function view_dates() { global $CFG, $USER; $rday = optional_param('rday', NULL, PARAM_INT); $rslot = optional_param('rslot', NULL, PARAM_INT); $delete = optional_param('delete', NULL, PARAM_INT); $resid = optional_param('resid', NULL, PARAM_INT); $uid = optional_param('uid', NULL, PARAM_INT); require_once "../../config.php"; $cmid = $this->cm->id; if (!($course = get_record('course', 'id', $this->cm->course))) { error('Course is misconfigured'); } $itemid = $this->bookings->itemid; $username = $USER->username; $UID = $USER->id; $firstname = $USER->firstname; $lastname = $USER->lastname; if ($firstname == '' or $lastname == '') { return ""; } $html .= '<form name=myform id=myform method=post action="view.php?id=' . $cmid . '">'; $proplist = bookings_item_properties($itemid); $days = explode(',', 'A,B,C,D,E,F'); $daylimits = array(); if (isset($proplist['days']) and $proplist['days'] != '') { $days = explode(',', $proplist['days']); $dag = 0; foreach ($days as $day) { list($dy, $lim) = explode(':', $day); // pick out optional size limit $days[$dag] = $dy; $daylimits[$dag] = (int) $lim; $dag++; } } $widthprcent = (int) (95 / count($days)); // default width $slots = explode(',', '1,2,3,4,5,6'); $slotlimits = array(); if (isset($proplist['slots']) and $proplist['slots'] != '') { $slots = explode(',', $proplist['slots']); $slt = 0; foreach ($slots as $slot) { list($sl, $lim) = explode(':', $slot); // pick out optional size limit $slots[$slt] = $sl; $slotlimits[$slt] = (int) $lim; $slt++; } } $multiple = 0; if (isset($proplist['multiple'])) { $multiple = (int) $proplist['multiple']; } $exclusive = 'non'; // many entries pr user if (isset($proplist['exclusive'])) { $exclusive = $proplist['exclusive']; } $can_edit = 1; // any user can make a booking if (isset($proplist['edit_group'])) { $can_edit = isadmin() ? 1 : 0; if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'teachers' and isteacherinanycourse($USER->id)) { $can_edit = 1; } else { if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'students') { $can_edit = 1; } else { $can_edit = isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) ? 1 : 0; // default is teachers can make a booking } } } $privilege = isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) ? isadmin() ? 2 : 1 : 0; /// here we fetch out all reservations $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND bookingid=' . $this->bookings->id; $reservation = array(); $daycount = array(); // count of reservations pr day (colcount) $slotcount = array(); // count of reservations pr slot (rowcount) $total = 0; if ($res = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($res as $re) { $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot][] = $re; $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot]->res = $re; $daycount[$re->day] += 1; $slotcount[$re->slot] += 1; $total++; } } /// this is where we make the reservation or delete reservations if ((isset($resid) and isset($uid) or isset($rday) and isset($rslot)) and $can_edit) { if (!isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) and !isadmin() and isset($reservation[$rday][$rslot])) { if ($uid != $UID) { // return; // assume an attempt to phreak the system with params } } /// exclusive decides if and how multiple bookings made by one user is handled /// default is that a user can book once in any available slot switch ($exclusive) { case 'row': /// only one booking pr row $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND userid=' . $UID . ' AND slot=' . $rslot; break; case 'rowcol': /// only one booking in this row+col $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND userid=' . $UID . ' AND (day=' . $rday . ' OR slot=' . $rslot . ')'; break; case 'col': /// only one booking pr col $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND userid=' . $UID . ' AND day=' . $rday; break; case 'all': /// only one booking $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND userid=' . $UID; break; default: $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND slot=' . $rslot . ' AND day=' . $rday . ' AND userid=' . $UID; } execute_sql($sql, 0); /// this removes multiple bookings by one person for a given slot (or all bookings if exclusive) if (isset($resid)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE id=' . $resid; execute_sql($sql, 0); } if (!isset($delete)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar (bookingid,name,value,userid,eventtype,slot,day) VALUES (' . $this->bookings->id . ',"' . $username . '","' . $username . '",' . $UID . ',"reservation",' . $rslot . ',' . $rday . ')'; execute_sql($sql, 0); } // have to refetch data $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND bookingid=' . $this->bookings->id; $reservation = array(); $daycount = array(); // count of reservations pr day (colcount) $slotcount = array(); // count of reservations pr slot (rowcount) $total = 0; // total number of reservations if ($res = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($res as $re) { $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot][] = $re; $daycount[$re->day] += 1; $slotcount[$re->slot] += 1; $total++; } } } $html .= '<div id="all">'; // now we draw up the table $table = array(); $lastrow = ''; if ($can_edit) { $baselink = '<a href="view.php?id=' . $cmid; } else { $baselink = ''; } $table[] = '<table border=1 width=100%>'; $table[] = '<tr><th width=5%> </th>'; $dag = 0; foreach ($days as $day) { if ($day == '') { continue; } $table[] = '<th>' . $day . '</th>'; $lastrow .= "<td>" . $daycount[$dag] . " </td>\n"; $dag++; } $table[] = '</tr>'; $time = 0; foreach ($slots as $slottime) { $t = $time + 1; $table[] = "<tr><th class=\"number\"><span class=\"time\">{$slottime}</span></th>"; $dag = 0; $scanedit = ($slotlimits[$time] == 0 or $slotlimits[$time] > $slotcount[$time]) ? $can_edit : 0; foreach ($days as $day) { $canedit = $scanedit; $class = 'normal'; if ($day != '') { $canedit = ($daylimits[$dag] == 0 or $daylimits[$dag] > $daycount[$dag]) ? $canedit : 0; if ($tp[$dag][$time] == '') { $class = 'free'; $tp[$dag][$time] = $canedit ? $baselink . '&rday=' . $dag . '&rslot=' . $time . '">' . get_string('free', 'bookings') . '</a>' : get_string('free', 'bookings'); } if (isset($reservation[$dag][$time])) { $tp[$dag][$time] = ''; foreach ($reservation[$dag][$time] as $myres) { $class = 'reserved'; $linktext = 'Reserved ' . $myres->value; if ($myres->userid == $UID) { $linktext = 'M'; } else { if (sizeof($reservation[$dag][$time] > 1)) { $linktext = isteacherinanycourse($myres->userid) ? 'T' : 'S'; } } // admin can override any, teacher can override student if ($myres->userid == $UID or isadmin() or isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) and !isteacherinanycourse($myres->userid)) { $tp[$dag][$time] .= $can_edit ? $baselink . '&delete=1&resid=' . $myres->id . '&uid=' . $myres->userid . '" title="' . $myres->value . '" >' . $linktext . '</a> ' : $linktext . $myres->value; } else { $tp[$dag][$time] .= '<span title="' . $myres->value . '">' . $linktext . ' </span>'; } } if (isset($multiple) and $multiple > sizeof($reservation[$dag][$time])) { /// $tp[$dag][$time] .= ' ' .$reservation[$dag][$time]->count . ' '; $tp[$dag][$time] .= $canedit ? $baselink . '&rday=' . $dag . '&rslot=' . $time . '">' . get_string('free', 'bookings') . '</a>' : get_string('free', 'bookings'); } } $table[] = "<td width=\"{$widthprcent}%\" class=\"{$class}\" >" . $tp[$dag][$time] . " </td>\n"; } $dag++; } if ($privilege > 0) { $table[] = "<td>" . $slotcount[$time] . " </td>\n"; } $table[] = "</tr>\n"; $idx++; $time += 1; } if ($privilege > 0) { $table[] = "<tr><td></td>" . $lastrow . "<td>{$total}</td></tr>"; } $table[] = "</table>\n"; $html .= implode("", $table); $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="' . $itemid . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="jday" value="' . $jday . '">'; $html .= '</div>'; // end div=all print $html; if ($privilege > 0) { unset($table); $table->head = array(' ', get_string('name')); $table->align = array('center', 'left'); $table->wrap = array('nowrap', 'nowrap'); $table->width = '100%'; $table->size = array(10, '*'); $table->head[] = get_string('email'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; $table->head[] = get_string('reservation', 'bookings'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; $table->head[] = get_string('choice', 'bookings'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; // $books = get_records('calendar', 'bookingid', $this->bookings->id); if ($books = get_records_sql("SELECT r.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture,\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}bookings_calendar r,\n {$CFG->prefix}user u\n WHERE r.bookingid = '{$this->bookings->id}' \n AND r.userid = ORDER BY,r.slot")) { foreach ($books as $request) { $row = array(); $row[] = print_user_picture($request->userid, $course->id, $request->picture, 0, true); $row[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $request->userid . '&course=' . $course->id . '">' . $request->lastname . ' ' . $request->firstname . '</a>'; $row[] = obfuscate_mailto($request->email); $row[] = $days[$request->day]; $row[] = $slots[$request->slot]; $table->data[] = $row; } print "<p>"; print_table($table); } } print "</form>"; return; }
function view_dates() { global $CFG, $USER; $showcombo = optional_param('showcombo', NULL, PARAM_INT); $komboroom = optional_param('komboroom', NULL, PARAM_ALPHAEXT); $prev = optional_param('prev', NULL, PARAM_ALPHAEXT); $next = optional_param('next', NULL, PARAM_ALPHAEXT); $jday = optional_param('jday', NULL, PARAM_INT); $rday = optional_param('rday', NULL, PARAM_INT); $rslot = optional_param('rslot', NULL, PARAM_INT); $delete = optional_param('delete', NULL, PARAM_INT); $resid = optional_param('resid', NULL, PARAM_INT); $uid = optional_param('uid', NULL, PARAM_INT); require_once "../../config.php"; $cmid = $this->cm->id; /// require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/timetable/locallib.php'); $itemid = $this->bookings->itemid; $username = $USER->username; $UID = $USER->id; $firstname = $USER->firstname; $lastname = $USER->lastname; ///$prover = mineprover(); ///$fridager = Fridager(); if ($firstname == '' or $lastname == '') { return ""; } $html .= '<form name=myform id=myform method=post action="view.php?id=' . $cmid . '">'; //// show combo is used if we don't already know which room/item is to be scheduled if (isset($showcombo)) { if (isset($komboroom)) { $itemid = $komboroom; } $sql = 'SELECT, FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_item r, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_item_property p WHERE p.itemid = AND"scheduled" AND p.value="yes" ORDER BY'; if ($roomlist = get_records_sql($sql)) { $kombo = "<select name=\"komboroom\" onchange=\"\">"; $kombo .= "<option value=\" \"> -- Select -- </option>\n "; foreach ($roomlist as $room) { $selected = ""; if ($room->id == $itemid) { $selected = "selected"; $rname = $room->name; } $kombo .= '<option value="' . $room->id . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $room->name . '</option>' . "\n "; } $kombo .= '</select>' . "\n"; } $html .= $kombo; $html .= '<input id="reload" type="submit" name="reload">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="showcombo" value="yes">'; } /////////////////////////// // fetch out any timetable-data for this item $sql = 'SELECT,,r.type FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_item r WHERE' . $itemid; $r = get_record_sql($sql); $sql = "SELECT concat(,,t.slot),,c.shortname, r.type,,, t.slot \n FROM {$CFG->prefix}bookings_calendar t,\n {$CFG->prefix}bookings_item r left join\n {$CFG->prefix}course c on = t.courseid\n WHERE{$itemid}\n AND t.eventtype = 'timetable'\n AND = t.itemid\n ORDER BY day,slot"; $tp = array(); if ($tplan = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($tplan as $tpelm) { $shortshortname = $tpelm->shortname; $tp[$tpelm->day][$tpelm->slot] = "<a href=\"/moodle/course/view.php?id={$tpelm->id}\">{$shortshortname}</a>"; } } // build array of props for this item (room) $proplist = bookings_item_properties($itemid); $days = explode(',', 'Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,,'); if (isset($proplist['days'])) { $days = explode(',', $proplist['days']); } $widthprcent = (int) (95 / count($days)); // default width $slots = array(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16); if (isset($proplist['slots'])) { $slots = explode(',', $proplist['slots']); } $lookahead = 700; // limit on number of weeks you can move from present week (100 weeks +/-) if (isset($proplist['lookahead'])) { $lookahead = 7 * (int) $proplist['lookahead']; } // decide if user can edit timetable $can_edit = isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) ? 1 : 0; // default is that teachers can edit $link2room = ''; if (isset($proplist['edit_group'])) { $can_edit = 0; // default is no edit (that is: edit_group != teacher|student ) if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'teachers' and isteacherinanycourse($USER->id)) { $can_edit = 1; $link2room = ' <a href="itemeditor.php?id=' . $cmid . '&newid=' . $itemid . '">' . get_string('edit') . ' ' . $r->type . '</a>'; } else { if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'students') { $can_edit = 1; } } } // intended to give edit-rights to named students if (isset($proplist['edit_list'])) { if (strstr($proplist['edit_list'], $username)) { $can_edit = 1; } } // a multiple resource has a property that is counted down on each reservation // so long as number of resevations is less than this values, then user can make a // reservation if (isset($proplist['multiple'])) { $multiple = (int) $proplist['multiple']; } // calculate week and day list($ty, $tm, $td) = explode("/", strftime("%Y/%m/%d", time())); $tjday = gregoriantojd($tm, $td, $ty); $tweek = bookings_week($tjday); if (!isset($jday)) { $jday = $tjday; } // a list of days that isn't a week (7 days) or doesn't start on the first day of the week // should have this property, otherwise the schedule wont tile over the year list($ys, $ms, $ds) = explode(',', $proplist['startsched']); $start = gregoriantojd($ms, $ds, $ys) or 0; $jday = $start + sizeof($days) * (int) (($jday - $start) / sizeof($days)); // $jday = 7 * (int)($jday/7); if (isset($prev) and $jday > $tjday - $lookahead) { $jday -= sizeof($days); } if (isset($next) and $jday < $tjday + $lookahead - 7) { $jday += sizeof($days); } list($ey, $em, $ed) = explode("/", strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $this->bookings->enddate)); $ejday = gregoriantojd($em, $ed, $ey); if ($jday > $ejday) { $can_edit = 0; } if ($jday + sizeof($days) < $tjday) { $can_edit = 0; } if (isadmin()) { /// no matter what, admin can edit - even past dates $can_edit = 1; $link2room = ' <a href="itemeditor.php?id=' . $cmid . '&newid=' . $itemid . '">' . get_string('edit') . ' ' . $r->type . '</a>'; } /// here we fetch out all reservations // list($m,$d,$y) = explode('/',jdtogregorian($jday)); // $start = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); // $stop = $start + 604800; // weekofseconds $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND itemid=' . $r->id . ' AND julday >= ' . $jday . ' AND julday <= ' . ($jday + sizeof($days) - 1); $reservation = array(); if ($res = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($res as $re) { $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot][] = $re; if ($res->userid == $UID) { $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot]->res = $re; } } } /// this is where we make the reservation or delete reservations if ((isset($resid) and isset($uid) or isset($rday) and isset($rslot)) and $can_edit) { if (!isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) and !isadmin() and isset($reservation[$rday][$rslot])) { if ($uid != $UID) { // return; // assume an attempt to phreak the system with params } } $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND slot=' . $rslot . ' AND day=' . $rday . ' AND julday=' . ($jday + $rday) . ' AND userid=' . $UID . ' AND itemid=' . $r->id; execute_sql($sql, 0); /// this removes multiple bookings by one person for a given slot if (isset($resid)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE id=' . $resid; execute_sql($sql, 0); } if (!isset($delete)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar (name,value,userid,eventtype,itemid,slot,day,julday) VALUES ("' . $r->name . '","' . $username . '",' . $UID . ',"reservation",' . $r->id . ',' . $rslot . ',' . $rday . ',' . ($jday + $rday) . ')'; execute_sql($sql, 0); } // have to refetch data $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND itemid=' . $r->id . ' AND julday >= ' . $jday . ' AND julday <= ' . ($jday + sizeof($days) - 1); $reservation = array(); if ($res = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($res as $re) { $reservation[$re->day][$re->slot][] = $re; } } } // navigation (next/prev) week $week = bookings_week($jday); list($m, $d, $y) = explode("/", jdtogregorian($jday)); list($m1, $d1, $y1) = explode("/", jdtogregorian($jday + sizeof($days) - 1)); if (bookings_week($jday + sizeof($days) - 1) != $week) { $week .= '-' . bookings_week($jday + sizeof($days) - 1); } $html .= '<div id="all"><h2>' . $r->name . ' (' . $r->type . ')</h2>'; $html .= '<div class="mod-bookings navigate" ><input type="submit" name="prev" value="<<">'; $html .= get_string('week') . " {$week} <span id=\"date\">{$d}.{$m} - {$d1}.{$m1} {$y}</span>"; $html .= '<input type="submit" name="next" value=">>"></div>'; $html .= $link2room; // now we draw up the table $table = array(); if ($can_edit) { $baselink = '<a href="view.php?id=' . $cmid . '&jday=' . $jday . '&itemid=' . $itemid; } else { $baselink = ''; } $table[] = '<table border=1 width=100%>'; $table[] = '<tr><th width=5%> </th>'; foreach ($days as $day) { if ($day == '') { continue; } $table[] = '<th>' . $day . '</th>'; } $table[] = '</tr>'; $time = 0; foreach ($slots as $slottime) { $t = $time + 1; $table[] = "<tr><th><span class=\"number\">{$slottime}</span></th>"; $dag = 0; foreach ($days as $day) { $class = 'normal'; if ($day != '') { if ($tp[$dag][$time] == '') { $class = 'free'; $tp[$dag][$time] = $can_edit ? $baselink . '&rday=' . $dag . '&rslot=' . $time . '">' . get_string('free', 'bookings') . '</a>' : get_string('free', 'bookings'); } if (isset($reservation[$dag][$time])) { $tp[$dag][$time] = ''; foreach ($reservation[$dag][$time] as $myres) { $class = 'reserved'; $linktext = 'Reserved ' . $myres->value; if ($myres->userid == $UID) { $linktext = 'M'; } else { if (sizeof($reservation[$dag][$time] > 1)) { $linktext = isteacherinanycourse($myres->userid) ? 'T' : 'S'; } } // admin can override any, teacher can override student if ($myres->userid == $UID or isadmin() or isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) and !isteacherinanycourse($myres->userid)) { $tp[$dag][$time] .= $can_edit ? $baselink . '&delete=1&resid=' . $myres->id . '&uid=' . $myres->userid . '" title="' . $myres->value . '" >' . $linktext . '</a> ' : $linktext . $myres->value; } else { $tp[$dag][$time] .= '<span title="' . $myres->value . '">' . $linktext . ' </span>'; } } if (isset($multiple) and $multiple > sizeof($reservation[$dag][$time])) { $tp[$dag][$time] .= ' ' . $reservation[$dag][$time]->count . ' '; $tp[$dag][$time] .= $can_edit ? $baselink . '&rday=' . $dag . '&rslot=' . $time . '">' . get_string('free', 'bookings') . '</a>' : get_string('free', 'bookings'); } } $table[] = "<td width=\"{$widthprcent}%\" class=\"{$class}\" >" . $tp[$dag][$time] . " </td>\n"; } $dag++; } $table[] = "</tr>\n"; $idx++; $time += 1; } $table[] = "</table>\n"; $html .= implode("", $table); $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="' . $itemid . '">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="jday" value="' . $jday . '">'; $html .= '</div>'; // end div=all print $html; print "</form>"; return; }
function view_dates() { global $CFG, $USER; $showcombo = optional_param('showcombo', NULL, PARAM_INT); $komboroom = optional_param('komboroom', NULL, PARAM_ALPHAEXT); $jday = optional_param('jday', NULL, PARAM_INT); $subitemid = optional_param('subitemid', NULL, PARAM_INT); $tidx = optional_param('tidx', NULL, PARAM_INT); $delete = optional_param('delete', NULL, PARAM_INT); $edit = optional_param('edit', NULL, PARAM_INT); $save = optional_param('save', NULL, PARAM_INT); $restore = optional_param('restore', NULL, PARAM_INT); $resid = optional_param('resid', NULL, PARAM_INT); $uid = optional_param('uid', NULL, PARAM_INT); $value = optional_param('value'); $cmid = $this->cm->id; $itemid = $this->bookings->itemid; $username = $USER->username; // $bookings = get_record('bookings', 'id', $this->bookings->id); /// get start and end julian day number list($ey, $em, $ed) = explode("/", strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $this->bookings->enddate)); $ejday = 7 * (int) (gregoriantojd($em, $ed, $ey) / 7); list($ey, $em, $ed) = explode("/", strftime("%Y/%m/%d", $this->bookings->startdate)); $sjday = 7 * (int) (gregoriantojd($em, $ed, $ey) / 7); $UID = $USER->id; $firstname = $USER->firstname; $lastname = $USER->lastname; if ($firstname == '' or $lastname == '') { return ""; } print '<form name=myform id=myform method=post action="view.php?id=' . $cmid . '">'; // fetch out data for this item $sql = 'SELECT id,name,type,parent FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_item i WHERE i.parent = ' . $itemid . ' ORDER BY'; $idx = 0; $main_reservation = array(); $iteminfo = array(); $itemid_list = array(); if (!($childlist = get_records_sql($sql))) { $sql = 'SELECT,,r.type,r.parent FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_item r WHERE' . $itemid; $childlist = get_records_sql($sql); } foreach ($childlist as $child) { // build array of props for this item (room) $itemid_list[] = $child->id; $proplist = bookings_item_properties($child->id); if (isset($proplist['image'])) { $childlist[$child->id]->image = '<br>' . '<img src="' . $proplist['image'] . '">'; } /// here we fetch out all reservations $reservation = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE eventtype="reservation" AND itemid=' . $child->id . ' AND julday >= ' . $sjday . ' AND julday <= ' . $ejday; if ($res = get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($res as $re) { $reservation[7 * (int) ($re->julday / 7)] = $re; } } $childlist[$child->id]->proplist = $proplist; $main_reservation[$idx] = $reservation; $iteminfo[$idx] = $child; /// $childlist[$child->id]->reservation = $reservation; $idx++; } /// if there are children, then we must fetch out properties for parent /// these props decide if teachers or students can make bookings if ($idx > 1) { $proplist = bookings_item_properties($itemid); } // decide if user can edit timetable // 0 = view only, 1 = add items, delete/edit own, 2 add/delete/edit any $can_edit = isteacherinanycourse($USER->id) ? 1 : 0; // default is that teachers can edit $link2room = ''; if (isset($proplist['edit_group'])) { $can_edit = 0; // default is no edit (that is: edit_group != teacher|student ) if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'teachers' and isteacherinanycourse($USER->id)) { $can_edit = 1; $link2room = ' <a href="itemeditor.php?id=' . $cmid . '&newid=' . $itemid . '">Edit Item</a>'; } else { if ($proplist['edit_group'] == 'students') { $can_edit = 1; } } } // intended to give edit-rights to named users // these users have admin rights, can delete/edit any booking if (isset($proplist['edit_list'])) { if (strstr($proplist['edit_list'], $username)) { $can_edit = 2; } } if (isadmin()) { /// no matter what, admin can edit - even past dates $can_edit = 2; $link2room = ' <a href="itemeditor.php?id=' . $cmid . '&newid=' . $itemid . '">Edit Item</a>'; } /// this is where we make the reservation or delete reservations if (isset($subitemid) and $can_edit) { $orig_res = $main_reservation[$tidx][$jday]; // print_r($orig_res); // print "UID = $UID<p>"; $value = isset($value) ? $value : $username; if (isset($edit) and ($can_edit == 2 or $UID == $orig_res->userid)) { print "<table><tr><td>"; print '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/moodle/lib/editor/htmlarea.php?id=3"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/moodle/lib/editor/lang/en.php"></script>'; helpbutton("writing", get_string("helpwriting"), "moodle", true, true); echo "<br />"; helpbutton("questions", get_string("helpquestions"), "moodle", true, true); echo "<br />"; if ($usehtmleditor) { helpbutton("richtext", get_string("helprichtext"), "moodle", true, true); } else { emoticonhelpbutton("form", "description"); } echo "</td><td>"; print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 20, 60, 680, 400, "value", $orig_res->value); if ($usehtmleditor) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="format" value="' . FORMAT_HTML . '" />'; } else { echo '<div align="right">'; helpbutton("textformat", get_string("formattexttype")); print_string("formattexttype"); echo ': '; if (!$form->format) { $form->format = $defaultformat; } choose_from_menu(format_text_menu(), "format", $form->format, ""); echo '</div>'; } print "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"defer\">\n var config = new HTMLArea.Config();\n config.pageStyle = \"body { background-color: #ffffff; font-family: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; }\";\n config.killWordOnPaste = true;\n config.fontname = {\n \"Trebuchet\": 'Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif',\n \"Arial\": 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',\n \"Courier New\": 'courier new,courier,monospace',\n \"Georgia\": 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',\n \"Tahoma\": 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',\n \"Times New Roman\": 'times new roman,times,serif',\n \"Verdana\": 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',\n \"Impact\": 'impact',\n \"Wingdings\": 'wingdings'};\n HTMLArea.replaceAll(config);\n </script>"; print '<input type="submit" name="save" value="save" />'; print "</td></tr></table>"; print '<input type="hidden" name="subitemid" value="' . $subitemid . '" />'; print '<input type="hidden" name="tidx" value="' . $tidx . '" />'; print '<input type="hidden" name="jday" value="' . $jday . '" />'; print '<input type="hidden" name="resid" value="' . $resid . '" />'; print "</form>"; return; } if (isset($resid) and ($orig_res->userid == $UID or $can_edit == 2)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'bookings_calendar WHERE id=' . $resid; execute_sql($sql, 0); unset($main_reservation[$tidx][$jday]); } unset($res); if (isset($restore)) { $res->start = 0; $value = $orig_res->value; } if (isset($delete) and ($orig_res->userid == $UID or $can_edit == 2)) { if ($orig_res->start != -1) { $res->start = -1; $value = $orig_res->value; unset($delete); } } if (!isset($delete)) { $res->name = $username; $res->value = $value; $res->bookingid = $this->bookings->id; $res->userid = $UID; $res->eventtype = 'reservation'; $res->itemid = $iteminfo[$tidx]->id; $res->julday = $jday; if ($returnid = insert_record("bookings_calendar", $res)) { $res->id = $returnid; $main_reservation[$tidx][$jday] = $res; } } } $html = $link2room; // now we draw up the table // print_r($childlist); $html .= '<table border=2><tr><th>' . get_string('week') . '</th>'; foreach ($childlist as $child) { $html .= '<th>' . $child->name . ' ' . $child->image . '</th>'; } $html .= '</tr>'; $count = count($childlist); /// $widthprcent = (int)(95 / $count ) ; // default width $julday = $sjday; $date = jdtogregorian($julday); list($m1, $d1, $y) = explode('/', $date); $time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $m1, $d1, $y); while ($julday < $ejday) { $baselink = '<a href="view.php?id=' . $cmid . '&jday=' . $julday; $date = jdtogregorian($julday); list($m, $d, $y) = explode('/', $date); $date = jdtogregorian($julday + 6); list($m1, $d1, $y) = explode('/', $date); $monthname = userdate($time, '%b'); $date = sprintf("%02d.%02d-%02d.%02d", $d, $m, $d1, $m1); $html .= "<tr><th><a name=\"jd{$julday}\">" . bookings_week($julday) . "</a><div class='mod-bookings tiny'>{$monthname} {$date}<div></th>"; for ($idx = 0; $idx < $count; $idx++) { if (isset($main_reservation[$idx][$julday])) { $res = $main_reservation[$idx][$julday]; $class = 'reserved'; if ($can_edit and ($res->userid == $UID or $can_edit == 2)) { // $linktext = $main_reservation[$idx][$julday]->value; $resid = $res->id; $link = $res->value . '<br>'; if ($res->start == -1) { $class = 'deleted'; $link .= $baselink . '&tidx=' . $idx . '&subitemid=' . $iteminfo[$idx]->id . '&restore=1&resid=' . $resid . '#jd' . $julday . '" title="Restore" ><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/i/restore.gif" ' . ' height="14" width="14" border="0" alt="Restore" /></a> '; } else { $link .= $baselink . '&tidx=' . $idx . '&subitemid=' . $iteminfo[$idx]->id . '&edit=1&resid=' . $resid . '#jd' . $julday . '" title="Edit" ><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" ' . ' height="12" width="12" border="0" alt="Edit" /></a> '; } $link .= $baselink . '&tidx=' . $idx . '&subitemid=' . $iteminfo[$idx]->id . '&delete=1&resid=' . $resid . '#jd' . $julday . '" title="Delete" ><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" ' . ' height="12" width="12" border="0" alt="Delete" /></a>'; } else { $link = get_string('reserved', 'bookings'); if ($can_edit) { $link = $res->value; } } } else { $linktext = 'free'; $class = 'free'; $link = $can_edit ? $baselink . '&tidx=' . $idx . '&subitemid=' . $iteminfo[$idx]->id . '#jd' . $julday . '">' . get_string('free', 'bookings') . '</a>' : get_string('free', 'bookings'); } $html .= "<td class='{$class}'>{$link}</td>\n"; } $julday += 7; $time += WEEKSECS; $html .= "</tr>"; } $html .= "</table>"; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="' . $itemid . '">'; print $html; if ($can_edit > 0) { unset($table); $table->head = array(' ', get_string('bookedby', 'bookings')); $table->align = array('center', 'left'); $table->wrap = array('nowrap', 'nowrap'); $table->width = '100%'; $table->size = array(10, '*'); $table->head[] = get_string('week'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; $table->head[] = get_string('date'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; $table->head[] = get_string('reservation', 'bookings'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; $table->head[] = get_string('item', 'bookings'); $table->align[] = 'center'; $table->wrap[] = 'nowrap'; $table->size[] = '*'; // $books = get_records('calendar', 'bookingid', $this->bookings->id); $itemid_list = implode(',', $itemid_list); /// WHERE r.bookingid = '{$this->bookings->id}' if ($books = get_records_sql("SELECT r.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture,\n FROM {$CFG->prefix}bookings_calendar r,\n {$CFG->prefix}user u\n WHERE r.itemid in ( {$itemid_list} )\n AND r.julday >= {$sjday}\n AND r.julday <= {$ejday}\n AND r.userid = ORDER BY r.itemid,r.julday")) { foreach ($books as $request) { $row = array(); $row[] = print_user_picture($request->userid, $course->id, $request->picture, 0, true); $row[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $request->userid . '&course=' . $course->id . '">' . $request->lastname . ' ' . $request->firstname . '</a>'; $date = jdtogregorian($request->julday); list($m1, $d1, $y) = explode('/', $date); $time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $m1, $d1, $y); $monthname = userdate($time, '%b'); $date = jdtogregorian($request->julday + 6); list($m1, $d1, $y) = explode('/', $date); $date = sprintf("%02d.%02d-%02d.%02d", $d, $m, $d1, $m1); $row[] = get_string('week') . bookings_week($request->julday); $row[] = " {$monthname} " . $date; $row[] = $request->value; $row[] = $childlist[$request->itemid]->name; $table->data[] = $row; } print "<p>"; print_table($table); } } print "</form>"; return; }