$cols = array('kode', 'keterangan1', 'noakun', 'noaruskas', 'matauang', 'kurs', 'keterangan2', 'jumlah', 'kodesegment', 'kodekegiatan', 'kodeasset', 'kodebarang', 'nik', 'kodecustomer', 'kodesupplier', 'kodevhc', 'orgalokasi', 'nodok', 'hutangunit1', 'notransaksi', 'kodeorg', 'noakun2a', 'tipetransaksi'); $data = $param; unset($data['numRow']); //=====tambahan ginting #periksa apakah akun tanaman, dan jika akun tanaman maka harus ada kodeblok if ($data['kurs'] == 0 || $data['kurs'] == '') { exit("[ Error ]: The value of the kurs rate there should be."); } $blk = str_replace(" ", "", $data['orgalokasi']); $nik = str_replace(" ", "", $data['nik']); $sup = str_replace(" ", "", $data['kodesupplier']); $vhc = str_replace(" ", "", $data['kodevhc']); if (cekAkun($data['noakun']) and $blk == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Plant Account must comply with Block Code."); } else { if (cekAkun($data['noakun']) and $data['kodekegiatan'] == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Activity is obligatory."); } else { if (cekAkunPiutang($data['noakun']) and $nik == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Employee ID is Obligatory to this Account."); } else { if (cekAkunHutang($data['noakun']) and $sup == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Supplier Code is obligatory to this Account."); } else { if (cekAkunTrans($data['noakun']) and $vhc == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Vehicle Code is obligatory to this accout."); } } } } }
$row['nourut'] >= $maxNoUrut ? $maxNoUrut = $row['nourut'] : false; } $maxNoUrut++; } $cols = array('nourut', 'noakun', 'keterangan', 'jumlah', 'matauang', 'kurs', 'noaruskas', 'kodesegment', 'kodekegiatan', 'kodeasset', 'kodebarang', 'nik', 'kodecustomer', 'kodesupplier', 'kodevhc', 'nodok', 'kodeblok', 'revisi', 'nojurnal', 'tanggal', 'kodeorg'); $data = $param; $data['nourut'] = $maxNoUrut; $data['kodeorg'] = $_SESSION['empl']['lokasitugas']; $data['tanggal'] = tanggalsystem($data['tanggal']); $data['jumlah'] = str_replace(',', '', $data['jumlah']); unset($data['numRow']); unset($data['kodejurnal']); //=====tambahan ginting #periksa apakah akun tanaman, dan jika akun tanaman maka harus ada kodeblok $blk = str_replace(" ", "", $param['kodeblok']); if (cekAkun($param['noakun']) and $blk == '') { exit("[ Error ]: Organization code is obligatory to this account."); } //=====end tambahan ginting $query = insertQuery($dbname, 'keu_jurnaldt', $data, $cols); if (!mysql_query($query)) { echo "DB Error : " . mysql_error(); exit; } unset($data['nojurnal']); unset($data['kodejurnal']); unset($data['tanggal']); unset($data['kodeorg']); $res = ""; foreach ($data as $cont) { $res .= "##" . $cont;