function scan_area($sector, $range)
    $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM s_sectors WHERE id={$sector}");
    $sector = sql_fetchrow($result);
    echo "<table align=center border=1>\n";
    echo "  <tr><th colspan=4>Scanning from origin " . $sector['name'] . " ( " . $sector['distance'] . " / " . $sector['angle'] . " ) @ " . $range . " lightyears</th></tr>\n";
    echo "  <tr><td>Name</td><td>Race</td><td>D / A</td><td>Range</td></tr>\n";
    $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM g_vessels ORDER BY user_id");
    while ($vessel = sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $result2 = sql_query("SELECT * FROM s_species WHERE user_id = " . $vessel['user_id']);
        $race = sql_fetchrow($result2);
        if ($vessel['sector_id'] == 0) {
            $distance = calc_distance($sector['distance'], $sector['angle'], $vessel['distance'], $vessel['angle']);
            if ($distance <= $range) {
                echo "<tr><td>" . $vessel['name'] . " (" . $vessel['sector_id'] . ")</td><td>" . $race['name'] . "</td><td>" . $vessel['distance'] . " / " . $vessel['angle'] . "</td><td>" . $distance . "</td></tr>\n";
        } else {
            $result2 = sql_query("SELECT * FROM s_sectors WHERE id=" . $vessel['sector_id']);
            $vessel_sector = sql_fetchrow($result2);
            $distance = calc_distance($sector['distance'], $sector['angle'], $vessel_sector['distance'], $vessel_sector['angle']);
            if ($distance <= $range) {
                echo "<tr><td>" . $vessel['name'] . " (" . $vessel['sector_id'] . ")</td><td>" . $race['name'] . "</td><td>SECTOR: " . $vessel_sector['distance'] . " / " . $vessel_sector['angle'] . "</td><td>" . $distance . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "</table>";
    print "<br><br>";
Exemple #2
 function rasterUTM_Map($UTMzoneUpLeft, $UTMlatZoneUpLeft, $MAP_TOP, $MAP_LEFT, $UTMzoneBottomRight, $UTMlatZoneBottomRight, $MAP_BOTTOM, $MAP_RIGHT, $rasterFilename, $pixelWidth = 0, $pixelHeight = 0)
     global $moduleRelPath, $mapsPath;
     $this->MAP_TOP = $MAP_TOP;
     $this->MAP_LEFT = $MAP_LEFT;
     $this->MAP_BOTTOM = $MAP_BOTTOM;
     $this->MAP_RIGHT = $MAP_RIGHT;
     $this->UTMzoneUpLeft = $UTMzoneUpLeft;
     $this->UTMzoneBottomRight = $UTMzoneBottomRight;
     $this->UTMlatZoneUpLeft = $UTMlatZoneUpLeft;
     $this->UTMlatZoneBottomRight = $UTMlatZoneBottomRight;
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "new rasterUTM_Map(): (right, left) :" . $MAP_RIGHT . " [" . $UTMzoneBottomRight . "] ," . $MAP_LEFT . "[" . $UTMzoneUpLeft . "]#<BR>");
     if ($this->UTMzoneUpLeft == $this->UTMzoneBottomRight) {
         // one UTM zone -> simple
         $this->mapWidthMeters = $this->MAP_RIGHT - $this->MAP_LEFT;
     } else {
         // transform to latlon
         list($max_lon, $max_lat) = iutm($MAP_LEFT, $MAP_TOP, $UTMzoneUpLeft, $UTMlatZoneUpLeft);
         list($min_lon, $min_lat) = iutm($MAP_RIGHT, $MAP_BOTTOM, $UTMzoneBottomRight, $UTMlatZoneBottomRight);
         // TEST MANOLIS
         $this->min_lat = $min_lat;
         $BottomRight_zoneWidth = getUTMZoneWidth($min_lat);
         $this->MAP_RIGHT = $this->MAP_RIGHT + $BottomRight_zoneWidth;
         $this->UTMzoneBottomRight = $this->UTMzoneUpLeft;
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "rasterUTM_Map: flight spans to multiple UTM zones<BR>");
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "rasterUTM_Map: min_lat:{$min_lat}, min_lon:{$min_lon}, max_lat:{$max_lat}, max_lon:{$max_lon} <BR>");
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "rasterUTM_Map: MAP (right, left) :" . $this->MAP_RIGHT . " [" . $this->UTMzoneBottomRight . "] ," . $MAP_LEFT . "[" . $UTMzoneUpLeft . "]#<BR>");
         $totalWidth1 = calc_distance($min_lat, $min_lon, $min_lat, $max_lon);
         $totalWidth2 = calc_distance($max_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon);
         $totalWidth = max($totalWidth1, $totalWidth2);
         $this->mapWidthMeters = $totalWidth;
     $this->mapHeightMeters = $this->MAP_TOP - $this->MAP_BOTTOM;
     if ($rasterFilename == "") {
         $this->pixelWidth = $pixelWidth;
         $this->pixelHeight = $pixelHeight;
     } else {
         $this->rasterFilename = $mapsPath . "/" . $rasterFilename;
         $this->img = 0;
         $this->img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->rasterFilename);
         if (!$this->img) {
             // failed to open jpeg
             $this->pixelWidth = 0;
             $this->pixelHeight = 0;
             // DEBUG("MAP",1,"jpg not found: ".$this->rasterFilename);
         } else {
             $this->pixelWidth = imagesx($this->img);
             $this->pixelHeight = imagesy($this->img);
     if ($this->pixelWidth > 0) {
         $this->metersPerPixel = $this->mapWidthMeters / $this->pixelWidth;
     } else {
         $this->metersPerPixel = 0;
     // echo "metersPerPixel : ".$this->metersPerPixel."<BR>";
function sector_show_all_sectors($user_id)
    global $_RUN;
    $homesector = sector_get_sector(user_get_home_sector($user_id));
    // Get all anomaly counts from the sectors the user has discovered. We DONT want to count
    // the anomalies that the user did not already discovered. Hence the big SQL statement :)
    $result = sql_query("SELECT a.sector_id, COUNT(*) AS qty FROM s_anomalies AS a, g_anomalies AS g WHERE g.user_id = " . $user_id . " AND ( FIND_IN_SET(, g.csl_discovered_id ) OR FIND_IN_SET(, g.csl_undiscovered_id) ) GROUP BY a.sector_id");
    while ($count = sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $anomaly_count[$count['sector_id']] = $count['qty'];
    $result = sql_query("SELECT s.* FROM s_sectors AS s, g_sectors AS g WHERE g.user_id = " . $user_id . " AND FIND_IN_SET(, g.csl_sector_id)");
    while ($sector = sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $distance = calc_distance($homesector['distance'], $homesector['angle'], $sector['distance'], $sector['angle']);
        if ($sector['user_id'] == 0) {
            $owner = '<font color=red>unclaimed</font>';
        } else {
            $tmp = user_get_user($sector['user_id']);
            $owner = $tmp['race'];
        $tmp = array();
        $tmp['href'] = "sector.php?cmd=" . encrypt_get_vars("show") . "&sid=" . encrypt_get_vars($sector['id']);
        $tmp['id'] = $sector['sector'];
        $tmp['name'] = $sector['name'];
        $tmp['qty'] = $anomaly_count[$sector['id']];
        $tmp['owner'] = $owner;
        $tmp['coordinate'] = $sector['distance'] . " / " . $sector['angle'];
        $tmp['distance'] = round($distance);
        $tmp['unround_distance'] = $distance;
        $sector_rows[] = $tmp;
    uasort($sector_rows, "show_all_sectors_cmp");
    print_subtitle("All known sectors and their planets");
    foreach ($sector_rows as $sector) {
        $tmp = array();
        $tmp['id'] = $sector['id'];
        $tmp['name'] = $sector['name'];
        $tmp['qty'] = $sector['qty'];
        $tmp['owner'] = $sector['owner'];
        $tmp['coordinate'] = $sector['coordinate'];
        $tmp['distance'] = $sector['distance'];
        $tmp['href'] = $sector['href'];
        $tmpvar[] = $tmp;
    $template = new Smarty();
    $template->debugging = true;
    $template->assign("sectors", $tmpvar);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['pager_pos'])) {
        $template->assign("pager_pos", $_REQUEST['pager_pos']);
    } else {
        $template->assign("pager_pos", 0);
    $template->assign("theme_path", $_RUN['theme_path']);
    $template->display($_RUN['theme_path'] . "/sectors-all.tpl");
function calc_sector_ticks($src_d, $src_a, $dst_d, $dst_a, $warp)
    assert($src_d >= 0);
    assert($src_a >= 0 && $src_a <= 360000);
    assert($dst_d >= 0);
    assert($dst_a >= 0 && $dst_a <= 360000);
    assert($warp >= 0 && $warp <= 100);
    global $_CONFIG;
    if ($warp == 0) {
        return 0;
    $ticks = calc_distance($src_d, $src_a, $dst_d, $dst_a);
    $ticks = $ticks * (100 / ($warp / 10) / 10);
    $ticks = round($ticks / $_CONFIG['warp_dividor']);
    return $ticks;
Exemple #5
function auto_defence_oasis($home_x, $home_y, $defence_unit, $defence_unit_speed)
    global $server;
    $url = "http://{$server}/build.php?gid=16";
    $ch = my_curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    $res = get_defence_oasis($result);
    if (empty($res)) {
        return false;
    foreach ($res as &$a) {
        $x = $a[0];
        $y = $a[1];
        $remain = $a[2];
        $arrive = $a[3];
        $distance = calc_distance($home_x, $home_y, $x, $y);
        $need_time = 3600 * $distance / $defence_unit_speed;
        $wait_time = $remain - $need_time;
        array_push($a, $wait_time);
    usort($res, "cmp");
    $last_wait_time = 0;
    foreach ($res as $b) {
        $x = $b[0];
        $y = $b[1];
        $arrive = $b[3];
        $wait_time = $b[4];
        // too late
        if ($wait_time < 0) {
            echo "wait time < 0\n";
        // 20 minutes
        if ($wait_time - $last_wait_time > 1200) {
            echo "wait time - last wait time > 1200\n";
        $arrive2 = minus_time_str($arrive, 30);
        echo "raid {$x}, {$y} {$arrive2}\n";
        raid($x, $y, array($defence_unit => 2), $arrive2);
        $last_wait_time = $wait_time;
Exemple #6
function getUTMZoneWidth($lat)
    // central meridian of zone ?
    $central = 0;
    $zone_distance = calc_distance($lat, $central, $lat, $central + 6);
    DEBUG("UTM", 64, "Zone_distance at lat: {$lat} = {$zone_distance}<br>");
    return $zone_distance;
 function getMapFromServer($num = 0)
     global $moduleRelPath, $mapServerActive;
     if (!$mapServerActive) {
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_map.php";
     $filename = $this->getIGCFilename(1);
     $lines = @file($filename);
     if (!$lines) {
     $i = 0;
     $min_lat = 1000;
     $max_lat = -1000;
     $min_lon = 1000;
     $max_lon = -1000;
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $line = trim($line);
         if (strlen($line) == 0) {
         if ($line[0] == 'B') {
             $thisPoint = new gpsPoint($line, $this->timezone);
             if ($thisPoint->lat > $max_lat) {
                 $max_lat = $thisPoint->lat;
             if ($thisPoint->lat < $min_lat) {
                 $min_lat = $thisPoint->lat;
             if ($thisPoint->lon > $max_lon) {
                 $max_lon = $thisPoint->lon;
             if ($thisPoint->lon < $min_lon) {
                 $min_lon = $thisPoint->lon;
     if ($i == 0) {
     // no B records found
     $lat_diff = $max_lat - $min_lat;
     $lon_diff = $max_lon - $min_lon;
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP  min_lat: {$min_lat}, min_lon: {$min_lon}, max_lat: {$max_lat}, max_lon: {$max_lon} <BR>");
     if ($lat_diff > 20 || $lon_diff > 20) {
     // too much
     list($MAP_LEFT, $MAP_TOP, $UTMzone, $UTMlatZone) = utm(-$max_lon, $max_lat);
     list($MAP_RIGHT, $MAP_BOTTOM, $UTMzone2, $UTMlatZone2) = utm(-$min_lon, $min_lat);
     $totalWidth1 = calc_distance($min_lat, $min_lon, $min_lat, $max_lon);
     $totalWidth2 = calc_distance($max_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon);
     $totalWidth = max($totalWidth1, $totalWidth2);
     $totalWidth_initial = $totalWidth;
     $totalHeight = $MAP_TOP - $MAP_BOTTOM;
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (right, left) :" . $MAP_RIGHT . " [" . $UTMzone2 . "] ," . $MAP_LEFT . "[" . $UTMzone . "]<BR>");
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (top, bottom) :" . $MAP_TOP . " ," . $MAP_BOTTOM . "<BR>");
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (witdh,height) :" . $totalWidth . "," . $totalHeight . "<BR>");
     if ($totalWidth > $totalHeight) {
         // Landscape  style
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "Landscape style <BR>");
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "totalWidth: {$totalWidth}, totalHeight: {$totalHeight}, totalHeight/totalWidth: " . $totalHeight / $totalWidth . "<br>");
         if ($totalHeight / $totalWidth < 3 / 4) {
             $totalHeight = 3 / 4 * $totalWidth;
     } else {
         // portait style
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "Portait style <BR>");
         DEBUG("MAP", 1, "totalWidth: {$totalWidth}, totalHeight: {$totalHeight}, totalWidth/totalHeight: " . $totalWidth / $totalHeight . "<br>");
         if ($totalWidth / $totalHeight < 3 / 4) {
             $totalWidth = 3 / 4 * $totalHeight;
     $marginHor = 2000 + floor($totalWidth / 20000) * 1000 + ($totalWidth - $totalWidth_initial) / 2;
     //in meters
     $marginVert = 2000 + floor($totalHeight / 20000) * 1000 + ($totalHeight - ($MAP_TOP - $MAP_BOTTOM)) / 2;
     //in meters
     if ($marginHor > $marginVert) {
         // landscape style ...
         if ($marginVert / $marginHor < 3 / 4) {
             $marginVert = 3 / 4 * $marginHor;
     } else {
         // portait style
         if ($marginHor / $marginVert < 3 / 4) {
             $marginHor = 3 / 4 * $marginVert;
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "marginHor: {$marginHor}, marginVert:{$marginVert} <br>");
     $flMap = new flightMap($UTMzone, $UTMlatZone, $MAP_TOP + $marginVert, $MAP_LEFT - $marginHor, $UTMzone2, $UTMlatZone2, $MAP_BOTTOM - $marginVert, $MAP_RIGHT + $marginHor, 600, 800, $this->getIGCFilename(1), $this->getMapFilename(0), $this->is3D());
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP Required m/pixel = " . $flMap->metersPerPixel . "<br>");
function scan_anomalies($vessel_id, $range, $scans, $i)
    list($src_distance, $src_angle) = get_correct_da($vessel_id);
    // Scan for sectors
    $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM s_sectors ORDER BY name");
    while ($sector = sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $distance = calc_distance($src_distance, $src_angle, $sector['distance'], $sector['angle']);
        if ($distance <= $range and $distance != 0) {
            $scans[$i]['str'] = "<tr class=bl><td>&nbsp;Sector&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $sector['name'] . "&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $sector['distance'] . " / " . $sector['angle'] . "&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $distance . "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
            $scans[$i]['range'] = $distance;
    // Scan for wormhole endpoints
    $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM w_wormhole");
    while ($worm = sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $tmp = anomaly_get_anomaly($worm['id']);
        $distance = calc_distance($src_distance, $src_angle, $worm['distance'], $worm['angle']);
        if ($distance <= $range and $distance != 0) {
            $scans[$i]['str'] = "<tr class=bl><td>&nbsp;Wormhole&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $tmp['name'] . "&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $worm['distance'] . " / " . $worm['angle'] . "&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;" . $distance . "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
            $scans[$i]['range'] = $distance;
    return array($scans, $i);
Exemple #9
 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/CL_map.php";
 $min_lat = $_GET[min_lat] + 0;
 $max_lat = $_GET[max_lat] + 0;
 $min_lon = $_GET[min_lon] + 0;
 $max_lon = $_GET[max_lon] + 0;
 $lat_diff = $max_lat - $min_lat;
 $lon_diff = $max_lon - $min_lon;
 DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP  min_lat: {$min_lat}, min_lon: {$min_lon}, max_lat: {$max_lat}, max_lon: {$max_lon} <BR>");
 if ($lat_diff > 20 || $lon_diff > 20) {
 // too much
 list($MAP_LEFT, $MAP_TOP, $UTMzone, $UTMlatZone) = utm(-$max_lon, $max_lat);
 list($MAP_RIGHT, $MAP_BOTTOM, $UTMzone2, $UTMlatZone2) = utm(-$min_lon, $min_lat);
 $totalWidth1 = calc_distance($min_lat, $min_lon, $min_lat, $max_lon);
 $totalWidth2 = calc_distance($max_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon);
 $totalWidth = max($totalWidth1, $totalWidth2);
 $totalWidth_initial = $totalWidth;
 $totalHeight = $MAP_TOP - $MAP_BOTTOM;
 DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (right, left) :" . $MAP_RIGHT . " [" . $UTMzone2 . "] ," . $MAP_LEFT . "[" . $UTMzone . "]<BR>");
 DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (top, bottom) :" . $MAP_TOP . " ," . $MAP_BOTTOM . "<BR>");
 DEBUG("MAP", 1, "MAP (witdh,height) :" . $totalWidth . "," . $totalHeight . "<BR>");
 if ($totalWidth > $totalHeight) {
     // Landscape  style
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "Landscape style <BR>");
     DEBUG("MAP", 1, "totalWidth: {$totalWidth}, totalHeight: {$totalHeight}, totalHeight/totalWidth: " . $totalHeight / $totalWidth . "<br>");
     if ($totalHeight / $totalWidth < 3 / 4) {
         $totalHeight = 3 / 4 * $totalWidth;
 } else {
     // portait style
Exemple #10
function get_nearest_airport($data)
    $x = $data['user']['x'];
    $y = $data['user']['y'];
    $closeness = 1.0;
    $nearest = NULL;
    $nearest_dist = 0;
    $others = array();
    //TODO: Sanitize this! Toss geolookups into Db.
    $lower_x = (double) $x - $closeness;
    $lower_y = (double) $y - $closeness;
    $upper_x = (double) $x + $closeness;
    $upper_y = (double) $y + $closeness;
    $query = "select * from airports where x >= {$lower_x} and x <= {$upper_x} and y >= {$lower_y} and y <= {$upper_y}";
    $db = new Db();
    $sites = $db->performQuery($query)['data'];
    if (empty($sites)) {
        throw new Exception("You don't appear to be at an airport. Or near one. Or even within 70 miles of a far one. Awkward :/");
    foreach ($sites as $site) {
        $dist = calc_distance(array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y), array('x' => $site['x'], 'y' => $site['y']));
        $site['dist'] = $dist;
        if (empty($nearest) || $dist < $nearest_dist) {
            if (!empty($nearest)) {
                $others[] = $nearest;
            $nearest = $site;
            $nearest_dist = $dist;
        } else {
            $others[] = $site;
    $data['nearest'] = $nearest;
    $data['others'] = $others;
    return $data;
Exemple #11
 function calc_all_distance($res)
     $user_id = get_sess_userid();
     $user_lat = get_session("position_y");
     $user_long = get_session("position_x");
     $deal = false;
     $isNull = empty($user_lat) || empty($user_long);
     if (is_array($res)) {
         if (array_key_exists("user_id", $res)) {
             if ($res["user_id"] == $user_id) {
                 $res["distance_to_me"] = 0;
                 $deal = true;
         if (!$deal && array_key_exists("position_x", $res) && array_key_exists("position_y", $res)) {
             $x = $res["position_x"];
             $y = $res["position_y"];
             if ($isNull || empty($x) || empty($y)) {
                 $res["distance_to_me"] = rand(1000, 100000);
                 $deal = true;
             } else {
                 $res["distance_to_me"] = calc_distance($y, $x, $user_lat, $user_long);
                 $deal = true;
         if (!$deal) {
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 $isSameUser = false;
                 if (array_key_exists("user_id", $value)) {
                     if ($value["user_id"] == $user_id) {
                         $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = 0;
                         $isSameUser = true;
                 if (!$isSameUser && array_key_exists("position_x", $value) && array_key_exists("position_y", $value)) {
                     $x = $value["position_x"];
                     $y = $value["position_y"];
                     if ($isNull || empty($x) || empty($y)) {
                         $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = rand(1000, 100000);
                     } else {
                         $res[$key]["distance_to_me"] = calc_distance($y, $x, $user_id, $user_long);
     return $res;