function dynamic_menu_content() { $cache_name = user_is_logged_in() ? 'logged_in_' . $_SESSION['class'] : 'guest'; if (cache_start($cache_name, CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_DYNAMIC, CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_MENU_GROUP)) { $entries = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT title, internal_page, permalink, url, visibility FROM dynamic_menu WHERE ' . (user_is_logged_in() ? 'min_user_class <= ' . $_SESSION['class'] . ' AND (visibility = "private" OR visibility = "both")' : 'visibility = "public" OR visibility = "both"') . ' ORDER BY priority DESC'); foreach ($entries as $entry) { echo ' <li> <a href="', $entry['internal_page'] ? CONFIG_SITE_URL . 'content?show=' . $entry['permalink'] : htmlspecialchars($entry['url']), '">', htmlspecialchars($entry['title']), '</a> </li> '; } cache_end($cache_name, CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_MENU_GROUP); } }
<?php require '../include/'; validate_id($_GET['id']); head('User details'); if (cache_start('user_' . $_GET['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_USER)) { $user = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT u.team_name, u.competing, co.country_name, co.country_code FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id WHERE = :user_id', array('user_id' => $_GET['id'])); section_head(htmlspecialchars($user['team_name']), country_flag_link($user['country_name'], $user['country_code'], true), false); if (!$user['competing']) { message_inline_blue('This user is listed as a non-competitor.'); } $challenges = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT ca.title, (SELECT SUM(ch.points) FROM challenges AS ch JOIN submissions AS s ON s.challenge = AND s.user_id = :user_id AND s.correct = 1 WHERE ch.category = GROUP BY ch.category) AS points, (SELECT SUM(ch.points) FROM challenges AS ch WHERE ch.category = GROUP BY ch.category) AS category_total FROM categories AS ca ORDER BY ca.title ASC', array('user_id' => $_GET['id'])); $user_total = 0; $ctf_total = 0; foreach ($challenges as $challenge) { echo '<strong>', htmlspecialchars($challenge['title']), '</strong>, ', number_format($challenge['points']), ' / ', number_format($challenge['category_total']), ' (', round($challenge['points'] / max(1, $challenge['category_total']) * 100), '%)';
$hint1 = db_select_one('purchases', array('*'), array('hid' => $hint['id'], 'uid' => $_SESSION['id'])); if ($hint1['value'] > 0) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } else { echo '<p><a href="actions/hints.php?action=purchase&id=' . $hint['id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs btn-info">Purchase hint</a><strong> [This hint is available for purchase at ' . $hint['value'] . ' points.]</strong></p>'; } } } cache_end('hints_challenge_' . $challenge['id']); } if ($remaining_submissions) { if ($challenge['num_submissions'] && !$challenge['automark'] && $challenge['marked']) { message_inline_blue('Your submission is awaiting manual marking.'); } // write out files if (cache_start('files_' . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_FILES)) { $files = db_select_all('files', array('id', 'title', 'size'), array('challenge' => $challenge['id'])); $filesDuplicate = db_select_all('files', array('id', 'title', 'size'), array('challenge' => $challenge['cloneOf'])); if (count($files) || count($filesDuplicate)) { print_attachments($files); print_attachments($filesDuplicate); } cache_end('files_' . $challenge['id']); } echo ' <div class="challenge-submit"> <form method="post" class="form-flag" action="actions/challenges"> <textarea name="flag" type="text" class="flag-input form-control" placeholder="Please enter flag for challenge: ', htmlspecialchars($challenge['title']), '"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="challenge" value="', htmlspecialchars($challenge['id']), '" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit_flag" />'; form_xsrf_token();
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); header('Content-type: application/json'); if (!isset($_GET['view'])) { echo json_error(lang_get('please_request_view')); exit; } if ($_GET['view'] == 'scoreboard') { if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_SCORES_JSON, CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_SCORES)) { json_scoreboard(array_get($_GET, 'user_type')); cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_SCORES_JSON); } } else { echo json_error(lang_get('please_request_view')); exit; }
<?php require '../include/'; validate_id($_GET['id']); head('Challenge details'); if (cache_start('challenge_' . $_GET['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_CHALLENGE)) { $challenge = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT ch.title, ch.description, ch.available_from AS challenge_available_from, ca.title AS category_title, ca.available_from AS category_available_from FROM challenges AS ch LEFT JOIN categories AS ca ON = ch.category WHERE = :id', array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if (empty($challenge)) { message_generic('Sorry', 'No challenge found with this ID', false); } $now = time(); if ($challenge['challenge_available_from'] > $now || $challenge['category_available_from'] > $now) { message_generic('Sorry', 'This challenge is not yet available', false); } $submissions = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, s.added, c.available_from FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN submissions AS s ON s.user_id = LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = s.challenge
<?php require '../include/'; enforce_authentication(); head('Hints'); if (cache_start('hints', CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT, h.added, h.body, c.title, ca.title AS category_title FROM hints AS h LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = h.challenge LEFT JOIN categories AS ca ON = c.category WHERE c.available_from < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND c.available_until > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND h.visible = 1 ORDER BY DESC '); if (!count($hints)) { message_generic("Hints", "No hints have been made available yet.", false); } section_head('Hints'); echo ' <table id="files" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Category</th> <th>Challenge</th> <th>Added</th> <th>Hint</th>
} // if this challenge relies on another, and the user hasn't solved that requirement if (isset($relies_on) && !$relies_on['has_solved_requirement']) { echo ' <div class="challenge-description relies-on">', lang_get('challenge_relies_on', array('relies_on_link' => '<a href="challenge?id=' . htmlspecialchars($relies_on['id']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($relies_on['title']) . '</a>', 'relies_on_category_link' => '<a href="challenges?category=' . htmlspecialchars($relies_on['category_id']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($relies_on['category_title']) . '</a>')), '</div> '; } else { // write out challenge description if ($challenge['description']) { echo ' <div class="challenge-description"> ', $bbc->parse($challenge['description']), ' </div> <!-- / challenge-description -->'; } // write out hints if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_CHALLENGE_HINTS . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_select_all('hints', array('body'), array('visible' => 1, 'challenge' => $challenge['id'])); foreach ($hints as $hint) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_CHALLENGE_HINTS . $challenge['id']); } // write out files $files = cache_array_get(CONST_CACHE_NAME_FILES . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_FILES); if (!is_array($files)) { $files = db_select_all('files', array('id', 'title', 'size', 'md5', 'download_key'), array('challenge' => $challenge['id'])); cache_array_save($files, CONST_CACHE_NAME_FILES . $challenge['id']); } if (count($files)) { print_attachments($files); }
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); if (strlen(array_get($_GET, 'code')) != 2) { message_error('Please supply a valid country code'); } $country = db_select_one('countries', array('id', 'country_name', 'country_code'), array('country_code' => $_GET['code'])); if (!$country) { message_error('No country found with that code'); } head($country['country_name']); if (cache_start('country_' . $_GET['code'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_COUNTRIES)) { section_head(htmlspecialchars($country['country_name']) . country_flag_link($country['country_name'], $country['country_code'], true), '', false); $scores = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, u.competing, AS country_id, co.country_name, co.country_code, SUM(c.points) AS score, MAX(s.added) AS tiebreaker FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id LEFT JOIN submissions AS s ON = s.user_id AND s.correct = 1 LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = s.challenge WHERE u.competing = 1 AND = :country_id GROUP BY ORDER BY score DESC, tiebreaker ASC', array('country_id' => $country['id']));
<?php require '../include/'; enforce_authentication(); head(lang_get('hints')); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_HINTS, CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT, h.added, h.body, c.title, ca.title AS category_title FROM hints AS h LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = h.challenge LEFT JOIN categories AS ca ON = c.category WHERE c.available_from < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND c.available_until > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND h.visible = 1 AND = 1 AND = 1 ORDER BY DESC '); if (!count($hints)) { message_generic(lang_get('hints'), lang_get('no_hints_available'), false); } section_head('Hints'); echo ' <table id="files" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <thead>
<ul> '; foreach ($files as $file) { echo ' <li><a href="download?id=', htmlspecialchars($file['id']), '">', htmlspecialchars($file['title']), '</a> (', bytes_to_pretty_size($file['size']), ')</li>'; } echo ' </ul> </div> <!-- / challenge-files -->'; } cache_end('files_' . $challenge['id']); } // only show the hints and flag submission form if we're // not already correct and if the challenge hasn't expired if (!$challenge['correct'] && $time < $challenge['available_until']) { // write out hints if (cache_start('hints_challenge_' . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_select_all('hints', array('body'), array('visible' => 1, 'challenge' => $challenge['id'])); foreach ($hints as $hint) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } cache_end('hints_challenge_' . $challenge['id']); } if ($remaining_submissions) { if ($challenge['num_submissions'] && !$challenge['automark'] && !$challenge['marked']) { message_inline_blue('Your submission is awaiting manual marking.'); } echo ' <div class="challenge-submit"> <form method="post" class="form-flag" action="actions/challenges"> <textarea name="flag" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Please enter flag for challenge: ', htmlspecialchars($challenge['title']), '"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="challenge" value="', htmlspecialchars($challenge['id']), '" />
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); if (!isset($_GET['show'])) { message_error(lang_get('please_request_page')); } $menu_data = db_select_one('dynamic_menu', array('internal_page'), array('permalink' => $_GET['show'])); if (!is_valid_id($menu_data['internal_page'])) { message_error(lang_get('not_a_valid_link')); } $content = db_select_one('dynamic_pages', array('id', 'title', 'body', 'visibility', 'min_user_class'), array('id' => $menu_data['internal_page'])); if ($content['visibility'] == 'private') { enforce_authentication($content['min_user_class']); } head($content['title']); if (cache_start($content['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_DYNAMIC, CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_PAGES_GROUP)) { section_head($content['title']); require CONST_PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'nbbc/nbbc.php'; $bbc = new BBCode(); $bbc->SetEnableSmileys(false); echo $bbc->parse($content['body']); cache_end($content['id'], CONST_CACHE_DYNAMIC_PAGES_GROUP); } foot();
<?php require '../include/'; validate_id($_GET['id']); head(lang_get('challenge_details')); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_CHALLENGE . $_GET['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_CHALLENGE)) { $challenge = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT ch.title, ch.description, ch.available_from AS challenge_available_from, ca.title AS category_title, ca.available_from AS category_available_from FROM challenges AS ch LEFT JOIN categories AS ca ON = ch.category WHERE = :id AND = 1 AND = 1', array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if (empty($challenge)) { message_generic(lang_get('sorry'), lang_get('no_challenge_for_id'), false); } $now = time(); if ($challenge['challenge_available_from'] > $now || $challenge['category_available_from'] > $now) { message_generic(lang_get('sorry'), lang_get('challenge_not_available'), false); } $submissions = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, s.added, c.available_from
// Load the header content if(cache_start('header')){ } else { include('template/header.php'); cache_stop(); } // Get requested blog post, or if none specified get homepage (post_id===0) $post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $cat_id = intval($_GET['cat_id']); $cache_id = ($post_id? 'page'. $post_id: ($cat_id? 'category'.$cat_id:'homepage')); if(!cache_start($cache_id)) { if($post_id) { load_post($post_id); } else { list_posts(intval($_GET['cat_id'])); } cache_stop(); } else { // echo "CACHED"; } if(!cache_start('footer')){ // Load the footer content include('template/footer.php'); cache_stop(); } ?>
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); send_cache_headers('home', CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HOME); head('Home'); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_HOME, CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HOME)) { require CONST_PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'nbbc/nbbc.php'; $bbc = new BBCode(); $bbc->SetEnableSmileys(false); $news = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY added DESC'); foreach ($news as $item) { echo ' <div class="news-container">'; section_head($item['title']); echo ' <div class="news-body"> ', $bbc->parse($item['body']), ' </div> </div> '; } cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_HOME); } foot();
if ($challenge['description']) { echo ' <div class="challenge-description"> ', $bbc->parse($challenge['description']), ' </div> <!-- / challenge-description -->'; } // write out hints if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_CHALLENGE_HINTS . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HINTS)) { $hints = db_select_all('hints', array('body'), array('visible' => 1, 'challenge' => $challenge['id'])); foreach ($hints as $hint) { message_inline_yellow('<strong>Hint!</strong> ' . $bbc->parse($hint['body']), false); } cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_CHALLENGE_HINTS . $challenge['id']); } // write out files if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_FILES . $challenge['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_FILES)) { $files = db_select_all('files', array('id', 'title', 'size', 'md5'), array('challenge' => $challenge['id'])); if (count($files)) { print_attachments($files); } cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_FILES . $challenge['id']); } // only show the hints and flag submission form if we're not already correct and if the challenge hasn't expired if (!$challenge['correct_submission_added'] && $time < $challenge['available_until']) { if ($remaining_submissions) { if ($challenge['num_submissions'] && !$challenge['automark'] && $challenge['marked']) { message_inline_blue('Your submission is awaiting manual marking.'); } echo ' <div class="challenge-submit"> <form method="post" class="form-flag" action="actions/challenges">
<?php require '../include/'; validate_id(array_get($_GET, 'id')); head(lang_get('user_details')); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_USER . $_GET['id'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_USER)) { $user = db_query_fetch_one(' SELECT u.team_name, u.competing, co.country_name, co.country_code FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id WHERE = :user_id', array('user_id' => $_GET['id'])); if (empty($user)) { message_generic(lang_get('sorry'), lang_get('no_user_found'), false); } section_head(htmlspecialchars($user['team_name']), country_flag_link($user['country_name'], $user['country_code'], true), false); if (!$user['competing']) { message_inline_blue(lang_get('non_competing_user')); } $challenges = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT ca.title, (SELECT SUM(ch.points) FROM challenges AS ch JOIN submissions AS s ON s.challenge = AND s.user_id = :user_id AND s.correct = 1 WHERE ch.category = GROUP BY ch.category) AS points, (SELECT SUM(ch.points) FROM challenges AS ch WHERE ch.category = GROUP BY ch.category) AS category_total FROM categories AS ca WHERE ca.available_from < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); header('Content-type: application/json'); if (!isset($_GET['view'])) { echo json_error('please request a view'); exit; } if ($_GET['view'] == 'scoreboard') { if (cache_start('scores_json', CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_SCORES)) { json_scoreboard(array_get($_GET, 'user_type')); cache_end('scores_json'); } } else { echo json_error('not a valid view'); exit; }
redirect(CONFIG_LOGIN_REDIRECT_TO); exit; } prefer_ssl(); head('Register'); if (CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_SIGNUP_ALLOWED) { echo ' <h2>Register your team</h2> <p> ', lang_get('account_signup_information', array('password_information' => CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_EMAIL_PASSWORD_ON_SIGNUP ? lang_get('email_password_on_signup') : '')), ' </p> <form method="post" id="registerForm" class="form-signin" action="actions/register"> <input name="team_name" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Team name" minlength="', CONFIG_MIN_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH, '" maxlength="', CONFIG_MAX_TEAM_NAME_LENGTH, '" required /> <input name="', md5(CONFIG_SITE_NAME . 'USR'), '" type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email address" required /> ', !CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_EMAIL_PASSWORD_ON_SIGNUP ? '<input name="' . md5(CONFIG_SITE_NAME . 'PWD') . '" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" required />' : ''; if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_REGISTER, CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_REGISTER)) { $user_types = db_select_all('user_types', array('id', 'title', 'description')); if (!empty($user_types)) { echo '<select name="type" class="form-control"> <option disabled selected>-- Please select team type --</option>'; foreach ($user_types as $user_type) { echo '<option value="', htmlspecialchars($user_type['id']), '">', htmlspecialchars($user_type['title'] . ' - ' . $user_type['description']), '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } country_select(); cache_end(CONST_CACHE_NAME_REGISTER); } if (CONFIG_RECAPTCHA_ENABLE_PUBLIC) { display_captcha(); }
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); if (strlen(array_get($_GET, 'code')) != 2) { message_error(lang_get('please_supply_country_code')); } $country = db_select_one('countries', array('id', 'country_name', 'country_code'), array('country_code' => $_GET['code'])); if (!$country) { message_error(lang_get('please_supply_country_code')); } head($country['country_name']); if (cache_start(CONST_CACHE_NAME_COUNTRY . $_GET['code'], CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_COUNTRIES)) { section_head(htmlspecialchars($country['country_name']) . country_flag_link($country['country_name'], $country['country_code'], true), '', false); $scores = db_query_fetch_all(' SELECT AS user_id, u.team_name, u.competing, AS country_id, co.country_name, co.country_code, SUM(c.points) AS score, MAX(s.added) AS tiebreaker FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN countries AS co ON = u.country_id LEFT JOIN submissions AS s ON = s.user_id AND s.correct = 1 LEFT JOIN challenges AS c ON = s.challenge WHERE u.competing = 1 AND = :country_id GROUP BY ORDER BY score DESC, tiebreaker ASC', array('country_id' => $country['id']));
<?php require '../include/'; login_session_refresh(); head('Home'); if (cache_start('home', CONFIG_CACHE_TIME_HOME)) { require CONFIG_PATH_THIRDPARTY . 'nbbc/nbbc.php'; $bbc = new BBCode(); $bbc->SetEnableSmileys(false); $news = db_query_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY added DESC'); foreach ($news as $item) { echo ' <div class="news-container">'; section_head($item['title']); echo ' <div class="news-body"> ', $bbc->parse($item['body']), ' </div> </div> '; } cache_end('home'); } foot();
<?php include_once 'data.php'; include_once 'functions.php'; session_write_close(); if (!isset($_GET['from'])) { $from = '0'; } else { settype($_GET['from'], "integer"); $from = $_GET['from']; } // CACHING if (isset($_GET['from']) && !isset($_GET['browse']['No PDF']) && !isset($_GET['browse']['Not Indexed'])) { $cache_name = cache_name(); $db_change = database_change(array('library', 'shelves', 'projects', 'projectsusers', 'projectsfiles', 'filescategories', 'notes')); cache_start($db_change); $total_files_array = read_export_files($db_change); } if (!isset($_GET['project'])) { $project = ''; } else { $project = $_GET['project']; } if (!isset($_SESSION['limit'])) { $limit = 10; } else { settype($_SESSION['limit'], "integer"); $limit = $_SESSION['limit']; } if (!isset($_SESSION['orderby'])) { $orderby = 'id';
// check if cache exists and if the cached data is still valid if (@filemtime($cache_file_name) + $age > time()) { // Yey! cache hit, output cached data and exit readfile($cache_file_name); unset($cache_file_name); exit; } // nothing in cache or cache is too old ob_start(); } function cache_end() { global $cache_file_name; // nothing to do if (empty($cache_file_name)) { return; } // fetch output of the script $str = ob_get_clean(); // output data to the user, so they don't need to wait // for the cache writing to complete echo $str; // write to cache fwrite(fopen($cache_file_name . '_tmp', "w"), $str); // atomic write rename($cache_file_name . '_tmp', $cache_file_name); } cache_start(); // set cache termination code as the exit handler // this way we don't need to modify the script register_shutdown_function("cache_end");