  * Insert the document
  * @param object $obj
  * @param bool $manual_inserted
  * @param bool $isRestore
  * @return object
 function insertDocument($obj, $manual_inserted = false, $isRestore = false, $isLatest = true)
     if (!$manual_inserted && !checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // begin transaction
     $oDB =& DB::getInstance();
     // List variables
     if ($obj->comment_status) {
         $obj->commentStatus = $obj->comment_status;
     if (!$obj->commentStatus) {
         $obj->commentStatus = 'DENY';
     if ($obj->commentStatus == 'DENY') {
     if ($obj->allow_trackback != 'Y') {
         $obj->allow_trackback = 'N';
     if ($obj->homepage) {
         $obj->homepage = removeHackTag($obj->homepage);
         if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//i', $obj->homepage)) {
             $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
     if ($obj->notify_message != 'Y') {
         $obj->notify_message = 'N';
     if (!$obj->email_address) {
         $obj->email_address = '';
     if (!$isRestore) {
         $obj->ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     // can modify regdate only manager
     $grant = Context::get('grant');
     if (!$grant->manager) {
     // Serialize the $extra_vars, check the extra_vars type, because duplicate serialized avoid
     if (!is_string($obj->extra_vars)) {
         $obj->extra_vars = serialize($obj->extra_vars);
     // Remove the columns for automatic saving
     // Call a trigger (before)
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('document.insertDocument', 'before', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // Register it if no given document_srl exists
     if (!$obj->document_srl) {
         $obj->document_srl = getNextSequence();
     } elseif (!$manual_inserted && !$isRestore && !checkUserSequence($obj->document_srl)) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     // Set to 0 if the category_srl doesn't exist
     if ($obj->category_srl) {
         $category_list = $oDocumentModel->getCategoryList($obj->module_srl);
         if (count($category_list) > 0 && !$category_list[$obj->category_srl]->grant) {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
         if (count($category_list) > 0 && !$category_list[$obj->category_srl]) {
             $obj->category_srl = 0;
     // Set the read counts and update order.
     if (!$obj->readed_count) {
         $obj->readed_count = 0;
     if ($isLatest) {
         $obj->update_order = $obj->list_order = $obj->document_srl * -1;
     } else {
         $obj->update_order = $obj->list_order;
     // Check the status of password hash for manually inserting. Apply hashing for otherwise.
     if ($obj->password && !$obj->password_is_hashed) {
         $obj->password = getModel('member')->hashPassword($obj->password);
     // Insert member's information only if the member is logged-in and not manually registered.
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if (Context::get('is_logged') && !$manual_inserted && !$isRestore) {
         $obj->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
         // user_id, user_name and nick_name already encoded
         $obj->user_id = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_id);
         $obj->user_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_name);
         $obj->nick_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->nick_name);
         $obj->email_address = $logged_info->email_address;
         $obj->homepage = $logged_info->homepage;
     // If the tile is empty, extract string from the contents.
     $obj->title = htmlspecialchars($obj->title, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
     settype($obj->title, "string");
     if ($obj->title == '') {
         $obj->title = cut_str(trim(strip_tags(nl2br($obj->content))), 20, '...');
     // If no tile extracted from the contents, leave it untitled.
     if ($obj->title == '') {
         $obj->title = 'Untitled';
     // Remove XE's own tags from the contents.
     $obj->content = preg_replace('!<\\!--(Before|After)(Document|Comment)\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)-->!is', '', $obj->content);
     // if use editor of nohtml, Remove HTML tags from the contents.
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         if (Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && $obj->use_editor != 'Y') {
             if ($obj->use_html != 'Y') {
                 $obj->content = htmlspecialchars($obj->content, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
             $obj->content = nl2br($obj->content);
         } else {
             $oEditorModel = getModel('editor');
             $editor_config = $oEditorModel->getEditorConfig($obj->module_srl);
             if (strpos($editor_config->sel_editor_colorset, 'nohtml') !== FALSE) {
                 $obj->content = preg_replace('/\\<br(\\s*)?\\/?\\>/i', PHP_EOL, $obj->content);
                 $obj->content = htmlspecialchars($obj->content, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
                 $obj->content = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '<br />', $obj->content);
     // Remove iframe and script if not a top adminisrator in the session.
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         $obj->content = removeHackTag($obj->content);
     // An error appears if both log-in info and user name don't exist.
     if (!$logged_info->member_srl && !$obj->nick_name) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // Fix encoding of non-BMP UTF-8 characters.
     $obj->title = utf8_mbencode($obj->title);
     $obj->content = utf8_mbencode($obj->content);
     $obj->lang_code = Context::getLangType();
     // Insert data into the DB
     if (!$obj->status) {
     $output = executeQuery('document.insertDocument', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // Insert extra variables if the document successfully inserted.
     $extra_vars = array();
     $extra_keys = $oDocumentModel->getExtraKeys($obj->module_srl);
     if (count($extra_keys)) {
         foreach ($extra_keys as $idx => $extra_item) {
             $value = NULL;
             if (isset($obj->{'extra_vars' . $idx})) {
                 $tmp = $obj->{'extra_vars' . $idx};
                 if (is_array($tmp)) {
                     $value = implode('|@|', $tmp);
                 } else {
                     $value = trim($tmp);
             } else {
                 if (isset($obj->{$extra_item->name})) {
                     $value = trim($obj->{$extra_item->name});
             if ($value == NULL) {
             $extra_vars[$extra_item->name] = $value;
             $this->insertDocumentExtraVar($obj->module_srl, $obj->document_srl, $idx, $value, $extra_item->eid);
     // Update the category if the category_srl exists.
     if ($obj->category_srl) {
         $this->updateCategoryCount($obj->module_srl, $obj->category_srl);
     // Call a trigger (after)
     if ($obj->update_log_setting === 'Y') {
         $obj->extra_vars = serialize($extra_vars);
         $update_output = $this->insertDocumentUpdateLog($obj);
         if (!$update_output->toBool()) {
             return $update_output;
     ModuleHandler::triggerCall('document.insertDocument', 'after', $obj);
     // commit
     // return
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
     $output->add('document_srl', $obj->document_srl);
     $output->add('category_srl', $obj->category_srl);
     return $output;
  * Enter comments
  * @param object $obj
  * @param bool $manual_inserted
  * @return object
 function insertComment($obj, $manual_inserted = FALSE)
     if (!$manual_inserted && !checkCSRF()) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if (!is_object($obj)) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
     // check if comment's module is using comment validation and set the publish status to 0 (false)
     // for inserting query, otherwise default is 1 (true - means comment is published)
     $using_validation = $this->isModuleUsingPublishValidation($obj->module_srl);
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         if (Context::get('is_logged')) {
             $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
             if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                 $is_admin = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $is_admin = FALSE;
     } else {
         $is_admin = FALSE;
     if (!$using_validation) {
         $obj->status = 1;
     } else {
         if ($is_admin) {
             $obj->status = 1;
         } else {
             $obj->status = 0;
     $obj->__isupdate = FALSE;
     // call a trigger (before)
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.insertComment', 'before', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // check if a posting of the corresponding document_srl exists
     $document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
     if (!$document_srl) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_document');
     // get a object of document model
     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
     // even for manual_inserted if password exists, hash it.
     if ($obj->password) {
         $obj->password = getModel('member')->hashPassword($obj->password);
     // get the original posting
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($document_srl);
         if ($document_srl != $oDocument->document_srl) {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_document');
         if ($oDocument->isLocked()) {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
         if ($obj->homepage) {
             $obj->homepage = removeHackTag($obj->homepage);
             if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//i', $obj->homepage)) {
                 $obj->homepage = 'http://' . $obj->homepage;
         // input the member's information if logged-in
         if (Context::get('is_logged')) {
             $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
             $obj->member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
             // user_id, user_name and nick_name already encoded
             $obj->user_id = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_id);
             $obj->user_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->user_name);
             $obj->nick_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($logged_info->nick_name);
             $obj->email_address = $logged_info->email_address;
             $obj->homepage = $logged_info->homepage;
     // error display if neither of log-in info and user name exist.
     if (!$logged_info->member_srl && !$obj->nick_name) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     if (!$obj->comment_srl) {
         $obj->comment_srl = getNextSequence();
     } elseif (!$is_admin && !$manual_inserted && !checkUserSequence($obj->comment_srl)) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     // determine the order
     $obj->list_order = getNextSequence() * -1;
     // remove XE's own tags from the contents
     $obj->content = preg_replace('!<\\!--(Before|After)(Document|Comment)\\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\)-->!is', '', $obj->content);
     if (Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
         if ($obj->use_html != 'Y') {
             $obj->content = htmlspecialchars($obj->content, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
         $obj->content = nl2br($obj->content);
     if (!$obj->regdate) {
         $obj->regdate = date("YmdHis");
     // remove iframe and script if not a top administrator on the session.
     if ($logged_info->is_admin != 'Y') {
         $obj->content = removeHackTag($obj->content);
     if (!$obj->notify_message) {
         $obj->notify_message = 'N';
     if (!$obj->is_secret) {
         $obj->is_secret = 'N';
     // begin transaction
     $oDB = DB::getInstance();
     // Enter a list of comments first
     $list_args = new stdClass();
     $list_args->comment_srl = $obj->comment_srl;
     $list_args->document_srl = $obj->document_srl;
     $list_args->module_srl = $obj->module_srl;
     $list_args->regdate = $obj->regdate;
     // If parent comment doesn't exist, set data directly
     if (!$obj->parent_srl) {
         $list_args->head = $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
         $list_args->depth = 0;
         // If parent comment exists, get information of the parent comment
     } else {
         // get information of the parent comment posting
         $parent_args = new stdClass();
         $parent_args->comment_srl = $obj->parent_srl;
         $parent_output = executeQuery('comment.getCommentListItem', $parent_args);
         // return if no parent comment exists
         if (!$parent_output->toBool() || !$parent_output->data) {
         $parent = $parent_output->data;
         $list_args->head = $parent->head;
         $list_args->depth = $parent->depth + 1;
         // if the depth of comments is less than 2, execute insert.
         if ($list_args->depth < 2) {
             $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
             // if the depth of comments is greater than 2, execute update.
         } else {
             // get the top listed comment among those in lower depth and same head with parent's.
             $p_args = new stdClass();
             $p_args->head = $parent->head;
             $p_args->arrange = $parent->arrange;
             $p_args->depth = $parent->depth;
             $output = executeQuery('comment.getCommentParentNextSibling', $p_args);
             if ($output->data->arrange) {
                 $list_args->arrange = $output->data->arrange;
                 $output = executeQuery('comment.updateCommentListArrange', $list_args);
             } else {
                 $list_args->arrange = $obj->comment_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('comment.insertCommentList', $list_args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // insert comment
     $output = executeQuery('comment.insertComment', $obj);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     // creat the comment model object
     $oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
     // get the number of all comments in the posting
     $comment_count = $oCommentModel->getCommentCount($document_srl);
     // create the controller object of the document
     $oDocumentController = getController('document');
     // Update the number of comments in the post
     if (!$using_validation) {
         $output = $oDocumentController->updateCommentCount($document_srl, $comment_count, $obj->nick_name, TRUE);
     } else {
         if ($is_admin) {
             $output = $oDocumentController->updateCommentCount($document_srl, $comment_count, $obj->nick_name, TRUE);
     // grant autority of the comment
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
     // call a trigger(after)
     if ($output->toBool()) {
         $trigger_output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('comment.insertComment', 'after', $obj);
         if (!$trigger_output->toBool()) {
             return $trigger_output;
     // commit
     if (!$manual_inserted) {
         // send a message if notify_message option in enabled in the original article
         $oDocument->notify(Context::getLang('comment'), $obj->content);
         // send a message if notify_message option in enabled in the original comment
         if ($obj->parent_srl) {
             $oParent = $oCommentModel->getComment($obj->parent_srl);
             if ($oParent->get('member_srl') != $oDocument->get('member_srl')) {
                 $oParent->notify(Context::getLang('comment'), $obj->content);
     $output->add('comment_srl', $obj->comment_srl);
     return $output;