Exemple #1
 function logCacheThrottle()
     // saves a log of the last hour of cachecontrol in the log folder, it can be accessed or viewed by the console. This is not used other than logging
     if (!isset($this->parent->storage['CORE_CACHECONTROL'])) {
     $average = $this->parent->storage['CORE_CACHECONTROL'][0];
     $cmod = $this->parent->storage['CORE_CACHECONTROL'][1];
     $cc = array();
     if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "cachecontrol.dat")) {
         $cc = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "cachecontrol.dat"));
         if (!is_array($cc)) {
             $cc = array();
     $thisEntry = array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $average, $cmod);
     $cc[] = $thisEntry;
     // cleanup to show only the whole last week (24*7=168)
     while (count($cc) > 168) {
     cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "cachecontrol.dat", serialize($cc));
Exemple #2
        $temp = $siteObj->techo($outputData) . $temp;
if ($highest == 0) {
    $highest = 1;
for ($c = 0; $c < 7; $c++) {
    $pct = ceil(38 * $week[$c] / $highest);
    $core->template->assign("allhits" . $c, 38 - $pct);
    $core->template->assign("allhits" . $c . 'b', $pct);
$core->template->assign("allvisits", $totalHoje . " / " . $total);
$core->template->assign("_site", $temp);
# botprotect
$throttleFiles = listFiles(CONS_PATH_TEMP, "@throttle_(.*)\\.dat@i");
$out = "";
$IPs = 0;
foreach ($throttleFiles as $tf) {
    $thd = @unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_TEMP . $tf));
    preg_match("@throttle_(.*)\\.dat@", $tf, $regs);
    $ip = str_replace("_", ":", $regs[1]);
    foreach ($thd as $thname => $thditem) {
        if (substr($thname, 0, 4) == "hits") {
        } else {
            $out .= "<span style='color:#ee1111'>" . $ip . " BANNED SINCE " . $thditem . "</span>\n";
$out .= "IPs monitored: {$IPs}\n";
$core->template->assign("botprotect", $out);
Exemple #3

// ------------------------ Honeypot list bootup (catching is done inside core::checkDirectLink)
// do not call this if you already know the useragent is a bot (double check is pointless)
    $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_HONEYPOTLIST] = @unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_TEMP . "honeypot.dat"));
    // this file is reset DAILY on cron
    // we know user agent is set otherwise it would be a bot already
    $core->isbot = true;
Exemple #4
function fget($url, $login, $pass, $file, $tries = 1, $tmpfile = "", $mode = FTP_ASCII)
    if ($tmpfile == "") {
        $tmpfile = "tmpdlw.tmp";
    if (is_file($tmpfile)) {
    while ($tries > 0) {
        $fp = ftp_connect($url);
        if ($fp) {
            $login = ftp_login($fp, $login, $pass);
            if ($login) {
                ftp_pasv($fp, true);
                $handle = fopen($tmpfile, 'w');
                $sucess = ftp_fget($fp, $handle, $file, $mode);
                if ($sucess) {
                    return cReadFile($tmpfile);
                } else {
                    if (is_file($tmpfile)) {
                    // incomplete?
            if ($tries > 0) {
    return false;
Exemple #5
#################### LISTING ##########################
if (isset($module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]) && !is_array($module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]) && $module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING] != "") {
    $module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING] = explode(",", $module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]);
if (!isset($module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]) || !is_array($module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]) || count($module->options[CONS_MODULE_LISTING]) == 0) {
    $toShow = false;
    // check admin cache for listing (created at module[bi_adm]::buildAdminMenu when at the index, usually)
    $file = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/admin" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_USER]['id_group'] . ".cache";
    // HTML output with normal menu
    if (!is_file($file)) {
    // no cache, create it
    if (is_file($file)) {
        // we have the cache of admin.xml (might had some error above)
        $admxml = unserialize(cReadFile($file));
        if (is_object($admxml)) {
            function checkXMLlisting(&$xml, $moduleName)
                // does the current node have the listing for my module
                if (isset($xml->data['module']) && $xml->data['module'] == $moduleName && isset($xml->data['listing'])) {
                    // yes ... return (explode)
                    return explode(",", $xml->data['listing']);
                $total = $xml->total();
                for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
                    $response = checkXMLlisting($xml->branchs[$c], $moduleName);
                    if ($response !== false) {
                        return $response;
                    // found it!
Exemple #6
 function importer()
     $htmlIMG = $_REQUEST['imgpath'];
     $cssIMG = $_REQUEST['cssimgpath'];
     // improves/fix css, in and out
     $cssFiles = listFiles(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/files/", '/^.*\\.css$/i');
     foreach ($cssFiles as $cF) {
         $css = cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/files/" . $cF);
         $css = str_replace($cssIMG, "", $css);
         $css = str_replace("    ", "\t", $css);
         cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/files/" . $cF, $css);
     // improves/fix html, in
     $htmlFiles = listFiles(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/template/", '/^([^_]).*\\.html$/i');
     $htmlSTR = array();
     $cut = array();
     foreach ($htmlFiles as $hF) {
         $htmlSTR[$hF] = cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/template/" . $hF);
         $htmlSTR[$hF] = str_replace($htmlIMG, "{IMG_PATH}", $htmlSTR[$hF]);
         $htmlSTR[$hF] = str_replace("    ", "\t", $htmlSTR[$hF]);
         $bodyPos = strpos($htmlSTR[$hF], "<body>");
         if ($bodyPos !== false) {
             $htmlSTR[$hF] = substr($htmlSTR[$hF], $bodyPos + 6);
             $htmlSTR[$hF] = str_replace("</body>", "", $htmlSTR[$hF]);
         } else {
             $bodyPos = strpos($htmlSTR[$hF], "<body");
             if ($bodyPos !== false && $bodyPos != 0) {
                 $htmlSTR[$hF] = substr($htmlSTR[$hF], $bodyPos - 1);
         $htmlSTR[$hF] = str_replace("</html>", "", $htmlSTR[$hF]);
         cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/template/" . $hF . ".out", $htmlSTR[$hF]);
     // locate patterns within the files, using index.html
     echo "css replaced, html outputed as .out, frame breaking not implemented";
Exemple #7
// 2 day ago
$previousDay = datecalc(date("Y-m-d"), 0, 0, -2);
$previousDay = str_replace("-", "", $previousDay);
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")) {
    appendActs($core, $temp, $template, explode("\n", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")));
// 1 day ago
$previousDay = datecalc(date("Y-m-d"), 0, 0, -1);
$previousDay = str_replace("-", "", $previousDay);
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")) {
    appendActs($core, $temp, $template, explode("\n", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")));
# Today
$previousDay = date("Ymd");
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")) {
    appendActs($core, $temp, $template, explode("\n", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")));
$core->template->assign("_actions", $temp);
//404 errors 24h
if (isset($_REQUEST['clean404'])) {
    @unlink(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/404.log");
} else {
    if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/404.log")) {
        $core->template->assignFile("log404", CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/404.log", false, true);
//pm log 24h
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/pm.log")) {
    $core->template->assignFile('logpm', CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/pm.log", false, true);
Exemple #8
 # step 1: easy check if this IP is banned, if so, bye
     // session controlled ban
     include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "datetime.php";
     $td = time_diff($now, $_SESSION['BOTPROTECT_BANNED']);
     if ($td < CONS_BOTPROTECT_BANTIME * 60) {
         header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 403 Forbidden");
         echo str_replace("{MORE}", CONS_BOTPROTECT_BANTIME * 60 - $td, str_replace("{TS}", $_SESSION['BOTPROTECT_BANNED'], $throttle));
     } else {
 # step 2: load ip controller (non session related) and check it
 if (is_file($filename)) {
     $thd = @unserialize(cReadFile($filename));
     if (!is_array($thd)) {
         $thd = array();
 } else {
     $thd = array();
 if (isset($thd['banned'])) {
     include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "datetime.php";
     $td = time_diff($now, $thd['banned']);
     if ($td < CONS_BOTPROTECT_BANTIME * 60) {
         header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 403 Forbidden");
         echo str_replace("{MORE}", CONS_BOTPROTECT_BANTIME * 60 - $td, str_replace("{TS}", $now, $throttle));
     } else {
Exemple #9
 function onEcho(&$PAGE)
     $core =& $this->parent;
     if (CONS_ECONOMICMODE && $core->isbot) {
     $pageToBelogged = substr($core->original_context_str, 1);
     if ($pageToBelogged != "" && $pageToBelogged[strlen($pageToBelogged) - 1] != "/") {
         $pageToBelogged .= "/";
     $core =& $this->parent;
     if ($pageToBelogged != '') {
         if (isset($core->dimconfig['nostats']) && strpos(',/rss,' . $core->dimconfig['nostats'], ',' . $pageToBelogged . $core->action) !== false) {
             $this->doNotLogMe = true;
         if (isset($core->dimconfig['nostats']) && strpos(',' . $core->dimconfig['nostats'], ',' . $pageToBelogged) !== false) {
             $this->doNotLogMe = true;
     if ($core->action == '404' || $core->action == '403') {
         $this->doNotLogMe = true;
     if (!$this->doNotLogMe || $this->forceLogMe) {
         # what page are we logging (original call always)
         $act = $core->original_action;
         if ($act == "") {
             $act = "index";
         } else {
             if (strpos($act, ".") !== false) {
                 $act = explode(".", $act);
                 // remove extension:
                 $act = implode(".", $act);
         $pageToBelogged .= $act;
         $pageToBelogged = str_replace('"', "", $pageToBelogged);
         # there are exploits everywhere!
         # is this a BOT? atm we consider unknown browsers as bots (some obvious crawlers are already set to unknown, see getBrowser.php) to make this faster, if CONS_HONEYPOT is on, will also detect bots using a honeypot
         $isBot = $core->isbot;
         # -- Check for "ignore ip"
         $iip = isset($this->parent->dimconfig['bi_statsignoreip']) ? $this->parent->dimconfig['bi_statsignoreip'] : '';
         $iip = explode(",", $iip);
         $ignoreme = false;
         foreach ($iip as $ip) {
             $ip = trim($ip);
             if ($ip != '' && strpos(CONS_IP, trim($ip)) !== -1) {
                 $ignoreme = true;
         if ($ignoreme) {
         // is an IP to be ignored
         # -- Administrator logged in, log a-hit
         if ($_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_LEVEL] > $this->admRestrictionLevel) {
             $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : 0;
             $x = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
             if ($x === false) {
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' , hour = '" . date("H") . "' , page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" , hid=\"" . $id . "\", hits=0, uhits=0, bhits=0, ahits=1, rhits=0, lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                     if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                         // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                         // ignore this error please
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET ahits=ahits+1 WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
             } else {
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET ahits=ahits+1 WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
             if ($this->doNotLogAdmins) {
         # -- BOT STATS (if it's a bot, leave after this part) --
         if ($this->logBOTS) {
             $fd = fopen(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/bots" . date("Ymd") . ".log", "a");
             if ($fd) {
                 fwrite($fd, date("H:i:s") . " " . CONS_IP . " [" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "") . "] " . $pageToBelogged . "\n");
         if ($isBot) {
             $core->dbo->query("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['statsbots']->dbname . " WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "'", $r, $n);
             if ($n == 0) {
                 # first bot visit
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statsbots']->dbname . " SET hits=1,data='" . date("Y-m-d-") . "'");
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                     if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                         // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                         // ignore this error please
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsbots']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d-") . "'");
             } else {
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsbots']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d-") . "'");
             # no more stats for bots
         # -- end BOT stats
         $browser = "";
         $legacy = false;
         list($browser, $legacy, $ismob) = getBrowser();
         # -- prepare cookie/IP monitoring variables
         $logByIP = false;
         $alreadyVisited = false;
         if ($core->dbo->query("SELECT page,fullpath FROM " . $core->modules['statsrt']->dbname . " WHERE ip='" . CONS_IP . "'", $r, $n) && $n != 0) {
             list($page, $fullpath) = $core->dbo->fetch_row($r);
             $alreadyVisited = true;
             // by IP
         } else {
             $page = "";
             $fullpath = "";
         # -- REFERER STATS --
         if (!isset($_COOKIE['session_visited'])) {
             // no cookies, first visit or cookies disabled
             if ($this->detectVisitorByIP && $alreadyVisited) {
                 // NOT first visit, but no cookies?, and we want to track by IP
                 $logByIP = true;
             if (!$logByIP) {
                 $partial_referer = str_replace("www.", "", $core->domain);
                 // www.prescia.net -> prescia.net (might be at sub-domain)
                 $http_referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
                 if ($http_referer == "" || strpos($http_referer, $partial_referer) === false && strpos($partial_referer, '.') !== false) {
                     # valid external REFERER OR empty (bookmark)
                     $referer = str_replace("http://", "", $http_referer);
                     $referer = str_replace("https://", "", $referer);
                     $referer = str_replace('"', "", $referer);
                     # die exploits, die
                     $domain = explode("/", $referer);
                     $domain = $domain[0];
                     // lets get some search engines here (faster than preg)
                     if (strpos($domain, ".google.") !== false) {
                         $domain = "*.google.*";
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($domain, ".yahoo.") !== false) {
                             $domain = "*.yahoo.*";
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($domain, ".facebook.com") !== false) {
                                 $domain = "*.facebook.com";
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($domain, ".bing.") !== false) {
                                     $domain = "*.bing.*";
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($domain, "busca.uol.") !== false) {
                                         $domain = "busca.uol.*";
                                     } else {
                                         if (strpos($domain, ".mail.") !== false || substr($domain, 0, 5) == "mail." || strpos($domain, ".webmail.") !== false || substr($domain, 0, 8) == "webmail.") {
                                             $domain = "MAIL";
                                         } else {
                                             if (strlen($domain) > 50) {
                                                 $domain = substr($domain, 0, 47) . "...";
                     $core->dbo->query("SELECT hits, pages FROM " . $core->modules['statsref']->dbname . " WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND referer=\"{$domain}\" AND entrypage=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"", $r, $n);
                     if ($n > 0) {
                         list($hits, $pages) = $core->dbo->fetch_row($r);
                     } else {
                         $hits = 0;
                         $pages = "";
                     if (strpos($pages, $referer . ",") === false) {
                         $pages .= cleanString($referer) . ",";
                     if ($n == 0) {
                         $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statsref']->dbname . " SET data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "', referer=\"{$domain}\", entrypage=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\", hits={$hits}, pages=\"" . $pages . "\"");
                         if (!$ok) {
                             $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                             if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                                 // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                                 // ignore this error please
                                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsref']->dbname . " SET hits={$hits}, pages=\"" . $pages . "\" WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND referer=\"{$domain}\" AND entrypage=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"");
                     } else {
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsref']->dbname . " SET hits={$hits}, pages=\"" . $pages . "\" WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND referer=\"{$domain}\" AND entrypage=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"");
                 # not log by IP (is set if detected this IP already visited in the last 15 min, but has no cookies)
             # if valid
         # if new entry
         # -- end referer and query stats --
         # -- REAL TIME/Location STATS --
         $ok = false;
         // we will use this to control if we try second+ visit on concurrent include
         if (!$alreadyVisited) {
             $ok = true;
             # first visit
             if (!isset($referer)) {
                 # should be set at referer stats
                 $referer = str_replace("http://", "", isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "");
                 $referer = str_replace("https://", "", $referer);
             $whatToSave = CONS_BROWSER_ISMOB ? "MO" : CONS_BROWSER;
             $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statsrt']->dbname . " SET ip='" . CONS_IP . "', page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\", pagelast=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\", agent=\"" . $browser . "\", agentcode=\"" . $whatToSave . "\", fullpath=\"" . $pageToBelogged . ",\", data=NOW(), data_ini=NOW(), referer=\"{$referer}\"", true);
             if (!$ok) {
                 $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                 if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") === false) {
                     // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                     // ignore this error please
         if (!$ok) {
             # second+ visit or concurrent include
             if ($page != $pageToBelogged) {
                 $fullpath .= $pageToBelogged . ",";
             $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsrt']->dbname . " SET page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\", pagelast=\"{$page}\", data=NOW(), fullpath=\"{$fullpath}\" WHERE ip='" . CONS_IP . "'");
             # -- STATS PATH --
             $count = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['statspath']->dbname . " WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND page=\"{$page}\" AND pagefoward=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"");
             if ($count === false) {
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statspath']->dbname . " SET data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "', page=\"{$page}\", pagefoward=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\", hits=1");
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                     if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                         // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                         // ignore this error please
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statspath']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND page=\"{$page}\" AND pagefoward=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"");
             } else {
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statspath']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND page=\"{$page}\" AND pagefoward=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\"");
             # -- end STATS PATH --
         # -- end STATS PATH and REAL TIME --
         # -- HIT/UHIT/BHIT/AHITS stats -- (BHIT = browsing hit = acceptance, one per visitor)
         $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : 0;
         $isReturning = isset($_COOKIE['akr_returning']);
         $isAdm = str_replace("/", "", $this->parent->context_str) == $this->admFolder;
         $x = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
         $ok = true;
         // also control concurrent includes from here
         if ($x === false) {
             # FIRST hit on this page here today
             if (!isset($_COOKIE['session_visited']) && !$logByIP) {
                 // no cookie and we do not want to log by IP
                 // first hit (1 1 0)
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' , hour = '" . date("H") . "' , page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" , hid=\"" . $id . "\", hits=1, uhits=1, bhits=0, ahits=" . ($isAdm ? 1 : 0) . ", rhits=" . ($isReturning ? "1" : "0") . ", lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                 if (!$isReturning) {
                     @setcookie("akr_returning", '1', Time() + 86400);
                 // 1 day
                 @setcookie("session_visited", '1', Time() + 3600);
                 // 60 min
             } else {
                 if (!$logByIP && $_COOKIE['session_visited'] == 1) {
                     // when logging by IP, we can't gather acceptance/browsing (b) hits
                     // second hit (1 0 1)
                     $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' , hour = '" . date("H") . "' , page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" , hid=\"" . $id . "\", hits=1, uhits=0, bhits=1, ahits=" . ($isAdm ? 1 : 0) . ", rhits=0, lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                     @setcookie("session_visited", '2', Time() + 3600);
                     // 60 min
                 } else {
                     // third+ hit (1 0 0)
                     $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' , hour = '" . date("H") . "' , page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" , hid=\"" . $id . "\", hits=1, uhits=0, bhits=0, ahits=" . ($isAdm ? 1 : 0) . ", rhits=0, lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                     @setcookie("session_visited", '2', Time() + 3600);
                     // 60 min
             if (!$ok) {
                 $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                 if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                     // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                     // ignore this error please
         if (!$ok || $x !== false) {
             // second+ hit of day
             if (!isset($_COOKIE['session_visited']) && !$logByIP) {
                 // first hit 1 1 0
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1, uhits=uhits+1 " . ($isReturning ? ", rhits=rhits+1" : "") . ($isAdm ? ", ahits=ahits+1" : "") . " WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                 if (!$isReturning) {
                     @setcookie("akr_returning", '1', Time() + 86400);
                 // 1 day
                 @setcookie("session_visited", '1', Time() + 3600);
                 // 60 min
             } else {
                 if (!$logByIP && $_COOKIE['session_visited'] == 1) {
                     // second hit (1 0 1)
                     $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1, bhits=bhits+1" . ($isAdm ? ", ahits=ahits+1" : "") . " WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                     @setcookie("session_visited", '2', Time() + 3600);
                     // 60 min
                 } else {
                     // third+ hit (1 0 0)
                     $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['stats']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1" . ($isAdm ? ", ahits=ahits+1" : "") . " WHERE data = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND hour = '" . date("H") . "' AND page=\"" . $pageToBelogged . "\" AND hid=\"" . $id . "\" AND lang=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG] . "\"");
                     @setcookie("session_visited", '2', Time() + 3600);
                     // 60 min
         # -- end HIT/UHIT/BHIT stats --
         # -- BROWSER stats --
         if ($browser != "") {
             if ($ismob) {
                 $browser .= " (mob)";
             $visits = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['statsbrowser']->dbname . " WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND browser=\"{$browser}\"");
             if ($visits === false) {
                 # first
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statsbrowser']->dbname . " SET data=NOW(), browser=\"{$browser}\",hits=1");
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                     if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                         // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                         // ignore this error please
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsbrowser']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND browser=\"{$browser}\"");
             } else {
                 # second+ visit
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsbrowser']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND browser=\"{$browser}\"");
         # -- end Browser stats --
         # -- RESOLUTION stats --
         if (isset($_SESSION[CONS_USER_RESOLUTION])) {
             $visits = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT hits FROM " . $core->modules['statsres']->dbname . " WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND resolution=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_USER_RESOLUTION] . "\"");
             if ($visits === false) {
                 # first
                 $ok = $core->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $core->modules['statsres']->dbname . " SET data=NOW(), resolution=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_USER_RESOLUTION] . "\",hits=1");
                 if (!$ok) {
                     $lastError = $this->parent->dbo->log[count($this->parent->dbo->log) - 1];
                     if (strpos(strtolower($lastError), "duplicate") !== false) {
                         // concurrent INSERT happened first! use update
                         // ignore this error please
                         $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsres']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND resolution=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_USER_RESOLUTION] . "\"");
             } else {
                 # second+ visit
                 $core->dbo->simpleQuery("UPDATE " . $core->modules['statsres']->dbname . " SET hits=hits+1 WHERE data='" . date("Y-m-d") . "' AND resolution=\"" . $_SESSION[CONS_USER_RESOLUTION] . "\"");
     ## BENCHMARK ##
     if (CONS_ECONOMICMODE || isset($core->dimconfig['nobenchstats']) && strpos(',' . $core->dimconfig['nobenchstats'], ',' . $core->action) !== false) {
         # ignore benchmark on this page
     $totalTime = scriptTime() * 1000;
     $file = CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/scripttime.dat";
     $data = array(date('H'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, array());
     // hour, max time w/o cache, max time w/ cache, bot hits today, normal hits today, last week average, browser array
     if (is_file($file)) {
         $data = unserialize(cReadFile($file));
     if (!is_array($data) || count($data) < 5) {
         $data = array(date('H'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, array());
     // error above
     if ($data[0] != date('H')) {
         $data = array(date('H'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, array());
     // reset
     if (CONS_CACHE && $this->parent->cacheControl->contentFromCache) {
         if ($data[2] < $totalTime) {
             # this hit took longer
             $data[2] = $totalTime;
             if ($data[4] > 0) {
                 # other stats are ok, just save the new data and leave
                 cWriteFile($file, serialize($data));
         } else {
             # first hit should never get here, so we will end up on resetSTdata
     } else {
         if ($data[1] < $totalTime) {
             # this hit took longer
             $data[1] = $totalTime;
             if ($data[4] > 0) {
                 # other stats are ok, just save the new data and leave
                 cWriteFile($file, serialize($data));
         } else {
             # first hit should never get here, so we will end up on resetSTdata
     # if reached this line, stats for hits is not full and we want to save it
Exemple #10
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$logs = "";
$template = $core->template->get("_error");
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $code . "/err" . date('Ymd') . ".log")) {
    function appendErrors(&$core, &$output, &$template, $data)
        foreach ($data as $line) {
            $line = explode("|", $line);
            # date|id_client|uri|errCode|module|parameters|extended parameters|log[|...]
            $coreData = array();
            $coreData['date'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['id_client'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['uri'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['errCode'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['module'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['parameters'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['extended'] = array_shift($line);
            $coreData['log'] = implode("|", $line);
            if (is_numeric($coreData['errCode']) && isset($core->errorControl->ERRORS[$coreData['errCode']])) {
                $errorLevel = $core->errorControl->ERRORS[$coreData['errCode']];
                $coreData['level'] = $errorLevel < 10 ? 0 : ($errorLevel < 20 ? 1 : 2);
                $output .= $template->techo($coreData);
    appendErrors($core, $logs, $template, explode("\n", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $code . "/err" . date('Ymd') . ".log")));
} else {
    $logs = "No log";
$core->template->assign("_error", $logs);
Exemple #11
function console($core, $command)
        echo 'access denied';
    $words = explode(" ", trim($command));
    if ($words[0] == "help" || $words[0] == "?") {
        echo "clear - clears the console screen<br/>";
        // implemented on the HTML/js
        echo "delete [key] - deletes a key off dimconfig<br/>";
        echo "dev [on|off] - enable/disable developer assistent plugin (affbi_dev)<br/>";
        echo "test - returns a bi_dev fulltest<br/>";
        echo "dump [dimconfig|session|constants|config] - displays the contents of the dimconfig, session or constant variables<br/>";
        //echo "compileaff - compiles aff distribution into new/ folder<br/>";
        echo "dbfill - adds up to 10 random items on EVERY database of the site<br/>";
        echo "set [variable] [value] - sets a dimconfig variable<br/>";
        echo "cache - displays the full cacheThrottle log, as well current values<br/>";
        echo "purge [log|cache|bans|all] - purches all server-side log, cache, ip bans or all these options<br/>";
        echo "ip - Shows local/server IP's";
    if ($words[0] == "set" && isset($words[1]) && isset($words[2])) {
        $core->dimconfig[$words[1]] = $words[2];
        echo $words[1] . " set to '" . $words[2] . "'";
    if ($words[0] == "ip") {
        echo "SERVER IP: " . GetIP(false) . "<br/>";
        echo "ON SERVER: " . (CONS_ONSERVER ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
        echo "REMOTE IP: " . CONS_IP;
    if ($words[0] == "delete") {
        if (isset($core->dimconfig[$words[1]])) {
            echo "dimconfig keyword deleted";
        } else {
            echo "dimconfig keyword not found";
    if ($words[0] == "dev") {
        if ($words[1] == "on" || $words[1] == '1') {
            if (isset($core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev'])) {
                echo "dev already on";
            } else {
                $filenm = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/config.php";
                $file = cReadFile($filenm);
                cWriteFile($filenm . ".bak", $file);
                $file .= "\n\$dev = \$this->addPlugin('bi_dev');\n\$dev->administrativePage = \"/adm/\";";
                cWriteFile($filenm, $file);
                echo "dev added to config.php";
        } else {
            if (!isset($core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev'])) {
                echo "dev already off";
            } else {
                $filenm = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/config.php";
                $file = cReadFile($filenm);
                cWriteFile($filenm . ".bak", $file);
                $file = str_replace("\$dev = \$this->addPlugin('bi_dev');", "", $file);
                $file = str_replace("\$dev->administrativePage = \"/adm/\";", "", $file);
                cWriteFile($filenm, $file);
                echo "dev removed from config.php";
    if ($words[0] == "test") {
        if (isset($core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev'])) {
            $ok = $core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev']->fulltest(true);
            echo "DEV-Fulltest: " . ($ok ? "ERRORS!" : "OK!");
        } else {
            echo "dev is off";
    if ($words[0] == "dump") {
        $out = "";
        if ($words[1] == "dimconfig") {
            foreach ($core->dimconfig as $name => $content) {
                $out .= $name . " : " . vardump($content) . "<br/>";
            echo $out;
        } else {
            if ($words[1] == "session") {
                foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $content) {
                    $out .= $name . " : " . (is_array($content) ? implode(", ", $content) : $content) . "<br/>";
                echo $out;
            } else {
                if ($words[1] == "constants") {
                    foreach ($core->template->constants as $name => $content) {
                        $out .= $name . " : " . (is_array($content) ? implode(", ", $content) : $content) . "<br/>";
                    echo $out;
                } else {
                    if ($words[1] == "config") {
                        echo "CONS_AFF_DATABASECONNECTOR: " . CONS_AFF_DATABASECONNECTOR . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_AFF_ERRORHANDLER: " . (CONS_AFF_ERRORHANDLER ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_AFF_ERRORHANDLER_NOWARNING: " . (CONS_AFF_ERRORHANDLER_NOWARNING ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_AJAXRUNSSCRIPTS: " . (CONS_AJAXRUNSSCRIPTS ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_SINGLEDOMAIN: " . CONS_SINGLEDOMAIN . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_DEFAULT_IPP: " . CONS_DEFAULT_IPP . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_FLATTENURL: " . CONS_FLATTENURL . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_AUTOREMOVEWWW: " . CONS_AUTOREMOVEWWW . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_PM_MINTIME: " . CONS_PM_MINTIME . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_PM_TIME: " . CONS_PM_TIME . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_FREECPU: " . (CONS_FREECPU ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_MONITORMAILSOURCE: " . CONS_MONITORMAILSOURCE . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_MONITORMAIL: " . CONS_MONITORMAIL . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_HTTPD_ERRDIR: " . CONS_HTTPD_ERRDIR . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_HTTPD_ERRFILE: " . CONS_HTTPD_ERRFILE . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_MASTERMAIL: " . CONS_MASTERMAIL . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_ECONOMICMODE: " . (CONS_ECONOMICMODE ? 'true' : 'false') . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_ACCEPT_DIRECTLINK: " . (CONS_ACCEPT_DIRECTLINK ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_SITESELECTOR: " . (CONS_SITESELECTOR ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_NOROBOTDOMAINS: " . CONS_NOROBOTDOMAINS . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_FILESEARCH_EXTENSIONS: " . CONS_FILESEARCH_EXTENSIONS . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_TOOLS_DEFAULTPERM: " . CONS_TOOLS_DEFAULTPERM . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_GZIP_MINSIZE: " . CONS_GZIP_MINSIZE . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_CRAWLER_WHITELIST_ENABLE: " . (CONS_CRAWLER_WHITELIST_ENABLE ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_CRAWLER_WHITELIST: " . CONS_GZIP_MINSIZE . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_HONEYPOT: " . (CONS_HONEYPOT ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_HONEYPOTURL: " . CONS_GZIP_MINSIZE . "<br/>";
                        echo "------ site config (" . $_SESSION['CODE'] . ") ------<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_USE_I18N: " . (CONS_USE_I18N ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_DEFAULT_LANG: " . CONS_DEFAULT_LANG . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_DEFAULT_FAVICON: " . (CONS_DEFAULT_FAVICON ? "true" : "false") . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_INSTALL_ROOT: " . CONS_INSTALL_ROOT . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_DB_HOST: " . CONS_DB_HOST . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_DB_BASE: " . CONS_DB_BASE . "<br/>";
                        echo "CONS_SITE_ENTRYPOINT: " . CONS_SITE_ENTRYPOINT . "<br/>";
                        echo "languagetl: " . vardump($core->languageTL) . "<br/>";
                        echo "forceLang: " . $core->forceLang . "<br/>";
                        echo "------ modules loaded ----------<br/>";
                        foreach ($core->modules as $mname => &$m) {
                            echo "{$mname}<br/>";
        echo "add 'dimconfig', 'session', 'constants', 'config'<br/>";
    if ($words[0] == "dbfill") {
        if (isset($core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev'])) {
            $ok = $core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev']->fill();
            echo "DEV-Fill: " . ($ok == false ? "ERROR!" : "Ok, {$ok} items included");
        } else {
            echo "dev is off, turn dev on to use dbfill";
    if ($words[0] == 'cache') {
        if (CONS_ECONOMICMODE) {
            echo "Economic mode on, cache control disabled";
        } else {
            if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "cachecontrol.dat")) {
                $cc = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . "cachecontrol.dat"));
                if ($cc !== false) {
                    echo "Date, Page average loadtime, Cache throttle %\n<br/>";
                    foreach ($cc as $ccitem) {
                        echo $ccitem[0] . ", " . number_format($ccitem[1]) . "ms, " . floor(100 * $ccitem[2]) . "%\n<br/>";
                    $cc = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "cachecontrol.dat"));
                    if ($cc !== false) {
                        echo "CURRENT: " . number_format($cc[0]) . "ms, " . floor(100 * $cc[1]) . "%";
                    } else {
                        echo "CURRENT: unable to load cachecontrol.dat in cache";
                } else {
                    echo "cachecontrol.dat corrupt";
            } else {
                echo "cachecontrol.dat not found in logs";
    if ($words[0] == "purge") {
        $purgeThis = array(!isset($words[1]) || $words[1] == "log" || $words[1] == "all", !isset($words[1]) || $words[1] == "cache" || $words[1] == "all", !isset($words[1]) || $words[1] == "bans" || $words[1] == "all");
        if ($purgeThis[1]) {
            $core->cacheControl->dumpTemplateCaches($purgeThis[0], true);
            $core->dimconfig['_404cache'] = array();
        if ($purgeThis[0]) {
            $listFiles = listFiles(CONS_PATH_LOGS, "/^([^a]).*(\\.log)\$/i", false, false, true);
            foreach ($listFiles as $file) {
                @unlink(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $file);
        if ($purgeThis[2]) {
            foreach (glob(CONS_PATH_TEMP . "*.dat") as $file) {
                if (!is_dir($file)) {
        echo "Ok! (flags=" . ($purgeThis[0] ? "L" : "l") . ($purgeThis[1] ? "C" : "c") . ($purgeThis[2] ? "B" : "b") . ")";
    if ($words[0] == "phpinfo") {
    if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/_console.php")) {
        include CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/_console.php";
    echo "command not understood";
Exemple #12
    $maxActions -= $added;
    if ($maxActions > 0) {
        // 1 day ago
        $previousDay = datecalc(date("Y-m-d"), 0, 0, -1);
        $previousDay = str_replace("-", "", $previousDay);
        if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")) {
            appendActs($core, $temp, $template, explode("\n", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/act" . $previousDay . ".log")), $maxActions);
    $core->template->assign("_actions", $temp);
    $core->cacheControl->addCachedContent('admindex_actionlog', $temp, true);
// Warnings to developer
if (is_file(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/fulltest.log") && isset($core->loadedPlugins['bi_dev'])) {
    $core->template->assign("bi_dev", cReadFile(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/fulltest.log"));
} else {
// Statistics
if ($this->hasStats) {
    // stats installed, show today's hits
    $stp = $core->loadedPlugins['bi_stats']->getHits(7);
    $biggest = 0;
    foreach ($stp as $stpi) {
        if ($stpi[0] > $biggest) {
            $biggest = $stpi[0];
    if ($biggest == 0) {
        $biggest = 1;
Exemple #13
 function addPlugin($script, $relateToModule = "", $renamePluginTo = "", $noRaise = false)
     $r = parent::addPlugin($script, $relateToModule, $renamePluginTo, $noRaise);
     if (!isset($this->dimconfig['_pluginStarter' . $script]) || $this->dimconfig['_pluginStarter' . $script] != true) {
         // ad monitors form this script to the list
         $fileP = CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$script}/monitor.xml";
         $fileS = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/monitor.xml";
         if (is_file($fileP)) {
             // plugin has a monitor
             if (is_file($fileS)) {
                 // site has a monitor
                 $contentP = cReadFile($fileP);
                 if (preg_match("@[^<]*(<[^>]*>).*@", $contentP, $e)) {
                     // get first tag ($e[1])
                     // check if site's monitor has this tag
                     $contentS = cReadFile($fileS);
                     if (strpos($contentS, $e[1]) === false) {
                         // it doesn't have, add
                         $contentS .= "\n" . $contentP;
                     cWriteFile($fileS, $contentS);
             } else {
                 copy($fileP, $fileS);
         $this->dimconfig['_pluginStarter' . $script] = true;
     return $r;
Exemple #14
    $core->addLink("ckfinder/ckfinder.js", true);
    $core->addLink("ckeditor/ckeditor.js", true);
if ($hasCalendar) {
    $endScript .= "var calendarHandler = new dynCalendar('" . CONS_INSTALL_ROOT . CONS_PATH_PAGES . "_js/calendar/gifs/');\n";
if ($hasSlider) {
$core->template->assign("endscript", $endScript);
    $core->template->assign("_hiddenoptions", $temp);
        $domains = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "domains.dat"));
        $codes = array();
        foreach ($domains as $url => $code) {
            if (!isset($codes[$code])) {
                $codes[$code] = array($url);
            } else {
                $codes[$code][] = $url;
        $obj = $core->template->get("_sites");
        $tempOutput = "";
        foreach ($codes as $code => $urls) {
            $tempOutput .= $obj->techo(array('code' => $code));
        $core->template->assign("_sites", $tempOutput);
    } else {
Exemple #15
 public function cReadXML($arquivo, $params = array(), $fetchData = false)
     if (!is_file($arquivo)) {
         return false;
     $data = cReadFile($arquivo);
     return $this->parseXML($data, $params, $fetchData);
Exemple #16
 function showTemplate()
     if (count($this->log) > 0) {
         $output = "";
         foreach ($this->log as $saida) {
             $output .= $saida . "\n<br/>";
         $file = $this->debugFile;
         if ($this->debugFile == '' || !is_file($file)) {
             if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/_debugarea.html")) {
                 $file = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/_debugarea.html";
             } else {
                 $file = CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/_debugarea.html";
         $tp = new CKTemplate($this->template);
         $tp->assign("CORE_DEBUG", $output);
         $tp->assign("CORE_DEBUGWARNING", $this->loglevel);
         // CONS_LOGGING_...
         $this->template->constants['CORE_DEBUG'] = $tp->techo();
     if (!is_object($this->template) || get_class($this->template) != "CKTemplate") {
         // huh, no template? oh well
     # Echo dimconfig if something should be outputed
     $data = $this->cacheControl->getCachedContent('dimconfig_auto');
     if ($data === false) {
         $data = $this->dimconfig;
         $dimconfigMD = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/_dimconfig.dat"));
         foreach ($data as $name => $content) {
             if (isset($dimconfigMD[$name])) {
                 if ($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD) {
                     $FirstfileName = CONS_FMANAGER . $dimconfigMD[$name]['location'];
                     $path = explode("/", $FirstfileName);
                     $fileName = array_pop($path);
                     $path = implode("/", $path) . "/";
                     $hasFile = locateAnyFile($FirstfileName, $ext);
                     if (isset($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_THUMBNAILS])) {
                         // images
                         $imgs = count($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_THUMBNAILS]);
                         for ($c = 1; $c <= $imgs; $c++) {
                             $fnamedata = $name . "_" . $c;
                             $data[$fnamedata] = $FirstfileName;
                             $data[$fnamedata . "w"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "h"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "t"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "tr"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "s"] = "";
                             if ($hasFile) {
                                 $data[$fnamedata] = $FirstfileName;
                                 $popped = explode("/", $FirstfileName);
                                 $data[$fnamedata . "filename"] = array_pop($popped);
                                 if (in_array(strtolower($ext), array("jpg", "gif", "png", "jpeg", "swf"))) {
                                     // image/flash
                                     $h = getimagesize($FirstfileName);
                                     $data[$fnamedata . "w"] = $h[0];
                                     $data[$fnamedata . "h"] = $h[1];
                                     $data[$fnamedata . "s"] = humanSize(filesize($FirstfileName));
                                     if (in_array(strtolower($ext), array("jpg", "gif", "png", "jpeg"))) {
                                         $data[$fnamedata . "t"] = "<img src=\"" . $FirstfileName . "\" width='" . $h[0] . "' height='" . $h[1] . "' alt='' />";
                                         $data[$fnamedata . "tr"] = "<img src=\"" . $FirstfileName . "\" width='100%' height='100%' alt='' />";
                                     } else {
                                         if (strtolower($ext) == "swf") {
                                             $data[$fnamedata . "t"] = str_replace("{FILE}", $FirstfileName, str_replace("{H}", $h[1], str_replace("{W}", $h[0], SWF_OBJECT)));
                                             $data[$fnamedata . "tr"] = $data[$fnamedata . "t"];
                     } else {
                         if ($hasFile) {
                             $fnamedata = $name . "_1";
                             $data[$fnamedata] = $FirstfileName;
                             $data[$fnamedata . "s"] = humanSize(filesize($FirstfileName));
                             $popped = explode("/", $FirstfileName);
                             $data[$fnamedata . "filename"] = array_pop($popped);
                         } else {
                             $fnamedata = $name . "_1";
                             $data[$fnamedata] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "t"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "tr"] = "";
                             $data[$fnamedata . "s"] = "";
                 } else {
                     $data[$name] = $content;
             } else {
                 $data[$name] = $content;
         $this->cacheControl->addCachedContent('dimconfig_auto', $data, true);
     $this->template->constants['CHARSET'] = $this->charset;
     if ($this->doctype == "html" || CONS_BROWSER == "IE" && CONS_BROWSER_VERSION < 9) {
     # metadata - fill default values if not set yet (plugins can set)
     if ($this->layout != 2) {
         if ((!isset($this->template->constants['METAKEYS']) || $this->template->constants['METAKEYS'] == '') && $this->dimconfig['metakeys'] != '') {
             $this->template->constants['METAKEYS'] = $this->dimconfig['metakeys'];
         if ((!isset($this->template->constants['METADESC']) || $this->template->constants['METADESC'] == '') && $this->dimconfig['metadesc'] != '') {
             $this->template->constants['METADESC'] = $this->dimconfig['metadesc'];
         // METAS
         if ($this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] == '') {
             $this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] = "http://" . $_SESSION['CANONICAL'] . $this->context_str . $this->action . ".html";
             if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
                 $this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] .= "?id=" . $_REQUEST['id'];
         $metadata = $this->template->constants['METATAGS'];
         if (CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/_meta.xml") {
             $metadata .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/_meta.xml");
         $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" . $this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] . "\" />\n";
         if ($this->template->constants['METAKEYS'] != '') {
             $metadata .= "\t<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" . str_replace("\"", "", $this->template->constants['METAKEYS']) . "\"/>\n";
         if ($this->template->constants['METADESC'] != '') {
             $metadata .= "\t<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . str_replace("\"", "", $this->template->constants['METADESC']) . "\"/>\n";
             $metadata .= "\t<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"" . str_replace("\"", "", $this->template->constants['METADESC']) . "\"/>\n";
         $metadata .= "\t<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"website\" />\n";
         $metadata .= "\t<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"" . str_replace("\"", "", $this->template->constants['PAGE_TITLE']) . "\" />\n";
         $metadata .= "\t<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"" . $this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] . "\" />\n";
         if (isset($this->template->constants['METAFIGURE']) && $this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'] != "") {
             if ($this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'][0] != '/') {
                 $this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'] = "/" . $this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'];
             $metadata .= "\t<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"http://" . $_SESSION['CANONICAL'] . $this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'] . "\" />\n";
             $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"image_src\" href=\"http://" . $_SESSION['CANONICAL'] . $this->template->constants['METAFIGURE'] . "\" />\n";
         $favfile = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files/favicon";
         if (locateFile($favfile, $ext)) {
             $favfile = CONS_INSTALL_ROOT . $favfile;
             $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon." . $ext . "\" />\n";
         } else {
             if (CONS_DEFAULT_FAVICON) {
                 $favfile = "favicon";
                 if (locateFile($favfile, $ext)) {
                     $favfile = CONS_INSTALL_ROOT . $favfile;
                     $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon." . $ext . "\" />\n";
         // Alternate Language and domains versions (only on root index)
         if ($this->context_str == "/" && $this->action == "index") {
             if (CONS_USE_I18N) {
                 $langs = explode(",", CONS_POSSIBLE_LANGS);
                 foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                     if ($lang != $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG]) {
                         if (count($this->languageTL) > 0) {
                             foreach ($this->languageTL as $fl => $ln) {
                                 if ($ln == $lang) {
                                     $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"alternate\" hreflang=\"{$lang}\" href=\"/{$fl}/index.html\"/>\n";
                         } else {
                             $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"alternate\" hreflang=\"{$lang}\" href=\"" . $this->template->constants['CANONICAL'] . "?lang={$lang}\"/>\n";
             foreach ($this->parseRewrite as $domain => $settings) {
                 if ($domain != $this->domain) {
                     $metadata .= "\t<link rel=\"alternate\" hreflang=\"" . ($settings[0] == '' ? CONS_DEFAULT_LANG : $settings[0]) . "\" href=\"http://" . $domain . "\"/>\n";
         $this->template->constants['METATAGS'] = $metadata;
     // print version
     if ($this->template->get("printver") == '') {
         $printVersion = arrayToString($_GET, array("layout"));
         $printVersion .= "&layout=1";
         $this->template->assign("printver", $this->action . ".html?" . $printVersion);
     return $this->template->techo();
Exemple #17
 function getMonitorArray()
     $monitorXmlCache = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/monitor.cache";
     $monitorXml = array();
     $core =& $this->parent;
     if ($core->debugmode || !is_file($monitorXmlCache)) {
         if (!defined('C_XHTML_AUTOTAB')) {
             include CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "xmlHandler.php";
         $xml = new xmlHandler();
         $xml = $xml->cReadXML(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/monitor.xml", array('C_XML_autoparse' => true, 'C_XML_lax' => true), false);
         if ($xml === false) {
             $monitorXmlCache = array();
         } else {
             # browses the XML and loads modules
             $xml =& $xml->getbranch(0);
             $total = $xml->total();
             for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
                 $thisbranch =& $xml->getbranch($c);
                 $total_childs = $thisbranch->total();
                 $item = array("xmlname" => strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]));
                 for ($cb = 0; $cb < $total_childs; $cb++) {
                     $temp = $thisbranch->getbranch($cb);
                     $item[strtolower($temp->data[0])] = $temp->data[2];
                 if (isset($item['module']) && isset($item['sql']) && isset($core->modules[strtolower($item['module'])])) {
                     $item['module'] = strtolower($item['module']);
                     $monitorXml[] = $item;
                 } else {
                     $core->errorControl->raise(515, isset($item['sql']) ? $item['sql'] : "NO SQL", isset($item['module']) ? $item['module'] : "NO MODULE");
     } else {
         // use cache
         $monitorXml = unserialize(cReadFile($monitorXmlCache));
     return $monitorXml;
Exemple #18
 function import($file)
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         return false;
     $sql = cReadFile($file);
     $query = "";
     $total = strlen($sql);
     $inQuote = "";
     $this->quickmode = true;
     $q = 0;
     for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
         $char = $sql[$c];
         if ($inQuote == "") {
             // not in quote
             if ($char == "\"" || $char == "'" || $char == "`") {
                 $inQuote = $char;
                 $query .= $char;
             } else {
                 if ($char == ";") {
                     // end query
                     if (!$this->simpleQuery($query, false)) {
                         $this->log[] = "import error in char {$c}, query was: {$query}";
                         return false;
                     $query = "";
                 } else {
                     $query .= $char;
         } else {
             // in quote
             if ($char == $inQuote) {
                 $inQuote = "";
             $query .= $char;
     $this->quickmode = false;
     return $q;
Exemple #19
$siteObj = $core->template->get("_site");
$temp = "";
$week = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < 7; $c++) {
    $week[$c] = 0;
$highest = 0;
$browsers = array();
$highestb = 0;
$sum = 0;
$hasBrowser = false;
foreach ($codes as $code => $urls) {
    // cron
    $file = CONS_PATH_LOGS . $code . "/scripttime.dat";
    if (is_file($file)) {
        $statsdata = unserialize(cReadFile($file));
        for ($c = 0; $c < count($statsdata[5]); $c++) {
            $sum += $statsdata[5][$c][0];
        // hits
        for ($c = 0; $c < 7; $c++) {
            if (isset($statsdata[5][6 - $c])) {
                $week[$c] += $statsdata[5][6 - $c][0];
                if ($week[$c] > $highest) {
                    $highest = $week[$c];
        // browsers (last month)
        if (isset($statsdata[6])) {
            foreach ($statsdata[6] as $browser => $h) {
Exemple #20
                $maxP = $p;
                $maxF = $possible;
        $file = $maxF;
} else {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['css'])) {
        $file = $_REQUEST['css'];
$file = str_replace("..", "", $file);
// very basic anti-injection
if (is_file($file)) {
    if ($gzip) {
        header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
        header("Content-Type: " . (isset($_REQUEST['js']) ? "text/javascript" : "text/css"));
        header('Pragma: public');
        header('Cache-Control: public,max-age=' . CONS_CACHE_TIME . ',s-maxage=' . CONS_CACHE_TIME);
        echo gzencode(cReadFile($file));
    } else {
        header("Content-Type: " . (isset($_REQUEST['js']) ? "text/javascript" : "text/css"));
        header('Pragma: public');
        header('Cache-Control: public,max-age=' . CONS_CACHE_TIME . ',s-maxage=' . CONS_CACHE_TIME);
} else {
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    die("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Not Found</H1>The requested URL was not found on this server.<P><P>Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.<br/><br/>Aff optimizer, {$file}</BODY></HTML>");
Exemple #21

/* -------------------------------- Domain cache
  | Copyleft (ɔ) 2011+, Caio Vianna de Lima Netto (www.prescia.net)
  | reads from main domains file, create the cache and in the process fill in my $_SESSION['CODE']
$domains = cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "domains");
if (!$domains) {
$domains = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", preg_replace("/(\t| ){1,}/", " ", $domains)));
$domainList = array();
$gotdomain = false;
foreach ($domains as $dline) {
    if (strlen($dline) > 0 && $dline[0] != "#") {
        $dline = explode(" ", $dline);
        if (count($dline) == 2) {
            $thisdomains = explode(",", $dline[1]);
            foreach ($thisdomains as $td) {
                $td = trim($td);
                if ($td != "") {
                    $domainList[$td] = $dline[0];
                    if (!$gotdomain && ($td == $this->domain || $td == "*")) {
                        $_SESSION["CODE"] = $dline[0];
                        $gotdomain = true;
Exemple #22
 function rebuildCM()
     $files = listFiles(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/", '/^(.*)\\.htm(l)?$/i', false, false, true);
     $cm = $this->parent->loaded($this->moduleRelation);
     $possibleLangs = CONS_USE_I18N ? explode(",", CONS_POSSIBLE_LANGS) : array(CONS_DEFAULT_LANG);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file != "_cms.html") {
             $content = cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/{$file}");
             $filewoext = explode(".", $file);
             $filewoext = implode(".", $filewoext);
             if (strpos($content, "{CONTENTMAN}") !== false) {
                 $sql = "SELECT page FROM " . $cm->dbname . " WHERE code=1 AND page=\"/{$filewoext}\"";
                 $id = $this->parent->dbo->fetch($sql);
                 if ($id === false) {
                     foreach ($possibleLangs as $lang) {
                         if ($lang != '') {
                             $this->parent->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $cm->dbname . " SET code=1,page=\"/{$filewoext}\",title=\"{$filewoext}\",content=\"Content Manager\", lang='" . $lang . "'");
             $c = 2;
             while (true) {
                 // we are insane =p
                 if (strpos($content, "{CONTENTMAN" . $c . "}") !== false) {
                     $sql = "SELECT page FROM " . $cm->dbname . " WHERE code={$c} AND page=\"/{$filewoext}\"";
                     $id = $this->parent->dbo->fetch($sql);
                     if ($id === false) {
                         foreach ($possibleLangs as $lang) {
                             if ($lang != '') {
                                 $this->parent->dbo->simpleQuery("INSERT INTO " . $cm->dbname . " SET code={$c},page=\"/{$filewoext}\",title=\"{$filewoext} {$c}\",content=\"Content Manager ({$filewoext} {$c})\", lang='" . $lang . "'");
                 } else {
                 // nah, not insane
Exemple #23
 function loadLangFile($file, $standard = true, $plugin = '')
     # loads a templating language file to the template, checks if cache is present
     # called by /index.php
     $file .= ".php";
     $strippedFile = str_replace("/", "_", $file);
     if ($standard) {
         if ($plugin == "") {
             $file = CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "locale/" . $file;
         } else {
             $file = CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$plugin}/locale/{$file}";
     } else {
         $file = CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale/{$file}";
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
         # if nocache is specified, ignore caches ... not the case
         if ($standard) {
             if ($plugin != '') {
                 $plugin .= '/';
             if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}")) {
                 safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}");
             $cacheFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}" . $strippedFile . ".cache";
             $cacheMTFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/{$plugin}" . $strippedFile . ".cachemd";
         } else {
             if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/")) {
                 safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/");
             $cacheFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/" . $strippedFile . ".cache";
             $cacheMTFile = CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/" . $strippedFile . ".cachemd";
         if (is_file($cacheFile) && is_file($cacheMTFile)) {
             $ofMD = filemtime($file);
             # modify date of ORIGINAL file
             $cMD = cReadFile($cacheMTFile);
             # modify date of ORIGINAL file when CACHE file was created
             if ($cMD == $ofMD) {
                 # valid cache file (it was created from the current original file)
                 $newData = @unserialize(cReadFile($cacheFile));
                 if (is_array($newData)) {
                     $this->parent->template->lang_replacer = array_merge($this->parent->template->lang_replacer, $newData);
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $this->parent->errorControl->raise(6, $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG], $plugin, $standard ? "standard" : "non-standard");
             } else {
                 if ($this->parent->debugmode && CONS_CACHE) {
                     # Warning: if the lang file was replaced, template caches might be invalid
                     # So we must delete ALL TEMPLATE CACHES!
     # no cache available or no cache specified
     $data = (include $file);
     if ($data === false || !is_array($data)) {
         $this->parent->errorControl->raise(7, $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_LANG], $plugin, $standard ? "standard" : "non-standard");
         return false;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
         $ofMD = filemtime($file);
         cWriteFile($cacheMTFile, $ofMD);
         cWriteFile($cacheFile, serialize($data));
     foreach ($data as $term => $trans) {
         $this->parent->template->lang_replacer[$term] = $trans;
         // array_merge has issues
     return true;
Exemple #24
 function get_base_sql($embedWhere = "", $embedOrder = "", $embedLimit = "", $noJoin = false)
     // send $noJoin to get only THIS table, with no auto joining linked tables
     $sql = false;
     if (!$this->parent->debugmode && !$noJoin && is_file(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/" . $this->dbname . "_list.cache") && !isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
         $sql = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/" . $this->dbname . "_list.cache"));
     if (!$sql) {
         $sql = array("SELECT" => array(), "FROM" => array(), "LEFT" => array(), "WHERE" => array(), "GROUP" => array(), "ORDER" => array(), "LIMIT" => array(), "HAVING" => array());
         $sql['FROM'][] = $this->dbname . " as " . $this->name;
         $pos = 0;
         foreach ($this->fields as $nome => $campo) {
             $extrakey = array();
             if ($campo[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && !$noJoin) {
                 // we will add all fields and build the where or left join for this table
                 $linkname = $campo[CONS_XML_MODULE];
                 // remote table name
                 $remodeModule = $this->parent->loaded($linkname);
                 // remote module
                 $tablecast = substr($nome, 3);
                 # id_[name] ... removes id_
                 if (in_array($tablecast, array("group", "from", "to", "as", "having", "order", "by", "join", "left", "right"))) {
                     #reserved words that could cause issues on the SQL
                     $tablecast .= "s";
                 # keyword, add a "s" to prevent it from causing SQL problems
                 foreach ($remodeModule->fields as $cremote_nome => $remote_campo) {
                     if ($cremote_nome == "password") {
                     // yeap, never select passwords
                     // for each field on remote table
                     if ($cremote_nome != $remodeModule->keys[0]) {
                         # do not add main key (this module should have it anyway)
                         $rmod_nome = $tablecast;
                         $sql['SELECT'][] = $tablecast . "." . $cremote_nome . " as " . $rmod_nome . "_" . $cremote_nome;
                     if ($remote_campo[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                         if ($remote_campo[CONS_XML_MODULE] == $this->name && (!isset($remote_campo[CONS_XML_JOIN]) || $remote_campo[CONS_XML_JOIN] == "from")) {
                             # mandatory key to myself (parent)?
                             $extrakey[] = $tablecast . "." . $cremote_nome . "=" . $this->name . "." . $this->keys[0];
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($cremote_nome, $remodeModule->keys) && in_array($cremote_nome, $this->keys)) {
                                 // we are linking the same things oO
                                 $extrakey[] = $tablecast . "." . $cremote_nome . "=" . $this->name . "." . $cremote_nome;
                                 # TODO: is this necessary? who cares we have keys to the same things?
                 if (isset($campo[CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $campo[CONS_XML_JOIN] == "left") {
                     // left join
                     $linker = array();
                     foreach ($remodeModule->keys as $rkey) {
                         if ($rkey == "id") {
                             $linker[] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $nome;
                         } else {
                             if ($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                                 // not a parent nor main key, is a link to another table
                                 if ($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $this->name) {
                                     $linker[] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $this->keys[0];
                                 } else {
                                     $localField = $this->get_key_from($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_MODULE]);
                                     $linker[] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $localField;
                             } else {
                                 // not simple id, parent or link. Its a non-standard ID for another table
                                 $linker[] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . ($rkey == $remodeModule->keys[0] ? $nome : $nome . "_" . $rkey);
                                 // first key as is, rest is the original key name + "_" and remote key name
                     $sql['LEFT'][] = $remodeModule->dbname . " as " . $tablecast . " ON " . implode(" AND ", $linker) . (count($extrakey) > 0 && count($linker) > 0 ? " AND " : "") . implode(" AND ", $extrakey);
                 } else {
                     // inner join
                     $sql['FROM'][] = $remodeModule->dbname . " as " . $tablecast;
                     foreach ($remodeModule->keys as $rkey) {
                         if ($rkey == "id") {
                             $sql['WHERE'][] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $nome;
                         } else {
                             if ($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                                 // not a parent nor main key, is a link to another table
                                 if ($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $this->name) {
                                     $sql['WHERE'][] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $this->keys[0];
                                 } else {
                                     $localField = $this->get_key_from($remodeModule->fields[$rkey][CONS_XML_MODULE]);
                                     $sql['WHERE'][] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . $localField;
                             } else {
                                 // not simple id, parent or link. Its a non-standard ID for another table
                                 $sql['WHERE'][] = $tablecast . ".{$rkey} = " . $this->name . "." . ($rkey == $remodeModule->keys[0] ? $nome : $nome . "_" . $rkey);
                                 // first key as is, rest is the original key name + "_" and remote key name
                     foreach ($extrakey as $exk) {
                         $sql['WHERE'][] = $exk;
         array_unshift($sql['SELECT'], $this->name . ".*");
         if (!$noJoin && $this->parent->debugmode && !is_file(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/" . $this->dbname . "_list.cache") && !isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
             // save simple cache
             cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/" . $this->dbname . "_list.cache", serialize($sql));
     # !$sql
     // embeds:
     if ($embedWhere != "") {
         array_unshift($sql['WHERE'], $embedWhere);
     if ($this->order != "" && $embedOrder == "") {
         $ord = explode(",", $this->order);
         foreach ($ord as $orditem) {
             $orditem = trim($orditem);
             if (strpos($orditem, "+") !== false) {
                 $orditem = str_replace("+", "", $orditem);
                 if (isset($this->fields[$orditem])) {
                     $sql['ORDER'][] = $this->name . "." . $orditem . " ASC";
                 } else {
                     $sql['ORDER'][] = $orditem . " ASC";
             } else {
                 $orditem = str_replace("-", "", $orditem);
                 if (isset($this->fields[$orditem])) {
                     $sql['ORDER'][] = $this->name . "." . $orditem . " DESC";
                 } else {
                     $sql['ORDER'][] = $orditem . " DESC";
     if ($embedOrder != "") {
         $sql['ORDER'][] = $embedOrder;
     if ($embedLimit != "") {
         $sql['LIMIT'] = is_array($embedLimit) ? $embedLimit : array($embedLimit);
     // done!
     return $sql;
Exemple #25

if (isset($_REQUEST['haveinfo'])) {
    if ($_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_LEVEL] < $core->dimconfig['minlvltooptions']) {
        $core->log[] = $core->langOut('permission_denied');
    } else {
        $dimconfigMD = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/_dimconfig.dat"));
        foreach ($core->dimconfig as $name => $v) {
            if (!isset($dimconfigMD[$name])) {
                if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
                    $core->dimconfig[$name] = trim($_POST[$name]);
            } else {
                if (isset($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_RESTRICT]) && $dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_RESTRICT] > $_SESSION[CONS_SESSION_ACCESS_LEVEL]) {
                if ($name == 'guest_group' && is_numeric($v)) {
                    $groupModule = $core->loaded(CONS_AUTH_GROUPMODULE);
                    $lvl = $core->dbo->fetch("SELECT level FROM " . $groupModule->dbname . " WHERE id=" . $_POST[$name]);
                    if ($lvl > 0) {
                        $core->log[] = $core->langOut("guest_mustbe_level0_group");
                        // won't change guest_group
                switch ($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_TIPO]) {
                    case CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD: