Exemple #1
function dbf_getEntryData($db_link, $entryName, $entryType, $config_nvdcache)
    $query = "SELECT * FROM nvdData WHERE type = '{$entryType}' AND name = '{$entryName}'";
    if (!($result = mysqli_query($db_link, $query))) {
        $xml = c_initiate_xml($config_nvdcache);
        $xml_error = $xml->addchild('error');
        $xml_error->addchild('code', '500');
        $xml_error->addchild('description', 'DB Error: ' . mysqli_error($db_link));
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $xml = c_initiate_xml($config_nvdcache);
        $xml_error = $xml->addchild('error');
        $xml_error->addchild('code', '400');
        $xml_error->addchild('description', $entryType . ' entry ' . $entryName . ' was not found.');
    // start building the xml data string
    //$xml_parent_start = '';
    $xml_parent_start = '<nvdCache version="' . $config_nvdcache[version] . '" cacheHost="' . $config_nvdcache[cacheHost] . '">';
    $xml_parent_end = '</nvdCache>';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $xml_result = $xml_parent_start;
        $xml_result .= $row[entry];
        $xml_result .= $xml_parent_end;
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_result);
    return $xml;
Exemple #2
// log hit to service
//fta_logHit($_SERVER, $fta_config_data);
/* parse the URL */
$exp1 = explode("/", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"]);
// $hash is the value passed to the script.  this needs to be handled carefuly!
$cve_id = $exp1[count($exp1) - 1];
//$cve_id = $_REQUEST['cve_id'];
//$token = $_REQUEST['token'];
if ($ini_array[security][token_required] == 1 && $ini_array[security][access_token] != $token) {
    // this is very rude unsafe security.
    $xml = c_initiate_xml($config_nvdcache);
    $xml_error = $xml->addchild('error');
    $xml_error->addchild('code', '500');
    $xml_error->addchild('description', 'Invalid token or no token given.  A token is required to communicate with this system.  Please see http://code.google.com/p/nvdcache/ for information.');
$regex_status = eregi("^cve-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}\$", $cve_id);
if (!$regex_status || !$cve_id) {
    $xml = c_initiate_xml($config_nvdcache);
    $xml_error = $xml->addchild('error');
    $xml_error->addchild('code', '400');
    $xml_error->addchild('description', 'Bad Request.  A CVE name was not given or was malformed.  Looking for this format - CVE-XXXX-XXXX');
// everything looks good to this point.  We will now pull together the data from the db and build an xml string to return.
$xml_cve = dbf_getEntryData($db_link, strtoupper($cve_id), 'CVE', $config_nvdcache);
//echo $xml_cve;
Exemple #3
function stream_load_xml($url, $db_link, $config_cve)
    $start_delimiter = "<entry ";
    $end_delimiter = "</entry>";
    $byte_chunk_size = 64;
    // see if any of the proxy options were selected and build a stream context if so
    if ($config_cve[proxy_url] && $config_cve[proxy_port]) {
        $opts = array('http' => array('proxy' => "tcp://" . $config_cve[proxy_url] . ":" . $config_cve[proxy_port], 'request_fulluri' => TRUE));
        $context = stream_context_create($opts);
        $handle = fopen("{$url}", "r", false, $context);
    } else {
        $handle = fopen("{$url}", "r");
    if (!$handle) {
        $xml = c_initiate_xml($config_nvdcache);
        $xml_error = $xml->addchild('error');
        $xml_error->addchild('code', '500');
        $xml_error->addchild('description', 'Could not establish a read handle to ' . $url);
    $in_entry = 0;
    while ($data = fread($handle, $byte_chunk_size)) {
        $read_data .= $data;
        // append the streaming data unto the variable
        // use the start_delimiter to detect the begginging of an xml entry
        $read_data_exploded_start = explode($start_delimiter, $read_data);
        // if the array has more than one item then we hit upon the entry.
        if (count($read_data_exploded_start) > 1 && !$in_entry) {
            $in_entry = 1;
            // what was infront of the delimieter is poo
            $poo = array_shift($read_data_exploded_start);
            // put the start delimieter back unto the string becasue it was removed
            // with the delimeter 'explode' call.
            $read_data = $start_delimiter;
            // making sure that all left delimited items get added back
            // to the read string
            foreach ($read_data_exploded_start as $value) {
                $read_data .= $value;
        // look for the end delimiter
        $read_data_exploded_end = explode($end_delimiter, $read_data);
        // look for the end delimieter to indicate that we've gotten to the end of the
        // entry
        if (count($read_data_exploded_end) > 1) {
            $in_entry = 0;
            $poo = array_shift($read_data_exploded_end);
            // we finaly have a full entry as string
            $xml_entry_as_string = $poo . $end_delimiter;
            // put it into the db.
            //echo $xml_entry_as_string;
            dbf_put_entry_in_db($xml_entry_as_string, $db_link);
            //$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_entry_as_string);
            //echo $xml->asXML();
            // reset the read_data variable
            $read_data = '';
            // set the read_data variable with the end of the exploded
            // data as to allow it to make the next front end delimiter
            // check
            foreach ($read_data_exploded_end as $value) {
                $read_data .= $value;