function getUserList($currentgroup = '', $courseId, $contextlevel, $context, $limitUsers = 15)
    global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $groupmembers = "";
    $groupselect = "";
    $params = array();
    //Add this to the SQL to show only group users
    if ($currentgroup !== NULL) {
        $groupmembers = ", {groups_members} gm";
        $groupselect = "AND = gm.userid AND gm.groupid = :currentgroup";
        $params['currentgroup'] = $currentgroup;
    $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username'));
    if ($courseId == SITEID or $contextlevel < CONTEXT_COURSE) {
        // Site-level
        //Only show if is admin
        if (!checkIfUserIsAdmin()) {
            return '';
        $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}, ul.lastip, MAX(ul.timemodified) AS lastaccess\n                      FROM {user} u {$groupmembers} ,{sessions} ul\n                     WHERE = ul.userid AND u.deleted = 0\n                     {$groupselect}\n                  GROUP BY {$userfields}\n                  ORDER BY ul.timemodified DESC ";
    } else {
        // Course level - show only enrolled users for now
        //Only show if is teacher or admin
        if (!checkIfUserIsTeacher($courseId)) {
            return '';
        list($esqljoin, $eparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context);
        $params = array_merge($params, $eparams);
        $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}, ul.lastip, MAX(ul.timemodified) AS lastaccess\n                      FROM {sessions} ul {$groupmembers}, {user} u\n                      JOIN ({$esqljoin}) euj ON =\n                     WHERE = ul.userid\n                           AND u.deleted = 0\n                           {$groupselect}\n                  GROUP BY {$userfields}\n                  ORDER BY lastaccess DESC";
        $params['courseid'] = $courseId;
    if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, 0, $limitUsers)) {
        // We'll just take the most recent 50 maximum
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $users[$user->id]->fullname = fullname($user);
    } else {
        $users = array();
    return $users;
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php';
define('DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 20);
$courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);
$contextid = optional_param('contextid', 0, PARAM_INT);
// one of this or
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
// which page to show
$perpage = optional_param('perpage', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, PARAM_INT);
// how many per page
if ($courseid and !($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid)))) {
    print_error('no_course', 'block_uniquelogin_list', '', $courseid);
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
$acess = false;
if (checkIfUserIsAdmin()) {
    $acess = true;
} else {
    if (checkIfUserIsTeacher($courseid)) {
        $acess = true;
if (!$acess) {
    print_error('dennyacess', 'block_uniquelogin_list', '', $courseid);
$PAGE->set_url('/blocks/uniquelogin_list/list_users.php', array('courseid' => $courseid));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string("blocktitle", "block_uniquelogin_list"));
$PAGE->set_title(get_string("blocktitle", "block_uniquelogin_list"));
$PAGE->set_heading(get_string("blocktitle", "block_uniquelogin_list"));
Exemple #3
function remote_login($user_login, $user)
    $user_login = get_chatwee_user_login();
    $chatId = get_option('chatwee-settings-group[clientid]');
    $clientKey = get_option('chatwee-settings-group[keyapi]');
    $isAdmin = 0;
    if (is_super_admin($user->ID) || checkIfUserIsAdmin($user->ID) || belong_to_moderator_group($user->ID)) {
        $isAdmin = 1;
    $ismobile = check_user_agent('mobile') == true ? 1 : 0;
    $ip = get_the_user_ip();
    $avatar = get_avatar_url_for_chatwee($user->ID);
    if (isset($_COOKIE["chch-SI"])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['chatwee'][$user_login])) {
        $previousSessionId = $_SESSION['chatwee'][$user_login];
    } else {
        if (isset($_COOKIE["chch-PSI"])) {
            $previousSessionId = $_COOKIE["chch-PSI"];
        } else {
            $previousSessionId = null;
    $url = "" . $chatId . "&clientKey=" . $clientKey . "&login="******"&isAdmin=" . $isAdmin . "&ipAddress=" . $ip . "&avatar=" . $avatar . "&isMobile=" . $ismobile . "&previousSessionId=" . $previousSessionId;
    $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
    $response = get_response($url);
    $sessionArray = json_decode($response);
    if ($sessionArray->errorCode) {
        update_option('chatwee-settings-group[ssoiserror]', $sessionArray->errorMessage);
    } else {
        update_option('chatwee-settings-group[ssoiserror]', '');
    $sessionId = $sessionArray->sessionId;
    $fullDomain = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
    $isNumericDomain = preg_match('/\\d|"."/', $fullDomain);
    if ($isNumericDomain || !get_option('chatwee-settings-group[loginallsubdomains]')) {
        $CookieDomain = $fullDomain;
    } else {
        $hostChunks = explode(".", $fullDomain);
        $hostChunks = array_slice($hostChunks, -2);
        $CookieDomain = "." . implode(".", $hostChunks);
    setcookie("chch-SI", $sessionId, time() + 2592000, "/", $CookieDomain);
    $_SESSION['chatwee'][$user_login] = $_SESSION['chatwee'][$user_login] == '' ? $sessionId : $_SESSION['chatwee'][$user_login];
 function get_content()
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->text = '';
     $this->content->footer = '';
     if (empty($this->instance)) {
         return $this->content;
     //Calculate if we are in separate groups
     $isseparategroups = $this->page->course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && $this->page->course->groupmodeforce && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->page->context);
     $currentgroup = $isseparategroups ? groups_get_course_group($this->page->course) : NULL;
     if ($this->page->course->id == SITEID or $this->page->context->contextlevel < CONTEXT_COURSE) {
         // Site-level
         //Only show if is admin
         if (!checkIfUserIsAdmin()) {
             return '';
     } else {
         //Only show if is teacher or admin
         if (!checkIfUserIsTeacher($this->page->course->id)) {
             return '';
     //Get the user current group
     $users = getUserList($currentgroup, $this->page->course->id, $this->page->context->contextlevel, $this->page->context);
     //Now, we have in users, the list of users to show
     //Because they are online
     if (!empty($users)) {
         //Accessibility: Don't want 'Alt' text for the user picture; DO want it for the envelope/message link (existing lang string).
         //Accessibility: Converted <div> to <ul>, inherit existing classes & styles.
         $this->content->text .= "<ul class='list'>\n";
         if (isloggedin() && has_capability('moodle/site:sendmessage', $this->page->context) && !empty($CFG->messaging) && !isguestuser()) {
             $canshowicon = true;
         } else {
             $canshowicon = false;
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $this->content->text .= '<li class="listentry">';
             if (isguestuser($user)) {
                 $this->content->text .= '<div class="user">' . $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('size' => 16, 'alttext' => false));
                 $this->content->text .= get_string('guestuser') . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $this->content->text .= '<div class="user">';
                 $this->content->text .= '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $user->id . '&amp;course=' . $this->page->course->id . '">';
                 $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('size' => 16, 'alttext' => false, 'link' => false)) . $user->fullname . '</a></div>';
             if ($canshowicon and $USER->id != $user->id and !isguestuser($user)) {
                 // Only when logged in and messaging active etc
                 $anchortagcontents = '<img class="iconsmall" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/delete') . '" alt="' . get_string("deletesession", "block_uniquelogin_list") . '" />';
                 $anchortag = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/uniquelogin_list/processfile.php?id=' . $user->id . '&courseid=' . $this->page->course->id . '&sesskey=' . sesskey() . '" title="' . get_string("deletesession", "block_uniquelogin_list") . '">' . $anchortagcontents . '</a>';
                 $this->content->text .= '<div class="message">' . $anchortag . '</div>';
                 $anchortagcontents = '<img class="iconsmall" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/message') . '" alt="' . get_string('messageselectadd') . '" />';
                 $anchortag = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/message/index.php?id=' . $user->id . '" title="' . get_string('messageselectadd') . '">' . $anchortagcontents . '</a>';
                 $this->content->text .= '<div class="message">' . $anchortag . '</div>';
             $this->content->text .= "</li>\n";
         $this->content->text .= '</ul><div class="clearer"><!-- --></div>';
     } else {
         $this->content->text .= "<div class=\"info\">" . get_string("none") . "</div>";
     $this->content->text .= '<div class=\\"info\\"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/uniquelogin_list/list_users.php?courseid=' . $this->page->course->id . '">' . get_string("seeall", "block_uniquelogin_list") . '</a></div>';
     return $this->content;