die(); } bigtitle(); //if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["TPCreds"])) // collect_credits($HTTP_POST_VARS["TPCreds"]); //else if(isset($buildp) AND isset($builds)) { go_build_base($buildp, $builds); echo "<BR>"; echo "Click <A HREF=planet-report.php>here</A> to return to report menu<br>"; } elseif(isset($my_ore_price)) { set_prices(); } else { change_planet_production($HTTP_POST_VARS); echo "<BR>"; echo "Click <A HREF=planet-report.php>here</A> to return to report menu<br>"; } echo "<BR><BR>"; TEXT_GOTOMAIN(); function set_prices() { // Set my global pricing for my planet selling global $db, $dbtables, $username; global $ore_price, $ore_delta, $organics_price, $organics_delta, $goods_price, $goods_delta, $energy_price, $energy_delta; global $my_ore_price, $my_organics_price, $my_goods_price, $my_energy_price; // Calculate maximum prices allowed $max_ore_price = $ore_price-$ore_delta; $max_organics_price = $organics_price-$organics_delta;
} // This is required by Setup Info // planet_hack_fix,0.2.0,25-02-2004,TheMightyDude ?> <div class="tablecell content both-border"> <div class="pad"> <?php bigtitle(); echo "<br>"; echo "Click <a href=planet_report.php>here</A> to return to report menu<br>"; if (isset($_POST["TPCreds"])) { collect_credits($_POST["TPCreds"]); } elseif (isset($buildp) and isset($builds)) { go_build_base($buildp, $builds); } else { change_planet_production($_POST); } echo "<br><br>"; TEXT_GOTOMAIN(); function go_build_base($planet_id, $sector_id) { global $db; global $db_logging; global $base_ore, $base_organics, $base_goods, $base_credits; global $l_planet_bbuild; global $username; echo "<br>Click <a href=planet_report.php?PRepType=1>here</A> to return to the Planet Status Report<br><br>"; $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}ships WHERE ship_id='{$user_ship_id}'"); db_op_result($db, $result, __LINE__, __FILE__, $db_logging); $playerinfo = $result->fields; $result2 = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}universe WHERE sector_id={$playerinfo['sector']}");