/** * */ public function Index() { if (!$this->request->user->canDoAction('can_import_worldcat')) { return; } $this->view->setVar('importer_list', $va_importer_list = ca_data_importers::getImporters(null, array('formats' => array('WorldCat')))); $va_importer_options = array(); foreach ($va_importer_list as $vn_importer_id => $va_importer_info) { $va_importer_options[$va_importer_info['label'] . ' (creates ' . ($va_importer_info['type_for_display'] ? $va_importer_info['type_for_display'] . ' ' : '') . $va_importer_info['importer_type'] . ')'] = $vn_importer_id; } $this->view->setVar('importer_list', $va_importer_options); $this->view->setVar('importer_list_select', caHTMLSelect('importer_id', $va_importer_options, array())); $this->view->setVar('log_level', $this->request->user->getVar('worldcat_log_level')); $this->render("import_settings_html.php"); }
/** * */ public function __construct(&$po_request, &$po_response, $pa_view_paths = null) { parent::__construct($po_request, $po_response, $pa_view_paths); // merge displays with drop-in print templates $va_export_options = caGetAvailablePrintTemplates('results', array('table' => $this->ops_tablename)); $this->view->setVar('export_formats', $va_export_options); //$this->view->setVar('current_export_format', $this->opo_result_context->getParameter('last_export_type')); $va_options = array(); foreach ($va_export_options as $vn_i => $va_format_info) { $va_options[$va_format_info['name']] = $va_format_info['code']; } // Get current display list $t_display = new ca_bundle_displays(); foreach (caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_display->getBundleDisplays(array('table' => $this->ops_tablename, 'user_id' => $this->request->getUserID(), 'access' => __CA_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_READ_ACCESS__, 'checkAccess' => caGetUserAccessValues($this->request)))) as $va_display) { $va_options[$va_display['name']] = "_display_" . $va_display['display_id']; } ksort($va_options); $this->view->setVar('export_format_select', caHTMLSelect('export_format', $va_options, array('class' => 'searchToolsSelect'), array('value' => $this->view->getVar('current_export_format'), 'width' => '150px'))); }
/** * Return HTML form element for specified property * */ public function htmlFormElement($ps_property, $pa_attributes = null) { $vs_element = $vs_label = ''; if (!($vs_format = $pa_attributes['format'])) { $vs_format = $this->opo_config->get('form_element_display_format'); } if ($va_property_info = $this->getPropertyInfo($ps_property)) { switch ($va_property_info['fieldType']) { case 'FT_TEXT': case 'FT_NUMBER': $vs_label = $va_property_info['label']; if (!isset($pa_attributes['value'])) { $pa_attributes['value'] = $this->getProperty($ps_property); } if (!isset($pa_attributes['size'])) { $pa_attributes['size'] = $va_property_info['fieldWidth']; } switch ($va_property_info['displayType']) { case 'DT_SELECT': $vs_element = caHTMLMakeLabeledFormElement(caHTMLSelect($pa_attributes['name'] ? $pa_attributes['name'] : $ps_property, $va_property_info['options'], $pa_attributes, array('height' => 1)), $vs_label, $pa_attributes['name'] ? $pa_attributes['name'] : $ps_property, $va_property_info['description'], $vs_format, false); break; default: $vs_element = caHTMLMakeLabeledFormElement(caHTMLTextInput($pa_attributes['name'] ? $pa_attributes['name'] : $ps_property, $pa_attributes), $vs_label, $pa_attributes['name'] ? $pa_attributes['name'] : $ps_property, $va_property_info['description'], $vs_format, false); break; } break; case 'FT_VARS': $vs_element = ''; // skip break; default: return 'Invalid field type for \'' . $ps_property . '\''; break; } } return $vs_element; }
<div class="bg"> <?php print caFormTag($this->request, 'Index', 'caSearchOptionsForm', null, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); //print "<div class='col'>"; print "<div class='unit'>"; print "<span>" . _t("Sort") . "</span>"; print "<select name='sort' style='width:120px;'>\n"; $vs_current_sort = $vo_result_context->getCurrentSort(); $vs_current_sort_direction = $vo_result_context->getCurrentSortDirection(); if (is_array($this->getVar("sorts")) && sizeof($this->getVar("sorts")) > 0) { foreach ($this->getVar("sorts") as $vs_sort => $vs_option) { print "<option value='" . $vs_sort . "'" . ($vs_current_sort == $vs_sort ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $vs_option . "</option>"; } } print "</select>\n"; print caHTMLSelect('direction', array('Ascending' => 'asc', 'Descending' => 'desc'), array(), array('value' => $vs_current_sort_direction)); $va_items_per_page = $this->getVar("items_per_page"); $vs_current_items_per_page = $vo_result_context->getItemsPerPage(); print " <span>" . _t("Results per page") . "</span>"; print "<select name='n'>\n"; if (is_array($va_items_per_page) && sizeof($va_items_per_page) > 0) { foreach ($va_items_per_page as $vn_items_per_p) { print "<option value='" . $vn_items_per_p . "' " . ($vn_items_per_p == $vs_current_items_per_page ? "SELECTED='1'" : "") . ">" . $vn_items_per_p . "</option>\n"; } } print "</select>\n"; $va_views = $this->getVar("views"); $vs_current_view = $vo_result_context->getCurrentView(); if (is_array($va_views) && sizeof($va_views) > 0) { print " <span>" . _t("Layout") . "</span>"; print "<select name='view'>";
} } # Locale selection global $g_ui_locale; $vs_base_url = $this->request->getRequestUrl(); $vs_base_url = substr($vs_base_url, 0, 1) == '/' ? $vs_base_url : '/' . $vs_base_url; $vs_base_url = str_replace("/lang/[A-Za-z_]+", "", $vs_base_url); if (is_array($va_ui_locales = $this->request->config->getList('ui_locales')) && sizeof($va_ui_locales) > 1) { print caFormTag($this->request, $this->request->getAction(), 'caLocaleSelectorForm', null, 'get', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); $va_locale_options = array(); foreach ($va_ui_locales as $vs_locale) { $va_parts = explode('_', $vs_locale); $vs_lang_name = Zend_Locale::getTranslation(strtolower($va_parts[0]), 'language', strtolower($va_parts[0])); $va_locale_options[$vs_lang_name] = $vs_locale; } print caHTMLSelect('lang', $va_locale_options, array('id' => 'caLocaleSelectorSelect', 'onchange' => 'window.location = \'' . caNavUrl($this->request, $this->request->getModulePath(), $this->request->getController(), $this->request->getAction(), array('lang' => '')) . '\' + jQuery(\'#caLocaleSelectorSelect\').val();'), array('value' => $g_ui_locale, 'dontConvertAttributeQuotesToEntities' => true)); print "</form>\n"; } ?> </div><!-- end topbar --> <div id="pageArea"> <div id="header"> <?php print caNavLink($this->request, "<img src='" . $this->request->getThemeUrlPath() . "/graphics/" . $this->request->config->get('header_img') . "' border='0'>", "", "", "", ""); ?> <?php // get last search ('basic_search' is the find type used by the SearchController) $o_result_context = new ResultContext($this->request, 'ca_objects', 'basic_search');
<?php $va_add_types = array(_t('under (child)') => 'under'); if (!$vb_strict_type_hierarchy) { $va_add_types[_t('above (parent)')] = 'above'; } if ($pn_parent_id > 0 && !$vb_strict_type_hierarchy) { $va_add_types[_t('next to (sibling)')] = 'next_to'; } if ($vs_type_selector) { // for items that take types print "<div id='{$vs_id_prefix}HierarchyBrowseAdd'>" . _t("Add a new %1 %2 <em>%3</em>", $vs_type_selector, caHTMLSelect('add_type', $va_add_types, array('id' => "{$vs_id_prefix}addType")), $vs_subject_label); // Note the jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}childTypeList\").val() which grabs the value of the type print " <a href='#' onclick='_navigateToNewForm(jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}typeList\").val(), jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}addType\").val(), (jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}addType\").val() == \"next_to\") ? " . intval($pn_parent_id) . " : " . intval($pn_id) . ")'>" . caNavIcon($this->request, __CA_NAV_BUTTON_ADD__) . "</a></div>"; } else { // for items without types print "<div id='{$vs_id_prefix}HierarchyBrowseAdd'>" . _t("Add a new %1 %2 <em>%3</em>", $t_subject->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), caHTMLSelect('add_type', $va_add_types, array('id' => "{$vs_id_prefix}addType")), $vs_subject_label); print " <a href='#' onclick='_navigateToNewForm(0, jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}addType\").val(), (jQuery(\"#{$vs_id_prefix}addType\").val() == \"next_to\") ? " . intval($pn_parent_id) . " : " . intval($pn_id) . ")'>" . caNavIcon($this->request, __CA_NAV_BUTTON_ADD__) . "</a></div>"; } ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"><!-- empty --></div> <div id="<?php print $vs_id_prefix; ?> AddHierarchyBrowser" class="hierarchyBrowserSmall"> <!-- Content for hierarchy browser is dynamically inserted here by ca.hierbrowser --> </div><!-- end hierbrowser --> </div> <?php }
/** * Generates HTML form element widget for preference based upon settings in preference definition file. * By calling this method for a series of preference names, one can quickly create an HTML-based configuration form. * * @access public * @param string $ps_pref Name of user preference * @param string $ps_format Format string containing simple tags to be replaced with preference information. Tags supported are: * ^LABEL = name of preference * ^ELEMENT = HTML code to generate form widget * If you omit $ps_format, the element code alone (content of ^ELEMENT) is returned. * @param array $pa_options Array of options. Support options are: * field_errors = array of error messages to display on preference element * useTable = if true and displayType for element in DT_CHECKBOXES checkboxes will be formatted in a table with numTableColumns columns * numTableColumns = Number of columns to use when formatting checkboxes as a table. Default, if omitted, is 3 * genericUIList = forces FT_*_EDITOR_UI to return single UI list for table rather than by type * classname = class to assign to form element * @return string HTML code to generate form widget */ public function preferenceHtmlFormElement($ps_pref, $ps_format = null, $pa_options = null) { if ($this->isValidPreference($ps_pref)) { if (!is_array($pa_options)) { $pa_options = array(); } $o_db = $this->getDb(); $va_pref_info = $this->getPreferenceInfo($ps_pref); if (is_null($vs_current_value = $this->getPreference($ps_pref))) { $vs_current_value = $this->getPreferenceDefault($ps_pref); } $vs_output = ""; $vs_class = ""; $vs_classname = ""; if (isset($pa_options['classname']) && $pa_options['classname']) { $vs_classname = $pa_options['classname']; $vs_class = " class='" . $pa_options['classname'] . "'"; } foreach (array('displayType', 'displayWidth', 'displayHeight', 'length', 'formatType', 'choiceList', 'label', 'description') as $vs_k) { if (!isset($va_pref_info[$vs_k])) { $va_pref_info[$vs_k] = null; } } switch ($va_pref_info["displayType"]) { # --------------------------------- case 'DT_FIELD': if (($vn_display_width = $va_pref_info["displayWidth"]) < 1) { $vn_display_width = 20; } if (($vn_display_height = $va_pref_info["displayHeight"]) < 1) { $vn_display_height = 1; } if (isset($va_pref_info["length"]["maximum"])) { $vn_max_input_length = $va_pref_info["length"]["maximum"]; } else { $vn_max_input_length = $vn_display_width; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_output = "<textarea name='pref_{$ps_pref}' rows='" . $vn_display_height . "' cols='" . $vn_display_width . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($vs_current_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</textarea>\n"; } else { $vs_output = "<input type='text' name='pref_{$ps_pref}' size='{$vn_display_width}' maxlength='{$vn_max_input_length}'" . $vs_class . " value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_current_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'/>\n"; } break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_SELECT': switch ($va_pref_info['formatType']) { case 'FT_UI_LOCALE': $va_locales = array(); if ($r_dir = opendir(__CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/')) { while (($vs_locale_dir = readdir($r_dir)) !== false) { if ($vs_locale_dir[0] == '.') { continue; } if (sizeof($va_tmp = explode('_', $vs_locale_dir)) == 2) { $va_locales[$vs_locale_dir] = $va_tmp; } } } $va_opts = array(); $t_locale = new ca_locales(); foreach ($va_locales as $vs_code => $va_parts) { try { $vs_lang_name = Zend_Locale::getTranslation(strtolower($va_parts[0]), 'language', strtolower($va_parts[0])); $vs_country_name = Zend_Locale::getTranslation($va_parts[1], 'Country', $vs_code); } catch (Exception $e) { $vs_lang_name = strtolower($va_parts[0]); $vs_country_name = $vs_code; } $va_opts[($vs_lang_name ? $vs_lang_name : $vs_code) . ($vs_country_name ? ' (' . $vs_country_name . ')' : '')] = $vs_code; } break; case 'FT_LOCALE': $qr_locales = $o_db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM ca_locales\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); $va_opts = array(); while ($qr_locales->nextRow()) { $va_opts[$qr_locales->get('name')] = $qr_locales->get('language') . '_' . $qr_locales->get('country'); } break; case 'FT_THEME': if ($r_dir = opendir($this->_CONFIG->get('themes_directory'))) { $va_opts = array(); while (($vs_theme_dir = readdir($r_dir)) !== false) { if ($vs_theme_dir[0] == '.') { continue; } $o_theme_info = Configuration::load($this->_CONFIG->get('themes_directory') . '/' . $vs_theme_dir . '/themeInfo.conf'); $va_opts[$o_theme_info->get('name')] = $vs_theme_dir; } } break; case 'FT_OBJECT_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_OBJECT_LOT_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_ENTITY_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_PLACE_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_OCCURRENCE_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_COLLECTION_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_STORAGE_LOCATION_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_OBJECT_REPRESENTATION_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_REPRESENTATION_ANNOTATION_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_SET_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_SET_ITEM_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_LIST_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_LIST_ITEM_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_LOAN_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_MOVEMENT_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_TOUR_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_TOUR_STOP_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_SEARCH_FORM_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_USER_INTERFACE_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_USER_INTERFACE_SCREEN_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_IMPORT_EXPORT_MAPPING_EDITOR_UI': case 'FT_IMPORT_EXPORT_MAPPING_GROUP_EDITOR_UI': $vn_table_num = $this->_editorPrefFormatTypeToTableNum($va_pref_info['formatType']); $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num, true); $va_values = $this->getPreference($ps_pref); if (!is_array($va_values)) { $va_values = array(); } if (method_exists($t_instance, 'getTypeFieldName') && $t_instance->getTypeFieldName() && (!isset($pa_options['genericUIList']) || !$pa_options['genericUIList'])) { $vs_output = ''; $va_ui_list_by_type = $this->_getUIListByType($vn_table_num); $va_types = array(); if ((bool) $t_instance->getFieldInfo($t_instance->getTypeFieldName(), 'IS_NULL')) { $va_types['_NONE_'] = array('LEVEL' => 0, 'name_singular' => _t('NONE'), 'name_plural' => _t('NONE')); } $va_types += $t_instance->getTypeList(array('returnHierarchyLevels' => true)); if (!is_array($va_types) || !sizeof($va_types)) { $va_types = array(1 => array()); } // force ones with no types to get processed for __all__ foreach ($va_types as $vn_type_id => $va_type) { $va_opts = array(); // print out type-specific if (is_array($va_ui_list_by_type[$vn_type_id])) { foreach (caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_ui_list_by_type[$vn_type_id]) as $vn_ui_id => $vs_label) { $va_opts[$vn_ui_id] = $vs_label; } } // print out generic if (is_array($va_ui_list_by_type['__all__'])) { foreach (caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_ui_list_by_type['__all__']) as $vn_ui_id => $vs_label) { $va_opts[$vn_ui_id] = $vs_label; } } if (!is_array($va_opts) || sizeof($va_opts) == 0) { continue; } $vs_output .= "<tr><td>" . str_repeat(" ", (int) $va_type['LEVEL']) . $va_type['name_singular'] . "</td><td><select name='pref_{$ps_pref}_{$vn_type_id}'>\n"; foreach ($va_opts as $vs_val => $vs_opt) { $vs_selected = $vs_val == $va_values[$vn_type_id] ? "SELECTED" : ""; $vs_output .= "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' {$vs_selected}>{$vs_opt}</option>\n"; } $vs_output .= "</select></td></tr>\n"; } } else { $va_opts = $this->_getUIList($vn_table_num); if (!is_array($va_opts) || sizeof($va_opts) == 0) { $vs_output = ''; break 2; } $vs_output = "<tr><td> </td><td><select name='pref_{$ps_pref}'>\n"; foreach ($va_opts as $vs_val => $vs_opt) { $vs_selected = $vs_val == $vs_current_value ? "SELECTED" : ""; $vs_output .= "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' {$vs_selected}>" . $vs_opt . "</option>\n"; } $vs_output .= "</select></td></tr>\n"; } break 2; default: $va_opts = $va_pref_info["choiceList"]; break; } if (!is_array($va_opts) || sizeof($va_opts) == 0) { $vs_output = ''; break; } $vs_output = "<select name='pref_{$ps_pref}'" . $vs_class . ">\n"; foreach ($va_opts as $vs_opt => $vs_val) { $vs_selected = $vs_val == $vs_current_value ? "selected='1'" : ""; $vs_output .= "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' {$vs_selected}>" . $vs_opt . "</option>\n"; } $vs_output .= "</select>\n"; break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_CHECKBOXES': if ($va_pref_info["formatType"] == 'FT_BIT') { $vs_selected = $vs_current_value ? "CHECKED" : ""; $vs_output .= "<input type='checkbox' name='pref_{$ps_pref}' value='1'" . $vs_class . " {$vs_selected}>\n"; } else { if ($vb_use_table = isset($pa_options['useTable']) && (bool) $pa_options['useTable']) { $vs_output .= "<table width='100%'>"; } $vn_num_table_columns = isset($pa_options['numTableColumns']) && (int) $pa_options['numTableColumns'] > 0 ? (int) $pa_options['numTableColumns'] : 3; $vn_c = 0; foreach ($va_pref_info["choiceList"] as $vs_opt => $vs_val) { if (is_array($vs_current_value)) { $vs_selected = in_array($vs_val, $vs_current_value) ? "CHECKED" : ""; } else { $vs_selected = ''; } if ($vb_use_table && $vn_c == 0) { $vs_output .= "<tr>"; } if ($vb_use_table) { $vs_output .= "<td width='" . floor(100 / $vn_num_table_columns) . "%'>"; } $vs_output .= "<input type='checkbox' name='pref_" . $ps_pref . "[]' value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'" . $vs_class . " {$vs_selected}> " . $vs_opt . " \n"; if ($vb_use_table) { $vs_output .= "</td>"; } $vn_c++; if ($vb_use_table && !($vn_c % $vn_num_table_columns)) { $vs_output .= "</tr>\n"; $vn_c = 0; } } if ($vb_use_table) { $vs_output .= "</table>"; } } break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_STATEPROV_LIST': $vs_output .= caHTMLSelect("pref_{$ps_pref}_select", array(), array('id' => "pref_{$ps_pref}_select", 'class' => $vs_classname), array('value' => $vs_current_value)); $vs_output .= caHTMLTextInput("pref_{$ps_pref}_name", array('id' => "pref_{$ps_pref}_text", 'value' => $vs_current_value, 'class' => $vs_classname)); break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_COUNTRY_LIST': $vs_output .= caHTMLSelect("pref_{$ps_pref}", caGetCountryList(), array('id' => "pref_{$ps_pref}", 'class' => $vs_classname), array('value' => $vs_current_value)); if ($va_pref_info['stateProvPref']) { $vs_output .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $vs_output .= "var caStatesByCountryList = " . json_encode(caGetStateList()) . ";\n"; $vs_output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#pref_{$ps_pref}').click({countryID: 'pref_{$ps_pref}', stateProvID: 'pref_" . $va_pref_info['stateProvPref'] . "', value: '" . addslashes($this->getPreference($va_pref_info['stateProvPref'])) . "', statesByCountryList: caStatesByCountryList}, caUI.utils.updateStateProvinceForCountry);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcaUI.utils.updateStateProvinceForCountry({data: {countryID: 'pref_{$ps_pref}', stateProvID: 'pref_" . $va_pref_info['stateProvPref'] . "', value: '" . addslashes($this->getPreference($va_pref_info['stateProvPref'])) . "', statesByCountryList: caStatesByCountryList}});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $vs_output .= "</script>\n"; } break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_CURRENCIES': $vs_output .= caHTMLSelect("pref_{$ps_pref}", caAvailableCurrenciesForConversion(), array('id' => "pref_{$ps_pref}", 'class' => $vs_classname), array('value' => $vs_current_value)); break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_RADIO_BUTTONS': foreach ($va_pref_info["choiceList"] as $vs_opt => $vs_val) { $vs_selected = $vs_val == $vs_current_value ? "CHECKED" : ""; $vs_output .= "<input type='radio' name='pref_{$ps_pref}'" . $vs_class . " value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_val, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' {$vs_selected}> " . $vs_opt . " \n"; } break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- case 'DT_PASSWORD': if (($vn_display_width = $va_pref_info["displayWidth"]) < 1) { $vn_display_width = 20; } if (isset($va_pref_info["length"]["maximum"])) { $vn_max_input_length = $va_pref_info["length"]["maximum"]; } else { $vn_max_input_length = $vn_display_width; } $vs_output = "<input type='password' name='pref_{$ps_pref}' size='{$vn_display_width}' maxlength='{$vn_max_input_length}'" . $vs_class . " value='" . htmlspecialchars($vs_current_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "'/>\n"; break; # --------------------------------- # --------------------------------- default: return "Configuration error: Invalid display type for {$ps_pref}"; # --------------------------------- } if (is_null($ps_format)) { if (isset($pa_options['field_errors']) && is_array($pa_options['field_errors']) && sizeof($pa_options['field_errors'])) { $ps_format = $this->_CONFIG->get('form_element_error_display_format'); $va_field_errors = array(); foreach ($pa_options['field_errors'] as $o_e) { $va_field_errors[] = $o_e->getErrorDescription(); } $vs_errors = join('; ', $va_field_errors); } else { $ps_format = $this->_CONFIG->get('form_element_display_format'); $vs_errors = ''; } } if ($ps_format && $vs_output) { $vs_format = $ps_format; $vs_format = str_replace("^ELEMENT", $vs_output, $vs_format); } else { $vs_format = $vs_output; } $vs_format = str_replace("^EXTRA", '', $vs_format); if (preg_match("/\\^DESCRIPTION/", $vs_format)) { $vs_format = str_replace("^LABEL", _t($va_pref_info["label"]), $vs_format); $vs_format = str_replace("^DESCRIPTION", _t($va_pref_info["description"]), $vs_format); } else { // no explicit placement of description text, so... $vs_field_id = "pref_{$ps_pref}_container"; $vs_format = str_replace("^LABEL", '<span id="' . $vs_field_id . '">' . _t($va_pref_info["label"]) . '</span>', $vs_format); TooltipManager::add('#' . $vs_field_id, "<h3>" . $va_pref_info["label"] . "</h3>" . $va_pref_info["description"]); } return $vs_format; } else { return ""; } }
/** * Returns HTML search form input widget for bundle specified by standard "get" bundle code (eg. <table_name>.<bundle_name> format) * This method handles generation of search form widgets for (1) related tables (eg. ca_places), preferred and non-preferred labels for both the * primary and related tables, and all other types of elements for related tables. If this method can't handle the bundle it will pass the request to the * superclass implementation of htmlFormElementForSearch() * * @param $po_request HTTPRequest * @param $ps_field string * @param $pa_options array * @return string HTML text of form element. Will return null (from superclass) if it is not possible to generate an HTML form widget for the bundle. * */ public function htmlFormElementForSearch($po_request, $ps_field, $pa_options = null) { $vb_as_array_element = (bool) caGetOption('asArrayElement', $pa_options, false); $va_tmp = explode('.', $ps_field); switch ($va_tmp[0]) { case '_fulltext': if (!isset($pa_options['width'])) { $pa_options['width'] = 30; } if (!isset($pa_options['height'])) { $pa_options['height'] = 30; } if (!isset($pa_options['values'])) { $pa_options['values'] = array(); } if (!isset($pa_options['values']['_fulltext'])) { $pa_options['values'][$ps_field] = ''; } return caHTMLTextInput("_fulltext" . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), array('value' => $pa_options['values']['_fulltext'], 'size' => $pa_options['width'], 'class' => $pa_options['class']), $pa_options); break; case '_fieldlist': if (!isset($pa_options['width'])) { $pa_options['width'] = 30; } if (!isset($pa_options['height'])) { $pa_options['height'] = 30; } if (!isset($pa_options['values'])) { $pa_options['values'] = array(); } $va_filter = $va_alt_names = $va_relationship_restricted_searches = null; if (is_array($va_fields = preg_split("![;,]+!", caGetOption('fields', $pa_options, null))) && sizeof($va_fields)) { $va_filter = $va_alt_names = $va_relationship_restricted_searches = array(); foreach ($va_fields as $vs_field_raw) { $va_tmp = explode(':', $vs_field_raw); $va_tmp2 = explode('/', $va_tmp[0]); // If there's a "/" separator then this is a relationship type-restricted search (Eg. ca_entities.preferred_labels.displayname/artist:"Isamu Noguchi") if (sizeof($va_tmp2) > 1) { $va_relationship_restricted_searches[$va_tmp2[0]][] = $va_tmp[0]; } else { $va_filter[] = $va_tmp2[0]; } if (isset($va_tmp[1]) && $va_tmp[1]) { $va_alt_names[$va_tmp[0]] = $va_tmp[1]; } } } $va_options = caGetBundlesAvailableForSearch($this->tableName(), array('forSelect' => true, 'filter' => $va_filter)); // We need to add any relationship-restricted searh qualifiers here since they're not free-standing bundles but // rather variants on an unqualified relationship bundle foreach ($va_relationship_restricted_searches as $vs_without_rel_restriction => $va_with_rel_restrictions) { foreach ($va_with_rel_restrictions as $vs_with_rel_restriction) { $vs_label = isset($va_alt_names[$vs_with_rel_restriction]) ? $va_alt_names[$vs_with_rel_restriction] : $vs_with_rel_restriction; $va_options[$vs_label] = $vs_with_rel_restriction; } } if (is_array($va_alt_names)) { foreach ($va_options as $vs_l => $vs_fld) { if (isset($va_alt_names[$vs_fld])) { unset($va_options[$vs_l]); $va_options[$va_alt_names[$vs_fld]] = $vs_fld; } } } if (is_array($va_filter) && sizeof($va_filter)) { // reorder options to keep field list order (sigh) $va_options_tmp = array(); foreach ($va_filter as $vs_filter) { if (($vs_k = array_search($vs_filter, $va_options)) !== false) { $va_options_tmp[$vs_k] = $va_options[$vs_k]; } } $va_options = $va_options_tmp; } return caHTMLSelect("_fieldlist_field" . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), $va_options, array('size' => $pa_options['fieldListWidth'], 'class' => $pa_options['class']), array_merge($pa_options, array('value' => $pa_options['values']['_fieldlist_field'][0]))) . caHTMLTextInput("_fieldlist_value" . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), array('value' => $pa_options['values']['_fieldlist_value'], 'size' => $pa_options['width'], 'class' => $pa_options['class']), $pa_options); break; } if (!in_array($va_tmp[0], array('created', 'modified'))) { switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) { # ------------------------------------- case 1: // table_name if ($va_tmp[0] != $this->tableName()) { if (!is_array($pa_options)) { $pa_options = array(); } if (!isset($pa_options['width'])) { $pa_options['width'] = 30; } if (!isset($pa_options['values'])) { $pa_options['values'] = array(); } if (!isset($pa_options['values'][$ps_field])) { $pa_options['values'][$ps_field] = ''; } return caHTMLTextInput($ps_field . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), array('value' => $pa_options['values'][$ps_field], 'size' => $pa_options['width'], 'class' => $pa_options['class'], 'id' => str_replace('.', '_', $ps_field))); } break; # ------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------- case 2: // table_name.field_name // table_name.field_name case 3: // table_name.field_name.sub_element if (!($t_instance = $this->_DATAMODEL->getInstanceByTableName($va_tmp[0], true))) { return null; } switch ($va_tmp[1]) { # -------------------- case 'preferred_labels': case 'nonpreferred_labels': return caHTMLTextInput($ps_field . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), array('value' => $pa_options['values'][$ps_field], 'size' => $pa_options['width'], 'class' => $pa_options['class'], 'id' => str_replace('.', '_', $ps_field))); break; # -------------------- # -------------------- default: if ($va_tmp[0] != $this->tableName()) { switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) { case 1: return caHTMLTextInput($ps_field . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), array('value' => $pa_options['values'][$ps_field], 'size' => $pa_options['width'], 'class' => $pa_options['class'], 'id' => str_replace('.', '_', $ps_field))); case 2: case 3: if (caGetOption('select', $pa_options, false)) { $va_access = caGetOption('checkAccess', $pa_options, null); if (!($t_instance = $this->_DATAMODEL->getInstanceByTableName($va_tmp[0], true))) { return null; } $vs_label_display_field = $t_instance->getLabelDisplayField(); $qr_res = call_user_func_array($va_tmp[0] . '::find', array(array('deleted' => 0, 'parent_id' => null), array('sort' => caGetOption('sort', $pa_options, $t_instance->getLabelTableName() . '.' . $vs_label_display_field), 'returnAs' => 'searchResult'))); $vs_pk = $t_instance->primaryKey(); $va_opts = array('-' => ''); while ($qr_res->nextHit()) { if (is_array($va_access) && !in_array($qr_res->get($va_tmp[0] . '.access'), $va_access)) { continue; } $va_opts[$qr_res->get($va_tmp[0] . ".preferred_labels.{$vs_label_display_field}")] = $qr_res->get($ps_field); } return caHTMLSelect($ps_field . ($vb_as_array_element ? "[]" : ""), $va_opts, array('value' => $pa_options['values'][$ps_field], 'class' => $pa_options['class'], 'id' => str_replace('.', '_', $ps_field))); } else { return $t_instance->htmlFormElementForSearch($po_request, $ps_field, $pa_options); } break; } } break; # -------------------- } break; # ------------------------------------- } } return parent::htmlFormElementForSearch($po_request, $ps_field, $pa_options); }
$va_forms = $this->getVar('form_codes'); $vs_form = $this->getVar('form'); // name of form to display $va_form_info = caGetInfoForAdvancedSearchForm($vs_form, $t_subject->tableName()); // // Set options for all form element here // $va_bundle_opts = array('values' => $o_result_context->getParameter('form_data')); // // List out form elements to display here // $va_form_fields = caGetAdvancedSearchFormElementNames($vs_form, $t_subject->tableName()); $va_form_field_with_subelements = caGetAdvancedSearchFormElementNames($vs_form, $t_subject->tableName(), array('includeSubElements' => true)); if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { if (sizeof($va_forms) > 1) { print "<div style='float: right;'><form action='#'>" . caHTMLSelect('form', $va_forms, array('onchange' => 'caLoadAdvancedSearchForm();', 'id' => 'caAdvancedSearchFormSelector'), array('value' => $vs_form)) . "</form></div>\n"; } ?> <H1 class="results" style="margin-top:15px;"><?php print _t("Advanced Search"); ?> </H1> <?php } if ($va_form_fields && is_array($va_form_fields) && sizeof($va_form_fields)) { ?> <div id="caAdvancedSearchForm"> <?php print caFormTag($this->request, 'Index', 'caAdvancedSearch', null, 'POST', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); ?>
* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $va_user_list = $this->getVar('user_list'); ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#caUserList').caFormatListTable(); }); /* ]]> */ </script> <div class="sectionBox"> <?php print caFormTag($this->request, 'ListUsers', 'caUserListForm', null, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); print caFormControlBox('<div class="list-filter">' . _t('Filter') . ': <input type="text" name="filter" value="" onkeyup="$(\'#caUserList\').caFilterTable(this.value); return false;" size="20"/></div>', '' . _t('Show %1 users', caHTMLSelect('userclass', $this->request->user->getFieldInfo('userclass', 'BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST'), array('onchange' => 'jQuery("#caUserListForm").submit();'), array('value' => $this->getVar('userclass')))), caNavHeaderButton($this->request, __CA_NAV_BUTTON_ADD__, _t("New user"), 'administrate/access', 'Users', 'Edit', array('user_id' => 0))); if (sizeof($va_user_list)) { ?> <a href='#' id='showTools' onclick='jQuery("#searchToolsBox").slideDown(250); jQuery("#showTools").hide(); return false;'><?php print _t("Tools"); ?> <img src="<?php print $this->request->getThemeUrlPath(); ?> /graphics/arrows/arrow_right_gray.gif" width="6" height="7" border="0"></a> <?php print $this->render('user_tools_html.php'); } ?>
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the provided license as published by Whirl-i-Gig * * CollectiveAccess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES whatsoever, including any implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This source code is free and modifiable under the terms of * GNU General Public License. (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). See * the "license.txt" file for details, or visit the CollectiveAccess web site at * http://www.CollectiveAccess.org * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $va_editor_ui_list = $this->getVar('editor_ui_list'); $vs_type_menu = '<div class="sf-small-menu form-header-button rounded">' . '<div style="float:right; margin: 3px;">' . '<a href="#" onclick="_navigateToNewForm(jQuery(\'#tableList\').val());">' . caNavIcon($this->request, __CA_NAV_BUTTON_ADD_LARGE__) . '</a>' . '</div>' . '<form action="#">' . _t('New interface for ') . ' ' . caHTMLSelect('editor_type', $this->getVar('table_list'), array('id' => 'tableList')) . '</form>' . '</div>'; ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#caUIList').caFormatListTable(); }); function _navigateToNewForm(editor_type) { document.location = '<?php print caNavUrl($this->request, 'administrate/setup/interface_editor', 'InterfaceEditor', 'Edit', array('ui_id' => 0)); ?> ' + '/editor_type/' + editor_type; } /* ]]> */ </script>
print caHTMLTextInput('sourceText', array('id' => 'caSourceText'), array('width' => '600px', 'height' => 3)); ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='bundleLabel'> <span class="formLabelText"><?php print _t('Log level'); ?> </span> <div class="bundleContainer"> <div class="caLabelList"> <p> <?php print caHTMLSelect('logLevel', caGetLogLevels(), array('id' => 'caLogLevel'), array('value' => $va_last_settings['logLevel'])); ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='bundleLabel'> <span class="formLabelText"><?php print _t('Testing options'); ?> </span> <div class="bundleContainer"> <div class="caLabelList" > <p class="formLabelPlain"> <?php $va_attr = array('id' => 'caDryRun', 'value' => 1);
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the provided license as published by Whirl-i-Gig * * CollectiveAccess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES whatsoever, including any implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This source code is free and modifiable under the terms of * GNU General Public License. (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). See * the "license.txt" file for details, or visit the CollectiveAccess web site at * http://www.CollectiveAccess.org * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $va_mapping_list = $this->getVar('mapping_list'); $vs_type_menu = '<div class="sf-small-menu form-header-button rounded">' . '<div style="float:right; margin: 3px;">' . '<a href="#" onclick="_navigateToNewForm(jQuery(\'#tableList\').val(), jQuery(\'#targetList\').val(), jQuery(\'#directionList\').val());">' . caNavIcon($this->request, __CA_NAV_BUTTON_ADD__) . '</a>' . '</div>' . '<form action="#">' . _t('New %1 %2 mapping for %3', caHTMLSelect('format', $this->getVar('format_list'), array('id' => 'targetList')), caHTMLSelect('direction', $this->getVar('direction_list'), array('id' => 'directionList')), caHTMLSelect('table_num', $this->getVar('table_list'), array('id' => 'tableList'))) . '</form>' . '</div>'; ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#caMappingList').caFormatListTable(); }); function _navigateToNewForm(table_num, target, direction) { document.location = '<?php print caNavUrl($this->request, 'administrate/setup/bundle_mapping_editor', 'BundleMappingEditor', 'Edit', array('mapping_id' => 0)); ?> ' + '/table_num/' + table_num + '/target/' + target + '/direction/' + direction; } /* ]]> */ </script>
</a></div> </form> </div> <br class="clear"/> <?php } ?> <div class="col"> <?php print "<span class='header'>" . _t("Create set") . ":</span><br/>"; ?> <form id="caCreateSetFromResults"> <?php print caHTMLTextInput('set_name', array('id' => 'caCreateSetFromResultsInput', 'class' => 'searchSetsTextInput', 'value' => $o_result_context->getSearchExpression()), array('width' => '150px')); print " "; print caHTMLSelect('set_create_mode', array(_t('from results') => 'from_results', _t('from checked') => 'from_checked'), array('id' => 'caCreateSetFromResultsMode', 'class' => 'searchSetsSelect'), array('value' => null, 'width' => '140px')); if ($t_list->getAppConfig()->get('enable_set_type_controls')) { print $t_list->getListAsHTMLFormElement('set_types', 'set_type', array('id' => 'caCreateSetTypeID', 'class' => 'searchSetsSelect'), array('value' => null, 'width' => '140px')); } print caBusyIndicatorIcon($this->request, array('id' => 'caCreateSetFromResultsIndicator')) . "\n"; ?> <a href='#' onclick="caCreateSetFromResults(); return false;" class="button"><?php print _t('Create'); ?> ›</a> <?php if ($this->request->user->canDoAction('can_batch_edit_' . $t_subject->tableName())) { print '<div class="searchSetsBatchEdit">' . caHTMLCheckboxInput('batch_edit', array('id' => 'caCreateSetBatchEdit', 'value' => 1)) . " " . _t('Open set for batch editing') . "</div>\n"; } ?> </form>
if (!$t_order->getPrimaryKey() || $t_order->paymentIsAllowed()) { // && in_array($t_order->get('payment_method'), $va_payment_types))) { ?> <div id='caPaymentFields'> <H1><?php print _t("Payment Details"); ?> </H1> <div class="bgWhite"> <?php print "<div>" . $t_order->htmlFormElement('payment_method', $vs_form_element_format, array('width' => $vn_width, 'field_errors' => $va_errors[$vs_f], 'choiceList' => $va_payment_types, 'id' => 'caPaymentMethod')) . "</div>\n"; ?> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerCreditSubForm"> <?php print "<div style='float:left;'><b>" . _t("Credit card") . "</b><br/>" . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_type', $va_credit_card_types) . "</div>\n"; print "<div style='margin-left:15px; float:left;'><b>" . _t("Expiration date") . "</b><br/>" . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_exp_mon', $this->getVar('credit_card_exp_month_list')) . " " . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_exp_yr', $this->getVar('credit_card_exp_year_list')) . "</div>\n"; print "<div style='clear:left; float:left;'><b>" . _t("Credit card number") . "</b><br/>" . caHTMLTextInput('credit_card_number', array('size' => 30)) . "</div>\n"; print "<div style='margin-left:15px; float:left;'><b>" . _t("CCV") . "</b><br/>" . caHTMLTextInput('credit_card_ccv', array('size' => 4)) . "</div>\n"; print "<div id='caClientOrderProcessingIndicator'><img src='" . $this->request->getThemeUrlPath() . "/graphics/icons/indicator.gif'/> " . _t('Please wait while order is processed (this may take up to 60 seconds to complete)') . "</div>\n"; ?> <div style="clear:both; height:1px; margin:0px;"><!-- empty --></div> </div> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerPOSubForm"> Email your Purchase order to rnr@hsp.org or FAX it to 215-732-6200 </div> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerCheckSubForm"> Send your check for <?php print $vs_currency_symbol . $t_order->getTotal(); ?> to Rights and Reproductions, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 </div>
public function __construct(&$po_request, &$po_response, $pa_view_paths = null) { parent::__construct($po_request, $po_response, $pa_view_paths); // // Get browse target // if (!($vs_browse_target = $po_request->getParameter('target', pString))) { if (!($vs_browse_target = $po_request->session->getVar('pawtucket2_browse_target'))) { if (is_array($va_browse_targets = $this->request->config->getList('browse_targets'))) { $vs_browse_target = array_shift($va_browse_targets); } } } // redirect user if not logged in if ($this->request->config->get('pawtucket_requires_login') && !$this->request->isLoggedIn() || $this->request->config->get('show_bristol_only') && !$this->request->isLoggedIn()) { $this->response->setRedirect(caNavUrl($this->request, "", "LoginReg", "form")); } elseif ($this->request->config->get('show_bristol_only') && $this->request->isLoggedIn()) { $this->response->setRedirect(caNavUrl($this->request, "bristol", "Show", "Index")); } // // Minimal view list (all targets have a "full" results view) // $this->opa_views = array('full' => _t('List')); $this->opa_views_options = array('full' => array("description" => _t("View results in a list"), "icon" => "icon_list.gif")); // // Set up for browse target // switch ($vs_browse_target) { case 'ca_entities': $this->ops_tablename = 'ca_entities'; $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($po_request, $this->ops_tablename, $this->ops_find_type); $this->opo_browse = new EntityBrowse($this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression(), 'pawtucket2'); // get configured result views, if specified if ($va_result_views_for_ca_entities = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_for_ca_entities')) { $this->opa_views = $va_result_views_for_ca_entities; } // get configured result views options, if specified if ($va_result_views_options_for_ca_entities = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_options_for_ca_entities')) { $this->opa_views_options = $va_result_views_options_for_ca_entities; } // get configured result sort options, if specified if ($va_sort_options_for_ca_entities = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_sort_options_for_ca_entities')) { $this->opa_sorts = $va_sort_options_for_ca_entities; } else { $this->opa_sorts = array('ca_entity_labels.displayname' => _t('Name'), 'ca_entities.type_id' => _t('Type'), 'ca_entities.idno_sort' => _t('Idno')); } break; case 'ca_places': $this->ops_tablename = 'ca_places'; $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($po_request, $this->ops_tablename, $this->ops_find_type); $this->opo_browse = new PlaceBrowse($this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression(), 'pawtucket2'); // get configured result views, if specified if ($va_result_views_for_ca_places = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_for_ca_places')) { $this->opa_views = $va_result_views_for_ca_places; } // get configured result views options, if specified if ($va_result_views_options_for_ca_places = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_options_for_ca_places')) { $this->opa_views_options = $va_result_views_options_for_ca_places; } // get configured result sort options, if specified if ($va_sort_options_for_ca_places = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_sort_options_for_ca_places')) { $this->opa_sorts = $va_sort_options_for_ca_places; } else { $this->opa_sorts = array('ca_place_labels.name' => _t('Name'), 'ca_places.type_id' => _t('Type'), 'ca_places.idno_sort' => _t('Idno')); } break; case 'ca_occurrences': $this->ops_tablename = 'ca_occurrences'; $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($po_request, $this->ops_tablename, $this->ops_find_type); $this->opo_browse = new OccurrenceBrowse($this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression(), 'pawtucket2'); // get configured result views, if specified if ($va_result_views_for_ca_occurrences = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_for_ca_occurrences')) { $this->opa_views = $va_result_views_for_ca_occurrences; } // get configured result views options, if specified if ($va_result_views_options_for_ca_occurrences = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_options_for_ca_occurrences')) { $this->opa_views_options = $va_result_views_options_for_ca_occurrences; } // get configured result sort options, if specified if ($va_sort_options_for_ca_occurrences = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_sort_options_for_ca_occurrences')) { $this->opa_sorts = $va_sort_options_for_ca_occurrences; } else { $this->opa_sorts = array('ca_occurrence_labels.name' => _t('Title'), 'ca_occurrences.idno_sort' => _t('Idno')); } break; case 'ca_collections': $this->ops_tablename = 'ca_collections'; $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($po_request, $this->ops_tablename, $this->ops_find_type); $this->opo_browse = new CollectionBrowse($this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression(), 'pawtucket2'); // get configured result views, if specified if ($va_result_views_for_ca_collections = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_for_ca_collections')) { $this->opa_views = $va_result_views_for_ca_collections; } // get configured result views options, if specified if ($va_result_views_options_for_ca_collections = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_options_for_ca_collections')) { $this->opa_views_options = $va_result_views_options_for_ca_collections; } // get configured result sort options, if specified if ($va_sort_options_for_ca_collections = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_sort_options_for_ca_collections')) { $this->opa_sorts = $va_sort_options_for_ca_collections; } else { $this->opa_sorts = array('ca_collection_labels.name' => _t('Name'), 'ca_collections.type_id' => _t('Type'), 'ca_collections.idno_sort' => _t('Idno')); } break; default: $this->ops_tablename = 'ca_objects'; $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($po_request, $this->ops_tablename, $this->ops_find_type); $this->opo_browse = new ObjectBrowse($this->opo_result_context->getSearchExpression(), 'pawtucket2'); // get configured result views, if specified if ($va_result_views_for_ca_objects = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_for_ca_objects')) { $this->opa_views = $va_result_views_for_ca_objects; } else { $this->opa_views = array('full' => _t('List'), 'thumbnail' => _t('Thumbnails')); } // get configured result views options, if specified if ($va_result_views_options_for_ca_objects = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_views_options_for_ca_objects')) { $this->opa_views_options = $va_result_views_options_for_ca_objects; } else { $this->opa_views_options = array('thumbnail' => array("description" => _t("View thumbnails with brief captions"), "icon" => "icon_thumbnail.gif"), 'full' => array("description" => _t("View images with full captions"), "icon" => "icon_full.gif")); } // get configured result sort options, if specified if ($va_sort_options_for_ca_objects = $po_request->config->getAssoc('result_sort_options_for_ca_objects')) { $this->opa_sorts = $va_sort_options_for_ca_objects; } else { $this->opa_sorts = array('ca_object_labels.name' => _t('Title'), 'ca_objects.type_id' => _t('Type'), 'ca_objects.idno_sort' => _t('Idno')); } if ($po_request->config->get("show_map_object_search_results")) { JavascriptLoadManager::register('maps'); $this->opa_views['map'] = _t('Map'); if (!$this->opa_views_options['map']) { $this->opa_views_options['map'] = array("description" => _t("View results plotted on a map"), "icon" => "icon_map.gif"); } } break; } // if target changes we need clear out all browse criteria as they are no longer valid if ($vs_browse_target != $po_request->session->getVar('pawtucket2_browse_target')) { $this->opo_browse->removeAllCriteria(); } // Set up target vars and controls $po_request->session->setVar('pawtucket2_browse_target', $vs_browse_target); if (sizeof($va_browse_targets = $this->request->config->getList('browse_targets')) > 1) { $va_browse_options = array(); foreach ($va_browse_targets as $vs_possible_browse_target) { if ($vs_browse_target_name = $this->opo_browse->getBrowseSubjectName($vs_possible_browse_target)) { $va_browse_options[$vs_browse_target_name] = $vs_possible_browse_target; } } $this->view->setVar('browse_selector', "<form action='#'>" . caHTMLSelect('target', $va_browse_options, array('id' => 'caBrowseTargetSelectorSelect', 'onchange' => 'window.location = \'' . caNavUrl($this->request, $this->request->getModulePath(), $this->request->getController(), 'Index', array('target' => '')) . '\' + jQuery(\'#caBrowseTargetSelectorSelect\').val();'), array('value' => $vs_browse_target, 'dontConvertAttributeQuotesToEntities' => true)) . "</form>\n"); } // get configured items per page options, if specified if ($va_items_per_page = $po_request->config->getList('items_per_page_options_for_' . $vs_browse_target . '_browse')) { $this->opa_items_per_page = $va_items_per_page; } if (($vn_items_per_page_default = (int) $po_request->config->get('items_per_page_default_for_' . $this->ops_tablename . '_browse')) > 0) { $this->opn_items_per_page_default = $vn_items_per_page_default; } else { $this->opn_items_per_page_default = $this->opa_items_per_page[0]; } // set current result view options so can check we are including a configured result view $this->view->setVar('result_views', $this->opa_views); $this->view->setVar('result_views_options', $this->opa_views_options); //Roundabout added config options $ra_categories = array('artists' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_artists'), 'costumes' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_costumes'), 'orchestrations' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_orchestrations'), 'photographs' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_photographs'), 'playbills' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_playbills'), 'posters' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_posters'), 'productions' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_productions'), 'scripts' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_scripts'), 'sketch' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_sketch'), 'video' => $po_request->config->get('ra_browse_video')); $this->view->setVar('ra_categories', $ra_categories); if ($this->opn_type_restriction_id = $this->opo_result_context->getTypeRestriction($pb_type_restriction_has_changed)) { $_GET['type_id'] = $this->opn_type_restriction_id; // push type_id into globals so breadcrumb trail can pick it up $this->opb_type_restriction_has_changed = $pb_type_restriction_has_changed; // get change status } }
/** * Return available displays as HTML <select> drop-down menu * * @param string $ps_select_name Name attribute for <select> form element * @param array $pa_attributes Optional array of attributes to embed in HTML <select> tag. Keys are attribute names and values are attribute values. * @param array $pa_options Optional array of options. Supported options include: * Supports all options supported by caHTMLSelect() and ca_bundle_displays::getBundleDisplays() + the following: * addDefaultDisplay - if true, the "default" display is included at the head of the list; this is simply a display called "default" that is assumed to be handled by your code; the default is not to add the default value (false) * addDefaultDisplayIfEmpty - same as 'addDefaultDisplay' except that the default value is only added if the display list is empty * @return string HTML code defining <select> drop-down */ public function getBundleDisplaysAsHTMLSelect($ps_select_name, $pa_attributes = null, $pa_options = null) { if (!is_array($pa_options)) { $pa_options = array(); } $va_available_displays = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($this->getBundleDisplays($pa_options)); $va_content = array(); if (isset($pa_options['addDefaultDisplay']) && $pa_options['addDefaultDisplay'] || isset($pa_options['addDefaultDisplayIfEmpty']) && $pa_options['addDefaultDisplayIfEmpty'] && !sizeof($va_available_displays)) { $va_content[_t('Default')] = 0; } foreach ($va_available_displays as $vn_display_id => $va_info) { $va_content[$va_info['name']] = $vn_display_id; } if (sizeof($va_content) == 0) { return ''; } return caHTMLSelect($ps_select_name, $va_content, $pa_attributes, $pa_options); }
/** * */ public function advanced() { $o_config = caGetSearchConfig(); $ps_function = strtolower($this->request->getActionExtra()); if (!($va_search_info = caGetInfoForAdvancedSearchType($ps_function))) { // invalid advanced search type – throw error die("Invalid advanced search type"); } $vs_class = $va_search_info['table']; $va_types = caGetOption('restrictToTypes', $va_search_info, array(), array('castTo' => 'array')); $this->opo_result_context = new ResultContext($this->request, $va_search_info['table'], $this->ops_find_type . '_advanced'); $this->opo_result_context->setAsLastFind(); MetaTagManager::setWindowTitle($this->request->config->get("app_display_name") . ": " . _t("Search %1", $va_search_info["displayName"])); $this->view->setVar('searchInfo', $va_search_info); $this->view->setVar('options', caGetOption('options', $va_search_info, array(), array('castTo' => 'array'))); $va_default_form_values = $this->opo_result_context->getParameter("pawtucketAdvancedSearchFormContent_{$ps_function}"); $va_default_form_booleans = $this->opo_result_context->getParameter("pawtucketAdvancedSearchFormBooleans_{$ps_function}"); $va_tags = $this->view->getTagList($va_search_info['view']); $t_subject = $this->request->datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_search_info['table'], true); $va_form_elements = array(); $vs_script = null; foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) { $va_parse = caParseTagOptions($vs_tag); $vs_tag_proc = $va_parse['tag']; $va_opts = $va_parse['options']; if (($vs_default_value = caGetOption('default', $va_opts, null)) || ($vs_default_value = caGetOption($vs_tag_proc, $va_default_form_values, null))) { $va_default_form_values[$vs_tag_proc] = $vs_default_value; unset($va_opts['default']); } $vs_tag_val = null; switch (strtolower($vs_tag_proc)) { case 'submit': $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, "<a href='#' class='caAdvancedSearchFormSubmit'>" . (isset($va_opts['label']) && $va_opts['label'] ? $va_opts['label'] : _t('Submit')) . "</a>"); break; case 'reset': $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, "<a href='#' class='caAdvancedSearchFormReset'>" . (isset($va_opts['label']) && $va_opts['label'] ? $va_opts['label'] : _t('Reset')) . "</a>"); $vs_script = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tjQuery('.caAdvancedSearchFormSubmit').bind('click', function() {\n\t\tjQuery('#caAdvancedSearch').submit();\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});\n\tjQuery('.caAdvancedSearchFormReset').bind('click', function() {\n\t\tjQuery('#caAdvancedSearch').find('input[type!=\"hidden\"],textarea').val('');\n\t\tjQuery('#caAdvancedSearch').find('select.caAdvancedSearchBoolean').val('AND');\n\t\tjQuery('#caAdvancedSearch').find('select').prop('selectedIndex', 0);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t});\n\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\tvar f, defaultValues = " . json_encode($va_default_form_values) . ", defaultBooleans = " . json_encode($va_default_form_booleans) . ";\n\t\tfor (f in defaultValues) {\n\t\t\tvar f_proc = f + '[]';\n\t\t\tjQuery('input[name=\"' + f_proc+ '\"], textarea[name=\"' + f_proc+ '\"], select[name=\"' + f_proc+ '\"]').each(function(k, v) {\n\t\t\t\tif (defaultValues[f][k]) { jQuery(v).val(defaultValues[f][k]); } \n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor (f in defaultBooleans) {\n\t\t\tvar f_proc = f + '[]';\n\t\t\tjQuery('select[name=\"' + f_proc+ '\"].caAdvancedSearchBoolean').each(function(k, v) {\n\t\t\t\tif (defaultBooleans[f][k]) { jQuery(v).val(defaultBooleans[f][k]); }\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n</script>\n"; break; default: if (preg_match("!^(.*):label\$!", $vs_tag_proc, $va_matches)) { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, $vs_tag_val = $t_subject->getDisplayLabel($va_matches[1])); } elseif (preg_match("!^(.*):boolean\$!", $vs_tag_proc, $va_matches)) { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, caHTMLSelect($vs_tag_proc . '[]', array(_t('AND') => 'AND', _t('OR') => 'OR', 'AND NOT' => 'AND NOT'), array('class' => 'caAdvancedSearchBoolean'))); } else { $va_opts['asArrayElement'] = true; if (isset($va_opts['restrictToTypes']) && $va_opts['restrictToTypes'] && !is_array($va_opts['restrictToTypes'])) { $va_opts['restrictToTypes'] = explode(";", $va_opts['restrictToTypes']); } if ($vs_tag_val = $t_subject->htmlFormElementForSearch($this->request, $vs_tag_proc, $va_opts)) { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, $vs_tag_val); } $va_tmp = explode('.', $vs_tag_proc); if (($t_element = ca_metadata_elements::getInstance($va_tmp[1])) && $t_element->get('datatype') == 0) { if (is_array($va_elements = $t_element->getElementsInSet())) { foreach ($va_elements as $va_element) { if ($va_element['datatype'] > 0) { $va_form_elements[] = $va_tmp[0] . '.' . $va_tmp[1] . '.' . $va_element['element_code']; } } } break; } } if ($vs_tag_val) { $va_form_elements[] = $vs_tag_proc; } break; } } $this->view->setVar("form", caFormTag($this->request, "{$ps_function}", 'caAdvancedSearch', null, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true, 'submitOnReturn' => true))); $this->view->setVar("/form", $vs_script . caHTMLHiddenInput("_advancedFormName", array("value" => $ps_function)) . caHTMLHiddenInput("_formElements", array("value" => join(';', $va_form_elements))) . caHTMLHiddenInput("_advanced", array("value" => 1)) . "</form>"); $this->render($va_search_info['view']); }
<?php _p("Administrator's e-mail address"); ?> :<br/> <input type='text' name='email' value='<?php print htmlspecialchars($ps_email, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> ' size='40' maxlength='100'/> </div><!-- end formItem --> <div class='formItem'><?php _p("Installation profile"); ?> :<br/> <div id="profileChooser"> <?php print caHTMLSelect('profile', caGetAvailableXMLProfiles(), array('id' => 'profileSelect'), array('value' => $ps_profile)); if (defined('__CA_ALLOW_DRAG_AND_DROP_PROFILE_UPLOAD_IN_INSTALLER__') && __CA_ALLOW_DRAG_AND_DROP_PROFILE_UPLOAD_IN_INSTALLER__) { ?> <div id="batchProcessingTableProgressGroup" style="display: none;"> <div class="batchProcessingStatus"><span id="batchProcessingTableStatus" > </span></div> <div id="progressbar"></div> </div> <div id="profileUpload" style="border: 2px dashed #999999; text-align: center; padding: 20px; margin-top: 10px;"> <span style="font-size: 20px; color: #aaaaaa; font-weight: bold;"><?php print _t("Drag profiles here to add or update"); ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?>
/** * */ public function __call($ps_function, $pa_args) { AssetLoadManager::register("panel"); AssetLoadManager::register("mediaViewer"); AssetLoadManager::register("carousel"); AssetLoadManager::register("readmore"); AssetLoadManager::register("maps"); $ps_function = strtolower($ps_function); $ps_id = urldecode($this->request->getActionExtra()); if (!isset($this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]) || !isset($this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]['table']) || !($vs_table = $this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]['table'])) { // invalid detail type – throw error die("Invalid detail type"); } $t_table = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table, true); if (($vb_use_identifiers_in_urls = caUseIdentifiersInUrls()) && substr($ps_id, 0, 3) == "id:") { $va_tmp = explode(":", $ps_id); $ps_id = (int) $va_tmp[1]; $vb_use_identifiers_in_urls = false; } if (!$t_table->load($vb_use_identifiers_in_urls && $t_table->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') ? $t_table->hasField('deleted') ? array($t_table->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $ps_id, 'deleted' => 0) : array($t_table->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $ps_id) : ($t_table->hasField('deleted') ? array($t_table->primaryKey() => (int) $ps_id, 'deleted' => 0) : array($t_table->primaryKey() => (int) $ps_id)))) { // invalid id - throw error die("Invalid id"); } // Printables // merge displays with drop-in print templates // $va_export_options = caGetAvailablePrintTemplates('summary', array('table' => $t_table->tableName())); $this->view->setVar('export_formats', $va_export_options); $va_options = array(); foreach ($va_export_options as $vn_i => $va_format_info) { $va_options[$va_format_info['name']] = $va_format_info['code']; } // Get current display list $t_display = new ca_bundle_displays(); foreach (caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_display->getBundleDisplays(array('table' => $this->ops_tablename, 'user_id' => $this->request->getUserID(), 'access' => __CA_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_READ_ACCESS__, 'checkAccess' => caGetUserAccessValues($this->request)))) as $va_display) { $va_options[$va_display['name']] = "_display_" . $va_display['display_id']; } ksort($va_options); $this->view->setVar('export_format_select', caHTMLSelect('export_format', $va_options, array('class' => 'searchToolsSelect'), array('value' => $this->view->getVar('current_export_format'), 'width' => '150px'))); # # Enforce access control # if (sizeof($this->opa_access_values) && $t_table->hasField('access') && !in_array($t_table->get("access"), $this->opa_access_values)) { $this->notification->addNotification(_t("This item is not available for view"), "message"); $this->response->setRedirect(caNavUrl($this->request, "", "", "", "")); return; } MetaTagManager::setWindowTitle($this->request->config->get("app_display_name") . ": " . $t_table->getTypeName() . ": " . $t_table->get('preferred_labels') . (($vs_idno = $t_table->get($t_table->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD'))) ? " [{$vs_idno}]" : "")); $vs_type = $t_table->getTypeCode(); $this->view->setVar('detailType', $vs_table); $this->view->setVar('item', $t_table); $this->view->setVar('itemType', $vs_type); caAddPageCSSClasses(array($vs_table, $ps_function, $vs_type)); // Do we need to pull in the multisearch result set? if (ResultContext::getLastFind($this->request, $vs_table, array('noSubtype' => true)) === 'multisearch') { $o_context = new ResultContext($this->request, $vs_table, 'multisearch', $ps_function); $o_context->setAsLastFind(); $o_context->saveContext(); } else { $o_context = ResultContext::getResultContextForLastFind($this->request, $vs_table); } $this->view->setVar('previousID', $vn_previous_id = $o_context->getPreviousID($t_table->getPrimaryKey())); $this->view->setVar('nextID', $vn_next_id = $o_context->getNextID($t_table->getPrimaryKey())); $this->view->setVar('previousURL', caDetailUrl($this->request, $vs_table, $vn_previous_id)); $this->view->setVar('nextURL', caDetailUrl($this->request, $vs_table, $vn_next_id)); $this->view->setVar('resultsURL', ResultContext::getResultsUrlForLastFind($this->request, $vs_table)); $va_options = isset($this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]['options']) && is_array($this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]['options']) ? $this->opa_detail_types[$ps_function]['options'] : array(); $this->view->setVar('previousLink', $vn_previous_id > 0 ? caDetailLink($this->request, caGetOption('previousLink', $va_options, _t('Previous')), '', $vs_table, $vn_previous_id) : ''); $this->view->setVar('nextLink', $vn_next_id > 0 ? caDetailLink($this->request, caGetOption('nextLink', $va_options, _t('Next')), '', $vs_table, $vn_next_id) : ''); $this->view->setVar('resultsLink', ResultContext::getResultsLinkForLastFind($this->request, $vs_table, caGetOption('resultsLink', $va_options, _t('Back')))); $this->view->setVar('commentsEnabled', (bool) $va_options['enableComments']); // // // if (method_exists($t_table, 'getPrimaryRepresentationInstance')) { if ($pn_representation_id = $this->request->getParameter('representation_id', pInteger)) { $t_representation = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName("ca_object_representations", true); $t_representation->load($pn_representation_id); } else { $t_representation = $t_table->getPrimaryRepresentationInstance(array("checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values)); } if ($t_representation) { $this->view->setVar("t_representation", $t_representation); $this->view->setVar("representation_id", $t_representation->get("representation_id")); } else { $t_representation = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName("ca_object_representations", true); } $this->view->setVar("representationViewer", caObjectDetailMedia($this->request, $t_table->getPrimaryKey(), $t_representation, $t_table, array("primaryOnly" => caGetOption('representationViewerPrimaryOnly', $va_options, false), "dontShowPlaceholder" => caGetOption('representationViewerDontShowPlaceholder', $va_options, false)))); } // // map // if (!is_array($va_map_attributes = caGetOption('map_attributes', $va_options, array())) || !sizeof($va_map_attributes)) { if ($vs_map_attribute = caGetOption('map_attribute', $va_options, false)) { $va_map_attributes = array($vs_map_attribute); } } $this->view->setVar("map", ""); if (is_array($va_map_attributes) && sizeof($va_map_attributes)) { $o_map = new GeographicMap(($vn_width = caGetOption('map_width', $va_options, false)) ? $vn_width : 285, ($vn_height = caGetOption('map_height', $va_options, false)) ? $vn_height : 200, 'map'); $vn_mapped_count = 0; foreach ($va_map_attributes as $vs_map_attribute) { if ($t_table->get($vs_map_attribute)) { $o_map->mapFrom($t_table, $vs_map_attribute); $vn_mapped_count++; } } if ($vn_mapped_count > 0) { $this->view->setVar("map", $o_map->render('HTML')); } } // // comments, tags, rank // $this->view->setVar('averageRank', $t_table->getAverageRating(true)); $this->view->setVar('numRank', $t_table->getNumRatings(true)); # # User-generated comments, tags and ratings # $va_user_comments = $t_table->getComments(null, true); $va_comments = array(); if (is_array($va_user_comments)) { foreach ($va_user_comments as $va_user_comment) { if ($va_user_comment["comment"] || $va_user_comment["media1"] || $va_user_comment["media2"] || $va_user_comment["media3"] || $va_user_comment["media4"]) { # TODO: format date based on locale $va_user_comment["date"] = date("n/j/Y", $va_user_comment["created_on"]); # -- get name of commenter if ($va_user_comment["user_id"]) { $t_user = new ca_users($va_user_comment["user_id"]); $va_user_comment["author"] = $t_user->getName(); } elseif ($va_user_comment["name"]) { $va_user_comment["author"] = $va_user_comment["name"]; } $va_comments[] = $va_user_comment; } } } $this->view->setVar('comments', $va_comments); $va_user_tags = $t_table->getTags(null, true); $va_tags = array(); if (is_array($va_user_tags)) { foreach ($va_user_tags as $va_user_tag) { if (!in_array($va_user_tag["tag"], $va_tags)) { $va_tags[] = $va_user_tag["tag"]; } } } $this->view->setVar('tags_array', $va_tags); $this->view->setVar('tags', implode(", ", $va_tags)); $this->view->setVar("itemComments", caDetailItemComments($this->request, $t_table->getPrimaryKey(), $t_table, $va_comments, $va_tags)); // // share link // $this->view->setVar("shareLink", "<a href='#' onclick='caMediaPanel.showPanel(\"" . caNavUrl($this->request, '', 'Detail', 'ShareForm', array("tablename" => $t_table->tableName(), "item_id" => $t_table->getPrimaryKey())) . "\"); return false;'>Share</a>"); // find view // first look for type-specific view if (!$this->viewExists($vs_path = "Details/{$vs_table}_{$vs_type}_html.php")) { // If no type specific view use the default $vs_path = "Details/{$vs_table}_default_html.php"; } switch ($ps_view = $this->request->getParameter('view', pString)) { case 'pdf': $this->_genExport($t_table, $this->request->getParameter("export_format", pString), 'Detail', 'Detail'); break; default: // // Tag substitution // // Views can contain tags in the form {{{tagname}}}. Some tags, such as "itemType" and "detailType" are defined by // the detail controller. More usefully, you can pull data from the item being detailed by using a valid "get" expression // as a tag (Eg. {{{ca_objects.idno}}}. Even more usefully for some, you can also use a valid bundle display template // (see http://docs.collectiveaccess.org/wiki/Bundle_Display_Templates) as a tag. The template will be evaluated in the // context of the item being detailed. // $va_defined_vars = array_keys($this->view->getAllVars()); // get list defined vars (we don't want to copy over them) $va_tag_list = $this->getTagListForView($vs_path); // get list of tags in view foreach ($va_tag_list as $vs_tag) { if (in_array($vs_tag, $va_defined_vars)) { continue; } if (strpos($vs_tag, "^") !== false || strpos($vs_tag, "<") !== false) { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, $t_table->getWithTemplate($vs_tag, array('checkAccess' => $this->opa_access_values))); } elseif (strpos($vs_tag, ".") !== false) { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, $t_table->get($vs_tag, array('checkAccess' => $this->opa_access_values))); } else { $this->view->setVar($vs_tag, "?{$vs_tag}"); } } $this->render($vs_path); break; } }
if (is_array($va_errors['payment_info']) && sizeof($va_errors['payment_info'])) { ?> <div class='formLabelError'><?php print join("; ", $va_errors['payment_info']); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerCreditSubForm" style="display: none;"> <table> <?php print "<tr><td>" . _t('Credit card') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_type', $va_credit_card_types, array(), array('value' => $va_payment_info['credit_card_type'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td>" . _t('Credit card number') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLTextInput('credit_card_number', array('size' => 40, 'value' => $va_payment_info['credit_card_number'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td>" . _t('CCV') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLTextInput('credit_card_ccv', array('size' => 4, 'value' => $va_payment_info['credit_card_ccv'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td>" . _t('Expiration date') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_exp_mon', $this->getVar('credit_card_exp_month_list'), array(), array('value' => $va_payment_info['credit_card_exp_mon'])) . " " . caHTMLSelect('credit_card_exp_yr', $this->getVar('credit_card_exp_year_list'), array(), array('value' => $va_payment_info['credit_card_exp_yr'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td> </td><td><div id='caClientOrderProcessingIndicator'><img src='" . $this->request->getThemeUrlPath() . "/graphics/icons/indicator.gif'/> " . _t('Please wait while order is processed (this may take up to 60 seconds to complete)') . "</div></td></tr>\n"; ?> </table> </div> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerPOSubForm" style="display: none;"> <table> <?php print "<tr><td>" . _t('Purchase order date') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLTextInput('purchase_order_date', array('width' => 40, 'class' => 'dateBg', 'value' => $va_payment_info['purchase_order_date'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td>" . _t('Purchase order #') . "</td><td>" . caHTMLTextInput('purchase_order_number', array('width' => 40, 'value' => $va_payment_info['purchase_order_number'])) . "</td></tr>\n"; ?> </table> </div> <div id="caClientOrderCustomerCheckSubForm" style="display: none;"> <table> <?php
/** * Returns HTML form element for editing of setting * * Options: * * 'name' => sets the name of the HTML form element explicitly, otherwise 'setting_<name_of_setting>' is used * 'id' => sets the id of the HTML form element explicitly, otherwise 'setting_<name_of_setting>' is used * 'value' => sets the value of the HTML form element explicitly, otherwise the current value for the setting in the loaded row is used * 'label_id' => sets the id of the label for the setting form element (used to link tools tips to the label); if not set then the default is to set it to 'setting_<name_of_setting>_label' */ public function settingHTMLFormElement($ps_setting, $pa_options = null) { if (!$this->isValidSetting($ps_setting)) { return false; } $va_available_settings = $this->getAvailableSettings(); $va_properties = $va_available_settings[$ps_setting]; if (isset($pa_options['name'])) { $vs_input_name = $pa_options['name']; } else { $vs_input_name = "setting_{$ps_setting}"; } if (isset($pa_options['id'])) { $vs_input_id = $pa_options['id']; } else { $vs_input_id = "setting_{$ps_setting}"; } if (isset($pa_options['value'])) { $vs_value = $pa_options['value']; } else { $vs_value = $this->getSetting(trim($ps_setting)); } if (isset($pa_options['label_id'])) { $vs_label_id = $pa_options['label_id']; } else { $vs_label_id = "setting_{$ps_setting}_label"; } $vs_return = "\n" . '<div class="formLabel" id="' . $vs_input_id . '_container">' . "\n"; $vs_return .= '<span id="' . $vs_label_id . '" class="' . $vs_label_id . '">' . $va_properties['label'] . '</span>'; if ($vs_help_text = $pa_options['helpText']) { $vs_return .= "<a href='#' onclick='jQuery(\"#" . str_replace(".", "_", $vs_label_id) . "_help_text\").slideToggle(250); return false;' class='settingsKeyButton'>" . _t('Key') . "</a>"; } $vs_return .= '<br />' . "\n"; if ($vs_help_text) { $vs_return .= "\n<div id='" . str_replace(".", "_", $vs_label_id) . "_help_text' class='settingsKey'>{$vs_help_text}</div>\n"; } switch ($va_properties['displayType']) { # -------------------------------------------- case DT_FIELD: $vb_takes_locale = false; if (isset($va_properties['takesLocale']) && $va_properties['takesLocale']) { $vb_takes_locale = true; $va_locales = ca_locales::getLocaleList(array('sort_field' => '', 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'index_by_code' => true, 'available_for_cataloguing_only' => true)); } else { $va_locales = array('_generic' => array()); } foreach ($va_locales as $vs_locale => $va_locale_info) { if ($vb_takes_locale && sizeof($va_locales) > 1) { $vs_locale_label = " (" . $va_locale_info['name'] . ")"; $vs_input_name_suffix = '_' . $vs_locale; } else { if ($vb_takes_locale) { $vs_input_name_suffix = '_' . $vs_locale; } else { $vs_input_name_suffix = $vs_locale_label = ''; } } if ($vs_locale != '_generic' && is_array($vs_value)) { // _generic means this setting doesn't take a locale if (!($vs_text_value = $vs_value[$va_locale_info['locale_id']])) { $vs_text_value = is_array($vs_value) && isset($vs_value[$va_locale_info['code']]) ? $vs_value[$va_locale_info['code']] : ''; } } else { $vs_text_value = $vs_value; } $vs_return .= caHTMLTextInput($vs_input_name . $vs_input_name_suffix, array('size' => $va_properties["width"], 'height' => $va_properties["height"], 'value' => $vs_text_value, 'id' => $vs_input_id)) . "{$vs_locale_label}<br/>\n"; } break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- case DT_CHECKBOXES: $va_attributes = array('value' => '1', 'id' => $vs_input_id); if ((int) $vs_value === 1) { $va_attributes['checked'] = '1'; } if (isset($va_properties['hideOnSelect'])) { if (!is_array($va_properties['hideOnSelect'])) { $va_properties['hideOnSelect'] = array($va_properties['hideOnSelect']); } $va_ids = array(); foreach ($va_properties['hideOnSelect'] as $vs_n) { $va_ids[] = "#" . $pa_options['id_prefix'] . "_{$vs_n}_container"; } $va_attributes['onchange'] = 'jQuery(this).prop("checked") ? jQuery("' . join(",", $va_ids) . '").slideUp(250).find("input, textarea").val("") : jQuery("' . join(",", $va_ids) . '").slideDown(250);'; } $vs_return .= caHTMLCheckboxInput($vs_input_name, $va_attributes, array()); break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- case DT_COLORPICKER: $va_attributes = array('value' => $vs_value, 'id' => $vs_input_id); $vs_return .= caHTMLHiddenInput($vs_input_name, $va_attributes, array()); $vs_return .= "<div id='{$vs_input_id}_colorchip' class='colorpicker_chip' style='background-color: #{$vs_value}'><!-- empty --></div>"; $vs_return .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#{$vs_input_name}_colorchip').ColorPicker({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonShow: function (colpkr) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(colpkr).fadeIn(500);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonHide: function (colpkr) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(colpkr).fadeOut(500);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$vs_input_name}').val(hex);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$vs_input_name}_colorchip').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: jQuery('#" . $pa_options["name"] . "').val()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})}); </script>\n"; JavascriptLoadManager::register('jquery', 'colorpicker'); break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- case DT_SELECT: include_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php'; $vn_width = isset($va_properties['width']) && strlen($va_properties['width']) > 0 ? $va_properties['width'] : "100px"; $vn_height = isset($va_properties['height']) && strlen($va_properties['height']) > 0 ? $va_properties['height'] : "50px"; $vs_select_element = ''; if (($vs_rel_table = $va_properties['useRelationshipTypeList']) || ($vb_locale_list = (bool) $va_properties['useLocaleList']) || ($vs_list_code = $va_properties['useList']) || ($vb_show_lists = (bool) $va_properties['showLists'] || (bool) $va_properties['showVocabularies'])) { if ($vs_rel_table) { $t_rel = new ca_relationship_types(); $va_rels = $t_rel->getRelationshipInfo($vs_rel_table); $va_rel_opts = array(); if (isset($va_properties['allowNull']) && $va_properties['allowNull']) { $va_rel_opts['-'] = null; } foreach ($va_rels as $vn_type_id => $va_rel_type_info) { if (!$va_rel_type_info['parent_id']) { continue; } $va_rel_opts[$va_rel_type_info['typename'] . '/' . $va_rel_type_info['typename_reverse']] = $va_rel_type_info['type_id']; } } else { if ($vb_locale_list) { include_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_locales.php'; $va_rel_opts = array_flip(ca_locales::getLocaleList(array('return_display_values' => true))); } else { if ($vb_show_lists) { include_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_lists.php'; $t_list = new ca_lists(); $va_lists = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($t_list->getListOfLists()); $va_rel_opts = array(); foreach ($va_lists as $vn_list_id => $va_list_info) { if ($va_properties['showVocabularies'] && !$va_list_info['use_as_vocabulary']) { continue; } $va_rel_opts[$va_list_info['name'] . ' (' . $va_list_info['list_code'] . ')'] = $vn_list_id; } } } } $va_attr = array(); if ($vn_height > 1) { $va_attr['multiple'] = 1; $vs_input_name .= '[]'; } $va_opts = array('id' => $vs_input_id, 'width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height); if ($vn_height > 1) { if ($vs_value && !is_array($vs_value)) { $vs_value = array($vs_value); } $va_opts['values'] = $vs_value; } else { if (is_array($vs_value)) { $va_opts['value'] = array_pop($vs_value); } else { if ($vs_value) { $va_opts['value'] = $vs_value; } else { $va_opts['value'] = null; } } } if ($vs_list_code) { $t_list = new ca_lists(); if (!isset($va_opts['value'])) { $va_opts['value'] = -1; } // make sure default list item is never selected $vs_select_element = $t_list->getListAsHTMLFormElement($vs_list_code, $vs_input_name, $va_attr, $va_opts); } else { if (!isset($va_opts['value'])) { $va_opts['value'] = -1; } // make sure default list item is never selected $vs_select_element = caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_rel_opts, $va_attr, $va_opts); } } else { if (strlen($va_properties['showSortableBundlesFor']) > 0) { require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_metadata_elements.php'; $o_dm = Datamodel::load(); if (!($t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($va_properties['showSortableBundlesFor'], true))) { break; } $va_elements = ca_metadata_elements::getSortableElements($va_properties['showSortableBundlesFor']); $va_select_opts = array(_t('User defined sort order') => '', _t('Order created') => 'relation_id', _t('Preferred label') => $va_properties['showSortableBundlesFor'] . ".preferred_labels." . $t_rel->getLabelDisplayField()); foreach ($va_elements as $vn_element_id => $va_element) { if (!$va_element['display_label']) { continue; } $va_select_opts[_t('Element: %1', $va_element['display_label'])] = $va_properties['showSortableBundlesFor'] . "." . $va_element['element_code']; } $va_opts = array('id' => $vs_input_id, 'width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height, 'value' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value[0] : $vs_value, 'values' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value : array($vs_value)); $vs_select_element = caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_select_opts, array(), $va_opts); } elseif ((int) $va_properties['showSortableElementsFor'] > 0) { require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_metadata_elements.php'; $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements($va_properties['showSortableElementsFor']); if (!$t_element->getPrimaryKey()) { return ''; } $va_elements = $t_element->getElementsInSet(); $va_select_opts = array(_t('Order created') => ''); foreach ($va_elements as $vn_i => $va_element) { if ((int) $va_element['element_id'] == (int) $va_properties['showSortableElementsFor']) { continue; } if (!$va_element['display_label']) { continue; } $va_select_opts[_t('Element: %1', $va_element['display_label'])] = $va_element['element_code']; } $va_opts = array('id' => $vs_input_id, 'width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height, 'value' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value[0] : $vs_value, 'values' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value : array($vs_value)); $vs_select_element = caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_select_opts, array(), $va_opts); } elseif ((int) $va_properties['showMetadataElementsWithDataType'] > 0) { require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_metadata_elements.php'; $va_rep_elements = ca_metadata_elements::getElementsAsList(true, $va_properties['table'], null, true, false, true, array($va_properties['showMetadataElementsWithDataType'])); if (is_array($va_rep_elements)) { $va_select_opts = array(); foreach ($va_rep_elements as $vs_element_code => $va_element_info) { $va_select_opts[$va_element_info['display_label']] = $vs_element_code; } $va_opts = array('id' => $vs_input_id, 'width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height, 'value' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value[0] : $vs_value, 'values' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value : array($vs_value)); $vs_select_element = caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_select_opts, array(), $va_opts); } } else { // Regular drop-down with configured options if ($vn_height > 1) { $va_attr['multiple'] = 1; $vs_input_name .= '[]'; } $va_opts = array('id' => $vs_input_id, 'width' => $vn_width, 'height' => $vn_height, 'value' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value[0] : $vs_value, 'values' => is_array($vs_value) ? $vs_value : array($vs_value)); if (!isset($va_opts['value'])) { $va_opts['value'] = -1; } // make sure default list item is never selected $vs_select_element = caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_properties['options'], array(), $va_opts); } } if ($vs_select_element) { $vs_return .= $vs_select_element; } else { return ''; } break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- default: break; # -------------------------------------------- } $vs_return .= '</div>' . "\n"; TooltipManager::add('.' . $vs_label_id, "<h3>" . $va_properties["label"] . "</h3>" . $va_properties["description"]); return $vs_return; }
<div id="topBar"> <?php # Locale selection global $g_ui_locale; $vs_base_url = $this->request->getRequestUrl(); $vs_base_url = substr($vs_base_url, 0, 1) == '/' ? $vs_base_url : '/' . $vs_base_url; $vs_base_url = str_replace("/lang/[A-Za-z_]+", "", $vs_base_url); if (is_array($va_ui_locales = $this->request->config->getList('ui_locales')) && sizeof($va_ui_locales) > 1) { print caFormTag($this->request, $this->request->getAction(), 'caLocaleSelectorForm', null, 'get', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); $va_locale_options = array(); foreach ($va_ui_locales as $vs_locale) { $va_parts = explode('_', $vs_locale); $vs_lang_name = Zend_Locale::getTranslation(strtolower($va_parts[0]), 'language', strtolower($va_parts[0])); $va_locale_options[$vs_lang_name] = $vs_locale; } print caHTMLSelect('lang', $va_locale_options, array('id' => 'caLocaleSelectorSelect', 'onclick' => 'jQuery(document).attr("location", "' . caNavUrl($this->request, $this->request->getModulePath(), $this->request->getController(), $this->request->getAction(), array('lang' => '')) . '" + jQuery("#caLocaleSelectorSelect").val());'), array('value' => $g_ui_locale)); print "</form>\n"; } ?> </div><!-- end topbar --> <div id="pageArea"> <div id="nav"> <div id="header"> <?php print caNavLink($this->request, "<img src='" . $this->request->getThemeUrlPath() . "/graphics/noguchi.png' border='0' style='margin-bottom:10px'>", "", "", "", ""); ?> </div><!-- end header --> <?php // get last search ('basic_search' is the find type used by the SearchController) $o_result_context = new ResultContext($this->request, 'ca_objects', 'basic_search');
/graphics/arrows/arrow_right_gray.gif" width="6" height="7" border="0"></a> <br style="clear: both;"/> <div id="searchToolsBox"> <div class="bg"> <?php print caFormTag($this->request, 'Index', 'caViewOptions', null, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); ?> <table width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <div class="formLabel"> <?php print _t('Read status') . "<br/>\n"; print caHTMLSelect('read_status', array('-' => '', _t('Unread only') => 'unread', _t('Read only') => 'read'), array(), array('value' => $va_filter_options['read_status'])); ?> </div> </td><td> <?php print $t_communication->htmlFormElement('created_on', null, array('FIELD_TYPE' => 'FT_DATETIME', 'DISPLAY_TYPE' => DT_FIELD, 'value' => $va_filter_options['created_on'])); ?> </td><td> <div class="formLabel"> <?php print _t('User account'); ?> <br/> <input type="text" size="50" name="client_user_id_autocomplete" value="<?php print htmlspecialchars($va_filter_options['_user_id_display'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); ?>
/** * HTML Form element generation * Optional name parameter allows you to generate a form element for a field but give it a * name different from the field name * * @param string $ps_field field name * @param string $ps_format field format * @param array $pa_options additional options * TODO: document them. */ public function htmlFormElement($ps_field, $ps_format = null, $pa_options = null) { $o_db = $this->getDb(); // init options if (!is_array($pa_options)) { $pa_options = array(); } foreach (array('display_form_field_tips', 'classname', 'maxOptionLength', 'textAreaTagName', 'display_use_count', 'display_omit_items__with_zero_count', 'display_use_count_filters', 'display_use_count_filters', 'selection', 'name', 'value', 'dont_show_null_value', 'size', 'multiple', 'show_text_field_for_vars', 'nullOption', 'empty_message', 'displayMessageForFieldValues', 'DISPLAY_FIELD', 'WHERE', 'select_item_text', 'hide_select_if_only_one_option', 'field_errors', 'display_form_field_tips', 'form_name', 'no_tooltips', 'tooltip_namespace', 'extraLabelText', 'width', 'height', 'label', 'list_code', 'hide_select_if_no_options', 'id', 'lookup_url', 'progress_indicator', 'error_icon', 'maxPixelWidth', 'displayMediaVersion', 'FIELD_TYPE', 'DISPLAY_TYPE', 'choiceList', 'readonly', 'description', 'hidden') as $vs_key) { if (!isset($pa_options[$vs_key])) { $pa_options[$vs_key] = null; } } $va_attr = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field); foreach (array('DISPLAY_WIDTH', 'DISPLAY_USE_COUNT', 'DISPLAY_SHOW_COUNT', 'DISPLAY_OMIT_ITEMS_WITH_ZERO_COUNT', 'DISPLAY_TYPE', 'IS_NULL', 'DEFAULT_ON_NULL', 'DEFAULT', 'LIST_MULTIPLE_DELIMITER', 'FIELD_TYPE', 'LIST_CODE', 'DISPLAY_FIELD', 'WHERE', 'DISPLAY_WHERE', 'DISPLAY_ORDERBY', 'LIST', 'BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST', 'BOUNDS_LENGTH', 'DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION', 'LABEL', 'DESCRIPTION', 'SUB_LABEL', 'SUB_DESCRIPTION', 'MAX_PIXEL_WIDTH') as $vs_key) { if (!isset($va_attr[$vs_key])) { $va_attr[$vs_key] = null; } } if (isset($pa_options['FIELD_TYPE'])) { $va_attr['FIELD_TYPE'] = $pa_options['FIELD_TYPE']; } if (isset($pa_options['DISPLAY_TYPE'])) { $va_attr['DISPLAY_TYPE'] = $pa_options['DISPLAY_TYPE']; } $vn_display_width = isset($pa_options['width']) && $pa_options['width'] > 0 ? $pa_options['width'] : $va_attr["DISPLAY_WIDTH"]; $vn_display_height = isset($pa_options['height']) && $pa_options['height'] > 0 ? $pa_options['height'] : $va_attr["DISPLAY_HEIGHT"]; $va_parsed_width = caParseFormElementDimension($vn_display_width); $va_parsed_height = caParseFormElementDimension($vn_display_height); $va_dim_styles = array(); if ($va_parsed_width['type'] == 'pixels') { $va_dim_styles[] = "width: " . $va_parsed_width['dimension'] . "px;"; } if ($va_parsed_height['type'] == 'pixels') { $va_dim_styles[] = "height: " . $va_parsed_height['dimension'] . "px;"; } //if ($vn_max_pixel_width) { // $va_dim_styles[] = "max-width: {$vn_max_pixel_width}px;"; //} $vs_dim_style = trim(join(" ", $va_dim_styles)); $vs_field_label = isset($pa_options['label']) && strlen($pa_options['label']) > 0 ? $pa_options['label'] : $va_attr["LABEL"]; $vs_errors = ''; // TODO: PULL THIS FROM A CONFIG FILE $pa_options["display_form_field_tips"] = true; if (isset($pa_options['classname'])) { $vs_css_class_attr = ' class="' . $pa_options['classname'] . '" '; } else { $vs_css_class_attr = ''; } if (!isset($pa_options['id'])) { $pa_options['id'] = $pa_options['name']; } if (!isset($pa_options['id'])) { $pa_options['id'] = $ps_field; } if (!isset($pa_options['maxPixelWidth']) || (int) $pa_options['maxPixelWidth'] <= 0) { $vn_max_pixel_width = $va_attr['MAX_PIXEL_WIDTH']; } else { $vn_max_pixel_width = (int) $pa_options['maxPixelWidth']; } if ($vn_max_pixel_width <= 0) { $vn_max_pixel_width = null; } if (!isset($pa_options["maxOptionLength"]) && isset($vn_display_width)) { $pa_options["maxOptionLength"] = isset($vn_display_width) ? $vn_display_width : null; } $vs_text_area_tag_name = 'textarea'; if (isset($pa_options["textAreaTagName"]) && $pa_options['textAreaTagName']) { $vs_text_area_tag_name = isset($pa_options['textAreaTagName']) ? $pa_options['textAreaTagName'] : null; } if (!isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_USE_COUNT"]) || !($vs_display_use_count = $va_attr["DISPLAY_USE_COUNT"])) { $vs_display_use_count = isset($pa_options["display_use_count"]) ? $pa_options["display_use_count"] : null; } if (!isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_SHOW_COUNT"]) || !($vb_display_show_count = (bool) $va_attr["DISPLAY_SHOW_COUNT"])) { $vb_display_show_count = isset($pa_options["display_show_count"]) ? (bool) $pa_options["display_show_count"] : null; } if (!isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_OMIT_ITEMS_WITH_ZERO_COUNT"]) || !($vb_display_omit_items__with_zero_count = (bool) $va_attr["DISPLAY_OMIT_ITEMS_WITH_ZERO_COUNT"])) { $vb_display_omit_items__with_zero_count = isset($pa_options["display_omit_items__with_zero_count"]) ? (bool) $pa_options["display_omit_items__with_zero_count"] : null; } if (!isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_OMIT_ITEMS_WITH_ZERO_COUNT"]) || !($va_display_use_count_filters = $va_attr["DISPLAY_USE_COUNT_FILTERS"])) { $va_display_use_count_filters = isset($pa_options["display_use_count_filters"]) ? $pa_options["display_use_count_filters"] : null; } if (!isset($va_display_use_count_filters) || !is_array($va_display_use_count_filters)) { $va_display_use_count_filters = null; } if (isset($pa_options["selection"]) && is_array($pa_options["selection"])) { $va_selection = isset($pa_options["selection"]) ? $pa_options["selection"] : null; } else { $va_selection = array(); } if (isset($pa_options["choiceList"]) && is_array($pa_options["choiceList"])) { $va_attr["BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"] = $pa_options["choiceList"]; } $vs_element = $vs_subelement = ""; if ($va_attr) { # --- Skip omitted fields completely if ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == DT_OMIT) { return ""; } if (!isset($pa_options["name"]) || !$pa_options["name"]) { $pa_options["name"] = htmlspecialchars($ps_field, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } $va_js = array(); $va_handlers = array("onclick", "onchange", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup"); foreach ($va_handlers as $vs_handler) { if (isset($pa_options[$vs_handler]) && $pa_options[$vs_handler]) { $va_js[] = "{$vs_handler}='" . $pa_options[$vs_handler] . "'"; } } $vs_js = join(" ", $va_js); if (!isset($pa_options["value"])) { // allow field value to be overriden with value from options array $vm_field_value = $this->get($ps_field, $pa_options); } else { $vm_field_value = $pa_options["value"]; } $vm_raw_field_value = $vm_field_value; $vb_is_null = isset($va_attr["IS_NULL"]) ? $va_attr["IS_NULL"] : false; if (isset($pa_options['dont_show_null_value']) && $pa_options['dont_show_null_value']) { $vb_is_null = false; } if (!is_array($vm_field_value) && strlen($vm_field_value) == 0 && (!isset($vb_is_null) || !$vb_is_null || (isset($va_attr["DEFAULT_ON_NULL"]) ? $va_attr["DEFAULT_ON_NULL"] : 0))) { $vm_field_value = isset($va_attr["DEFAULT"]) ? $va_attr["DEFAULT"] : ""; } # --- Return hidden fields if ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == DT_HIDDEN || caGetOption('hidden', $pa_options, false)) { return '<input type="hidden" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '"/>'; } if (isset($pa_options["size"]) && $pa_options["size"] > 0) { $ps_size = " size='" . $pa_options["size"] . "'"; } else { if (($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == DT_LIST_MULTIPLE || $va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == DT_LIST) && $vn_display_height > 1) { $ps_size = " size='" . $vn_display_height . "'"; } else { $ps_size = ''; } } $vs_multiple_name_extension = ''; if ($vs_is_multiple = isset($pa_options["multiple"]) && $pa_options["multiple"] || $va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] == DT_LIST_MULTIPLE ? "multiple='1'" : "") { $vs_multiple_name_extension = '[]'; if (!($vs_list_multiple_delimiter = $va_attr['LIST_MULTIPLE_DELIMITER'])) { $vs_list_multiple_delimiter = ';'; } $va_selection = array_merge($va_selection, explode($vs_list_multiple_delimiter, $vm_field_value)); } # --- Return form element switch ($va_attr["FIELD_TYPE"]) { # ---------------------------- case FT_NUMBER: case FT_TEXT: case FT_VARS: if ($va_attr["FIELD_TYPE"] == FT_VARS) { if (!$pa_options['show_text_field_for_vars']) { break; } if (!is_string($vm_field_value) && !is_numeric($vm_field_value)) { $vm_value = ''; } } if ($va_attr['DISPLAY_TYPE'] == DT_COUNTRY_LIST) { $vs_element = caHTMLSelect($ps_field, caGetCountryList(), array('id' => $ps_field), array('value' => $vm_field_value)); if ($va_attr['STATEPROV_FIELD']) { $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $vs_element .= "var caStatesByCountryList = " . json_encode(caGetStateList()) . ";\n"; $vs_element .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{$ps_field}').click({countryID: '{$ps_field}', stateProvID: '" . $va_attr['STATEPROV_FIELD'] . "', value: '" . addslashes($this->get($va_attr['STATEPROV_FIELD'])) . "', statesByCountryList: caStatesByCountryList}, caUI.utils.updateStateProvinceForCountry);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcaUI.utils.updateStateProvinceForCountry({data: {countryID: '{$ps_field}', stateProvID: '" . $va_attr['STATEPROV_FIELD'] . "', value: '" . addslashes($this->get($va_attr['STATEPROV_FIELD'])) . "', statesByCountryList: caStatesByCountryList}});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $vs_element .= "</script>\n"; } break; } if ($va_attr['DISPLAY_TYPE'] == DT_STATEPROV_LIST) { $vs_element = caHTMLSelect($ps_field . '_select', array(), array('id' => $ps_field . '_select'), array('value' => $vm_field_value)); $vs_element .= caHTMLTextInput($ps_field . '_name', array('id' => $ps_field . '_text', 'value' => $vm_field_value)); break; } if ($vn_display_width > 0 && in_array($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"], array(DT_SELECT, DT_LIST, DT_LIST_MULTIPLE))) { # # Generate auto generated <select> (from foreign key, from ca_lists or from field-defined choice list) # # TODO: CLEAN UP THIS CODE, RUNNING VARIOUS STAGES THROUGH HELPER FUNCTIONS; ALSO FORMALIZE AND DOCUMENT VARIOUS OPTIONS // ----- // from ca_lists // ----- if (!($vs_list_code = $pa_options['list_code'])) { if (isset($va_attr['LIST_CODE']) && $va_attr['LIST_CODE']) { $vs_list_code = $va_attr['LIST_CODE']; } } if ($vs_list_code) { $va_many_to_one_relations = $this->_DATAMODEL->getManyToOneRelations($this->tableName()); if ($va_many_to_one_relations[$ps_field]) { $vs_key = 'item_id'; } else { $vs_key = 'item_value'; } $vs_null_option = null; if (!$pa_options["nullOption"] && $vb_is_null) { $vs_null_option = _t("- NONE -"); } else { if ($pa_options["nullOption"]) { $vs_null_option = $pa_options["nullOption"]; } } $t_list = new ca_lists(); $va_list_attrs = array('id' => $pa_options['id']); //if ($vn_max_pixel_width) { $va_list_attrs['style'] = $vs_width_style; } if (method_exists($this, 'getTypeFieldName') && $ps_field == $this->getTypeFieldName()) { $va_limit_list = caGetTypeListForUser($this->tableName(), array('access' => __CA_BUNDLE_ACCESS_EDIT__)); } // NOTE: "raw" field value (value passed into method, before the model default value is applied) is used so as to allow the list default to be used if needed $vs_element = $t_list->getListAsHTMLFormElement($vs_list_code, $pa_options["name"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension, $va_list_attrs, array('value' => $vm_raw_field_value, 'key' => $vs_key, 'nullOption' => $vs_null_option, 'readonly' => $pa_options['readonly'], 'restrictTypeListForTable' => $this->tableName(), 'limitToItemsWithID' => $va_limit_list ? $va_limit_list : null)); if (isset($pa_options['hide_select_if_no_options']) && $pa_options['hide_select_if_no_options'] && !$vs_element) { $vs_element = ""; $ps_format = '^ERRORS^ELEMENT'; } } else { // ----- // from related table // ----- $va_many_to_one_relations = $this->_DATAMODEL->getManyToOneRelations($this->tableName()); if (isset($va_many_to_one_relations[$ps_field]) && $va_many_to_one_relations[$ps_field]) { # # Use foreign key to populate <select> # $o_one_table = $this->_DATAMODEL->getTableInstance($va_many_to_one_relations[$ps_field]["one_table"]); $vs_one_table_primary_key = $o_one_table->primaryKey(); if ($o_one_table->isHierarchical()) { # # Hierarchical <select> # $va_hier = $o_one_table->getHierarchyAsList(0, $vs_display_use_count, $va_display_use_count_filters, $vb_display_omit_items__with_zero_count); if (!is_array($va_hier)) { return ''; } $va_display_fields = $va_attr["DISPLAY_FIELD"]; if (!in_array($vs_one_table_primary_key, $va_display_fields)) { $va_display_fields[] = $o_one_table->tableName() . "." . $vs_one_table_primary_key; } if (!is_array($va_display_fields) || sizeof($va_display_fields) < 1) { $va_display_fields = array("*"); } $vs_hier_parent_id_fld = $o_one_table->getProperty("HIER_PARENT_ID_FLD"); $va_options = array(); if ($pa_options["nullOption"]) { $va_options[""] = array($pa_options["nullOption"]); } $va_suboptions = array(); $va_suboption_values = array(); $vn_selected = 0; $vm_cur_top_level_val = null; $vm_selected_top_level_val = null; foreach ($va_hier as $va_option) { if (!$va_option["NODE"][$vs_hier_parent_id_fld]) { continue; } $vn_val = $va_option["NODE"][$o_one_table->primaryKey()]; $vs_selected = $vn_val == $vm_field_value ? 'selected="1"' : ""; $vn_indent = $va_option["LEVEL"] - 1; $va_display_data = array(); foreach ($va_display_fields as $vs_fld) { $va_bits = explode(".", $vs_fld); if ($va_bits[1] != $vs_one_table_primary_key) { $va_display_data[] = $va_option["NODE"][$va_bits[1]]; } } $vs_option_label = join(" ", $va_display_data); $va_options[$vn_val] = array($vs_option_label, $vn_indent, $va_option["HITS"], $va_option['NODE']); } if (sizeof($va_options) == 0) { $vs_element = isset($pa_options['empty_message']) ? $pa_options['empty_message'] : 'No options available'; } else { $vs_element = "<select name='" . $pa_options["name"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' " . $vs_js . " " . $vs_is_multiple . " " . $ps_size . " id='" . $pa_options["id"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ">\n"; if (!$pa_options["nullOption"] && $vb_is_null) { $vs_element .= "<option value=''>" . _t('- NONE -') . "</option>\n"; } else { if ($pa_options["nullOption"]) { $vs_element .= "<option value=''>" . $pa_options["nullOption"] . "</option>\n"; } } foreach ($va_options as $vn_val => $va_option_info) { $vs_selected = $vn_val == $vm_field_value || in_array($vn_val, $va_selection) ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $vs_element .= "<option value='" . $vn_val . "' {$vs_selected}>"; $vn_indent = $va_option_info[1] * 2; $vs_indent = ""; if ($vn_indent > 0) { $vs_indent = str_repeat(" ", ($vn_indent - 1) * 2) . " "; $vn_indent++; } $vs_option_text = $va_option_info[0]; $vs_use_count = ""; if ($vs_display_use_count && $vb_display_show_count && $vn_val != "") { $vs_use_count = " (" . intval($va_option_info[2]) . ")"; } $vs_display_message = ''; if (is_array($pa_options['displayMessageForFieldValues'])) { foreach ($pa_options['displayMessageForFieldValues'] as $vs_df => $va_df_vals) { if (isset($va_option_info[3][$vs_df]) && is_array($va_df_vals)) { $vs_tmp = $va_option_info[3][$vs_df]; if (isset($va_df_vals[$vs_tmp])) { $vs_display_message = ' ' . $va_df_vals[$vs_tmp]; } } } } if ($pa_options["maxOptionLength"] && strlen($vs_option_text) + strlen($vs_use_count) + $vn_indent > $pa_options["maxOptionLength"]) { if (($vn_strlen = $pa_options["maxOptionLength"] - strlen($vs_indent) - strlen($vs_use_count) - 3) < $pa_options["maxOptionLength"]) { $vn_strlen = $pa_options["maxOptionLength"]; } $vs_option_text = unicode_substr($vs_option_text, 0, $vn_strlen) . "..."; } $vs_element .= $vs_indent . $vs_option_text . $vs_use_count . $vs_display_message . "</option>\n"; } $vs_element .= "</select>\n"; } } else { # # "Flat" <select> # if (!is_array($va_display_fields = $pa_options["DISPLAY_FIELD"])) { $va_display_fields = $va_attr["DISPLAY_FIELD"]; } if (!is_array($va_display_fields)) { return "Configuration error: DISPLAY_FIELD directive for field '{$ps_field}' must be an array of field names in the format tablename.fieldname"; } if (!in_array($vs_one_table_primary_key, $va_display_fields)) { $va_display_fields[] = $o_one_table->tableName() . "." . $vs_one_table_primary_key; } if (!is_array($va_display_fields) || sizeof($va_display_fields) < 1) { $va_display_fields = array("*"); } $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $va_many_to_one_relations[$ps_field]["one_table"] . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; if (isset($pa_options["WHERE"]) && (is_array($pa_options["WHERE"]) && ($vs_where = join(" AND ", $pa_options["WHERE"]))) || is_array($va_attr["DISPLAY_WHERE"]) && ($vs_where = join(" AND ", $va_attr["DISPLAY_WHERE"]))) { $vs_sql .= " WHERE {$vs_where} "; } if (isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_ORDERBY"]) && $va_attr["DISPLAY_ORDERBY"] && ($vs_orderby = join(",", $va_attr["DISPLAY_ORDERBY"]))) { $vs_sql .= " ORDER BY {$vs_orderby} "; } $qr_res = $o_db->query($vs_sql); if ($o_db->numErrors()) { $vs_element = "Error creating menu: " . join(';', $o_db->getErrors()); break; } $va_opts = array(); if (isset($pa_options["nullOption"]) && $pa_options["nullOption"]) { $va_opts[$pa_options["nullOption"]] = array($pa_options["nullOption"], null); } else { if ($vb_is_null) { $va_opts[_t("- NONE -")] = array(_t("- NONE -"), null); } } if ($pa_options["select_item_text"]) { $va_opts[$pa_options["select_item_text"]] = array($pa_options["select_item_text"], null); } $va_fields = array(); foreach ($va_display_fields as $vs_field) { $va_tmp = explode(".", $vs_field); $va_fields[] = $va_tmp[1]; } while ($qr_res->nextRow()) { $vs_display = ""; foreach ($va_fields as $vs_field) { if ($vs_field != $vs_one_table_primary_key) { $vs_display .= $qr_res->get($vs_field) . " "; } } $va_opts[] = array($vs_display, $qr_res->get($vs_one_table_primary_key), $qr_res->getRow()); } if (sizeof($va_opts) == 0) { $vs_element = isset($pa_options['empty_message']) ? $pa_options['empty_message'] : 'No options available'; } else { if (isset($pa_options['hide_select_if_only_one_option']) && $pa_options['hide_select_if_only_one_option'] && sizeof($va_opts) == 1) { $vs_element = "<input type='hidden' name='" . $pa_options["name"] . "' " . $vs_js . " " . $ps_size . " id='" . $pa_options["id"] . "' value='" . ($vm_field_value ? $vm_field_value : $va_opts[0][1]) . "' {$vs_css_class_attr}/>"; $ps_format = '^ERRORS^ELEMENT'; } else { $vs_element = "<select name='" . $pa_options["name"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' " . $vs_js . " " . $vs_is_multiple . " " . $ps_size . " id='" . $pa_options["id"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ">\n"; foreach ($va_opts as $va_opt) { $vs_option_text = $va_opt[0]; $vs_value = $va_opt[1]; $vs_selected = $vs_value == $vm_field_value || in_array($vs_value, $va_selection) ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $vs_use_count = ""; if ($vs_display_use_count && $vb_display_show_count && $vs_value != "") { //$vs_use_count = "(".intval($va_option_info[2]).")"; } if ($pa_options["maxOptionLength"] && strlen($vs_option_text) + strlen($vs_use_count) > $pa_options["maxOptionLength"]) { $vs_option_text = unicode_substr($vs_option_text, 0, $pa_options["maxOptionLength"] - 3 - strlen($vs_use_count)) . "..."; } $vs_display_message = ''; if (is_array($pa_options['displayMessageForFieldValues'])) { foreach ($pa_options['displayMessageForFieldValues'] as $vs_df => $va_df_vals) { if (isset($va_opt[2][$vs_df]) && is_array($va_df_vals)) { $vs_tmp = $va_opt[2][$vs_df]; if (isset($va_df_vals[$vs_tmp])) { $vs_display_message = ' ' . $va_df_vals[$vs_tmp]; } } } } $vs_element .= "<option value='{$vs_value}' {$vs_selected}>"; $vs_element .= $vs_option_text . $vs_use_count . $vs_display_message; $vs_element .= "</option>\n"; } $vs_element .= "</select>\n"; } } } } else { # # choice list # $vs_element = ''; // if 'LIST' is set try to stock over choice list with the contents of the list if (isset($va_attr['LIST']) && $va_attr['LIST']) { // NOTE: "raw" field value (value passed into method, before the model default value is applied) is used so as to allow the list default to be used if needed $vs_element = ca_lists::getListAsHTMLFormElement($va_attr['LIST'], $pa_options["name"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension, array('class' => $pa_options['classname'], 'id' => $pa_options['id']), array('key' => 'item_value', 'value' => $vm_raw_field_value, 'nullOption' => $pa_options['nullOption'], 'readonly' => $pa_options['readonly'])); } if (!$vs_element && (isset($va_attr["BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"]) && is_array($va_attr["BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"]))) { if (sizeof($va_attr["BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"]) == 0) { $vs_element = isset($pa_options['empty_message']) ? $pa_options['empty_message'] : 'No options available'; } else { $vs_element = "<select name='" . $pa_options["name"] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' " . $vs_js . " " . $vs_is_multiple . " " . $ps_size . " id='" . $pa_options['id'] . $vs_multiple_name_extension . "' {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ">\n"; if ($pa_options["select_item_text"]) { $vs_element .= "<option value=''>" . $this->escapeHTML($pa_options["select_item_text"]) . "</option>\n"; } if (!$pa_options["nullOption"] && $vb_is_null) { $vs_element .= "<option value=''>" . _t('- NONE -') . "</option>\n"; } else { if ($pa_options["nullOption"]) { $vs_element .= "<option value=''>" . $pa_options["nullOption"] . "</option>\n"; } } foreach ($va_attr["BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"] as $vs_option => $vs_value) { $vs_selected = strval($vs_value) === strval($vm_field_value) || in_array($vs_value, $va_selection) ? "selected='selected'" : ""; if ($pa_options["maxOptionLength"] && strlen($vs_option) > $pa_options["maxOptionLength"]) { $vs_option = unicode_substr($vs_option, 0, $pa_options["maxOptionLength"] - 3) . "..."; } $vs_element .= "<option value='{$vs_value}' {$vs_selected}>" . $this->escapeHTML($vs_option) . "</option>\n"; } $vs_element .= "</select>\n"; } } } } } else { if ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"] === DT_COLORPICKER) { // COLORPICKER $vs_element = '<input name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" type="hidden" size="' . ($pa_options['size'] ? $pa_options['size'] : $vn_display_width) . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '" ' . $vs_js . ' id=\'' . $pa_options["id"] . "' style='{$vs_dim_style}'/>\n"; $vs_element .= '<div id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '_colorchip" class="colorpicker_chip" style="background-color: #' . $vm_field_value . '"><!-- empty --></div>'; $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#" . $pa_options["name"] . "_colorchip').ColorPicker({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonShow: function (colpkr) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(colpkr).fadeIn(500);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonHide: function (colpkr) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(colpkr).fadeOut(500);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $pa_options["name"] . "').val(hex);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#" . $pa_options["name"] . "_colorchip').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcolor: jQuery('#" . $pa_options["name"] . "').val()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t})}); </script>\n"; if (method_exists('AssetLoadManager', 'register')) { AssetLoadManager::register('jquery', 'colorpicker'); } } else { # normal controls: all non-DT_SELECT display types are returned as DT_FIELD's. We could generate # radio-button controls for foreign key and choice lists, but we don't bother because it's never # really necessary. if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '"' . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" disabled="disabled"' : '') . ' wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' id=\'' . $pa_options["id"] . "' style='{$vs_dim_style}' " . $vs_css_class_attr . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>' . "\n"; } else { $vs_element = '<input name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" type="text" size="' . ($pa_options['size'] ? $pa_options['size'] : $vn_display_width) . '"' . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ' value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '" ' . $vs_js . ' id=\'' . $pa_options["id"] . "' {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'/>\n"; } if (isset($va_attr['UNIQUE_WITHIN']) && is_array($va_attr['UNIQUE_WITHIN'])) { $va_within_fields = array(); foreach ($va_attr['UNIQUE_WITHIN'] as $vs_within_field) { $va_within_fields[$vs_within_field] = $this->get($vs_within_field); } $vs_element .= "<span id='" . $pa_options["id"] . '_uniqueness_status' . "'></span>"; $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tcaUI.initUniquenessChecker({\n\t\terrorIcon: '" . $pa_options['error_icon'] . "',\n\t\tprocessIndicator: '" . $pa_options['progress_indicator'] . "',\n\t\tstatusID: '" . $pa_options["id"] . "_uniqueness_status',\n\t\tlookupUrl: '" . $pa_options['lookup_url'] . "',\n\t\tformElementID: '" . $pa_options["id"] . "',\n\t\trow_id: " . intval($this->getPrimaryKey()) . ",\n\t\ttable_num: " . $this->tableNum() . ",\n\t\tfield: '" . $ps_field . "',\n\t\twithinFields: " . json_encode($va_within_fields) . ",\n\t\t\n\t\talreadyInUseMessage: '" . addslashes(_t('Value must be unique. Please try another.')) . "'\n\t});\n</script>"; } else { if (isset($va_attr['LOOKUP']) && $va_attr['LOOKUP']) { if (class_exists("AppController") && ($app = AppController::getInstance()) && ($req = $app->getRequest())) { AssetLoadManager::register('jquery', 'autocomplete'); $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tjQuery('#" . $pa_options["id"] . "').autocomplete({ source: '" . caNavUrl($req, 'lookup', 'Intrinsic', 'Get', array('bundle' => $this->tableName() . ".{$ps_field}", "max" => 500)) . "', minLength: 3, delay: 800});\n</script>"; } } } if (isset($pa_options['usewysiwygeditor']) && $pa_options['usewysiwygeditor']) { AssetLoadManager::register("ckeditor"); $vs_width = $vn_display_width; $vs_height = $vn_display_height; if (!preg_match("!^[\\d\\.]+px\$!i", $vs_width)) { $vs_width = (int) $vs_width * 6 . "px"; } if (!preg_match("!^[\\d\\.]+px\$!i", $vs_height)) { $vs_height = (int) $vs_height * 16 . "px"; } if (!is_array($va_toolbar_config = $this->getAppConfig()->getAssoc('wysiwyg_editor_toolbar'))) { $va_toolbar_config = array(); } $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar ckEditor = CKEDITOR.replace( '" . $pa_options['id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttoolbar : " . json_encode(array_values($va_toolbar_config)) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twidth: '{$vs_width}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\theight: '{$vs_height}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttoolbarLocation: 'top',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tenterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tckEditor.on('instanceReady', function(){ \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ckEditor.document.on( 'keydown', function(e) {if (caUI && caUI.utils) { caUI.utils.showUnsavedChangesWarning(true); } });\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n \t});\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n</script>"; } } } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_TIMESTAMP: if ($this->get($ps_field)) { # is timestamp set? $vs_element = $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value); # return printed date } else { $vs_element = "[Not set]"; # return text instead of 1969 date } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_DATETIME: case FT_HISTORIC_DATETIME: case FT_DATE: case FT_HISTORIC_DATE: if (!$vm_field_value) { $vm_field_value = $pa_options['value']; } switch ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"]) { case DT_TEXT: $vs_element = $vm_field_value ? $vm_field_value : "[Not set]"; break; default: $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '" wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>'; } else { $vs_element = '<input type="text" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . "\" size='{$vn_display_width}' {$vs_max_length} {$vs_js} {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; } break; } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_TIME: if (!$this->get($ps_field)) { $vm_field_value = ""; } switch ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"]) { case DT_TEXT: $vs_element = $vm_field_value ? $vm_field_value : "[Not set]"; break; default: $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '" wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>'; } else { $vs_element = '<input type="text" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . "\" size='{$vn_display_width}' {$vs_max_length} {$vs_js} {$vs_css_class_attr}' style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; } break; } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_DATERANGE: case FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE: switch ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"]) { case DT_TEXT: $vs_element = $vm_field_value ? $vm_field_value : "[Not set]"; break; default: $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '" wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>'; } else { $vs_element = '<input type="text" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . "\" size='{$vn_display_width}' {$vn_max_length} {$vs_js} {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; } break; } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_TIMERANGE: switch ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"]) { case DT_TEXT: $vs_element = $vm_field_value ? $vm_field_value : "[Not set]"; break; default: $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '" wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>'; } else { $vs_element = '<input type="text" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . "\" size='{$vn_display_width}' {$vs_max_length} {$vs_js} {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; } break; } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_TIMECODE: $o_tp = new TimecodeParser(); $o_tp->setParsedValueInSeconds($vm_field_value); $vs_timecode = $o_tp->getText("COLON_DELIMITED", array("BLANK_ON_ZERO" => true)); $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } if ($vn_display_height > 1) { $vs_element = '<' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . ' name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" rows="' . $vn_display_height . '" cols="' . $vn_display_width . '" wrap="soft" ' . $vs_js . ' ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . ">" . $this->escapeHTML($vs_timecode) . '</' . $vs_text_area_tag_name . '>'; } else { $vs_element = '<input type="text" NAME="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vs_timecode) . "\" size='{$vn_display_width}' {$vs_max_length} {$vs_js} {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_MEDIA: case FT_FILE: $vs_element = '<input type="file" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" ' . $vs_js . '/>'; // show current media icon if ($vs_version = array_key_exists('displayMediaVersion', $pa_options) ? $pa_options['displayMediaVersion'] : 'icon') { $va_valid_versions = $this->getMediaVersions($ps_field); if (!in_array($vs_version, $va_valid_versions)) { $vs_version = $va_valid_versions[0]; } if ($vs_tag = $this->getMediaTag($ps_field, $vs_version)) { $vs_element .= $vs_tag; } } break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_PASSWORD: $vn_max_length = $va_attr["BOUNDS_LENGTH"][1]; $vs_max_length = ''; if ($vn_max_length > 0) { $vs_max_length = 'maxlength="' . $vn_max_length . '"'; } $vs_element = '<input type="password" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '" value="' . $this->escapeHTML($vm_field_value) . '" size="' . $vn_display_width . '" ' . $vs_max_length . ' ' . $vs_js . ' autocomplete="off" ' . $vs_css_class_attr . " style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; break; # ---------------------------- # ---------------------------- case FT_BIT: switch ($va_attr["DISPLAY_TYPE"]) { case DT_FIELD: $vs_element = '<input type="text" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . "\" value='{$vm_field_value}' maxlength='1' size='2' {$vs_js} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' readonly="readonly" ' : '') . "/>"; break; case DT_SELECT: $vs_element = "<select name='" . $pa_options["name"] . "' " . $vs_js . " id='" . $pa_options["id"] . "' {$vs_css_class_attr} style='{$vs_dim_style}'" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ">\n"; foreach (array("Yes" => 1, "No" => 0) as $vs_option => $vs_value) { $vs_selected = $vs_value == $vm_field_value ? "selected='selected'" : ""; $vs_element .= "<option value='{$vs_value}' {$vs_selected}" . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ">" . _t($vs_option) . "</option>\n"; } $vs_element .= "</select>\n"; break; case DT_CHECKBOXES: $vs_element = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $pa_options["name"] . '" value="1" ' . ($vm_field_value ? 'checked="1"' : '') . ' ' . $vs_js . ($pa_options['readonly'] ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '') . ' id="' . $pa_options["id"] . '"/>'; break; case DT_RADIO_BUTTONS: $vs_element = 'Radio buttons not supported for bit-type fields'; break; } break; # ---------------------------- } # Apply format $vs_formatting = ""; if (isset($pa_options['field_errors']) && is_array($pa_options['field_errors']) && sizeof($pa_options['field_errors'])) { $va_field_errors = array(); foreach ($pa_options['field_errors'] as $o_e) { $va_field_errors[] = $o_e->getErrorDescription(); } $vs_errors = join('; ', $va_field_errors); } else { $vs_errors = ''; } if (is_null($ps_format)) { if (isset($pa_options['field_errors']) && is_array($pa_options['field_errors']) && sizeof($pa_options['field_errors'])) { $ps_format = $this->_CONFIG->get('form_element_error_display_format'); } else { $ps_format = $this->_CONFIG->get('form_element_display_format'); } } if ($ps_format != '') { $ps_formatted_element = $ps_format; $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^ELEMENT", $vs_element, $ps_formatted_element); if ($vs_subelement) { $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_ELEMENT", $vs_subelement, $ps_formatted_element); } $vb_fl_display_form_field_tips = false; if ($pa_options["display_form_field_tips"] || !isset($pa_options["display_form_field_tips"]) && $va_attr["DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION"] || !isset($pa_options["display_form_field_tips"]) && !isset($va_attr["DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION"]) && $vb_fl_display_form_field_tips) { if (preg_match("/\\^DESCRIPTION/", $ps_formatted_element)) { $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^LABEL", $vs_field_label, $ps_formatted_element); $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^DESCRIPTION", isset($pa_options["description"]) && $pa_options["description"] ? $pa_options["description"] : $va_attr["DESCRIPTION"], $ps_formatted_element); } else { // no explicit placement of description text, so... $vs_field_id = '_' . $this->tableName() . '_' . $this->getPrimaryKey() . '_' . $pa_options["name"] . '_' . $pa_options['form_name']; $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^LABEL", '<span id="' . $vs_field_id . '">' . $vs_field_label . '</span>', $ps_formatted_element); if (!isset($pa_options['no_tooltips']) || !$pa_options['no_tooltips']) { TooltipManager::add('#' . $vs_field_id, "<h3>{$vs_field_label}</h3>" . (isset($pa_options["description"]) && $pa_options["description"] ? $pa_options["description"] : $va_attr["DESCRIPTION"]), $pa_options['tooltip_namespace']); } } if (!isset($va_attr["SUB_LABEL"])) { $va_attr["SUB_LABEL"] = ''; } if (!isset($va_attr["SUB_DESCRIPTION"])) { $va_attr["SUB_DESCRIPTION"] = ''; } if (preg_match("/\\^SUB_DESCRIPTION/", $ps_formatted_element)) { $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_LABEL", $va_attr["SUB_LABEL"], $ps_formatted_element); $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_DESCRIPTION", $va_attr["SUB_DESCRIPTION"], $ps_formatted_element); } else { // no explicit placement of description text, so... // ... make label text itself rollover for description text because no icon was specified $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_LABEL", $va_attr["SUB_LABEL"], $ps_formatted_element); } } else { $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^LABEL", $vs_field_label, $ps_formatted_element); $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^DESCRIPTION", "", $ps_formatted_element); if ($vs_subelement) { $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_LABEL", $va_attr["SUB_LABEL"], $ps_formatted_element); $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^SUB_DESCRIPTION", "", $ps_formatted_element); } } $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^ERRORS", $vs_errors, $ps_formatted_element); $ps_formatted_element = str_replace("^EXTRA", isset($pa_options['extraLabelText']) ? $pa_options['extraLabelText'] : '', $ps_formatted_element); $vs_element = $ps_formatted_element; } else { $vs_element .= "<br/>" . $vs_subelement; } return $vs_element; } else { $this->postError(716, _t("'%1' does not exist in this object", $ps_field), "BaseModel->formElement()"); return ""; } return ""; }
/** * Returns list of configured visualizations as HTML form element * * @param string $ps_table Table for which to list available visualizations * @param string $ps_name Name of returned HTML <select> * @param array $pa_attributes Optional array of attributes to add to the returned HTML <select> element * @param array $pa_options Options are any options supported by the caHTMLSelect helper plus: * restrictToTypes = optional list of types relevant to the specified table. Only unrestricted visualizations and visualizations restricted to the specified types will be included. * resultContext = * @return string HTML for a <select> element with available visualizations; will return null if no visualizations are available. */ public static function getAvailableVisualizationsAsHTMLFormElement($ps_table, $ps_name, $pa_attributes = null, $pa_options = null) { $va_viz = Visualizer::getAvailableVisualizations($ps_table, $pa_options); $vo_result_context = isset($pa_options['resultContext']) && $pa_options['resultContext'] instanceof ResultContext ? $pa_options['resultContext'] : null; if ($vo_result_context && $vo_result_context->getParameter('availableVisualizationChecked') > 0) { if ($vo_result_context->getParameter('availableVisualizationCount') > 0) { return $vo_result_context->getParameter('availableVisualizationHTMLSelect'); } else { return null; } } if (!is_array($va_viz) || !sizeof($va_viz)) { return null; } $va_valid_viz_codes = null; if (isset($pa_options['data']) && is_subclass_of($pa_options['data'], 'SearchResult')) { $va_valid_viz_codes = Visualizer::getVisualizationsForData($pa_options['data']); } $va_options = array(); foreach ($va_viz as $vs_viz_code => $va_viz_opt) { if (is_array($va_valid_viz_codes) && !in_array($vs_viz_code, $va_valid_viz_codes)) { continue; } $va_options[$va_viz_opt['name']] = $vs_viz_code; } if (!sizeof($va_options)) { if ($vo_result_context) { $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationChecked', 1); $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationHTMLSelect', ''); $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationCount', 0); $vo_result_context->saveContext(); } return null; } $vs_html = caHTMLSelect($ps_name, $va_options, $pa_attributes, $pa_options); if ($vo_result_context) { $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationChecked', 1); $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationHTMLSelect', $vs_html); $vo_result_context->setParameter('availableVisualizationCount', sizeof($va_options)); $vo_result_context->saveContext(); } return $vs_html; }
/** * Returns HTML form element for editing of setting * * Options: * * 'name' => sets the name of the HTML form element explicitly, otherwise 'setting_<name_of_setting>' is used * 'value' => sets the value of the HTML form element explicitly, otherwise the current value for the setting in the loaded row is used */ public function settingHTMLFormElement($ps_widget_id, $ps_setting, $pa_options = null) { if (!$this->isValidSetting($ps_setting)) { return false; } $va_available_settings = $this->getAvailableSettings(); $va_properties = $va_available_settings[$ps_setting]; if (isset($pa_options['name'])) { $vs_input_name = $pa_options['name']; } else { $vs_input_name = "setting_{$ps_setting}"; } if (isset($pa_options['value']) && !is_null($pa_options['value'])) { $vs_value = $pa_options['value']; } else { $vs_value = $this->getSetting(trim($ps_setting)); } $vs_element = ''; switch ($va_properties['displayType']) { # -------------------------------------------- case DT_FIELD: $vb_takes_locale = false; if (isset($va_properties['takesLocale']) && $va_properties['takesLocale']) { $vb_takes_locale = true; $va_locales = ca_locales::getLocaleList(array('sort_field' => '', 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'index_by_code' => true)); } else { $va_locales = array('_generic' => array()); } foreach ($va_locales as $vs_locale => $va_locale_info) { if ($vb_takes_locale) { $vs_locale_label = " (" . $va_locale_info['name'] . ")"; $vs_input_name_suffix = '_' . $vs_locale; } else { $vs_input_name_suffix = $vs_locale_label = ''; } $vs_element .= caHTMLTextInput($vs_input_name . $vs_input_name_suffix, array('size' => $va_properties["width"], 'height' => $va_properties["height"], 'value' => $vs_value, 'id' => $vs_input_name . $vs_input_name_suffix)) . "{$vs_locale_label}"; // focus code is needed by Firefox for some reason $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery('#" . $vs_input_name . $vs_input_name_suffix . "').click(function() { this.focus(); });</script>"; } break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- case DT_CHECKBOXES: $va_attributes = array('value' => '1'); if ($vs_value) { $va_attributes['checked'] = '1'; } $vs_element .= caHTMLCheckboxInput($vs_input_name, $va_attributes); break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- case DT_SELECT: if (!is_array($va_properties['options'])) { $va_properties['options'] = array(); } $vs_element .= caHTMLSelect($vs_input_name, $va_properties['options'], array(), array('value' => $vs_value)); break; # -------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------- default: break; # -------------------------------------------- } $vs_label = $va_properties['label']; $vb_element_is_part_of_label = false; if (strpos($vs_label, '^ELEMENT') !== false) { $vs_label = str_replace('^ELEMENT', $vs_element, $vs_label); $vb_element_is_part_of_label = true; } $vs_return = "\n" . '<div class="formLabel" id="_widget_setting_' . $ps_setting . '_' . $ps_widget_id . '"><span>' . $vs_label . '</span>'; if (!$vb_element_is_part_of_label) { $vs_return .= '<br />' . $vs_element; } $vs_return .= '</div>' . "\n"; TooltipManager::add('#_widget_setting_' . $ps_setting . '_' . $ps_widget_id, "<h3>" . str_replace('^ELEMENT', 'X', $va_properties["label"]) . "</h3>" . $va_properties["description"]); return $vs_return; }
?> <div id="searchOptionsBox"> <div class="bg"> <?php print caFormTag($this->request, 'Index', 'caSearchOptionsForm', null, 'post', 'multipart/form-data', '_top', array('disableUnsavedChangesWarning' => true)); print "<div class='col'>"; print _t("Sort") . ": <select name='sort' onchange='this.form.submit();'>\n"; $vs_current_sort = $vo_result_context->getCurrentSort(); $vs_current_sort_direction = $vo_result_context->getCurrentSortDirection(); if (is_array($this->getVar("sorts")) && sizeof($this->getVar("sorts")) > 0) { foreach ($this->getVar("sorts") as $vs_sort => $vs_option) { print "<option value='" . $vs_sort . "'" . ($vs_current_sort == $vs_sort ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $vs_option . "</option>"; } } print "</select>\n"; print caHTMLSelect('direction', array('↑' => 'asc', '↓' => 'desc'), array('onchange' => 'this.form.submit();'), array('value' => $vs_current_sort_direction)); print "</div>"; print "<div class='col'>"; $va_items_per_page = $this->getVar("items_per_page"); $vs_current_items_per_page = $vo_result_context->getItemsPerPage(); print _t("Results per page:") . " <select name='n' onchange='this.form.submit();'>\n"; if (is_array($va_items_per_page) && sizeof($va_items_per_page) > 0) { foreach ($va_items_per_page as $vn_items_per_p) { print "<option value='" . $vn_items_per_p . "' " . ($vn_items_per_p == $vs_current_items_per_page ? "SELECTED='1'" : "") . ">" . $vn_items_per_p . "</option>\n"; } } print "</select>\n"; print "</div>"; print "<div class='col'>"; $va_views = $this->getVar("views"); $vs_current_view = $vo_result_context->getCurrentView();
</div> <br style="clear"/> <div id="caWorldCatResults" class="bundleContainer"> <div class="caWorldCatResultsMessage"> <?php print _t('Enter a WorldCat search above to begin'); ?> </div> </div> <div class='formLabel'> <?php if ($vb_importers_available) { print _t('Log level') . ': ' . caHTMLSelect('log_level', caGetLogLevels(), array('id' => 'caLogLevel'), array('value' => $this->getVar('log_level'))); } ?> </div> </form> <div class="editorBottomPadding"><!-- empty --></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var caWorldCatStartIndex = 0; var caWorldCatLastSearchTerm = ''; var caWorldCatNumResultsPerLoad = 25; jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#caWorldCatTermLookup").on("click", function(e) { caWorldCatStartIndex = 0;
} if ($va_rep['is_primary']) { $vn_primary_id = $va_rep['representation_id']; } } $va_failed_inserts = array(); foreach ($this->request->getActionErrorSubSources('ca_object_representations') as $vs_error_subsource) { if (substr($vs_error_subsource, 0, 4) === 'new_') { $va_action_errors = $this->request->getActionErrors('ca_object_representations', $vs_error_subsource); foreach ($va_action_errors as $o_error) { $va_failed_inserts[] = array('icon' => '', '_errors' => array(array('errorDescription' => $o_error->getErrorDescription(), 'errorCode' => $o_error->getErrorNumber()))); } } } if ($vb_batch) { print "<div class='editorBatchModeControl'>" . _t("In batch") . " " . caHTMLSelect($vs_id_prefix . "_batch_mode", array(_t("do not use") => "_disabled_", _t('add to each item') => '_add_', _t('replace values') => '_replace_', _t('remove all values') => '_delete_'), array('id' => $vs_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . "_rel_batch_mode_select")) . "</div>\n"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#<?php print $vs_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum(); ?> _rel_batch_mode_select').change(function() { if ((jQuery(this).val() == '_disabled_') || (jQuery(this).val() == '_delete_')) { jQuery('#<?php print $vs_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . '_rel'; ?> ').slideUp(250); } else { jQuery('#<?php print $vs_id_prefix . $t_item->tableNum() . '_rel';