function verifyPath($path) { if (!checkPath($path)) { echo getErrorRes("Access to {$path} is denied") . ' ' . $path; exit; } }
public function uploadFile() { $negocio = Negocio::find(Input::get('negocio_id')); $anioMes = strftime("%Y%m", strtotime($negocio->created_at)); if (Input::hasFile('file')) { $file = Input::file('file'); $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $name = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $filename = md5(date("Ymdhis")); if ($extension == 'jpg' || $extension == 'png' || $extension == 'jpeg') { $SimplePath = checkPath($anioMes, $negocio->id, 3); // 3 = imagenes $path = public_path() . '/' . $SimplePath; $image = Image::make(Input::file('file')->getRealPath()); $image->fit(1280, 480); //3x $filename3x = $filename . '@3x.' . $extension; $image->save($path . '/' . $filename3x); $image->fit(640, 240); //2x $filename2x = $filename . '@2x.' . $extension; $image->save($path . '/' . $filename2x); $image->fit(320, 120); //1x $filename1x = $filename . '.' . $extension; $image->save($path . '/' . $filename1x); $imagenNegocio = new Imagen(); $imagenNegocio->imagen = $anioMes . '/' . $negocio->id . '/imagenes/' . $filename1x; $imagenNegocio->save(); if ($negocio->imagenes()->save($imagenNegocio)) { return Response::json(["response" => "ok", "img" => $anioMes . '/' . $negocio->id . '/imagenes/' . $filename1x]); } else { return Response::json(["response" => "error"]); } } } else { return Response::json(["response" => "error"]); } }
checkFile("_conf/httpd-vhosts.conf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/php.ini", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/my.cnf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); checkFile("_conf/apache.conf", "Required file is missing from your configuration source"); // TODO: create .bash_profile if it does not exist // Has not been tested checkFileOrCreate("~/.bash_profile", "_conf/bash_profile.start"); checkPath("~/Sites"); command("sudo mkdir /srv"); command("sudo ln -s ~/Sites /srv/sites"); checkPath("~/Sites/apache"); // mysql paths checkPath("/opt/local/var/run/mysql56", "sudo"); checkPath("/opt/local/var/db/mysql56", "sudo"); checkPath("/opt/local/etc/mysql56", "sudo"); checkPath("/opt/local/share/mysql56", "sudo"); // continue with setup output("\nInstalling software"); // make sure correct version of Xcode is selected command("sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/"); // update macports command("sudo port selfupdate"); command("sudo port install mysql56-server"); command("sudo port install php55 +apache2 +mysql56-server +pear php55-apache2handler"); command("sudo port install php55-mysql"); command("sudo port install php55-openssl"); command("sudo port install php55-mbstring"); command("sudo port install php55-curl"); command("sudo port install php55-zip"); command("sudo port install php55-imagick"); command("sudo port install php55-memcached");
/** * @desc Замеряет размер указанного объекта * @return */ function folderSize($basePath) { $fs = DAO::getInstance('fs'); // проверяем путь на доступ $szBasePath = toCanonical(realpath(FILE_PATH . $basePath)); $szErrorMessage = checkPath($szBasePath); if (empty($szErrorMessage)) { $nSize = $fs->getSize(toCanonical($szBasePath)); } else { $nSize = 0; } $aResult = array('error' => $szErrorMessage, 'size' => $nSize); return $aResult; }
function feedbackUpload() { $id = $this->_get('id', 'img_url'); $dir = $this->_get('path', ''); if (!checkPath($dir)) { $dir = 'user'; } $ids = $this->_get('ids', 0); if (!$id) { showError('参数错误'); } $upload_img_type = chop(str_replace('|', ',', C('upload', 'attach_type')), "|"); $upload_img_type .= ',' . str_replace('|', ',', C('upload', 'pic_type')); $this->assign(array('upload_img_type' => $upload_img_type, 'id' => $id, 'ids' => $ids, 'dir' => $dir)); $this->display('index'); }
function copy_dir($src, $dest) { static $max; if (!isset($max)) { $max = 0; } $max++; if ($max > 25) { return false; } checkPath($dest); $handle = opendir($src); $C = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) && $C++ < 100) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { copy_dir($src . '/' . $file, $dest . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dest . '/' . $file); } } if ($C >= 100) { print "{$src}, {$dest}<br>"; } @closedir($handle); }
<?php use Extasy\CMS; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/_lib/loader.php'; $fs = DAO::getInstance('fs'); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML id="document"> <?php if (isset($_POST['basepath']) && !empty($_FILES['file']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $szPath = toCanonical(realpath(FILE_PATH . $_POST['basepath'])); $szErrorMessage = checkPath($szPath); if (empty($szErrorMessage)) { $fs->upload('file', $szPath . str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES['file']['name'])); $fs->chmod($szPath . str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES['file']['name']), 0777); ?> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#EEEEEE > <script> if (window.parent.ii != null) { window.parent.ii.inClosePopup(); }
$action = $_GET['action']; } else { exit('{"status":"error","data":{"error":"No Action Specified"}}'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ensure Project Has Been Loaded ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isset($_SESSION['project'])) { $_GET['action'] = 'get_current'; $_GET['no_return'] = 'true'; require_once '../project/controller.php'; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Security Check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!checkPath($_GET['path'])) { die('{"status":"error","message":"Invalid Path"}'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define Root ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $_GET['root'] = WORKSPACE; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handle Action ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $Filemanager = new Filemanager($_GET, $_POST, $_FILES); $Filemanager->project = @$_SESSION['project']['path']; switch ($action) { case 'index': $Filemanager->index(); break;
static function run() { $sys = C('System'); if ($sys['path_mod'] == 3 && isHave($_GET['s']) && !isHave($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = $_GET['s']; } if (isHave($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $pathinfo = explode($sys['delimiter'], $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $count = count($pathinfo); if ($count) { if (strExists($pathinfo[0], $sys['delimiter'])) { $pathinfo[0] = trim($pathinfo[0], $sys['delimiter']); array_unshift($pathinfo, ''); } $count = $count - 1; if (empty($pathinfo[$count - 1])) { unset($pathinfo[$count - 1]); } if (!empty($sys['postfix']) && strExists($pathinfo[$count], $sys['postfix'])) { $pathinfo[$count] = strtr($pathinfo[$count], array($sys['postfix'] => '')); } if (isHave($pathinfo[1]) && $pathinfo[1] != $sys['default_group'] && $sys['group_list'] && in_array($pathinfo[1], $sys['group_list'])) { $_GET['g'] = $pathinfo[1]; if (isHave($pathinfo[2])) { $_GET['c'] = $pathinfo[2]; } if (isHave($pathinfo[3])) { $_GET['m'] = $pathinfo[3]; } $goIndex = 4; } else { if (isHave($pathinfo[1])) { $_GET['c'] = $pathinfo[1]; } if (isHave($pathinfo[2])) { $_GET['m'] = $pathinfo[2]; } $goIndex = 3; } if ($count > $goIndex) { for ($foo = $goIndex; $foo < $count; $foo += 2) { $_GET[$pathinfo[$foo]] = $pathinfo[$foo + 1]; } } } } $_GET['c'] = isHave($_GET['c']) ? trim($_GET['c']) : $sys['c']; $_GET['m'] = isHave($_GET['m']) ? trim($_GET['m']) : $sys['m']; $_GET['g'] = isHave($_GET['g']) ? trim($_GET['g']) : $sys['default_group']; define('GROUP_NAME', $_GET['g']); define('ACTION_NAME', $_GET['c']); define('MODEL_NAME', $_GET['m']); $GLOBALS['System']['g'] = GROUP_NAME; $GLOBALS['System']['c'] = ACTION_NAME; $GLOBALS['System']['m'] = MODEL_NAME; $c = ACTION_NAME . 'Action'; $path = APP_PATH . 'lib/action/' . (GROUP_NAME == 'index' || !GROUP_NAME ? 'index/' : GROUP_NAME . '/') . $c . '.class.php'; if (checkPath($c) && is_file($path)) { if (isHave($sys['autoload_action'])) { foreach ($sys['autoload_action'] as $key => $val) { if (!is_string($key) || $key == GROUP_NAME) { if (!is_array($val)) { $val = array($val); } foreach ($val as $v) { if (!$key || $key == 'index') { $key = 'index/'; } else { $key .= '/'; } $autoPath = APP_PATH . 'lib/action/' . $key . $v . 'Action.class.php'; if (is_file($autoPath)) { include $autoPath; } else { showError('自动加载控制器:' . $v . '不存在'); } } } } } include $path; $control = ''; if (class_exists($c)) { $control = new $c(); } if (checkPath(MODEL_NAME) && method_exists($control, MODEL_NAME)) { return $control->{$_GET}['m'](); } elseif (method_exists($control, '_empty')) { return $control->_empty(); } elseif (method_exists($control, '_error')) { return $control->_error(); } else { showError('模型 ' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(MODEL_NAME)) . ' 不存在'); } } showError('控制器 ' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(ACTION_NAME)) . ' 不存在'); }
} else { $Project->path = $_GET['project_name']; } // Git Clone? if (!empty($_GET['git_repo'])) { $Project->gitrepo = $_GET['git_repo']; $Project->gitbranch = $_GET['git_branch']; } $Project->Create(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rename Project ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($_GET['action'] == 'rename') { if (!checkPath($_GET['project_path'])) { die(formatJSEND("error", "No Access")); } $Project->path = $_GET['project_path']; $Project->Rename(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete Project ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { if (checkAccess()) { $Project->path = $_GET['project_path']; $Project->Delete(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} } else { //mail('*****@*****.**','xxxxxx 404 no uid',$cur_path); } } } else { //mail('*****@*****.**','xxxxxx 404',$cur_path); } } } else { //mail('*****@*****.**','xxxxxx 404',$cur_path); } } } $cur_path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; checkPath($cur_path); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>404 Page Not Found</title> <style type="text/css"> ::selection{ background-color: #E13300; color: white; } ::moz-selection{ background-color: #E13300; color: white; } ::webkit-selection{ background-color: #E13300; color: white; } body { background-color: #fff; margin: 40px; font: 13px/20px normal Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
function D($classname = '') { static $_Dmodel = array(); static $_DmodelAutoLoad = array(); //自动加载模型 $sys = C('system', 'autoload_model'); if (!$_DmodelAutoLoad && isHave($sys)) { foreach ($sys as $val) { $path = APP_PATH . 'lib/model/' . $val . 'Model.class.php'; if (is_file($path)) { include $path; $_DmodelAutoLoad[$val] = true; } else { showError('自动加载模型:' . $val . '不存在'); } } } if (!empty($classname)) { if (isset($_Dmodel[$classname])) { return $_Dmodel[$classname]; } $path = APP_PATH . 'lib/model/' . $classname . 'Model.class.php'; if (is_file($path)) { load('model'); if (!isset($_DmodelAutoLoad[$classname])) { include $path; } $class = $classname . 'Model'; if (checkPath($classname) && class_exists($class)) { $_Dmodel[$classname] = new $class(); return $_Dmodel[$classname]; } } } return M($classname); }
/** * Build the js if necessary * */ function R3BuildJS($force = false) { global $auth, $jsPacker; $appCode = strtolower(APPLICATION_CODE); $jsDestPath = R3_UPLOAD_DATA_DIR . strtolower(R3EcoGisHelper::getCurrentDomainName()) . "/js/"; $masterFileName = "{$jsDestPath}{$appCode}_all.js"; if (!$force) { $rebuild = !file_exists($masterFileName); if (!$rebuild) { $compiledAge = filemtime($masterFileName); $files = $jsPacker['JS_files']; if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $name); if (!file_exists("{$jsDestPath}{$name}")) { $rebuild = true; ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript file \"{$jsDestPath}{$name}\" not found. Rebuild necessary", ezcLog::DEBUG); break; } foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $files[] = $file; } } } foreach ($files as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); if (filemtime(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) > $compiledAge) { // Complie needed $rebuild = true; break; } } } } if ($force || $rebuild) { checkPath(dirname($masterFileName), true, true); // Non packed files if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $script = ''; foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); $script .= "/*** " . basename($file) . " ***/\n\n\n" . file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) . "\n\n\n"; } $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), dirname($masterFileName) . '/' . $name); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$name}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($name, $script); } } require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'class.JavaScriptPacker.php'; $script = ''; $funcList = array(); foreach ($jsPacker['JS_files'] as $file) { $data = file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file); $script .= "{$data}\n\n\n"; // Check function averride! foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $lineNo => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 9) == 'function ' && ($p = strpos($line, '(')) !== false) { $name = trim(substr($line, 9, $p - 9)); if (isset($funcList[$name])) { echo "<b>Warning</b>: JavaScript function \"{$name}\" in file {$file}:{$lineNo} already declared in file {$funcList[$name]['file']}:{$funcList[$name]['line']}.<br />\n"; } $funcList[$name] = array('file' => $file, 'line' => $lineNo); } } } if (!isset($jsPacker['minify_output'])) { ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $script); } else { $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($script, $jsPacker['minify_output'] ? 'Normal' : 'None', true, false); $packed = $packer->pack(); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $packed); } } }
function start_session($updateUserFormatsStylesTypesPermissions) { global $databaseBaseURL; // these variables are defined in '' global $defaultMainFields; global $filesBaseDir; global $filesBaseURL; global $loginEmail; global $loginUserID; global $loginFirstName; global $loginLastName; global $abbrevInstitution; global $lastLogin; global $referer; // '$referer' is made globally available from within this function global $connection; // Initialize the session: if (!isset($_SESSION["sessionID"])) { // Ensure that cookies are enabled: if (ini_get('session.use_cookies') == 0) { // if 'session.use_cookies' is OFF for the current directory ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); } // enable storage of sessions within cookies session_start(); $sessionID = session_id(); // get the current session ID if (!empty($sessionID)) { saveSessionVariable("sessionID", $sessionID); } } // Set the system's locale information: list($systemLocaleCollate, $systemLocaleCType) = setSystemLocale(); // Set the default timezone used by all date/time functions // Note: The 'date_default_timezone_set/date_default_timezone_get' functions are available since PHP 5.1.0 if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") && function_exists("date_default_timezone_get")) { @date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); } // NOTE: Upon first connection to the MySQL server, function 'connectToMySQLDatabase()' will query the // MySQL server for the MySQL version and save it to a session variable // Extract session variables (only necessary if register globals is OFF!): if (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail'])) { $loginEmail = $_SESSION['loginEmail']; $loginUserID = $_SESSION['loginUserID']; $loginFirstName = $_SESSION['loginFirstName']; $loginLastName = $_SESSION['loginLastName']; $abbrevInstitution = $_SESSION['abbrevInstitution']; $lastLogin = $_SESSION['lastLogin']; } elseif ($updateUserFormatsStylesTypesPermissions) { // If the user isn't logged in we set the available export formats, citation styles, document types and permissions to // the defaults which are specified in the 'formats', 'styles', 'types' and 'user_permissions' tables for 'user_id = 0'. // (a 'user_id' of zero is used within these tables to indicate the default settings if the user isn't logged in) // NOTE: As an exception, for anyone who isn't logged in, we don't load the default number of records from option // 'records_per_page' in table 'user_options', but instead use the value given in variable '$defaultNumberOfRecords' // in ''. Similarly, if the user isn't logged in, the list of "main fields" is taken from variable // '$defaultMainFields' in '' and not from option 'main_fields' in table 'user_options. Same holds true // for variable '$autoCompleteUserInput' vs. option 'show_auto_completions'. // Get all export formats that were selected by the admin to be visible if a user isn't logged in // and (if some formats were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_export_formats': getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes(0, "format", "export"); // Get all citation formats that were selected by the admin to be visible if a user isn't logged in // and (if some formats were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_cite_formats': getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes(0, "format", "cite"); // Get all citation styles that were selected by the admin to be visible if a user isn't logged in // and (if some styles were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_styles': getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes(0, "style", ""); // Get all document types that were selected by the admin to be visible if a user isn't logged in // and (if some types were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_types': getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes(0, "type", ""); // Get the user permissions for the current user // and save all allowed user actions as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_permissions': getPermissions(0, "user", true); // Get the default view for the current user // and save it to the session variable 'userDefaultView': getDefaultView(0); // Get the default number of records per page preferred by the current user // and save it to the session variable 'userRecordsPerPage': getDefaultNumberOfRecords(0); // Get the user's preference for displaying auto-completions // and save it to the session variable 'userAutoCompletions': getPrefAutoCompletions(0); // Get the list of "main fields" for the current user // and save the list of fields as comma-delimited string to the session variable 'userMainFields': getMainFields(0); } else { // The scripts 'error.php', 'install.php' & 'update.php' use 'start_session(false);' so that they execute without errors // when there isn't any database yet. However, function 'buildQuickSearchElements()' (which builds the "Quick Search" form // in the page header) requires the session variable 'userMainFields' to be present. So we take the list of "main fields" // directly from the global variable '$defaultMainFields' and save it as session variable (we cannot use function // 'getMainFields()' here since this would require database access): if (!isset($_SESSION['userMainFields'])) { saveSessionVariable("userMainFields", $defaultMainFields); } } // Set the referrer: if (isset($_REQUEST['referer']) and !empty($_REQUEST['referer'])) { $referer = $_REQUEST['referer']; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['referer']) and !empty($_SESSION['referer'])) { $referer = $_SESSION['referer']; // get the referring URL from the superglobal '$_SESSION' variable (if any) deleteSessionVariable("referer"); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) and !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { // as an example, the referrer won't be set if a user clicked on a URL of type 'show.php?record=12345' within an email announcement $referer = "index.php"; } // if all other attempts fail, we'll re-direct to the main page // Verify important variables from '': // - Ensure that the given paths/URLs end with a slash: $databaseBaseURL = checkPath($databaseBaseURL, "URL"); $filesBaseDir = checkPath($filesBaseDir); $filesBaseURL = checkPath($filesBaseURL, "URL"); }
function internationalizeFile($sFilepath) { global $dOptions; $s = ""; $sKey = ""; $sValue = ""; $sPre = ""; $sPost = ""; $sInLine = ""; $sOutLine = array(); $iLineNr = 0; $iPos = 0; $iEndPos = 0; $iMarkerLen = strlen(MARKER); $sOutFolder = ""; $sOutFilepath = ""; $inFile = 0; $f = 0; $iLang = 0; $aOutFiles = array(); $sIntFilepath = $sFilepath . "." . INT_EXT; _log("Working on {$sFilepath}", 1); echo "."; flush(); // progress indicator if (file_exists($sIntFilepath)) { // internationalze it parseIntFile($sIntFilepath, $dTransDict); // print_r($dOptions); // print_r($dTransDict); $inFile = @fopen($sFilepath, "r"); if (!$inFile) { error("Could not open {$sFilename}", true); } foreach ($dOptions[OPTIONS_DESTINATIONS] as $s) { $sOutFolder = odPath_sCombine($s, odPath_sParent($sFilepath)); odPath_createPath($sOutFolder); $sOutFilepath = odPath_sCombine($sOutFolder, odPath_sFilename($sFilepath)); checkPath($sOutFilepath); $f = @fopen($sOutFilepath, "w"); if (!$f) { error("Could not write to {$sOutFilepath}", true); } $aOutFiles[] = $f; } while (!feof($inFile)) { $sInLine = fgets($inFile); $iLineNr++; $iLang = 0; foreach ($aOutFiles as $f) { $sOutLine = $sInLine; while (($iPos = strpos($sOutLine, MARKER, $iPos)) !== false) { $iEndPos = strpos($sOutLine, MARKER, $iPos + 1); if ($iEndPos === false) { error("Marker error - no closing marker in {$sFilepath} at line {$iLineNr}", true); } $sKey = substr($sOutLine, $iPos + $iMarkerLen, $iEndPos - $iPos - $iMarkerLen); $sPre = substr($sOutLine, 0, $iPos); $sPost = substr($sOutLine, $iEndPos + $iMarkerLen); $sValue = "Unkown key: {$sKey}"; if (!isset($dTransDict[$sKey])) { error("Unkown key {$sKey} in line {$iLineNr} of {$sFilepath}", false); } else { if (!isset($dTransDict[$sKey][$iLang])) { error("Language count missmatch for key {$sKey} in line {$iLineNr} of {$sFilepath}", false); } else { $sValue = $dTransDict[$sKey][$iLang]; } } $sOutLine = $sPre . $sValue . $sPost; } fwrite($f, $sOutLine); $iLang++; } } @fclose($inFile); foreach ($aOutFiles as $f) { @fclose($f); } } else { // just copy it foreach ($dOptions[OPTIONS_DESTINATIONS] as $s) { $sOutFolder = odPath_sCombine($s, odPath_sParent($sFilepath)); odPath_createPath($sOutFolder); $sOutFilepath = odPath_sCombine($sOutFolder, odPath_sFilename($sFilepath)); checkPath($sOutFilepath); _log("Copying {$sFilepath} to {$sOutFilepath}", 1); if (!@copy($sFilepath, $sOutFilepath)) { error("Copying {$sFilepath} to {$sOutFilepath} didn't work"); } } } }
showDefaultPage(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 1) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); showLicense(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 2) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); showFileConfig(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 3) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); checkPath(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 4) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); showDatabase(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 5) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); checkDatabase(); exit(0); } else { if ($step == 6) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); complete();