$ebody = 0; if (!($res = $db->get_results("SELECT HASH,EDIT_OF,(HASH <> EDIT_OF) AS IS_EDIT,AUTORE,`DATE`,TITLE,BODY,REP_OF FROM {$sesorg}_reply ORDER BY HASH=EDIT_OF DESC, `DATE`", ARRAY_A))) { die("Non riesco a fare la select in {$sesorg}_reply :("); } $togo = $db->num_rows; echo "{$togo} records selected<br>"; foreach ($res as $msg) { $riga = array(); if ($msg[IS_EDIT]) { $riga[EDIT_OF] = cambia($msg[EDIT_OF]); $riga[IS_EDIT] = 1; } else { $riga[EDIT_OF] = ''; } $riga[AUTORE] = cambia($msg[AUTORE]); $riga[REP_OF] = cambia($msg[REP_OF]); $riga['DATE'] = $msg['DATE']; $riga['TYPE'] = 4; $riga['TITLE'] = $msg['TITLE']; // body vuoti ? if (!$msg['BODY']) { $ebody++; $msg['BODY'] = "{empty}"; } $riga['BODY'] = $msg['BODY']; $riga[_PRIVATE] = $PRIVKEY; $riga[CPSIGN] = 'ADMIN_SIGN'; $risp = $core->AddMsg($riga, 0); if ($risp[MD5]) { $db->doQuery("INSERT INTO hash_tmp (OLD_HASH,NEW_HASH) VALUES(?,?)", array($msg['HASH'], $risp[MD5])); // feedback
<?php include_once "/proxies/required.php"; $strCnx = "host={$host} port={$port} dbname={$db} user={$user} password={$passwd}"; $cuestionario = cambia($_COOKIE["cookie_cuestionarios0"], true); $idUser = cambia($_COOKIE["cookie_id"], true); $posicio = -1; $mediana = 0; $fech = strtotime("now"); $matrizSalidaMed = array(); $matrizDistanciasT = array(); //************************* Conectando la base de datos $conbd = pg_connect($strCnx) or die('No se ha podido conectar: ' . pg_last_error()); $query_Idpreguntas = "SELECT * FROM pregunta WHERE activa = 1 AND idcuestionario = '{$cuestionario}' AND geoconsenso = 1 ORDER BY idpregunta ASC"; $result = pg_query($query_Idpreguntas) or die('La consulta fallo: ' . pg_last_error()); for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_rows($result); ++$i) { $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i); $matrizidpreguntas[] = $row["idpregunta"]; $matrizPgtas[] = array('idpregunta' => $row["idpregunta"], 'idcuestionario' => $row["idcuestionario"], 'tiporesp' => $row["tiporesp"], 'geoconsenso' => $row["geoconsenso"], 'activa' => $row["activa"], 'x_cen' => $row["x_cen"], 'y_cen' => $row["y_cen"], 'dist_ini' => $row["dist_ini"]); } $matrizGids = array(); $idP = 0; for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($matrizPgtas); $ii++) { $idPregta = $matrizPgtas[$ii]["idpregunta"]; $idP = $idP + 1; $query = "SELECT a.gid as gida, b.gid as gidb, ST_Distance(ST_Transform(a.the_geom,900913), ST_Transform(b.the_geom,900913)) \n\t\t\tas dist, a.the_geom as the_geom, b.the_geom as the_geomb, a.x as x_a, a.y as y_a, a.z as z_a, b.x as x_b, b.y as y_b, b.z as z_b, a.idpanel as idpanel\n\t\t\tFROM respuesta a INNER JOIN respuesta b ON a.gid != b.gid WHERE a.idpregunta='{$idPregta}' AND a.estado=1 AND b.idpregunta='{$idPregta}' AND b.estado=1 \n\t\t\tORDER BY gida ASC"; $result = pg_query($query) or die('La consulta fallo: ' . pg_last_error()); $matrizDistancias1p = array(); if (pg_num_rows($result) >= 3) { // crea un array por cada pregunta con todas los vectores de distancias, es decir selecciona todas // las opiniones o respuestas a una solo prgunta
<!doctype html> <html lang="es"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <?php function cambia(&$num) { $num = 9; } $x = 7; cambia($x); echo "<p>{$x}</p>"; $array = array("Juan" => 9, "Diego" => 8.99, "Victor" => 9.02, "Rafa" => 3); asort($array); print_r($array); $b = array_keys($array); print_r($array); print_r($b); ?> </body> </html>
<?php include "proxies/required.php"; $idPgta = isset($_GET['idPgta']) ? $_GET['idPgta'] : ""; $idPanel = isset($_GET['idPgtaPanel']) ? $_GET['idPgtaPanel'] : ""; $cuestionario = cambia($_COOKIE["cookie_cuestionarios0"], true); $strCnx = "host={$host} port={$port} dbname={$db} user={$user} password={$passwd}"; $conbd = pg_connect($strCnx) or die('No se ha podido conectar: ' . pg_last_error()); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT idpregunta, idpanel, mediana, the_geom, x, y, z, areacons, fecha, idcons,\tidcuestionario,\tiduser \n\tFROM consensos WHERE idcuestionario = '{$cuestionario}' AND idpregunta = '{$idPgta}' ORDER BY idpanel ASC, fecha ASC"; $result = pg_query($query) or die('La consulta fallo: ' . pg_last_error()); $registros = pg_num_rows($result); if ($registros > 0) { $arr0 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $registros; $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i); $arr0 = array('idpregunta' => $row["idpregunta"], 'idpanel' => $row["idpanel"], 'mediana' => $row["mediana"], 'the_geom' => $row["the_geom"], 'x' => $row["x"], 'y' => $row["y"], 'z' => $row["z"], 'areacons' => $row["areacons"], 'idcons' => $row["idcons"], 'idcuestionario' => $row["idcuestionario"], 'iduser' => $row["iduser"], 'fecha' => date("d M Y, H:m:s", $row["fecha"])); } $ar = $arr0["mediana"]; $xa = $arr0["x"]; $ya = $arr0["y"]; $arCon = $arr0["areacons"]; pg_free_result($result); $query = "SELECT * FROM respuesta as A WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(" . $xa . " " . $ya . ")', 4326)::geography, A.the_geom::geography," . $ar . ") AND idpregunta= " . $idPgta . " AND estado=1 ORDER BY fecha DESC"; $result = pg_query($query) or die('La consulta fallo: ' . pg_last_error()); $registros = pg_num_rows($result); $arr1 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $registros; $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i); $area = 0; $idUser = $row["iduser"]; $query2 = "SELECT areacons, mediana FROM consensos WHERE idpregunta = {$idPgta} AND iduser = {$idUser} ORDER BY fecha DESC LIMIT 1";