  * Check if user is spammer
  * @param $aValues - array with keys: ip, email, username
  * @param $sDesc - desctiption, for example: join
  * @return true - on positive detection, false - on error or no spammer detection
 public function isSpammer($aValues, $sDesc)
     if (!getParam('bx_antispam_stopforumspam_enable')) {
         return false;
     if (!$aValues || !is_array($aValues)) {
         return false;
     $aRequestParams = array('f' => 'json');
     foreach ($this->_aKeys as $k => $b) {
         if (isset($aValues[$k])) {
             $aRequestParams[$k] = rawurlencode($aValues[$k]);
     $s = bx_file_get_contents('http://www.stopforumspam.com/api', $aRequestParams);
     if (!$s) {
         return false;
     $aResult = json_decode($s, true);
     if (null === $aResult || !$aResult['success']) {
         return false;
     foreach ($this->_aKeys as $k => $b) {
         if (isset($aResult[$k]) && $aResult[$k]['appears']) {
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #2
 public function getSplash()
     if ($this->_oConfig->getUri() != $this->getCode()) {
         return '';
     $sDownloadUrl = 'http://ci.boonex.com/';
     $sVersion = '8.0';
     $sVersionFull = '8.0.0';
     $sBuild = '';
     $mixedResponse = bx_file_get_contents($sDownloadUrl . "builds/latest-release-file.txt");
     if ($mixedResponse !== false) {
         $sFile = trim(bx_process_input($mixedResponse));
         $aMatches = array();
         if ((int) preg_match("/([0-9]\\.[0-9])\\.([0-9])-?([A-Z]*[a-z]*[0-9]{1,3})/", $sFile, $aMatches) > 0 && !empty($aMatches[1]) && !empty($aMatches[3])) {
             $sDownloadUrl .= 'builds/' . $sFile;
             $sVersion = $aMatches[1];
             $sBuild = $aMatches[3];
         if ((int) preg_match("/Trident-v\\.([0-9A-Za-z\\.-]+)\\.zip/", $sFile, $aMatches) > 0) {
             $sVersionFull = $aMatches[1];
     $this->addCss(array('splash-phone.css', 'splash-tablet.css', 'splash-desktop.css'));
     return $this->parseHtmlByName('splash.html', array('download_url' => $sDownloadUrl, 'version_full' => $sVersionFull, 'version' => $sVersion, 'build' => $sBuild));
Exemple #3
 function BxRSS($url)
     $this->items = array();
     if ($url and $this->sXmlText = bx_file_get_contents($url)) {
     } else {
         return null;
 function actionHandle()
     // check CSRF token
     if ($this->_getCsrfToken() != bx_get('state')) {
         $this->_oTemplate->getPage(_t('_Error'), MsgBox(_t('_bx_dolphcon_state_invalid')));
     // check code
     $sCode = bx_get('code');
     if (!$sCode) {
         $sErrorDescription = bx_get('error_description') ? bx_get('error_description') : _t('_Error occured');
         $this->_oTemplate->getPage(_t('_Error'), MsgBox($sErrorDescription));
     // make request for token
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($this->_oConfig->sApiUrl . 'token', array('client_id' => $this->_oConfig->sApiID, 'client_secret' => $this->_oConfig->sApiSecret, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $sCode, 'redirect_uri' => $this->_oConfig->sPageHandle), 'post');
     // handle error
     if (!$s || NULL === ($aResponse = json_decode($s, true)) || !isset($aResponse['access_token']) || isset($aResponse['error'])) {
         $sErrorDescription = isset($aResponse['error_description']) ? $aResponse['error_description'] : _t('_Error occured');
         $this->_oTemplate->getPage(_t('_Error'), MsgBox($sErrorDescription));
     // get the data, especially access_token
     $sAccessToken = $aResponse['access_token'];
     $sExpiresIn = $aResponse['expires_in'];
     $sExpiresAt = new \DateTime('+' . $sExpiresIn . ' seconds');
     $sRefreshToken = $aResponse['refresh_token'];
     // request info about profile
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($this->_oConfig->sApiUrl . 'api/me', array(), 'get', array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $sAccessToken));
     // handle error
     if (!$s || NULL === ($aResponse = json_decode($s, true)) || !$aResponse || isset($aResponse['error'])) {
         $sErrorDescription = isset($aResponse['error_description']) ? $aResponse['error_description'] : _t('_Error occured');
         $this->_oTemplate->getPage(_t('_Error'), MsgBox($sErrorDescription));
     $aRemoteProfileInfo = $aResponse;
     if ($aRemoteProfileInfo) {
         // check if user logged in before
         $iLocalProfileId = $this->_oDb->getProfileId($aRemoteProfileInfo['id']);
         if ($iLocalProfileId) {
             // user already exists
             $aLocalProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($iLocalProfileId);
             $this->setLogged($iLocalProfileId, $aLocalProfileInfo['Password']);
         } else {
             // register new user
             $sAlternativeNickName = '';
             if (getID($aRemoteProfileInfo['NickName'])) {
                 $sAlternativeNickName = $this->getAlternativeName($aRemoteProfileInfo['NickName']);
             $this->_createProfile($aRemoteProfileInfo, $sAlternativeNickName);
     } else {
         $this->_oTemplate->getPage(_t('_Error'), MsgBox(_t('_bx_dolphcon_profile_error_info')));
 public function getVersionUpdateInfo()
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($this->_sUrlVersionCheck, array('v' => bx_get_ver()));
     if (!$s) {
         return null;
     $a = json_decode($s, true);
     if (!isset($a['latest_version'])) {
         return null;
     return $a;
 public function load($sUrl, $aParams = array())
     $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl, $aParams);
     if (empty($sContent)) {
         return false;
     //echo $sContent; exit;		//--- Uncomment to debug
     $mixedResult = json_decode($sContent, true);
     if (is_null($mixedResult)) {
         return false;
     return $mixedResult;
Exemple #7
 public function getFeed($mixedId, $iUserId = 0)
     $sUrl = $this->getUrl($mixedId);
     $aMarkers = array('SiteUrl' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
     if ($iUserId) {
         $oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iUserId);
         if (!$oProfile) {
             $oProfile = BxDolProfileUndefined::getInstance();
         $aMarkers['NickName'] = $oProfile->getDisplayName();
     $sUrl = bx_replace_markers($sUrl, $aMarkers);
     header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
     return bx_file_get_contents($sUrl . (defined('BX_PROFILER') && BX_PROFILER && 0 == strncmp(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, $sUrl, strlen(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT)) ? '&bx_profiler_disable=1' : ''));
  * Check captcha.
 public function check()
     $mixedResponce = bx_file_get_contents($this->sVerifyUrl, array('secret' => $this->_sKeyPrivate, 'response' => bx_process_input(bx_get('g-recaptcha-response')), 'remoteip' => getVisitorIP()));
     if ($mixedResponce === false) {
         return false;
     $aResponce = json_decode($mixedResponce, true);
     if (isset($aResponce['success']) && $aResponce['success'] === true) {
         return true;
     if (!empty($aResponce['error-codes'])) {
         $this->_error = $aResponce['error-codes'];
     return false;
Exemple #9
  * Compile CSS files' structure(@see @import css_file_path) in one file.
  * @param  string $sAbsolutePath CSS file absolute path(full URL for external CSS/JS files).
  * @param  array  $aIncluded     an array of already included CSS files.
  * @return string result of operation.
 function _compileCss($sAbsolutePath, &$aIncluded)
     if (isset($aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath])) {
         return '';
     $bExternal = strpos($sAbsolutePath, "http://") !== false || strpos($sAbsolutePath, "https://") !== false;
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sPath = $sAbsolutePath;
         $sName = '';
         $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sAbsolutePath);
     } else {
         $aFileInfo = pathinfo($sAbsolutePath);
         $sPath = $aFileInfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         $sName = $aFileInfo['basename'];
         $sContent = file_get_contents($sPath . $sName);
     if (empty($sContent)) {
         return '';
     $sUrl = bx_ltrim_str($sPath, realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT), BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
     $sUrl = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sPath);
     $sContent = "\r\n/*--- BEGIN: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n" . $sContent . "\r\n/*--- END: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n";
     $aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath] = 1;
     $sContent = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $sContent);
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sContent = preg_replace(array("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'", "'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_=-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'"), array("", "'url('" . $sPath . "'\\1)'"), $sContent);
     } else {
         try {
             $oTemplate =& $this;
             $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'", function ($aMatches) use($oTemplate, $sPath, $aIncluded) {
                 return $oTemplate->_compileCss(realpath($sPath . dirname($aMatches[1])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($aMatches[1]), $aIncluded);
             }, $sContent);
             $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_=-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'", function ($aMatches) use($oTemplate, $sPath) {
                 $sFile = basename($aMatches[1]);
                 $sDirectory = dirname($aMatches[1]);
                 $sRootPath = realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT);
                 $sAbsolutePath = realpath(addslashes($sPath) . $sDirectory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sFile;
                 $sRootPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sRootPath);
                 $sAbsolutePath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sAbsolutePath);
                 return 'url(' . bx_ltrim_str($sAbsolutePath, $sRootPath, BX_DOL_URL_ROOT) . ')';
             }, $sContent);
         } catch (Exception $oException) {
             return '';
     return $sContent;
  * Assign avatar to user
  * @param $sAvatarUrl string
  * @return void
 function _assignAvatar($sAvatarUrl, $iProfileId = false)
     if (!$iProfileId) {
         $iProfileId = getLoggedId();
     if (BxDolInstallerUtils::isModuleInstalled('avatar')) {
         BxDolService::call('avatar', 'make_avatar_from_image_url', array($sAvatarUrl));
     if (BxDolRequest::serviceExists('photos', 'perform_photo_upload', 'Uploader')) {
         $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacyQuery();
         $sTmpFile = tempnam($GLOBALS['dir']['tmp'], 'bxoauth');
         if (false !== file_put_contents($sTmpFile, bx_file_get_contents($sAvatarUrl))) {
             $aFileInfo = array('medTitle' => _t('_sys_member_thumb_avatar'), 'medDesc' => _t('_sys_member_thumb_avatar'), 'medTags' => _t('_ProfilePhotos'), 'Categories' => array(_t('_ProfilePhotos')), 'album' => str_replace('{nickname}', getUsername($iProfileId), getParam('bx_photos_profile_album_name')), 'albumPrivacy' => $oPrivacy->getDefaultValueModule('photos', 'album_view'));
             BxDolService::call('photos', 'perform_photo_upload', array($sTmpFile, $aFileInfo, false), 'Uploader');
 function checkForUpdates($aModule)
     if (empty($aModule['update_url'])) {
         return array();
     $sData = bx_file_get_contents($aModule['update_url'], array('uri' => $aModule['uri'], 'path' => $aModule['path'], 'version' => $aModule['version'], 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
     $aValues = $aIndexes = array();
     $rParser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
     xml_parse_into_struct($rParser, $sData, $aValues, $aIndexes);
     $aInfo = array();
     if (isset($aIndexes['VERSION'])) {
         $aInfo['version'] = $aValues[$aIndexes['VERSION'][0]]['value'];
     if (isset($aIndexes['LINK'])) {
         $aInfo['link'] = $aValues[$aIndexes['LINK'][0]]['value'];
     if (isset($aIndexes['PACKAGE'])) {
         $aInfo['package'] = $aValues[$aIndexes['PACKAGE'][0]]['value'];
     return $aInfo;
Exemple #12
 protected function storeFileLocally_Queue($mixedHandler)
     $aQueue = $this->_oDb->getFromQueue($mixedHandler);
     if (!$aQueue || !$aQueue['file_url_source']) {
         return false;
     $sFileData = bx_file_get_contents($aQueue['file_url_source']);
     if (false === $sFileData) {
         return false;
     $sTmpFile = $this->getTmpFilename($mixedHandler);
     if (!file_put_contents($sTmpFile, $sFileData)) {
         return false;
     return $sTmpFile;
Exemple #13
 function _processLinkUpload()
     $aOwner = $this->_oDb->getUser($this->_getAuthorId());
     $sUrl = trim(process_db_input($_POST['url'], BX_TAGS_STRIP));
     if (empty($sUrl)) {
         return array('code' => 1, 'message' => '_wall_msg_link_empty_link');
     $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl);
     preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/", $sContent, $aMatch);
     $sTitle = $aMatch[1];
     preg_match("/<meta.*name[='\" ]+description['\"].*content[='\" ]+(.*)['\"].*><\\/meta>/", $sContent, $aMatch);
     $sDescription = $aMatch[1];
     return array('object_id' => $aOwner['id'], 'content' => $this->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('common_link.html', array('title' => $sTitle, 'url' => strpos($sUrl, 'http://') === false && strpos($sUrl, 'https://') === false ? 'http://' . $sUrl : $sUrl, 'description' => $sDescription)), 'title' => $aOwner['username'] . ' ' . _t('_wall_shared_link'), 'description' => $sUrl . ' - ' . $sTitle);
Exemple #14

 * Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited - http://www.boonex.com/
 * CC-BY License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
require_once './inc/header.inc.php';
require_once './inc/db.inc.php';
require_once './inc/profiles.inc.php';
$aPredefinedRssFeeds = array('boonex_news' => 'http://www.boonex.com/notes/featured_posts/?rss=1', 'boonex_version' => 'http://rss.boonex.com/', 'boonex_unity_market' => 'http://www.boonex.com/market/latest/?rss=1', 'boonex_unity_lang_files' => 'http://www.boonex.com/market/tag/translations&rss=1', 'boonex_unity_market_templates' => 'http://www.boonex.com/market/tag/templates&rss=1', 'boonex_unity_market_featured' => 'http://www.boonex.com/market/featured_posts?rss=1');
if (isset($aPredefinedRssFeeds[$_GET['ID']])) {
    $sCont = $aPredefinedRssFeeds[$_GET['ID']];
} else {
    $sQuery = "SELECT `Content` FROM `sys_page_compose` WHERE `ID` = " . (int) $_GET['ID'];
    $sCont = db_value($sQuery);
    if (!$sCont) {
list($sUrl) = explode('#', $sCont);
$sUrl = str_replace('{SiteUrl}', $site['url'], $sUrl);
$iMemID = (int) $_GET['member'];
if ($iMemID) {
    $aMember = getProfileInfo($iMemID);
    $sUrl = str_replace('{NickName}', $aMember['NickName'], $sUrl);
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo bx_file_get_contents($sUrl . (BX_PROFILER && 0 == strncmp($site['url'], $sUrl, strlen($site['url'])) ? '&bx_profiler_disable=1' : ''));
Exemple #15
 function save($path)
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($this->oStorage->getFileUrlById($this->iFileId));
     if (!$s) {
         return false;
     return file_put_contents($path, $s) ? true : false;
Exemple #16
  * make avatar from image url, also it makes it square
  * @param $sImg url to the image
  * @return true on success or false on error
 function serviceMakeAvatarFromImageUrl($sImgUrl)
     if (!$this->_iProfileId) {
         return false;
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($sImgUrl);
     if (!$s) {
         return false;
     $sImagePath = BX_AVA_DIR_TMP . '_' . $this->_iProfileId . BX_AVA_EXT;
     if (!file_put_contents($sImagePath, $s)) {
         return false;
     return $this->serviceMakeAvatarFromImage($sImagePath);
Exemple #17
function getSiteInfo($sSourceUrl, $aProcessAdditionalTags = array())
    $aResult = array();
    $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sSourceUrl);
    if ($sContent) {
        $sCharset = '';
        preg_match("/<meta.+charset=([A-Za-z0-9-]+).+>/i", $sContent, $aMatch);
        if (isset($aMatch[1])) {
            $sCharset = $aMatch[1];
        if (preg_match("/<title[^>]*>(.*)<\\/title>/i", $sContent, $aMatch)) {
            $aResult['title'] = $aMatch[1];
        } else {
            $aResult['title'] = parse_url($sSourceUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
        $aResult['description'] = bx_parse_html_tag($sContent, 'meta', 'name', 'description', 'content', $sCharset);
        $aResult['keywords'] = bx_parse_html_tag($sContent, 'meta', 'name', 'keywords', 'content', $sCharset);
        if ($aProcessAdditionalTags) {
            foreach ($aProcessAdditionalTags as $k => $a) {
                $aResult[$k] = bx_parse_html_tag($sContent, isset($a['tag']) ? $a['tag'] : 'meta', isset($a['name_attr']) ? $a['name_attr'] : 'itemprop', isset($a['name']) ? $a['name'] : $k, isset($a['content_attr']) ? $a['content_attr'] : 'content', $sCharset);
    return $aResult;
Exemple #18
function getSiteInfo($sSourceUrl)
    $aResult = array();
    $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sSourceUrl);
    if (strlen($sContent)) {
        preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/", $sContent, $aMatch);
        $aResult['title'] = $aMatch[1];
        preg_match("/<meta.*name[='\" ]+description['\"].*content[='\" ]+(.*)['\"].*><\\/meta>/", $sContent, $aMatch);
        $aResult['description'] = $aMatch[1];
    return $aResult;
 public function getFormAttachLink()
     $iUserId = $this->getUserId();
     $oForm = BxDolForm::getObjectInstance('mod_tml_attach_link', 'mod_tml_attach_link_add');
     $oForm->aFormAttrs['action'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'add_attach_link/';
     $oForm->aInputs['url']['checker']['params']['preg'] = $this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('url');
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sLink = $oForm->getCleanValue('url');
         $sLinkContent = bx_file_get_contents($sLink);
         $aMatch = array();
         preg_match($this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('meta_title'), $sLinkContent, $aMatch);
         $sLinkTitle = $aMatch ? $aMatch[1] : '';
         preg_match($this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('meta_description'), $sLinkContent, $aMatch);
         $sLinkDescription = $aMatch ? $aMatch[1] : '';
         $iId = (int) $oForm->insert(array('profile_id' => $iUserId, 'title' => $sLinkTitle, 'text' => $sLinkDescription, 'added' => time()));
         if (!empty($iId)) {
             return array('item' => $this->_oTemplate->getAttachLinkItem($iUserId, $iId));
         return array('msg' => _t('_adm_nav_err_menus_create'));
     return array('form' => $oForm->getCode(), 'form_id' => $oForm->id);
  * Get facebook locales
  * @return locales array, lang is array key and locale is array value
 protected function _getLocalesFacebook()
     $oCache = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->getDbCacheObject();
     $sCacheKey = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->genDbCacheKey('sys_social_sharing_locales_fb');
     $aData = $oCache->getData($sCacheKey);
     if (null === $aData) {
         $sXML = bx_file_get_contents('http://www.facebook.com/translations/FacebookLocales.xml');
         if (!$sXML) {
             return false;
         $xmlLocates = new SimpleXMLElement($sXML);
         $aData = array();
         foreach ($xmlLocates->locale as $xmlLocale) {
             $sLocale = (string) $xmlLocale->codes->code->standard->representation;
             $aData[$sLocale] = 1;
         $oCache->setData($sCacheKey, $aData);
     return $aData;
Exemple #21
 function _geocodeGoogle($sAddress, &$fLatitude, &$fLongitude, &$sCountryCode)
     $sAddress = rawurlencode($sAddress);
     $sUrl = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json";
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl, array('address' => $sAddress, 'sensor' => 'false'));
     $oData = json_decode($s);
     if (null == $oData) {
         return 404;
     if ('OK' != $oData->status) {
         return 404;
     foreach ($oData->results as $oResult) {
         $sShortNameCountry = '';
         foreach ($oResult->address_components as $oAddressComponent) {
             if (in_array('country', $oAddressComponent->types)) {
                 $sShortNameCountry = $oAddressComponent->short_name;
         if (!$sCountryCode || $sShortNameCountry && $sCountryCode == $sShortNameCountry) {
             $fLatitude = $oResult->geometry->location->lat;
             $fLongitude = $oResult->geometry->location->lng;
             $sCountryCode = $sShortNameCountry;
             return 200;
     return 404;
Exemple #22
 * Gets the account problem image and returns the relative path to the cached image
function _getNoResponseImage($sUrl, $aOptions)
    // create cache directory if it doesn't exist
    $aOptions = _generateOptions($aOptions);
    $aArgs['stwaccesskeyid'] = 'accountproblem';
    if ($aOptions['SizeCustom']) {
        $aArgs['stwxmax'] = $aOptions['SizeCustom'];
    } else {
        $aArgs['stwsize'] = $aOptions['Size'];
    $sRequestUrl = 'http://images.shrinktheweb.com/xino.php';
    $sRemoteData = bx_file_get_contents($sRequestUrl, $aArgs);
    if ($sRemoteData != '') {
        $aResponse = _getXMLResponse($sRemoteData);
        if (!$aResponse['exists'] && $aResponse['thumbnail'] != '') {
            $sImageUrl = $aResponse['thumbnail'];
            $sFilename = NO_RESPONSE_IMAGE;
            $sFile = THUMBNAIL_DIR . $sFilename;
            $isDownloaded = _downloadRemoteImageToLocalPath($sImageUrl, $sFile);
            if ($isDownloaded == true) {
                return THUMBNAIL_URI . $sFilename;
    return false;
Exemple #23
  * Compile CSS files' structure(@see @import css_file_path) in one file.
  * @param  string $sAbsolutePath CSS file absolute path(full URL for external CSS/JS files).
  * @param  array  $aIncluded     an array of already included CSS files.
  * @return string result of operation.
 function _compileCss($sAbsolutePath, &$aIncluded)
     if (isset($aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath])) {
         return '';
     $bExternal = strpos($sAbsolutePath, "http://") !== false || strpos($sAbsolutePath, "https://") !== false;
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sPath = $sAbsolutePath;
         $sName = '';
         $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sAbsolutePath);
     } else {
         $aFileInfo = pathinfo($sAbsolutePath);
         $sPath = $aFileInfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         $sName = $aFileInfo['basename'];
         $sContent = file_get_contents($sPath . $sName);
     if (empty($sContent)) {
         return '';
     $sUrl = bx_ltrim_str($sPath, realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT), BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
     $sUrl = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sPath);
     $sContent = "\r\n/*--- BEGIN: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n" . $sContent . "\r\n/*--- END: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n";
     $aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath] = 1;
     $sContent = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $sContent);
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sContent = preg_replace(array("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'e", "'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'e"), array("", "'url(' . \$sPath . '\\1)'"), $sContent);
     } else {
         $sContent = preg_replace("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'e", "\$this->_compileCss(realpath(\$sPath . dirname('\\1')) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename('\\1'), \$aIncluded)", $sContent);
         $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'", create_function('$aMatches', 'return BxDolTemplate::_callbackParseUrl("' . addslashes($sPath) . '", $aMatches);'), $sContent);
     return $sContent;
Exemple #24
 function _geocode($sAddress, $sCountryCode = '')
     $sStatus = false;
     $sAddress = rawurlencode($sAddress);
     $sUrl = bx_proto() . "://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json";
     $s = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl, array('address' => $sAddress, 'sensor' => 'false'));
     $oData = json_decode($s);
     if (null == $oData) {
         return false;
     if ('OK' != $oData->status) {
         return false;
     foreach ($oData->results as $oResult) {
         $sShortNameCountry = '';
         foreach ($oResult->address_components as $oAddressComponent) {
             if (in_array('country', $oAddressComponent->types)) {
                 $sShortNameCountry = $oAddressComponent->short_name;
         if (!$sCountryCode || $sShortNameCountry && $sCountryCode == $sShortNameCountry) {
             $oLocation = $oResult->geometry->location;
             return array($oLocation->lat, $oLocation->lng, $sShortNameCountry);
     return false;
Exemple #25
 * CC-BY License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
require_once './inc/header.inc.php';
require_once './inc/db.inc.php';
require_once './inc/profiles.inc.php';
$aPredefinedRssFeeds = array('boonex_news' => 'https://www.boonex.com/notes/featured_posts/?rss=1', 'boonex_version' => 'http://rss.boonex.com/', 'boonex_unity_market' => 'https://www.boonex.com/market/latest/?rss=1', 'boonex_unity_lang_files' => 'https://www.boonex.com/market/tag/translations&rss=1', 'boonex_unity_market_templates' => 'https://www.boonex.com/market/tag/templates&rss=1', 'boonex_unity_market_featured' => 'https://www.boonex.com/market/featured_posts?rss=1');
if (isset($aPredefinedRssFeeds[$_GET['ID']])) {
    $sCont = $aPredefinedRssFeeds[$_GET['ID']];
} elseif (0 === strncmp('forum|', $_GET['ID'], 6)) {
    $a = explode('|', $_GET['ID']);
    if (!is_array($a) || 3 != count($a)) {
    $sCont = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $a[0] . '/' . $a[1] . '/rss/forum/' . $a[2] . '.htm';
} else {
    $sQuery = "SELECT `Content` FROM `sys_page_compose` WHERE `ID` = " . (int) $_GET['ID'];
    $sCont = db_value($sQuery);
    if (!$sCont) {
list($sUrl) = explode('#', $sCont);
$sUrl = str_replace('{SiteUrl}', $site['url'], $sUrl);
$iMemID = (int) $_GET['member'];
if ($iMemID) {
    $aMember = getProfileInfo($iMemID);
    $sUrl = str_replace('{NickName}', $aMember['NickName'], $sUrl);
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo bx_file_get_contents(defined('BX_PROFILER') && BX_PROFILER && 0 === strncmp($site['url'], $sUrl, strlen($site['url'])) ? bx_append_url_params($sUrl, 'bx_profiler_disable=1') : $sUrl);
Exemple #26
 public function getFormAttachLink()
     $iUserId = $this->getUserId();
     $oForm = BxDolForm::getObjectInstance($this->_oConfig->getObject('form_attach_link'), $this->_oConfig->getObject('form_display_attach_link_add'), $this->_oTemplate);
     $oForm->aFormAttrs['action'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'add_attach_link/';
     $oForm->aInputs['url']['checker']['params']['preg'] = $this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('url');
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sLink = $oForm->getCleanValue('url');
         $sLinkContent = bx_file_get_contents($sLink);
         $aMatches = array();
         preg_match($this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('url'), $sLink, $aMatches);
         $sLink = (empty($aMatches[1]) ? 'http://' : '') . $aMatches[0];
         $aMatches = array();
         preg_match($this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('meta_title'), $sLinkContent, $aMatches);
         $sLinkTitle = $aMatches ? $aMatches[1] : '';
         $aMatches = array();
         preg_match($this->_oConfig->getPregPattern('meta_description'), $sLinkContent, $aMatches);
         $sLinkDescription = $aMatches ? $aMatches[1] : '';
         $iId = (int) $oForm->insert(array('profile_id' => $iUserId, 'url' => $sLink, 'title' => $sLinkTitle, 'text' => $sLinkDescription, 'added' => time()));
         if (!empty($iId)) {
             return array('item' => $this->_oTemplate->getAttachLinkItem($iUserId, $iId));
         return array('msg' => _t('_bx_timeline_txt_err_cannot_perform_action'));
     return array('form' => $oForm->getCode(), 'form_id' => $oForm->id);
 function embedReadUrl($sUrl)
     return bx_file_get_contents($sUrl);
Exemple #28
  * Compile CSS files' structure(@see @import css_file_path) in one file.
  * @param  string $sAbsolutePath CSS file absolute path(full URL for external CSS/JS files).
  * @param  array  $aIncluded     an array of already included CSS files.
  * @return string result of operation.
 function _compileCss($sAbsolutePath, &$aIncluded)
     if (isset($aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath])) {
         return '';
     $bExternal = strpos($sAbsolutePath, "http://") !== false || strpos($sAbsolutePath, "https://") !== false;
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sPath = $sAbsolutePath;
         $sName = '';
         $aAPUrl = parse_url($sAbsolutePath);
         if (!empty($aAPUrl['path'])) {
             $aAPPath = pathinfo($aAPUrl['path']);
             if (!empty($aAPPath['basename'])) {
                 $sPath = bx_rtrim_str($sAbsolutePath, $aAPPath['basename']);
                 $sName = $aAPPath['basename'];
         $sContent = bx_file_get_contents($sAbsolutePath);
     } else {
         $aFileInfo = pathinfo($sAbsolutePath);
         $sPath = $aFileInfo['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         $sName = $aFileInfo['basename'];
         $sContent = file_get_contents($sPath . $sName);
     if (empty($sContent)) {
         return '';
     $sUrl = bx_ltrim_str($sPath, realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT), BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
     $sUrl = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sUrl);
     $sContent = "\r\n/*--- BEGIN: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n" . $sContent . "\r\n/*--- END: " . $sUrl . $sName . "---*/\r\n";
     $aIncluded[$sAbsolutePath] = 1;
     $sContent = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $sContent);
     if ($bExternal) {
         $sContent = preg_replace(array("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'", "'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_=-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'"), array("", "url(" . $sPath . "\\1)"), $sContent);
     } else {
         try {
             $oTemplate =& $this;
             /* Match URL based imports like the following:
              * @import 'http://[domain]/modules/[vendor]/[module]/template/css/view.css';
              * Is mainly needed for CSS files which are gotten from LESS compiler.
             $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'@import\\s+[\\'|\"]*\\s*" . str_replace("/", "\\/", BX_DOL_URL_ROOT) . "([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*;'", function ($aMatches) use($oTemplate, $sPath, $aIncluded) {
                 return $oTemplate->_compileCss(realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . $aMatches[1]), $aIncluded);
             }, $sContent);
             /* Match relative path based imports like the following:
              * @import url(../../../../../../base/profile/template/css/main.css);
              * Is mainly needed for default CSS files.
             $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'@import\\s+url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/_-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)\\s*;'", function ($aMatches) use($oTemplate, $sPath, $aIncluded) {
                 return $oTemplate->_compileCss(realpath($sPath . dirname($aMatches[1])) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($aMatches[1]), $aIncluded);
             }, $sContent);
             $sContent = preg_replace_callback("'url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\/\\?\\#_=-]+)\\s*[\\'|\"]*\\s*\\)'", function ($aMatches) use($oTemplate, $sPath) {
                 $sFile = basename($aMatches[1]);
                 $sDirectory = dirname($aMatches[1]);
                 $sRootPath = realpath(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT);
                 $sAbsolutePath = realpath(addslashes($sPath) . $sDirectory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sFile;
                 $sRootPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sRootPath);
                 $sAbsolutePath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sAbsolutePath);
                 return 'url(' . bx_ltrim_str($sAbsolutePath, $sRootPath, BX_DOL_URL_ROOT) . ')';
             }, $sContent);
         } catch (Exception $oException) {
             return '';
     return $sContent;
Exemple #29
 function readUrl($sUrl, $aParams = array())
     return bx_file_get_contents($sUrl, $aParams);
 protected function storeFileLocally_Storage($mixedHandler)
     $oStorageOriginal = BxDolStorage::getObjectInstance($this->_aObject['source_params']['object']);
     if (!$oStorageOriginal) {
         return false;
     $aFile = $oStorageOriginal->getFile($mixedHandler);
     if (!$aFile) {
         return false;
     $sUrl = $oStorageOriginal->getFileUrlById($mixedHandler);
     if (!$sUrl) {
         return false;
     $sFileData = bx_file_get_contents($sUrl);
     if (false === $sFileData) {
         return false;
     $sTmpFile = $this->getTmpFilename($aFile['file_name']);
     if (!file_put_contents($sTmpFile, $sFileData)) {
         return false;
     return $sTmpFile;