/** * основная статистика кликов и показов */ public function indexAction() { global $admintitle, $adminpath, $structure; $admintitle = cot::$L['brs_tracks']; $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs', 'n' => 'track')), cot::$L['brs_tracks']); $sortFields = array('b.title' => cot::$L['Title'], 'b.category' => cot::$L['Category'], 'b.client' => cot::$L['brs_client'], 't.type' => cot::$L['Type'], 't.track_count' => cot::$L['Count'], 't.date' => cot::$L['Date']); $sort = cot_import('s', 'G', 'TXT'); // order field name $way = cot_import('w', 'G', 'ALP', 4); // order way (asc, desc) $f = cot_import('f', 'G', 'ARR'); // filters $f['date_from'] = cot_import_date('f_df', true, false, 'G'); $f['date_to'] = cot_import_date('f_dt', true, false, 'G'); $maxrowsperpage = cot::$cfg['maxrowsperpage']; if ($maxrowsperpage < 1) { $maxrowsperpage = 1; } list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxrowsperpage); //page number for banners list $sort = empty($sort) ? 't.date' : $sort; $way = empty($way) || !in_array($way, array('asc', 'desc')) ? 'desc' : $way; $urlParams = array('m' => 'brs', 'n' => 'track'); if ($sort != 't.date') { $urlParams['s'] = $sort; } if ($way != 'desc') { $urlParams['w'] = $way; } $where = array(); $params = array(); if (!empty($f)) { foreach ($f as $key => $val) { $val = trim(cot_import($val, 'D', 'TXT')); if (empty($val) && $val !== '0') { continue; } if (in_array($key, array('b.title'))) { $kkey = str_replace('.', '_', $key); $params[$kkey] = "%{$val}%"; $where['filter'][] = "{$key} LIKE :{$kkey}"; $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val; } elseif ($key == 'date_from') { if ($f[$key] == 0) { continue; } $where['filter'][] = "t.date >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $f[$key]) . "'"; $urlParams["f_df[year]"] = cot_date('Y', $f[$key]); $urlParams["f_df[month]"] = cot_date('m', $f[$key]); $urlParams["f_df[day]"] = cot_date('d', $f[$key]); } elseif ($key == 'date_to') { if ($f[$key] == 0) { continue; } $where['filter'][] = "t.date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $f[$key]) . "'"; $urlParams["f_dt[year]"] = cot_date('Y', $f[$key]); $urlParams["f_dt[month]"] = cot_date('m', $f[$key]); $urlParams["f_dt[day]"] = cot_date('d', $f[$key]); } else { $kkey = str_replace('.', '_', $key); $params[$kkey] = $val; $where['filter'][] = "{$key} = :{$kkey}"; $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val; } } empty($where['filter']) || ($where['filter'] = implode(' AND ', $where['filter'])); } else { $f = array(); } $orderby = "{$sort} {$way}"; $where = array_filter($where); $where = $where ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : ''; $sql = "SELECT `t`.`date`, `t`.`type` , `t`.`track_count`, `t`.`banner`, b.title, b.category, cl.title as client_title,\n cl.id as client_id\n FROM " . cot::$db->banner_tracks . " AS t\n LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banners . " AS b ON b.id=t.banner\n LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banner_clients . " AS cl ON cl.id=b.client\n {$where} ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$d}, {$maxrowsperpage}"; $sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n FROM " . cot::$db->banner_tracks . " AS t\n LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banners . " AS b ON b.id=t.banner\n LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banner_clients . " AS cl ON cl.id=b.client\n {$where}"; $totallines = cot::$db->query($sqlCount, $params)->fetchColumn(); $sqllist = cot::$db->query($sql, $params); // Без Ajax, а то дата пропадает (UI datetime) $pagenav = cot_pagenav('admin', $urlParams, $d, $totallines, $maxrowsperpage); $track_types = array(1 => cot::$L['brs_impressions'], 2 => cot::$L['brs_clicks']); $items = $sqllist->fetchAll(); if ($items) { foreach ($items as $key => $itemRow) { $items[$key]['categoryTitle'] = ''; if (!empty($itemRow['category']) && !empty($structure['brs'][$itemRow['category']])) { $items[$key]['categoryTitle'] = $structure['brs'][$itemRow['category']]['title']; } $items[$key]['track_typeTitle'] = $track_types[$itemRow['type']]; } } $clients = brs_model_Client::keyValPairs(); if (!$clients) { $clients = array(); } $filterForm = array('hidden' => cot_inputbox('hidden', 'n', 'track'), 'title' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'f[b.title]', $f['b.title']), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('title')), 'category' => array('element' => brs_selectbox_structure('brs', $f['b.category'], 'f[b.category]', '', false, false, true), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('category')), 'client' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['b.client'], 'f[b.client]', array_keys($clients), array_values($clients)), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('client')), 'type' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['t.type'], 'f[t.type]', array_keys($track_types), array_values($track_types)), 'label' => cot::$L['Type']), 'date_from' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date($f['date_from'], 'short', 'f_df'), 'label' => cot::$L['brs_from']), 'date_to' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date($f['date_to'], 'short', 'f_dt'), 'label' => cot::$L['brs_to']), 'sort' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($sort, 's', array_keys($sortFields), array_values($sortFields), false), 'label' => cot::$L['adm_sort']), 'way' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($way, 'w', array('asc', 'desc'), array(cot::$L['Ascending'], cot::$L['Descending']), false))); if (isset(cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']) && cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']['preset'] != 'handy') { $filterForm['hidden'] .= cot_inputbox('hidden', 'm', 'brs'); } $template = array('brs', 'admin', 'track'); $view = new View(); $view->page_title = $admintitle; $view->fistNumber = $d + 1; $view->items = $items; $view->clients = $clients; $view->track_types = $track_types; $view->totalitems = $totallines; $view->filterForm = $filterForm; $view->pagenav = $pagenav; // $view->addNewUrl = $addNewUrl; $view->urlParams = $urlParams; $view->filter = $f; /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('brs.admin.track.view') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ return $view->render($template); }
/** * Панель управления * Список баннеров */ public function indexAction() { global $admintitle, $adminpath; $admintitle = cot::$L['brs_banners']; $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs')), cot::$L['brs_banners']); $sortFields = array('id' => 'ID', 'title' => cot::$L['Title'], 'category' => cot::$L['Category'], 'published' => cot::$L['brs_published'], 'client' => cot::$L['brs_client'], 'impressions' => cot::$L['brs_impressions'], 'clicks' => cot::$L['brs_clicks'], 'publish_up' => cot::$L['brs_publish_up'], 'publish_down' => cot::$L['brs_publish_down']); $sort = cot_import('s', 'G', 'ALP'); // order field name $way = cot_import('w', 'G', 'ALP', 4); // order way (asc, desc) $f = cot_import('f', 'G', 'ARR'); // filters $maxrowsperpage = cot::$cfg['maxrowsperpage']; if ($maxrowsperpage < 1) { $maxrowsperpage = 1; } list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxrowsperpage); //page number for banners list $sort = empty($sort) ? 'title' : $sort; $way = empty($way) || !in_array($way, array('asc', 'desc')) ? 'asc' : $way; $urlParams = array('m' => 'brs'); if ($sort != 'title') { $urlParams['s'] = $sort; } if ($way != 'asc') { $urlParams['w'] = $way; } $condition = array(); if (!empty($f)) { foreach ($f as $key => $val) { $val = trim(cot_import($val, 'D', 'TXT')); if (empty($val) && $val !== '0') { continue; } if (in_array($key, array('title'))) { $condition[] = array($key, "*{$val}*"); $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val; } else { $condition[] = array($key, $val); $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val; } } } else { $f = array(); } $totallines = brs_model_Banner::count($condition); $items = brs_model_Banner::find($condition, $maxrowsperpage, $d, $sort . ' ' . $way); $pagenav = cot_pagenav('admin', $urlParams, $d, $totallines, $maxrowsperpage, 'd', '', true); $template = array('brs', 'admin', 'list'); $clients = brs_model_Client::keyValPairs(); if (!$clients) { $clients = array(); } $filterForm = array('hidden' => '', 'title' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'f[title]', $f['title']), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('title')), 'category' => array('element' => brs_selectbox_structure('brs', $f['category'], 'f[category]', '', false, false, true), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('category')), 'client' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['client'], 'f[client]', array_keys($clients), array_values($clients)), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('client')), 'published' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['published'], 'f[published]', array(0, 1), array(cot::$L['No'], cot::$L['Yes'])), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('published')), 'sort' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($sort, 's', array_keys($sortFields), array_values($sortFields), false), 'label' => cot::$L['adm_sort']), 'way' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($way, 'w', array('asc', 'desc'), array(cot::$L['Ascending'], cot::$L['Descending']), false))); if (isset(cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']) && cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']['preset'] != 'handy') { $filterForm['hidden'] .= cot_inputbox('hidden', 'm', 'brs'); } $view = new View(); $view->page_title = $admintitle; $view->fistNumber = $d + 1; $view->items = $items; $view->clients = $clients; $view->totalitems = $totallines; $view->filterForm = $filterForm; $view->pagenav = $pagenav; // $view->addNewUrl = $addNewUrl; $view->urlParams = $urlParams; $view->filter = $f; /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('brs.admin.list.view') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ return $view->render($template); }