "plugins", "title" => $lang->plugins, "link" => "index.php?module=config-plugins", "module" => "config", "action" => "plugins");
        $sub_menu['60'] = array("id" => "backupdb", "title" => $lang->database_backups, "link" => "index.php?module=tools-backupdb", "module" => "tools", "action" => "backupdb");
        foreach ($sub_menu as $id => $sub) {
            if (!check_admin_permissions(array("module" => $sub['module'], "action" => $sub['action']), false)) {
        $sub_menu = $plugins->run_hooks("admin_home_menu_quick_access", $sub_menu);
        if (!empty($sub_menu)) {
            $sidebar = new SidebarItem($lang->quick_access);
            $sidebar->add_menu_items($sub_menu, $page->active_action);
            $page->sidebar .= $sidebar->get_markup();
        // Online Administrators in the last 30 minutes
        $timecut = TIME_NOW - 60 * 30;
        $query = $db->simple_select("adminsessions", "uid, ip, useragent", "lastactive > {$timecut}");
        $online_users = "<ul class=\"menu online_admins\">";
        $online_admins = array();
        // If there's only 1 user online, it has to be us.
        if ($db->num_rows($query) == 1) {
            $user = $db->fetch_array($query);
            global $mybb;
            // Are we on a mobile device?
            // Stolen from http://stackoverflow.com/a/10989424
            $user_type = "desktop";
            if (is_mobile($user["useragent"])) {
                $user_type = "mobile";
            $online_admins[$mybb->user['username']] = array("uid" => $mybb->user['uid'], "username" => $mybb->user['username'], "ip" => $user["ip"], "type" => $user_type);
        } else {
            $uid_in = array();
            while ($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $uid_in[] = $user['uid'];
                $user_type = "desktop";
                if (is_mobile($user['useragent'])) {
                    $user_type = "mobile";
                $online_admins[$user['uid']] = array("ip" => $user['ip'], "type" => $user_type);
            $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid, username", "uid IN(" . implode(',', $uid_in) . ")", array('order_by' => 'username'));
            while ($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $online_admins[$user['username']] = array("uid" => $user['uid'], "username" => $user['username'], "ip" => $online_admins[$user['uid']]['ip'], "type" => $online_admins[$user['uid']]['type']);
        $done_users = array();
        foreach ($online_admins as $user) {
            if (!isset($done_users["{$user['uid']}.{$user['ip']}"])) {
                if ($user['type'] == "mobile") {
                    $class = " class=\"mobile_user\"";
                } else {
                    $class = "";
                $ip_address = my_inet_ntop($db->unescape_binary($user['ip']));
                $online_users .= "<li title=\"{$lang->ipaddress} {$ip_address}\"{$class}>" . build_profile_link($user['username'] . ' (' . $ip_address . ')', $user['uid'], "_blank") . "</li>";
                $done_users["{$user['uid']}.{$user['ip']}"] = 1;
        $online_users .= "</ul>";
        $sidebar = new SidebarItem($lang->online_admins);
        $page->sidebar .= $sidebar->get_markup();
    if (isset($actions[$action])) {
        $page->active_action = $actions[$action]['active'];
        return $actions[$action]['file'];
    } else {
        $page->active_action = "dashboard";
        return "index.php";