function show_search_form() { echo box_start("Registrer donasjon - Søk etter bruker", "small") . ' <form action="" method="post"> <dl class="dd_right"> <dt><input type="text" class="styled w150" name="value" value="' . htmlspecialchars(postval("value")) . '" /></dt> <dd>' . show_sbutton("ID", 'name="id"') . ' ' . show_sbutton("Bruker", 'name="user"') . ' ' . show_sbutton("E-post", 'name="email"') . '</dd> </dl> </form>' . box_end(); }
function display_dispositions() { global $connection; if (!isset($_GET['disposition_set'])) { if (!isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $_GET['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM job_members, jobs WHERE job_members.job_id = and job_members.user_id = " . sanitize($_GET['user_id']); $result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $result_dispositions = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM job_dispositions WHERE job_id = " . $row2['job_id']); if (mysqli_num_rows($result_dispositions) == 0) { } else { $x = 0; //echo "<table id=\"dispositions\">"; $closed = false; // Add disposition for rescheduling a call //echo "<tr>"; $x++; //echo "<td>"; echo '<button class="button_reschedule" onclick="reschedule();">'; //box_start(145); //echo "<center>"; /*?> <img src = "images/clock.png" alt="Reschedule Call"> <?*/ echo "Reschedule Call"; //box_end(); echo '</button>'; //echo "</td>"; while ($rowx = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_dispositions)) { if ($x == 0) { //echo "<tr>"; $closed = false; } $x++; //echo "<td>"; /* When you click a dispostion you need to do the following: 1. Check the current record is in the database ($row['new'] != 1) 2. Add an interraction for the current record 3. Remove the dispositions */ echo '<button class="buttonx" onclick="save_disposition(\'' . $rowx['id'] . '\');jQuery(\'#dispositions\').fadeOut(500);jQuery(\'#status_bar\').text(\'Disposition set to ' . $rowx['text'] . '\');jQuery(\'#status_bar\').fadeIn(2000);jQuery(\'#status_bar\').fadeOut(5000);">'; //box_start(135); //echo "<center>"; /*?> <img src = "images/database.png" > <?*/ echo ucfirst(strtolower($rowx['text'])); //box_end(); echo '</button>'; //echo "</td>"; if ($x > 5) { $x = 0; //echo "</tr>"; $closed = true; } //echo '</div></div>'; } if (!$closed) { //echo "</tr>"; } //echo "</table>"; } } else { box_start(); echo "You are not currently assigned to a job"; box_end(); } } }
jQuery('#range').change(function(){ //alert("x"); //alert($('#range').val()); if (jQuery('#range').val() == "date") { jQuery('#dateselect').show(); } else { jQuery('#dateselect').hide(); } }); }); </script> <?php box_end(); require "footer.php"; exit(0); } $result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT name FROM jobs WHERE id = " . sanitize($_POST['jobid'])); $name = mysqli_result($result, 0, 0); /* This is a two step process. Step one * */ $sql = "select * from campaign_stats where campaign_id = " . (100000 + $_POST['jobid']) . " and report_date = curdate() order by report_time desc limit 1"; $result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); $total = 0; $answered = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { //print_pre($row); $total += $row['new'];
public function box($content, $id = '') { return box_start($id) . $content . box_end(); }