Exemple #1
 private function install()
     global $wpdb;
     $sql = array();
     $charset_collate = '';
     //check if tables exist,
     //just update one table in that case
     require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
     /* BuddyPress component DB schema */
     if (!empty($wpdb->charset)) {
         $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$wpdb->charset}";
     $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     $bp_chat = bp_chat();
     $sql_table_exists_check = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $bp_prefix . "_bp_chat_%'";
     if ($wpdb->get_col($sql_table_exists_check)) {
         ////just update the user table
         $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE {$bp_chat->table_name_users} MODIFY last_active_time DATETIME ";
     } else {
         //if tables do not exist
         $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_chat->table_name_users} (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tis_online tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlast_active_time datetime NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstatus_message varchar(255) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlast_fetch_time datetime NOT NULL ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfriends_only tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (user_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  ) {$charset_collate};";
         $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_chat->table_name_channels} (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlast_message_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttime_created datetime NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstatus tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tis_multichat tinyint(3) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tis_open tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t ) {$charset_collate};";
         $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_chat->table_name_channel_users} (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tchannel_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tuser_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstatus varchar(32) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\thas_initiated tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY channel_id (channel_id,user_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t   ) {$charset_collate};";
         //meta data
         $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_chat->table_name_messages} (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsender_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tchannel_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmessage text NOT NULL,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsent_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (id),\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY channel_id (channel_id)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t ) {$charset_collate};";
     //execute sql
     update_site_option('bp-chat-db-version', BP_CHAT_DB_VERSION);
Exemple #2
 private function setup_table_names()
     $table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     $this->table_name_users = $table_prefix . 'bp_chat_users';
     $this->table_name_channels = $table_prefix . 'bp_chat_channels';
     $this->table_name_channel_users = $table_prefix . 'bp_chat_channel_users';
     $this->table_name_messages = $table_prefix . 'bp_chat_messages';
  * Set up component global data.
  * @since BuddyPress (1.9.0)
  * @see BP_Component::setup_globals() for a description of arguments.
  * @param array $args See BP_Component::setup_globals() for a description.
 public function setup_globals($args = array())
     // Define a slug, if necessary
     if (!defined('BP_NOTIFICATIONS_SLUG')) {
         define('BP_NOTIFICATIONS_SLUG', $this->id);
     // Global tables for the notifications component
     $global_tables = array('table_name' => bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_notifications');
     // All globals for the notifications component.
     // Note that global_tables is included in this array.
     $args = array('slug' => BP_NOTIFICATIONS_SLUG, 'has_directory' => false, 'search_string' => __('Search Notifications...', 'buddypress'), 'global_tables' => $global_tables);
function mpp_upgrade_legacy_1_0_b1_activity()
    if (get_option('mpp_upgraded_1_0_b1')) {
        //already upgraded
    add_option('mpp_upgraded_1_0_b1', 1);
    if (!get_option('mpp-settings')) {
        //mediapress was not installed earlier
    if (!function_exists('buddypress')) {
    global $wpdb;
    $activity_table = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity_meta';
    //rename _mpp_attached_media_ids key tp _mpp_attached_media_id
    $sql = "UPDATE {$activity_table} SET meta_key = '_mpp_attached_media_id' WHERE meta_key = '_mpp_attached_media_ids'";
    //add context to all Media comments
    $update_query = "INSERT INTO {$activity_table} (activity_id, meta_key, meta_value) \n\t\t\tSELECT  activity_id, %s as meta_key, %s as meta_value FROM {$activity_table} where meta_key ='_mpp_galery_id'";
    //update the context? should we?
    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($update_query, '_mpp_context', 'gallery'));
    //update type
    $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($update_query, '_mpp_activity_type', 'media_upload'));
    //for media comments
    //$entries = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT activity_id, meta_value FROM {$activity_table} WHERE meta_key = '_mpp_media_id'" );
    $entries = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT activity_id, meta_value FROM {$activity_table} WHERE meta_key = '_mpp_media_id'");
    $media_ids = wp_list_pluck($entries, 'meta_value');
    //comments are there
    if (!empty($media_ids)) {
        _prime_post_caches($media_ids, false, false);
        //add parent gallery id for each of the media
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $media = get_post($entry->meta_value);
            mpp_activity_update_gallery_id($entry->activity_id, $media->post_parent);
        //update context to 'media'
        $update_query = "INSERT INTO {$activity_table} (activity_id, meta_key, meta_value) \n\t\t\tSELECT  activity_id, %s as meta_key, %s as meta_value FROM {$activity_table} WHERE meta_key ='_mpp_media_id'";
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($update_query, '_mpp_activity_type', 'media_comment'));
        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($update_query, '_mpp_activity_type', 'media'));
  * Set up bp-members global settings.
  * The BP_MEMBERS_SLUG constant is deprecated, and only used here for
  * backwards compatibility.
  * @since 1.5.0
  * @see BP_Component::setup_globals() for description of parameters.
  * @param array $args See {@link BP_Component::setup_globals()}.
 public function setup_globals($args = array())
     global $wpdb;
     $bp = buddypress();
     /** Component Globals ************************************************
     // Define a slug, as a fallback for backpat.
     if (!defined('BP_MEMBERS_SLUG')) {
         define('BP_MEMBERS_SLUG', $this->id);
     // Override any passed args.
     $args = array('slug' => BP_MEMBERS_SLUG, 'root_slug' => isset($bp->pages->members->slug) ? $bp->pages->members->slug : BP_MEMBERS_SLUG, 'has_directory' => true, 'directory_title' => _x('Members', 'component directory title', 'buddypress'), 'search_string' => __('Search Members...', 'buddypress'), 'global_tables' => array('table_name_last_activity' => bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity', 'table_name_signups' => $wpdb->base_prefix . 'signups'));
     /** Logged in user ***************************************************
     // The core userdata of the user who is currently logged in.
     $bp->loggedin_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     // Fetch the full name for the logged in user.
     $bp->loggedin_user->fullname = isset($bp->loggedin_user->userdata->display_name) ? $bp->loggedin_user->userdata->display_name : '';
     // Hits the DB on single WP installs so get this separately.
     $bp->loggedin_user->is_super_admin = $bp->loggedin_user->is_site_admin = is_super_admin(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     // The domain for the user currently logged in. eg: http://example.com/members/andy.
     $bp->loggedin_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     /** Displayed user ***************************************************
     // The core userdata of the user who is currently being displayed.
     $bp->displayed_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata(bp_displayed_user_id());
     // Fetch the full name displayed user.
     $bp->displayed_user->fullname = isset($bp->displayed_user->userdata->display_name) ? $bp->displayed_user->userdata->display_name : '';
     // The domain for the user currently being displayed.
     $bp->displayed_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain(bp_displayed_user_id());
     /** Signup ***********************************************************
     $bp->signup = new stdClass();
     /** Profiles Fallback ************************************************
     if (!bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
         $bp->profile = new stdClass();
         $bp->profile->slug = 'profile';
         $bp->profile->id = 'profile';
 * Install database tables for the Sites component
 * @since BuddyPress (1.0.0)
 * @uses bp_core_set_charset()
 * @uses bp_core_get_table_prefix()
 * @uses dbDelta()
function bp_core_install_blog_tracking()
    $sql = array();
    $charset_collate = bp_core_set_charset();
    $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_user_blogs (\n\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\tuser_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tblog_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tKEY user_id (user_id),\n\t\t\t\tKEY blog_id (blog_id)\n\t\t\t) {$charset_collate};";
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_user_blogs_blogmeta (\n\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\tblog_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tmeta_key varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tmeta_value longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tKEY blog_id (blog_id),\n\t\t\t\tKEY meta_key (meta_key(191))\n\t\t\t) {$charset_collate};";
 * Perform database operations that must take place before the general schema upgrades.
 * `dbDelta()` cannot handle certain operations - like changing indexes - so we do it here instead.
 * @since 2.3.0
function bp_pre_schema_upgrade()
    global $wpdb;
    $raw_db_version = (int) bp_get_db_version_raw();
    $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    // 2.3.0: Change index lengths to account for utf8mb4.
    if ($raw_db_version < 9695) {
        // table_name => columns.
        $tables = array($bp_prefix . 'bp_activity_meta' => array('meta_key'), $bp_prefix . 'bp_groups_groupmeta' => array('meta_key'), $bp_prefix . 'bp_messages_meta' => array('meta_key'), $bp_prefix . 'bp_notifications_meta' => array('meta_key'), $bp_prefix . 'bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' => array('meta_key'), $bp_prefix . 'bp_xprofile_meta' => array('meta_key'));
        foreach ($tables as $table_name => $indexes) {
            foreach ($indexes as $index) {
                if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("SHOW TABLES LIKE %s", bp_esc_like($table_name)))) {
                    $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$table_name} DROP INDEX {$index}");
  * Create/update the BuddyPress profile field.
 function set_bp_xprofile_field($field_id, $user_id, $data)
     if (!defined('BP_VERSION')) {
         return true;
     $field_id = (int) $field_id;
     $user_id = (int) $user_id;
     if (!$field_id || !$user_id) {
         return false;
     //if (is_array($data)) $data = $data['name']; // For complex FB fields that return JSON objects
     if (is_array($data) && isset($data['name'])) {
         $data = $data['name'];
     } else {
         if (is_array($data) && isset($data[0]) && isset($data[0]['name'])) {
             $data = join(', ', array_map(create_function('$m', 'return $m["name"];'), $data));
     $data = apply_filters('wdfb-profile_sync-bp-field_value', $data, $field_id, $user_id);
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     // Don't waste cycles if we don't need to
     $tbl_pfx = function_exists('bp_core_get_table_prefix') ? bp_core_get_table_prefix() : apply_filters('bp_core_get_table_prefix', $this->db->base_prefix);
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$tbl_pfx}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id={$field_id} AND user_id={$user_id}";
     $id = $this->db->get_var($sql);
     if ($id) {
         $sql = "UPDATE {$tbl_pfx}bp_xprofile_data SET value='" . $data . "' WHERE id={$id}";
     } else {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tbl_pfx}bp_xprofile_data (field_id, user_id, value, last_updated) VALUES (" . (int) $field_id . ', ' . (int) $user_id . ", '" . $data . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')";
     return $this->db->query($sql);
function buddypress_f_p_c_notice()
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $user_id = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
        $current_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $redirect_url = buddypress_get_redirect_url($user_id);
        if (strpos($current_url, $redirect_url) !== false) {
            global $wpdb;
            $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
            $xprofile_fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `name` FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_fields WHERE parent_id = 0 AND is_required = 1 AND id NOT IN (SELECT field_id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND `value` IS NOT NULL AND `value` != '')");
            $xprofile_fields_count = count($xprofile_fields);
            if ($xprofile_fields_count > 0) {
                // Assigning notification message in $message variable
                $message = '<div id="buddypress_fpc_message" style="color: white; font-size: 18px;font-variant: small-caps;">' . __('Complete Your Missed Profile Completion', 'Buddypress Force Profile Completion') . ' [' . $xprofile_fields_count . __(' Missing', 'Buddypress Force Profile Completion') . ']</div>';
                $message .= '<ol id="buddypress_fpc_fields" class="msg_class">';
                foreach ($xprofile_fields as $field) {
                    $message .= '<li>' . $field->name . $field->description . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span>Required Field !</span></li>';
                $message .= '</ol>';
                echo '<div id="buddypress_fpc_notice" class="notice_msg foot_1"><div id="buddypress_fpc_container" class="red">' . $message . '</div></div>';
Exemple #10
function bpdd_clear_db()
    global $wpdb;
    $prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    if (bp_is_active('activity')) {
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_activity;";
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_activity_meta;";
    if (bp_is_active('groups')) {
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_groups;";
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_groups_members;";
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_groups_groupmeta;";
    if (bp_is_active('messages')) {
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_messages_recipients;";
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_messages_messages;";
    if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_friends;";
    if (bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
        $sqls[] = "DELETE FROM {$prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE user_id > 1;";
    if (bp_is_active('forums') && bp_forums_is_installed_correctly()) {
        $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bb_posts;";
        $sqls[] = "DELETE FROM {$prefix}bb_forums WHERE forum_id > 1;";
    $sqls[] = "TRUNCATE TABLE {$prefix}bp_notifications;";
    $sqls[] = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users WHERE ID > 1;";
    $sqls[] = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta WHERE user_id > 1;";
    $sqls[] = "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'total_friend_count';";
    foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
  * @since	BuddyBoss 2.0
  * @todo: cache the amount of pics
 function setup_bp_menu()
     global $wpdb, $bp;
     if (!isset($bp->displayed_user->id)) {
     $photos_user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
     $activity_table = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity';
     $activity_meta_table = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity_meta';
     $groups_table = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_groups';
     // Prepare a SQL query to retrieve the activity posts
     // that have pictures associated with them
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as photo_count FROM {$activity_table} a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$activity_meta_table} am ON a.id = am.activity_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT activity_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM {$activity_meta_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t           WHERE meta_key = 'activityprivacy') am2 ON a.id = am2.activity_id\n\t  \t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT id FROM {$groups_table} WHERE status != 'public' ) grp ON a.item_id = grp.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.user_id = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (am.meta_key = 'buddyboss_pics_aid' OR am.meta_key = 'bboss_pics_aid')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (a.component != 'groups' || a.item_id != grp.id)";
     $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $photos_user_id);
     buddyboss_log(' MENU PHOTO COUNT SQL ');
     $photos_cnt = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
     /* Add 'Photos' to the main user profile navigation */
     bp_core_new_nav_item(array('name' => sprintf(__('Photos <span>%d</span>', 'buddyboss'), $photos_cnt), 'slug' => BUDDYBOSS_PICS_SLUG, 'position' => 80, 'screen_function' => 'buddyboss_pics_screen_picture_grid', 'default_subnav_slug' => 'my-gallery'));
     $buddyboss_pics_link = $bp->displayed_user->domain . BUDDYBOSS_PICS_SLUG . '/';
     bp_core_new_subnav_item(array('name' => __('Photos', 'buddyboss'), 'slug' => 'my-gallery', 'parent_slug' => BUDDYBOSS_PICS_SLUG, 'parent_url' => $buddyboss_pics_link, 'screen_function' => 'buddyboss_pics_screen_picture_grid', 'position' => 10));
  * Set up bp-core global settings.
  * Sets up a majority of the BuddyPress globals that require a minimal
  * amount of processing, meaning they cannot be set in the BuddyPress class.
  * @since BuddyPress (1.5.0)
  * @see BP_Component::setup_globals() for description of parameters.
  * @param array $args See {@link BP_Component::setup_globals()}.
 public function setup_globals($args = array())
     $bp = buddypress();
     /** Database **********************************************************/
     // Get the base database prefix
     if (empty($bp->table_prefix)) {
         $bp->table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     // The domain for the root of the site where the main blog resides
     if (empty($bp->root_domain)) {
         $bp->root_domain = bp_core_get_root_domain();
     // Fetches all of the core BuddyPress settings in one fell swoop
     if (empty($bp->site_options)) {
         $bp->site_options = bp_core_get_root_options();
     // The names of the core WordPress pages used to display BuddyPress content
     if (empty($bp->pages)) {
         $bp->pages = bp_core_get_directory_pages();
     /** Basic current user data *******************************************/
     // Logged in user is the 'current_user'
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     // The user ID of the user who is currently logged in.
     $bp->loggedin_user = new stdClass();
     $bp->loggedin_user->id = isset($current_user->ID) ? $current_user->ID : 0;
     /** Avatars ***********************************************************/
     // Fetches the default Gravatar image to use if the user/group/blog has no avatar or gravatar
     $bp->grav_default = new stdClass();
     $bp->grav_default->user = apply_filters('bp_user_gravatar_default', $bp->site_options['avatar_default']);
     $bp->grav_default->group = apply_filters('bp_group_gravatar_default', $bp->grav_default->user);
     $bp->grav_default->blog = apply_filters('bp_blog_gravatar_default', $bp->grav_default->user);
     // Notifications table. Included here for legacy purposes. Use
     // bp-notifications instead.
     $bp->core->table_name_notifications = $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_notifications';
      * Used to determine if user has admin rights on current content. If the
      * logged in user is viewing their own profile and wants to delete
      * something, is_item_admin is used. This is a generic variable so it
      * can be used by other components. It can also be modified, so when
      * viewing a group 'is_item_admin' would be 'true' if they are a group
      * admin, and 'false' if they are not.
     bp_update_is_item_admin(bp_user_has_access(), 'core');
     // Is the logged in user is a mod for the current item?
     bp_update_is_item_mod(false, 'core');
  * Upgrade method for the older BP message thread DB table.
  * @since 1.2.0
  * @todo We should remove this.  No one is going to upgrade from v1.1, right?
  * @return bool
 public static function update_tables()
     global $wpdb;
     $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     $errors = false;
     $threads = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_messages_threads");
     // Nothing to update, just return true to remove the table
     if (empty($threads)) {
         return true;
     $bp = buddypress();
     foreach ((array) $threads as $thread) {
         $message_ids = maybe_unserialize($thread->message_ids);
         if (!empty($message_ids)) {
             $message_ids = implode(',', $message_ids);
             // Add the thread_id to the messages table
             if (!$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$bp->messages->table_name_messages} SET thread_id = %d WHERE id IN ({$message_ids})", $thread->id))) {
                 $errors = true;
     return (bool) (!$errors);
Exemple #14
 function activity_privacy($sql, $select_sql, $from_sql, $where_sql, $sort, $pag_sql = '')
     if (is_rt_admin()) {
         return $sql;
     $sql = '';
     $where = '';
     global $bp, $wpdb;
     $rtmedia_model = new RTMediaModel();
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $user = get_current_user_id();
     } else {
         $user = 0;
     // admin has upgraded rtmedia activity so we can use rt_rtm_activity table for rtmedia related activity filters
     if ($this->can_use_rtm_ac_privacy()) {
         $rtmedia_activity_model = new RTMediaActivityModel();
         $where .= " ({$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy is NULL OR {$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy <= 0) ";
         if ($user) {
             $where .= "OR (({$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy=20)";
             $where .= " OR (a.user_id={$user} AND {$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy >= 40)";
             if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
                 if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
                     $friendship = new RTMediaFriends();
                     $friends = $friendship->get_friends_cache($user);
                     if (isset($friends) && !empty($friends)) {
                         $in_str_arr = array_fill(0, count($friends), '%d');
                         $in_str = join(',', $in_str_arr);
                         $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" OR ({$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy=40 AND a.user_id IN ({$in_str}) )", $friends);
                         // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
             $where .= ')';
         if (strpos($select_sql, 'SELECT DISTINCT') === false) {
             $select_sql = str_replace('SELECT', 'SELECT DISTINCT', $select_sql);
         $select_sql .= " ,{$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.privacy ";
         $from_sql = $wpdb->prepare(" FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} u ON a.user_id = u.ID LEFT JOIN {$rtmedia_activity_model->table_name} {$this->rtm_activity_table_alias} ON ( a.id = {$this->rtm_activity_table_alias}.activity_id and ra.blog_id = %d ) ", get_current_blog_id());
         // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
         // removed NOT EXISTS check for `rtmedia_privacy` activty meta value.
         // check git history for more details ;)
         $where_sql = $where_sql . " AND ({$where})";
         $newsql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$where_sql} ORDER BY a.date_recorded {$sort} {$pag_sql}";
     } else {
         $where .= ' (m.max_privacy is NULL OR m.max_privacy <= 0) ';
         if ($user) {
             $where .= 'OR ((m.max_privacy=20)';
             $where .= " OR (a.user_id={$user} AND m.max_privacy >= 40)";
             if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
                 if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
                     $friendship = new RTMediaFriends();
                     $friends = $friendship->get_friends_cache($user);
                     if (isset($friends) && !empty($friends)) {
                         $where .= " OR (m.max_privacy=40 AND a.user_id IN ('" . implode("','", $friends) . "'))";
             $where .= ')';
         if (function_exists('bp_core_get_table_prefix')) {
             $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
         } else {
             $bp_prefix = '';
         if (strpos($select_sql, 'SELECT DISTINCT') === false) {
             $select_sql = str_replace('SELECT', 'SELECT DISTINCT', $select_sql);
         $media_table = "SELECT *, max( privacy ) as max_privacy from {$rtmedia_model->table_name} group by activity_id";
         $from_sql = $wpdb->prepare(" FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} u ON a.user_id = u.ID LEFT JOIN ( {$media_table} ) m ON ( a.id = m.activity_id AND m.blog_id = %d ) ", get_current_blog_id());
         // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
         $where_sql = $where_sql . " AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT m.activity_id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_activity_meta m WHERE m.meta_key='rtmedia_privacy' AND m.activity_id=a.id) OR ( {$where} ) )";
         $newsql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$where_sql} ORDER BY a.date_recorded {$sort} {$pag_sql}";
     return $newsql;
Exemple #15
 * Manages plugin install and upgrade.
 * @since 2.0.2
 * @global object $bp BuddyPress global settings
 * @global nxtdb $nxtdb NXTClass database object
function dpa_install_and_upgrade()
    global $bp, $nxtdb;
    $version = get_site_option('achievements-db-version');
    if (false !== $version && ACHIEVEMENTS_DB_VERSION == $version) {
    if (!$version) {
        $version = 0;
    $charset_collate = !empty($nxtdb->charset) ? "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$nxtdb->charset}" : '';
    $table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    if ($version != ACHIEVEMENTS_DB_VERSION) {
        for ($i = $version; $i < ACHIEVEMENTS_DB_VERSION; $i++) {
            switch ($i) {
                case 0:
                    $sql = array();
                    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taction_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpicture_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taction_count SMALLINT NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescription text NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpoints int NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tis_active int(1) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tslug VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY action_id_is_active (action_id,is_active),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY slug (slug(20))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ) {$charset_collate};";
                    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements_unlocked (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tachievement_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tachieved_at DATETIME NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY user_id (user_id),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY achievement_id (achievement_id),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKEY user_achievement_ids (user_id,achievement_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ) {$charset_collate};";
                    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements_actions (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcategory TINYTEXT NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname text NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdescription text NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ) {$charset_collate};";
                    require_once ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
                    // Insert the default actions
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'blog', 'name' => 'comment_post', 'description' => __("The user writes a comment on a post or page.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'blog', 'name' => 'publish_post', 'description' => __("The user publishes a post or page.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'members', 'name' => 'friends_friendship_requested', 'description' => __("The user sends a friendship request to someone.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_invite_user', 'description' => __("The user invites someone to join a group.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_join_group', 'description' => __("The user joins a group.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_promoted_member', 'description' => __("The user promotes a group member to a moderator or administrator.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'messaging', 'name' => 'messages_message_sent', 'description' => __("The user sends or replies to a private message.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'profile', 'name' => 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'description' => __("The user updates their profile.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'profile', 'name' => 'bp_core_activated_user', 'description' => __("A new user activates their account.", 'dpa'));
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                    // Per-achievement settings: number of people who have unlocked it.
                    update_site_option('achievements_meta', array());
                    // 0 => array( 'no_of_unlocks' => 0 )
                case 1:
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("ALTER TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements ADD COLUMN site_id bigint(20) NOT NULL"));
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements", array('site_id' => BP_ROOT_BLOG), null, '%d');
                case 2:
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'profile', 'name' => 'xprofile_avatar_uploaded', 'description' => __("The user changes their profile's avatar.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'members', 'name' => 'friends_friendship_accepted', 'description' => __("The user accepts a friendship request from someone.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'members', 'name' => 'friends_friendship_rejected', 'description' => __("The user rejects a friendship request from someone.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'blog', 'name' => 'trashed_post', 'description' => __("The user trashes a post or page.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'messaging', 'name' => 'messages_delete_thread', 'description' => __("The user deletes a private message.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'members', 'name' => 'friends_friendship_deleted', 'description' => __("The user cancels a friendship.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_created_group', 'description' => __("The user creates a group.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_leave_group', 'description' => __("The user leaves a group.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_delete_group', 'description' => __("The user deletes a group.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_new_forum_topic', 'description' => __("The user creates a new group forum topic.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_new_forum_topic_post', 'description' => __("The user replies to a group forum topic.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_delete_group_forum_post', 'description' => __("The user deletes a group forum post.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_delete_group_forum_topic', 'description' => __("The user deletes a group forum topic.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_update_group_forum_post', 'description' => __("The user modifies a group forum post.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_update_group_forum_topic', 'description' => __("The user modifies a group forum topic.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'bp_groups_posted_update', 'description' => __("The user writes a message in a group's activity stream.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'profile', 'name' => 'bp_activity_posted_update', 'description' => __("The user writes a message in their activity stream.", 'dpa'));
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                case 3:
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'members', 'name' => 'bp_activity_comment_posted', 'description' => __("The user replies to any item in any activity stream.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'blog', 'name' => 'signup_finished', 'description' => __("The user creates a new site.", 'dpa'));
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                case 4:
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("CREATE INDEX name ON {$table_prefix}achievements (name(20))"));
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("CREATE INDEX action_id ON {$table_prefix}achievements (action_id)"));
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("CREATE INDEX description ON {$table_prefix}achievements (description(20))"));
                case 5:
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("ALTER TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements ADD COLUMN group_id bigint(20) NOT NULL"));
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements", array('group_id' => -1), null, '%d');
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("CREATE INDEX group_id ON {$table_prefix}achievements (group_id)"));
                case 6:
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('name' => 'bp_core_activated_user'), array('name' => 'bp_core_account_activated'), '%s');
                case 7:
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'achievements', 'name' => 'dpa_points_incremented', 'description' => __("The user is awarded points by unlocking an Achievement.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'achievements', 'name' => 'dpa_achievement_unlocked', 'description' => __("The user unlocks an Achievement.", 'dpa'));
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                case 8:
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'eventpress', 'name' => 'publish_ep_event', 'description' => __("The user publishes an event.", 'dpa'));
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'eventpress', 'name' => 'reg_approved_ep_reg', 'description' => __("The user registers to attend an event.", 'dpa'));
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                case 9:
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("ALTER TABLE {$table_prefix}achievements_actions ADD COLUMN is_group_action int(1) NOT NULL"));
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('is_group_action' => 0), null, '%d');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('is_group_action' => 1), array('category' => 'groups'), '%d');
                case 10:
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('name' => 'groups_create_group'), array('name' => 'groups_created_group'), '%s');
                case 11:
                    $actions = array();
                    $actions[] = array('category' => 'bpmoderation', 'name' => 'bp_moderation_content_status_changed', 'description' => __("When the reported content is moderated by an administrator", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0);
                    foreach ($actions as $action) {
                        $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", $action);
                case 12:
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'blog'), array('name' => 'bp_core_activated_user'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_new_forum_topic'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_new_forum_topic_post'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_delete_group_forum_post'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_delete_group_forum_topic'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_update_group_forum_post'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'forum'), array('name' => 'groups_update_group_forum_topic'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'activitystream'), array('name' => 'bp_groups_posted_update'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'activitystream'), array('name' => 'bp_activity_posted_update'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'activitystream'), array('name' => 'bp_activity_comment_posted'), '%s');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'multisite'), array('name' => 'signup_finished'), '%s');
                case 13:
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('is_group_action' => 0), array('name' => 'groups_create_group'), '%d');
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('is_group_action' => 0), array('name' => 'groups_delete_group'), '%d');
                case 14:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'bpprivacy', 'name' => 'bp_privacy_update_privacy_settings', 'description' => __("The user updates their privacy settings.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 15:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'activitystream', 'name' => 'bp_activity_add_user_favorite', 'description' => __("The user marks any item in any activity stream as a favourite.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'activitystream', 'name' => 'bp_activity_remove_user_favorite', 'description' => __("The user removes a favourited item from any activity stream.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 16:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'bpmoderation', 'name' => 'bp_moderation_content_flagged', 'description' => __("The user flags any content as inappropiate.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'bpmoderation', 'name' => 'bp_moderation_content_unflagged', 'description' => __("The user unflags content that was previously marked as inappropiate.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 17:
                    $nxtdb->update("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('name' => 'draft_to_publish'), array('name' => 'publish_post'), '%s');
                case 18:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_demoted_member', 'description' => __("The user demotes a group member from a moderator or administrator.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 1));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_banned_member', 'description' => __("The user bans a member from a group.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 1));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_unbanned_member', 'description' => __("The user unbans a member from a group.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 1));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_premote_member', 'description' => __("The user receives a promotion to group moderator or administrator.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 1));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'groups', 'name' => 'groups_demote_member', 'description' => __("The user receives a demotion from group moderator or administrator.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 1));
                case 19:
                    $nxtdb->query($nxtdb->prepare("CREATE INDEX is_active ON {$table_prefix}achievements (is_active)"));
                case 20:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddystream', 'name' => 'buddystream_twitter_activated', 'description' => __("The user succesfully authorises and connects to their Twitter account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddystream', 'name' => 'buddystream_facebook_activated', 'description' => __("The user succesfully authorises and connects to their Facebook account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 21:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddystream', 'name' => 'buddystream_lastfm_activated', 'description' => __("The user connects to their Last.fm account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddystream', 'name' => 'buddystream_youtube_activated', 'description' => __("The user connects to their YouTube account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddystream', 'name' => 'buddystream_flickr_activated', 'description' => __("The user connects to their Flickr account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 22:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'inviteanyone', 'name' => 'accepted_email_invite', 'description' => __("A new user activates their account.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'inviteanyone', 'name' => 'sent_email_invite', 'description' => __("The user invites someone to join the site.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 23:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddypresslinks', 'name' => 'bp_links_cast_vote_success', 'description' => __("The user votes on a link.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddypresslinks', 'name' => 'bp_links_delete_link', 'description' => __("The user deletes a link.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddypresslinks', 'name' => 'bp_links_posted_update', 'description' => __("The user writes a comment on a link.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 24:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'buddypresslinks', 'name' => 'bp_links_create_complete', 'description' => __("The user creates a link.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 25:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'jes', 'name' => 'events_event_create_complete', 'description' => __("The user creates an event.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'jes', 'name' => 'events_join_event', 'description' => __("The user registers to attend an event.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'jes', 'name' => 'events_leave_event', 'description' => __("The user cancels their registration to an event.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'jes', 'name' => 'events_event_deleted', 'description' => __("The user deletes an event.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
                case 26:
                    $nxtdb->insert("{$table_prefix}achievements_actions", array('category' => 'blog', 'name' => 'nxt_login', 'description' => __("The user logs in to the site.", 'dpa'), 'is_group_action' => 0));
        update_site_option('achievements-db-version', ACHIEVEMENTS_DB_VERSION);
 function setup_globals()
     global $bp;
     /** Database **********************************************************/
     // Get the base database prefix
     if (empty($bp->table_prefix)) {
         $bp->table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     // The domain for the root of the site where the main blog resides
     if (empty($bp->root_domain)) {
         $bp->root_domain = bp_core_get_root_domain();
     // Fetches all of the core BuddyPress settings in one fell swoop
     if (empty($bp->site_options)) {
         $bp->site_options = bp_core_get_root_options();
     // The names of the core NXTClass pages used to display BuddyPress content
     if (empty($bp->pages)) {
         $bp->pages = bp_core_get_directory_pages();
     /** Admin Bar *********************************************************/
     // Set the 'My Account' global to prevent debug notices
     $bp->my_account_menu_id = false;
     /** Component and Action **********************************************/
     // Used for overriding the 2nd level navigation menu so it can be used to
     // display custom navigation for an item (for example a group)
     $bp->is_single_item = false;
     // Sets up the array container for the component navigation rendered
     // by bp_get_nav()
     $bp->bp_nav = array();
     // Sets up the array container for the component options navigation
     // rendered by bp_get_options_nav()
     $bp->bp_options_nav = array();
     // Contains an array of all the active components. The key is the slug,
     // value the internal ID of the component.
     //$bp->active_components = array();
     /** Basic current user data *******************************************/
     // Logged in user is the 'current_user'
     $current_user = nxt_get_current_user();
     // The user ID of the user who is currently logged in.
     $bp->loggedin_user->id = $current_user->ID;
     /** Avatars ***********************************************************/
     // Fetches the default Gravatar image to use if the user/group/blog has no avatar or gravatar
     $bp->grav_default->user = apply_filters('bp_user_gravatar_default', $bp->site_options['avatar_default']);
     $bp->grav_default->group = apply_filters('bp_group_gravatar_default', $bp->grav_default->user);
     $bp->grav_default->blog = apply_filters('bp_blog_gravatar_default', $bp->grav_default->user);
     // Notifications Table
     $bp->core->table_name_notifications = $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_notifications';
      * Used to determine if user has admin rights on current content. If the
      * logged in user is viewing their own profile and wants to delete
      * something, is_item_admin is used. This is a generic variable so it
      * can be used by other components. It can also be modified, so when
      * viewing a group 'is_item_admin' would be 'true' if they are a group
      * admin, and 'false' if they are not.
     bp_update_is_item_admin(bp_user_has_access(), 'core');
     // Is the logged in user is a mod for the current item?
     bp_update_is_item_mod(false, 'core');
 function get_feed_activities($page = 0, $per_page = 20)
     global $bp, $wpdb, $buddyboss_ajax_qs;
     $min = $page > 0 ? ($page - 1) * $per_page : 0;
     $max = ($page + 1) * $per_page;
     $per_page = bp_get_activity_per_page();
     buddyboss_log("per page: {$per_page}");
     if (isset($bp->loggedin_user) && isset($bp->loggedin_user->id) && $bp->displayed_user->id == $bp->loggedin_user->id) {
         $myprofile = true;
     } else {
         $myprofile = false;
     $wpdb->show_errors = BUDDYBOSS_DEBUG;
     $user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
     $user_name = $bp->displayed_user->userdata->user_login;
     $filter = $bp->displayed_user->domain;
     buddyboss_log("Looking at {$user_id}");
     // Get friend's user IDs
     $user_ids = friends_get_friend_user_ids($user_id, false, false);
     // Add logged in user to news feed results
     // $user_ids[] = $user_id;
     $user_list = implode(',', $user_ids);
     // buddyboss_log( $friend_id_list );
     $table = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity';
     $table2 = bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity_meta';
     // Default WHERE
     $where = "WHERE ( {$table}.user_id IN ({$user_list}) AND {$table}.type != 'activity_comment' )";
     // Add when user joined a group
     $group_modifier = "OR ( {$table}.user_id = {$user_id} AND {$table}.component = 'groups' ) ";
     // If we have a filter enabled, let's handle that
     $ajax_qs = !empty($buddyboss_ajax_qs) ? wp_parse_args($buddyboss_ajax_qs) : false;
     if (is_array($ajax_qs) && isset($ajax_qs['action'])) {
         // Clear group modifier
         $group_modifier = '';
         $filter_qs = $ajax_qs['action'];
         // Check for commas and adjust
         if (strpos($filter_qs, ',')) {
             $filters = explode(',', $filter_qs);
         } else {
             $filters = (array) $filter_qs;
         // Clean each filter
         $filters_clean = array();
         foreach ($filters as $filter) {
             $filters_clean[] = $wpdb->escape($filter);
         $filter_sql = "AND ( {$table}.type='" . implode("' OR {$table}.type='", $filters_clean) . "' )";
         $where = "WHERE ( {$table}.user_id IN ({$user_list}) {$filter_sql} )";
     // Filter where SQL
     $where_filtered = apply_filters('buddyboss_wall_query_feed_activity_ids_where', $where);
     // Filter modifier SQL
     $group_filtered = apply_filters('buddyboss_wall_query_feed_activity_ids_groups', $group_modifier);
     // Build Query
     $query_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$table}.id FROM {$table} LEFT JOIN {$table2} ON {$table}.id = {$table2}.activity_id\n\t\t\t{$where_filtered}\n\t\t\t{$group_filtered}\n\t\t\tORDER BY date_recorded DESC LIMIT {$min}, 40";
     // Filter full query SQL
     $query_filtered = apply_filters('buddyboss_wall_query_feed_activity_ids_full', $query_sql);
     // Run query
     $activities = $wpdb->get_results($query_filtered, ARRAY_A);
     if (empty($activities)) {
         return null;
     $tmp = array();
     foreach ($activities as $a) {
         $tmp[] = $a["id"];
     $activity_list = implode(",", $tmp);
     return $activity_list;
Exemple #18
function update_bebop_status($deleted_ids)
    global $wpdb;
    foreach ($deleted_ids as $id) {
        $result = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT id FROM ' . bp_core_get_table_prefix() . "bp_bebop_oer_manager WHERE activity_stream_id = '" . $id . "'");
        if (!empty($result->id)) {
            bebop_tables::update_oer_data($result->id, 'status', 'deleted');
            bebop_tables::update_oer_data($result->id, 'activity_stream_id', '');
 function get_initial_import_feeds($user_id, $extension)
     global $wpdb;
     $return = array();
     $results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT value FROM ' . bp_core_get_table_prefix() . "bp_bebop_first_imports WHERE user_id = '" . $wpdb->escape($user_id) . "' AND extension = '" . $wpdb->escape($extension) . "'");
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $return[] = bebop_tables::sanitise_element($result->value);
     return $return;
 function search_and_replace($old, $new)
     global $wpdb;
     if (function_exists('bp_core_get_table_prefix')) {
         $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
     } else {
         $bp_prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
     $sql = $wpdb->prepare("update {$bp_prefix}bp_activity set action=replace(action,%s,%s) ,content=replace(content,%s,%s), primary_link=replace(primary_link,%s,%s) where id > 0;", $old, $new, $old, $new, $old, $new);
Exemple #21
 * bp_core_setup_globals()
 * Sets up default global BuddyPress configuration settings and stores
 * them in a $bp variable.
 * @package BuddyPress Core Core
 * @global $bp The global BuddyPress settings variable created in bp_core_setup_globals()
 * @global $current_user A WordPress global containing current user information
 * @global $current_component Which is set up in /bp-core/bp-core-catch-uri.php
 * @global $current_action Which is set up in /bp-core/bp-core-catch-uri.php
 * @global $action_variables Which is set up in /bp-core/bp-core-catch-uri.php
 * @uses bp_core_get_user_domain() Returns the domain for a user
function bp_core_setup_globals() {
	global $bp;
	global $current_user, $current_component, $current_action, $current_blog;
	global $displayed_user_id;
	global $action_variables;

	$current_user = wp_get_current_user();

	/* Get the base database prefix */
	$bp->table_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();

	/* The domain for the root of the site where the main blog resides */
	$bp->root_domain = bp_core_get_root_domain();

	/* The user ID of the user who is currently logged in. */
	$bp->loggedin_user->id = $current_user->ID;

	/* The domain for the user currently logged in. eg: http://domain.com/members/andy */
	$bp->loggedin_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain( $bp->loggedin_user->id );

	/* The core userdata of the user who is currently logged in. */
	$bp->loggedin_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata( $bp->loggedin_user->id );

	/* is_super_admin() hits the DB on single WP installs, so we need to get this separately so we can call it in a loop. */
	$bp->loggedin_user->is_super_admin = is_super_admin();
	$bp->loggedin_user->is_site_admin  = $bp->loggedin_user->is_super_admin; // deprecated 1.2.6

	/* The user id of the user currently being viewed, set in /bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php */
	$bp->displayed_user->id = $displayed_user_id;

	/* The domain for the user currently being displayed */
	$bp->displayed_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain( $bp->displayed_user->id );

	/* The core userdata of the user who is currently being displayed */
	$bp->displayed_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata( $bp->displayed_user->id );

	/* The component being used eg: http://domain.com/members/andy/ [profile] */
	$bp->current_component = $current_component; // type: string

	/* The current action for the component eg: http://domain.com/members/andy/profile/ [edit] */
	$bp->current_action = $current_action; // type: string

	/* The action variables for the current action eg: http://domain.com/members/andy/profile/edit/ [group] / [6] */
	$bp->action_variables = $action_variables; // type: array

	/* Only used where a component has a sub item, e.g. groups: http://domain.com/members/andy/groups/ [my-group] / home - manipulated in the actual component not in catch uri code.*/
	$bp->current_item = ''; // type: string

	/* Used for overriding the 2nd level navigation menu so it can be used to display custom navigation for an item (for example a group) */
	$bp->is_single_item = false;

	/* The default component to use if none are set and someone visits: http://domain.com/members/andy */
	if ( !defined( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT' ) ) {
		if ( defined( 'BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG' ) )
			$bp->default_component = BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG;
			$bp->default_component = 'profile';
	} else {
		$bp->default_component = BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT;

	/* Fetches all of the core database based BuddyPress settings in one foul swoop */
	$bp->site_options = bp_core_get_site_options();

	/* Sets up the array container for the component navigation rendered by bp_get_nav() */
	$bp->bp_nav = array();

	/* Sets up the array container for the component options navigation rendered by bp_get_options_nav() */
	$bp->bp_options_nav = array();

	/* Contains an array of all the active components. The key is the slug, value the internal ID of the component */
	$bp->active_components = array();

	/* Fetches the default Gravatar image to use if the user/group/blog has no avatar or gravatar */
	$bp->grav_default->user  = apply_filters( 'bp_user_gravatar_default', $bp->site_options['user-avatar-default'] );
	$bp->grav_default->group = apply_filters( 'bp_group_gravatar_default', 'identicon' );
	$bp->grav_default->blog  = apply_filters( 'bp_blog_gravatar_default', 'identicon' );

	/* Fetch the full name for the logged in and current user */
	$bp->loggedin_user->fullname  = bp_core_get_user_displayname( $bp->loggedin_user->id );
	$bp->displayed_user->fullname = bp_core_get_user_displayname( $bp->displayed_user->id );

	/* Used to determine if user has admin rights on current content. If the logged in user is viewing
	   their own profile and wants to delete something, is_item_admin is used. This is a
	   generic variable so it can be used by other components. It can also be modified, so when viewing a group
	   'is_item_admin' would be 1 if they are a group admin, 0 if they are not. */
	$bp->is_item_admin = bp_user_has_access();

	/* Used to determine if the logged in user is a moderator for the current content. */
	$bp->is_item_mod = false;

	$bp->core->table_name_notifications = $bp->table_prefix . 'bp_notifications';

	if ( !$bp->current_component && $bp->displayed_user->id )
		$bp->current_component = $bp->default_component;

	do_action( 'bp_core_setup_globals' );
 function activity_privacy($sql, $select_sql, $from_sql, $where_sql, $sort, $pag_sql = '')
     if (is_rt_admin()) {
         return $sql;
     $sql = '';
     $where = '';
     global $bp, $wpdb;
     $rtmedia_model = new RTMediaModel();
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $user = get_current_user_id();
     } else {
         $user = 0;
     $activity_upgrade_done = rtmedia_get_site_option('rtmedia_activity_done_upgrade');
     // admin has upgraded rtmedia activity so we can use rt_rtm_activity table for rtmedia related activity filters
     if ($activity_upgrade_done) {
         $rtmedia_activity_model = new RTMediaActivityModel();
         $where .= " (ra.privacy is NULL OR ra.privacy <= 0) ";
         if ($user) {
             $where .= "OR ((ra.privacy=20)";
             $where .= " OR (a.user_id={$user} AND ra.privacy >= 40)";
             if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
                 if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
                     $friendship = new RTMediaFriends();
                     $friends = $friendship->get_friends_cache($user);
                     if (isset($friends) && !empty($friends) != "") {
                         $where .= " OR (ra.privacy=40 AND a.user_id IN ('" . implode("','", $friends) . "'))";
             $where .= ')';
         if (function_exists("bp_core_get_table_prefix")) {
             $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
         } else {
             $bp_prefix = "";
         if (strpos($select_sql, "SELECT DISTINCT") === false) {
             $select_sql = str_replace("SELECT", "SELECT DISTINCT", $select_sql);
         $from_sql = " FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} u ON a.user_id = u.ID LEFT JOIN {$rtmedia_model->table_name} m ON ( a.id = m.activity_id AND m.blog_id = '" . get_current_blog_id() . "' ) LEFT JOIN {$rtmedia_activity_model->table_name} ra ON ( a.id = ra.activity_id and ra.blog_id = '" . get_current_blog_id() . "' ) ";
         $where_sql = $where_sql . " AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT m.activity_id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_activity_meta m WHERE m.meta_key='rtmedia_privacy' AND m.activity_id=a.id) OR ( {$where} ) )";
         $newsql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$where_sql} ORDER BY a.date_recorded {$sort} {$pag_sql}";
     } else {
         $where .= " (m.max_privacy is NULL OR m.max_privacy <= 0) ";
         if ($user) {
             $where .= "OR ((m.max_privacy=20)";
             $where .= " OR (a.user_id={$user} AND m.max_privacy >= 40)";
             if (class_exists('BuddyPress')) {
                 if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
                     $friendship = new RTMediaFriends();
                     $friends = $friendship->get_friends_cache($user);
                     if (isset($friends) && !empty($friends) != "") {
                         $where .= " OR (m.max_privacy=40 AND a.user_id IN ('" . implode("','", $friends) . "'))";
             $where .= ')';
         if (function_exists("bp_core_get_table_prefix")) {
             $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
         } else {
             $bp_prefix = "";
         if (strpos($select_sql, "SELECT DISTINCT") === false) {
             $select_sql = str_replace("SELECT", "SELECT DISTINCT", $select_sql);
         $media_table = "SELECT *, max( privacy ) as max_privacy from {$rtmedia_model->table_name} group by activity_id";
         $from_sql = " FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} a LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->users} u ON a.user_id = u.ID LEFT JOIN ( {$media_table} ) m ON ( a.id = m.activity_id AND m.blog_id = '" . get_current_blog_id() . "' ) ";
         $where_sql = $where_sql . " AND (NOT EXISTS (SELECT m.activity_id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_activity_meta m WHERE m.meta_key='rtmedia_privacy' AND m.activity_id=a.id) OR ( {$where} ) )";
         $newsql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$where_sql} ORDER BY a.date_recorded {$sort} {$pag_sql}";
     return $newsql;
  * Setup globals
  * The BP_MEMBERS_SLUG constant is deprecated, and only used here for
  * backwards compatibility.
  * @since BuddyPress (1.5)
 public function setup_globals($args = array())
     $bp = buddypress();
     // Define a slug, if necessary
     if (!defined('BP_MEMBERS_SLUG')) {
         define('BP_MEMBERS_SLUG', $this->id);
     $members_globals = array('slug' => BP_MEMBERS_SLUG, 'root_slug' => isset($bp->pages->members->slug) ? $bp->pages->members->slug : BP_MEMBERS_SLUG, 'has_directory' => true, 'directory_title' => _x('Members', 'component directory title', 'buddypress'), 'global_tables' => array('table_name_last_activity' => bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_activity', 'table_name_signups' => bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'signups'), 'search_string' => __('Search Members...', 'buddypress'));
     /** Logged in user ****************************************************/
     // Fetch the full name for the logged in user
     $bp->loggedin_user->fullname = bp_core_get_user_displayname(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     // Hits the DB on single WP installs so get this separately
     $bp->loggedin_user->is_super_admin = $bp->loggedin_user->is_site_admin = is_super_admin(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     // The domain for the user currently logged in. eg: http://domain.com/members/andy
     $bp->loggedin_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     // The core userdata of the user who is currently logged in.
     $bp->loggedin_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata(bp_loggedin_user_id());
     /** Displayed user ****************************************************/
     // The domain for the user currently being displayed
     $bp->displayed_user->domain = bp_core_get_user_domain(bp_displayed_user_id());
     // The core userdata of the user who is currently being displayed
     $bp->displayed_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata(bp_displayed_user_id());
     // Fetch the full name displayed user
     $bp->displayed_user->fullname = bp_core_get_user_displayname(bp_displayed_user_id());
     /** Signup ***************************************************/
     $bp->signup = new stdClass();
     /** Profiles Fallback *************************************************/
     if (!bp_is_active('xprofile')) {
         $bp->profile = new stdClass();
         $bp->profile->slug = 'profile';
         $bp->profile->id = 'profile';
     /** Default Profile Component *****************************************/
     if (!defined('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT')) {
         if (bp_is_active('activity') && isset($bp->pages->activity)) {
             $bp->default_component = bp_get_activity_slug();
         } else {
             $bp->default_component = 'xprofile' === $bp->profile->id ? 'profile' : $bp->profile->id;
     } else {
         $bp->default_component = BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT;
     if (bp_displayed_user_id()) {
         $bp->canonical_stack['base_url'] = bp_displayed_user_domain();
         if (bp_current_component()) {
             $bp->canonical_stack['component'] = bp_current_component();
         if (bp_current_action()) {
             $bp->canonical_stack['action'] = bp_current_action();
         if (!empty($bp->action_variables)) {
             $bp->canonical_stack['action_variables'] = bp_action_variables();
         if (!bp_current_component()) {
             $bp->current_component = $bp->default_component;
         } else {
             if (bp_is_current_component($bp->default_component) && !bp_current_action()) {
                 // The canonical URL will not contain the default component
         // if we're on a spammer's profile page, only users with the 'bp_moderate' cap
         // can view subpages on the spammer's profile
         // users without the cap trying to access a spammer's subnav page will get
         // redirected to the root of the spammer's profile page.  this occurs by
         // by removing the component in the canonical stack.
         if (bp_is_user_spammer(bp_displayed_user_id()) && !bp_current_user_can('bp_moderate')) {
function bp_update_db_stuff()
    $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    // Rename the old user activity cached table if needed.
    if ($nxtdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%{$bp_prefix}bp_activity_user_activity_cached%'")) {
        $nxtdb->query("RENAME TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_activity_user_activity_cached TO {$bp->activity->table_name}");
    // Rename fields from pre BP 1.2
    if ($nxtdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%{$bp->activity->table_name}%'")) {
        if ($nxtdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} LIKE 'component_action'")) {
            $nxtdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$bp->activity->table_name} CHANGE component_action type varchar(75) NOT NULL");
        if ($nxtdb->get_var("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$bp->activity->table_name} LIKE 'component_name'")) {
            $nxtdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$bp->activity->table_name} CHANGE component_name component varchar(75) NOT NULL");
    // On first installation - record all existing blogs in the system.
    if (!(int) $bp->site_options['bp-blogs-first-install']) {
        bp_update_option('bp-blogs-first-install', 1);
    if (is_multisite()) {
    // Update and remove the message threads table if it exists
    if ($nxtdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%{$bp_prefix}bp_messages_threads%'")) {
        $update = BP_Messages_Thread::update_tables();
        if ($update) {
            $nxtdb->query("DROP TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_messages_threads");
    bebop_tables::add_option('bebop_db_update_2', true);
//3 - hash secondary_item_ids
$update_3 = bebop_tables::get_option_value('bebop_db_update_3');
if (!$update_3) {
    $update_secondary_item_id = array();
    $results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT id, secondary_item_id FROM ' . bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_bebop_oer_manager');
    if (!empty($results)) {
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $update_secondary_item_id[] = array('indices' => array('id' => $result->id), 'data' => md5($result->secondary_item_id));
        $update_array = array('secondary_item_id' => $update_secondary_item_id);
        $update_string = array();
        foreach ($update_array as $key => $data) {
            $string = $key . ' = CASE ';
            foreach ($data as $update_data) {
                $indices_loop = array();
                foreach ($update_data['indices'] as $index_name => $index_data) {
                    $indices_loop[] = $index_name . ' = \'' . $index_data . '\'';
                $string .= 'WHEN ' . implode(' AND ', $indices_loop) . ' THEN  \'' . $update_data['data'] . '\' ';
            $update_string[] = $string . 'ELSE ' . $key . ' END';
        $query = implode(', ', $update_string);
        $update = $wpdb->get_results('UPDATE ' . bp_core_get_table_prefix() . 'bp_bebop_oer_manager SET ' . $query);
    bebop_tables::add_option('bebop_db_update_3', true);
bebop_tables::add_option('bebop_db_version', '1.3.1');