 * Recursive function which, given a context, find all its children context ids.
 * When called for a course context, it will return the modules and blocks
 * displayed in the course page.
 * For course category contexts it will return categories and courses. It will
 * NOT recurse into courses - if you want to do that, call it on the returned
 * courses.
 * If called on a course context it _will_ populate the cache with the appropriate
 * contexts ;-)
 * @param object $context.
 * @return array of child records
function get_child_contexts($context)
    // We *MUST* populate the context_cache as the callers
    // will probably ask for the full record anyway soon after
    // soon after calling us ;-)
    switch ($context->contextlevel) {
        case CONTEXT_BLOCK:
            // No children.
            return array();
        case CONTEXT_MODULE:
            // No children.
            return array();
        case CONTEXT_COURSE:
            // Find
            // - module instances - easy
            // - blocks assigned to the course-view page explicitly - easy
            $sql = " SELECT ctx.*\n                       FROM {context} ctx\n                      WHERE ctx.path LIKE ?\n                            AND ctx.contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_MODULE . "," . CONTEXT_BLOCK . ")";
            $params = array("{$context->path}/%", $context->instanceid);
            $records = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
            foreach ($records as $rec) {
            return $records;
            // Find
            // - categories
            // - courses
            $sql = " SELECT ctx.*\n                       FROM {context} ctx\n                      WHERE ctx.path LIKE ?\n                            AND ctx.contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_COURSECAT . "," . CONTEXT_COURSE . ")";
            $params = array("{$context->path}/%");
            $records = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
            foreach ($records as $rec) {
            return $records;
        case CONTEXT_USER:
            // No children.
            return array();
        case CONTEXT_SYSTEM:
            // Just get all the contexts except for CONTEXT_SYSTEM level
            // and hope we don't OOM in the process - don't cache
            $sql = "SELECT c.*\n                      FROM {context} c\n                     WHERE contextlevel != " . CONTEXT_SYSTEM;
            return $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
            print_error('unknowcontext', '', '', $context->contextlevel);
            return false;
 * Get a context instance as an object, from a given context id.
 * @param mixed $id a context id or array of ids.
 * @return mixed object or array of the context object.
function get_context_instance_by_id($id)
    global $context_cache, $context_cache_id;
    if ($id == SYSCONTEXTID) {
        return get_system_context();
    if (isset($context_cache_id[$id])) {
        // Already cached
        return $context_cache_id[$id];
    if ($context = get_record('context', 'id', $id)) {
        // Update the cache and return
        return $context;
    return false;