Exemple #1

//	Set defaults
$_image_id = !empty($image_id) ? $image_id : '';
$_scaling = !empty($scaling) ? $scaling : '';
$_width = !empty($width) ? $width : '';
$_height = !empty($height) ? $height : '';
$_linking = !empty($linking) ? $linking : '';
$_url = !empty($url) ? $url : '';
$_target = !empty($target) ? $target : '';
$_link_attr = !empty($link_attr) ? $link_attr : '';
$_img_attr = !empty($img_attr) ? $img_attr : '';
if ($_image_id) {
    //	Determine image URL
    if ($_scaling == 'CROP' && $_width && $_height) {
        $_img_url = cdn_thumb($_image_id, $_width, $_height);
    } elseif ($_scaling == 'SCLAE' && $_width && $_height) {
        $_img_url = cdn_scale($_image_id, $_width, $_height);
    } else {
        $_img_url = cdn_serve($_image_id);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //	Determine linking
    if ($_linking == 'CUSTOM' && $_url) {
        $_link_url = $_url;
        $_link_target = $_target ? 'target="' . $_target . '"' : '';
    } elseif ($_linking == 'FULLSIZE') {
        $_link_url = cdn_serve($_image_id);
        $_link_target = $_target ? 'target="' . $_target . '"' : '';
    } else {
        $_link_url = '';
Exemple #2

		<ul class="right shaded">
echo anchor('', lang('admin_switch_frontend'));
			<li style="color:#999;">
//	Logged in as
$_link = anchor('admin/accounts/edit/' . active_user('id'), active_user('first_name'), 'class="fancybox" data-fancybox-type="iframe"');
echo lang('admin_loggedin_as', $_link);
if (active_user('profile_img')) {
    echo img(array('src' => cdn_thumb(active_user('profile_img'), 16, 16), 'class' => 'avatar'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$_admin_recovery = $this->session->userdata('admin_recovery');
if ($this->session->userdata('admin_recovery')) {
    echo lang('admin_admin_recover', array(site_url('auth/override/login_as/' . $_admin_recovery->id . '/' . $_admin_recovery->hash), $_admin_recovery->name));
			<li class="logout">
echo anchor('auth/logout', lang('action_logout'));

if (isset($object_id)) {
    echo '<li class="gallery-item">';
    echo img(cdn_thumb($object_id, 100, 100));
    echo '<a href="#" class="delete" data-object_id="' . $object_id . '"></a>';
    echo form_hidden('gallery[]', $object_id);
    echo '</li>';
} else {
    echo '<li class="gallery-item crunching">';
    echo '<div class="crunching"></div>';
    echo form_hidden('gallery[]');
    echo '</li>';
Exemple #4
	<td class="id"><?php 
echo number_format($member->id);
	<td class="details">
if ($member->profile_img) {
    echo anchor(cdn_serve($member->profile_img), img(array('src' => cdn_thumb($member->profile_img, 65, 65), 'class' => 'profile-img')), 'class="fancybox"');
} else {
    switch ($member->gender) {
        case 'female':
            echo img(array('src' => cdn_blank_avatar(65, 65, 'female'), 'class' => 'profile-img'));
            echo img(array('src' => cdn_blank_avatar(65, 65, 'male'), 'class' => 'profile-img'));
echo '<div>';
switch ($this->input->get('sort')) {
    case 'u.last_name':
        echo '<strong>' . $member->last_name . ', ' . $member->first_name . '</strong>';
        echo '<strong>' . $member->first_name . ' ' . $member->last_name . '</strong>';
echo '<small>';
echo $member->email;
echo $member->email_is_verified ? img(array('src' => NAILS_ASSETS_URL . '/img/admin/icons/verified-email.png', 'class' => 'verified', 'rel' => 'tooltip', 'title' => lang('accounts_index_verified'))) : '';
    function form_field_multiimage($field, $help = '')
        //	Set var defaults
        $_field_id = isset($field['id']) ? $field['id'] : NULL;
        $_field_type = isset($field['type']) ? $field['type'] : 'text';
        $_field_oddeven = isset($field['oddeven']) ? $field['oddeven'] : NULL;
        $_field_key = isset($field['key']) ? $field['key'] : NULL;
        $_field_label = isset($field['label']) ? $field['label'] : NULL;
        $_field_default = isset($field['default']) ? $field['default'] : NULL;
        $_field_sub_label = isset($field['sub_label']) ? $field['sub_label'] : NULL;
        $_field_required = isset($field['required']) ? $field['required'] : FALSE;
        $_field_placeholder = isset($field['placeholder']) ? $field['placeholder'] : NULL;
        $_field_readonly = isset($field['readonly']) ? $field['readonly'] : FALSE;
        $_field_error = isset($field['error']) ? $field['error'] : FALSE;
        $_field_bucket = isset($field['bucket']) ? $field['bucket'] : FALSE;
        $_field_class = isset($field['class']) ? $field['class'] : FALSE;
        $_help = array();
        $_help['src'] = is_array($help) && isset($help['src']) ? $help['src'] : NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'img/form/help.png';
        $_help['class'] = is_array($help) && isset($help['class']) ? $help['class'] : 'help';
        $_help['rel'] = is_array($help) && isset($help['rel']) ? $help['rel'] : 'tipsy-left';
        $_help['title'] = is_array($help) && isset($help['title']) ? $help['title'] : NULL;
        $_help['title'] = is_string($help) ? $help : $_help['title'];
        $_error = form_error($_field_key) || $_field_error ? 'error' : '';
        $_error_class = $_error ? 'error' : '';
        $_readonly = $_field_readonly ? 'readonly="readonly"' : '';
        $_readonly_cls = $_field_readonly ? 'readonly' : '';
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Generate a unique ID for this field
        $_id = 'field_multiimage_' . md5(microtime());
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Sanitize the key
        $_field_key .= substr($_field_key, -2) != '[]' ? '[]' : '';
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Is the label required?
        $_field_label .= $_field_required ? '*' : '';
        //	Prep sublabel
        $_field_sub_label = $_field_sub_label ? '<small>' . $_field_sub_label . '</small>' : '';
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Set the defaults
        $_field_default = set_value($_field_key, $_field_default);
        $_default_html = '';
        //	Render any defaults
        if (is_array($_field_default)) {
            foreach ($_field_default as $file) {
                $_default_html .= '<li class="item">';
                $_default_html .= '<a href="#" class="delete" data-object_id="' . $file . '"></a>';
                $_default_html .= img(cdn_thumb($file, 92, 92));
                $_default_html .= form_hidden($_field_key, $file);
                $_default_html .= '</li>';
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Error
        if ($_error && $_field_error) {
            $_error = '<span class="error">' . $_field_error . '</span>';
        } elseif ($_error) {
            $_error = form_error($_field_key, '<span class="error">', '</span>');
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Tip
        $_tip = $_help['title'] ? img($_help) : '';
        $_filelist_class = $_help['title'] ? 'has-tip ' : '';
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //	Quick script to instantiate the field, not indented due to heredoc syntax
        $_movie_url = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'swf/jquery.uploadify/uploadify.swf';
        $_upload_url = site_url('api/cdnapi/object_create/script.php', page_is_secure());
        $_upload_token = get_instance()->cdn->generate_api_upload_token();
        $_bucket = $_field_bucket;
        $_out = <<<EOT

\t<div class="field multiimage {$_error_class} {$_field_oddeven} {$_readonly_cls} {$_field_type}" id="{$_id}">
\t\t\t<span class="label">
\t\t\t<span class="input">
\t\t\t\t<p class="system-alert error" id="{$_id}-uploadify-not-available">
\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Configuration Error.</strong> Uploadify is not available.
\t\t\t\t<span id="{$_id}-uploadify-available" style="display:none;">
\t\t\t\t\t<ul id="{$_id}-filelist" class="filelist empty">
\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="empty">No Images, add some now.</li>
\t\t\t\t\t<button id="{$_id}-uploadify">Choose Images</button>

\t<script type="text/template" id="{$_id}-template-uploadify">
\t\t<li class="item uploadify-queue-item" id="{$_id}-\${fileID}" data-instance_id="\${instanceID}" data-file_id="\${fileID}">
\t\t\t<a href="#" data-instance_id="\${instanceID}" data-file_id="\${fileID}" class="remove"></a>
\t\t\t<div class="progress" style="height:0%"></div>
\t\t\t<div class="data data-cancel">CANCELLED</div>
\t<script type="text/template" id="{$_id}-template-item">
\t\t<li class="item crunching">
\t\t\t<div class="crunching"></div>
\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="{$_field_key}" />
\t<div id="{$_id}-dialog-confirm-delete" title="Confirm Delete" style="display:none;">
\t\t\t<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left; margin: 0 7px 0 0;"></span>
\t\t\tThis item will be removed from the interface and cannot be recovered.
\t\t\t<strong>Are you sure?</strong>

\t<script type="text/javascript">

\tif ( typeof( \$.fn.uploadify ) === 'function' )
\t\t\$( '#{$_id}-uploadify-not-available' ).hide();
\t\t\$( '#{$_id}-uploadify-available' ).show();

\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\$( '#{$_id}-uploadify' ).uploadify(
\t\t\t'debug': false,
\t\t\t'auto': true,
\t\t\t'swf': '{$_movie_url}',
\t\t\t'buttonText':'Add Images',
\t\t\t'uploader': '{$_upload_url}',
\t\t\t'fileObjName': 'upload',
\t\t\t'fileTypeExts': '*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png',
\t\t\t'queueID': '{$_id}-filelist',
\t\t\t\t'token': '{$_upload_token}',
\t\t\t\t'bucket': '{$_bucket}',
\t\t\t\t'return': 'URL|THUMB|92x92'
\t\t\t'itemTemplate': \$('#{$_id}-template-uploadify').html(),
\t\t\t'onSelect': function()
\t\t\t\tif ( \$( '#{$_id}-filelist li' ).length )
\t\t\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-filelist').removeClass( 'empty' );
\t\t\t'onUploadStart': function()
\t\t\t\twindow.onbeforeunload = function()
\t\t\t\t\treturn 'Uploads are in progress. Leaving this page will cause them to stop.';

\t\t\t\t//\tDisable tabs - SWFUpload aborts uploads if it is hidden.
\t\t\t\t\$('ul.tabs li a').addClass('disabled');
\t\t\t'onQueueComplete': function()
\t\t\t\twindow.onbeforeunload = null;
\t\t\t\t\$('ul.tabs li a').removeClass('disabled');
\t\t\t'onUploadProgress': function(file, bytesUploaded, bytesTotal)
\t\t\t\tvar _percent = bytesUploaded / bytesTotal * 100;
\t\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + file.id + ' .progress').css('height', _percent + '%');
\t\t\t'onUploadSuccess': function(file, data)
\t\t\t\tvar _data = JSON.parse(data);

\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\tvar _html = \$.trim(\$('#{$_id}-template-item').html());
\t\t\t\tvar _item = \$(\$.parseHTML(_html));

\t\t\t\t_item.attr('id', '{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');
\t\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + file.id).replaceWith(_item);

\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\tvar _target = \$('#{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');

\t\t\t\tif (!_target.length)
\t\t\t\t\t_html = \$.trim(\$('#{$_id}-template-item').html());
\t\t\t\t\t_item = \$(\$.parseHTML(_html));

\t\t\t\t\t_item.attr('id', '{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');
\t\t\t\t\t\$('#' + file.id).replaceWith(_item);

\t\t\t\t\t_target = \$('#{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');

\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\t//\tSwitch the response code
\t\t\t\tif (_data.status === 200)
\t\t\t\t\t//\tInsert the image
\t\t\t\t\tvar _img = \$('<img>').attr('src', _data.object_url[0]).on('load', function() {
\t\t\t\t\tvar _del = \$('<a>').attr({
\t\t\t\t\t\t'href': '#',
\t\t\t\t\t\t'class': 'delete',
\t\t\t\t\t\t'data-object_id': _data.object_id


\t\t\t\t\t//\tAn error occurred
\t\t\t\t\tvar _filename = \$('<p>').addClass('filename').text(file.name);
\t\t\t\t\tvar _message = \$('<p>').addClass('message').text(_data.error);

\t\t\t'onUploadError': function(file, errorCode, errorMsg, errorString)
\t\t\t\tvar _target = \$('#{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');

\t\t\t\tif (!_target.length)
\t\t\t\t\tvar _html = \$.trim(\$('#{$_id}-template-item').html());
\t\t\t\t\tvar _item = \$(\$.parseHTML(_html));

\t\t\t\t\t_item.attr('id', '{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');
\t\t\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + file.id).replaceWith(_item);

\t\t\t\t\t_target = \$('#{$_id}-' + file.id + '-complete');

\t\t\t\tvar _filename = \$('<p>').addClass('filename').text(file.name);
\t\t\t\tvar _message = \$('<p>').addClass('message').text(errorString);



\t\tif ( typeof( \$.fn.sortable ) === 'function' )
\t\t\t\tplaceholder: 'item placeholder',
\t\t\t\titems: "li.item"

\t\t//\tRemove an item from the queue
\t\t\$(document).on('click', '#{$_id}-filelist .item .remove', function()
\t\t\tvar _instance_id = \$(this).data('instance_id');
\t\t\tvar _file_id = \$(this).data('file_id');

\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + _instance_id).uploadify('cancel', _file_id);
\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + _file_id + ' .data-cancel').text('Cancelled').show();
\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-' + _file_id).addClass('cancelled');

\t\t\tif (\$('#{$_id}-filelist li.item:not(.cancelled)').length === 0)
\t\t\t\t\$('#{$_id}-filelist li.empty').css('opacity', 0).delay(1000).animate({
\t\t\t\t\topacity: 1
\t\t\t\t}, 250);

\t\t\treturn false;


\t\t//\tDeletes an uploaded image
\t\t\$(document).on('click', '#{$_id}-filelist .item .delete', function()
\t\t\tvar _object = this;

\t\t\t\tresizable: false,
\t\t\t\tdraggable: false,
\t\t\t\tmodal: true,
\t\t\t\tdialogClass: "no-close",
\t\t\t\t\t"Delete Image": function()
\t\t\t\t\t\tvar _object_id = \$(_object).data('object_id');

\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tSend off the delete request
\t\t\t\t\t\tvar _call = {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'controller'\t: 'cdnapi',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'method'\t\t: 'object_delete',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'action'\t\t: 'POST',
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'object_id': _object_id
\t\t\t\t\t\tvar _api = new window.NAILS_API();
\t\t\t\t\t\t_api.call( _call );

\t\t\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(_object).closest('li.item').addClass('deleted').fadeOut('slow', function()

\t\t\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tShow the empty screens
\t\t\t\t\t\tif (\$('#{$_id}-filelist li.item:not(.deleted)').length === 0)

\t\t\t\t\t\t// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tClose dialog
\t\t\t\t\tCancel: function()

\t\t\treturn false;


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        return $_out;

//	This is a simple list of thumbnails with a fancybox gallery
echo '<hr />';
echo '<div class="gallery row">';
foreach ($post->gallery as $slide) {
    echo '<div class="' . BS_COL_SM_3 . ' ' . BS_COL_XS_4 . '" style="margin-bottom:1.25em;">';
    echo '<a href="' . cdn_serve($slide->image_id) . '" target="_blank" class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="blog-post-gallery">';
    echo img(array('src' => cdn_thumb($slide->image_id, 500, 500), 'class' => 'img-responsive center-block thumbnail', 'width' => 500, 'height' => 500));
    echo '</a>';
    echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<hr />';

$_known_user = isset($id) && $id ? '' : 'no-data';
echo '<td class="' . $_known_user . ' user-cell">';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Profile image
if (isset($profile_img) && $profile_img) {
    echo anchor(cdn_serve($profile_img), img(cdn_thumb($profile_img, 36, 36)), 'class="fancybox"');
} else {
    $_gender = isset($gender) ? $gender : 'undisclosed';
    echo img(cdn_blank_avatar(36, 36, $_gender));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	User details
echo '<span class="user-data">';
$_name = '';
$_name .= isset($first_name) && $first_name ? $first_name . ' ' : '';
$_name .= isset($last_name) && $last_name ? $last_name . ' ' : '';
$_name = $_name ? $_name : 'Unknown User';
if (isset($id) && $id) {
    echo anchor('admin/accounts/edit/' . $id, $_name, 'class="fancybox" data-fancybox-type="iframe"');
} else {
    echo $_name;
if (isset($email) && $email) {
    echo '<small>' . mailto($email) . '</small>';
} else {
    echo '<small>No email address</small>';
echo '</span>';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
<fieldset id="edit-user-profile-img">
echo lang('accounts_edit_img_legend');
$_error = isset($upload_error) ? 'error' : NULL;
echo '<div class="field ' . $_error . '">';
if (empty($user_edit->profile_img)) {
    echo img(array('src' => cdn_blank_avatar(100, 125), 'id' => 'preview_image', 'class' => 'left', 'style' => 'margin-right:10px;'));
    echo form_upload('profile_img');
} else {
    $_img = array('src' => cdn_thumb($user_edit->profile_img, 100, 125), 'id' => 'preview_image', 'style' => 'border:1px solid #CCC;padding:0;margin-right:10px;');
    echo anchor(cdn_serve($user_edit->profile_img), img($_img), 'class="fancybox left"');
    echo '<p>';
    echo form_upload('profile_img', NULL, 'style="float:none;"') . '<br />';
    $_return = '?return_to=' . urlencode(uri_string() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    echo anchor('admin/accounts/delete_profile_img/' . $user_edit->id . $_return, lang('action_delete'), 'class="awesome small red" style="margin-top:10px;"');
    echo '</p>';
if ($_error) {
    echo '<span class="error">';
    foreach ($upload_error as $err) {
        echo $err . '<br />';
    echo '</span>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
<div class="row">
	<div class="<?php 
echo BS_COL_MD_12;
echo '<a href="' . cdn_serve($post->image_id) . '" class="fancybox" target="_blank">';
echo img(array('src' => cdn_thumb($post->image_id, 1100, 500), 'class' => 'img-responsive center-block thumbnail'));
echo '</a>';
    $_selected = array();
			<ul class="gallery-associations <?php 
echo !empty($_gallery) ? '' : 'empty';
				<li class="empty">No images have been uploaded; upload some using the <a href="#">Gallery tab</a></li>
if (!empty($_gallery)) {
    foreach ($_gallery as $image) {
        //	Is this item selected for this variation?
        $_checked = array_search($image, $_selected) !== FALSE ? 'selected' : FALSE;
        echo '<li class="image object-id-' . $image . ' ' . $_checked . '">';
        echo form_checkbox('variation[' . $_counter . '][gallery][]', $image, (bool) $_checked);
        echo img(cdn_thumb($image, 34, 34));
        echo '</li>';
				<li class="actions">
					<a href="#" data-function="all" class="action awesome small orange">Select All</a>
					<a href="#" data-function="none" class="action awesome small orange">Select None</a>
					<a href="#" data-function="toggle" class="action awesome small orange">Toggle</a>

		<div class="tab page fieldset" id="tab-variation-<?php 
echo $_counter;
Exemple #11
						<th class="label">Label &amp; Description</th>
						<th class="count">Products</th>
						<th class="modified">Modified</th>
						<th class="active">Active</th>
						<th class="actions">Actions</th>
if ($brands) {
    foreach ($brands as $brand) {
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="label">';
        echo '<div class="thumbnail">';
        if ($brand->logo_id) {
            echo anchor(cdn_serve($brand->logo_id), img(cdn_thumb($brand->logo_id, 32, 32)), 'class="fancybox"');
        } else {
            echo img(NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'img/admin/modules/shop/manager/no-image.jpg');
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="content">';
        echo $brand->label;
        echo $brand->description ? '<small>' . character_limiter(strip_tags($brand->description), 225) . '</small>' : '<small>No Description</small>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</td>';
        echo '<td class="count">';
        echo !isset($brand->product_count) ? 'Unknown' : $brand->product_count;
        echo '</td>';
        echo $this->load->view('_utilities/table-cell-datetime', array('datetime' => $brand->modified), TRUE);
        if ($brand->is_active) {
            echo '<td class="active success">';
Exemple #12
    echo lang('accounts_edit_upload_legend');
    echo '<ul>';
    if ($user_uploads) {
        foreach ($user_uploads as $file) {
            echo '<li class="file">';
            switch ($file->mime) {
                case 'image/jpg':
                case 'image/jpeg':
                case 'image/gif':
                case 'image/png':
                    echo '<a href="' . cdn_serve($file->id) . '" class="fancybox image">';
                    echo img(cdn_thumb($file->id, 35, 35));
                    echo $file->filename_display;
                    echo '<small>Bucket: ' . $file->bucket->slug . '</small>';
                    echo '</a>';
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    echo anchor(cdn_serve($file->id) . '?dl=1', $file->filename_display . '<small>Bucket: ' . $file->bucket->slug . '</small>');
            echo '</li>';
    } else {
        echo '<li class="no-data">' . lang('accounts_edit_upload_nofile') . '</li>';
Exemple #13
 public function object_create()
     //	Define $_out array
     $_out = array();
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!$this->user_model->is_logged_in()) {
         //	User is not logged in must supply a valid upload token
         $_token = $this->input->get_post('token');
         if (!$_token) {
             //	Sent as a header?
             $_token = $this->input->get_request_header('X-cdn-token');
         $_user = $this->cdn->validate_api_upload_token($_token);
         if (!$_user) {
             $_out['status'] = 400;
             $_out['error'] = $this->cdn->last_error();
         } else {
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     //	Uploader verified, bucket defined and valid?
     $_bucket = $this->input->get_post('bucket');
     if (!$_bucket) {
         //	Sent as a header?
         $_bucket = $this->input->get_request_header('X-cdn-bucket');
     if (!$_bucket) {
         $_out['status'] = 400;
         $_out['error'] = 'Bucket not defined.';
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     //	Attempt upload
     $_upload = $this->cdn->object_create('upload', $_bucket);
     if ($_upload) {
         //	Success! Return as per the user's preference
         $_return = $this->input->post('return');
         if (!$_return) {
             //	Sent as a header?
             $_return = $this->input->get_request_header('X-cdn-return');
         if ($_return) {
             $_format = explode('|', $_return);
             switch (strtoupper($_format[0])) {
                 //	URL
                 case 'URL':
                     if (isset($_format[1])) {
                         switch (strtoupper($_format[1])) {
                             case 'THUMB':
                                 //	Generate a url for each request
                                 $_out['object_url'] = array();
                                 $_sizes = explode(',', $_format[2]);
                                 foreach ($_sizes as $sizes) {
                                     $_size = explode('x', $sizes);
                                     $_w = isset($_size[0]) ? $_size[0] : '';
                                     $_h = isset($_size[1]) ? $_size[1] : '';
                                     $_out['object_url'][] = cdn_thumb($_upload->id, $_w, $_h);
                                 $_out['object_id'] = $_upload->id;
                             case 'SCALE':
                                 //	Generate a url for each request
                                 $_out['object_url'] = array();
                                 $_sizes = explode(',', $_format[2]);
                                 foreach ($_sizes as $sizes) {
                                     $_size = explode('x', $sizes);
                                     $_w = isset($_size[0]) ? $_size[0] : '';
                                     $_h = isset($_size[1]) ? $_size[1] : '';
                                     $_out['object_url'][] = cdn_scale($_upload->id, $_w, $_h);
                                 $_out['object_id'] = $_upload->id;
                             case 'SERVE_DL':
                             case 'DOWNLOAD':
                             case 'SERVE_DOWNLOAD':
                                 $_out['object_url'] = cdn_serve($_upload->id, TRUE);
                                 $_out['object_id'] = $_upload->id;
                             case 'SERVE':
                                 $_out['object_url'] = cdn_serve($_upload->id);
                                 $_out['object_id'] = $_upload->id;
                     } else {
                         //	Unknow, return the serve URL & ID
                         $_out['object_url'] = cdn_serve($_upload->id);
                         $_out['object_id'] = $_upload->id;
                     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     //	just return the object
                     $_out['object'] = $_upload;
         } else {
             //	just return the object
             $_out['object'] = $_upload;
     } else {
         $_out['status'] = 400;
         $_out['error'] = $this->cdn->last_error();
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     //	Make sure the _out() method doesn't send a header, annoyingly SWFupload does
     //	not return the server response to the script when a non-200 status code is detected
Exemple #14

echo '<tr class="file list" data-title="' . $object->filename_display . '" data-id="' . $object->id . '">';
echo '<td class="filename">';
if ($object->is_img) {
    //	Thumbnail
    echo img(array('src' => cdn_thumb($object->id, 30, 30), 'class' => 'icon'));
    $_fancybox_class = 'cdn-fancybox';
    $_fancybox_type = '';
    $_url = cdn_serve($object->id);
    $_action = 'View';
} elseif ($object->mime == 'audio/mpeg') {
    //	PDF
    echo '<div class="icon"><span class="ion-music-note" style="font-size:2.2em"></span></div>';
    $_fancybox_class = 'cdn-fancybox';
    $_fancybox_type = 'iframe';
    $_url = cdn_serve($object->id);
    $_action = 'Play';
} elseif ($object->mime == 'application/pdf') {
    //	PDF
    echo '<div class="icon"><span class="ion-document" style="font-size:2.2em"></span></div>';
    $_fancybox_class = 'cdn-fancybox';
    $_fancybox_type = 'iframe';
    $_url = cdn_serve($object->id);
    $_action = 'View';
} else {
    //	Generic file, force download
    echo '<div class="icon"><span class="ion-document" style="font-size:2.2em"></span></div>';
    $_fancybox_class = '';
    $_fancybox_type = '';
    $_url = cdn_serve($object->id, TRUE);