// Get passed language from form, so that we dont loose this!
if (!isset($postlang) || $postlang == "")
    $baselang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid);
    $clang = new limesurvey_lang($baselang);
} else {
    $clang = new limesurvey_lang($postlang);
    $baselang = $postlang;


$register_errormsg = "";

// Check the security question's answer
if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('registrationscreen',$thissurvey['usecaptcha']) )
    if (!isset($_POST['loadsecurity']) ||
    !isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) ||
    $_POST['loadsecurity'] != $_SESSION['secanswer'])
        $register_errormsg .= $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.")."<br />\n";

//Check that the email is a valid style address
if (!validate_email(returnglobal('register_email')))
    $register_errormsg .= $clang->gT("The email you used is not valid. Please try again.");
Exemple #2
function savedcontrol()
    //This data will be saved to the "saved_control" table with one row per response.
    // - a unique "saved_id" value (autoincremented)
    // - the "sid" for this survey
    // - the "srid" for the survey_x row id
    // - "saved_thisstep" which is the step the user is up to in this survey
    // - "saved_ip" which is the ip address of the submitter
    // - "saved_date" which is the date ofthe saved response
    // - an "identifier" which is like a username
    // - a "password"
    // - "fieldname" which is the fieldname of the saved response
    // - "value" which is the value of the response
    //We start by generating the first 5 values which are consistent for all rows.
    global $connect, $surveyid, $dbprefix, $thissurvey, $errormsg, $publicurl, $sitename, $timeadjust, $clang, $clienttoken, $thisstep;
    //Check that the required fields have been completed.
    $errormsg = "";
    if (!isset($_POST['savename']) || !$_POST['savename']) {
        $errormsg .= $clang->gT("You must supply a name for this saved session.") . "<br />\n";
    if (!isset($_POST['savepass']) || !$_POST['savepass']) {
        $errormsg .= $clang->gT("You must supply a password for this saved session.") . "<br />\n";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass']) && !isset($_POST['savepass2']) || $_POST['savepass'] != $_POST['savepass2']) {
        $errormsg .= $clang->gT("Your passwords do not match.") . "<br />\n";
    // if security question asnwer is incorrect
    if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        if (!isset($_POST['loadsecurity']) || !isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) || $_POST['loadsecurity'] != $_SESSION['secanswer']) {
            $errormsg .= $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "<br />\n";
    if ($errormsg) {
    //All the fields are correct. Now make sure there's not already a matching saved item
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$dbprefix}saved_control\n" . "WHERE sid={$surveyid}\n" . "AND identifier=" . db_quoteall($_POST['savename'], true);
    $result = db_execute_num($query) or safe_die("Error checking for duplicates!<br />{$query}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
    // Checked
    list($count) = $result->FetchRow();
    if ($count > 0) {
        $errormsg .= $clang->gT("This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save name.") . "<br />\n";
    } else {
        //INSERT BLANK RECORD INTO "survey_x" if one doesn't already exist
        if (!isset($_SESSION['srid'])) {
            $today = date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust);
            $sdata = array("datestamp" => $today, "ipaddr" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "startlanguage" => $_SESSION['s_lang'], "refurl" => getenv("HTTP_REFERER"));
            //One of the strengths of ADOdb's AutoExecute() is that only valid field names for $table are updated
            if ($connect->AutoExecute($thissurvey['tablename'], $sdata, 'INSERT')) {
                $srid = $connect->Insert_ID($thissurvey['tablename'], "sid");
                $_SESSION['srid'] = $srid;
            } else {
                safe_die("Unable to insert record into survey table.<br /><br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
        //CREATE ENTRY INTO "saved_control"
        $today = date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timeadjust);
        $scdata = array("sid" => $surveyid, "srid" => $_SESSION['srid'], "identifier" => $_POST['savename'], "access_code" => md5($_POST['savepass']), "email" => $_POST['saveemail'], "ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "refurl" => getenv("HTTP_REFERER"), "saved_thisstep" => $thisstep, "status" => "S", "saved_date" => $today);
        if ($connect->AutoExecute("{$dbprefix}saved_control", $scdata, 'INSERT')) {
            $scid = $connect->Insert_ID("{$dbprefix}saved_control", 'scid');
            $_SESSION['scid'] = $scid;
        } else {
            safe_die("Unable to insert record into saved_control table.<br /><br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
        $_SESSION['holdname'] = $_POST['savename'];
        //Session variable used to load answers every page. Unsafe - so it has to be taken care of on output
        $_SESSION['holdpass'] = $_POST['savepass'];
        //Session variable used to load answers every page.  Unsafe - so it has to be taken care of on output
        //Email if needed
        if (isset($_POST['saveemail'])) {
            if (validate_email($_POST['saveemail'])) {
                $subject = $clang->gT("Saved Survey Details") . " - " . $thissurvey['name'];
                $message = $clang->gT("Thank you for saving your survey in progress.  The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off.  Please keep this e-mail for your reference - we cannot retrieve the password for you.", "unescaped");
                $message .= "\n\n" . $thissurvey['name'] . "\n\n";
                $message .= $clang->gT("Name", "unescaped") . ": " . $_POST['savename'] . "\n";
                $message .= $clang->gT("Password", "unescaped") . ": " . $_POST['savepass'] . "\n\n";
                $message .= $clang->gT("Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser):", "unescaped") . ":\n";
                $message .= $publicurl . "/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&loadall=reload&scid=" . $scid . "&loadname=" . urlencode($_POST['savename']) . "&loadpass="******"&token=" . $clienttoken;
                $from = "{$thissurvey['adminname']} <{$thissurvey['adminemail']}>";
                if (SendEmailMessage($message, $subject, $_POST['saveemail'], $from, $sitename, false, getBounceEmail($surveyid))) {
                    $emailsent = "Y";
                } else {
                    echo "Error: Email failed, this may indicate a PHP Mail Setup problem on your server. Your survey details have still been saved, however you will not get an email with the details. You should note the \"name\" and \"password\" you just used for future reference.";
        return $clang->gT('Your survey was successfully saved.');
 * This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates
 * If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable
 * instead of using global variables
 * NOTE - Don't do any embedded replacements in this function.  Create the array of replacement values and
 * they will be done in batch at the end
 * @param string $line Text to search in
 * @param array $replacements Array of replacements:  Array( <stringtosearch>=><stringtoreplacewith>, where <stringtosearch> is NOT surrounded with curly braces
 * @param boolean $anonymized Determines if token data is being used or just replaced with blanks
 * @return string  Text with replaced strings
function templatereplace($line, $replacements=array(), $anonymized=false)
    global $surveylist, $sitename, $clienttoken, $rooturl;
    global $thissurvey, $imageurl, $defaulttemplate;
    global $percentcomplete, $move;
    global $groupname, $groupdescription;
    global $question;
    global $showXquestions, $showgroupinfo, $showqnumcode;
    global $answer, $navigator;
    global $help, $surveyformat;
    global $completed, $register_errormsg;
    global $privacy, $surveyid;
    global $publicurl, $templatedir, $token;
    global $assessments, $s_lang;
    global $errormsg, $clang;
    global $saved_id;
    global $totalBoilerplatequestions, $relativeurl;
    global $languagechanger;
    global $captchapath, $loadname;

    // lets sanitize the survey template
    if (isset($thissurvey['templatedir']))
        $_templatename = $thissurvey['templatedir'];
        $_templatename = $defaulttemplate;
    $_templatename = validate_templatedir($_templatename);

    // create absolute template URL and template dir vars
    $_templateurl = sGetTemplateURL($_templatename) . '/';
    $templatedir = sgetTemplatePath($_templatename);

    if (stripos($line, "</head>"))
        $line = str_ireplace("</head>",
            "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$rooturl/scripts/survey_runtime.js\"></script>\n"
                        . use_firebug()
                        . "\t</head>", $line);
    // Get some vars : move elsewhere ?
    // surveyformat
    if (isset($thissurvey['format']))
        $surveyformat = str_replace(array("A", "S", "G"), array("allinone", "questionbyquestion", "groupbygroup"), $thissurvey['format']);
        $surveyformat = "";
    // real survey contact
    if (isset($surveylist['contact']))
        $_surveycontact = $surveylist['contact'];
    elseif (isset($thissurvey['admin']) && $thissurvey['admin'] != "")
        $_surveycontact = sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['admin'], $thissurvey['adminemail']);
        $_surveycontact = "";

    // If there are non-bracketed replacements to be made do so above this line.
    // Only continue in this routine if there are bracketed items to replace {}
    if (strpos($line, "{") === false)
        return $line;

    if (
        $showgroupinfo == 'both' ||
	    $showgroupinfo == 'name' ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo'])) ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B') ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'N')
        $_groupname = $groupname;
        $_groupname = '';
    if (
        $showgroupinfo == 'both' ||
	    $showgroupinfo == 'description' ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo'])) ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B') ||
	    ($showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'D')
        $_groupdescription = $groupdescription;
        $_groupdescription = '';

    if (is_array($question))
        $_question = $question['all'];
        $_question_text = $question['text'];
        $_question_help = $question['help'];
        $_question_mandatory = $question['mandatory'];
        $_question_man_message = $question['man_message'];
        $_question_valid_message = $question['valid_message'];
        $_question_file_valid_message = $question['file_valid_message'];
        $_question_sgq = (isset($question['sgq']) ? $question['sgq'] : '');
        $_question_essentials = $question['essentials'];
        $_question_class = $question['class'];
        $_question_man_class = $question['man_class'];
        $_question_input_error_class = $question['input_error_class'];
        $_question = $question;
        $_question_text = '';
        $_question_help = '';
        $_question_mandatory = '';
        $_question_man_message = '';
        $_question_valid_message = '';
        $_question_file_valid_message = '';
        $_question_sgq = '';
        $_question_essentials = '';
        $_question_class = '';
        $_question_man_class = '';
        $_question_input_error_class = '';

    if (
        $showqnumcode == 'both' ||
	    $showqnumcode == 'number' ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode'])) ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'B') ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'N')
        $_question_number = $question['number'];
        $_question_number = '';
    if (
        $showqnumcode == 'both' ||
	    $showqnumcode == 'code' ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode'])) ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'B') ||
	    ($showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'C')
        $_question_code = $question['code'];
        $_question_code = '';

    if (isset($_SESSION['therearexquestions']))
        $_totalquestionsAsked = $_SESSION['therearexquestions'] - $totalBoilerplatequestions;
    else {
        $_totalquestionsAsked = 0;
    if (
      $showXquestions == 'show' ||
      ($showXquestions == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showXquestions'])) ||
      ($showXquestions == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showXquestions'] == 'Y')
        if ($_totalquestionsAsked < 1)
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There are no questions in this survey"); // Singular
        elseif ($_totalquestionsAsked == 1)
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There is 1 question in this survey"); //Singular
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey.");    //Note this line MUST be before {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}
        $_therearexquestions = '';

    if (isset($token))
        $_token = $token;
    elseif (isset($clienttoken))
        $_token = htmlentities($clienttoken, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $_token = '';

    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']))
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']);
    else {
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData();
    if (isset($thissurvey['expiry']))
        $_datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($thissurvey['expiry'], "Y-m-d");
        $_dateoutput = $_datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
        $_dateoutput = '-';
    $_submitbutton = "<input class='submit' type='submit' value=' " . $clang->gT("Submit") . " ' name='move2' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = 'movesubmit';\" />";
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_url']) and $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] != "")
        if (trim($thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']) != '')
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>";
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}</a>";

    if (isset($clienttoken))
        $token = $clienttoken;
        $token = '';

    if (!isset($_SESSION['s_lang']))
        $_s_lang = 'en';
        $_s_lang = $_SESSION['s_lang'];

    $_clearall = "<input type='button' name='clearallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Exit and Clear Survey") . "' class='clearall' "
            . "onclick=\"if (confirm('" . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to clear all your responses?", 'js') . "')) {window.open('{$publicurl}/index.php?sid=$surveyid&amp;move=clearall&amp;lang=" . $_s_lang;
        if (returnglobal('token'))
        $_clearall .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
        $_clearall .= "', '_self')}\" />";

    if (isset($_SESSION['datestamp']))
        $_datestamp = $_SESSION['datestamp'];
        $_datestamp = '-';
        //Set up save/load feature
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowsave']) and $thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y")
            // Find out if the user has any saved data

        if ($thissurvey['format'] == 'A')
            if ($thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] != 'Y')
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='submit' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' " . (($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>"
                        . "\n\t\t\t<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . (($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";  // Show Save So Far button
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . (($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";  // Show Save So Far button
        elseif (!isset($_SESSION['step']) || !$_SESSION['step'])
        {  //First page, show LOAD
            if ($thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] != 'Y')
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='submit' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' " . (($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
                    $_saveall = '';
        elseif (isset($_SESSION['scid']) && (isset($move) && $move == "movelast"))
        {  //Already saved and on Submit Page, dont show Save So Far button
            $_saveall = '';
            $_saveall = "<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . (($thissurvey['active'] != "Y") ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";  // Show Save So Far button
        $_saveall = "";

    $_templatecss = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$_templateurl}template.css' />\n";
        if (getLanguageRTL($clang->langcode))
            $_templatecss.="<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$_templateurl}template-rtl.css' />\n";

    if (FlattenText($help, true) != '')
            If (!isset($helpicon))
            if (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.gif'))

                $helpicon = $_templateurl . 'help.gif';
            elseif (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.png'))

                $helpicon = $_templateurl . 'help.png';
                $helpicon = $imageurl . "/help.gif";
            $_questionhelp =  "<img src='{$helpicon}' alt='Help' align='left' />".$help;
        $_questionhelp = $help;

    if (isset($thissurvey['allowprev']) && $thissurvey['allowprev'] == "N")
            $_strreview = "";
        $_strreview = $clang->gT("If you want to check any of the answers you have made, and/or change them, you can do that now by clicking on the [<< prev] button and browsing through your responses.");

    if (isset($thissurvey['active']) and $thissurvey['active'] == "N")
        $_restart = "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid=$surveyid&amp;newtest=Y";
        if (isset($s_lang) && $s_lang != '') {
            $_restart.="&amp;lang=" . $s_lang;
        $_restart.="'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    } else
            $restart_extra = "";
            $restart_token = returnglobal('token');
        if (!empty($restart_token))
            $restart_extra .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode($restart_token);
            $restart_extra = "&amp;newtest=Y";
        if (!empty($_GET['lang']))
            $restart_extra .= "&amp;lang=" . returnglobal('lang');
        $_restart = "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid=$surveyid" . $restart_extra . "'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    if (isset($thissurvey['anonymized']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == 'Y')
        $_savealert = $clang->gT("To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required.");
        $_savealert = "";

        $_return_to_survey = "<a href='$relativeurl/index.php?sid=$surveyid";
        if (returnglobal('token'))
        $_return_to_survey.= "&amp;token=" . urlencode(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
    $_return_to_survey .= "'>" . $clang->gT("Return To Survey") . "</a>";

    $_saveform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='savename' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savename']))
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savename']));
        $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass']))
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass']));
        $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Repeat Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass2' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass2']))
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass2']));
        $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Your Email") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='saveemail' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['saveemail']))
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['saveemail']));
        $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha']))
        $_saveform .="<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid=$surveyid' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle' style='text-align:left'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
        $_saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit'  id='savebutton' name='savesubmit' value='" . $clang->gT("Save Now") . "' /></td></tr>\n"
        . "</table>";

    $_loadform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Saved name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='loadname' value='";
    if ($loadname)
        $_loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadname));
        $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='loadpass' value='";
    if (isset($loadpass))
        $_loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadpass));
        $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha']))
        $_loadform .="<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid=$surveyid' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' alt=''/></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";

        $_loadform .="<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' id='loadbutton' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Now") . "' /></td></tr></table>\n";

    $_registerform = "<form method='post' action='{$publicurl}/register.php'>\n";
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['lang']))
            $_reglang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid);
            $_reglang = returnglobal('lang');
    $_registerform .= "<input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $_reglang . "' />\n";
        $_registerform .= "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='$surveyid' id='sid' />\n";

        $_registerform.="<table class='register' summary='Registrationform'>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>"
            . $clang->gT("First name") . ":</td>"
            . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_firstname'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_firstname']))
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_firstname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Last name") . ":</td>\n"
            . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_lastname'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_lastname']))
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_lastname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Email address") . ":</td>\n"
            . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_email'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_email']))
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_email'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";

    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('registrationscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha']))
        $_registerform .="<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid=$surveyid' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";

        /*      if(isset($thissurvey['attribute1']) && $thissurvey['attribute1'])
         $_registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute1'].":</td>\n"
         ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute1'";
         if (isset($_POST['register_attribute1']))
         $_registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute1'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
         $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
         if(isset($thissurvey['attribute2']) && $thissurvey['attribute2'])
         $_registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute2'].":</td>\n"
         ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute2'";
         if (isset($_POST['register_attribute2']))
         $_registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute2'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
         $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
      } */
    $_registerform .= "<tr><td></td><td><input id='registercontinue' class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' />"
            . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "</table>\n"
            . "</form>\n";

    if (!is_null($surveyid) && function_exists('doAssessment'))
        $assessmentdata = doAssessment($surveyid, true);
        $_assessment_current_total = $assessmentdata['total'];
        $_assessment_current_total = '';

    // Set the array of replacement variables here - don't include curly braces
	$corecoreReplacements = array();
	$coreReplacements['ANSWER'] = $answer;  // global
	$coreReplacements['ANSWERSCLEARED'] = $clang->gT("Answers Cleared");
	$coreReplacements['ASSESSMENTS'] = $assessments;    // global
	$coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL'] = $_assessment_current_total;
	$coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_HEADING'] = $clang->gT("Your Assessment");
	$coreReplacements['CHECKJAVASCRIPT'] = "<noscript><span class='warningjs'>".$clang->gT("Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.")."</span></noscript>";
	$coreReplacements['CLEARALL'] = $_clearall;
	$coreReplacements['CLOSEWINDOW']  =  "<a href='javascript:%20self.close()'>".$clang->gT("Close this window")."</a>";
	$coreReplacements['COMPLETED'] = $completed;    // global
	$coreReplacements['DATESTAMP'] = $_datestamp;
	$coreReplacements['EXPIRY'] = $_dateoutput;
	$coreReplacements['GROUPDESCRIPTION'] = $_groupdescription;
	$coreReplacements['GROUPNAME'] = $_groupname;
	$coreReplacements['LANG'] = $clang->getlangcode();
	$coreReplacements['LANGUAGECHANGER'] = $languagechanger;    // global
	$coreReplacements['LOADERROR'] = $errormsg; // global
	$coreReplacements['LOADFORM'] = $_loadform;
	$coreReplacements['LOADHEADING'] = $clang->gT("Load A Previously Saved Survey");
	$coreReplacements['LOADMESSAGE'] = $clang->gT("You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen.")."<br />".$clang->gT("Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password.")."<br />";
	$coreReplacements['NAVIGATOR'] = $navigator;    // global
	$coreReplacements['NOSURVEYID'] = $surveylist['nosid']; // global
	$coreReplacements['NUMBEROFQUESTIONS'] = $_totalquestionsAsked;
	$coreReplacements['PERCENTCOMPLETE'] = $percentcomplete;    // global
	$coreReplacements['PRIVACY'] = $privacy;    // global
	$coreReplacements['PRIVACYMESSAGE'] = "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;'>".$clang->gT("A Note On Privacy")."</span><br />".$clang->gT("This survey is anonymous.")."<br />".$clang->gT("The record kept of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question in the survey has asked for this. If you have responded to a survey that used an identifying token to allow you to access the survey, you can rest assured that the identifying token is not kept with your responses. It is managed in a separate database, and will only be updated to indicate that you have (or haven't) completed this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses in this survey.");
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION'] = $_question;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTIONHELP'] = $_questionhelp;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT'] = strip_tags(addslashes($help)); // global
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_CLASS'] = $_question_class;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_CODE'] = $_question_code;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_ESSENTIALS'] = $_question_essentials;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_FILE_VALID_MESSAGE'] = $_question_file_valid_message;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_HELP'] = $_question_help;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_INPUT_ERROR_CLASS'] = $_question_input_error_class;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_MANDATORY'] = $_question_mandatory;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_MAN_CLASS'] = $_question_man_class;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_MAN_MESSAGE'] = $_question_man_message;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_NUMBER'] = $_question_number;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_TEXT'] = $_question_text;
	$coreReplacements['QUESTION_VALID_MESSAGE'] = $_question_valid_message;
	$coreReplacements['REGISTERERROR'] = $register_errormsg;    // global
	$coreReplacements['REGISTERFORM'] = $_registerform;
	$coreReplacements['REGISTERMESSAGE1'] = $clang->gT("You must be registered to complete this survey");
	$coreReplacements['REGISTERMESSAGE2'] = $clang->gT("You may register for this survey if you wish to take part.")."<br />\n".$clang->gT("Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in this survey will be sent immediately.");
	$coreReplacements['RESTART'] = $_restart;
	$coreReplacements['RETURNTOSURVEY'] = $_return_to_survey;
	$coreReplacements['SAVE'] = $_saveall;
	$coreReplacements['SAVEALERT'] = $_savealert;
	$coreReplacements['SAVEDID'] = $saved_id;   // global
	$coreReplacements['SAVEERROR'] = $errormsg; // global - same as LOADERROR
	$coreReplacements['SAVEFORM'] = $_saveform;
	$coreReplacements['SAVEHEADING'] = $clang->gT("Save Your Unfinished Survey");
	$coreReplacements['SAVEMESSAGE'] = $clang->gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.")."<br />\n".$clang->gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.")."<br /><br />\n".$clang->gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you.")."<br /><br />\n".$clang->gT("After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey.");
	$coreReplacements['SGQ'] = $_question_sgq;
	$coreReplacements['SID'] = $surveyid;   // global
	$coreReplacements['SITENAME'] = $sitename;  // global
	$coreReplacements['SUBMITBUTTON'] = $_submitbutton;
	$coreReplacements['SUBMITCOMPLETE'] = "<strong>".$clang->gT("Thank you!")."<br /><br />".$clang->gT("You have completed answering the questions in this survey.")."</strong><br /><br />".$clang->gT("Click on 'Submit' now to complete the process and save your answers.");
	$coreReplacements['SUBMITREVIEW'] = $_strreview;
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYCONTACT'] = $_surveycontact;
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYDESCRIPTION'] = (isset($thissurvey['description']) ? $thissurvey['description'] : '');
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYFORMAT'] = $surveyformat;  // global
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYLANGAGE'] = $clang->langcode;
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYLIST'] = $surveylist['list'];  // global
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYLISTHEADING'] =  $surveylist['listheading'];   // global
	$coreReplacements['SURVEYNAME'] = $thissurvey['name'];  // global
	$coreReplacements['TEMPLATECSS'] = $_templatecss;
	$coreReplacements['TEMPLATEURL'] = $_templateurl;
	$coreReplacements['THEREAREXQUESTIONS'] = $_therearexquestions;
	if (!$anonymized) $coreReplacements['TOKEN'] = $_token;
	$coreReplacements['URL'] = $_linkreplace;
	$coreReplacements['WELCOME'] = (isset($thissurvey['welcome']) ? $thissurvey['welcome'] : '');

    $tokenAndAnswerMap = getAnswerAndTokenMappings(false,$anonymized);
    $doTheseReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, $tokenAndAnswerMap, $replacements);   // so $replacements overrides core values

    $line = doReplacements($line,$doTheseReplacements);
    // Do replacements twice since some reference others
    $line = doReplacements($line,$doTheseReplacements);

    return $line;
Exemple #4
* This function builds all the required session variables when a survey is first started and
* it loads any answer defaults from command line or from the table defaultvalues
* It is called from the related format script (group.php, question.php, survey.php)
* if the survey has just started.
* @returns  $totalquestions Total number of questions in the survey
function buildsurveysession()
    global $thissurvey, $secerror, $clienttoken;
    global $tokensexist, $thistpl;
    global $surveyid, $dbprefix, $connect;
    global $register_errormsg, $clang;
    global $totalBoilerplatequestions;
    global $templang, $move, $rooturl, $publicurl;
    if (!isset($templang) || $templang == '') {
        $templang = $thissurvey['language'];
    $totalBoilerplatequestions = 0;
    if ($tokensexist == 0 && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        if (!isset($_GET['loadsecurity']) || !isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) || $_GET['loadsecurity'] != $_SESSION['secanswer']) {
            // No or bad answer to required security question
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
            //echo makedropdownlist();
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
            if (isset($_GET['loadsecurity'])) {
                // was a bad answer
                echo "<font color='#FF0000'>" . $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "</font><br />";
            echo "<p class='captcha'>" . $clang->gT("Please confirm access to survey by answering the security question below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t        <form class='captcha' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n\t\t\t        <table align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t        <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <td align='right' valign='middle'>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
            // In case we this is a direct Reload previous answers URL, then add hidden fields
            if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
            echo "\n\t\t\t\t        </td>\n\t\t\t        </tr>";
            if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t                <td align='center' valign='middle'><label for='captcha'>" . $clang->gT("Security question:") . "</label></td><td align='left' valign='middle'><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /></td>\n                                <td valign='middle'><input id='captcha' type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table>\n\t\t\t\t                </td>\n\t\t\t                </tr>";
            echo "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' /></td></tr>\n\t\t        </table>\n\t\t        </form>";
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    if ($tokensexist == 1 && !returnglobal('token')) {
        // DISPLAY REGISTER-PAGE if needed
        // DISPLAY CAPTCHA if needed
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
        //echo makedropdownlist();
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
        if (isset($thissurvey) && $thissurvey['allowregister'] == "Y") {
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/register.pstpl"));
        } else {
            if (isset($secerror)) {
                echo "<span class='error'>" . $secerror . "</span><br />";
            echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">' . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br />";
            echo $clang->gT("If you have been issued a token, please enter it in the box below and click continue.") . "</p>\n            <script type='text/javascript'>var focus_element='#token';</script>\n\t        <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n\n                <ul>\n                <li>\n                    <label for='token'>" . $clang->gT("Token") . "</label><input class='text' id='token' type='text' name='token' />\n                <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
            if (isset($_GET['newtest']) && ($_GET['newtest'] = "Y")) {
                echo "  <input type='hidden' name='newtest' value='Y' id='newtest' />";
            // If this is a direct Reload previous answers URL, then add hidden fields
            if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
            echo "</li>";
            if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                echo "<li>\n\t\t\t                <label for='captchaimage'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . "</label><img id='captchaimage' src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' />\n\t\t                  </li>";
            echo "<li>\n                        <input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' />\n                      </li>\n            </ul>\n\t        </form></div>";
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    } elseif ($tokensexist == 1 && returnglobal('token') && !captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        //check if token actually does exist
        $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
        $tkresult = db_execute_num($tkquery);
        list($tkexist) = $tkresult->FetchRow();
        if (!$tkexist) {
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
            echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">' . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("The token you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used.") . "<br />\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)</p></div>\n";
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    } elseif ($tokensexist == 1 && returnglobal('token') && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['loadsecurity']) && isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) && $_GET['loadsecurity'] == $_SESSION['secanswer']) {
            //check if token actually does exist
            $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token'))))) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
            $tkresult = db_execute_num($tkquery);
            list($tkexist) = $tkresult->FetchRow();
            if (!$tkexist) {
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
                echo "\t<center><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("The token you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used.") . "<br/>\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)<br /><br />\n";
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
        } else {
            if (!isset($move) || is_null($move)) {
                $gettoken = $clienttoken;
                // No or bad answer to required security question
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
                // If token wasn't provided and public registration
                // is enabled then show registration form
                if (!isset($gettoken) && isset($thissurvey) && $thissurvey['allowregister'] == "Y") {
                    echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/register.pstpl"));
                } else {
                    // only show CAPTCHA
                    echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">';
                    if (isset($_GET['loadsecurity'])) {
                        // was a bad answer
                        echo "<span class='error'>" . $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "</span><br />";
                    echo $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />";
                    // AND HIDE ENTRY FIELD
                    if (!isset($gettoken)) {
                        echo $clang->gT("If you have been issued with a token, please enter it in the box below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t            <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n                        <ul>\n                        <li>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t    <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
                        if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                            echo "<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
                        echo '<label for="token">' . $clang->gT("Token") . "</label><input class='text' type='text' id=token name='token'></li>";
                    } else {
                        echo $clang->gT("Please confirm the token by answering the security question below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t            <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n                        <ul>\n\t\t\t            <li>\n\t\t\t\t\t            <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
                        if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                            echo "<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
                        echo '<label for="token">' . $clang->gT("Token:") . "</label><span id=token>{$gettoken}</span>" . "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$gettoken}'></li>";
                    if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                        echo "<li>\n                            <label for='captchaimage'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . "</label><img id='captchaimage' src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' />\n                          </li>";
                    echo "<li><input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' /></li>\n\t\t                </ul>\n\t\t                </form>\n\t\t                </id>";
                echo '</div>' . templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'] = array();
    //RL: multilingual support
    if (isset($_GET['token']) && db_tables_exist($dbprefix . 'tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
        //get language from token (if one exists)
        $tkquery2 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote($clienttoken) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
        //echo $tkquery2;
        $result = db_execute_assoc($tkquery2) or safe_die("Couldn't get tokens<br />{$tkquery}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
        while ($rw = $result->FetchRow()) {
            $tklanguage = $rw['language'];
    if (returnglobal('lang')) {
        $language_to_set = returnglobal('lang');
    } elseif (isset($tklanguage)) {
        $language_to_set = $tklanguage;
    } else {
        $language_to_set = $thissurvey['language'];
    if (!isset($_SESSION['s_lang'])) {
        SetSurveyLanguage($surveyid, $language_to_set);
    // Optimized Query
    // Change query to use sub-select to see if conditions exist.
    $query = "SELECT " . db_table_name('questions') . ".*, " . db_table_name('groups') . ".*,\n" . " (SELECT count(1) FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . "\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".qid = " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid) AS hasconditions,\n" . " (SELECT count(1) FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . "\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".qid = " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cqid) AS usedinconditions\n" . " FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " INNER JOIN " . db_table_name('questions') . " ON " . db_table_name('groups') . ".gid = " . db_table_name('questions') . ".gid\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".sid=" . $surveyid . "\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('groups') . ".language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "'\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('questions') . ".language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "'\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('questions') . ".parent_qid=0\n" . " ORDER BY " . db_table_name('groups') . ".group_order," . db_table_name('questions') . ".question_order";
    $result = db_execute_assoc($query);
    $arows = $result->GetRows();
    $totalquestions = $result->RecordCount();
    //2. SESSION VARIABLE: totalsteps
    //The number of "pages" that will be presented in this survey
    //The number of pages to be presented will differ depending on the survey format
    switch ($thissurvey['format']) {
        case "A":
            $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = 1;
        case "G":
            if (isset($_SESSION['grouplist'])) {
                $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = count($_SESSION['grouplist']);
        case "S":
            $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = $totalquestions;
    if ($totalquestions == "0") {
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
        echo "\t<center><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("This survey does not yet have any questions and cannot be tested or completed.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)<br /><br />\n";
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    //Perform a case insensitive natural sort on group name then question title of a multidimensional array
    //	usort($arows, 'GroupOrderThenQuestionOrder');
    //3. SESSION VARIABLE - insertarray
    //An array containing information about used to insert the data into the db at the submit stage
    //4. SESSION VARIABLE - fieldarray
    //See rem at end..
    $_SESSION['token'] = $clienttoken;
    if ($thissurvey['private'] == "N") {
        $_SESSION['insertarray'][] = "token";
    if ($tokensexist == 1 && $thissurvey['private'] == "N" && db_tables_exist($dbprefix . 'tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
        //Gather survey data for "non anonymous" surveys, for use in presenting questions
        $_SESSION['thistoken'] = getTokenData($surveyid, $clienttoken);
    $qtypes = getqtypelist('', 'array');
    $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', false, false, $_SESSION['s_lang']);
    $_SESSION['fieldmap'] = $fieldmap;
    foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
        if ($field['qid'] != '') {
            $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'][$field['fieldname']] = $field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid'];
            $_SESSION['insertarray'][] = $field['fieldname'];
            //fieldarray ARRAY CONTENTS -
            //            [0]=questions.qid,
            //			[1]=fieldname,
            //			[2]=questions.title,
            //			[3]=questions.question
            //                 	[4]=questions.type,
            //			[5]=questions.gid,
            //			[6]=questions.mandatory,
            //			[7]=conditionsexist,
            //			[8]=usedinconditions
            if (!isset($_SESSION['fieldarray'][$field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid']])) {
                $_SESSION['fieldarray'][$field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid']] = array($field['qid'], $field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid'], $field['title'], $field['question'], $field['type'], $field['gid'], $field['mandatory'], $field['hasconditions'], $field['usedinconditions']);
    // Prefill question/answer from defaultvalues
    foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
        if (isset($field['defaultvalue'])) {
            $_SESSION[$field['fieldname']] = $field['defaultvalue'];
    // Prefill questions/answers from command line params
    if (isset($_SESSION['insertarray'])) {
        foreach ($_SESSION['insertarray'] as $field) {
            if (isset($_GET[$field]) && $field != 'token') {
                $_SESSION[$field] = $_GET[$field];
    $_SESSION['fieldarray'] = array_values($_SESSION['fieldarray']);
    // Check if the current survey language is set - if not set it
    // this way it can be changed later (for example by a special question type)
    //Check if a passthru label and value have been included in the query url
    if (isset($_GET['passthru']) && $_GET['passthru'] != "") {
        if (isset($_GET[$_GET['passthru']]) && $_GET[$_GET['passthru']] != "") {
            $_SESSION['passthrulabel'] = $_GET['passthru'];
            $_SESSION['passthruvalue'] = $_GET[$_GET['passthru']];
    return $totalquestions;
* This function builds all the required session variables when a survey is first started and
* it loads any answer defaults from command line or from the table defaultvalues
* It is called from the related format script (group.php, question.php, survey.php)
* if the survey has just started.
* @returns  $totalquestions Total number of questions in the survey
function buildsurveysession()
    global $thissurvey, $secerror, $clienttoken, $databasetype;
    global $tokensexist, $thistpl;
    global $surveyid, $dbprefix, $connect;
    global $register_errormsg, $clang;
    global $totalBoilerplatequestions;
    global $templang, $move, $rooturl, $publicurl;
    if (!isset($templang) || $templang == '') {
        $templang = $thissurvey['language'];
    $totalBoilerplatequestions = 0;
    $loadsecurity = returnglobal('loadsecurity');
    if ($tokensexist == 0 && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        if (!isset($loadsecurity) || !isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) || $loadsecurity != $_SESSION['secanswer']) {
            // No or bad answer to required security question
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
            //echo makedropdownlist();
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
            if (isset($loadsecurity)) {
                // was a bad answer
                echo "<font color='#FF0000'>" . $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "</font><br />";
            echo "<p class='captcha'>" . $clang->gT("Please confirm access to survey by answering the security question below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t        <form class='captcha' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n\t\t\t        <table align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t        <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <td align='right' valign='middle'>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
            // In case we this is a direct Reload previous answers URL, then add hidden fields
            if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
            echo "\n\t\t\t\t        </td>\n\t\t\t        </tr>";
            if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t                <td align='center' valign='middle'><label for='captcha'>" . $clang->gT("Security question:") . "</label></td><td align='left' valign='middle'><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /></td>\n                                <td valign='middle'><input id='captcha' type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table>\n\t\t\t\t                </td>\n\t\t\t                </tr>";
            echo "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' /></td></tr>\n\t\t        </table>\n\t\t        </form>";
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    if ($tokensexist == 1 && !returnglobal('token')) {
        if ($thissurvey['nokeyboard'] == 'Y') {
            $kpclass = "text-keypad";
        } else {
            $kpclass = "";
        // DISPLAY REGISTER-PAGE if needed
        // DISPLAY CAPTCHA if needed
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
        //echo makedropdownlist();
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
        if (isset($thissurvey) && $thissurvey['allowregister'] == "Y") {
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/register.pstpl"));
        } else {
            if (isset($secerror)) {
                echo "<span class='error'>" . $secerror . "</span><br />";
            echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">' . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br />";
            echo $clang->gT("If you have been issued a token, please enter it in the box below and click continue.") . "</p>\n            <script type='text/javascript'>var focus_element='#token';</script>\n\t        <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n                <ul>\n                <li>\n            <label for='token'>" . $clang->gT("Token") . "</label><input class='text {$kpclass}' id='token' type='text' name='token' />";
            echo "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
            if (isset($_GET['newtest']) && $_GET['newtest'] == "Y") {
                echo "  <input type='hidden' name='newtest' value='Y' id='newtest' />";
            // If this is a direct Reload previous answers URL, then add hidden fields
            if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
            echo "</li>";
            if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                echo "<li>\n\t\t\t                <label for='captchaimage'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . "</label><img id='captchaimage' src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' />\n\t\t                  </li>";
            echo "<li>\n                        <input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' />\n                      </li>\n            </ul>\n\t        </form></div>";
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    } elseif ($tokensexist == 1 && returnglobal('token') && !captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        //check if tokens actually haven't been already used
        $areTokensUsed = usedTokens(db_quote(trim(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
        //check if token actually does exist
        // check also if it is allowed to change survey after completion
        if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
            $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))) . "' ";
        } else {
            $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
        $tkresult = db_execute_num($tkquery);
        list($tkexist) = $tkresult->FetchRow();
        if (!$tkexist || $areTokensUsed && $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] != 'Y') {
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
            echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">' . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("The token you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used.") . "<br />\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)</p></div>\n";
            echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    } elseif ($tokensexist == 1 && returnglobal('token') && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        if (isset($loadsecurity) && isset($_SESSION['secanswer']) && $loadsecurity == $_SESSION['secanswer']) {
            //check if tokens actually haven't been already used
            $areTokensUsed = usedTokens(db_quote(trim(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
            //check if token actually does exist
            if ($thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] == 'Y') {
                $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token'))))) . "'";
            } else {
                $tkquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token'))))) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
            $tkresult = db_execute_num($tkquery);
            list($tkexist) = $tkresult->FetchRow();
            if (!$tkexist || $areTokensUsed && $thissurvey['alloweditaftercompletion'] != 'Y') {
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
                echo "\t<div id='wrapper'>\n" . "\t<p id='tokenmessage'>\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("The token you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used.") . "<br/>\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)\n" . "\t</p>\n" . "\t</div>\n";
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
        } else {
            if (!isset($move) || is_null($move)) {
                $gettoken = $clienttoken;
                // No or bad answer to required security question
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
                echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
                // If token wasn't provided and public registration
                // is enabled then show registration form
                if (!isset($gettoken) && isset($thissurvey) && $thissurvey['allowregister'] == "Y") {
                    echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/register.pstpl"));
                } else {
                    // only show CAPTCHA
                    echo '<div id="wrapper"><p id="tokenmessage">';
                    if (isset($loadsecurity)) {
                        // was a bad answer
                        echo "<span class='error'>" . $clang->gT("The answer to the security question is incorrect.") . "</span><br />";
                    echo $clang->gT("This is a controlled survey. You need a valid token to participate.") . "<br /><br />";
                    // AND HIDE ENTRY FIELD
                    if (!isset($gettoken)) {
                        echo $clang->gT("If you have been issued a token, please enter it in the box below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t            <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n                        <ul>\n                        <li>\n\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t    <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
                        if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                            echo "<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
                        echo '<label for="token">' . $clang->gT("Token") . "</label><input class='text' type='text' id='token' name='token'></li>";
                    } else {
                        echo $clang->gT("Please confirm the token by answering the security question below and click continue.") . "</p>\n\t\t\t            <form id='tokenform' method='get' action='{$publicurl}/index.php'>\n                        <ul>\n\t\t\t            <li>\n\t\t\t\t\t            <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='" . $surveyid . "' id='sid' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t        <input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $templang . "' id='lang' />";
                        if (isset($_GET['loadall']) && isset($_GET['scid']) && isset($_GET['loadname']) && isset($_GET['loadpass'])) {
                            echo "<input type='hidden' name='loadall' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadall']) . "' id='loadall' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='scid' value='" . returnglobal('scid') . "' id='scid' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='loadname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadname']) . "' id='loadname' />\n                              <input type='hidden' name='loadpass' value='" . htmlspecialchars($_GET['loadpass']) . "' id='loadpass' />";
                        echo '<label for="token">' . $clang->gT("Token:") . "</label><span id='token'>{$gettoken}</span>" . "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$gettoken}'></li>";
                    if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('surveyaccessscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
                        echo "<li>\n                            <label for='captchaimage'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . "</label><img id='captchaimage' src='{$rooturl}/verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='captcha' /><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' />\n                          </li>";
                    echo "<li><input class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' /></li>\n\t\t                </ul>\n\t\t                </form>\n\t\t                </id>";
                echo '</div>' . templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'] = array();
    //RL: multilingual support
    if (isset($_GET['token']) && db_tables_exist($dbprefix . 'tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
        //get language from token (if one exists)
        $tkquery2 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_table_name('tokens_' . $surveyid) . " WHERE token='" . db_quote($clienttoken) . "' AND (completed = 'N' or completed='')";
        //echo $tkquery2;
        $result = db_execute_assoc($tkquery2) or safe_die("Couldn't get tokens<br />{$tkquery}<br />" . $connect->ErrorMsg());
        while ($rw = $result->FetchRow()) {
            $tklanguage = $rw['language'];
    if (returnglobal('lang')) {
        $language_to_set = returnglobal('lang');
    } elseif (isset($tklanguage)) {
        $language_to_set = $tklanguage;
    } else {
        $language_to_set = $thissurvey['language'];
    if (!isset($_SESSION['s_lang'])) {
        SetSurveyLanguage($surveyid, $language_to_set);
    // Optimized Query
    // Change query to use sub-select to see if conditions exist.
    $query = "SELECT " . db_table_name('questions') . ".*, " . db_table_name('groups') . ".*,\n" . " (SELECT count(1) FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . "\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".qid = " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".qid) AS hasconditions,\n" . " (SELECT count(1) FROM " . db_table_name('conditions') . "\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".qid = " . db_table_name('conditions') . ".cqid) AS usedinconditions\n" . " FROM " . db_table_name('groups') . " INNER JOIN " . db_table_name('questions') . " ON " . db_table_name('groups') . ".gid = " . db_table_name('questions') . ".gid\n" . " WHERE " . db_table_name('questions') . ".sid=" . $surveyid . "\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('groups') . ".language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "'\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('questions') . ".language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "'\n" . " AND " . db_table_name('questions') . ".parent_qid=0\n" . " ORDER BY " . db_table_name('groups') . ".group_order," . db_table_name('questions') . ".question_order";
    $result = db_execute_assoc($query);
    $arows = $result->GetRows();
    $totalquestions = $result->RecordCount();
    //2. SESSION VARIABLE: totalsteps
    //The number of "pages" that will be presented in this survey
    //The number of pages to be presented will differ depending on the survey format
    switch ($thissurvey['format']) {
        case "A":
            $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = 1;
        case "G":
            if (isset($_SESSION['grouplist'])) {
                $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = count($_SESSION['grouplist']);
        case "S":
            $_SESSION['totalsteps'] = $totalquestions;
    if ($totalquestions == "0") {
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/startpage.pstpl"));
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/survey.pstpl"));
        echo "\t<div id='wrapper'>\n" . "\t<p id='tokenmessage'>\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("This survey does not yet have any questions and cannot be tested or completed.") . "<br /><br />\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("For further information please contact %s"), $thissurvey['adminname']) . " (<a href='mailto:{$thissurvey['adminemail']}'>" . "{$thissurvey['adminemail']}</a>)<br /><br />\n" . "\t</p>\n" . "\t</div>\n";
        echo templatereplace(file_get_contents("{$thistpl}/endpage.pstpl"));
    //Perform a case insensitive natural sort on group name then question title of a multidimensional array
    //	usort($arows, 'GroupOrderThenQuestionOrder');
    //3. SESSION VARIABLE - insertarray
    //An array containing information about used to insert the data into the db at the submit stage
    //4. SESSION VARIABLE - fieldarray
    //See rem at end..
    $_SESSION['token'] = $clienttoken;
    if ($thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N") {
        $_SESSION['insertarray'][] = "token";
    if ($tokensexist == 1 && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == "N" && db_tables_exist($dbprefix . 'tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
        //Gather survey data for "non anonymous" surveys, for use in presenting questions
        $_SESSION['thistoken'] = getTokenData($surveyid, $clienttoken);
    $qtypes = getqtypelist('', 'array');
    $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', false, false, $_SESSION['s_lang']);
    // Randomization Groups
    // Find all defined randomization groups through question attribute values
    $randomGroups = array();
    if ($databasetype == 'odbc_mssql' || $databasetype == 'odbtp' || $databasetype == 'mssql_n' || $databasetype == 'mssqlnative') {
        $rgquery = "SELECT attr.qid, CAST(value as varchar(255)) FROM " . db_table_name('question_attributes') . " as attr right join " . db_table_name('questions') . " as quests on attr.qid=quests.qid WHERE attribute='random_group' and CAST(value as varchar(255)) <> '' and sid={$surveyid} GROUP BY attr.qid, CAST(value as varchar(255))";
    } else {
        $rgquery = "SELECT attr.qid, value FROM " . db_table_name('question_attributes') . " as attr right join " . db_table_name('questions') . " as quests on attr.qid=quests.qid WHERE attribute='random_group' and value <> '' and sid={$surveyid} GROUP BY attr.qid, value";
    $rgresult = db_execute_assoc($rgquery);
    while ($rgrow = $rgresult->FetchRow()) {
        // Get the question IDs for each randomization group
        $randomGroups[$rgrow['value']][] = $rgrow['qid'];
    // If we have randomization groups set, then lets cycle through each group and
    // replace questions in the group with a randomly chosen one from the same group
    if (count($randomGroups) > 0) {
        $copyFieldMap = array();
        $oldQuestOrder = array();
        $newQuestOrder = array();
        $randGroupNames = array();
        foreach ($randomGroups as $key => $value) {
            $oldQuestOrder[$key] = $randomGroups[$key];
            $newQuestOrder[$key] = $oldQuestOrder[$key];
            // We shuffle the question list to get a random key->qid which will be used to swap from the old key
            $randGroupNames[] = $key;
        // Loop through the fieldmap and swap each question as they come up
        while (list($fieldkey, $fieldval) = each($fieldmap)) {
            $found = 0;
            foreach ($randomGroups as $gkey => $gval) {
                // We found a qid that is in the randomization group
                if (isset($fieldval['qid']) && in_array($fieldval['qid'], $oldQuestOrder[$gkey])) {
                    // Get the swapped question
                    $oldQuestFlip = array_flip($oldQuestOrder[$gkey]);
                    $qfieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, 'full', true, $newQuestOrder[$gkey][$oldQuestFlip[$fieldval['qid']]], $_SESSION['s_lang']);
                    foreach ($qfieldmap as $tkey => $tval) {
                        // Assign the swapped question (Might be more than one field)
                        $tval['random_gid'] = $fieldval['gid'];
                        //$tval['gid'] = $fieldval['gid'];
                        $copyFieldMap[$tkey] = $tval;
                    $found = 1;
                } else {
                    $found = 2;
            if ($found == 2) {
                $copyFieldMap[$fieldkey] = $fieldval;
        $fieldmap = $copyFieldMap;
    $_SESSION['fieldmap'] = $fieldmap;
    foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
        if (isset($field['qid']) && $field['qid'] != '') {
            $_SESSION['fieldnamesInfo'][$field['fieldname']] = $field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid'];
            $_SESSION['insertarray'][] = $field['fieldname'];
            //fieldarray ARRAY CONTENTS -
            //            [0]=questions.qid,
            //			[1]=fieldname,
            //			[2]=questions.title,
            //			[3]=questions.question
            //                 	[4]=questions.type,
            //			[5]=questions.gid,
            //			[6]=questions.mandatory,
            //			[7]=conditionsexist,
            //			[8]=usedinconditions
            //			[8]=usedinconditions
            //			[9]=used in group.php for question count
            //			[10]=new group id for question in randomization group (GroupbyGroup Mode)
            if (!isset($_SESSION['fieldarray'][$field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid']])) {
                $_SESSION['fieldarray'][$field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid']] = array($field['qid'], $field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid'], $field['title'], $field['question'], $field['type'], $field['gid'], $field['mandatory'], $field['hasconditions'], $field['usedinconditions']);
            if (isset($field['random_gid'])) {
                $_SESSION['fieldarray'][$field['sid'] . 'X' . $field['gid'] . 'X' . $field['qid']][10] = $field['random_gid'];
    // Prefill question/answer from defaultvalues
    foreach ($fieldmap as $field) {
        if (isset($field['defaultvalue'])) {
            $_SESSION[$field['fieldname']] = $field['defaultvalue'];
    // Prefill questions/answers from command line params
    if (isset($_SESSION['insertarray'])) {
        foreach ($_SESSION['insertarray'] as $field) {
            if (isset($_GET[$field]) && $field != 'token') {
                $_SESSION[$field] = $_GET[$field];
    if (isset($_SESSION['fieldarray'])) {
        $_SESSION['fieldarray'] = array_values($_SESSION['fieldarray']);
    // Check if the current survey language is set - if not set it
    // this way it can be changed later (for example by a special question type)
    //Check if a passthru label and value have been included in the query url
    if (isset($_GET['passthru']) && $_GET['passthru'] != "") {
        if (isset($_GET[$_GET['passthru']]) && $_GET[$_GET['passthru']] != "") {
            $_SESSION['passthrulabel'] = $_GET['passthru'];
            $_SESSION['passthruvalue'] = $_GET[$_GET['passthru']];
    } elseif (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $_SESSION['ls_initialquerystr'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    // END NEW
    // Fix totalquestions by substracting Test Display questions
    $sNoOfTextDisplayQuestions = (int) $connect->GetOne("SELECT count(*)\n" . " FROM " . db_table_name('questions') . " WHERE type='X'\n" . " AND sid={$surveyid}" . " AND language='" . $_SESSION['s_lang'] . "'" . " AND parent_qid=0");
    $_SESSION['therearexquestions'] = $totalquestions - $sNoOfTextDisplayQuestions;
    // must be global for THEREAREXQUESTIONS replacement field to work
    return $totalquestions - $sNoOfTextDisplayQuestions;
Exemple #6
 * This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates
 * If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable
 * instead of using global variables
 * NOTE - Don't do any embedded replacements in this function.  Create the array of replacement values and
 * they will be done in batch at the end
 * @param string $line Text to search in
 * @param array $replacements Array of replacements:  Array( <stringtosearch>=><stringtoreplacewith>, where <stringtosearch> is NOT surrounded with curly braces
 * @param boolean $anonymized Determines if token data is being used or just replaced with blanks
 * @return string  Text with replaced strings
function templatereplace($line, $replacements = array(), $anonymized = false, $questionNum = NULL)
    global $surveylist, $sitename, $clienttoken, $rooturl;
    global $thissurvey, $imageurl, $defaulttemplate;
    global $percentcomplete, $move;
    global $groupname, $groupdescription;
    global $question;
    global $showxquestions, $showgroupinfo, $showqnumcode;
    global $answer, $navigator;
    global $help, $surveyformat;
    global $completed, $register_errormsg;
    global $privacy, $surveyid;
    global $publicurl, $templatedir, $token;
    global $assessments, $s_lang;
    global $errormsg, $clang;
    global $saved_id;
    global $totalBoilerplatequestions, $relativeurl;
    global $languagechanger;
    global $captchapath, $loadname;
    // lets sanitize the survey template
    if (isset($thissurvey['templatedir'])) {
        $_templatename = $thissurvey['templatedir'];
    } else {
        $_templatename = $defaulttemplate;
    #    $_templatename = validate_templatedir($_templatename); // Not needed: sGetTemplateURL and sgetTemplatePath do validation
    // create absolute template URL and template dir vars
    $_templateurl = sGetTemplateURL($_templatename) . '/';
    $templatedir = sgetTemplatePath($_templatename);
    $interviewer = returnglobal('interviewer');
    if (!empty($interviewer) || isset($_SESSION['interviewer']) && $_SESSION['interviewer'] == true) {
        $interviewer = true;
        $_SESSION['interviewer'] = true;
    } else {
        $interviewer = false;
    if (stripos($line, "</head>")) {
        //queXS Addition
        $textfocus = "";
        if ($interviewer) {
            $textfocus = '<script type="text/javascript">
        $line = str_ireplace("</head>", "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$rooturl}/scripts/survey_runtime.js\"></script>\n" . "{$textfocus}\n" . use_firebug() . "\t</head>", $line);
    // Get some vars : move elsewhere ?
    // surveyformat
    if (isset($thissurvey['format'])) {
        $surveyformat = str_replace(array("A", "S", "G"), array("allinone", "questionbyquestion", "groupbygroup"), $thissurvey['format']);
    } else {
        $surveyformat = "";
    /*if (isset($thissurvey['allowjumps']) && $thissurvey['allowjumps']=="Y" && $surveyformat!="allinone" && (isset($_SESSION['step']) && $_SESSION['step']>0)){
          $surveyformat .= " withindex";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showprogress']) && $thissurvey['showprogress'] == "Y") {
        $surveyformat .= " showprogress";
    if (isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode'])) {
        $surveyformat .= " showqnumcode-" . $thissurvey['showqnumcode'];
    // real survey contact
    if (isset($surveylist['contact'])) {
        $_surveycontact = $surveylist['contact'];
    } elseif (isset($thissurvey['admin']) && $thissurvey['admin'] != "") {
        $_surveycontact = sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), $thissurvey['admin'], $thissurvey['adminemail']);
    } else {
        $_surveycontact = "";
    // If there are non-bracketed replacements to be made do so above this line.
    // Only continue in this routine if there are bracketed items to replace {}
    if (strpos($line, "{") === false) {
        return LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, NULL, false, 1, 1, true);
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'name' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'N') {
        $_groupname = $groupname;
    } else {
        $_groupname = '';
    if ($showgroupinfo == 'both' || $showgroupinfo == 'description' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showgroupinfo']) || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'B' || $showgroupinfo == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showgroupinfo'] == 'D') {
        $_groupdescription = $groupdescription;
    } else {
        $_groupdescription = '';
    if (is_array($question)) {
        $_question = $question['all'];
        $_question_text = $question['text'];
        $_question_help = $question['help'];
        $_question_mandatory = $question['mandatory'];
        $_question_man_message = $question['man_message'];
        $_question_valid_message = $question['valid_message'];
        $_question_file_valid_message = $question['file_valid_message'];
        if (isset($question['sgq'])) {
            $_question_sgq = $question['sgq'];
            $_parts = explode('X', $_question_sgq);
            $_question_gid = $_parts[1];
        } else {
            $_question_sgq = '';
            $_question_gid = '';
        $_question_essentials = $question['essentials'];
        $_question_class = $question['class'];
        $_question_man_class = $question['man_class'];
        $_question_input_error_class = $question['input_error_class'];
        $_aid = isset($question['aid']) ? $question['aid'] : '';
        $_sqid = isset($question['sqid']) ? $question['sqid'] : '';
        $_question_type = isset($question['type']) ? $question['type'] : '';
    } else {
        $_question = $question;
        $_question_text = '';
        $_question_help = '';
        $_question_mandatory = '';
        $_question_man_message = '';
        $_question_valid_message = '';
        $_question_file_valid_message = '';
        $_question_gid = '';
        $_question_sgq = '';
        $_question_essentials = '';
        $_question_class = '';
        $_question_man_class = '';
        $_question_input_error_class = '';
        $_aid = '';
        $_sqid = '';
        $_question_type = '';
    global $answer_id;
    if ($_question_type == '*') {
        $_question_text = '<div class="em_equation">' . $_question_text . '</div>';
    if ($showqnumcode == 'both' || $showqnumcode == 'number' || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode']) || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'B' || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'N') {
        $_question_number = $question['number'];
    } else {
        $_question_number = '';
    if ($showqnumcode == 'both' || $showqnumcode == 'code' || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showqnumcode']) || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'B' || $showqnumcode == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showqnumcode'] == 'C') {
        $_question_code = $question['code'];
    } else {
        $_question_code = '';
    if (isset($_SESSION['therearexquestions'])) {
        $_totalquestionsAsked = $_SESSION['therearexquestions'] - $totalBoilerplatequestions;
    } else {
        $_totalquestionsAsked = 0;
    if ($showxquestions == 'show' || $showxquestions == 'choose' && !isset($thissurvey['showxquestions']) || $showxquestions == 'choose' && $thissurvey['showxquestions'] == 'Y') {
        if ($_totalquestionsAsked < 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There are no questions in this survey");
            // Singular
        } elseif ($_totalquestionsAsked == 1) {
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There is 1 question in this survey");
        } else {
            $_therearexquestions = $clang->gT("There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey.");
            //Note this line MUST be before {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}
    } else {
        $_therearexquestions = '';
    if (isset($token)) {
        $_token = $token;
    } elseif (isset($clienttoken)) {
        $_token = htmlentities($clienttoken, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    } else {
        $_token = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat'])) {
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData($thissurvey['surveyls_dateformat']);
    } else {
        $dateformatdetails = getDateFormatData();
    if (isset($thissurvey['expiry'])) {
        $_datetimeobj = new Date_Time_Converter($thissurvey['expiry'], "Y-m-d");
        $_dateoutput = $_datetimeobj->convert($dateformatdetails['phpdate']);
    } else {
        $_dateoutput = '-';
    $_submitbutton = "<input class='submit' type='submit' value=' " . $clang->gT("Submit") . " ' name='move2' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = 'movesubmit';\" />";
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_url']) and $thissurvey['surveyls_url'] != "") {
        if (trim($thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']) != '') {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>";
        } else {
            $_linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}</a>";
    } else {
        $_linkreplace = '';
    if (isset($clienttoken)) {
        $token = $clienttoken;
    } else {
        $token = '';
    if (!isset($_SESSION['s_lang'])) {
        $_s_lang = 'en';
    } else {
        $_s_lang = $_SESSION['s_lang'];
    if ($surveyid && !isCompleted($surveyid, $saved_id)) {
        $_clearall = "<input type='button' name='clearallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Exit and Clear Survey") . "' class='clearall' " . "onclick=\"if (confirm('" . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to clear all your responses?", 'js') . "')) {\nwindow.open('{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&amp;move=clearall&amp;lang=" . $_s_lang;
        if (returnglobal('token')) {
            $_clearall .= "&amp;token={$_token}";
        $_clearall .= "', '_self')}\" />";
    } else {
        $_clearall = "";
        // This survey are already completed or surveyid not set, then don't have access to clearallbtn
    if (isset($_SESSION['datestamp'])) {
        $_datestamp = $_SESSION['datestamp'];
    } else {
        $_datestamp = '-';
    //Set up save/load feature
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowsave']) and $thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y") {
        // Find out if the user has any saved data
        if ($thissurvey['format'] == 'A') {
            if ($thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] != 'Y' || !tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='button' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'loadall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>" . "\n\t\t\t<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
                // Show Save So Far button
            } else {
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
                // Show Save So Far button
        } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['step']) || !$_SESSION['step']) {
            //First page, show LOAD
            if ($thissurvey['tokenanswerspersistence'] != 'Y' || !tableExists('tokens_' . $surveyid)) {
                $_saveall = "\t\t\t<input type='button' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'loadall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
            } else {
                $_saveall = '';
        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['scid']) && (isset($move) && $move == "movelast")) {
            //Already saved and on Submit Page, dont show Save So Far button
            $_saveall = '';
        } else {
            $_saveall = "<input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
            // Show Save So Far button
    } else {
        $_saveall = "";
    $_templatecss = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$_templateurl}template.css' />\n";
    if (getLanguageRTL($clang->langcode)) {
        $_templatecss .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$_templateurl}template-rtl.css' />\n";
    if (FlattenText($help, true) != '') {
        if (!isset($helpicon)) {
            if (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.gif')) {
                $helpicon = $_templateurl . 'help.gif';
            } elseif (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.png')) {
                $helpicon = $_templateurl . 'help.png';
            } else {
                $helpicon = $imageurl . "/help.gif";
        $_questionhelp = "<img src='{$helpicon}' alt='Help' align='left' />" . $help;
    } else {
        $_questionhelp = $help;
    if (isset($thissurvey['allowprev']) && $thissurvey['allowprev'] == "N") {
        $_strreview = "";
    } else {
        $_strreview = $clang->gT("If you want to check any of the answers you have made, and/or change them, you can do that now by clicking on the [<< prev] button and browsing through your responses.");
    if (isset($thissurvey['active']) and $thissurvey['active'] == "N") {
        $_restart = "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&amp;newtest=Y";
        if (isset($s_lang) && $s_lang != '') {
            $_restart .= "&amp;lang=" . $s_lang;
        $_restart .= "'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    } else {
        $restart_extra = "";
        $restart_token = returnglobal('token');
        if (!empty($restart_token)) {
            $restart_extra .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode($restart_token);
        } else {
            $restart_extra = "&amp;newtest=Y";
        if (!empty($_GET['lang'])) {
            $restart_extra .= "&amp;lang=" . returnglobal('lang');
        $_restart = "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}" . $restart_extra . "'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
    if (isset($thissurvey['anonymized']) && $thissurvey['anonymized'] == 'Y') {
        $_savealert = $clang->gT("To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required.");
    } else {
        $_savealert = "";
    $_return_to_survey = "<a href='{$relativeurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}";
    if (returnglobal('token')) {
        $_return_to_survey .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
    $_return_to_survey .= "'>" . $clang->gT("Return To Survey") . "</a>";
    $_saveform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='savename' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savename'])) {
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savename']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass'])) {
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Repeat Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass2' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['savepass2'])) {
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass2']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Your Email") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='saveemail' value='";
    if (isset($_POST['saveemail'])) {
        $_saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['saveemail']));
    $_saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle' style='text-align:left'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    $_saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit'  id='savebutton' name='savesubmit' value='" . $clang->gT("Save Now") . "' /></td></tr>\n" . "</table>";
    $_loadform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Saved name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='loadname' value='";
    if ($loadname) {
        $_loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadname));
    $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='loadpass' value='";
    if (isset($loadpass)) {
        $_loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadpass));
    $_loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_loadform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' alt=''/></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    $_loadform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' id='loadbutton' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Now") . "' /></td></tr></table>\n";
    $_registerform = "<form method='post' action='{$publicurl}/register.php'>\n";
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
        $_reglang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid);
    } else {
        $_reglang = returnglobal('lang');
    $_registerform .= "<input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $_reglang . "' />\n";
    $_registerform .= "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$surveyid}' id='sid' />\n";
    $_registerform .= "<table class='register' summary='Registrationform'>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("First name") . ":</td>" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_firstname'";
    if (isset($_POST['register_firstname'])) {
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_firstname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
    $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Last name") . ":</td>\n" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_lastname'";
    if (isset($_POST['register_lastname'])) {
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_lastname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
    $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Email address") . ":</td>\n" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_email'";
    if (isset($_POST['register_email'])) {
        $_registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_email'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
    $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
    if (isset($thissurvey['usecaptcha']) && function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('registrationscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
        $_registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    /*      if(isset($thissurvey['attribute1']) && $thissurvey['attribute1'])
             $_registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute1'].":</td>\n"
             ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute1'";
             if (isset($_POST['register_attribute1']))
             $_registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute1'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
             $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
             if(isset($thissurvey['attribute2']) && $thissurvey['attribute2'])
             $_registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute2'].":</td>\n"
             ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute2'";
             if (isset($_POST['register_attribute2']))
             $_registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute2'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
             $_registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
          } */
    $_registerform .= "<tr><td></td><td><input id='registercontinue' class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' />" . "</td></tr>\n" . "</table>\n" . "</form>\n";
    if (!is_null($surveyid) && function_exists('doAssessment')) {
        $assessmentdata = doAssessment($surveyid, true);
        $_assessment_current_total = $assessmentdata['total'];
    } else {
        $_assessment_current_total = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) && trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']) != '') {
        $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim($thissurvey['googleanalyticsapikey']);
    } else {
        $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey = trim(getGlobalSetting('googleanalyticsapikey'));
    $_googleAnalyticsStyle = isset($thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle']) ? $thissurvey['googleanalyticsstyle'] : '0';
    $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = '';
    if ($_googleAnalyticsStyle != '' && $_googleAnalyticsStyle != 0 && $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey != '') {
        switch ($_googleAnalyticsStyle) {
            case '1':
                // Default Google Tracking
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}']);

  (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
            case '2':
                // SurveyName-[SID]/[GSEQ]-GroupName - create custom GSEQ based upon page step
                $moveInfo = LimeExpressionManager::GetLastMoveResult();
                if (is_null($moveInfo)) {
                    $gseq = 'welcome';
                } else {
                    if ($moveInfo['finished']) {
                        $gseq = 'finished';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($moveInfo['at_start']) && $moveInfo['at_start']) {
                            $gseq = 'welcome';
                        } else {
                            if (is_null($_groupname)) {
                                $gseq = 'printanswers';
                            } else {
                                $gseq = $moveInfo['gseq'] + 1;
                $_trackURL = htmlentities($thissurvey['name'] . '-[' . $surveyid . ']/[' . $gseq . ']-' . $_groupname, ENT_QUOTES);
                $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '{$_googleAnalyticsAPIKey}']);

  (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
    $_endtext = '';
    if (isset($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) && trim($thissurvey['surveyls_endtext']) != '') {
        $_endtext = $thissurvey['surveyls_endtext'];
    // Set the array of replacement variables here - don't include curly braces
    // Please put any conditional logic above this section.  Here below should just be an alphabetical list of replacement values with no embedded logic.
    $coreReplacements = array();
    $coreReplacements['ACTIVE'] = isset($thissurvey['active']) && !($thissurvey['active'] != "Y");
    $coreReplacements['AID'] = $_aid;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['ANSWER'] = $answer;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['ANSWERSCLEARED'] = $clang->gT("Answers Cleared");
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENTS'] = $assessments;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL'] = $_assessment_current_total;
    $coreReplacements['ASSESSMENT_HEADING'] = $clang->gT("Your Assessment");
    $coreReplacements['CHECKJAVASCRIPT'] = "<noscript><span class='warningjs'>" . $clang->gT("Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.") . "</span></noscript>";
    $coreReplacements['CLEARALL'] = $_clearall;
    $coreReplacements['CLOSEWINDOW'] = "<a href='javascript:%20self.close()'>" . $clang->gT("Close this window") . "</a>";
    $coreReplacements['COMPLETED'] = $completed;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['DATESTAMP'] = $_datestamp;
    $coreReplacements['ENDTEXT'] = $_endtext;
    $coreReplacements['EXPIRY'] = $_dateoutput;
    $coreReplacements['GID'] = $_question_gid;
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_API_KEY'] = $_googleAnalyticsAPIKey;
    $coreReplacements['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_JAVASCRIPT'] = $_googleAnalyticsJavaScript;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPDESCRIPTION'] = $_groupdescription;
    $coreReplacements['GROUPNAME'] = $_groupname;
    $coreReplacements['LANG'] = $clang->getlangcode();
    $coreReplacements['LANGUAGECHANGER'] = $languagechanger;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['LOADERROR'] = $errormsg;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['LOADFORM'] = $_loadform;
    $coreReplacements['LOADHEADING'] = $clang->gT("Load A Previously Saved Survey");
    $coreReplacements['LOADMESSAGE'] = $clang->gT("You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen.") . "<br />" . $clang->gT("Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password.") . "<br />";
    $coreReplacements['NAVIGATOR'] = $navigator;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['NOSURVEYID'] = $surveylist['nosid'];
    // global
    $coreReplacements['NUMBEROFQUESTIONS'] = $_totalquestionsAsked;
    $coreReplacements['PASSTHRULABEL'] = '';
    $coreReplacements['PASSTHRUVALUE'] = '';
    $coreReplacements['PERCENTCOMPLETE'] = $percentcomplete;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACY'] = $privacy;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['PRIVACYMESSAGE'] = "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;'>" . $clang->gT("A Note On Privacy") . "</span><br />" . $clang->gT("This survey is anonymous.") . "<br />" . $clang->gT("The record kept of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question in the survey has asked for this. If you have responded to a survey that used an identifying token to allow you to access the survey, you can rest assured that the identifying token is not kept with your responses. It is managed in a separate database, and will only be updated to indicate that you have (or haven't) completed this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses in this survey.");
    $coreReplacements['QID'] = isset($questionNum) ? $questionNum : '';
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION'] = $_question;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTIONHELP'] = $_questionhelp;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT'] = strip_tags(addslashes($help));
    // global
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_CLASS'] = $_question_class;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_CODE'] = $_question_code;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_ESSENTIALS'] = $_question_essentials;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_FILE_VALID_MESSAGE'] = $_question_file_valid_message;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_HELP'] = $_question_help;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_INPUT_ERROR_CLASS'] = $_question_input_error_class;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_MANDATORY'] = $_question_mandatory;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_MAN_CLASS'] = $_question_man_class;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_MAN_MESSAGE'] = $_question_man_message;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_NUMBER'] = $_question_number;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_TEXT'] = $_question_text;
    $coreReplacements['QUESTION_VALID_MESSAGE'] = $_question_valid_message;
    $coreReplacements['REGISTERERROR'] = $register_errormsg;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['REGISTERFORM'] = $_registerform;
    $coreReplacements['REGISTERMESSAGE1'] = $clang->gT("You must be registered to complete this survey");
    $coreReplacements['REGISTERMESSAGE2'] = $clang->gT("You may register for this survey if you wish to take part.") . "<br />\n" . $clang->gT("Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in this survey will be sent immediately.");
    $coreReplacements['RESTART'] = $_restart;
    $coreReplacements['RETURNTOSURVEY'] = $_return_to_survey;
    $coreReplacements['SAVE'] = $_saveall;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEALERT'] = $_savealert;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEDID'] = $saved_id;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SAVEERROR'] = $errormsg;
    // global - same as LOADERROR
    $coreReplacements['SAVEFORM'] = $_saveform;
    $coreReplacements['SAVEHEADING'] = $clang->gT("Save Your Unfinished Survey");
    $coreReplacements['SAVEMESSAGE'] = $clang->gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.") . "<br />\n" . $clang->gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.") . "<br /><br />\n" . $clang->gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you.") . "<br /><br />\n" . $clang->gT("After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey.");
    $coreReplacements['SGQ'] = $_question_sgq;
    $coreReplacements['SID'] = $surveyid;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SITENAME'] = $sitename;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SQID'] = $_sqid;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITBUTTON'] = $_submitbutton;
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITCOMPLETE'] = "<strong>" . $clang->gT("Thank you!") . "<br /><br />" . $clang->gT("You have completed answering the questions in this survey.") . "</strong><br /><br />" . $clang->gT("Click on 'Submit' now to complete the process and save your answers.");
    $coreReplacements['SUBMITREVIEW'] = $_strreview;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYCONTACT'] = $_surveycontact;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYDESCRIPTION'] = isset($thissurvey['description']) ? $thissurvey['description'] : '';
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYFORMAT'] = $surveyformat;
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLANGAGE'] = $clang->langcode;
    // this misspelling is kept for legacy reasons
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLANGUAGE'] = $clang->langcode;
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLIST'] = $surveylist['list'];
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYLISTHEADING'] = $surveylist['listheading'];
    // global
    $coreReplacements['SURVEYNAME'] = $thissurvey['name'];
    // global
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATECSS'] = $_templatecss;
    $coreReplacements['TEMPLATEURL'] = $_templateurl;
    $coreReplacements['THEREAREXQUESTIONS'] = $_therearexquestions;
    if (!$anonymized) {
        $coreReplacements['TOKEN'] = $_token;
    $coreReplacements['URL'] = $_linkreplace;
    $coreReplacements['WELCOME'] = isset($thissurvey['welcome']) ? $thissurvey['welcome'] : '';
    //queXS Addition
    include_once "quexs.php";
    $coreReplacements['IS_INTERVIEWER'] = $interviewer;
    $coreReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, quexs_core_replace());
    if (!is_null($replacements) && is_array($replacements)) {
        $doTheseReplacements = array_merge($coreReplacements, $replacements);
        // so $replacements overrides core values
    } else {
        $doTheseReplacements = $coreReplacements;
    // Now do all of the replacements - In rare cases, need to do 3 deep recursion, that that is default
    $line = LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($line, $questionNum, $doTheseReplacements, false, 3, 1);
    return $line;
Exemple #7
 * This function replaces keywords in a text and is mainly intended for templates
 * If you use this functions put your replacement strings into the $replacements variable
 * instead of using global variables
 * @param mixed $line Text to search in
 * @param mixed $replacements Array of replacements:  Array( <stringtosearch>=><stringtoreplacewith>
 * @return string  Text with replaced strings
function templatereplace($line, $replacements = array())
    global $surveylist, $sitename, $clienttoken, $rooturl;
    global $thissurvey, $imagefiles, $defaulttemplate;
    global $percentcomplete, $move;
    global $groupname, $groupdescription;
    global $question;
    global $answer, $navigator;
    global $help, $totalquestions, $surveyformat;
    global $completed, $register_errormsg;
    global $notanswered, $privacy, $surveyid;
    global $publicurl, $templatedir, $token;
    global $assessments, $s_lang;
    global $errormsg, $clang;
    global $saved_id, $usertemplaterootdir;
    global $totalBoilerplatequestions, $relativeurl;
    global $languagechanger;
    global $printoutput, $captchapath, $loadname;
    // lets sanitize the survey template
    if (isset($thissurvey['templatedir'])) {
        $templatename = $thissurvey['templatedir'];
    } else {
        $templatename = $defaulttemplate;
    $templatename = validate_templatedir($templatename);
    // create absolute template URL and template dir vars
    $templateurl = sGetTemplateURL($templatename) . '/';
    $templatedir = sgetTemplatePath($templatename);
    if (stripos($line, "</head>")) {
        $line = str_ireplace("</head>", "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$rooturl}/scripts/survey_runtime.js\"></script>\n" . use_firebug() . "\t</head>", $line);
    // If there are non-bracketed replacements to be made do so above this line.
    // Only continue in this routine if there are bracketed items to replace {}
    if (strpos($line, "{") === false) {
        return $line;
    foreach ($replacements as $replacementkey => $replacementvalue) {
        if (strpos($line, '{' . $replacementkey . '}') !== false) {
            $line = str_replace('{' . $replacementkey . '}', $replacementvalue, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYLISTHEADING}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYLISTHEADING}", $surveylist['listheading'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYLIST}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYLIST}", $surveylist['list'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{NOSURVEYID}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{NOSURVEYID}", $surveylist['nosid'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYCONTACT}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYCONTACT}", $surveylist['contact'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SITENAME}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SITENAME}", $sitename, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYLIST}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYLIST}", $surveylist, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{CHECKJAVASCRIPT}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{CHECKJAVASCRIPT}", "<noscript><span class='warningjs'>" . $clang->gT("Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters.") . "</span></noscript>", $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ANSWERTABLE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{ANSWERTABLE}", $printoutput, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYNAME}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYNAME}", $thissurvey['name'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}", $thissurvey['description'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{WELCOME}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{WELCOME}", $thissurvey['welcome'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{LANGUAGECHANGER}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{LANGUAGECHANGER}", $languagechanger, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{PERCENTCOMPLETE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{PERCENTCOMPLETE}", $percentcomplete, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{GROUPNAME}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{GROUPNAME}", $groupname, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{GROUPDESCRIPTION}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{GROUPDESCRIPTION}", $groupdescription, $line);
    if (is_array($question)) {
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTION}", $question['all'], $line);
        } else {
            if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_TEXT}") !== false) {
                $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_TEXT}", $question['text'], $line);
            if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_HELP}") !== false) {
                $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_HELP}", $question['help'], $line);
            if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_MANDATORY}") !== false) {
                $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_MANDATORY}", $question['mandatory'], $line);
            if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_MAN_MESSAGE}") !== false) {
                $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_MAN_MESSAGE}", $question['man_message'], $line);
            if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_VALID_MESSAGE}") !== false) {
                $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_VALID_MESSAGE}", $question['valid_message'], $line);
    } else {
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTION}", $question, $line);
    if (strpos($line, '{QUESTION_ESSENTIALS}') !== false) {
        $line = str_replace('{QUESTION_ESSENTIALS}', $question['essentials'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, '{QUESTION_CLASS}') !== false) {
        $line = str_replace('{QUESTION_CLASS}', $question['class'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, '{QUESTION_MAN_CLASS}') !== false) {
        $line = str_replace('{QUESTION_MAN_CLASS}', $question['man_class'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_INPUT_ERROR_CLASS}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_INPUT_ERROR_CLASS}", $question['input_error_class'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{QUESTION_CODE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{QUESTION_CODE}", $question['code'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ANSWER}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{ANSWER}", $answer, $line);
    $totalquestionsAsked = $totalquestions - $totalBoilerplatequestions;
    if ($totalquestionsAsked < 1) {
        if (strpos($line, "{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}", $clang->gT("There are no questions in this survey"), $line);
    if ($totalquestionsAsked == 1) {
        if (strpos($line, "{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}", $clang->gT("There is 1 question in this survey"), $line);
    } else {
        if (strpos($line, "{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{THEREAREXQUESTIONS}", $clang->gT("There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey."), $line);
        //Note this line MUST be before {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}
    if (strpos($line, "{NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{NUMBEROFQUESTIONS}", $totalquestionsAsked, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{TOKEN}") !== false) {
        if (isset($token)) {
            $line = str_replace("{TOKEN}", $token, $line);
        } elseif (isset($clienttoken)) {
            $line = str_replace("{TOKEN}", htmlentities($clienttoken, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $line);
        } else {
            $line = str_replace("{TOKEN}", '', $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SID}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SID}", $surveyid, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{EXPIRY}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{EXPIRY}", $thissurvey['expiry'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{EXPIRY-DMY}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{EXPIRY-DMY}", date("d-m-Y", strtotime($thissurvey["expiry"])), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{EXPIRY-MDY}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{EXPIRY-MDY}", date("m-d-Y", strtotime($thissurvey["expiry"])), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{NAVIGATOR}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{NAVIGATOR}", $navigator, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SUBMITBUTTON}") !== false) {
        $submitbutton = "          <input class='submit' type='submit' value=' " . $clang->gT("Submit") . " ' name='move2' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = 'movesubmit';\" />";
        $line = str_replace("{SUBMITBUTTON}", $submitbutton, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{COMPLETED}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{COMPLETED}", $completed, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{URL}") !== false) {
        if ($thissurvey['surveyls_url'] != "") {
            if (trim($thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']) != '') {
                $linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_urldescription']}</a>";
            } else {
                $linkreplace = "<a href='{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}'>{$thissurvey['surveyls_url']}</a>";
        } else {
            $linkreplace = '';
        $line = str_replace("{URL}", $linkreplace, $line);
        $line = str_replace("{SAVEDID}", $saved_id, $line);
        // to activate the SAVEDID in the END URL
        if (isset($clienttoken)) {
            $token = $clienttoken;
        } else {
            $token = '';
        $line = str_replace("{TOKEN}", urlencode($token), $line);
        // to activate the TOKEN in the END URL
        $line = str_replace("{SID}", $surveyid, $line);
        // to activate the SID in the RND URL
    if (strpos($line, "{PRIVACY}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{PRIVACY}", $privacy, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{PRIVACYMESSAGE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{PRIVACYMESSAGE}", "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;'>" . $clang->gT("A Note On Privacy") . "</span><br />" . $clang->gT("This survey is anonymous.") . "<br />" . $clang->gT("The record kept of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question in the survey has asked for this."), $line);
        // If you have responded to a survey that used an identifying token to allow you to access the survey, you can rest assured that the identifying token is not kept with your responses. It is managed in a separate database, and will only be updated to indicate that you have (or haven't) completed this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses in this survey.
    if (strpos($line, "{CLEARALL}") !== false) {
        $clearall = "          <input type='button' name='clearallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Exit and Clear Survey") . "' class='clearall' " . "onclick=\"if (confirm('" . $clang->gT("Are you sure you want to clear all your responses?", 'js') . "')) {window.open('{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&amp;move=clearall&amp;lang=" . $_SESSION['s_lang'];
        if (returnglobal('token')) {
            $clearall .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
        $clearall .= "', '_top')}\" />";
        $line = str_replace("{CLEARALL}", $clearall, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{DATESTAMP}") !== false) {
        if (isset($_SESSION['datestamp'])) {
            $line = str_replace("{DATESTAMP}", $_SESSION['datestamp'], $line);
        } else {
            $line = str_replace("{DATESTAMP}", "-", $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SAVE}") !== false) {
        //Set up save/load feature
        if ($thissurvey['allowsave'] == "Y") {
            // Find out if the user has any saved data
            if ($thissurvey['format'] == 'A') {
                $saveall = "          <input type='submit' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>" . "          <input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
                // Show Save So Far button
            } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['step']) || !$_SESSION['step']) {
                $saveall = "          <input type='submit' name='loadall' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Unfinished Survey") . "' class='saveall' " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
            } elseif (isset($_SESSION['scid']) && (isset($move) && $move == "movelast")) {
                $saveall = "";
            } else {
                $saveall = "          <input type='button' name='saveallbtn' value='" . $clang->gT("Resume Later") . "' class='saveall' onclick=\"javascript:document.limesurvey.move.value = this.value;addHiddenField(document.getElementById('limesurvey'),'saveall',this.value);document.getElementById('limesurvey').submit();\" " . ($thissurvey['active'] != "Y" ? "disabled='disabled'" : "") . "/>";
                // Show Save So Far button
        } else {
            $saveall = "";
        $line = str_replace("{SAVE}", $saveall, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{TEMPLATEURL}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{TEMPLATEURL}", $templateurl, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{TEMPLATECSS}") !== false) {
        $templatecss = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$templateurl}template.css' />\n";
        if (getLanguageRTL($clang->langcode)) {
            $templatecss .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$templateurl}template-rtl.css' />\n";
        $line = str_replace("{TEMPLATECSS}", $templatecss, $line);
    if (FlattenText($help, true) != '') {
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTIONHELP}") !== false) {
            if (!isset($helpicon)) {
                if (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.gif')) {
                    $helpicon = $templateurl . 'help.gif';
                } elseif (file_exists($templatedir . '/help.png')) {
                    $helpicon = $templateurl . 'help.png';
                } else {
                    $helpicon = $imagefiles . "/help.gif";
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTIONHELP}", "<img src='{$helpicon}' alt='Help' align='left' />" . $help, $line);
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT}", strip_tags(addslashes($help)), $line);
    } else {
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTIONHELP}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTIONHELP}", $help, $line);
        if (strpos($line, "{QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT}") !== false) {
            $line = str_replace("{QUESTIONHELPPLAINTEXT}", strip_tags(addslashes($help)), $line);
    $line = insertansReplace($line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SUBMITCOMPLETE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SUBMITCOMPLETE}", "<strong>" . $clang->gT("Thank You!") . "<br /><br />" . $clang->gT("You have completed answering the questions in this survey.") . "</strong><br /><br />" . $clang->gT("Click on 'Submit' now to complete the process and save your answers."), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SUBMITREVIEW}") !== false) {
        if (isset($thissurvey['allowprev']) && $thissurvey['allowprev'] == "N") {
            $strreview = "";
        } else {
            $strreview = $clang->gT("If you want to check any of the answers you have made, and/or change them, you can do that now by clicking on the [<< prev] button and browsing through your responses.");
        $line = str_replace("{SUBMITREVIEW}", $strreview, $line);
    $line = tokenReplace($line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ANSWERSCLEARED}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{ANSWERSCLEARED}", $clang->gT("Answers Cleared"), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{RESTART}") !== false) {
        if ($thissurvey['active'] == "N") {
            $replacetext = "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}&amp;newtest=Y";
            if (isset($s_lang) && $s_lang != '') {
                $replacetext .= "&amp;lang=" . $s_lang;
            $replacetext .= "'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>";
            $line = str_replace("{RESTART}", $replacetext, $line);
        } else {
            $restart_extra = "";
            $restart_token = returnglobal('token');
            if (!empty($restart_token)) {
                $restart_extra .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode($restart_token);
            } else {
                $restart_extra = "&amp;newtest=Y";
            if (!empty($_GET['lang'])) {
                $restart_extra .= "&amp;lang=" . returnglobal('lang');
            $line = str_replace("{RESTART}", "<a href='{$publicurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}" . $restart_extra . "'>" . $clang->gT("Restart this Survey") . "</a>", $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{CLOSEWINDOW}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{CLOSEWINDOW}", "<a href='javascript:%20self.close()'>" . $clang->gT("Close this Window") . "</a>", $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SAVEERROR}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SAVEERROR}", $errormsg, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SAVEHEADING}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SAVEHEADING}", $clang->gT("Save Your Unfinished Survey"), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SAVEMESSAGE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{SAVEMESSAGE}", $clang->gT("Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below.") . "<br />\n" . $clang->gT("Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password.") . "<br /><br />\n" . $clang->gT("If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you."), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{RETURNTOSURVEY}") !== false) {
        $savereturn = "<a href='{$relativeurl}/index.php?sid={$surveyid}";
        if (returnglobal('token')) {
            $savereturn .= "&amp;token=" . urlencode(trim(sanitize_xss_string(strip_tags(returnglobal('token')))));
        $savereturn .= "'>" . $clang->gT("Return To Survey") . "</a>";
        $line = str_replace("{RETURNTOSURVEY}", $savereturn, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{SAVEFORM}") !== false) {
        $saveform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='savename' value='";
        if (isset($_POST['savename'])) {
            $saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savename']));
        $saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass' value='";
        if (isset($_POST['savepass'])) {
            $saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass']));
        $saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Repeat Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='savepass2' value='";
        if (isset($_POST['savepass2'])) {
            $saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['savepass2']));
        $saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Your Email") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='saveemail' value='";
        if (isset($_POST['saveemail'])) {
            $saveform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($_POST['saveemail']));
        $saveform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
        if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
            $saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle' style='text-align:left'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
        $saveform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit'  id='savebutton' name='savesubmit' value='" . $clang->gT("Save Now") . "' /></td></tr>\n" . "</table>";
        $line = str_replace("{SAVEFORM}", $saveform, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{LOADERROR}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{LOADERROR}", $errormsg, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{LOADHEADING}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{LOADHEADING}", $clang->gT("Load A Previously Saved Survey"), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{LOADMESSAGE}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{LOADMESSAGE}", $clang->gT("You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen.") . "<br />" . $clang->gT("Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password.") . "<br />", $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{LOADFORM}") !== false) {
        $loadform = "<table><tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Saved name") . ":</td><td><input type='text' name='loadname' value='";
        if ($loadname) {
            $loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadname));
        $loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Password") . ":</td><td><input type='password' name='loadpass' value='";
        if (isset($loadpass)) {
            $loadform .= html_escape(auto_unescape($loadpass));
        $loadform .= "' /></td></tr>\n";
        if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('saveandloadscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
            $loadform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' alt=''/></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
        $loadform .= "<tr><td align='right'></td><td></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' id='loadbutton' value='" . $clang->gT("Load Now") . "' /></td></tr></table>\n";
        $line = str_replace("{LOADFORM}", $loadform, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{REGISTERERROR}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{REGISTERERROR}", $register_errormsg, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{REGISTERMESSAGE1}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{REGISTERMESSAGE1}", $clang->gT("You must be registered to complete this survey"), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{REGISTERMESSAGE2}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{REGISTERMESSAGE2}", $clang->gT("You may register for this survey if you wish to take part.") . "<br />\n" . $clang->gT("Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in this survey will be sent immediately."), $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{REGISTERFORM}") !== false) {
        $registerform = "<form method='post' action='{$publicurl}/register.php'>\n" . "<table class='register' summary='Registrationform'>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$surveyid}' id='sid' />\n" . $clang->gT("First Name") . ":</td>" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_firstname'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_firstname'])) {
            $registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_firstname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $registerform .= " /></td></tr>" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Last Name") . ":</td>\n" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_lastname'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_lastname'])) {
            $registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_lastname'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Email Address") . ":</td>\n" . "<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_email'";
        if (isset($_POST['register_email'])) {
            $registerform .= " value='" . htmlentities(returnglobal('register_email'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'";
        $registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
            $reglang = GetBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid);
        } else {
            $reglang = returnglobal('lang');
        if (function_exists("ImageCreate") && captcha_enabled('registrationscreen', $thissurvey['usecaptcha'])) {
            $registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>" . $clang->gT("Security Question") . ":</td><td><table><tr><td valign='middle'><img src='{$captchapath}verification.php?sid={$surveyid}' alt='' /></td><td valign='middle'><input type='text' size='5' maxlength='3' name='loadsecurity' value='' /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
        $registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'><input type='hidden' name='lang' value='" . $reglang . "' /></td><td></td></tr>\n";
        /*      if(isset($thissurvey['attribute1']) && $thissurvey['attribute1'])
                $registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute1'].":</td>\n"
                ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute1'";
                if (isset($_POST['register_attribute1']))
                $registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute1'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
                $registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
                if(isset($thissurvey['attribute2']) && $thissurvey['attribute2'])
                $registerform .= "<tr><td align='right'>".$thissurvey['attribute2'].":</td>\n"
                ."<td align='left'><input class='text' type='text' name='register_attribute2'";
                if (isset($_POST['register_attribute2']))
                $registerform .= " value='".htmlentities(returnglobal('register_attribute2'),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."'";
                $registerform .= " /></td></tr>\n";
                }        */
        $registerform .= "<tr><td></td><td><input id='registercontinue' class='submit' type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("Continue") . "' />" . "</td></tr>\n" . "</table>\n" . "</form>\n";
        $line = str_replace("{REGISTERFORM}", $registerform, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL}") !== false && function_exists('doAssessment')) {
        $assessmentdata = doAssessment($surveyid, true);
        $line = str_replace("{ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL}", $assessmentdata['total'], $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ASSESSMENTS}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{ASSESSMENTS}", $assessments, $line);
    if (strpos($line, "{ASSESSMENT_HEADING}") !== false) {
        $line = str_replace("{ASSESSMENT_HEADING}", $clang->gT("Your Assessment"), $line);
    return $line;