function calcshippingfee($totalweight, $ebay_countryname, $ebayid, $ebay_account, $ebay_total) { global $dbConn, $user, $__liquid_items_postbyhkpost, $__liquid_items_postbyfedex, $__liquid_items_cptohkpost, $__liquid_items_elecsku, $global_countrycn_coutryen, $__elecsku_countrycn_array, $GLOBAL_EBAY_ACCOUNT, $__liquid_items_fenmocsku, $__liquid_items_BuiltinBattery, $__liquid_items_SuperSpecific, $__liquid_items_Paste, $SYSTEM_ACCOUNTS; $g_account = str_replace(',', '', $ebay_account); $ss = "delete from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' "; $dbConn->query($ss); $shippment_hkpost_directly = false; $shippment_fedex_directly = false; $shippment_cptohkpost = false; //$shippment_elec_directly = false; ############single line item order中如果有液体的产品直接设为香港小包###########1/2 ####added by john 2012-05-16 $ss = "select ebay_ordersn,ebay_orderid,ebay_couny,ebay_currency from ebay_order where ebay_id ={$ebayid} "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); $ebay_ordersn = $ss[0]['ebay_ordersn']; $ebay_orderid = $ss[0]['ebay_orderid']; $ebay_couny = $ss[0]['ebay_couny']; $ebay_currency = $ss[0]['ebay_currency']; $ss = "select sku,ebay_itemprice from ebay_orderdetail where ebay_ordersn ='{$ebay_ordersn}'"; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); $sku_arr = array(); $eub_to_py = false; //包含单价小于等于五的料号 foreach ($ss as $_ss) { if (function_exists("get_realskuinfo")) { $skus = get_realskuinfo($_ss['sku']); foreach ($skus as $k => $n) { //支持组合料号 $sku_arr[] = trim($k); } } else { $sku_arr[] = trim($_ss['sku']); } /* add by Herman.Xi @2013-07-16 */ if ($_ss['ebay_itemprice'] <= 5) { $eub_to_py = true; } } $array_intersect_elec = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_elecsku); $array_intersect_gaoji = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_postbyfedex); $array_intersect_zhijiayou = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_cptohkpost); $array_intersect_yieti = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_postbyhkpost); $array_intersect_fenmocsku = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_fenmocsku); $array_intersect_BuiltinBattery = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_BuiltinBattery); $array_intersect_SuperSpecific = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_SuperSpecific); $array_intersect_Paste = array_intersect($sku_arr, $__liquid_items_Paste); /*if(count($array_intersect_elec) > 0 && in_array($global_countrycn_coutryen[$ebay_countryname],$__elecsku_countrycn_array)){ $shippment_elec_directly = true; echo "料号[ ".join(', ', $array_intersect_elec)." ]为电子类产品,运到[ ".$global_countrycn_coutryen[$ebay_countryname]." ]需要直接走香港小包\n"; }else */ if (count($array_intersect_gaoji) > 0) { $shippment_fedex_directly = true; echo "料号[ " . join(', ', $array_intersect_gaoji) . " ]为高级产品,需要直接走FedEx\n"; } else { if (count($array_intersect_zhijiayou) > 0) { $shippment_cptohkpost = true; echo "料号[ " . join(', ', $array_intersect_zhijiayou) . " ]为指甲油产品,需要直接走香港小包\n"; } else { if (count($array_intersect_yieti) > 0) { $shippment_hkpost_directly = true; echo "料号[ " . join(', ', $array_intersect_yieti) . " ]为液体产品,需要直接走中国邮政\n"; } } } ############single line item order中如果有液体的产品直接设为香港小包###########1/2 ############ebay设置特定国家走挂号,包含特殊料号走平邮,超过70走挂号,币种为美元和英镑###########START //ADD BY Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-02 $ecsql = "select countrys from ebay_cpghcalcfee where ebay_user='******' and name in ('第六组','第七组','第八组','第九组','第十组') "; $ecresult = $dbConn->query($ecsql); $ecarr = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ecresult); $spec_countries = array('Turkey', 'Korea', 'North', 'Russian Federation', 'Spain', 'Armenia', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Vietnam', 'Palestine'); $ec_countries = array(); foreach ($ecarr as $ecline) { $strarr = array_filter(explode(',', $ecline['countrys'])); foreach ($strarr as $line) { if (trim($line) != 'Puerto Rico') { //波多黎各不挂号,add by herman.Xi @ 20130801 $ec_countries[] = trim($line); } } } $union_countries = array_merge($spec_countries, $ec_countries); ############ebay设置特定国家走挂号,包含特殊料号走平邮,超过70走挂号,币种为美元和英镑###########END $ss = "select * from ebay_carrier where ebay_user ='******' and country not like '%{$ebay_countryname}%'"; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ss); $i++) { $shipfee = 0; $name = $ss[$i]['name']; $kg = $ss[$i]['kg']; $handlefee = $ss[$i]['handlefee']; $id = $ss[$i]['id']; $rate = $ss[$i]['rate']; $min = $ss[$i]['min']; // 是否满足挂号条件 if ($name == '香港小包挂号') { $shipfee = calchkghpost($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); /*if(($ebay_total >= $min) || (in_array($ebay_couny, array('AR','BR','PE','CL','PY','BO','EC','GF','CO','GY','SR','UY','VE','RU')) && ($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0))){ $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) values('$name','$shipfee','$id','$ebayid','$totalweight')"; echo "$name:$shipfee\n"; $dbConn->query($gg); }*/ if ($ebay_total >= $min) { $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t values('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; echo "{$name}:{$shipfee}\n"; $dbConn->query($gg); } } /****************************************************/ if ($name == '香港小包平邮') { $shipfee = calchkpost($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); echo "{$name}:{$shipfee}\n"; $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); } if ($name == 'EUB' && ($ebay_countryname == 'United States' || $ebay_countryname == 'US')) { $discount = $ss[$i]['discount'] ? $ss[$i]['discount'] : 1; if ($totalweight <= 0.06) { $shipfee = 80 * 0.06 + 7; } else { $shipfee = 80 * $totalweight + 7; } $shipfee = $shipfee * $discount; $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); echo "{$name}:{$shipfee}\n"; } if ($name == '中国邮政平邮') { $shipfee = calcchinapostpy($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); if ($shipfee !== false) { $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; if ($dbConn->query($gg)) { } else { echo "Fail : {$gg}\n"; } echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间: {$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } else { echo "{$ebay_countryname} 未开通中国邮政平邮\n"; } } if ($name == '中国邮政挂号') { $shipfee = calcchinapostgh($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); if ($shipfee !== false) { $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; if ($dbConn->query($gg)) { } else { echo "Fail : {$gg}\n"; } echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间: {$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } else { echo "{$ebay_countryname} 未开通中国邮政挂号\n"; } } if ($name == 'EMS') { $dd = "SELECT * FROM `ebay_emscalcfee` where countrys like '%{$ebay_countryname}%' "; $dd = $dbConn->query($dd); $dd = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($dd); $firstweight = $dd[0]['firstweight']; $nextweight = $dd[0]['nextweight']; $discount = $dd[0]['discount']; $firstweight0 = $dd[0]['firstweight0']; $files = $dd[0]['files']; $declared_value = $dd[0]['declared_value']; if ($files == '1' && $totalweight <= 0.5) { $firstweight = $firstweight0; } if ($totalweight <= 0.5) { $shipfee = $firstweight; } else { $shipfee = ceil(($totalweight * 1000 - 500) / 500) * $nextweight + $firstweight; } $shipfee = $shipfee * $discount + $declared_value; if ($totalweight > 0) { $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); } echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间:{$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } if ($name == 'FedEx') { if ($shippment_cptohkpost === true || count($array_intersect_fenmocsku) > 0 || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0) { echo "包含特殊料号不走联邦!\n"; //add by Herman.Xi } else { $shipfee = calcfedex($totalweight, $ebay_countryname, $ebayid); $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间:{$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } } if ($name == 'Global Mail' && in_array($g_account, $SYSTEM_ACCOUNTS['海外销售平台'])) { $shipfee = calcglobalmail($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间:{$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } if ($name == 'DHL') { $shipfee = calcdhlshippingfee($totalweight, $ebay_countryname); $gg = "insert into ebay_lishicalcfee(name,value,shippingid,orderid,totalweight) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('{$name}','{$shipfee}','{$id}','{$ebayid}','{$totalweight}')"; $dbConn->query($gg); echo "{$name} : {$shipfee} 满足重量区间:{$totalweight} 如果有重量区间,则以后面重量计算\n"; } } //sleep(10);//主从同步延时 $ss = "select * from ebay_carrier where ebay_account like '%{$ebay_account}%'"; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); $ff = 0; if (count($ss) > 0) { $ff = 1; } $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name !='EUB' order by value asc "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); /*##############中国邮政挂号(总价大于40走挂号)#############START if ($ebay_total > 40){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = '中国邮政挂号' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } ##############Global Mail(海外销售专走)#############START if (in_array($g_account, $SYSTEM_ACCOUNTS['海外销售平台'])){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else ##############(sunwebzone,enjoy24hours,charmday88,betterdeals255,360beauty这5个账号除了以上的设置,还需要额外对US站点进行以下修改:针对第6点,ERP在同步订单的时候,订单金额(不包含运费)小于等于5.00(不限币种),发货国家为美国或者波多黎各时,自动选择一个最便宜的运输方式,不受EUB影响#############START if (in_array($g_account, array('sunwebzone','enjoy24hours','charmday88','betterdeals255','360beauty')) && ($ebay_countryname == 'United States' || $ebay_countryname == 'US' || $ebay_countryname == 'Puerto Rico') && $eub_to_py){ if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ if($ebay_total >= 70 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } }else{ if($ebay_total > 40 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政平邮' order by value asc "; } } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else ##############EUB(EBAY US 站点)#############START if($ff == 1 && ($ebay_countryname == 'United States' || $ebay_countryname == 'US' || $ebay_countryname == 'Puerto Rico')){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'EUB' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else ##############FedEx(包含单个超重料号或者贵重SKU)#############START if ($shippment_fedex_directly===true){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = 'FedEx' order by value asc "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else //modified by Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-08 if(in_array($g_account,array('betterdeals255','dealinthebox','easytrade2099','bestinthebox','fiveseason88','befdi','enicer','mysoulfor','newcandy789','estore456','eseasky68','swzeagoo','happyzone80','infourseas','emallzone','unicecho','vobeau','blessedness365'))){ if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ if($ebay_total >= 70 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } }else{ if($ebay_total > 40 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政平邮' order by value asc "; } } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else //以下这些国家在同步订单的时候,金额大于10才挂号寄出,不管什么币种都行 //Japan,Korea, South,Malaysia,Singapore,Portugal,Czech Republic,Italy,Israel,Ireland if(in_array($ebay_countryname, array('Japan','Korea, South','Malaysia','Singapore','Portugal','Czech Republic','Italy','Israel','Ireland')) && $ebay_total > 10){ if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ if($ebay_total >= 70 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else //南美洲国家开放走挂号,特殊料号走香港小包挂号 //modified by Herman.Xi @ 2013.05.28 //if(in_array($ebay_couny, array('AR','BR','PE','CL','PY','BO','EC','GF','CO','GY','SR','UY','VE','RU'))){ if(in_array($ebay_countryname, $union_countries) && in_array($ebay_currency, array('GBP','USD'))){//指定的这些国家,并且订单币种为美元和英镑 Modified by Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-02 if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ if($ebay_total >= 70 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }else ##############液体(不含指甲油)SKU(中国邮政转香港小包)#############START ##############指甲油SKU(中国邮政转香港小包)#############START ##############电子类产品SKU(指定国家的订单 走香港小包)#############START ##############内置电池SKU(中国邮政转香港小包)#############START ##############膏状SKU(中国邮政转香港小包)#############START //add by Herman.Xi 2013-03-14 if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly ===true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ if($ebay_total >= 70 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }*/ //implode("\n", $dbConn->error)."\n\n"; //modified by Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-18 23:45 所有订单按照原始逻辑判断最优运输方式计算 ##############Global Mail(海外销售专走)#############START //modified by Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-20 9:44 走意大利和包含特殊料号的订单保留原GM运输方式,非意大利国家订单不包含特殊料号走中国邮政平邮(只限于cndirect55,futurestar99) /*if (in_array($g_account, $SYSTEM_ACCOUNTS['海外销售平台'])){ //add by Herman.Xi @ 20130725 小语种账号 1 欧元 冲销量 走中国邮政平邮 if(in_array($g_account, array('cndirect998','easydealhere','tradekoo','allbestforu','easydeal365','enjoytrade99','freemart21cn','ishop2099')) && $ebay_total == 1 && $ebay_currency == 'EUR'){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政平邮' order by value asc "; }else //add by Herman.Xi @ 2013-07-24 eshoppingstar75,ishoppingclub68 两个账号,已经账号easyshopping095 当国家为美国是走联邦 if((in_array($g_account, array('eshoppingstar75','ishoppingclub68'))) || (in_array($g_account, array('easyshopping095')) && ($ebay_countryname == 'United States' || $ebay_countryname == 'US'))){ if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || count($array_intersect_fenmocsku) > 0 || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = 'FedEx' order by value asc "; } }else if ($ebay_countryname!='Italia'){ if ($shippment_fedex_directly===true){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name = 'FedEx' order by value asc "; }else if(in_array($g_account, array('cndirect55','futurestar99','easydeal365','cndirect998'))){ if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; }else{ if($ebay_total > 40 ){ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='$ebayid' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政平邮' order by value asc "; } } }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; } }else{ $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='$ebayid' "; } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); }*/ if (in_array($g_account, array('enjoytrade99', 'allbestforu', 'freemart21cn', 'easydealhere')) && in_array($ebay_countryname, array('Deutschland', 'Frankreich', 'Spanien', 'Italien', 'Allemagne', 'France', 'Espagne', 'Italie', 'Alemania', 'Francia', 'España', 'Italia', 'Germania', 'Francia', 'Spagna', 'Italia'))) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'Global Mail' and orderid ='{$ebayid}' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else { ##############FedEx(包含单个超重料号或者贵重SKU)#############START if ($shippment_fedex_directly === true) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name = 'FedEx' order by value asc "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else { /* *(陈小霞)2013-08-31 09:44:11 *帮忙设置下这两个账号总金额(价格+运费)超过5的,发往美国和波多黎各的,改为EUB发货:mysoulfor,newcandy789 *雷贤容 加上 estore456 */ if (in_array($ebay_countryname, array('United States', 'US', 'Puerto Rico')) && $ebay_total >= 5 && in_array($g_account, array('mysoulfor', 'newcandy789', 'estore456'))) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'EUB' and orderid ='{$ebayid}' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else { ##############EUB(EBAY US 站点)#############START if ($ff == 1 && ($ebay_countryname == 'United States' || $ebay_countryname == 'US')) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where name = 'EUB' and orderid ='{$ebayid}' "; $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else { /* *(陈小霞)2013-09-06 09:44:11 *帮忙设置下这些账号的Russian Federation,Russia,Brazil,Brasil,Argentina三个国家总金额超过8的,设置挂号发货,其他账号或者其他国家仍然跟以前一样,中国邮政超过40挂号,香港小包超过70挂号 */ if (in_array($ebay_countryname, array('Russian Federation', 'Russia', 'Brazil', 'Brasil', 'Argentina')) && $ebay_total >= 8 && in_array($g_account, array('365digital', 'digitalzone88', 'itshotsale77', 'cndirect998', 'cndirect55', 'befdi', 'easydeal365', 'enicer', 'doeon', 'starangle88', 'zealdora', '360beauty', 'befashion', 'charmday88', 'dresslink', 'easebon', 'work4best', 'eshop2098', 'happydeal88', 'easytrade2099', 'easyshopping678', 'futurestar99', 'wellchange', 'voguebase55')) && in_array($ebay_currency, array('GBP', 'USD', 'EUR'))) { if ($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0) { //if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ //20130905内置电池不走香港小包 if ($ebay_total >= 70) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; } else { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } } else { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } else { if ($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0) { //if($shippment_cptohkpost === true || $shippment_hkpost_directly === true || count($array_intersect_BuiltinBattery) > 0 || count($array_intersect_Paste) > 0){ //20130905内置电池不走香港小包 if ($ebay_total >= 70) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name ='香港小包挂号' order by value asc "; } else { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name = '香港小包平邮' order by value asc "; } } else { if ($ebay_total > 40) { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政挂号' order by value asc "; } else { $ss = "select * from ebay_lishicalcfee where orderid ='{$ebayid}' and value != '0' and name ='中国邮政平邮' order by value asc "; } } $ss = $dbConn->query($ss); $ss = $dbConn->fetch_array_all($ss); } } } } } $ssname = $ss[0]['name']; $value = $ss[0]['value']; echo "最终使用:{$ssname}---{$value}\n"; $totalweight = $ss[0]['totalweight']; if ($totalweight == 0) { $ssname = "中国邮政平邮"; } //当可能出现总重量为零的情况下将运输方式设置为中国邮政平邮 add by Herman.Xi 2012-11-01 $data = array(); $data[0] = $ssname; $data[1] = $value; $data[2] = $totalweight; return $data; }
function calctrueshippingfee($carrier, $totalweight, $countryname, $orderid) { switch ($carrier) { case '香港小包平邮': $ordershipfee = calchkpost($totalweight, $countryname); break; case '香港小包挂号': $ordershipfee = calchkghpost($totalweight, $countryname); break; case '中国邮政平邮': $ordershipfee = calcchinapostpy($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case '中国邮政挂号': $ordershipfee = calcchinapostgh($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case 'EUB': $ordershipfee = calceub($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case 'EMS': $ordershipfee = calcems($totalweight, $countryname); break; case 'FedEx': $ordershipfee = calcfedex($totalweight, $countryname, $orderid); break; case 'Global Mail': $ordershipfee = calcglobalmail($totalweight, $countryname); break; case 'DHL': $ordershipfee = calcdhlshippingfee($totalweight, $countryname); break; default: $ordershipfee = 0; } return $ordershipfee; }
function calctrueshippingfee($carrier, $totalweight, $countryname, $orderid) { switch ($carrier) { case '香港小包平邮': $ordershipfee = calchkpost($totalweight, $countryname); break; case '香港小包挂号': $ordershipfee = calchkghpost($totalweight, $countryname); break; case '中国邮政平邮': $ordershipfee = calcchinapostpy($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case '中国邮政挂号': $ordershipfee = calcchinapostgh($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case 'EUB': $ordershipfee = calceub($totalweight, $countryname, false); break; case 'EMS': $ordershipfee = calcems($totalweight, $countryname); break; /*case 'FedEx' : $ordershipfee = calcfedex($totalweight,$countryname,$orderid); break;*/ /*case 'FedEx' : $ordershipfee = calcfedex($totalweight,$countryname,$orderid); break;*/ case 'Global Mail': $ordershipfee = calcglobalmail($totalweight, $countryname); break; case 'DHL': $ordershipfee = calcdhlshippingfee($totalweight, $countryname); break; case 'UPS美国专线': $ordershipfee = calcupsus($totalweight, $countryname); break; case 'USPS FirstClass': case 'UPS SurePost': case 'UPS Ground Commercia': $ordershipfee = trans_carriers_fix_get($carrier, $totalweight, $countryname, $zipCode, $transitId); break; case 'FedEx': case '俄速通挂号': case '俄速通平邮': case '新加坡DHL GM平邮': case '新加坡DHL GM挂号': case '俄速通大包': case '瑞士小包平邮': case '瑞士小包挂号': $ordershipfee = trans_carriers_fix_get($carrier, $totalweight, $countryname); break; default: $ordershipfee = 0; } if (in_array($carrier, array('瑞士小包平邮', '瑞士小包挂号', 'USPS FirstClass', 'UPS SurePost', 'UPS Ground Commercia', '俄速通大包', '新加坡DHL GM平邮', '新加坡DHL GM挂号', 'FedEx', '俄速通挂号', '俄速通平邮'))) { $ordershipfee = $ordershipfee['totalFee']; } return $ordershipfee; }