function testBytes2Str()
     $arr = array('0.9B', '1B', '1.1B', '921.6B', '1KB', '1.1KB', '921.6KB', '1MB', '1.1MB', '921.6MB', '1GB', '1.1GB', '921.6GB', '1TB', '1.1TB', '921.6TB', '1PB', '1.1PB', '921.6PB', '1EB', '1.1EB', '921.6EB', '1ZB', '1.1ZB', '921.6ZB', '1YB', '1.1YB');
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $this->equals(bytes2str(pow(1024, $i) * 0.9, 2), array_shift($arr));
         $this->equals(bytes2str(pow(1024, $i), 2), array_shift($arr));
         $this->equals(bytes2str(pow(1024, $i) * 1.1, 2), array_shift($arr));
                $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search, $config);
                $lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime'];
                $lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress'];
                $lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid'];
                $lastlog_session_time = time2str($row['acctsessiontime']);
                $lastlog_client_ip = $row['framedipaddress'];
                $lastlog_server_name = $lastlog_server_ip != '' ? @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_server_ip) : '-';
                $lastlog_client_name = $lastlog_client_ip != '' ? @gethostbyaddr($lastlog_client_ip) : '-';
                $lastlog_callerid = $row['callingstationid'];
                if ($lastlog_callerid == '') {
                    $lastlog_callerid = 'not available';
                $lastlog_input = $row['acctinputoctets'];
                $lastlog_input = bytes2str($lastlog_input);
                $lastlog_output = $row['acctoutputoctets'];
                $lastlog_output = bytes2str($lastlog_output);
            } else {
                $not_known = 1;
        } else {
            echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link, $config) . "</b><br>\n";
} else {
    echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
$monthly_limit = is_numeric($monthly_limit) ? time2str($monthly_limit) : $monthly_limit;
$weekly_limit = is_numeric($weekly_limit) ? time2str($weekly_limit) : $weekly_limit;
$daily_limit = is_numeric($daily_limit) ? time2str($daily_limit) : $daily_limit;
$session_limit = is_numeric($session_limit) ? time2str($session_limit) : $session_limit;
$remaining = is_numeric($remaining) ? time2str($remaining) : $remaining;
                echo "<td>{$acct_download}</td>\n";
            if ($acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') {
                echo "<td>{$acct_server}</td>\n";
            if ($acct_attrs[ua][8] != '') {
                echo "<td>{$acct_terminate_cause}</td>\n";
            if ($acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') {
                echo "<td>{$acct_callerid}</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        $acct_sessiontime_sum = time2str($acct_sessiontime_sum);
        $acct_upload_sum = bytes2str($acct_upload_sum);
        $acct_download_sum = bytes2str($acct_download_sum);
    } else {
        echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link, $config) . "</b><br>\n";
} else {
    echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
$colspan = 3;
if ($acct_attrs[ua][1] == '') {
if ($acct_attrs[ua][2] == '') {
echo <<<EOM
\t\t\t<tr bgcolor="lightyellow">
       $acct_login = $row[username];
       if ($acct_login == '') {
           $acct_login = '******';
       } else {
           $Acct_login = urlencode($acct_login);
           $acct_login = "******"user_admin.php?login={$Acct_login}\" title=\"Edit user {$acct_login}\">{$acct_login}</a>";
       $acct_time = $row[conntotduration];
       $acct_time = time2str($acct_time);
       $acct_conn_num = $row[connnum];
       $acct_date = $row[acctdate];
       $acct_upload = $row[inputoctets];
       $acct_download = $row[outputoctets];
       $acct_upload = bytes2str($acct_upload);
       $acct_download = bytes2str($acct_download);
       $acct_server = $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]];
       if (!isset($acct_server)) {
           $acct_server = @gethostbyaddr($row[nasipaddress]);
           if (!isset($da_name_cache) && $config[general_use_session] == 'yes') {
               $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server;
           } else {
               $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server;
       if ($acct_server == '') {
           $acct_server = '-';
       echo <<<EOM
t<tr align=center bgcolor="white">