Exemple #1
 public static function getFromRouter(Router $router)
     $mode = $router->getMode();
     $parameters = [];
     $path = preg_replace_callback('/\\/\\${.*}/U', function ($matches) use(&$parameters) {
         $parameters[] = preg_replace('/\\/|\\$|\\{|\\}/', '', $matches[0]);
         return '';
     }, $router->getPath());
     $patharr = array_merge(explode('/', $router->getBase()), explode('/', $path));
     $path = array_filter(array_map(function ($p) {
         return \camelCase($p, true, '-');
     }, $patharr));
     if ($mode === Router::MOD_RESTFUL) {
         $request = $router->getRequest();
         $method = strtoupper($_POST['_method'] ?? $request->getMethod());
         $action = $router->getActionOfRestful($method);
         if ($action === null) {
             throw new \Leno\Http\Exception(501);
     } else {
         $action = preg_replace_callback('/^[A-Z]/', function ($matches) {
             if (isset($matches[0])) {
                 return strtolower($matches[0]);
         }, preg_replace('/\\..*$/', '', array_pop($path)));
     try {
         return (new self(implode('\\', $path) . 'Controller'))->setMethod($action)->setParameters($parameters);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         logger()->err((string) $ex);
         throw new \Leno\Http\Exception(404);
Exemple #2
 private function generateDoc($input, $output, $namespace = "")
     if (!is_dir($input)) {
         $this->error($input . " Is Not A Directory");
     $dir_handler = opendir($input);
     if (!is_dir($output)) {
         mkdir($output, 0755, true);
     while ($filename = readdir($dir_handler)) {
         if ($filename === '.' || $filename === '..') {
         $pathfile = $input . '/' . $filename;
         if (is_dir($pathfile)) {
             $outputdir = $output . $filename;
             $namespace = implode('\\', [$namespace, camelCase($filename)]);
             $this->generateDoc($pathfile, $outputdir, $namespace);
         if (preg_match('/\\.php$/', $filename)) {
             $className = $namespace . '\\' . preg_replace('/\\.php$/', '', $filename);
             try {
                 $doc = new ClassDoc($className);
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
Exemple #3
 private function parseMethod($method)
     if (empty($method)) {
         return 'Index';
     return camelCase($method);
Exemple #4
 public static function parse($app, $schemas, $tables = "all", $exclude_meta = false)
     $result = array();
     foreach ($schemas as $table => $schema) {
         if (!$table) {
         if ($tables !== "all" && !in_array($table, $tables)) {
         $fields = array();
         $ignore = array('$meta', 'company', '_trashed', '_rate');
         foreach ($schema as $field => $option) {
             if (in_array($field, $ignore)) {
             $fields[$field] = self::deal_with_field_config($field, (array) $option);
         $meta = $schema['$meta'];
         $meta['list_display'] = array();
         // 处理foreignKey
         foreach ($meta["foreign"] as $foreign_table => $foreign_option) {
             $foreign_field = $foreign_option['foreign_key'] ? $foreign_option['foreign_key'] : $foreign_table . '_id';
             $fields[$foreign_table] = array("map" => $foreign_field, "field" => $foreign_field, "type" => "foreign", "data_source" => $foreign_table);
         //            print_r($fields);exit;
          * 数据模型字段
          * 会覆盖默认数据表中数据
          * */
         $data_model_service = D("DataModel/DataModelField", "Service");
         $module = sprintf('%s.%s', lcfirst($app), lcfirst(camelCase($table)));
         $extra_fields = $data_model_service->get_fields_by_module($module);
         $efs = array();
         foreach ($extra_fields as $ef) {
             //                $fields[$ef['alias']] = array(
             //                    'label' => $ef['label'],
             //                    'type'  => $ef['data_type'],
             //                    'widget'=> $ef['widget'],
             //                    'value' => $ef['default'],
             //                    'limit' => $ef['limit'],
             //                    'blank' => $ef['blank']
             //                );
             $efs[] = $ef['id'];
             $fields[$field] = self::deal_with_field_config($ef['alias'], (array) $ef);
             if ($ef['list_display']) {
                 $meta['list_display'][] = $ef['alias'];
         if ($efs) {
             $fields['_data_model_fields_'] = array('field' => "_data_model_fields_", 'widget' => 'hidden', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => implode(',', $efs), 'required' => false);
         $result[$table] = $meta;
         $result[$table]["structure"] = reIndex($fields);
     return $result;
Exemple #5
function prepareForExtract(array $array)
    $output = array();
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        $key = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_ ]/', '', $key);
        // $key = preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', ' \\0', $key); // makes acronyms like ISI weird, $iSI rather than $isi
        $key = camelCase($key);
        if ($key === '') {
        if (is_numeric($key[0])) {
            $key = '_' . $key;
        $output[$key] = $value;
    return $output;
function excelToJson()
    $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load("Dragons.xlsx");
    $sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, true, true);
    /** @var Dragon[] $dragons */
    $dragons = [];
    $names = array_shift($sheetData);
    //translate column names
    foreach ($sheetData as $index => $array) {
        $sheetData[$index] = [];
        foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
            $sheetData[$index][camelCase($names[$key])] = $value;
    foreach ($sheetData as $dragonData) {
        $dragons[$dragonData["name"]] = new Dragon($dragonData);
    file_put_contents('dragonsTemp.json', json_encode($sheetData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    file_put_contents('dragon_info.json', json_encode($dragons, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
function getPhpDocForFile($fileName)
    global $nClasses, $nClassesTotal;
    $phpdoc = "";
    $file = str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\t", "    ", file_get_contents($fileName, true)));
    $classes = match('#\\n(?:abstract )?class (?<name>\\w+) extends .+\\{(?<content>.+)\\n\\}(\\n|$)#', $file);
    foreach ($classes as &$class) {
        $gets = match('#\\* @return (?<type>\\w+)(?: (?<comment>(?:(?!\\*/|\\* @).)+?)(?:(?!\\*/).)+|[\\s\\n]*)\\*/' . '[\\s\\n]{2,}public function (?<kind>get)(?<name>\\w+)\\((?:,? ?\\$\\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*\\)#', $class['content']);
        $sets = match('#\\* @param (?<type>\\w+) \\$\\w+(?: (?<comment>(?:(?!\\*/|\\* @).)+?)(?:(?!\\*/).)+|[\\s\\n]*)\\*/' . '[\\s\\n]{2,}public function (?<kind>set)(?<name>\\w+)\\(\\$\\w+(?:, ?\\$\\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*\\)#', $class['content']);
        $acrs = array_merge($gets, $sets);
        //print_r($acrs); continue;
        $props = array();
        foreach ($acrs as &$acr) {
            $acr['name'] = camelCase($acr['name']);
            $acr['comment'] = trim(preg_replace('#(^|\\n)\\s+\\*\\s?#', '$1 * ', $acr['comment']));
            $props[$acr['name']][$acr['kind']] = array('type' => $acr['type'], 'comment' => fixSentence($acr['comment']));
        /*foreach ($props as $propName => &$prop) // I don't like write-only props...
          if (!isset($prop['get']))
        if (count($props) > 0) {
            $phpdoc .= "\n" . $class['name'] . ":\n";
            $phpdoc .= " *\n";
            foreach ($props as $propName => &$prop) {
                $phpdoc .= ' * @';
                /*if (isset($prop['get']) && isset($prop['set'])) // Few IDEs support complex syntax
                      $phpdoc .= 'property';
                  elseif (isset($prop['get']))
                      $phpdoc .= 'property-read';
                  elseif (isset($prop['set']))
                      $phpdoc .= 'property-write';*/
                $phpdoc .= 'property';
                $phpdoc .= ' ' . getPropParam($prop, 'type') . " \${$propName} " . getPropParam($prop, 'comment') . "\n";
            $phpdoc .= " *\n";
    return $phpdoc;
Exemple #8
 private function getEntities($entity_dir, $namespace)
     if (!is_dir($entity_dir)) {
         $this->error($entity_dir . ' Is Not A Dir');
     $dir_handler = opendir($entity_dir);
     while ($filename = readdir($dir_handler)) {
         if ($filename === '.' || $filename === '..') {
         $pathfile = $entity_dir . '/' . $filename;
         if (is_dir($pathfile)) {
             $the_namespace = implode('\\', [$namespace, camelCase($filename)]);
             $this->entities += $this->getEntities($pathfile, $the_namespace);
         if (preg_match('/\\.php$/', $filename)) {
             $className = $namespace . '\\' . preg_replace('/\\.php$/', '', $filename);
             if (!class_exists($className)) {
             $re = new \ReflectionClass($className);
             $re->hasMethod('getTableName') && ($table = $re->getMethod('getTableName')->invoke(null));
             $re->hasMethod('getAttributes') && ($attr = $re->getMethod('getAttributes')->invoke(null));
             if (!($table ?? false) || !($attr ?? false)) {
             $this->entities[$className] = $re;
             $table = null;
             $attr = null;
     return $this->entities;
    case "winningstad":
        $venue = "Winningstad Theater";
    case "world_trade_center":
        $venue = "World Trade Center Theater";
    case "ifcc":
        $venue = "Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center";
        $venue = "Imago Theater";
/* get the $venue name */
switch ($show_type) {
    case "main_stage":
        $svg = camelCase(get_the_title());
        $class = 'main-stage';
    case "nt_live":
        $svg = "ntLive";
        $class = 'hi-def-screening';
    case "branagh":
        $svg = "btLive";
        $class = 'hi-def-screening';
    case "wild_card":
        $svg = "wildCard";
        $class = 'wild-card';
    case "bloody_sunday":
Exemple #10
 private function getTarget()
     foreach (self::$namespaces as $namespace) {
         $class = preg_replace_callback('/^\\w|\\.\\w/', function ($matches) {
             return strtoupper(str_replace('.', '\\', $matches[0]));
         }, $namespace . '.' . camelCase($this->command));
         if (class_exists($class)) {
             return new \ReflectionClass($class);
     throw new \Exception('target \'' . $this->command . '\' not exists');
 static function create($name, $multiple)
     $instance = new static();
     $instance->name = camelCase($name);
     if ($name === "Users") {
         echo "asd";
     $instance->apiName = $name;
     $instance->multiple = $multiple;
     return $instance;
 public static function storeExportFile($original_filename, $file_content, $archiveFile = false, $dateShiftDates = false)
     global $edoc_storage_option;
     ## Create the stored name of the file as it wll be stored in the file system
     $stored_name = date('YmdHis') . "_pid" . PROJECT_ID . "_" . generateRandomHash(6) . getFileExt($original_filename, true);
     $file_extension = getFileExt($original_filename);
     $mime_type = strtolower($file_extension) == 'csv' ? 'application/csv' : 'application/octet-stream';
     // If file is UTF-8 encoded, then add BOM
     // Do NOT use addBOMtoUTF8() on Stata syntax file (.do) because BOM causes issues in syntax file
     if (strtolower($file_extension) != 'do') {
         $file_content = addBOMtoUTF8($file_content);
     // If Gzip enabled, then gzip the file and append filename with .gz extension
     list($file_content, $stored_name, $gzipped) = gzip_encode_file($file_content, $stored_name);
     // Get file size in bytes
     $docs_size = strlen($file_content);
     // Add file to file system
     if ($edoc_storage_option == '0') {
         // Store locally
         $fp = fopen(EDOC_PATH . $stored_name, 'w');
         if ($fp !== false && fwrite($fp, $file_content) !== false) {
             // Close connection
         } else {
             // Send error response
             return false;
         // Add file to S3
     } elseif ($edoc_storage_option == '2') {
         global $amazon_s3_key, $amazon_s3_secret, $amazon_s3_bucket;
         $s3 = new S3($amazon_s3_key, $amazon_s3_secret, SSL);
         if (!$s3->putObject($file_content, $amazon_s3_bucket, $stored_name, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE)) {
             // Send error response
             return false;
     } else {
         // Store using WebDAV
         require_once APP_PATH_CLASSES . "WebdavClient.php";
         require APP_PATH_WEBTOOLS . 'webdav/webdav_connection.php';
         $wdc = new WebdavClient();
         // use HTTP/1.1
         // enable debugging?
         if (!$wdc->open()) {
             // Send error response
             return false;
         if (substr($webdav_path, -1) != '/') {
             $webdav_path .= '/';
         $http_status = $wdc->put($webdav_path . $stored_name, $file_content);
     ## Add file info to edocs_metadata table
     // If not archiving file in File Repository, then set to be deleted in 1 hour
     $delete_time = $archiveFile ? "" : NOW;
     // Add to table
     $sql = "insert into redcap_edocs_metadata (stored_name, mime_type, doc_name, doc_size, file_extension, project_id, \n\t\t\t\tstored_date, delete_date, gzipped) values ('" . prep($stored_name) . "', '{$mime_type}', '" . prep($original_filename) . "', \n\t\t\t\t'" . prep($docs_size) . "', '" . prep($file_extension) . "', " . PROJECT_ID . ", '" . NOW . "', " . checkNull($delete_time) . ", {$gzipped})";
     if (!db_query($sql)) {
         // Send error response
         return false;
     // Get edoc_id
     $edoc_id = db_insert_id();
     ## Add to doc_to_edoc table
     // Set flag if data is date shifted
     $dateShiftFlag = $dateShiftDates ? "DATE_SHIFT" : "";
     // Set "comment" in docs table
     if (strtolower($file_extension) == 'csv') {
         $docs_comment = "Data export file created by " . USERID . " on " . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     } else {
         if ($file_extension == 'sps') {
             $stats_package_name = 'Spss';
         } elseif ($file_extension == 'do') {
             $stats_package_name = 'Stata';
         } else {
             $stats_package_name = camelCase($file_extension);
         $docs_comment = "{$stats_package_name} syntax file created by " . USERID . " on " . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     // Archive in redcap_docs table
     $sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id, docs_name, docs_file, docs_date, docs_size, docs_comment, docs_type, \n\t\t\t\tdocs_rights, export_file, temp) VALUES (" . PROJECT_ID . ", '" . prep($original_filename) . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "', \n\t\t\t\t'{$docs_size}', '" . prep($docs_comment) . "', '{$mime_type}', " . checkNull($dateShiftFlag) . ", 1, \n\t\t\t\t" . checkNull($archiveFile ? "0" : "1") . ")";
     if (db_query($sql)) {
         $docs_id = db_insert_id();
         // Add to redcap_docs_to_edocs also
         $sql = "insert into redcap_docs_to_edocs (docs_id, doc_id) values ({$docs_id}, {$edoc_id})";
     } else {
         // Could not store in table, so remove from edocs_metadata also
         db_query("delete from redcap_edocs_metadata where doc_id = {$edoc_id}");
         return false;
     // Return successful response of docs_id from redcap_docs table
     return $docs_id;
			 * if the result is excluded or has a query history, ignore it
			if (!$result['exclude']) {
				//$data_row['monitor'] = $result['record'] & 1 ? 'dianne_mattingly' : 'wendy_robertson';
				$data_row['subjid'] = quote_wrap($result['record']);
				$data_row['usubjid'] = quote_wrap(get_single_field($result['record'], PROJECT_ID, $Proj->firstEventId, 'dm_usubjid', ''));
				$data_row['event'] = quote_wrap(REDCap::getEventNames(false, false, $result['event_id']));
				//$data_row['field'] = quote_wrap($Proj->metadata[$field]['element_label']);
				//$data_row['data'] = quote_wrap(strip_tags(str_replace('<br>', ', ', $result['data_display'])));
				foreach ($data_array AS $key => $val) {
					$data_row[quote_wrap($Proj->metadata[$key]['element_label'] . " [$key]")] = quote_wrap($val);
				$data_row['description'] = quote_wrap($rule_info['name']);
				$data_row["Queries on $field"] = quote_wrap(count($history));
				$row_csv = implode(',', $data_row) . "\n";
				$table_csv .= $row_csv;
	$headers = implode(',', array_keys($data_row)) . "\n";
	if (!$debug) {
		create_download($lang, $app_title, $userid, $headers, $user_rights, $table_csv, $clean_fields, null, $project_id, substr(camelCase($rule_info['name']), 0, 20) . "_REPORT_", $debug, $rule_info['name']);
$timer['main_end'] = microtime(true);
$init_time = benchmark_timing($timer);
echo $init_time;
Exemple #14
 private function getClass($command)
     return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . ucfirst(camelCase(basename($command)));
Exemple #15
 public function getStub()
     return camelCase($this->displayName);
 * Creates global variables for each of an array of key=>value pairs. Numeric
 * keys are prepended with an underscore like this: '_2'.
 * @global mixed $name A variable is made with each key and set to its value.
 * @param array $array The array of variables.
 * @param bool $overwrite Set to 'true' to allow overwriting existing values.
function createAliases(array $array, $overwrite = false)
    foreach ($array as $rawName => $tempVal) {
        // remove any unwanted characters
        $strippedName = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/', '', $rawName);
        // break apart any camel case into spaced strings
        $brokenName = preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', ' \\0', $strippedName);
        // rejoin all as single camel case string
        $name = camelCase($brokenName);
        // handle illegal characters
        if ($name === '') {
            // variable had no name or had no legal characters
        if (is_numeric($name[0])) {
            // variable is numeric, format to a legal name
            $name = '_' . $name;
        // create the global variable from the legal name and set the value
        global ${$name};
        if (!isset(${$name}) or $overwrite) {
            ${$name} = $tempVal;
Exemple #17
 protected function minify($files)
     // store the individual results into the results array
     $this->results = ['success' => [], 'error' => []];
     // loop through the files
     foreach ($files as $from => $to) {
         if (!isset($this->minifier)) {
             // check filetype based on the extension
             $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($from, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
             // set the default minifiers based on the extension
             switch ($extension) {
                 case 'png':
                     $minifier = 'optipng';
                 case 'jpg':
                 case 'jpeg':
                     $minifier = 'jpegtran';
                 case 'gif':
                     $minifier = 'gifsicle';
                 case 'svg':
                     $minifier = 'svgo';
         } else {
             if (!in_array($this->minifier, $this->minifiers, true) && !is_callable(strtr($this->minifier, '-', '_'))) {
                 $message = sprintf('Invalid minifier %s!', $this->minifier);
                 return Result::error($this, $message);
             $minifier = $this->minifier;
         // Convert minifier name to camelCase (e.g. jpeg-recompress)
         $funcMinifier = camelCase($minifier);
         // call the minifier method which prepares the command
         if (is_callable($funcMinifier)) {
             $command = call_user_func($funcMinifier, $from, $to, $this->minifierOptions);
         } elseif (method_exists($this, $funcMinifier)) {
             $command = $this->{$funcMinifier}($from, $to);
         } else {
             $message = sprintf('Minifier method <info>%s</info> cannot be found!', $funcMinifier);
             return Result::error($this, $message);
         // launch the command
         $this->printTaskInfo('Minifying {filepath} with {minifier}', ['filepath' => $from, 'minifier' => $minifier]);
         $result = $this->executeCommand($command);
         // check the return code
         if ($result->getExitCode() == 127) {
             $this->printTaskError('The {minifier} executable cannot be found', ['minifier' => $minifier]);
             // try to install from imagemin repository
             if (array_key_exists($minifier, $this->imageminRepos)) {
                 $result = $this->installFromImagemin($minifier);
                 if ($result instanceof Result) {
                     if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
                         // retry the conversion with the downloaded executable
                         if (is_callable($minifier)) {
                             $command = call_user_func($minifier, $from, $to, $minifierOptions);
                         } elseif (method_exists($this, $minifier)) {
                             $command = $this->{$minifier}($from, $to);
                         // launch the command
                         $this->printTaskInfo('Minifying {filepath} with {minifier}', ['filepath' => $from, 'minifier' => $minifier]);
                         $result = $this->executeCommand($command);
                     } else {
                         // the download was not successful
                         return $result;
             } else {
                 return $result;
         // check the success of the conversion
         if ($result->getExitCode() !== 0) {
             $this->results['error'][] = $from;
         } else {
             $this->results['success'][] = $from;
			 * if the result is excluded or has a query history, ignore it
			if (!$result['exclude']) {
				//$data_row['monitor'] = $result['record'] & 1 ? 'dianne_mattingly' : 'wendy_robertson';
				$data_row['subjid'] = quote_wrap($result['record']);
				$data_row['usubjid'] = quote_wrap(get_single_field($result['record'], PROJECT_ID, $Proj->firstEventId, 'dm_usubjid', ''));
				$data_row['event'] = quote_wrap(REDCap::getEventNames(false, false, $result['event_id']));
				//$data_row['field'] = quote_wrap($Proj->metadata[$field]['element_label']);
				//$data_row['data'] = quote_wrap(strip_tags(str_replace('<br>', ', ', $result['data_display'])));
				foreach ($data_array AS $key => $val) {
					$data_row[quote_wrap($Proj->metadata[$key]['element_label'] . " [$key]")] = quote_wrap($val);
				$data_row['description'] = quote_wrap($rule_info['name']);
				$data_row["Queries on $field"] = quote_wrap(count($history));
				$row_csv = implode(',', $data_row) . "\n";
				$table_csv .= $row_csv;
	$headers = implode(',', array_keys($data_row)) . "\n";
	if (!$debug) {
		create_download($lang, $app_title, $userid, $headers, $user_rights, $table_csv, '', $parent_chkd_flds, $project_id, substr(camelCase($rule_info['name']), 0, 20) . "_REPORT_", $debug, $rule_info['name']);
$timer['main_end'] = microtime(true);
$init_time = benchmark_timing($timer);
echo $init_time;
Exemple #19
    $graph->addNode($nodeName, array('label' => $nodeLabel, 'shape' => 'octagon', 'fontsize' => '8'));
    if (sizeof($contact->relations) > 0) {
        foreach ($contact->relations as $relation) {
            if ($relation->meetInPerson) {
                $colorRelation = 'black';
            } else {
                $colorRelation = 'grey';
            if (strlen($relation->nombre) > 0) {
                $nodeNameRelation = camelCase($relation->nombre);
                $nodeLabelRelation = $relation->nombre;
                if (strlen($relation->empresa) > 0) {
                    $nodeLabelRelation .= "\n" . $relation->empresa;
            } elseif (strlen($relation->empresa) > 0) {
                $nodeNameRelation = camelCase($relation->empresa);
                $nodeLabelRelation = $relation->empresa;
            } else {
                $nodeNameRelation = "node{$i}";
                $nodeLabelRelation = '(nada)';
            if (!$graph->hasNode($nodeNameRelation)) {
                $graph->addNode($nodeNameRelation, array('label' => $nodeLabelRelation));
            $graph->addEdge(array($nodeName => $nodeNameRelation), array('color' => $colorRelation));
Exemple #20
    // the prefix to use when constructing our #include's.
    $file = realpath($file);
    $cwd = realpath(getcwd()) . "/";
    for ($i = strlen($cwd); $i >= 0; --$i) {
        if (strncmp($cwd, $file, $i) === 0) {
            $file = substr($file, $i);
    // Separate bar/quux/blah.idl.json into $prefix (bar/quux) and $name
    // (blah) for generating the includes below.  If a prefix can't be
    // determined, we assume it is under runtime/ext.
    preg_match('%^(.*/)?(.*)\\.idl\\.json$%', $file, $matches);
    $prefix = $matches[1];
    $name = $matches[2];
    $ucname = $prefix ? camelCase($name) : ucfirst($name);
    if ($name === 'constants') {
        // Ignore 'cosntants.idl.json'
    switch ($format) {
        case 'ext':
            $path = $prefix ? "hphp/{$prefix}" : "hphp/runtime/ext/";
            fwrite($f, "#include \"{$path}ext_{$name}.h\"\n");
switch ($format) {
    case 'ext':
        fwrite($f, <<<EOT