function DisplayFlag($ShortLang, $png, $title) { $langurl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?"; if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "") { $QS = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($QS); $ii++) { if (strpos($QS[$ii], "lang=") === false) { $langurl = $langurl . $QS[$ii] . "&"; } } } if ($_SESSION['lang'] == $ShortLang) { echo " <span><a href=\"", $langurl, "lang=", $ShortLang, "\"><img src=\"" . bwlink("images/flags/" . $png) . "\" alt=\"", $title, "\" title=\"", $title, "\"/></a></span>\n"; } else { echo " <a href=\"", $langurl, "lang=", $ShortLang, "\"><img src=\"" . bwlink("images/flags/" . $png) . "\" alt=\"", $title, "\" title=\"", $title, "\"/></a>\n"; } }
function DisplayAdminComments($TData, $lastaction = "", $page = 0, $itemsperpage = 0, $count = 0, $urlpiece = "") { global $countmatch; global $title; $title = "Admin Comments"; global $AdminCommentsScope; require_once "header.php"; Menu1("", ww('MainPage')); // Displays the top menu Menu2("admincomments.php", ww('MainPage')); // Displays the second menu $MenuAction = ""; $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php") . "\">Negative comments</a></li>\n"; if (HasRight("Comments", "AdminAbuser")) { $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php?action=AdminAbuser") . "\">Abusive comments</a></li>\n"; } $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/admincomments.php?action=All") . "\">All comments</a></li>\n"; DisplayHeaderShortUserContent($title . ": " . $lastaction); ShowLeftColumn($MenuAction, VolMenu()); echo " <div id=\"col3\"> \n"; echo " <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\"> \n"; echo " <div class=\"info clearfix\">\n"; echo " <h2>Your scope:", $AdminCommentsScope, "</h2>\n"; if ($itemsperpage != 0) { $params = new StdClass(); $params->strategy = new HalfPagePager('right'); if (empty($urlpiece)) { $params->page_url = 'admincomments.php?action=All'; } else { $params->page_url = 'admincomments.php?action=' . $urlpiece; } $params->page_url_marker = 'page'; $params->page_method = 'get'; $params->items = $count; $params->active_page = $page; $params->items_per_page = $itemsperpage; $pager = new PagerWidget($params); $pager->render(); } if (!empty($TData)) { ShowList($TData, $page * $itemsperpage, $count); } if (isset($pager)) { $pager->render(); } require_once "footer.php"; }
if (array_key_exists('switchtrans', $_SESSION) and $_SESSION['switchtrans'] == 'on') { // echo "<a href=\"",$langurl,"switchtrans=off\"><img border=0 height=10 src=\"images/showtransarray.gif\" alt=\"remove translation mode\" width=16></a> "; $pagetotranslate = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($pagetotranslate[0] == "/") { $pagetotranslate[0] = "_"; } echo " <a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/adminwords.php?showtransarray=1&pagetotranslate=" . $pagetotranslate) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img height=\"11px\" width=\"16px\" src=\"" . bwlink("images/switchtrans.gif") . "\" alt=\"go to current translation list for " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" title=\"go to current translation list for " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\" /></a>\n"; } echo " </div>\n"; echo " <p> </p>\n"; echo "\t<p class=\"center\">"; echo "\t\t<a href=\"../about\">" . ww("AboutUsPage") . "</a>|"; echo " <a href=\"../terms\">" . ww('TermsOfUse') . "</a>|"; echo " <a href=\"../privacy\">" . ww('Privacy') . "</a>|"; echo "\t\t<a href=\"../impressum\">" . ww("Impressum") . "</a>|"; echo "\t\t<a href=\"" . bwlink("faq.php") . "\">" . "faq" . "</a>|"; echo "\t\t<a href=\"" . bwlink("feedback.php") . "\">" . ww("Contact") . "</a>"; echo "\t</p>"; echo " <p class=\"center\">©2007-2008 <strong>BeWelcome</strong> - " . ww("TheHospitalityNetwork") . "</p>\n"; echo " </div> <!-- footer --> \n"; echo " </div> <!-- page --> \n"; echo "</div> <!-- page_margins --> \n"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n"; // This will log the delay if a $started_time=time() was issued in and if the delay exceed one second // in it must also be declared as global global $started_time; if (isset($started_time) and $started_time > 0) { $started_time = $started_time - time(); LogStr("Delay for the page according to footer " . $started_time . " second [" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "]", "DebugDelay"); }
function DisplayHeaderMainPage($TitleTopContent = "", $MessageBeforeColumnLow = "", $ActionList = "") { global $DisplayHeaderMainPageIsSet; echo " <div id=\"main\">\n"; echo " <div id=\"teaser_bg\">\n"; echo " <div id=\"teaser\" class=\"clearfix teaser_main\">\n"; if (IsLoggedIn()) { echo " <h2>", ww("HelloUsername", LinkWithUsername($_SESSION["Username"])), "</h2>\n"; } else { echo " <h2>", ww("YourAreNotLogged"), "</h2>\n"; } echo " <div id=\"teaser_l\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . MyPict() . "\" id=\"MainUserpic\" alt=\"ProfilePicture\"/>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; echo " <div id=\"teaser_r\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t<div class=\"subcolumns\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"c38l\">\n"; echo " \t\t\t\t<div class=\"subcl\">\n"; echo " \t<p><img src=\"images/icons1616/icon_contactmember.png\" alt=\"Messages\"/>", ww("MainPageNewMessages"), "</p>\n"; echo " \t<p><img src=\"images/icons1616/icon_addcomments.png\" alt=\"Comments\"/>", ww("MainPageNewComments"), "</p>\n"; echo " \t<p><img src=\"images/icons1616/icon_myvisitors.png\" alt=\"Visitors\"/>", ww("MainPageNewVisitors"), "</p>\n"; echo " \t\t\t</div>\n"; echo " \t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"c62r\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"subcr\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id=\"mapsearch\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t<form>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t <fieldset> \n"; // echo " <label for=\"searchtext\">Search the map</label><br />\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t <input type=\"text\" id=\"searchtext\" name=\"searchtext\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" id=\"text-field\" value=\"Search the map!\" onfocus=\"this.value='';\"/>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"mapsearch\" />\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t <input type=\"image\" src=\"" . bwlink("images/icon_go.png") . "\" id=\"submit-button\" /><br />\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t </fieldset>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t\t</div>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; // no tabs >> echo "\t <div id=\"middle_nav\" class=\"clearfix\">\n"; echo "\t\t <div id=\"nav_sub\" class=\"notabs\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t <ul>\n"; echo "\t\t\t </ul>\n"; echo "\t\t </div>\n"; echo "\t </div>\n"; echo " </div>\n"; //end teaser_bg ShowLeftColumn($ActionList, VolMenu()); // Show the Actions // middle column echo "\n"; echo " <div id=\"col3\"> \n"; echo " <div id=\"col3_content\" class=\"clearfix\"> \n"; $DisplayHeaderMainPageIsSet = true; // set this for footer function which will be in charge of calling the closing /div }
$_SESSION['IdLanguage'] = 0; // force English for menu Menu1("", "DB_MAINTENANCE"); // Displays the top menu Menu2("main.php", "DB_MAINTENANCE"); // Displays the second menu if (!HasRight("Admin")) { echo "<p> this need Admin rights</p>"; require_once "layout/footer.php"; die(1); } $MenuAction = " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php") . "\">db maintenance</a></li>\n"; $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=updateid") . "\">update new ids</a></li>\n"; $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=filltrads") . "\">fill the forum_trads</a></li>\n"; $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=filltag_threads") . "\">recreate tags_threads</a></li>\n"; $MenuAction .= " <li><a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/dbmaintenance.php?action=updatetagcounters") . "\">update tags counters</a></li>\n"; DisplayHeaderShortUserContent("Db Maintenance", $MenuAction, ""); // Display the header ShowLeftColumn($MenuAction, ""); $action = GetStrParam("action", ""); switch ($action) { case "updateid": sql_query("update forums_tags set id=tagid"); // dealing with redundant values sql_query("update forums_threads set id=threadid"); // dealing with redundant values sql_query("update forums_posts set id=postid"); // dealing with redundant values echo "<br />Id updated</p>"; break; case "updatetagcounters":
function LinkEditWord($code, $_IdLanguage = -1) { $IdLanguage = $_IdLanguage; if ($IdLanguage == -1) { $IdLanguage = $_SESSION["IdLanguage"]; } $str = "<a href=\"" . bwlink("admin/adminwords.php?IdLanguage=" . $IdLanguage . "&code={$code}") . "\">edit</a>"; return $str; }