function displayResultsCore($query, $fields) { $result = db_query_bound($query); $nbRows = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { $nbRows++; $t_bug = bug_get($row['id']); print "<tr> \n"; print '<td><a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($row['id']) . '">' . bug_format_id($row['id']) . '</a></td>'; //print "<td> ".string_get_bug_view_url( ))." </td>\n"; print "<td> " . string_display_line(get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status)) . " </td>\n"; print "<td> " . category_get_row($t_bug->category_id)['name'] . " </td>\n"; print "<td> " . $t_bug->summary . " </td>\n"; print "<td> " . user_get_field($t_bug->reporter_id, 'username') . " </td>\n"; if ($t_bug->handler_id != null) { print "<td> " . user_get_field($t_bug->handler_id, 'username') . " </td>\n"; } if (sizeof($fields) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields); $i++) { print "<td> " . $row[$fields[$i]] . " </td>\n"; } } print "</tr>\n"; } return $nbRows; }
function relgraph_bug_format_id( $p_bug_id ) { $t_pretty_bug_id = bug_format_id( $p_bug_id ); if ( !preg_match( '/^(([a-zA-z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*)|(\d+))$/', $t_pretty_bug_id ) ) { $t_pretty_bug_id = $p_bug_id; } return $t_pretty_bug_id; }
function custom_function_default_format_issue_summary($p_issue_id, $p_context = 0) { switch ($p_context) { case SUMMARY_CAPTION: $t_string = bug_format_id($p_issue_id) . ': ' . string_attribute(bug_get_field($p_issue_id, 'summary')); break; case SUMMARY_FIELD: $t_string = bug_format_id($p_issue_id) . ': ' . string_attribute(bug_get_field($p_issue_id, 'summary')); break; case SUMMARY_EMAIL: $t_string = bug_format_id($p_issue_id) . ': ' . string_attribute(bug_get_field($p_issue_id, 'summary')); break; default: $t_string = string_attribute(bug_get_field($p_issue_id, 'summary')); break; } return $t_string; }
/** * return an href anchor that links to a bug UPDATE page for the given bug * account for the user preference and site override * @param integer $p_bug_id A bug identifier. * @param integer $p_user_id A valid user identifier. * @return string */ function string_get_bug_update_link($p_bug_id, $p_user_id = null) { $t_summary = string_attribute(bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'summary')); return '<a href="' . helper_mantis_url(string_get_bug_update_url($p_bug_id, $p_user_id)) . '" title="' . $t_summary . '">' . bug_format_id($p_bug_id) . '</a>'; }
/** * Add a file to the system using the configured storage method * * @param integer $p_bug_id the bug id * @param array $p_file the uploaded file info, as retrieved from gpc_get_file() */ function file_add($p_bug_id, $p_file, $p_table = 'bug', $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null) { file_ensure_uploaded($p_file); $t_file_name = $p_file['name']; $t_tmp_file = $p_file['tmp_name']; if (!file_type_check($t_file_name)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR); } if (!file_is_name_unique($t_file_name, $p_bug_id)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'); $t_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id); } else { $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project(); $t_bug_id = 0; } if ($p_user_id === null) { $c_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); } else { $c_user_id = (int) $p_user_id; } # prepare variables for insertion $c_bug_id = db_prepare_int($p_bug_id); $c_project_id = db_prepare_int($t_project_id); $c_file_type = db_prepare_string($p_file['type']); $c_title = db_prepare_string($p_title); $c_desc = db_prepare_string($p_desc); if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } else { $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path'); if (is_blank($t_file_path)) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } } $c_file_path = db_prepare_string($t_file_path); $c_new_file_name = db_prepare_string($t_file_name); $t_file_hash = 'bug' == $p_table ? $t_bug_id : config_get('document_files_prefix') . '-' . $t_project_id; $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_hash . '-' . $t_file_name, $t_file_path); $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name; $c_unique_name = db_prepare_string($t_unique_name); $t_file_size = filesize($t_tmp_file); if (0 == $t_file_size) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE, ERROR); } $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size')); if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG, ERROR); } $c_file_size = db_prepare_int($t_file_size); $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method'); switch ($t_method) { case FTP: case DISK: file_ensure_valid_upload_path($t_file_path); if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) { if (FTP == $t_method) { $conn_id = file_ftp_connect(); file_ftp_put($conn_id, $t_disk_file_name, $t_tmp_file); file_ftp_disconnect($conn_id); } if (!move_uploaded_file($t_tmp_file, $t_disk_file_name)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR); } chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions')); $c_content = "''"; } else { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR); } break; case DATABASE: $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_tmp_file, 'rb'), $t_file_size)); break; default: trigger_error(ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR); } $t_file_table = db_get_table('mantis_' . $p_table . '_file_table'); $c_id = 'bug' == $p_table ? $c_bug_id : $c_project_id; $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_file_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(" . $p_table . "_id, title, description, diskfile, filename, folder, filesize, file_type, date_added, content, user_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t VALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t({$c_id}, '{$c_title}', '{$c_desc}', '{$c_unique_name}', '{$c_new_file_name}', '{$c_file_path}', {$c_file_size}, '{$c_file_type}', '" . db_now() . "', {$c_content}, {$c_user_id})"; db_query($query); if ('bug' == $p_table) { # updated the last_updated date $result = bug_update_date($p_bug_id); # log new bug history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, FILE_ADDED, $t_file_name); } }
$t_bug = bug_get($t_sponsor_row['bug']); $t_sponsor = sponsorship_get($t_sponsor_row['sponsor']); $t_buglist[] = $t_sponsor_row['bug'] . ':' . $t_sponsor_row['sponsor']; # describe bug $t_status = string_attribute(get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id)); $t_resolution = string_attribute(get_enum_element('resolution', $t_bug->resolution, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id)); $t_version_id = version_get_id($t_bug->fixed_in_version, $t_bug->project_id); if (false !== $t_version_id && VERSION_RELEASED == version_get_field($t_version_id, 'released')) { $t_released_label = '<a title="' . lang_get('released') . '">' . $t_bug->fixed_in_version . '</a>'; } else { $t_released_label = $t_bug->fixed_in_version; } # choose color based on status $t_status_label = html_get_status_css_class($t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id); echo '<tr class="' . $t_status_label . '">'; echo '<td><a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_sponsor_row['bug']) . '">' . bug_format_id($t_sponsor_row['bug']) . '</a></td>'; echo '<td>' . string_display_line(project_get_field($t_bug->project_id, 'name')) . ' </td>'; echo '<td class="right">' . $t_released_label . ' </td>'; echo '<td><a title="' . $t_resolution . '"><span class="underline">' . $t_status . '</span> </a></td>'; # summary echo '<td>' . string_display_line($t_bug->summary); if (VS_PRIVATE == $t_bug->view_state) { printf(' <img src="%s" alt="(%s)" title="%s" />', $t_icon_path . 'protected.gif', lang_get('private'), lang_get('private')); } echo '</td>'; # describe sponsorship amount echo '<td>'; print_user($t_sponsor->user_id); echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="right">' . sponsorship_format_amount($t_sponsor->amount) . '</td>'; echo '<td><select name="sponsor_' . $t_row['bug'] . '_' . $t_sponsor->id . '">';
/** * Gets the formatted bug id value. * @param BugData $p_bug The bug object. * @return string The bug id prefixed with 0s. */ function excel_format_id(BugData $p_bug) { return excel_prepare_number(bug_format_id($p_bug->id)); }
function relgraph_generate_dep_graph($p_bug_id, $p_bug = null, $p_horizontal = false) { # List of visited issues and their data. $v_bug_list = array(); # Firstly, we visit all ascendant issues and all descendant issues # and collect all the necessary data in the $v_bug_list variable. # We do not visit other descendants of our parents, neither other # ascendants of our children, to avoid displaying too much unrelated # issues. We still collect the information about those relationships, # so, if these issues happen to be visited also, relationship links # will be preserved. # The first issue in the list is the one we are parting from. if (null === $p_bug) { $p_bug = bug_prepare_display(bug_get($p_bug_id, true)); } $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id] = $p_bug; $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id]->is_descendant = true; $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id]->parents = array(); $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id]->children = array(); # Now we visit all ascendants of the root issue. $t_relationships = relationship_get_all_dest($p_bug_id); foreach ($t_relationships as $t_relationship) { if ($t_relationship->type != BUG_DEPENDANT) { continue; } $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id]->parents[] = $t_relationship->src_bug_id; relgraph_add_parent($v_bug_list, $t_relationship->src_bug_id); } $t_relationships = relationship_get_all_src($p_bug_id); foreach ($t_relationships as $t_relationship) { if ($t_relationship->type != BUG_DEPENDANT) { continue; } $v_bug_list[$p_bug_id]->children[] = $t_relationship->dest_bug_id; relgraph_add_child($v_bug_list, $t_relationship->dest_bug_id); } # We have already collected all the information we need to generate # the graph. Now it is the matter to create a Digraph object and # store the information there, along with graph formatting attributes. $t_id_string = bug_format_id($p_bug_id); $t_graph_fontname = config_get('relationship_graph_fontname'); $t_graph_fontsize = config_get('relationship_graph_fontsize'); $t_graph_fontpath = config_get('system_font_folder'); $t_view_on_click = config_get('relationship_graph_view_on_click'); $t_dot_tool = config_get('dot_tool'); $t_graph_attributes = array(); if (!empty($t_graph_fontpath)) { $t_graph_attributes['fontpath'] = $t_graph_fontpath; } if ($p_horizontal) { $t_graph_attributes['rankdir'] = 'LR'; $t_graph_orientation = 'horizontal'; } else { $t_graph_orientation = 'vertical'; } $t_graph = new Digraph($t_id_string, $t_graph_attributes, $t_dot_tool); $t_graph->set_default_node_attr(array('fontname' => $t_graph_fontname, 'fontsize' => $t_graph_fontsize, 'shape' => 'record', 'style' => 'filled', 'height' => '0.2', 'width' => '0.4')); $t_graph->set_default_edge_attr(array('style' => 'solid', 'color' => '#C00000', 'dir' => 'back')); # Add all issue nodes and edges to the graph. foreach ($v_bug_list as $t_related_bug_id => $t_related_bug) { $t_id_string = bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id); if ($t_view_on_click) { $t_url = string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id); } else { $t_url = 'bug_relationship_graph.php?bug_id=' . $t_related_bug_id . '&graph=dependency&orientation=' . $t_graph_orientation; } relgraph_add_bug_to_graph($t_graph, $t_id_string, $t_related_bug, $t_url, $t_related_bug_id == $p_bug_id); # Now add all relationship edges to the graph. foreach ($v_bug_list[$t_related_bug_id]->parents as $t_parent_id) { # Do not create edges for unvisited bugs. if (!isset($v_bug_list[$t_parent_id])) { continue; } $t_parent_node = bug_format_id($t_parent_id); $t_graph->add_edge($t_parent_node, $t_id_string); } } return $t_graph; }
?> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class(); ?> > <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get('relationship_with_parent'); ?> </td> <td> <?php relationship_list_box(-2, "rel_type", false, true); ?> <?php print '<b>' . lang_get('bug') . ' ' . bug_format_id($f_master_bug_id) . '</b>'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- Report Stay (report more bugs) --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class(); ?> > <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get('report_stay');
$t_custom_filter['sort'] = $c_sort_field; } else { # null will be returned if the user doesn't have access right to access the filter. $t_custom_filter = filter_db_get_filter($f_filter_id, $t_user_id); if (null === $t_custom_filter) { access_denied(); } $t_custom_filter = filter_deserialize($t_custom_filter); } $t_issues = filter_get_bug_rows($t_page_number, $t_issues_per_page, $t_page_count, $t_issues_count, $t_custom_filter, $t_project_id, $t_user_id, $t_show_sticky); # Loop through results for ($i = 0; $i < count($t_issues); $i++) { $row = $t_issues[$i]; $t_bug = bug_get($row['id'], true); $about = $link = $t_path . "view.php?id=" . $row['id']; $title = string_rss_links(bug_format_id($row['id']) . ': ' . $t_bug->summary); $description = string_rss_links($t_bug->description); # subject is category. $subject = string_rss_links($t_bug->category); # optional DC value $date = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $t_bug->last_updated); # author of item $author = string_rss_links(user_get_name($t_bug->reporter_id)); if (access_has_global_level(config_get('show_user_email_threshold'))) { $t_author_email = user_get_field($t_bug->reporter_id, 'email'); if (is_blank($t_author_email)) { $t_author_email = $author . ''; } } else { $t_author_email = $author . ''; }
echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('summary')) . $t_separator; if ($t_show_realname) { echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('realname')) . $t_separator; } else { echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('username')) . $t_separator; } echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('timestamp')) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('minutes')) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string(lang_get('time_tracking_time_spent')) . $t_separator; if ($t_show_cost) { echo csv_escape_string('cost') . $t_separator; } echo csv_escape_string('note'); echo "\n"; foreach ($t_billing_rows as $t_billing) { echo csv_escape_string(bug_format_id($t_billing['bug_id'])) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['project_name']) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['bug_summary']) . $t_separator; if ($t_show_realname) { echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['reporter_realname']) . $t_separator; } else { echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['reporter_username']) . $t_separator; } echo csv_escape_string(date($t_date_format, $t_billing['date_submitted'])) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['minutes']) . $t_separator; echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['duration']) . $t_separator; if ($t_show_cost) { echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['cost']) . $t_separator; } echo csv_escape_string($t_billing['note']); echo "\n";
/** * Gen update view status bug message. */ function gen_up_view_status_bug_msg($user_id, $bug_id, $bugnote_text) { $send_msg = plugin_lang_get('msg_call') . ' ' . get_username($user_id) . '! ' . plugin_lang_get('msg_action_bug_up_view') . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_bug_id') . ' ' . bug_format_id($bug_id, 'category_id') . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_state') . ' ' . get_enum_element('status', bug_get_field($bug_id, 'status')) . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_proj_id') . ' ' . project_get_name(bug_get_field($bug_id, 'project_id')) . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_header') . ' ' . bug_get_field($bug_id, 'summary') . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('separator') . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_action_bug_up_view_str') . ' ' . get_enum_element('view_state', gpc_get_int('view_status')) . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_initiator') . ' ' . get_auth_username() . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('separator') . "\n" . plugin_lang_get('msg_link_bug') . ' ' . get_bug_link($bug_id); return $send_msg; }
/** * Add a file * @param integer $p_id File id. * @param string $p_name File name. * @param string $p_content File content to write. * @param string $p_file_type File type. * @param string $p_table Database table name. * @param string $p_title Title. * @param string $p_desc Description. * @param string $p_user_id User id. * @return mixed */ function mci_file_add($p_id, $p_name, $p_content, $p_file_type, $p_table, $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null) { if (!file_type_check($p_name)) { return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'File type not allowed.'); } if (!file_is_name_unique($p_name, $p_id)) { return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'Duplicate filename.'); } $t_file_size = strlen($p_content); $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size')); if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) { return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'File is too big.'); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_id, 'project_id'); $t_id = (int) $p_id; $t_issue_id = bug_format_id($p_id); } else { $t_project_id = $p_id; $t_id = $t_project_id; $t_issue_id = 0; } if ($p_user_id === null) { $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); } if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } else { $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path'); if (is_blank($t_file_path)) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } } $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_path); $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name; $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method'); switch ($t_method) { case DISK: if (!file_exists($t_file_path) || !is_dir($t_file_path) || !is_writable($t_file_path) || !is_readable($t_file_path)) { return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Server', 'Upload folder \'' . $t_file_path . '\' doesn\'t exist.'); } file_ensure_valid_upload_path($t_file_path); if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) { mci_file_write_local($t_disk_file_name, $p_content); chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions')); $c_content = "''"; } break; case DATABASE: $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string($p_content); $t_file_path = ''; break; } $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file'); $t_id_col = $p_table . '_id'; $t_param = array($t_id_col => $t_id, 'title' => $p_title, 'description' => $p_desc, 'diskfile' => $t_unique_name, 'filename' => $p_name, 'folder' => $t_file_path, 'filesize' => $t_file_size, 'file_type' => $p_file_type, 'date_added' => db_now(), 'user_id' => (int) $p_user_id); # Oracle has to update BLOBs separately if (!db_is_oracle()) { $t_param['content'] = $c_content; } $t_query_param = db_param(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($t_param); $i++) { $t_query_param .= ', ' . db_param(); } $t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_file_table . ' ( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($t_param)) . ' ) VALUES ( ' . $t_query_param . ' )'; db_query($t_query, array_values($t_param)); # get attachment id $t_attachment_id = db_insert_id($t_file_table); if (db_is_oracle()) { db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "diskfile='{$t_unique_name}'"); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { # bump the last_updated date bug_update_date($t_issue_id); # add history entry history_log_event_special($t_issue_id, FILE_ADDED, $p_name); } return $t_attachment_id; }
function GetRelationshipContent($p_bug_id, $p_html = false, $p_html_preview = false, $p_summary = false, $p_icons = false) { $t_summary = ''; $t_icons = ''; $t_show_project = false; $t_summary_wrap_at = utf8_strlen(config_get('email_separator2')) - 10; $t_relationship_all = relationship_get_all($p_bug_id, $t_show_project); $t_relationship_all_count = count($t_relationship_all); if ($p_summary) { for ($i = 0; $i < $t_relationship_all_count; $i++) { $p_relationship = $t_relationship_all[$i]; if ($p_bug_id == $p_relationship->src_bug_id) { # root bug is in the src side, related bug in the dest side $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->dest_bug_id; $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_src_side($p_relationship->type); } else { # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the src side $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->src_bug_id; $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_dest_side($p_relationship->type); } # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link $t_bug = bug_get($t_related_bug_id, false); $t_text = trim(utf8_str_pad($t_relationship_descr, 20)) . ' '; if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_text .= '<a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id) . '"'; $t_text .= ' class="rcv_tooltip"'; //$t_text .= ' title="' . utf8_str_pad (bug_format_id ($t_related_bug_id), 8) . "\n" . string_attribute ($t_bug->summary) . '"'; $t_text .= '>'; } $t_text .= string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id)); if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_box">'; $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_title">' . bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id) . '</span>'; $t_text .= '<span class="rcv_tooltip_content">' . utf8_substr(string_email_links($t_bug->summary), 0, MAX_TOOLTIP_CONTENT_LENGTH); $t_text .= MAX_TOOLTIP_CONTENT_LENGTH < strlen($t_bug->summary) ? '...' : ''; $t_text .= '</span>'; $t_text .= '</span>'; $t_text .= '</a>'; } if (plugin_config_get('ShowRelationshipsControl') && !bug_is_readonly($p_bug_id) && !current_user_is_anonymous() && true == $p_html_preview) { // bug not read only if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $p_bug_id)) { // user has access level // add a delete link $t_text .= ' ['; $t_text .= '<a class="small" href="bug_relationship_delete.php?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id; $t_text .= '&rel_id=' . $p_relationship->id; $t_text .= '&redirect_url=view_all_bug_page.php'; $t_text .= htmlspecialchars(form_security_param('bug_relationship_delete')); $t_text .= '">' . lang_get('delete_link') . '</a>'; $t_text .= ']'; } } // $t_text = relationship_get_details ($p_bug_id, $t_relationship_all[$i], true, false, $t_show_project); if (false == $p_html) { // p_html == No if ($i != 0) { if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_summary .= ",<br/>"; } else { $t_summary .= ", "; } } $t_summary .= $t_text; } else { // p_html == Yes if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_summary .= '<tr bgcolor="' . get_status_color($t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id) . '">'; $t_summary .= '<td>' . $t_text . '</td>'; $t_summary .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } else { if ($i != 0) { $t_summary .= ", "; } $t_summary .= $t_text; } } } } if (plugin_config_get('ShowRelationshipIcons') && !current_user_is_anonymous() && true == $p_html_preview) { $t_text = RelationshipsUtils::GetBugSmybols($p_bug_id, !is_blank($t_summary)); if (!is_blank($t_text)) { if (false == $p_html) { // p_html == No $t_icons .= $t_text; } else { // p_html == Yes if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_icons .= '<tr><td>' . $t_text . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; } else { $t_icons .= $t_text; } } } } if ($p_html_preview == true) { $t_icons_table = ''; $t_summary_table = ''; if (!is_blank($t_icons)) { $t_icons_table = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">' . $t_icons . '</table>'; } if (!is_blank($t_summary)) { $t_summary_table = '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">' . $t_summary . '</table>'; } if (!is_blank($t_icons_table) && !is_blank($t_summary_table)) { return '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . '<tr><td valign="top" style="padding:0px;">' . $t_summary_table . '</td><td valign="top" style="padding:0px;">' . $t_icons_table . '</td></tr>' . '</table>'; } else { return $t_summary_table . $t_icons_table; } } else { $t_result = $t_icons; if (!is_blank($t_icons) && !is_blank($t_summary)) { $t_result .= '<br/>'; } $t_result .= $t_summary; return $t_result; } }
/** * formats the subject correctly * we include the project name, bug id, and summary. * * @param integer $p_bug_id A bug identifier. * @return string */ function email_build_subject($p_bug_id) { # grab the project name $p_project_name = project_get_field(bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'), 'name'); # grab the subject (summary) $p_subject = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'summary'); # pad the bug id with zeros $t_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id); # build standard subject string $t_email_subject = '[' . $p_project_name . ' ' . $t_bug_id . ']: ' . $p_subject; # update subject as defined by plugins $t_email_subject = event_signal('EVENT_DISPLAY_EMAIL_BUILD_SUBJECT', $t_email_subject, array('bug_id' => $p_bug_id)); return $t_email_subject; }
?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php $t_first = true; foreach ($t_bug_rows as $t_bug_id => $t_bug_row) { echo $t_first ? '' : '<tr ' . helper_alternate_class() . '>'; ?> <td colspan="<?php echo $t_columns - ($t_can_update ? 2 : 1); ?> "><?php echo '<a href="view.php?id=', $t_bug_id, '">', bug_format_id($t_bug_id), '</a>: ', string_display_line($t_bug_row['summary']); ?> </td> <?php if ($t_can_update) { ?> <td class="center"><span class="small-links"><?php print_bracket_link(plugin_page('detach') . '&id=' . $t_changeset->id . '&bug_id=' . $t_bug_id . form_security_param('plugin_Source_detach'), plugin_lang_get('detach')); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php
/** * Add a file to the system using the configured storage method * * @param integer $p_bug_id The bug id (should be 0 when adding project doc). * @param array $p_file The uploaded file info, as retrieved from gpc_get_file(). * @param string $p_table Either 'bug' or 'project' depending on attachment type. * @param string $p_title File title. * @param string $p_desc File description. * @param integer $p_user_id User id (defaults to current user). * @param integer $p_date_added Date added. * @param boolean $p_skip_bug_update Skip bug last modification update (useful when importing bug attachments). * @return void */ function file_add($p_bug_id, array $p_file, $p_table = 'bug', $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null, $p_date_added = 0, $p_skip_bug_update = false) { file_ensure_uploaded($p_file); $t_file_name = $p_file['name']; $t_tmp_file = $p_file['tmp_name']; if (!file_type_check($t_file_name)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR); } if (!file_is_name_unique($t_file_name, $p_bug_id)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR); } $t_file_size = filesize($t_tmp_file); if (0 == $t_file_size) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_NO_UPLOAD_FAILURE, ERROR); } $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size')); if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG, ERROR); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'); $t_id = (int) $p_bug_id; $t_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id); } else { $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project(); $t_id = $t_project_id; $t_bug_id = 0; } if ($p_user_id === null) { $p_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); } if ($p_date_added <= 0) { $p_date_added = db_now(); } if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } else { $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path'); if (is_blank($t_file_path)) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } } $t_unique_name = file_generate_unique_name($t_file_path); $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method'); switch ($t_method) { case DISK: file_ensure_valid_upload_path($t_file_path); $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . $t_unique_name; if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($t_tmp_file, $t_disk_file_name)) { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_MOVE_FAILED, ERROR); } chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions')); $c_content = ''; } else { trigger_error(ERROR_FILE_DUPLICATE, ERROR); } break; case DATABASE: $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string(fread(fopen($t_tmp_file, 'rb'), $t_file_size)); $t_file_path = ''; break; default: trigger_error(ERROR_GENERIC, ERROR); } $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file'); $t_id_col = $p_table . '_id'; $t_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $t_file_table . ' ( ' . $t_id_col . ', title, description, diskfile, filename, folder, filesize, file_type, date_added, user_id ) VALUES ( ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ' )'; db_query($t_query, array($t_id, $p_title, $p_desc, $t_unique_name, $t_file_name, $t_file_path, $t_file_size, $p_file['type'], $p_date_added, (int) $p_user_id)); $t_attachment_id = db_insert_id($t_file_table); if (db_is_oracle()) { db_update_blob($t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, 'diskfile=\'$t_unique_name\''); } else { $t_query = 'UPDATE ' . $t_file_table . ' SET content=' . db_param() . ' WHERE id = ' . db_param(); db_query($t_query, array($c_content, $t_attachment_id)); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { # update the last_updated date if (!$p_skip_bug_update) { bug_update_date($p_bug_id); } # log file added to bug history history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, FILE_ADDED, $t_file_name); } }
$t_custom_filter['sort'] = $c_sort_field; } else { # null will be returned if the user doesn't have access right to access the filter. $t_custom_filter = filter_db_get_filter($f_filter_id, $t_user_id); if (null === $t_custom_filter) { access_denied(); } $t_custom_filter = filter_deserialize($t_custom_filter); } $t_issues = filter_get_bug_rows($t_page_number, $t_issues_per_page, $t_page_count, $t_issues_count, $t_custom_filter, $t_project_id, $t_user_id, $t_show_sticky); $t_issues_count = count($t_issues); # Loop through results for ($i = 0; $i < $t_issues_count; $i++) { $t_bug = $t_issues[$i]; $about = $link = $t_path . "view.php?id=" . $t_bug->id; $title = bug_format_id($t_bug->id) . ': ' . $t_bug->summary; if ($t_bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE) { $title .= ' [' . lang_get('private') . ']'; } $description = string_rss_links($t_bug->description); # subject is category. $subject = category_full_name($t_bug->category_id, false); # optional DC value $date = $t_bug->last_updated; # author of item $author = ''; if (access_has_global_level(config_get('show_user_email_threshold'))) { $t_author_name = user_get_name($t_bug->reporter_id); $t_author_email = user_get_field($t_bug->reporter_id, 'email'); if (!is_blank($t_author_email)) { if (!is_blank($t_author_name)) {
/** * Localizes one raw history item specified by set the next parameters: $p_field_name, $p_type, $p_old_value, $p_new_value * Returns array with two elements indexed as 'note' and 'change' * @param string $p_field_name The field name of the field being localized. * @param integer $p_type The type of the history entry. * @param string $p_old_value The old value of the field. * @param string $p_new_value The new value of the field. * @param boolean $p_linkify Whether to return a string containing hyperlinks. * @return array */ function history_localize_item($p_field_name, $p_type, $p_old_value, $p_new_value, $p_linkify = true) { $t_note = ''; $t_change = ''; $t_field_localized = $p_field_name; $t_raw = true; if (PLUGIN_HISTORY == $p_type) { $t_note = lang_get_defaulted('plugin_' . $p_field_name, $p_field_name); $t_change = isset($p_new_value) ? $p_old_value . ' => ' . $p_new_value : $p_old_value; return array('note' => $t_note, 'change' => $t_change, 'raw' => true); } switch ($p_field_name) { case 'category': $t_field_localized = lang_get('category'); break; case 'status': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('status', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('status', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('status'); break; case 'severity': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('severity', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('severity', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('severity'); break; case 'reproducibility': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('reproducibility', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('reproducibility', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('reproducibility'); break; case 'resolution': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('resolution', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('resolution', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('resolution'); break; case 'priority': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('priority', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('priority', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('priority'); break; case 'eta': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('eta', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('eta', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('eta'); break; case 'view_state': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('view_state', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('view_state', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('view_status'); break; case 'projection': $p_old_value = get_enum_element('projection', $p_old_value); $p_new_value = get_enum_element('projection', $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('projection'); break; case 'sticky': $p_old_value = gpc_string_to_bool($p_old_value) ? lang_get('yes') : lang_get('no'); $p_new_value = gpc_string_to_bool($p_new_value) ? lang_get('yes') : lang_get('no'); $t_field_localized = lang_get('sticky_issue'); break; case 'project_id': if (project_exists($p_old_value)) { $p_old_value = project_get_field($p_old_value, 'name'); } else { $p_old_value = '@' . $p_old_value . '@'; } # Note that the new value maybe an intermediately project and not the # current one. if (project_exists($p_new_value)) { $p_new_value = project_get_field($p_new_value, 'name'); } else { $p_new_value = '@' . $p_new_value . '@'; } $t_field_localized = lang_get('email_project'); break; case 'handler_id': $t_field_localized = lang_get('assigned_to'); case 'reporter_id': if ('reporter_id' == $p_field_name) { $t_field_localized = lang_get('reporter'); } if (0 == $p_old_value) { $p_old_value = ''; } else { $p_old_value = user_get_name($p_old_value); } if (0 == $p_new_value) { $p_new_value = ''; } else { $p_new_value = user_get_name($p_new_value); } break; case 'version': $t_field_localized = lang_get('product_version'); break; case 'fixed_in_version': $t_field_localized = lang_get('fixed_in_version'); break; case 'target_version': $t_field_localized = lang_get('target_version'); break; case 'date_submitted': $p_old_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $p_old_value); $p_new_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('date_submitted'); break; case 'last_updated': $p_old_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $p_old_value); $p_new_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $p_new_value); $t_field_localized = lang_get('last_update'); break; case 'os': $t_field_localized = lang_get('os'); break; case 'os_build': $t_field_localized = lang_get('os_version'); break; case 'build': $t_field_localized = lang_get('build'); break; case 'platform': $t_field_localized = lang_get('platform'); break; case 'summary': $t_field_localized = lang_get('summary'); break; case 'duplicate_id': $t_field_localized = lang_get('duplicate_id'); break; case 'sponsorship_total': $t_field_localized = lang_get('sponsorship_total'); break; case 'due_date': if ($p_old_value !== '') { $p_old_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), (int) $p_old_value); } if ($p_new_value !== '') { $p_new_value = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), (int) $p_new_value); } $t_field_localized = lang_get('due_date'); break; default: # assume it's a custom field name $t_field_id = custom_field_get_id_from_name($p_field_name); if (false !== $t_field_id) { $t_cf_type = custom_field_type($t_field_id); if ('' != $p_old_value) { $p_old_value = string_custom_field_value_for_email($p_old_value, $t_cf_type); } $p_new_value = string_custom_field_value_for_email($p_new_value, $t_cf_type); $t_field_localized = lang_get_defaulted($p_field_name); } } if (NORMAL_TYPE != $p_type) { switch ($p_type) { case NEW_BUG: $t_note = lang_get('new_bug'); break; case BUGNOTE_ADDED: $t_note = lang_get('bugnote_added') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUGNOTE_UPDATED: $t_note = lang_get('bugnote_edited') . ': ' . $p_old_value; $t_old_value = (int) $p_old_value; $t_new_value = (int) $p_new_value; if ($p_linkify && bug_revision_exists($t_new_value)) { if (bugnote_exists($t_old_value)) { $t_bug_revision_view_page_argument = 'bugnote_id=' . $t_old_value . '#r' . $t_new_value; } else { $t_bug_revision_view_page_argument = 'rev_id=' . $t_new_value; } $t_change = '<a href="bug_revision_view_page.php?' . $t_bug_revision_view_page_argument . '">' . lang_get('view_revisions') . '</a>'; $t_raw = false; } break; case BUGNOTE_DELETED: $t_note = lang_get('bugnote_deleted') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case DESCRIPTION_UPDATED: $t_note = lang_get('description_updated'); $t_old_value = (int) $p_old_value; if ($p_linkify && bug_revision_exists($t_old_value)) { $t_change = '<a href="bug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=' . $t_old_value . '#r' . $t_old_value . '">' . lang_get('view_revisions') . '</a>'; $t_raw = false; } break; case ADDITIONAL_INFO_UPDATED: $t_note = lang_get('additional_information_updated'); $t_old_value = (int) $p_old_value; if ($p_linkify && bug_revision_exists($t_old_value)) { $t_change = '<a href="bug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=' . $t_old_value . '#r' . $t_old_value . '">' . lang_get('view_revisions') . '</a>'; $t_raw = false; } break; case STEP_TO_REPRODUCE_UPDATED: $t_note = lang_get('steps_to_reproduce_updated'); $t_old_value = (int) $p_old_value; if ($p_linkify && bug_revision_exists($t_old_value)) { $t_change = '<a href="bug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=' . $t_old_value . '#r' . $t_old_value . '">' . lang_get('view_revisions') . '</a>'; $t_raw = false; } break; case FILE_ADDED: $t_note = lang_get('file_added') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case FILE_DELETED: $t_note = lang_get('file_deleted') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUGNOTE_STATE_CHANGED: $p_old_value = get_enum_element('view_state', $p_old_value); $t_note = lang_get('bugnote_view_state') . ': ' . $p_new_value . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUG_MONITOR: $p_old_value = user_get_name($p_old_value); $t_note = lang_get('bug_monitor') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUG_UNMONITOR: if ($p_old_value !== '') { $p_old_value = user_get_name($p_old_value); } $t_note = lang_get('bug_end_monitor') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUG_DELETED: $t_note = lang_get('bug_deleted') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUG_ADD_SPONSORSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('sponsorship_added'); $t_change = user_get_name($p_old_value) . ': ' . sponsorship_format_amount($p_new_value); break; case BUG_UPDATE_SPONSORSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('sponsorship_updated'); $t_change = user_get_name($p_old_value) . ': ' . sponsorship_format_amount($p_new_value); break; case BUG_DELETE_SPONSORSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('sponsorship_deleted'); $t_change = user_get_name($p_old_value) . ': ' . sponsorship_format_amount($p_new_value); break; case BUG_PAID_SPONSORSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('sponsorship_paid'); $t_change = user_get_name($p_old_value) . ': ' . get_enum_element('sponsorship', $p_new_value); break; case BUG_ADD_RELATIONSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('relationship_added'); $t_change = relationship_get_description_for_history($p_old_value) . ' ' . bug_format_id($p_new_value); break; case BUG_REPLACE_RELATIONSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('relationship_replaced'); $t_change = relationship_get_description_for_history($p_old_value) . ' ' . bug_format_id($p_new_value); break; case BUG_DEL_RELATIONSHIP: $t_note = lang_get('relationship_deleted'); # Fix for #7846: There are some cases where old value is empty, this may be due to an old bug. if (!is_blank($p_old_value) && $p_old_value > 0) { $t_change = relationship_get_description_for_history($p_old_value) . ' ' . bug_format_id($p_new_value); } else { $t_change = bug_format_id($p_new_value); } break; case BUG_CLONED_TO: $t_note = lang_get('bug_cloned_to') . ': ' . bug_format_id($p_new_value); break; case BUG_CREATED_FROM: $t_note = lang_get('bug_created_from') . ': ' . bug_format_id($p_new_value); break; case TAG_ATTACHED: $t_note = lang_get('tag_history_attached') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case TAG_DETACHED: $t_note = lang_get('tag_history_detached') . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case TAG_RENAMED: $t_note = lang_get('tag_history_renamed'); $t_change = $p_old_value . ' => ' . $p_new_value; break; case BUG_REVISION_DROPPED: $t_note = lang_get('bug_revision_dropped_history') . ': ' . bug_revision_get_type_name($p_new_value) . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; case BUGNOTE_REVISION_DROPPED: $t_note = lang_get('bugnote_revision_dropped_history') . ': ' . $p_new_value . ': ' . $p_old_value; break; } } # output special cases if (NORMAL_TYPE == $p_type) { $t_note = $t_field_localized; $t_change = $p_old_value . ' => ' . $p_new_value; } # end if DEFAULT return array('note' => $t_note, 'change' => $t_change, 'raw' => $t_raw); }
/** * return the duplicate bug id * @param object $p_bug the bug * @return string formatted bug id * @access public */ function csv_format_duplicate_id($p_bug) { return bug_format_id($p_bug->duplicate_id); }
$t_show_eta = in_array('eta', $t_fields); $t_show_versions = version_should_show_product_version($t_bug->project_id); $t_show_product_version = $t_show_versions && in_array('product_version', $t_fields); $t_show_product_build = $t_show_versions && in_array('product_build', $t_fields) && config_get('enable_product_build'); $t_show_fixed_in_version = $t_show_versions && in_array('fixed_in_version', $t_fields); $t_show_target_version = $t_show_versions && in_array('target_version', $t_fields) && access_has_bug_level(config_get('roadmap_view_threshold'), $f_bug_id); $t_show_summary = in_array('summary', $t_fields); $t_show_description = in_array('description', $t_fields); $t_show_steps_to_reproduce = in_array('steps_to_reproduce', $t_fields); $t_show_additional_information = in_array('additional_info', $t_fields); $t_show_tags = in_array('tags', $t_fields); $t_show_attachments = in_array('attachments', $t_fields); $t_show_history = access_has_bug_level(config_get('view_history_threshold'), $f_bug_id); $t_window_title = string_display_line(config_get('window_title')); $t_project_name = $t_show_project ? string_display_line(project_get_name($t_bug->project_id)) : ''; $t_formatted_bug_id = $t_show_id ? bug_format_id($f_bug_id) : ''; $t_category_name = $t_show_category ? string_display_line(category_full_name($t_bug->category_id)) : ''; $t_severity = string_display_line(get_enum_element('severity', $t_bug->severity)); $t_reproducibility = string_display_line(get_enum_element('reproducibility', $t_bug->reproducibility)); $t_date_submitted = $t_show_date_submitted ? string_display_line(date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $t_bug->date_submitted)) : ''; $t_last_updated = $t_show_last_updated ? string_display_line(date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $t_bug->last_updated)) : ''; $t_platform = string_display_line($t_bug->platform); $t_os = string_display_line($t_bug->os); $t_os_version = string_display_line($t_bug->os_build); $t_is = string_display_line($t_bug->os); $t_status = string_display_line(get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status)); $t_priority = string_display_line(get_enum_element('priority', $t_bug->priority)); $t_resolution = string_display_line(get_enum_element('resolution', $t_bug->resolution)); $t_product_build = string_display_line($t_bug->build); $t_projection = string_display_line(get_enum_element('projection', $t_bug->projection)); $t_eta = string_display_line(get_enum_element('eta', $t_bug->eta));
/** * formats the subject correctly * we include the project name, bug id, and summary. * * @param int $p_bug_id * @return null */ function email_build_subject($p_bug_id) { # grab the project name $p_project_name = project_get_field(bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'project_id'), 'name'); # grab the subject (summary) $p_subject = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'summary'); # padd the bug id with zeros $p_bug_id = bug_format_id($p_bug_id); return '[' . $p_project_name . ' ' . $p_bug_id . ']: ' . $p_subject; }
<?php echo lang_get('last_update'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class(); ?> > <!-- Bug ID --> <td> <?php echo bug_format_id($f_bug_id); ?> </td> <!-- Category --> <td> <?php $t_project_name = string_display(project_get_field($t_bug->project_id, 'name')); echo "[{$t_project_name}] {$t_bug->category}"; ?> </td> <!-- Severity --> <td> <?php echo get_enum_element('severity', $t_bug->severity);
/** * Gets the formatted bug id value. * @param object $p_bug the bug * @returns The bug id prefixed with 0s. */ function excel_format_id($p_bug) { return excel_prepare_string(bug_format_id($p_bug->id)); }
function mci_file_add($p_id, $p_name, $p_content, $p_file_type, $p_table, $p_title = '', $p_desc = '', $p_user_id = null) { if (!file_type_check($p_name)) { return new soap_fault('Client', '', 'File type not allowed.'); } if (!file_is_name_unique($p_name, $p_id)) { return new soap_fault('Client', '', 'Duplicate filename.'); } $t_file_size = strlen($p_content); $t_max_file_size = (int) min(ini_get_number('upload_max_filesize'), ini_get_number('post_max_size'), config_get('max_file_size')); if ($t_file_size > $t_max_file_size) { return new soap_fault('Client', '', 'File is too big.'); } if ('bug' == $p_table) { $t_project_id = bug_get_field($p_id, 'project_id'); $t_issue_id = bug_format_id($p_id); } else { $t_project_id = $p_id; $t_issue_id = 0; } # prepare variables for insertion $c_issue_id = db_prepare_int($t_issue_id); $c_project_id = db_prepare_int($t_project_id); $c_file_type = db_prepare_string($p_file_type); $c_title = db_prepare_string($p_title); $c_desc = db_prepare_string($p_desc); if ($p_user_id === null) { $c_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id(); } else { $c_user_id = (int) $p_user_id; } if ($t_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS) { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } else { $t_file_path = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'file_path'); if ($t_file_path == '') { $t_file_path = config_get('absolute_path_default_upload_folder'); } } $c_file_path = db_prepare_string($t_file_path); $c_new_file_name = db_prepare_string($p_name); $t_file_hash = $t_issue_id; $t_disk_file_name = $t_file_path . file_generate_unique_name($t_file_hash . '-' . $p_name, $t_file_path); $c_disk_file_name = db_prepare_string($t_disk_file_name); $t_file_size = strlen($p_content); $c_file_size = db_prepare_int($t_file_size); $t_method = config_get('file_upload_method'); switch ($t_method) { case FTP: case DISK: if (!file_exists($t_file_path) || !is_dir($t_file_path) || !is_writable($t_file_path) || !is_readable($t_file_path)) { return new soap_fault('Server', '', "Upload folder '{$t_file_path}' doesn't exist."); } file_ensure_valid_upload_path($t_file_path); if (!file_exists($t_disk_file_name)) { mci_file_write_local($t_disk_file_name, $p_content); if (FTP == $t_method) { $conn_id = file_ftp_connect(); file_ftp_put($conn_id, $t_disk_file_name, $t_disk_file_name); file_ftp_disconnect($conn_id); file_delete_local($t_disk_file_name); } else { chmod($t_disk_file_name, config_get('attachments_file_permissions')); } $c_content = "''"; } break; case DATABASE: $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string($p_content); break; } $t_file_table = db_get_table($p_table . '_file'); $c_id = 'bug' == $p_table ? $c_issue_id : $c_project_id; $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_file_table}\n\t\t\t(" . $p_table . "_id, title, description, diskfile, filename, folder, filesize, file_type, date_added, content, user_id)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t({$c_id}, '{$c_title}', '{$c_desc}', '{$c_disk_file_name}', '{$c_new_file_name}', '{$c_file_path}', {$c_file_size}, '{$c_file_type}', '" . db_now() . "', {$c_content}, {$c_user_id})"; db_query($query); # get attachment id $t_attachment_id = db_insert_id($t_file_table); if ('bug' == $p_table) { # updated the last_updated date $result = bug_update_date($c_issue_id); # log new bug history_log_event_special($c_issue_id, FILE_ADDED, $c_new_file_name); } return $t_attachment_id; }
/** * Send bug info to given user * return true on success * @param array $p_visible_bug_data * @param string $p_message_id * @param int $p_project_id * @param int $p_user_id * @param array $p_header_optional_params * @return bool */ function email_bug_info_to_one_user($p_visible_bug_data, $p_message_id, $p_project_id, $p_user_id, $p_header_optional_params = null) { $t_user_email = user_get_email($p_user_id); # check whether email should be sent # @@@ can be email field empty? if yes - then it should be handled here if (ON !== config_get('enable_email_notification') || is_blank($t_user_email)) { return true; } # build subject $t_subject = '[' . $p_visible_bug_data['email_project'] . ' ' . bug_format_id($p_visible_bug_data['email_bug']) . ']: ' . $p_visible_bug_data['email_summary']; # build message $t_message = lang_get_defaulted($p_message_id, null); if (is_array($p_header_optional_params)) { $t_message = vsprintf($t_message, $p_header_optional_params); } if ($t_message !== null && !is_blank($t_message)) { $t_message .= " \n"; } $t_message .= email_format_bug_message($p_visible_bug_data); # build headers $t_bug_id = $p_visible_bug_data['email_bug']; $t_message_md5 = md5($t_bug_id . $p_visible_bug_data['email_date_submitted']); $t_mail_headers = array('keywords' => $p_visible_bug_data['set_category']); if ($p_message_id == 'email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted') { $t_mail_headers['Message-ID'] = $t_message_md5; } else { $t_mail_headers['In-Reply-To'] = $t_message_md5; } # send mail $t_ok = email_store($t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers); return $t_ok; }
/** * return formatted string with all the details on the requested relationship * @param integer $p_bug_id A bug identifier. * @param BugRelationshipData $p_relationship A bug relationship object. * @param boolean $p_html Whether to return html or text output. * @param boolean $p_html_preview Whether to include style/hyperlinks - if preview is false, we prettify the output. * @param boolean $p_show_project Show Project details. * @return string */ function relationship_get_details($p_bug_id, BugRelationshipData $p_relationship, $p_html = false, $p_html_preview = false, $p_show_project = false) { $t_summary_wrap_at = utf8_strlen(config_get('email_separator2')) - 28; $t_icon_path = config_get('icon_path'); if ($p_bug_id == $p_relationship->src_bug_id) { # root bug is in the source side, related bug in the destination side $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->dest_bug_id; $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->dest_project_id); $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_src_side($p_relationship->type); } else { # root bug is in the dest side, related bug in the source side $t_related_bug_id = $p_relationship->src_bug_id; $t_related_project_name = project_get_name($p_relationship->src_project_id); $t_relationship_descr = relationship_get_description_dest_side($p_relationship->type); } # related bug not existing... if (!bug_exists($t_related_bug_id)) { return ''; } # user can access to the related bug at least as a viewer if (!access_has_bug_level(VIEWER, $t_related_bug_id)) { return ''; } if ($p_html_preview == false) { $t_td = '<td>'; } else { $t_td = '<td class="print">'; } # get the information from the related bug and prepare the link $t_bug = bug_get($t_related_bug_id, false); $t_status_string = get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id); $t_resolution_string = get_enum_element('resolution', $t_bug->resolution, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id); $t_relationship_info_html = $t_td . string_no_break($t_relationship_descr) . ' </td>'; if ($p_html_preview == false) { $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><a href="' . string_get_bug_view_url($t_related_bug_id) . '">' . string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id)) . '</a></td>'; $t_relationship_info_html .= '<td><span class="issue-status" title="' . string_attribute($t_resolution_string) . '">' . string_display_line($t_status_string) . '</span></td>'; } else { $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id)) . '</td>'; $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line($t_status_string) . ' </td>'; } $t_relationship_info_text = utf8_str_pad($t_relationship_descr, 20); $t_relationship_info_text .= utf8_str_pad(bug_format_id($t_related_bug_id), 8); # get the handler name of the related bug $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td; if ($t_bug->handler_id > 0) { $t_relationship_info_html .= string_no_break(prepare_user_name($t_bug->handler_id)); } $t_relationship_info_html .= ' </td>'; # add project name if ($p_show_project) { $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line($t_related_project_name) . ' </td>'; } # add summary if ($p_html == true) { $t_relationship_info_html .= $t_td . string_display_line_links($t_bug->summary); if (VS_PRIVATE == $t_bug->view_state) { $t_relationship_info_html .= sprintf(' <img src="%s" alt="(%s)" title="%s" />', $t_icon_path . 'protected.gif', lang_get('private'), lang_get('private')); } } else { if (utf8_strlen($t_bug->summary) <= $t_summary_wrap_at) { $t_relationship_info_text .= string_email_links($t_bug->summary); } else { $t_relationship_info_text .= utf8_substr(string_email_links($t_bug->summary), 0, $t_summary_wrap_at - 3) . '...'; } } # add delete link if bug not read only and user has access level if (!bug_is_readonly($p_bug_id) && !current_user_is_anonymous() && $p_html_preview == false) { if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('update_bug_threshold'), $p_bug_id)) { $t_relationship_info_html .= ' [<a class="small" href="bug_relationship_delete.php?bug_id=' . $p_bug_id . '&rel_id=' . $p_relationship->id . htmlspecialchars(form_security_param('bug_relationship_delete')) . '">' . lang_get('delete_link') . '</a>]'; } } $t_relationship_info_html .= ' </td>'; $t_relationship_info_text .= "\n"; if ($p_html_preview == false) { # choose color based on status $t_status_label = html_get_status_css_class($t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id); $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr class="' . $t_status_label . '">' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>' . "\n"; } else { $t_relationship_info_html = '<tr>' . $t_relationship_info_html . '</tr>'; } if ($p_html == true) { return $t_relationship_info_html; } else { return $t_relationship_info_text; } }
/** * allows bug deletion : * delete the bug, bugtext, bugnote, and bugtexts selected * @param array p_bug_id integer representing bug id * @return bool (always true) * @access public */ function bug_delete($p_bug_id) { $c_bug_id = (int) $p_bug_id; $t_bug_table = db_get_table('mantis_bug_table'); $t_bug_text_table = db_get_table('mantis_bug_text_table'); # call pre-deletion custom function helper_call_custom_function('issue_delete_validate', array($p_bug_id)); # log deletion of bug history_log_event_special($p_bug_id, BUG_DELETED, bug_format_id($p_bug_id)); email_bug_deleted($p_bug_id); # call post-deletion custom function. We call this here to allow the custom function to access the details of the bug before # they are deleted from the database given it's id. The other option would be to move this to the end of the function and # provide it with bug data rather than an id, but this will break backward compatibility. helper_call_custom_function('issue_delete_notify', array($p_bug_id)); # Unmonitor bug for all users bug_unmonitor($p_bug_id, null); # Delete custom fields custom_field_delete_all_values($p_bug_id); # Delete bugnotes bugnote_delete_all($p_bug_id); # Delete all sponsorships sponsorship_delete_all($p_bug_id); # MASC RELATIONSHIP # we delete relationships even if the feature is currently off. relationship_delete_all($p_bug_id); # MASC RELATIONSHIP # Delete files file_delete_attachments($p_bug_id); # Detach tags tag_bug_detach_all($p_bug_id, false); # Delete the bug history history_delete($p_bug_id); # Delete bug info revisions bug_revision_delete($p_bug_id); # Delete the bugnote text $t_bug_text_id = bug_get_field($p_bug_id, 'bug_text_id'); $query = "DELETE FROM {$t_bug_text_table}\n\t\t\t\t WHERE id=" . db_param(); db_query_bound($query, array($t_bug_text_id)); # Delete the bug entry $query = "DELETE FROM {$t_bug_table}\n\t\t\t\t WHERE id=" . db_param(); db_query_bound($query, array($c_bug_id)); bug_clear_cache($p_bug_id); bug_text_clear_cache($p_bug_id); # db_query errors on failure so: return true; }
} # Relationship (in case of cloned bug creation...) if ($f_master_bug_id > 0) { ?> <tr> <th class="category"> <?php echo lang_get('relationship_with_parent'); ?> </th> <td> <?php relationship_list_box(config_get('default_bug_relationship_clone'), 'rel_type', false, true); ?> <?php echo '<strong>' . lang_get('bug') . ' ' . bug_format_id($f_master_bug_id) . '</strong>'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get('copy_from_parent'); ?> </td> <td> <label><input <?php echo helper_get_tab_index(); ?> type="checkbox" id="copy_notes_from_parent" name="copy_notes_from_parent" <?php
$tpl_form_title = lang_get('bug_view_title'); $tpl_wiki_link = config_get_global('wiki_enable') == ON ? 'wiki.php?id=' . $f_bug_id : ''; if (access_has_bug_level(config_get('view_history_threshold'), $f_bug_id)) { $tpl_history_link = "view.php?id={$f_bug_id}&history=1#history"; } else { $tpl_history_link = ''; } $tpl_show_reminder_link = !current_user_is_anonymous() && !bug_is_readonly($f_bug_id) && access_has_bug_level(config_get('bug_reminder_threshold'), $f_bug_id); $tpl_bug_reminder_link = 'bug_reminder_page.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id; $tpl_print_link = 'print_bug_page.php?bug_id=' . $f_bug_id; $tpl_top_buttons_enabled = !$tpl_force_readonly && ($t_action_button_position == POSITION_TOP || $t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTH); $tpl_bottom_buttons_enabled = !$tpl_force_readonly && ($t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTTOM || $t_action_button_position == POSITION_BOTH); $tpl_show_project = in_array('project', $t_fields); $tpl_project_name = $tpl_show_project ? string_display_line(project_get_name($tpl_bug->project_id)) : ''; $tpl_show_id = in_array('id', $t_fields); $tpl_formatted_bug_id = $tpl_show_id ? string_display_line(bug_format_id($f_bug_id)) : ''; $tpl_show_date_submitted = in_array('date_submitted', $t_fields); $tpl_date_submitted = $tpl_show_date_submitted ? date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $tpl_bug->date_submitted) : ''; $tpl_show_last_updated = in_array('last_updated', $t_fields); $tpl_last_updated = $tpl_show_last_updated ? date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $tpl_bug->last_updated) : ''; $tpl_show_tags = in_array('tags', $t_fields) && access_has_global_level(config_get('tag_view_threshold')); $tpl_bug_overdue = bug_is_overdue($f_bug_id); $tpl_show_view_state = in_array('view_state', $t_fields); $tpl_bug_view_state_enum = $tpl_show_view_state ? string_display_line(get_enum_element('view_state', $tpl_bug->view_state)) : ''; $tpl_show_due_date = in_array('due_date', $t_fields) && access_has_bug_level(config_get('due_date_view_threshold'), $f_bug_id); if ($tpl_show_due_date) { if (!date_is_null($tpl_bug->due_date)) { $tpl_bug_due_date = date(config_get('normal_date_format'), $tpl_bug->due_date); } else { $tpl_bug_due_date = ''; }